September Messenger

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First Lutheran Church Albert Lea, MN

September Messenger V

Fir st Luther an Church + F.L.C. + For the Love of Chr ist



. 9

August 25, 2016

Sunday, September 11, 2016 Rally Sunday is the first day back to regular Sunday school programs. Sunday school classes will meet. Following worship there will be a big party for all to partake! We will have games & prizes for all Sunday School age youth. There will be Denny Brue’s Corn Dogs, Root Beer Floats and fellowship as all people gather together to start another year of Sunday School.

Rally Day Schedule Start with Worship 8 & 10 am

Inside this issue: Pastor John’s Letter


Call Committee Update


FLC Happenings


Lutheran World Relief Ingathering


Youth Announcements


FLCW Caring & Sharing


September Calendar



Education, Youth & Family


Miscellaneous Info


Memorials, Honors and Special Gifts


Musical Notes


Sunday School begins at 9:15 am. Pre–K+ report to your classrooms. All 1st -6th grade Sunday School students report to Bethany Hall. Everyone will be dismissed at 10:15 am for the Rally Day festivities in Bethany Hall and South Lot.

Lutheran World Relief Ingathering Saturday, October 8, 2016 7:30 am until 12 noon See page 3. THE MISSION OF FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH IS: TO GATHER, EQUIP, AND EMPOWER PEOPLE TO JOYFULLY DO CHRIST’S WORK.

Rejoice in the Lord!

Dear Friends in Christ, I'm excited for the new chapter in the life of First Lutheran Church with the prospect of welcoming Pastor Sean Forde and family here next month. As of this writing we have not yet had the congregation meeting to decide to call him. Let's all pray for smooth and joyful transitions for all. +



Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mark 6:31) Jesus knew the value of getting away from the normal routine of life for a time of spiritual renewal. He himself would get away to pray often. He also invited His disciples to 'get away' to grow in their faith and be renewed. A time honored way of doing this for many Christians has been to go to a special natural setting with others to focus on faith, worship and God's Word—Bible Camp. I was glad that we had over 20 confirmation youth attend Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp for a week this summer. We also had around a dozen go on a mission trip with Jordan Winter, to Cincinnati, Ohio, where in addition to serving people, they had devotional, worship and reflection time. Also, we had four FLC families attend family camp at Okoboji for the first time. Family Bible Camp is something Joan & I highly value, and we often took our children to Family bible Camp growing up.) Then in August about 15 of us from FLC attended the Elderversity Bible Camp at Mount Carmel Ministries on beautiful

Lake Carlos near Alexandria, Minnesota. I don't know how many attended Bible camp at Good Earth Village. In these settings we get away from the normal routine of life and have concentrated time of spiritual renewal in God's Word. For faith and spiritual formation, there’s nothing quite like it. At Mount Carmel we learned about a survey once done among pastors, talking about their call into ministry, which showed that about 75% cited their Bible Camp experiences as being very influential. It's great to spend time each day in devotions and prayer, and then, of course, come together weekly for an hour or more of worship. (There are other opportunities during the week as well.). But the distractions of everyday life can impede our spiritual growth. Media, daily difficulties, etc. can pull us off course spiritually. That's why I so highly value the Bible Camp/mission trip type experience and wish everyone could get away for this time of renewal. It's more than just a vacation but silencing the cacophony of distraction and reordering life in Christ. Now as fall routines take their place in our lives, I hope we all remember to take that time away, if for just moments, to reconnect to our Lord and let Him guide each day, and also to gather weekly in community to worship and grow together. And, begin making plans for Bible Camp again soon. May you each experience renewal... ...In the light of His love,

Pastor John Holt PS: We decided to postpone The Story for the time being.

Call Committee Update The Call Committee continued the interview process in August by bringing Pastor Sean Forde and his wife Susan from Florida to Albert Lea for a long weekend in August. The Forde's had a tour of the town and church, attended Thursday and Sunday worship, met and had conversations with some of the church staff who were available, and checked out the housing market. Each Call Committee member spent some one-on-one, or two-on-one time with Pastor Forde, then had a formal interview as a whole. The conclusion was to unanimously recommend Pastor Forde to the FLC congregation to be called as our new associate pastor. The Church Council set the meeting for 11:15 am on August 28, to act on this recommendation. Special thanks to all Call Committee members for their dedication. Praise be to God!

WHAT’S HAPPENING AT FLC? The Special Outreach Cause offering for September is the Ronald McDonald House-Rochester.

Friends at First is a ministry for Older Adults that meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 11:30 a.m. in Bethany Hall for lunch and a program.

The Ronald McDonald House of Rochester, MN provides a home-away-from home and offers support to families seeking medical care for their children. Every donor and every dollar makes a difference and is greatly appreciated.

Friends at First will meet Tuesday, September 20 Program: Matthew & Denise Tviete, Matthew is the nephew of Ellen Harrison who serves on a “Mercy Ship”, a medical offshore ship. Denise goes with him and teaches the children of the families who come to see the Doctors.

Special offering envelopes are available from the ushers at church services. (Make checks payable to F.L.C.)

Lunch: Chicken salad on a croissant, fresh fruit and bars Besides collecting quilts, blankets, kits, and bars of soap, we accept monetary donations for LWR for its shipping expenses. $100 will ship 44 quilts, 71 School Kits, 37 Personal Care Kits, 100 Fabric Kits, 76 Baby Care Kits, and 8-18 lb. cartons of soap. Please make CHECKS payable to Lutheran World Relief; we will forward them to the Baltimore office.

The Social Ministry Commission of First Lutheran Church will host its Fall Lutheran World Relief Ingathering on Saturday, October 8, from 7:30 am until 12 noon. A semi-trailer, donated by Crossroads Trailer of Albert Lea, will be in the parking lot behind the church, off of St. Mary's Ave. Follow the Enter and Exit signs.

Our Spring Ingathering will be May 20, 2017.

Holidays Ahead Crafters meet Monday mornings at 9 in Bethany Hall.

Healing Prayer class

This fall, we will offer another Healing Prayer Level 1 class. The class will be held beginning Tuesday, October 4. at 6:30 pm. The class will go for 13 weeks. We will finish up in January. If you are interested in taking the Level 1 healing prayer class, please call the church office and let them know to add you to the list. The deadline is September 22, so we can order the books in time for the class. Thank you! 3

FLC YOUTH ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTENTION: Parents of College Students We would love to send your college student a care package from our congregation this fall (sometime before Finals). We want to let them know we are thinking about and praying for them during their time of studies. Please email Jordan ( your student’s address so we can get them on our list and send them a package. If you have questions or would like to help please contact Jordan (3736424)

Wreath Fundraiser

Mark your calendars. The youth will be taking orders for Wreaths/Garland in the Gathering Space starting Sunday October 23rd. Wreaths will come in Sunday, November 20.

7th - 12 Graders Eikon Fall Schedule

The Donut Hour Sunday Mornings 9:15 - 10:15 Youth Room

Sept. 7 – Youth Room Sept. 14 – Youth Room Sept. 21 – Youth Room Sept. 28 – Youth Room Oct. 5 – Youth Room

Starts: Sept. 18th Come enjoy some free do- Youth Room. We will eat, nuts on Sunday mornings relax, and have some good from 9:15 to 10:15 in the conversation.

Eikon is our youth group for 9th - 12th Graders. We meet almost every Wednesday night during the school year and through the summer. We meet from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

We rejoice with the following young people as they publicly affirm their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We welcome their families, baptismal sponsors and friends. Haley Bachtle, Mariah Bennett, Karli Christenson, Jaeger Classon, Ethan Dahl, Jack Edwin, Madyson Gadbois-Dreyling, Erik Hareid, Evan Hareid, Alexandria Jensen, Thomas Kaktis, Emma Loch, Jacob Moffitt, Chance Palmer, Mikaela Pannkuk and Lindsey Rognes


FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH WOMEN (FLCW) CARING AND SHARING September 2016 + Rachel + Co-chairs Neva Mathison 373-3043 and Marge Moine 373-3548 Workers Mavis Abbe

Valerie Fox

JoAnn Palmer

Marian Ahnemann

Gen Montei

Eleanor Sorensen

Shirlie Brownlow

Breanna Munson

Mary Ann Venem

Mary Carstens

Sandy Narverud

Kim Zenk

First Lutheran Church Women Wednesday September 14, 2016 1:15 p.m. in Bethany Hall Pioneer Day/Past Presidents Program: Al Batt

All church women are Invited to FLCW. All guests welcome!

Marilyn Chafee

Cakes Stephanie Banks

Jo Hanson

Diane Olson

Sandi Batten

Kara Heinemann

Naomi Schmidt

Kristin Bauman

Brandy Hensche

Joanne Schrader

Delores Brandt

Amber Jensen

Della Simmons

Rita Drescher

Debra Kenison

Amanda Van Ryswyk

Valerie Fox

Daci Kermes

First Lutheran Church Women Wednesday October 12, 2016 12 noon in Bethany Hall Reformation Luncheon Program: “The C.D.’s” By: Linda Hill, Audrey Klihn, Julie Quamme

A service ministry of the First Lutheran Church Women, ‘Caring & Sharing’ circles’ primary mission is to comfort grieving families & friends when a loved one has died, by serving the refreshments following funeral services.

You’re Invited to Fall Elderversity Where: Ingham Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp 1203 Inwan St, Milford, IA 51351 When: September 12-14, 2016 Registration at 4pm, Monday afternoon in the Welcome Center. Enjoy 2 days of fun, fellowship and the word of God. The Retreat concludes at 1pm on Wednesday, September 14, 2016. Rev. Steve Kramer’s topic of discussion: “Prime Time” For more information, call 1-800-656-2654, email, or visit our website at 5

September 20 Sun




Our Continued Prayers are requested for healing and wholeness for: Alan J. Christensen, Mary Ann C

Pembie Erickson, Patrick George, Breckyn Heinemann, Karen Houge, Wayne Milland, Fred (Fritz) Moran, Stefa Stacy Palmer, Colleen Politz, Christian Reichl, Betty Stolaas, Nick Von Ohlen and…safety for people serving in Forces, and their families.


8 am-Traditional w/Comm.-S 10 am-Praise & Worship w/Comm.-S

11 Rally Sunday



8 am-Quilters-MPR 9:30 am-Staff meeting-P

Labor Day Office & Building Closed


National Grandparents Day Patriot Day

3 pm-Thorne Crest-First Glenville 6 pm-Welcome Committee meets 6:30 pm-Commissions meet-BH 7 pm-Narcotics Anonymous-MPR 7 pm-Spirit Express Band Rehearsal 7:15 pm-Spirit Express Band & Singers Rehearsal

8 am-Prayer Gr 9 am-FLCW Board-P 9:30 am-Bible Study 1 pm-Good Samarit 3 pm-Oak Park Plac 3:30-4:15 pm-Rays 4:15-5:15 pm-Sound 5:30 pm-Bell Choir 5:30 pm-Education 6:30 pm-Confirmati 6:30-8 pm-FLC Choi 7:30-9 pm-10th gr. 8 pm-Eikon-YR


14 8 am-Prayer Gr

8 am-Quilters-MPR 9 am Holidays Ahead Crafting-BH 9:30 am-Staff meeting-P 2:30 pm-Senior Towers-FLC

8 am-Traditional-S 10 am-Praise & Worship-S 10:15 Rally Celebration-BH & South Lot 6 pm-Girl Scouts-MPR

6 pm-Altar Guild Anniversary Fellowship Dinner-BH 7 pm-Narcotics Anonymous-MPR 7 pm-Spirit Express Band Rehearsal 7:15 pm-Spirit Express Band & Singers Rehearsal

7 pm-Narcotics Anonymous-RR


8 am-Traditional w/Comm.-S 19 20 8 am-Quilters-MPR 9:15 am-Worship w/Comm.-C 9 am Holidays Ahead Crafting-BH 9:30 am-Staff meeting-P 9:15 am-Immersion-BH 11:30 am-Friends at First-BH 9:15 am-Sunday School 9:15 am-Donut Hour-YR 10:30 am-Praise & Worship w/Comm.-S Christian Solos

7 pm-Narcotics Anonymous-MPR 7 pm-Spirit Express Band Rehearsal 7:15 pm-Spirit Express Band & Singers Rehearsal

6:30 pm-Church Council-P 7 pm-Narcotics Anonymous-RR 25 Confirmation Sunday 26 8 am-Traditional-S 9 am Holidays Ahead Crafting-BH 9:15 am-Worship-C 9:15 am-Immersion-BH 9:15 am-Sunday School 9:15 am-Donut Hour-YR 6 pm-MC # 6-MPR 10:30 am-Confirmation Service-S 11:30 am-Jaegar Classon Confirmation 7 pm-Narcotics Anonymous-RR Open House-BH 6



8 am-Quilters-MPR 9 am-Library Board-L 9:30 am-Staff meeting-P 12:30-8 pm-Thrivent Retirement & Estate Planning-P 7 pm-Narcotics Anonymous-MPR 7 pm-Spirit Express Band Rehearsal 7:15 pm-Spirit Express Band & Singers Rehearsal

9:30 am-Bible Study 1:15 pm-FLCW Prog 1:30 pm-MC #31-P 2:30 pm-Prairie Sen 3:30 pm-Rays of Lig 4:15 pm-Sounds of 5:30 pm-Bell Choir 6:30 pm-Confirmati 6:30-8 pm-FLC Choi 7:30-9 pm-10th gr. 8 pm-Eikon-YR


8 am-Prayer 9:30 am-Bible Study Hospice Luncheon-B 1:30 pm-MC #12-M 1:30 pm-MC #31-P 3:30 pm-Rays of Lig 4:15 pm-Sounds of 5:30 pm-Bell Choir 6:30 pm-Confirmati 6:30-8 pm-FLC Choi 7:30-9 pm-10th gr. 8 pm-Eikon-YR


8 am-Prayer G 9:30 am-Bible Study 1:30 pm-MC #31-P 3:30 pm-Rays of Lig 4:15 pm-Sounds of 5:30 pm-Bell Choir 6:30 pm-Confirmati 6:30-8 pm-FLC Choi 8 pm-Eikon-YR




Christian, 1 1 & 5:15 pm-Tops- LL an Oftedahl, 6:30 pm-Chapel Service w/Comm. n the Armed 7 pm-Al-Anon-P 7 pm-Al-Anon kids-N

roup-PR P y-MPR tan-Grace ce-Grace of Light Choir ds of Joy Choir Rehearsal Commission ion ir Rehearsal Confirmation-P


Fri 2

Sat 3

1 pm-Hardanger-MPR

10:30 am-Alcoholics Anonymous-MPR BH= Bethany Hall



1 & 5:15 pm-Tops- LL 1 pm-Hardanger-MPR 1:30 pm-St. John’s Communion-Bethlehem 10:30 am-Alcoholics Deer Creek Anonymous-MPR 5:30 pm-Alzheimer's Group-MPR 6:30 pm-Chapel Service 5 pm-Wedding Rehearsal 7 pm-Al-Anon-P 7 pm-Al-Anon kids-N Jennifer Ordalen and Brody Paulson wedding-S &P&L

C= Chapel CR= Choir Room GS= Gathering Space L= Library MC= MC MPR= Multi-Purpose Room N= Nursery

roup-PR y-MPR gram-BH Parlor nior Cottages-CPL ght Choir Joy Choir Rehearsal ion ir Rehearsal Confirmation-P




1 & 5:15 pm-Tops- LL

1 pm-Hardanger-MPR

Group-PR y-MPR BH MPR P ght Choir Joy Choir Rehearsal ion ir Rehearsal Confirmation-P


Group-PR y-MPR Parlor ght Choir Joy Choir Rehearsal ion ir Rehearsal


9:30 am-MC #20-P 10:30 am-Alcoholics Anonymous-MPR

6:30 pm-Chapel Service 7 pm-Al-Anon-P 7 pm-Al-Anon kids-N

PR= Prayer Room RR= Resource Room

Hispanic Heritage Month,

September 15-October 15

P = Parlor

5 pm-Wedding Rehearsal

Jamie Brickson & Tyler Jensen wedding-S or C & P&L

S= Sanctuary SL= South Lot YR= Youth Room

1 & 5:15 pm-Tops- LL First day of autumn



1 pm-Hardanger-MPR

10:30 am-Alcoholics Anonymous-MPR

6:30 pm-Chapel Service 7 pm-Al-Anon-P 7 pm-Al-Anon kids-N 6 pm-Agape Dinner-BH

1 & 5:15 pm-Tops- LL

6:30 pm-Chapel Service 7 pm-Al-Anon-P 7 pm-Al-Anon kids-N

30 1 pm-Hardanger-MPR 5 pm-Wedding Rehearsal


w/Comm.=with Holy Communion

FLC EDUCATION, YOUTH & FAMILY GET READY FOR FALL Sunday, September 18 we will go back to our Fall Worship Schedule. 8:00 a.m. Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary 9:15 a.m.– “Immersion” Adult Bible Study 9:15 a.m. Worship in the Chapel 10:30 a.m. Praise & Worship in the Sanctuary

Youth Ministry Volunteers Needed. Would you like the opportunity to work with the youth of First Lutheran Church? Are you intrigued about what it might be like to work with our next generation? We are currently looking for people who are available to teach Confirmation and Sunday School. Curriculum is provided. It is a rewarding experience. If interested, contact Jenny at 373-6424,

MISCELLANEOUS FLC INFORMATION FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH OFFICE: Phone (507) 373-6424; E-mail:; Fax 373-6330 Mailing address—301 W. Clark St., Albert Lea, MN 56007 Office Hours—Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Friday 4:50 p.m.) Web site– PASTORAL STAFF e-mails and emergency telephone numbers: Pastor John Holt, (Cell–383-4750; Home–377-0046) Interim Assoc. Pastor Diane Odermann (Cell–952-693-6196) Normal Hours for the FLC Building Sunday: 7:00 am–12:00 noon; Monday–Thursday: 7:00 am–9:00 pm Friday: 8:00 am – 4:50 pm; Saturday: 8:00 – 11:50 am Other times by appointment or as meetings/events are scheduled


eed a ride to church? We are using the Albert Lea Taxi Service. Those who need a ride to church can call 383-3341 to schedule a ride to the service of their choice on Sundays, or Thursday evenings. Just let the driver know to bill FLC.

FIRST LUTHERAN MESSENGER (USPS196-560) Periodicals postage paid at Published by First Lutheran Church (Monthly) Albert Lea, Minnesota 56007 301 West Clark Street, Albert Lea, MN Subscription price $1.00 per year (Postmaster send address correction to 301 W. Clark St, Albert Lea, MN 56007) 8

MEMORIALS, HONORS & SPECIAL GIFTS PEACE & POWER FUND In Memory Of: Dora Hallum given by: Dale & Mary Hallum Marjorie Evenson given by: Vern & Shirley Strand, Lois Wasmoen, Roger & Marcia Ahlgren, Doris Groff, Norma Schneider, Hildy Vallevand, Paul Evenson, George & Deloris Goskeson Margaret “Peggy” Haskins given by: Dave & Sue Olson, Don & Neva Mathison, John & Karen Neale, Mark & Terri Stadheim, Jon & Jan Paske, Mary Keating, Larry & Julia Tonder, Joy White, Hildy Vallevand Bette Henrichs given by: Robert & Sharon Johnson Reinhart Besel given by: Elaine Panzer Betty Lampman given by: Helen Anderson JoAnne Wangen-Fink given by: Ben & Phyllis Fredrickson Mildred Woodside given by: Gene, Ann, Brooke & Luke Arnold, Ben & Amanda Woodside, Paul, Robbi & Bryn Woodside, Jack & Orlene Woodside, Ryan, Alli & Rogen Kuhlman, Doris Groff, Dale & Dorothy Baldwin, Hildy Vallevand, Eleanor Pedersen, Norris Lovik, John & Karen Neale, Gary & Ginny Thompson, Inge Rhiger, Dave & Sue Olson, Bob & Sharon Johnson, Mary Keating, Lowell & Barbara Peterson, Bonnie Schneider Ardis Sanderson given by: Millard & Phyllis Hamborg Beverly Sutton given by: Norm & Joyce Fredin, Larry & Janice Lestrud, Herb & Barb Andersen, Jack & Orlene Woodside, Dan & Janice Sautner, Keno & Donna Knutson, Loring & Jinni Olson, Vic & Mary Nelson, J.R. & Wanda Dorman, Ray Mittag, Harlan & Francine Lemke, Jerry Burger, Mary Keating, Amy Campbell, Alice Jensen, Family & friends, Jane Reid, Richard & Rhoda Knudson David Rasmussen given by: His wife Esther Rasmussen Red Jensen given by: Carlyle & Janet Engebretson Elwood Jensen given by: Jan Morrison, Junior Jensen, Angela Triplett, Norma Schneider, Jim Schneider, Gerry & Carol Frydenlund, Lois Adams Beverly Boone given by: Bonnie Schneider

In Honor Of: Marion Drescher for her 90th birthday given by: Mission Circle #31 at First Lutheran Church of Albert Lea, MN

Margaret “Peggy” Haskins given by: Jim & Sue Larson, Duane & Eunice Hatleli Beverly (Knudson) Sutton given by: Keith & Deloris Fligge

Gifts Given By: Ben & Phyllis Fredrickson, Pamela Slette HAPPINESS IS A BLANKET FUND

In Memory Of: Mildred Woodside given by: Betty Ruud STAINED GLASS WINDOW FUND

In Memory Of: Mildred Woodside given by: Jane Maiden Beverly Boone given by: Paddy Hoium, Dawn Runden, Dick & Judy Stilley Robert Mortenson given by: Paddy Hoium

Gifts Given By: Shirlie Brownlow MUSIC FUND

In Memory Of: Betty Lampman - mother of Michele Nelson given by: Keith & Deloris Fligge, Gen Montei Margaret “Peggy” Haskins given by: Duane & Eunice Hatleli Beverly Sutton given by: Richard & Rhoda Knudson

Gifts Given By: Janae Clausen, Donald & Mary Ann Bartz CHILDREN’S CHOIR ROBE FUND

In Memory Of: Peter “Puck” Johnson given by: John & Barb Cliff PRAYER SHAWL FUND

In Memory Of: John Schultz given by: Jane Maiden My cousin, Jeanine (Maiden) Johannsen given by: Jane Maiden FLC JESSICA LOKKEN SCHOOL OF MUSIC FUND

In Memory Of:

Gifts Given By: Vivian Toenges, JoAnn Modderman, Carol Gilderhus, Marlene Behle, Jo-

Mary Kokosh given by: David & Linda Pederson

Ann Palmer, David & Jody Nechanicky, Robert Hanson, LeSueur River Lutheran Church of New Richland, MN, John & Myrna Phillips, Leroy & Garnet Folie, Konstance Haas, Bill Stieler, Trinity Lutheran Church of Hayfield, MN, Geraldine Sauke RADIO FUND


Gifts Given By: Gifts Given By: Leslie & Stephanie Harmon WORLD HUNGER FUND

In Memory Of:

In Memory Of:

Betty Lampman given by: Jim & Sue Larson

Roger Boe given by: Ver ona Boe 9

Loved ones given by: Ver ona Boe

Don’t see your gift? Any gifts recorded by the church office after August 18 will appear in the next issue of the Messenger. Any questions or concerns, please call the church office 373-6424.

Thank you.

July 2016 Financial Reports — Year-to-date FLC General Fund (G.F.) Actual Budget Over/(Under) Offerings $ 374,845 $424,725 $(49,880) Other Income 52,298 58,975 $(6,677) Total Income $ 427,143 $483,700 $(56,557) Expenses $ 446,129 $483,700 37,571 Surplus (Deficit) $(18,986) -0$(18,986) January 1, 2016 $ 118,372 G.F. ‘Fund Balance’ June 30, 2016 $ 99,386 G.F. ‘Fund Balance’

Radio Income Expense Net gain (loss)

FLC Broadcast Ministries Peace & Power $ 6,322 Income 7,140 Expense $(818) Net gain (loss)

Actual 29,874 23,907 $5,967

Pastoral Records Funerals July 29, 2016—Peggy Haskins August 5, 2016—Beth Beddow August 9, 2016—Beverly Boone August 9, 2016—Beverly Sutton August 23, 2016—Ruby Fredrickson

Modern miracles At the mention of miracles, we often picture the biblical kind: a dead person brought back to life, a small amount of food feeding a crowd, sight restored to a blind man. Yet even today we look for unexpected healings or an earthquake victim found alive after days amid rubble. But consider someone born with poor eyesight who, thanks to technology, can work as a professional proofreader or create intricate digital paintings. Consider someone with a prosthetic leg who can run and even win races. Consider someone who, thanks to a donated heart, kidney or blood, continues to live. Consider friends in the United States and Europe who can connect in “real time,” offering support during a crisis. Technology — whose source is the human brain created by God — makes possible a new, modern-day type of miracle. When used for good, it can overcome barriers, allowing us to celebrate life and serve one another. Miracles, indeed! 10

MUSICAL NOTES I spend much time in prayer and meditation every day. I have said before that during my prayers or meditations that sometimes "God speaks to me" or "God tells me something" or "God gives me guidance". I have never used these words lightly or loosely; although some scholarly folks have told me that God never actually speaks directly to us. I KNOW when God is speaking. There have been many seasons in my life where I am sure that I was not even listening even if God was speaking. Today I am committed in my life to listen intently to God's guidance and to do all I can to follow when he speaks. He is always there and always willing to chat and give guidance when we are open to listen. Well, God laid John 14:6 on my heart this morning. This is one of my favorite Bible Verses. In John 14:6, we hear: ' "Jesus answered, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." ' This verse is printed on my business card. I love this verse because it makes a full circle--from promise and hope to the pathway to life eternal. To put it into context, Jesus is with his Disciples and tells them he is going away to his Father's house to prepare a place for them to come and be with him. When he is questioned about the way to get there, Jesus tells him that he IS THE WAY. He also says he is the TRUTH and the LIFE. He says that no one comes to God the Father except through him. God's grace and the sacrifice of his only Son paves the way for our Salvation. This is the LIFE he is describing. It is not earthly or fleeting or temporary. It is the REAL DEAL of ETERNAL LIFE. As the WAY and TRUTH, Jesus gives us clear examples of how to live, how to have faith, and how to realize the path to Salvation. It is ours to choose because of his love and sacrifice. We have the responsibility to live in HIS WAYS and to live in ULTIMATE TRUTH IN EVERY PART OF OUR LIVES. If we are to celebrate the LIFE--Eternal Life, then living in Christ's ways must be fiber of our earthly lives. We have to serve him as he taught us. Truth must be fiber of our lives also--in all we say, do, and how we act. Blessings to you. The Rays of Light Children's Choir will resume on Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 3:30 PM (until 4:15 PM). We are making a change with the Rays of Light for this year to include Grades 1-4. Children who will still be in pre-school for this school year and have already participated in the choir are automatically invited back to choir. The Sounds of Joy Children's Choir will resume on Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 4:15 PM (until 5:15 PM). We are making a change with the Sounds of Joy for this year to include Grades 5-9. The First Lutheran Church Hand Bell Choir will resume on Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 5:30 PM (until 6:25 PM). We are hoping to "add an octave of bell ringers" for this season. Youth (Grades 5 and up) who were trained in hand bells in the First Lutheran Church--Jessica Lokken Summer School of Music are invited to participate in the bell choir this year. The First Lutheran Church Choir will resume on Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 6:30 PM (until 8 PM). This will be an exciting year in the life of our choir. We are looking at new robes, and we are getting new concert risers for better comfort and safety. We need singers for ALL parts-S-A-T-and B--ladies and gentlemen. It would be great to see more youth involved in the choir. Singers from 8th grade and up are invited to join the choir. We also have our "annual" Choral Scholars Program. We have twelve scholarship positions for youth in 10th grade through college, who are continuing or planning to continue their education. It is simple! You participate and meet the requirements of Choral Scholars and you earn a scholarship for the season! When paying for college, every penny counts! Applications are available in the Church Office, the Music Kiosk in the Gathering Space, or the Office of the Minister of Music and Worship. Spirit Express will resume weekly rehearsals on Tuesday, September 6, 2016. Mark your calendars for : The HANGING OF THE GREEN CONCERT with Orchestra on Friday, December 9, 2016 at 7 PM (Dress Rehearsal on Wednesday, December 7, 2016 6:30 PM Orchestra and 7:30 PM Choirs and Orchestra.) The ADVENT ADVENTURE--Wednesdays in Advent--Wednesday November 30, 2016, Wednesday December 7, 2016, and Wednesday December 14, 2016. Each Wednesday: Devotions/Meditations will be held in Bethany Hall at 11 AM, Lunch will be held at 11:30 AM, and an Advent Recital will be held at 12:30 PM in the Sanctuary. You, the people of First Lutheran Church of Albert Lea, have been so kind, accepting, loving, and supportive in my time here. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Please continue to pray for our Music Ministry as we work to God's Glory to proclaim the Word of God through Music. Peace, Tim

Come and Worship wih Meet New Friends SERVICE TIMES

Summer Worship Schedule Through September 11 8 am — Traditional Service 10 am — Praise & Worship Service Thursday: 6:30 pm Worship service in the Chapel*

Fall Worship Schedule Starts September 18

8 am — Traditional Worship Service 9:15 am — Worship in the Chapel 10:30 am — Praise & Worship Service Thursday: 6:30 pm Worship service in the Chapel*

* Holy Communion:

First & Third Sundays of the month First Thursday of the month

Adult Bible Study

9:15 am — Sunday morning “Immersion” -starts Sept. 18 9:30 am — Wednesday morning Bible Study – Multi Purpose Room

First Lutheran Church 301 W Clark St. Albert Lea, MN 56007

Periodicals Postage Paid at Albert Lea, MN 56007

Sunday Worship Broadcasts 10:00 a.m. - Peace & Power-KAAL TV- Channel 6 (11:00 a.m. - KATE RADIO AM 1450

Fir st Luther an Church—F.L.C.—For the Love of

[Address label here]

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