Mr Som Narayan CEO, Carbon Masters
Som has been working in the area of climate change for last 6 years. In 2008 he moved to Scotland for his Masters in Carbon Management at the University of Edinburgh. While doing his Masters he worked on feasibility of low carbon technologies for energy sector and an Emissions Performance Standard (EPS) as a credible policy for coal power generating plants with Friends of the Earth and World Development Movement Scotland. As a part of his Masters in Carbon Management his research was on the economic impacts of the UK Government's Carbon Reduction Commitment legislation. Som also holds an Environmental Engineering degree and Postgraduate diploma in Environmental law from National Law School of India University. In January 2012, Som set up the Carbon Masters India office in Bangalore and has since been working to establish Carbon Masters as leading carbon management experts in India. He has evaluated several low carbon technology solutions that will help Indian companies to reduce their carbon emissions and save costs. Som is currently working with a major Telecom Infrastructure provider to reduce their diesel consumption & carbon footprint from their 500 Telecom towers in India.