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Appendix: Case Studies
As schools develop and implement the structures of MTSS, it is important to ensure that a culture exists in your school that supports high levels of learning for all students. The MTSS road map started by asking, “Where are we going?” Schools exist that are successfully serving students just like your school—schools in which the culture and the structures support continuous improvement and learning for adults and students.
Here, we provide examples to help schools with planning at this stage of the journey. Mature and successful school models such as those featured in the appendix show that it can be done. They inspire educators to energetically pursue the steps ahead and reveal where gaps between current realities and the desired destination may lie. Schools that are successfully implementing MTSS-based practices settle for nothing less than college and career readiness for all students.
Through the analysis of a mature MTSS model that serves as a guide and inspiration, schools can launch their efforts by responding to these questions.
• What is the school already doing? • What is being done well? • What are the gaps in supports for students?
Addressing these questions allows teams to leverage case studies to identify strengths and possible next steps in their system of supports.
The Journey Awaits
Significant shifts need to occur if schools are going to meet their lofty goals. Each school will have local, contextual needs that will require local, contextual responses. This will require educators to combine the principles of MTSS with new ways of thinking and applying research and proven practices to meet students’ individual needs using the distinct talents and resources of the professionals who serve those students. The MTSS road map that follows will assist in determining a school’s academic and behavioral system of supports for students and in designing localized, contextualized solutions and potential next steps. The journey awaits!