May 2016

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First Lutheran Church Albert Lea, MN

May Messenger Volume LXVI + No. 5


April 28, 2016

All are welcome… The Sunday morning Summer Worship Schedule


Starts Sunday, May 29


8 am Traditional Service 10 am Praise & Worship Service


Holy Communion First & Third Sundays at the worship services

F.L.C. +

Pastor John’s Letter


Call Committee Update


Inside this issue: Education Announcement


Blessed to Be a Blessing


Musical Notes


May Calendar


FLCW Caring & Sharing


Happenings at F.L.C.


Youth Announcements


Letter from the Satre’s


Miscellaneous Info.


Memorial , Honor and Special Gifts


Weekly Worship &


Sunday School Schedule

The Social Ministry Commission of First Lutheran Church, 301 West Clark Street, Albert Lea, MN, will host its Lutheran World Relief Ingathering on Saturday, May 14, from 7:30 am until 12 noon. A semi-trailer will be set up in the parking lot behind the church, off of St. Mary's Avenue (east side of the church). Follow the signs for entering and exiting. Quilts, Fleece Tied Blankets, School Kits, Personal Care Kits, Sewing Kits, Baby Care Kits, and Bars of Soap will be collected. We will have copies of the 2016-2017 LWR Quilt & Kit Ministry Guide available. Refer to or call LWR at 800.597.5973 with specific questions. Please, carefully follow the LWR Packing Instructions. Monetary donations collected at the Ingathering will be forwarded to the LWR Quilt & Kit Shipping Fund. Make CHECKS to LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF. Our 2016 Fall Ingathering is scheduled for Saturday, October 8.


 Dear Friends in Christ,

A Time for Everything 3 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: 2 a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, 3 a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, 4 a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, 5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, 6 a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, 7 a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, 8 a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. (from the book of Ecclesiastes)

These timeless words from the Bible have been a comfort and inspiration to people in all sorts of times and seasons of life. They speak of acceptance for things that we might rather avoid, and they help us anticipate what might be ahead for us. They help us see a rhythm of life that we share with all of humankind. These words help us remember we have an Almighty God over all Who guides us all the way... The LORD is my Shepherd. I shall not be in want... In this season of Easter I love to celebrate our chant when we say, “He is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!” As the trees and plants burst forth in the Spring, (“a time to plant”) I am also reminded of a quote attributed to Martin Luther who said: “God has not written the message of Christ’s resurrection

Pastoral Records Baptisms April 10, 2016 Raegan Annette Barclay Miles Ace Possehl April 24, 2016 Tyler Raymond Stevens Reece Patrick Sevens

Funerals April 22, 2016 Dale Heilman April 26, 2016 Elaine Peterson

Rejoice in the Lord!

in words alone, but in every leaf of springtime.” Because Jesus lives and reigns we have hope for this life and for the life to come, when it comes our ‘time to die’. + + + There are times for changes in church life, and one is coming for us. Pastor Al Stoa has decided it is his time to fully retire as Pastor of Visitation Ministries effective in mid-June. Goodness, good humor, goodwill and Good News have characterized Pastor Al’s life and witness. We are looking forward to celebrating with Al and Nancy at worship and with a special reception on Sunday, June 12. +



In April our FLC Church Council approved my participation in, and I announced, the Impact Mission Cruise to the Dominican Republic for November 5– 13, 2016. It looks to be an enjoyable, impactful and meaningful opportunity for those who would like to participate. Feel free to contact me with questions or stop by the church for an informational brochure. It might be a time for you to try something new and innovative to deepen your walk with Christ. + + + During this time of planting in the gardens and fields, we should remember that it is always seedtime in the church, when we cultivate faith by God’s Word and see the fruits of the living hope which is ours through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Remember, each week, the call to a time with your fellow Christians to worship our living Lord Jesus! In the Light of His love, Pastor John Holt

Associate Pastor Call Committee Update In April, the Call committee met with Rev. Susan Miller from the Southeastern Minnesota Synod office, to learn more about prospects and process. Rev. Miller shared about how the Synod office regularly receives names and profiles of pastors who might be interested in relocating to the southeastern Minnesota area. This information is reviewed by Synod staff members weekly in hopes of seeing which one(s) might be a good match for any congregation seeking to call a pastor. They do their best to make successful referrals. She said that they hope to forward a couple of names to us before the end of May. During the other meetings in April, the Call Committee continued to spend time in prayer together and to work on honing interview questions in order to be ready when candidates become available. Soon the Call Committee plans to make a form available to everyone in FLC on which you can submit the name of a pastor you know or have heard that might be a prospect. Let’s all keep in prayer that the Lord will direct our steps in the coming days

FLC EDUCATION Last day of Sunday School and Teacher Appreciation Celebration

Sunday, May 22 at 9:15 am in Bethany Hall Our education programs would not be possible without the help of volunteers. Thank you to the following people for teaching our youth this Sunday school and Confirmation year: Amy Belshan, Alicen Wulff-Stites, Afton Wacholz, Ashley Wacholz, Wanda Wangsness, Hildy Vallevand, Deb Drescher, Lauren Miller, Beth Barclay, Mollee Tscholl, Cynthia Gail, Ann Hareid, Lexi Ringoen, Rodger Christenson, Kelly Hendrickson, Bob Herman, Belinda Krysan, Nancy Martin, Julie Nafzger, and Steve Overgaard. Thanks to all of you for your dedication and commitment to FLC youth.

If someone in our church family is graduating from High School, please, call the church office and leave their name. We would not want to miss one of our graduates. We will have a recognition service on Sunday, May 22 at 10:30 am.

Volunteer to help with Vacation Bible School. July 25 through July 28 from 12:30-5 pm. We need people to house our camp counselors for the week, prepare and serve the daily snack, or just work at our VBS. Contact Jenny at the church office, 373-6424. On behalf of Jenny and all FLC confirmation students, we would like to thank the congregation and the following people for their help and support with our Lenten din-

ners: Steve Olson, Nancy Martin, Rodger Christenson, Steve Overgaard, Julie Nafzger, Bob Herman, Belinda Krysan, Kelly Hendrickson, all confirmation parents, Education Commission, Al Blenka, Cathie Kammerer, Tim Miller and Al Christensen.

Blessed to Be a Blessing! Thanks to everyone, whose generosity helps keep the mission & ministry of First Lutheran Church strong! FLC General Fund (G.F.)

March 2016 Financial Reports Year-to-date

FLC Broadcast Ministries Radio Peace & Power Income $ 5,332 Income Expense 2,850 Expense Net gain (loss) $2,482 Net gain (loss)

Actual 14,687 9,141 $5,546

Offerings Other Income Total Income Expenses Surplus (Deficit) January 1, 2016 March 31, 2016

Actual $ 149,697 29,975 $ 179,672 $ 192,865 $(13,193) $ 118,372 $ 105,179

Budget Over/(Under) $182,025 $(32,328) 25,275 $4,700 $207,300 $(27,628) $207,300 14,435 -0$(13,193) G.F. ‘Fund Balance’ G.F. ‘Fund Balance’

MUSICAL NOTES Acts 2:2-4 says: "When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them." The Power and Reverence of the Holy Spirit IS our ENABLER!!! The Power and Reverence of the Holy Spirit is OUR ENERGY and OUR FIRE to engage in the work that God gives us. God gives us work through our individual callings and through the continuation of the work that Christ began in His ministry on earth. There are many dynamics in the Power and Reverence of the Holy Spirit, but today two are speaking to me. One is the "Individual Fire" and the other is the "Group Fire". When we, as individuals, open our hearts, our minds, and our spirits to the HOLY SPIRIT, yes, when we open ourselves to the infusion of the HOLY SPIRIT in our lives, powerful things will happen. When we do this, it seems that we are compelled to have more energy, more desire, more focus, more determination, MORE COMMITMENT to follow our callings through God. This means engaging in doing His work in our Church and in our world. God does not like or accept excuses or disengagement. He expects our very best through our entire lives--despite the challenges that we face. As for "Group Fire"--there is nothing more powerful than inviting the HOLY SPIRIT to be the energy and to provide direction to group visions, missions, ministries, and activities. The HOLY SPIRIT should never be the missing ingredient in our Church vision, our outreach, or our diverse programs. Gracious Spirit, heed our pleading--mold us all anew! It's Your leading that we're needing. Help us to follow You! Guide our thinking and our speaking--done in Your Holy Name. Motivate us in all we seek--liberate us from guilt and shame to do your work! COME, COME, COME HOLY SPIRIT, COME!

RAYS OF LIGHT CHILDREN’S CHOIR (K-3rd Grade)--Meet on Wednesdays through May from 3:30 to 4:15 PM--Snacks are provided. The RAYS' Season IS NOT OVER YET! WE WILL SING IN THE 8 AM SERVICE ONE MORE TIME DURING MAY! SOUNDS OF JOY CHILDREN'S CHOIR (4th grade through 8th grade)--Meet on Wednesdays through May from 4:15 –5:15 PM--Snacks are provided. The SOUNDS' Season IS NOT OVER YET! WE WILL SING IN THE 8 AM SERVICE ONE MORE TIME DURING MAY! ****if your child (Children) need transportation to choir, please call Tim O'Shields at the church for details on bus connections through Southwest Middle School. We do not want any children kept from participating due to transportation issues! We will work them out the best way possible! Bus 343 departs Southwest Middle School and makes a drop to 301 W. Clark Street for Choir children every Wednesday afternoon. FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH CHOIR meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM Through EARLY JUNE—join us for the rest of this season before we take the summer off for vacation!!! ALL ARE WELCOME!!! You will have a great time!!! We have several ‘Big’ things to sing before the end of the season! FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH HAND BELL CHOIR meets on Wednesdays from 5:30 –6:25 PM. We practice every Wednesday and play in the 8 am service once a month. THE SPIRIT EXPRESS meets on Tuesdays at 7:15 PM for singers and the band joins at 7:45 PM. We sing at the 10:30 AM service each week! APPLICATIONS ARE BEING ACCEPTED FOR THE 2016-2017 FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH CHORAL SCHOLARS PROGRAM. Students in 9th grade through college students are invited to apply. Sing in the choir and earn a scholarship. Call Tim O’Shields, Minister of Music and Worship at 373-6424 for more information!

MUSICAL NOTES (CONT.) MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THESE UPCOMING EVENTS AT FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH: Choral Evensong presented and led by our Choirs and Musicians. This musical service will be held on May 22, 2016 at 6 PM and will last about one hour. There will be a reception following the musical service. Choral Evensong is the Evening Prayer Service set to music. We will use a variety of music that will be accompanied by strings and winds. Our Sanctuary is so beautiful in the late afternoon. This will be a special time to come together to sing and hear beautiful melodies that will hopefully stir your heart. Please come and bring your friends and families. A SPECIAL SERVICE HONORING THE SERVICE AND MINISTRY OF PASTOR AL STOA will be held on Sunday, June 12, 2016 at the 8 AM Service. This will be a special time to celebrate the lifelong ministry of a great man. His family and many friends will join us in this celebration. Pastor Stoa says that his Ministry has been shaped by Love (Jesus loves me and He loves you!), Grace (Unmerited Love), Compassion, and Integrity. A Special Banner Procession will be a part of the service to honor these powerful things that have shaped his Ministry. The First Lutheran Church Choir will sing two pieces that I have written for this occasion. One is based on the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi (Lord, Make Me An Instrument) and the other is based on the Ancient Words from an Unknown Source (God be in my head and in my understanding. God be in my eyes and in my looking. God be in my mouth and in my speaking. God be in my heart and in my thinking. God be at my end and at my departing.) Representatives from the American Legion and the VFW will be present in uniform to honor Pastor Stoa. A Congregational Lunch will be held on that day. Please make plans to share in this very special service! THE 2016 FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH-JESSICA LOKKEN SUMMER SCHOOL FOR MUSIC AND ART This year's school will run from Monday, June 13th through Thursday, June 23rd. We will start each morning at 9 AM and run until 3 PM each day. Morning and afternoon snacks will be provided and a balanced lunch will be served each day. THERE IS NO COST TO PARTICPATE IN THE SCHOOL! Please reserve spots for your child/children now. The reservation deadline is May 31st. Applications for the school are available at the Music Kiosk in the First Lutheran Church Gathering Space or in the Church Office. All Children and Youth from ages 5 through High School are invited and welcomed to attend. The school is open to ALL Children and Youth. You do not have to be a member of First Lutheran Church to attend. The Commencement Concert and Art Show will be held on the evening of Thursday, June 23rd. A Grand Reception will be held on that evening!

ANNUAL RIB DINNER TO SUPPORT THE FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH-JESSICA LOKKEN SUMMER SCHOOL FOR MUSIC AND ART will be held in September or October. Please check with the Church Office or the Website for the exact date! Thanks for your unending prayerful support and kind words! Peace, Tim

May 2016 Sun

1 8 am-Traditional w/Comm.-S





8 am-Quilters-MPR 9:30 am-Staff Meeting-P



Baby Shower for Alicia Schumaker

8 am-Prayer Group-PR 9 am-FLCW Board meeting-P 9 am-Crafting for Holidays Ahead-BH 3 pm-Thorne Crest Communion-Hayward 9:30 am-Bible Study-MPR 1 pm-Good Samaritan 5:15 pm-Welcome Ministry team-GS Communion-Trinity 6:30 pm-Commissions meet-BH 3 pm-Oak Park Place 7 pm-Narcotics Anonymous-MPR Communion-1st Glenville 7 pm-Spirit Express Rehearsal 7:15 pm-Spirit Express Band and Singers 3:30 pm-Rays of Light Choir Rehearsal Rehearsal



9:15 am-Worship w/Comm.-C 9:15 am-Sunday School 9:15 am-Donut Hour-YR 9:15 am-“Immersion”-BH 10:30 am-Praise & Worship w/Comm.-S

Mother’s Day

8 am-Traditional -S 9:15 am-Worship -C 9:15 am-Sunday School 9:15 am-Donut Hour-YR 9:15 am-“Immersion”-BH 10:30 am-Praise & Worship -S



8 am-Traditional w/Comm.-S 9:15 am-Worship w/Comm.-C 9:15 am-Sunday School 9:15 am-Donut Hour-YR 9:15 am-“Immersion”-BH 10:30 am-Praise & Worship w/Comm.-S


Trinity Sunday

9 am-Crafting for Holidays Ahead-BH 8 am-Quilters-MPR 9:30 am-Staff Meeting-P 2:30 pm-Senior Towers Communion-Grace 7 pm-Altar Guild/Election of Officers-BH 7 pm-Narcotics Anonymous-MPR 7 pm-Spirit Express Rehearsal 7:15 pm-Spirit Express Band and Singers


8 am-Traditional -S 9:15 am-“Immersion”-BH 10 am-Praise & Worship with Recognition/Scholarships awarded

8 am-Prayer Group-PR 9:30 am-Bible Study-MPR 1:15 pm-FLCW Program-BH 2:30 pm-Prairie Senior Cottages-CEF 3:30 pm-Rays of Light Choir Rehearsal



9 am-Crafting for Holidays Ahead-BH 8 am-Quilters-MPR 9:30 am-Staff Meeting-P 11:30 am-Friends at First-BH

8 am-Prayer Group-PR 9:30 am-Bible Study-MPR

6:30 pm-Church Council meets-P

7 pm-Narcotics Anonymous-MPR 7 pm-Spirit Express Rehearsal 7:15 pm-Spirit Express Band and Singers

1:30 pm-MC #12-MPR 1:30 pm-MC #31-P 3:30 pm-Rays of Light Choir Rehearsal 4:15 pm-Sounds of Joy Choir




8 am-Traditional -S 9 am-Crafting for Holidays Ahead-BH 9:15 am-Worship -C 9:15 am-Sunday School-BH (last day) 9:15 am-Donut Hour-YR (last day) 9:15 am-“Immersion”-P 10:30 am-Praise & Worship -S 6 pm-MC #6-P 4 pm-Choral Evensong-S (all choirs)





Memorial Day

8 am-Quilters-MPR 9 am-Library Board meets-L 9:30 am-Staff Meeting-P 7 pm-Narcotics Anonymous-MPR 7 pm-Spirit Express Rehearsal 7:15 pm-Spirit Express Band and Singers


8 am-Quilters-MPR

9:30 am-Staff Meeting-P Office & Building Closed

7 pm-Narcotics Anonymous-MPR 7 pm-Spirit Express Rehearsal 7:15 pm-Spirit Express Band and Singers

8 am-Prayer Group-PR 9:30 am-Bible Study-MPR 3:30 pm-Rays of Light Choir Rehearsal 4:15 pm-Sounds of Joy Choir Rehearsal 8 pm-Eikon-YR

4 pm-Amanda Herman & Jonathan Olson wedding-C 4:15 pm-Sounds of Joy Choir Rehearsal 5:30 pm-Education Commission-BH 5:30 pm-Bell Choir Rehearsal 6:30 pm-Confirmation 6:30 pm-FLC Choir Rehearsal 8 pm-Eikon-YR

4:15 pm-Sounds of Joy Choir Rehearsal 5:30 pm-Bell Choir Rehearsal 6:30 pm-Confirmation 6:30 pm-FLC Choir Rehearsal 8 pm-Eikon-YR



National Day of Prayer Ascension of the Lord





9:30 am-Shut In/Homebound cof10 am-Naeve Nursfee & rolls-BH 1pm-Hardanger-MPR es Alumni-BH 10:30 am-Special Communion Service-S 10:30 am-Alcoholics Anonymous-MPR 1 & 5:15 pm-Tops-RR



7:30 am-noon-LWR Ingathering-SL

1 & 5:15 pm-Tops-RR 1:30 pm-St. John’s Comm.-CPL 5:30 pm-Alzheimer's Group-MPR 6:30 pm-Chapel Service 7 pm-Al-Anon meeting-P 7 pm-Al-Anon Kids-N

19 Rehearsal 5:30 pm-Bell Choir Rehearsal 6:30 pm-Confirmation (last day) 1 & 5:15 pm-Tops-RR 6:30 pm-FLC Choir Rehearsal 8 pm-Eikon-YR 6:30 pm-Chapel Service 7 pm-Al-Anon meeting-P 7 pm-Al-Anon Kids-N



1pm-Hardanger-MPR 10:30 am-Alcoholics Anonymous-MPR 5 pm-Wedding Re-


21 Armed Forces Day

1pm-Hardanger-MPR 9:30 am-MC #20-P 10:30 am-Alcoholics Anonymous-MPR



1 & 5:15 pm-Tops-RR 10:30 am-Alcoholics 1pm-Hardanger-MPR Anonymous-MPR 6:30 pm-Chapel Service 7 pm-Al-Anon meeting-P 7 pm-Al-Anon Kids-N

BH= Bethany Hall C= Chapel CR= Choir Room GS= Gathering Space L= Library MC= MC MPR= Multi-Purpose Room N= Nursery P = Parlor

PR= Prayer Room RR= Resource Room S= Sanctuary SL= South Lot YR= Youth Room w/Comm.=with Holy Communion


May 2016

+ Naomi +



Lilah Aas 373-8617 Dorothy Hanson 373-7738

Susan Larson Donna Ludtke Karen Neale Jane Reid

Tep Christensen Doris Hagen Margaret Hagen Judy Kropp Jeanne Lageson

Donna Anderson Jody Bakken Beth Doyle-Barclay Donna Brua Cecilia Charlson Deloris Goskeson

Annual Tea

Alicia Helland Janice Lestrud Sharon Lombard Nancy Martin Nancy Meyer Karen Neale

Nancy Peterson Delores Schilling Betty Sime Marilyn Tomczak Maxine Wignes Dawn Winkels

Thursday, May 5

First Lutheran Church Women Wednesday, May 11 at 1:15 p.m. In Bethany Hall Reservations required by Sunday, May 8 Invite a Friend!

Salad Luncheon


What’s Happening at FLC?

First Lutheran Church Women

Friday, June 10 11:30 am-1 pm in Bethany Hall

Altar Guild will meet Tuesday, May 10

Ascension of the Lord

7:00 p.m. any Hall

National Day of Prayer

in Beth-

9:30 am-Special* Coffee Time 10:30 am-Special* Communion Service

We will be placing red geraniums on the Altar for Pentecost Sunday, May 15. Plants can be purchased in the church office. Each 4½ inch potted plant is $3.75. Orders must be placed by Monday, May 9. You may pick up your plants following the 10:30 a.m. Worship Service on Pentecost Sunday.


A service ministry of the First Lutheran Church Women, ‘Caring & Sharing’ circles’ primary mission is to comfort grieving families & friends when a loved one has died, by serving the refreshments following funeral services.


“Same Kind of Different As me”

“Between Two Worlds”

By Ron Hall and Denver Moore with Lynn Vincent

By Roxana Saberi










Helen B. Allen, Joy Bryson, Alan J. Christensen, Mary Ann Christian, Junior A. Dorman, Pembie Erickson, Kenneth Flatness, Patrick George, Carl Grandstrand, Breckyn Heinemann, Sister Margaret Hoffman, Karen Houge, Raymond Mai, Fred (Fritz) Moran, Elaine Panzer, Christian Reichl, Bob Steele, Betty Stolaas, Irene Thompson, Helen Tukua, Nick VonOhlen and…safety for people serving in the Armed Forces, and their families.

A dangerous, homeless drifter who grew up picking cotton in virtual slavery.

An upscale art dealer accustomed to the world of Armani and Chanel.

A gutsy woman with a stubborn dream. A story so incredible no novelist would dare dream it.

It is a true story of the author who was forced from her home in Tehran, secretly detained, and falsely accused of espionage, and then sentenced to 8 years in prison. She was an American Journalist. It is a gripping and inspirational news story of her imprisonment and the faith that got her through it.


Cincinnati Meeting Sunday, May 15th 11:45 a.m.

“Heart of a Samurai” By Margi Preus In 1841, a Japanese fishing vessel sinks. Its crew is forced to swim to a small, unknown island, where they are rescued by a passing American ship. Japan’s borders remain closed to all Western nations, so the crew sets off to America.

7th - 12 Graders

Summer Mission Trip 2016

This meeting is for the youth (and their parents) that are going on the mission trip.

Sunday Mornings 9:15 - 10:15 Last Donut Hour of the year is May 22. Come enjoy some free donuts on Sunday mornings from 9:15 to 10:15 in the Youth Room. We will eat, relax, and

Eikon Spring Schedule Manjiro, a fourteen-year-old boy, is curious and eager to learn everything he can about this new culture. Eventually the captain adopts Manjiro and takes him to his home in New England. The boy lives for some time in New England, and then heads to San Francisco to pan for gold. After many years, he makes it back to Japan, only to be imprisoned as an outsider. With his hard-won knowledge of the West, Manjiro is in a unique position to persuade the shogun to ease open the boundaries around Japan; he may even achieve his unlikely dream of becoming a samurai.

May 4 – Youth Room May 11 – Youth Room May 18 – Youth Room May 25 – Youth Room June 1 – Youth Room

Eikon is our youth group for 9th - 12th Graders. We meet almost every Wednesday night during the school year and through the summer. We meet from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. during the school year .

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, to everyone who came to the Resurrection Breakfast on Sunday March 27th. The proceeds from the breakfast are a huge help in making the Mission Trip to Cincinnati possible. Thanks again!


MISCELLANEOUS FLC INFORMATION FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH OFFICE: Phone (507) 373-6424; E-mail:; Fax 373-6330 Mailing address—301 W. Clark St., Albert Lea, MN 56007 Office Hours—Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Friday 4:50 p.m.) Web site– PASTORAL STAFF e-mails and emergency telephone numbers: Pastor John Holt, (Cell–383-4750; Home–377-0046) Pastor Al Stoa, (Cell–641-390-1563) Interim Assoc. Pastor Diane Odermann (Cell–952-693-6196) Normal Hours for the FLC Building Sunday: 7:00 am–12:00 noon; Monday–Thursday: 7:00 am–9:00 pm Friday: 8:00 am – 4:50 pm; Saturday: 8:00 – 11:50 am Other times by appointment or as meetings/events are scheduled


eed a ride to church? We are using the Albert Lea Taxi Service. Those who need a ride to church can call 383-3341 to schedule a ride to the service of their choice 8:00, 9:15 or 10:30 am on Sundays, or Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm. Just let the driver know to bill FLC.

FIRST LUTHERAN MESSENGER (USPS196-560) Periodicals postage paid at Published by First Lutheran Church (Monthly) Albert Lea, Minnesota 56007 301 West Clark Street, Albert Lea, MN Subscription price $1.00 per year (Postmaster send address correction to 301 W. Clark St, Albert Lea, MN 56007) Editor retains the right to edit submissions for grammar, spelling, space & content. It is also our policy to include something for everyone, and since some people like to find errors, we occasionally include a few in our publication to meet this need. 

The Special Outreach Offerings Cause for May is:

Scott & Vicky Satre –Wycliffe Bible Translators.

Please pick up special offering envelopes from the ushers at church services. (Make checks to F.L.C.)

THANK YOU FROM OUR MISSIONARIES Dear Brothers & Sisters In Christ at First Lutheran in Albert Lea, MN, Shalom! Thank you for your gift of $6500 in February. Your faithful giving is a great encouragement to us! It was a blessing to be able to share in your worship last month. We praise God that in all our travels we had clear, dry roads. Our daughter Mandy finishes her freshman year at Houghton College on May 9. She wants to work in Dallas this summer to spend more time with her brother Joel . An old Cameroon colleague has a room to rent out to her and if she can get a job in housekeeping at the Wycliffe Center she could walk to work. I think she hopes her brother follows through on his idea of getting a motorcycle to ride to work because then she could borrow his car! Please Keep our daughter Jessica in your prayers. She has recently started taking an anti-anxiety/antidepressant medication. We hope and pray it will help her get back on an even keel. We don’t feel free to go back to Cameroon until she can live independently again.

We are up in the air as to our future plans. If we stay only until the end of summer, we will still probably have to move because the church wants to rent out the house to help with their budget. If it looks like it will be longer, we will change our status to “rework assignment” and probably relocate to Texas. Added to that mix, Wycliffe did a review of member finance’s and it was decided we all need a bigger budget. For us it means we either look to the Lord to raise more support (a lot more) or see if we can opt for a “voluntary reduction” Please stand with us in prayer as we seek God’s guidance. By the time you receive this, the Ngamba language Sunday School curriculum “lessons from Lake” will have been launched. A colleague in Cameroon is helping them organize a training event for the children’s church/Sunday School volunteers on April 15. Our prayer is that God will use this curriculum to sow the seed of His Word in the hearts and minds of Ngamba children and through them to their families. Thanks, Scott Satre


In Memory Of:

Virginia Thomas given by: Rose Perteet Lorraine Christensen given by: Kathryn Oothoudt, George & Deloris Goskeson, Judy Menssen, John & Sandy Narverud Rose Gold given by: Glen & Leann Juveland, Craig & Mary Nelson Parents Max & Maurine Adix and brother Steven given by: Omer & Maxine Hamer and family Ramona “Susie” Sather given by: Monrad & Karen Mandsager Mabel Johnson given by: Bev Nelson, Tim & Rayna Pagel, Pike & Marcia Helleksen, Alice Erdahl, Faith Kirsch, Roger & Jody Reuter, Doug & Barb Murva, Donna Dulitz, Inge Rhiger, David & Nancy Hoverstein, Larry & Connie Rygh, Duane Odson, Edith Pruisman, Chuck & Marcy Armstrong, Vic & Mary Nelson, Lyle & Jeannie Boyer & family, Bev Torgerson, Butch & Marilyn Murra, Sandy Torgerson, Barb Pronk & family, Twyla Hagen, Rita Anderson, Bill & Ann Satre, Julie Stinehart & family, Jim Radke, Jim & Terry Love, Keith & Erma Bockoven, Clarence & Janeen Beeken, Vince & Diane Geerts, Steve & Debbie Duregger, Nels Thompson & Marilyn Nash, Karen Collings, Family & friends, Denny & Dee Murra, Von & Joni Brostrom, Agnes Christensen, Family & friends Luann Aman given by: Lyle & Ann Hanson, Hildy Vallevand Altine Hengesteg given by: Hildy Vallevand Carol Lundblad given by: Ethel Underland, Hazel Senske, Scott & Nancy Martin & Thorne Crest DuWayne Kirchner given by: Richard & Rhoda Knudson Lorraine Scott given by: Dee Bennett Dale Heilman given by: Lorraine Bakken Alberta Heiny given by: Gene & Barb Jensen Ken Jensen given by: Robert & Barb Rofshus Myron Houg given by: Paul Sorum Irene Christensen given by: Family & friends

In Honor Of:

My brother, Leroy Lafrenz, for his 80th birthday given by: Eleanore Popp

Gifts Given By:

Duane & Eunice Hatleli, Jeff & Ann Hareid, Mel & Joyce Mikkelson, John & Myrna Phillips, Senior Towers of Albert Lea, MN, First Lutheran Church Women of Albert

Lea, MN, Loring & Jinni Olson, Leroy & Garnet Folie, Karin Mattson, Konstance Haas, Agnes Boss RADIO FUND

In Memory Of:

Lorraine Christensen given by: Tom & Karen Hovde

Gifts Given By:

First Lutheran Church Women of Albert Lea, MN, Karin Mattson HAPPINESS IS A BLANKET FUND

In Memory Of:

Irene Christensen given by: Edward & Elizabeth Dorsey, Wayne & Carol Hedalen, Bev McMullin STAINED GLASS WINDOW FUND

In Memory Of:

Danna Davis - mother of Dan Davis given by: Wayne & Carol Hedalen Altine Hengesteg given by: Paddy Hoium Paul & Rose Gold given by: Their children, Candy & Bob, Trudy & Scott, John & JoAnne, Jim & Karen, Joe & Shelly YOUTH FUND

In Honor Of:

Fritz & Cheryl Moran for their 50th wedding anniversary given by: Larry & Janice Lestrud KIMBERLY (OLSON) GODDARD SCHOLARSHIP FUND

In Memory Of:

Ella Nelson given by: Carol Olson Kim’s April 17th birthday given by: Carol Olson & family MUSIC FUND

In Honor Of:

Tim O’Shields and the Artists for the beautiful musical programs on Wednesdays during lent given by: Gen Montei INSTRUMENT REPAIR, REPLACE & PURCHASE FUND

In Memory Of:

Lorraine Christensen given by: Loring & Jinni Olson, David & Linda Pederson, Marjorie Peterson, Patricia Hareid, Carol Johnson, Camilla Kolker-Sparks WORLD HUNGER FUND

In Memory Of:

Richard “Rick” Jenson given by: Richard & Nancy Jenson

In Honor Of:

Nathan, Matthew, Cassie & Christian Jenson given by: Richard & Nancy Jenson

Gifts Given By: Ione Kelly, Joanne Palmer

Come and Worship with us Meet New Friends SERVICE TIMES Sunday: 8:00 am — Traditional worship* 9:15 am — Worship service in the Chapel* 10:30 am — Praise & Worship* (led by Spirit Express) Thursday: 6:30 pm—Worship service in the Chapel*

Summer Worship Schedule Starts Sunday, May 29 8 am — Traditional Service 10 am — Praise & Worship Service * Holy Communion:

First & Third Sundays at the worship services First Thursday at the 6:30 pm service

Weekly Sunday School Schedule 9:15 am — Sunday School (4 yrs through 6th grade) last day May 22 9:15 am — “The Donut Hour” (grades 7-12) last day May 22 9:15 am — Immersion for adults in Bethany Hall 7th grade meets Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm - last day May 22

First Lutheran Church

Periodicals Postage Paid at

301 W Clark St. Albert Lea, MN 56007 Sunday Worship Broadcasts 10:00 a.m. - Peace & Power-KAAL TV- Channel 6 (11:00 a.m. - KATE RADIO AM 1450

First Lutheran Church—F.L.C.—For the Love of Christ

[Address label here]

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