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Where Are We and What Are the Next Steps?
The next step in the journey begins with self-analysis. You can’t figure out the route before you know where you are standing right now. This chapter helps you find an answer to the question, Where are we now? This step requires courage and candor as schools examine the data and evidence that reflect current realities and states of readiness.
Staff must ask themselves and each other the following questions as they begin moving toward implementation.
• In what areas do our students need the most support? • In what areas would our staff members benefit from more support? • Which initiatives would most significantly benefit students and most impact multiple content areas and domains? • For what initiatives with the MTSS system are we most prepared, in terms of both culture and structures?
• What are the current strengths and needs of staff and students? • To what extent are all students responding to instruction? • Are all staff members prepared to accept the change and temporary discomforts associated with MTSS-based practices?
After that self-analysis, evidence and artifacts gathered during the self-analysis will determine the first and next steps for schools and school systems as their leaders begin to systematize their efforts to meet all students’ academic and behavioral needs. Determining in which direction to take the first steps of the journey is a critical decision for schools following the MTSS road map. Building in early wins