October 2014

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Mu Lambda’s Torch





As African-Americans gathered in Washington, DC to engage upon policy discussions on issues that impact black communities around the world, the Mu Lambda chapter held a reception on Wednesday, September 24th to welcome everyone to the nation’s capitol. Our reception, held downtown at The Park, was attended by 2,991 brothers, friends and guests. (over) Inside this issue: •  Chaplain’s Corner •  Membership •  ΜΛ in the Community •  Calendar of Events

page 4 page 5 page 8 page 10

MAAC Community Service page 17 KEL & Eta Zeta College Fair page 18 93rd General ConvenYon page 19

President’s Message (cont’d) President’s Message (continued)

Brothers, we had a very enjoyable and successful Congressional Black Caucus reception. We were blessed with the presence of :

•  U.S. Congressmen: •  Bro. Chaka Fattah (PA) •  John Lewis (GA) •  Bro. Robert Scott (VA) •  District of Columbia Council Member-at-Large, Brother Vincent Orange; •  Maryland State Delegate: Brother Keith Haynes •  Alpha Phi Alpha (National Officers):

General President, Mark Tillman Comptroller, Steven Sims; and ERVP, R. Anthony Mills;

•  Local Chapter Presidents: Steven King, Delta Lambda Rashard Holloway, Rho Tau Lambda Derrick Terry, Sigma Alpha Lambda Frank Malone, Pi Upsilon Lambda Perry Foreman, Kappa Epsilon Lambda •  Local Chapter Vice President:

ReCharde Johnson, Eta Eta Lambda;

•  Delta Sigma Theta Co-Chair, National Constitution and By-Laws, Angela Ewell Madison •  Delta Sigma Theta Annapolis Alumnae President, Claudia Postell •  NPHC of Washington, DC President, Kim Varner •  Assistant Regional Administrator, EPA, James McDonald

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President’s Message (cont’d) President’s Message (continued) Mu Lambda celebrated 91 years of existence on October 1st, and there will be a brunch on October 4th to celebrate this milestone; Brothers, family, and friends will Worship together on October 5th at the church of Brother Lloyd McGriff; and the following weekend Mu Lambda will take to the golf course to host its annual golf tournament. October 1st is a monumental day. It symbolizes the chartering of Mu Lambda, but is also the day candidates can start submitting candidate certification forms for the positions of General President, Comptroller, and Regional Vice President. Like all elections, brothers should be aware of the candidate’s platform and position before casting a vote. Gone are the days of sending uninformed delegates to the convention to represent the interests of Mu Lambda. Gone are the days of candidates attending a Mu Lambda meeting and getting the vote because the candidate is familiar with a few brothers in the chapter. Mu Lambda is 30 brothers shy of having 10 delegates (30 brothers that will be reclaimed before it is time to vote). Mu Lambda brothers will be well versed about any candidate seeking the vote of a Mu Lambda delegate. Mu Lambda brothers will ask the tough questions. Much remains to be done this fraternal year. We have a full calendar of community service projects. There are approximately 25 gentlemen interested in pursuing Alpha Phi Alpha through the Mu Lambda Chapter. There are approximately 125 students interested in pursuing Alpha Phi Alpha through the Beta Chapter. Brothers, get trained in the new process, attend as many membership intake weekends as possible, get to know and observe the candidates so you can make an informed vote on them, and only sponsor candidates that you feel meet the standards of Alpha Phi Alpha. Brothers expressed an interest in partnering with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Washington. Mu Lambda’s executive board met with the leadership of the Boys and Girls Clubs to facilitate the partnership. You will be advised of the date of the official signing ceremony for the official partnership between Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter and the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Washington. Fraternally, Brother Eddie Neal, President

Mu Lambda Torch

October 2014

Please note:

AddiYonal pictures from our 2014 CBC RecepYon, will be available soon at: www.mulambda.org page 3

President’s Message (cont’d) Chaplain’s Corner (Bro. Jonathan Butler)

Save The Date … Come Celebrate Bro. Kwame Reed’s Retirement CongratulaYons on the ReYrement of our dear Brother, Rev. Dr. Kwame Osei Reed. A]er 27 years of devoted service, Brother Reed will be ending his ministry as ExecuYve of the Potomac AssociaYon, Central AtlanYc Conference, United Church of Christ (UCC). This includes the UCC Churches in the Washington, D.C., Suburban Maryland and Northern Virginia area. While he will be reYring from his devoYonal office, Brother Reed will conYnue to serve as Ministry to Older Persons, which includes Elder Law Work. On November 23, 2014, Brother Reed will be delivering his final sermon as AssociaYon Minister. The services will take place at Peoples’ CongregaYonal United Church of Christ, 4704 13th Street (13th and Cridenden) NW, DC. He will be preaching at the 8:30 am and 11:00 am services. Brother Reed will also be honored with a recepYon on Friday, November 14, 2014, 4:00 pm -­‐ 7:00 pm at Christ CongregaYonal UCC, 5010 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD. AddiYonal informaYon will follow. Please help celebrate with Brother Reed by adending at least one of these events.

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Retirement Events


November 14, 2014 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Final Sermon:

November 23, 2014 8:30 am & 11:00 am


Bro. Jonathan Butler jzmb@me.com (571) 251-­‐8253

Membership & Reclamation (Bro. Tim Fitzgerald)

Brothers it’s RECLAMATION TIME! Brothers as you know there are thousands of brothers in the DMV area that are not financial or without a chapter. Let’s reclaim these brothers and bring them back into the fold. Let’s show them what Mu Lambda Chapter has to offer. As the reclamation chair, I have been charged to reach out to our visiting brothers and help reconnect our non-financial chapter brothers. Below are a few ideas I plan to implement: •  Follow up with visiting brothers after they come to the meetings. •  Acknowledge new financial brothers publicly at each chapter meeting. •  New brothers will received a chapter pin and Mu Lambda Chapter certificate of appreciation for joining the chapter. •  Invite brothers to all of our events. •  Have reclamation events at the chapter house and in the city. •  Ask current brothers to invite their line brothers to chapter meetings and encourage them to join the chapter and committees. •  Ask committee chairmen to reach out to brothers monthly to join their committees. Reclaiming brothers are not limited to these ideas. We welcome ideas from the brotherhood. For your convenience, our dues structure is below. Grand Tax Life Member Non-Life Member 1st Year Alumni 2nd Year Alumni Graduate Student

Mu Lambda Torch

N/A $150.00 $75.00 $112.50 $150.00

October 2014

Chapter $400.00 $400.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00

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Membership & Reclamation (Bro. Tim Fitzgerald)

Last July, we were recognized by the Eastern Region as a chapter that was instrumental in exceeding their given reclamation target of 369 brothers. This year, we are continuing to reach out and bring more reclaimed brothers back to the brotherhood. We welcome the following brothers to Mu Lambda:

Mu Lambda Torch

•  Justen Baskerville •  Derrick Butts •  LeVar Crooms •  Samuel Fulwood III •  Frankie Hoskey Jr. •  Joseph Jones •  Rhett Lucas •  Marquial “Marc” McMillan •  Adam Salters •  Charles Smith II •  Cory Watkins •  Jerry Williamson •  Kobina Yankah

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Membership & Reclamation (Bro. Tim Fitzgerald)

Reclamation Community Service Event At The Frederick Douglass National Historic Site The Family Fun Festival will take place on Sunday October 19, 2014 from 11a.m. - 4:00 p.m. The event will take place at Frederick Douglass National Historic Site located at 1411 W St. SE Washington, DC 20020. The staff is requesting that members of our organization assist them in hosting this event. Please wear your fraternity paraphernalia on the day of the event. The ladies of the FT. Washington chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. will be volunteering as well. They ask that all volunteers arrive at 10: 00 a.m. to meet and to get your assignment and duty station for the event. Your assignment may include the following: crafts, games, ice cream churning, junior ranger and !other activities. The volunteers will have a private tour of the home and light refreshments will be provided. Brothers, please reach out to brothers who may not have a home chapter or brothers who want to come back home to Mu Lambda Chapter. This is a reclamation event. If you should have any questions please feel free to contact Bro. Tim Fitzgerald at 301-332-7507 or timfitz06@comcast.net. The staff at The Frederick Douglass National Historic Site look forward to building a continued partnership with both organizations on other activities and programs.

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October 2014

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Mu Lambda in the Community

Voter RegistraYon Drive

Brothers Rick Thurmond and Brother Frederick Engram took to the streets of Southeast Washington, D.C. on Saturday September 27, 2014 for the purpose of implemenYng the fraterniYes naYonal service program "A Voteless People is a Hopeless People". The event was held in conjuncYon with Inner Light Inc. and their annual health fair. The event was a tremendous success, as the Mu Lambda chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity Inc., conYnues to shine it's light on the greater Washington D.C. metro area.

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October 2014

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Mu Lambda in the Community

Out of the Darkness Community Walk On Saturday, September 13th, Mu Lambda brothers traveled to Annapolis, MD, to volunteer with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), Out of the Darkness Community Walk. AFSP is the leading national not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education and advocacy, and to reaching out to people with mental disorders and those impacted by suicide. Out of the Darkness Community Walks are AFSP’s signature fundraising campaign, bringing together family, friends, colleagues, and supporters every fall for 3- to 5-mile walks in hundreds of communities nationwide. The Annapolis walk coordination team consisted of only two dedicated women who reached out to Alpha Phi Alpha for help. Brothers responded and arrived at the City Dock in Annapolis at the early hour of 7 a.m. to set up, help with the various activities throughout the event, and stayed to clean up. Despite the rain, the event was a huge success, raising almost $80,000 with over 600 walkers! It was sobering to see so many people survived by those who were lost by suicide; touching to see so many young people supporting suicide prevention; and inspiring to see everyone so full of hope and encouragement to continue the fight against suicide and mental illness.

Brothers in attendance: Mark Jones, Malcolm Carter, Karl Bruce, Khama Sharp, Sean Plater, Arthur Fields, Garrett Miller, Eric Washington, Tim Fitzgerald, Adrian King, Jonathan Watkins

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2014/2015 Mu Lambda Chapter Calendar of Events

The events below includes the acYviYes proposed by the Mu Lambda FoundaYon and the Social Commidee. This calendar will be modified as commidees propose its acYviYes. 2014

October October 1st October 2nd October 4th October 5th October 11th October 15th October 19th October 19th October 21st October 25th October 28th October 29th

Mu Lambda’s 91st Anniversary (October 1, 1923) Chapter Meeting Mu Lambda’s Founder’s Day Brunch (Social Committee and Brother C. Campbell) Mu Lambda Day of worship (Chaplain) Golf Tournament (ML Foundation) Mu Lambda Executive Board Meeting (3rd Wednesday) HAC Academy Open House Frederick Douglass National Historic Site, Family Fun Festival (Community Service) Mu Lambda Foundation Meeting (3rd Tuesday) Whitman-Walker – The Walk to End HIV (Community Service) DCNPHC meeting – Alphas are the host Masquerade Ball (Social Committee)

November November 2nd November 4th November 6th November 9th November 16th November 18th November 19th November 23rd November 25th

Mu Lambda Torch

HAC Open House Voting in DC, MD, and VA Chapter Meeting HAC Academy HAC Academy Mu Lambda Foundation Meeting Mu Lambda Executive Board Meeting HAC Academy DCNPHC meeting

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$10,000 Hole in One Contest

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. Goodie Bags

4th Annual Henry Arthur Callis Scholarship Golf Tournament

October 11, 2014 9 A.M. (Shotgun Start) Patuxent Greens Golf Course 14415 Greenview Drive – Laurel, MD

Fees Paid for

this event (Hole signs & Registration) are tax deductible

Contact: Frank King 3804 Tullycross Ct, White Plains MD 20655 $130.00/ Per Person (202) 841-6195 Live Band & Wine Tasting

To order tickets, click below: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/alpha-phi-alphafraternity-inc-henry-arthur-callis-scholarshipgolf-tournament-tickets-12917962975

Country Buffet

•  Masquerade Ball Insert

MAAC Community Service Projects

(Bro. Tim Fitzgerald – MAAC Director of EducaYonal AcYviYes)

Capital Area Food Bank

We will be sorYng non-­‐perishable food items. They will be placed in bins and boxes by their categories, repacking food. Where: The Capital Area Food Bank 4900 Puerto Rico Ave. NE Washington, DC 20017 When: Saturday, November 1, 2014 Time: 1:00pm-­‐ 4pm The mission of the Capital Area Food Bank is to feed those who suffer from hunger in the Washington metro area by acquiring food and distribuYng it through its network of partner agencies; and educaYng, empowering and enlightening the community about the issues of hunger and nutriYon. CAFB is a member of Feeding America, a naYonal network of 200 food banks.

Marian House Shelter for Women

We will be serving both in the kitchen and as waiters to 50 deserving women. Brothers will assist with serving meals, clearing tables and a]er dinner cleanup of the kitchen and dinning area Where: Marian House Shelter for Women 949 Gorsuch Ave BalQmore, MD 21218 When: Sunday, November 23, 2014 Time: 4:00pm -­‐7:00pm The Marian House is a holisYc healing community for women and their children who are in need of housing and support services. They provide a safe, loving environment that challenges women to respect and love themselves, confront emoYonal and socio-­‐economic issues, and transiYon to stable and independent lives. More informaQon to come for community service opportuniQes in other areas for spring 2014.

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October 2014

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College Fair (Kappa Epsilon Lambda & Eta Zeta Chapters)

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September 2014

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93rd General Convention

Mu Lambda Torch

September 2014

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93rd General Convention

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Eric Herndon Frank King Lloyd McGriff Eric Washington Pernell Williams Mu Lambda Chapter

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October 2014

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Mu Lambda Chapter 2014/2015 Executive Board & Committee Chairs

Executive Board President Vice President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Chaplain Historian Intake Coordinator Editor of the Torch Dir. of Educational Activities Sergeant-at-Arms Parliamentarian Archivist Web Master Intake Class President Member-at-Large Immediate Past President

Eddie Neal James Wilson Larry Davis Mikael LaRoche Chatman Young, II Bryant Michael Young Jonathan Butler James Harmon, III John “Tony” Wilson Keith Hinnant David Gaston Malcolm Carter Jacob Walker Michael Gallion Mark Jones Mark Jones Mark Cruce LeRoy Lowery, III

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Mu Lambda Chapter 2014/2015 Executive Board & Committee Chairs


Auditing Committee Awards Branding Boy’s and Girl’s Club Brothers’ Keeper Budget and Finance Chapter of the Year Charles H. Wesley Award Communication and Technology Community Service Constitution Committee Crab Feast Forty and Under Hospitality Grievance/Disciplinary Education Golf Committee Henry Arthur Callis Academy Marketing Membership/Reclamation Ninety-First Anniversary Pan-Hellenic Council Program Committee Public Policy Senior Brother Social Step Team

Mu Lambda Torch

October 2014

Mark Ross LeRoy Lowery Keith Hinnant Harold Lyons Harold Lyons Chatman Young Rick Thurmond Adam Salters Paul Cotton Joel Grey Jacob Walker K. Hinnant; Garrett Miller Mikael LaRoche Karl Bruce Ryle Bell David Gaston Frank King Lawrence Clarke; Charvis Campbell Vernon Oakes T. Fitzgerald; M. Carter; K. Chapple Charvis Campbell J. Grey; M. Carter; T.Wilson Fred Engram Art Fields Robert Richardson Ross Lloyd and Khalil Green Fred Engram

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Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) & DC One Fund

Mu Lambda’s #: 66770

Federal employees can make tax deducYble donaYons to the Mu Lambda FoundaYon, Inc., through the Combine Federal Campaign (CFC).

The enrollment period is now through December 15th.

The designated amount is deducted from your payroll and sent to the FoundaYon annually. Mu Lambda FoundaQon’s CFC number is 66770. For more informaYon, please contact Bro. James Wilson.

Mu Lambda’s #: 9556

DC One Fund is the District Government’s employee giving program.

The enrollment period is now through December 31st.

Recurring payroll deducYon, one-­‐Yme payroll deducYon, credit or debit card payments are accepted. Mu Lambda FoundaQon’s DC One Fund number is 9556. For more informaYon, please contact Bro. James Wilson Not a DC or Federal employee? Share the informaYon with your family and friends! This is a way to give back to the community -­‐-­‐ and a tax deducYble benefit. Mu Lambda Torch

October 2014

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