September newsletter

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Mu Lambda’s Torch



PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE I thank the brothers of Mu Lambda for an excellent 2013-2014 fraternal year, and welcome you back for 2014-2015. In 2012-2013, Mu Lambda was the 7th largest chapter in Alpha. In 2013-2014, it became the third largest chapter. Starting 2014-2015, it is now the second largest chapter in Alpha Phi Alpha. It is not the fact that the chapter is growing in numbers that makes me proud – I see the fruits of your labor taking root. The programs are reaching a larger audience and the mindset has shifted from what can Alpha do for us – to what can we do to serve the public. I concluded the fraternal year by stating last year was a building block for 2014-2015. I promised that in 2014-2015 we are committing to have a good social year. During the summer we celebrated Brother Brice’s tenure in Alpha Phi Alpha and Mu Lambda. We had a happy hour social in August where there were more than 600 people in attendance. The annual crab feast is this Saturday; there will be a Congressional Black Caucus Reception, where we will host 2,000 brothers and guests; Mu Lambda will be celebrating 91 years of existence on October 1st, and there will be a brunch on October 4th to celebrate this milestone; Brothers, family, and friends will Worship together on October 5th at the church of Mu Lambda’s own, Brother Lloyd McGriff; and the following weekend Mu Lambda will take to the golf course to host its annual golf tournament. I also stated we must do community service. This summer, Mu Lambda has participated in multiple voter registration drives with the NAACP; participated in the annual D.C. Beautification Day – Mu Lambda provided approximately 25 volunteers who mulched the entire grounds of the Patterson Elementary School; and donated book bags and supplies to Georgetown East Elementary where the principal is a brother of Alpha Phi Alpha. Mu Lambda also supported the activities of other chapters and Greek letter organizations. This summer, Mu Lambda attended the annual health day hosted by Omicron Eta Lambda; attended the annual cookout hosted by Omicron Lambda Alpha; attended the annual crab feast hosted by Upsilon Tau Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha; and attended the public programs at the conventions of Zeta Phi Beta, Phi Beta Sigma, and Sigma Gamma Rho. (over) Inside this issue: •  Membership page 3 •  #wesalutebrobrice page 4 •  Chaplain’s Corner page 6

ΜΛ in the Community 2014/2015 Events

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President’s Message (cont’d) President’s Message (continued)

I also stated we would do a full court press with reclaiming our brothers who are no longer in the house of Alpha. The membership committee has committed to reclaiming 20 brothers this year. The newest brother in the house of Mu Lambda is LeVar Crooms, made at Alpha Omicron. With all the good things we have done over the summer – there have been some losses. During the drafting of my message to you, I was informed that Brother Arthur Freeman transitioned to Omega Chapter (details are forthcoming). I lost my motherin-law; Brother James Wilson lost his father-in-law; Brother Mark Ross lost his father; we lost Brothers Gerald Roper and Robert Moore (not members of Mu Lambda). In addition, we lost countless young African American males at the hands of the police who have sworn to protect them. There has been much work done over the summer to put things in place for intake. There are approximately 25 gentleman interested in pursuing Alpha Phi Alpha through the Mu Lambda Chapter. I have also received many calls from young men on the campus of Howard University who have informed me there are over 125 students interested in pursuing Alpha Phi Alpha through the Beta Chapter. Brothers, with membership intake comes much responsibility. Part of that responsibility is that all brothers get trained in the new process, attend as many membership intake weekends as possible, get to know and observe the candidates so you can make an informed vote on them, and only sponsor candidates that you feel meet the standards of Alpha Phi Alpha. Brothers, I have brought you up to date and I will be presenting some new and innovative information at chapter meeting. I need you at the chapter meeting with your check and/or credit card in hand to pay your 2014-2015 dues. Fraternally, Brother Eddie Neal, President Mu Lambda’s #: 66770

Mu Lambda Torch

September 2014

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Mu Lambda’s #: 9556

Membership & Reclamation (Bro. Tim Fitzgerald)

Since our charter, Mu Lambda Chapter has been an innovator, a builder, and a molder of men making a difference in the lives of many in the Washington Metropolitan area. We work diligently to ensure that our programs and social ac\vi\es con\nue to impact the community in a posi\ve way by being a catalyst of change. Today, Mu Lambda stands as a beacon of light to the community and a strong source of leadership. Through our Henry Arthur Callis Academy, we con\nue to facilitate the growth of young male adults so they understand that leadership is not a burden but a responsibility. Staying true to Alpha’s core: we implement successfully the fraternity’s Na\onal Programs: Go-­‐to-­‐High School Go-­‐to-­‐School, A Voteless People is a Hopeless People, Project Alpha and Brothers Keepers. These four programma\c efforts are implemented through “out-­‐of-­‐the-­‐box” formats to ensure that Mu Lambda Chapter is reaching our target audience—the youth. Brother, I challenge you to reflect, reorganize and rekindle the spirit for the coming fraternal year. I encourage you to visit and/or join Mu Lambda Chapter as we find ways to renew the eminent Spirit of Alpha. For your convenience, our dues structure is below. Making payments are encouraged (if necessary). Grand Tax Chapter Life Member N/A $400.00 Non-­‐Life Member $150.00 $400.00 1st Year Alumni $75.00 $350.00 2nd Year Alumni $112.50 $350.00 Graduate Student $150.00 $350.00 If you wish to pay on line click on the link below: hjp://­‐deduc\ble-­‐dona\on

Mu Lambda Torch

September 2014

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Brother Julius Brice An Appreciation Dinner Held July 19, 2014


Mu Lambda Torch

September 2014

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Brother Julius H. Brice #wesalutebrobrice

On the alernoon of July 19, 2014, the Brothers of Mu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated honored Brother Julius Brice for his sixty-­‐six years of dedica\on to the fraternity. The dinner was held at the Mu Lambda Community House, 2405 First Street, NW, Washington D.C. 20001, which was fes\vely decorated by Brother Terence Tarver for the occasion. Brother Eddie Neal, President of Mu Lambda Chapter, welcomed more than 50 brothers, family, and friends who came to salute Brother Brice. Brother Neal shared with us the many contribu\ons that Brother Brice has made not only to Mu Lambda chapter, but also to the fraternity as a whole. Following Brother Neal’s welcome, Brother William Hawkins, former Mu Lambda chaplain, gave the invoca\on. Brother Karl Bruce, hospitality chair, prepared dinner. The menu included: delicious “chef’s secret” sauce, tangy barbecue sauce, or dry seasoned chicken; creamy corn; and smoked-­‐flavored green beans. To top it off, Brother Bruce delighted us with his special, homemade peach cobbler. Brothers Alexander Pullen, LeRoy Lowery, III, and Rudolph Harris each expressed their admira\on and apprecia\on for Brother Brice with a “roast and toast.” Brother Pullen likened Brother Brice to a Bap\st Preacher, Brother Lowery shared with us Brother Brice’s contribu\on to the renova\on of the Mu Lambda house, and Brother Harris spoke of Brother Brice as the true essence of an Alpha man. Brother Brice received awards from the Mu Lambda FoundaPon and Mu Lambda Chapter. Others in the house, including fellow South Carolina State University alumni, spoke of the many ways Brother Brice has impacted their lives posi\vely. General President Mark Tillman, unable to ajend personally, conveyed special gree\ngs to Brother Brice and all present via speakerphone. Also in ajendance were members of the Brice family – Angela, his wife, who shared how Brother Brice swept her off her feet, Diane, his daughter, who discussed her early exposure to Alpha, and Kent, his son-­‐in-­‐law. The event concluded with Brother Brice sharing wisdom, as is his custom. He said: “…Everything that I did in life, it had to be in the name of Alpha. In other words, [to be an Alpha] you must be the best you can be in life because that’s the only way you can help others and that’s what Alpha is all about — helping others.” Brothers Jonathan Butler and LeRoy Lowery, III co-­‐chaired the event.

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September 2014

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Chaplain’s Corner (Bro. Jonathan Butler)

Mu Lambda Day of Worship In continuing in the celebration of Mu Lambda’s Founders’ Day event on Saturday, October 4th, Mu Lambda will host a day of worship for brothers, families, and friends on October 5th at 11:00 am. The worship service will be held at our own Brother Lloyd T. McGriff’s church, Galilee Baptist Church.

Date: Time: Place:

October 5, 2014 11:00 a.m. Galilee Baptist Church 2101 Shadyside Avenue Suitland, MD, 20746

If you will be attending, please contact me at or (571) 251-8253 (text or call).

Please continue to pray for: •  Brother James Wilson and family (passing of his father-in-law) •  Brother Mark Ross and family (passing of his father)

Mu Lambda Torch

September 2014

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Mu Lambda in the Community

Vincent Orange Day

On August 24th, at National’s Park, Bro.Vincent Orange was honored with his own day and awarded the Spirit Award. Congratulations!

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September 2014

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Mu Lambda in the Community

DC Beau\fica\on Day

Mu Lambda Chapter and friends of Mu Lambda participated in the DC Beautification Day on Saturday, August 23 at Patterson Elementary School in SW DC. The principal, Dr.Victorie Thomas (Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.) and vice principal Ms. Cruz greatly appreciated our hard work. They have invited us back to their school for various events and partnerships. This annual DCPS event was established in 2005 as a citywide “spruce up” of all DC public school buildings in preparation for the first day of school. Beautification efforts included landscaping, trash pick-up, light painting, planting flowers, and other external beautification efforts.

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September 2014

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2014/2015 Mu Lambda Chapter Calendar of Events

The events below includes the ac\vi\es proposed by the Mu Lambda Founda\on and the Social Commijee. This calendar will be modified as commijees propose its ac\vi\es. It does not include any events from the Henry Arthur Callis Academy. July July 15th Mu Lambda Founda\on Mee\ng July 15th Zeta Phi Beta Public Program th July 16 Phi Beta Sigma Public Program th July 18 Sigma Gamma Rho Public Program July 19th Omega Service for Brother Robert Moore (Chaplain, Brother Butler) th July 19 Alpha Apprecia\on Luncheon for Brother Julius Brice (Hospitality Commijee) August August 2nd Voter Registra\on (Program Commijee) August 14th Happy Hour (Reclama\on) (Social Commijee and Membership Commijee) th August 16 Voter Registra\on (Program Commijee) August 19th Mu Lambda Founda\on Mee\ng August 22nd Alpha Kappa Alpha – Upsilon Tau Omega Chapter crab feast rd August 23 D.C. Public Schools Beau\fica\on Day – Pajerson Elementary, S.W. , D.C. August 24th Donated school supplies to Georgetown East Elementary School September September 4th Chapter Mee\ng – first mee\ng of fraternal year th September 6 Voter Registra\on 11-­‐1 (Program Commijee) September 6th MAAC Staff Mee\ng – Bowie University th September 6 Crab Feast (ML Founda\on) September 12th-­‐13th Eastern Region Staff Mee\ng – Princeton, NJ September 16th Mu Lambda Founda\on Mee\ng (3rd Tuesday) September 17th Mu Lambda Execu\ve Board Mee\ng (3rd Wednesday) rd September 23 DCNPHC mee\ng th September 24 Mu Lambda Black Caucus event – (Public Policy, Social, and Brother Orange) September 24th-­‐27th Congressional Black Caucus Legisla\ve Conference September 27th Voter Registra\on (Program Commijee)

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September 2014

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2014/2015 Mu Lambda Chapter Calendar of Events

October October 1st October 2nd October 4th Campbell) October 5th October 11th October 15th October 21st October 25th October 28th October 29th November November 4th November 6th November 18th November 19th November 25th December December 1st December 4th December 6th December 6th December 13th December 16th December 17th December 20th

Mu Lambda Torch

Mu Lambda’s 91st Anniversary (October 1, 1923) Chapter Mee\ng Mu Lambda’s Founder’s Day Luncheon (Social Commijee and Brother C. Mu Lambda Day of worship (Chaplain) Golf Tournament (ML Founda\on) Mu Lambda Execu\ve Board Mee\ng (3rd Wednesday) Mu Lambda Founda\on Mee\ng (3rd Tuesday) Whitman-­‐Walker – The Walk to End HIV (Community Service) DCNPHC mee\ng – Alphas are the host Masquerade Ball (Social Commijee) Vo\ng in DC and MD Chapter Mee\ng Mu Lambda Founda\on Mee\ng Mu Lambda Execu\ve Board Mee\ng DCNPHC mee\ng Spring 2015 Intake Applica\ons available and Cluster date submission to HQ Chapter Mee\ng MAAC Founder’s Day event (I am assuming this is the date) Dancing with the Greeks (Social Commijee) Mu Lambda Night at the Theater (Five Guys Named Moe) (Social Commijee) Mu Lambda Founda\on Mee\ng Mu Lambda Execu\ve Board Mee\ng Mu Lambda Holiday Social (Social Commijee)

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2014/2015 Mu Lambda Chapter Calendar of Events

2015 January January 1st January 8th January 14th January 16th January 20th January21st January 23rd January 27th February February 1st February 5th February 6th February 17th February 18th February 20th February 24th March March 5th th th March 6 -­‐7 March 17th March 18th March 21st March 24th March 26th-­‐29th April April 2nd th April 15 th April 16 April 21st th April 25 April 28th

Mu Lambda Torch

Happy New Year Chapter Mee\ng (2nd Thursday) Alpha Night in DC – tenta\ve date (Public Policy and Brother Orange) Spring 2015 Intake applica\on request deadline Mu Lambda Founda\on Mee\ng Mu Lambda Execu\ve Board Mee\ng Spring 2015 Intake Applica\on Comple\on date DCNPHC mee\ng Super Bowl Party (Social Commijee) Chapter mee\ng Spring 2015 Intake – District Director deadline for submission of applica\ons Mu Lambda Founda\on Mee\ng Mu Lambda Execu\ve Board Mee\ng Beginning of IMDP window DCNPHC mee\ng Chapter Mee\ng MAAC Conference, Bowie State University Mu Lambda Founda\on Mee\ng Mu Lambda Execu\ve Board Mee\ng Men Who Cook – tenta\ve date (Social Commijee and Brother Grey) DCNPHC mee\ng Eastern Region Conven\on – Newark, NJ Chapter Mee\ng Mu Lambda Execu\ve Board Mee\ng DC Emancipa\on Day (Public Policy, Community Service, and Brother Orange) Mu Lambda Founda\on Mee\ng Black and Gold Gala DCNPHC mee\ng

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2014/2015 Mu Lambda Chapter Calendar of Events

May May 2nd March for Babies Walk – tenta\ve date (Community Service) th May 7 Chapter Mee\ng th May 19 Mu Lambda Founda\on Mee\ng May 20th Mu Lambda Execu\ve Board Mee\ng th May 26 DCNPHC mee\ng June June 4th Chapter Mee\ng – last mee\ng of fraternal year June 20th Spring 2015 Intake – end of IMDP window rd June 23 DCNPHC mee\ng August August 5th-­‐9th General Conven\on, Charloje, NC Note: Chapter mee\ngs are the first Thursday of the month unless changed. Founda\on mee\ngs are the third Tuesday of the month unless changed. Execu\ve Board mee\ngs are the third Wednesday unless changed. DCNPHC mee\ngs are the fourth Tuesday (Except December, July, and August). Fall intake must be completed before the MAAC Conference.

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September 2014

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Mu#Lambda#Founda,on# in#Associa,on#with#the# #Mu#Lambda#Chapter#of## Alpha#Phi#Alpha#Fraternity,#Inc.# # Invites#you#to#our#annual#





Saturday,#September#6,#2014# 2:00#pm#–#6:00#pm# Crabs#served#2:00#–#5:00#pm# # Center#for#the#Performing#Arts# At#Prince#Hall#Masonic#Temple# 1000#U#Street#NW,#Washington,#DC# # Ticket#Price:#$60#per#person# # Please#come#and#enjoy#an#aVernoon#of# Food#⋅#Music#⋅#Dancing#⋅#50/50#Raffle# # Steamed#Crabs#with#Spice#and#Drawn#Bu[er# Spiced#Shrimp#with#Cocktail#Sauce# Grilled#Breast#of#Chicken#with#BBQ#Sauce# Seasonal#Sliced#Fresh#Fruit# Corn#on#the#Cob# Pasta#Salad#Primavera# Hush#Puppies# Sweet#Potato#Cakes# Assorted#SoV#Drinks#&#Water# !

New! Loca6on!!

To!Purchase!Tickets!&!For!More!Informa6on,!please!contact:! Keith!Hinnant,!Co>Event!Chair!–!(202)!763>0187! GarreL!Miller,!Co>Event!Chair!–!(202)!450>7311! E>mail:!!


$10,000 Hole in One Contest

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. Goodie Bags

4th Annual Henry Arthur Callis Scholarship Golf Tournament

October 11, 2014 9 A.M. (Shotgun Start) Patuxent Greens Golf Course 14415 Greenview Drive – Laurel, MD

Fees Paid for

this event (Hole signs & Registration) are tax deductible

Contact: Frank King 3804 Tullycross Ct, White Plains MD 20655 $130.00/ Per Person (202) 841-6195 Live Band & Wine Tasting

To order tickets, click below:

Country Buffet





Rudolph Scipio Robert Richardson Chesley Richardson Todd Allen Isaac Thweatt Frederick Engram Paul Shaw Jon-Michael Washington Lawrence Clark Villareal Johnson

Hezekiah Smith Ronald Flowers Lee Tyler William Joyner Paul Cotton William Hawkins Eddie Neal Timothy Fitzgerald James Garland Jonathan Butler Garrett Miller Nicholas Jones Mikael LaRoche

Clyde Blassengale Michael Carter Juan Powell Jacob Walker Kama Tillman Mark Jones

Mu Lambda Torch

September 2014

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