Women @ Work - 07 Mar 2025

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FRIDAY 9:30 am - 12:30 pm MAR 07 2 0 2 5



To mark the International Women’s Day 2025, Great Lakes in partnership with the MMA is delighted to announce the release of a Research Report that highlights both progress and persistent challenges in women's workforce participation in urban India on the 7th of March, 2025 (Friday) at the MMA auditorium on Pathari Road, Thousand Lights, Chennai.

The rise of AI and technology is opening new paths for women to employment and entrepreneurship. Women also tend to have an advantage in leveraging their human-centric strengths in empathy, leadership, and interpersonal skills, which would be increasingly valued in future workplaces. However, traditional gender roles in caregiving and housework, social expectations related to earning for men, hidden constraints for women such as commuting barriers and remote work challenges, limited professional and social networks, along with internalised self-limiting beliefs continue to pose significant obstacles to women's professional advancement in this evolving landscape.

Drawing on primary survey data and a comprehensive analysis of secondary data, our report examines barriers to women's economic participation (including several new and interesting findings that have so far not been acknowledged) and offers strategic recommendations and actionable solutions to enhance their economic engagement.

Who Should Attend?

Business Leaders, CEOs, and Entrepreneurs

HR Leaders and Diversity & Inclusion Heads

Women professionals who have taken a career break and are looking to re-enter the workforce

Senior and Middle Management


Academia and Research Institutions

Students from Management, Social Sciences, and Humanities

Civil Society and Government Bodies

NGOs and Activists working for Women’s Empowerment & Gender


Key Takeaways

Learn how to enhance gender diversity and inclusion initiatives. Gain insights into leveraging women's talents in future workplaces

Develop a deeper understanding of the barriers women face and how leaders can support them. Sensitize and educate young professionals on gender equality issues.

Explore actionable solutions to improve women's economic participation

Discover practical strategies for overcoming career-related challenges.

8:00 AM

Registration, Tea & Networking

9:30 AM

Welcome Address

Dr Suresh Ramanathan Dean & Principal Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai

Introductory Remarks

Mr K Mahalingam President, MMA & Partner/Director, TSM Group of Companies

Overview of the Report

Dr Vidya Mahambare Professor of Economics & Director (Research and Fellow Program in Management), Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai

Launch of the report by the dignitaries

Inaugural Address

Mr Suresh Raman Vice President & Regional Head Tata Consultancy Services, Chennai

Keynote Address

Ms Priti Arora President, Global Capabilities Centres, CRISIL

Presentation of Mementos & Vote of Thanks

Gp Capt R Vijayakumar (Retd), VSM Executive Director, MMA

10 45 AM Tea/Coffee & Networking

11 15 AM Special Session

“The Unseen Barriers: Rethinking Paid Work for Women's Inclusion”

Distinguished Speakers

Dr Sandhya Shekhar Advisor, Digital & Business Strategy

Ms S Rukmini Author and Independent Journalist

Dr. Angayar Pavanasam Project Manager, Tamil Nadu Women Employment & Safety Project (TNWESafe)

Mr Vijay Kumar J Vice President - Human Resources, Brakes India Pvt Ltd

Dr Vidya Mahambare

Concluding Remarks

12.35 PM

Lunch & Networking

Distinguished Speakers

(Click on the Picture to view the profile)

Mr Suresh Raman VicePresident& RegionalHead


Ms S Rukmini Authorand IndependentJournalist

Ms Priti Arora President,Global CapabilitiesCentres, CRISIL

Dr Sandhya Shekhar Advisor,Digital& BusinessStrategy

Mr Vijay Kumar J VicePresident-Human Resources BrakesIndiaPvtLtd

Dr Vidya Mahambare ProfessorofEconomics &Director(Research andFellowProgramin Management),GLIM

Mr K Mahalingam President,MMA& Partner/Director,TSM GroupofCompanies

Dr Angayar Pavanasam ProjectManager,Tamil NaduWomen Employment&Safety Project(TNWESafe)

Dr Suresh Ramanathan Dean&Principal GreatLakesInstituteof Management,Chennai

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