84 Marshall Mount Road, Avondale IM

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84 Marshall Mount Road, AVONDALE

It’s not just Real Estate, It’s our Passion.

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3 The Opportunity ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 Property Particulars & Estimated Outgoings ////////////////////////////////////// 6 Images ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 8 Town Planning Review /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 10 Summary of Services /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 13 Zoning Summaries /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 14 MMJ Zoning Plan //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 16 Deposited Plan ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 18 Improvements ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 20 Floor Plan ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 21 Aerial Image ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 22 EOI /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 24 Disclaimer /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 28 Executive Summary ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Property address

84 Marshall Mount Road, Avondale

Title Details

Lot 3 in Deposited Plan 608205

land area



R2 Low Density Residential, E2 Environmental Conservation, E3 Environmental Management & E4 Environmental Living


Four bedroom brick and tile home with in-ground swimming pool and large farm shed


Regionally Significant Subdivision Opportunity within West Dapto Urban Release Area

method of sale

For Sale by Expressions of Interest Closing 4pm, Thursday 8th November 2018

*All figures & areas are approximate only

for more information contact selling agents MMJ Real Estate Wollongong | Gnd Floor, 6-8 Regent St, Wollongong | 02 4229 5555

Tim Jones MMJ Director, Commercial Sales 0409 456 299 tim.jones@mmj.com.au

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Travis Machan Commercial Sales Agent 0447 300 800 travis.machan@mmj.com.au

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The subject property is within the ‘Elm Park Neighbourhood Precinct’ and represents a wonderful residential subdivision opportunity within what is a highly desirable section of the West Dapto Urban release area. West Dapto itself has been identified by NSW Planning and Environment as a priority urban release area for an expected population growth.

An additional 6.7 hectare (approx.) section of the site is zoned E4 Environmental Living and it is estimated that this would suit three to five large rural-style residential allotments.

It’s recent re-zoning has resulted in a 9.14 hectare (approx.) portion of the site now being zoned R2 Low Density Residential which potentially allows for more than 150 products inclusive of a component of dual occupancy, multi-dwelling housing and/or seniors housing products, which are allowable under this zoning subject to council approval. Based on a close proximity to existing subdivisions and services, it is likely the property will be one of the first group in line for development in the area.

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Following the development of the site, the end product is set to benefit from nearness to both the burgeoning Dapto shopping precinct, and the proposed future Marshall Mount Town Centre and will be easily accessible via the Princes Highway and Princes Motorway. The A-grade position on the northern side of Marshall Mount Road will provide for sweeping and sough-after rural and escarpment views.

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84 Marshall Mount Road, Avondale

Title Particulars




Minimum Lot Size

FSR (Min.)

Buiding Height (Max.)

E2 Environmental Conservation

Rear north extending to northern street front


Subject to Development Approval



E3 Environmental Management

Southern corner extending to street front




Subject to Development Approval


E4 Environmental Living

Mid portion of site adjoining street front




9.0 metres

R2 Low Density Residential

Mid portion of site adjoining street front




9.0 metres



Lot 3 in Deposited Plan 608205

land area







E2 Environmental Conservation

Rear north extending to northern street front




E3 Environmental Management

Southern corner extending to street front



E4 Environmental Living

Mid portion of site adjoining street front



R2 Low Density Residential

Mid portion of site adjoining street front






* Please note that the areas of each zoning are estimates only based on the Wollongong City Council zoning map.








Council Rates (Estimated)

$3,000 pa

Land Tax (Estimated)

$12,000 pa

Land Value (Estimated)




*It should be noted that the subject property is currently combined with another vendor-owned property for land tax and council rating purposes. As such we have provided individual estimates of both above.

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For the purpose of this IM, MMJ Wollongong’s Town Planning Department has been requested to provide preliminary planning advice in relation to the redevelopment considerations for 84 Marshall Mount Road, Avondale (i.e. subject site). In this regard, the main purpose of this planning review is to provide basic due diligence advice in relation to future planning matters associated with strategic vision for redeveloping the subject site.

The advice herein is based on a preliminary ‘desktop’ review only, and it is noted that no formal enquiries with Wollongong City Council have taken place at this stage. No site inspection of the property was conducted, and no site-specific due diligence materials have been sighted at this stage. Our investigations have merely relied on the accessible and publicly available planning legislation resources to date. It is understood that our resulting advice herein may be used to prepare future plans and strategies for the subject site. To this end, the guidance offered are purely merit based considerations and opinions, based on our experience and an understanding of the facts and circumstances. However, we set out our understanding as follows so that it may be checked. If our understanding is incorrect, or materially incomplete, our advice may change. In considering the advice sought, the following is noted:• • • • •

• • • • • •        •

The West Dapto Urban Release Area covers an area of approximately 4,700 hectares for an additional 19,500 dwellings. West Dapto is clearly the last remaining area for large-scale urban release development in the Wollongong Local Government Area. West Dapto has been identified by the NSW Planning and Environment as a priority urban release area for an expected population growth. In 2006, Wollongong City Council endorsed the “West Dapto Vision Local Environmental Study” and Draft LEP and commenced discussions with the Minister for Planning with regards to the NSW Growth Centre’s Commission (GCC). In late 2008, Council considered the GCC report highlighting primary concerns relating to the viability and affordability of the release area. Thereafter, Council endorsed the GCC recommendations and requested NSW Department of Planning to approve the Draft LEP for West Dapto Stages 1 & 2 and the Town Centre. The LEP instrument renamed “Wollongong Local Environmental Plan (West Dapto) 2010”, was approved by the Minister. The remaining lands including Yallah/Marshall Mount area were “Deferred” and would further coincide with recommendations of GCC to promote effective development for the release of the lands through staging. In 2014, Wollongong LEP (West Dapto) 2010 was repealed and transferred to the current Wollongong LEP 2009. As Yallah/Marshall Mount was still “Deferred”, it was still controlled under previous Wollongong Council LEPs. Following initial rezoning and release of West Dapto Stages 1 & 2, Town Centre, Horsley since 2010, there has been strong public demand to bring forward rezonings and releases of remaining lands, including Yallah/Marshall Mount. In 2011, a draft Planning Proposal was considered by the (then) NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure for a “Gateway” determination. The Department supported the progression of the Planning Proposal subject to preparation of the following studies and assessments: A Master Plan that justifies the proposed zoning arrangements and development standards; A study which further refines the extent of endangered species habitat and significant vegetation boundaries and provides details of potential stewardship arrangements for the management of environmentally sensitive areas post-development; Post-development flood study and water cycle management plan; A traffic study; Bushfire risk management plan; An Aboriginal Heritage Assessment for the precinct; and An infrastructure servicing assessment to demonstrate that the new urban precinct can be adequately serviced. These specialist studies were undertaken by consultants on behalf of Council, and were ultimately used to inform the revision of the draft Structure Plan previously developed for the area.

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Following initial exhibition of the draft structure plan and public feedback, a workshop was held on 11 October 2013, resulting in minor changes to the Structure Plan and a revision of the Village Centre concept plan. As a result, Yallah/Marshall Mount or Marshall Mount Draft Structure Plan and draft planning proposal was exhibited in 2014, Council resolved to adopt the updated plan in 2015, subject to infrastructure cost reviews. The vision for Yallah/Marshall Mount is to create a diversified community based on a workable sustainable village centre. In December 2017, Council resolved to proceed with the finalisation of the Yallah/Marshall Mount Planning Proposal once IPART and the NSW Government determined how the shortfall in funding for the required infrastructure will be met. In April 2017, Council adopted the West Dapto Section 94 Development Contribution Plans of the NSW Government to expediate zoning of those lands with adopted infrastructure plans. In December 2017, NSW Department of Planning & Environment advised Council that the West Dapto Section 94 Contribution Development Plans could be adopted as the “Yallah/Marshall Mount Planning Proposal” was being reviewed by the NSW Department of Environment & Planning to organise and amend the LEP and notify of the amendment once gazetted. Once notified, the Yallah/Marshal Mount Precinct was recently rezoned to permanent urban development. Section 94 Contributions by developers will gradually rise for contributions to infrastructure costs over the next 5 years. Wollongong City Council’s comprehensive Development Control Plan (DCP) 2009 will require consideration for the purpose of guidelines for future development for the subject property. The subject site is subject to specific “Precinct Plan” controls as part of the DCP, being Chapter D16 (West Dapto Release Area) which intends to implement the development structure of the West Dapto Release Area, as outlined in the West Dapto Masterplan and provide guidance on future development of the land at West Dapto. In relation to Council’s plans and policies as above, with the subsequent rezoning of the Yallah/Marshall Mount Precinct and using the knowledge accumulated over the past 10 years, Council has now prepared a draft for the 2018 West Dapto Vision document, including an updated Planning Principles and Structure Plan. This information was recently on public exhibition from 9th August to 10th September 2018. Landowners in the vicinity will be required to consult with regards to adopting Neighbourhood Plans for future development guidelines, prior to any development occurring. The subject site is located in the Elm Park Neighbourhood Precinct. With regards to timing of any redevelopment, it is noted that the subject site will be required to go through the Neighbourhood Planning process, prior to any typical Development Application (DA) process. Council’s DCP states that:-

“A Neighbourhood Plan is an immediate step between the West Dapto Masterplan and a Development Application. The Neighbourhood Plan allows issues to be considered on a neighbourhood/precinct/catchment scale. A Neighbourhood Plan enables adjoining land owners to jointly consider common constraints and design issues. The Neighbourhood Plan will be exhibited as an amendment to the West Dapto Masterplan and should be in place prior to the determination of the development application.” • In our experience, it is likely that both the Neighbourhood Planning process and Development Application process could be in the order of 2 years to complete. • The subject property may be one of the first group of properties in line for redevelopment in this area as it has existing Dapto subdivisions close by to the north and servicing will extend south past/in the vicinity of the subject site. • The subject site is controlled by Wollongong LEP 2009, of which it is zoned in part as follows:  R2 Low Density Residential (estimated at 9.14 ha)  E2 Environmental Conservation (estimated at 30.32 ha)  E3 Environmental Management (estimated at 4.0 ha)  E4 Environmental Living (estimated at 6.7 ha)

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SUMMARY OF SERVICES *Information supplied by Indesco. We recommend that parties seek their own advice.

The ‘R2’ zoned land throughout the majority of the site may be subdivided off into standard low density residential lots, with a minimum lot size of 449m² for any Torrens title subdivision proposed. This minimum lot size criteria is similar to the majority of other parts within the West Dapto release area, which to date appears to have resulted in varying established and registered lot sizes ranging from 450m² through to 1000m² (on average). Additionally, the current planning controls applicable to this zone permit, with Council’s consent, a redevelopment for a variety of housing types typical of new urban release area residential environment (such as dual occupancies, multi dwelling housing, seniors housing, etc). In considering development yield for subdivision purposes, it is understood both the NSW Government and Council’s expectations for this urban release area are to average approximate yields in the order of 13-15 dwellings/per hectare. Application of this rate to the total R2 land area available (being estimate of approximately 9.14 ha – subject to accurate survey) provides a theoretical development yield of between some 118 to 137 standard lots. In addition, with land use residential options such as dual occupancy is and multi dwelling housing permitted with Council’s consent, it is likely that additional dwelling yield over and above this lot subdivision estimate will be possible. The E4 zoned land incorporates and estimated area of some 6.7 ha, with an approximately 1.83 ha of developable area that is unencumbered by easements. Only this area is where dwelling envelopes would likely be allowed to be sited for any new subdivision. As the zoning incorporates a minimum lot size criteria of 4999 m², it is estimated that between 3 to 5 lots could be developed within this part of the site. Ideally the lot arrangement would incorporate part available dwelling entitlement area and part area encumbered by easements to achieve the lot size minimum requirements. With regards to both the E2 and E3 zone portions of land, urban development opportunities are quite limited. The E2 portion is significantly covered with notable vegetation areas and is been identified by virtue of this zone to have high ecological value. Whilst the E2 zone land has subdivision potential in terms of minimum lot size criteria, residential dwellings are not permitted within the subject zone, so the land is most likely optimal to be retained as one larger environmental landholding. Opportunities for Biocertification conservation or Biobanking could be investigated further, together with transfer of this land possibly to Council. Similarly, the E3 portion land is bisected by a riparian creek corridor and is likely affected by stormwater/flooding considerations. The minimum lot size allowance for enabling a dwelling on this E3 portion is 39.99 hectares, and therefore residential/urban development will not be available in this part. This land would likely be best handed over to Council in the future also, to maintain contiguously corridors for open space and riparian management purposes.

Sewer and Water: Sydney Water is currently undertaking the final stages of the business case for the first package in the Marshall Mount release area. Sydney Water expect sewer and water services to be made available for Stage 1 (which includes Lot 3 DP 608205) by the end of 2021. Approximately 0.3 km of sewer and water lead-in services are required to be delivered by the developer. Reimbursement of lead-in works will be in accordance with the Sydney Water Procurement Guidelines for Developer Works. Endeavour Energy: The development site is situated in an existing 11kV network area. One available 11kV feeder DP1210 exists across the frontage of the proposed site and is supplied from the Dapto Zone Substation approximately 2.6 km away. At the present time, there is capacity to supply approximately 200 lots from this feeder. Capacity cannot be reserved; and all development in excess of the current capacity will require an additional 11kV feeder from the proposed Calderwood Zone Substation which is scheduled for completion in 2021/2022. Jemena Gas: A high pressure gas main is located within the release area and Jemena have confirmed that it will be servicing the release area. Developer funded lead-in works are not anticipated. Telstra/NBN: The site is currently serviced by Telstra. NBN will be rolled out as development progresses in the release area. No developer funded NBN backhaul charges are anticipated.

Note: The number and sizes of lots/dwellings can be varied in accordance with market demand. The actual achievable development yields are subject further detailed urban design work, however, this form of ‘greenfields’ development provides the flexibility to address particular site constraints. The final guarantee and/or decision on the adequacy of any proposed development can only be determined by relative consent authority within a more specific purpose detailed design and Development Application process. At the appropriate time, it is recommended that all provisions of the above Plans/Policies be considered in order to ascertain its full effect on the land for any future detailed development design or application process. This should be undertaken in consultation with the appropriate Town Planner and sub-consultants, should you wish to pursue further. In reading this advice, it should be noted that any perceived land use development considerations identified herein are purely merit-based opinions. Again, the advice provided is based on our understanding of the facts and circumstances, ascertained from the information made available to date. In terms of other forms of related redevelopment opportunities, we have not considered the myriad of possibilities here, but would be pleased to advise further on any specific issue at your request. We trust this advice is suitable for your consideration, and please feel free to contact the Town Planning Department at MMJ Wollongong if further information and/or discussion is required in this matter.

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ZONING SUMMARY E2 Environmental Conservation (Wollongong Local Environment Plan 2009) 1 Objectives of zone • To protect, manage and restore areas of high ecological, scientific, cultural or aesthetic values. • To prevent development that could destroy, damage or otherwise have an adverse effect on those values. • To retain and enhance the visual and scenic qualities of the Illawarra Escarpment. • To maintain the quality of the water supply for Sydney and the Illawarra by protecting land forming part of the Sydney drinking water catchment (within the meaning of State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Drinking Water Catchment) 2011) to enable the management and appropriate use of the land by Water NSW. 2 Permitted without consent Nil 3 Permitted with consent Environmental facilities; Environment protection works; Extensive agriculture; Recreation areas 4 Prohibited Business premises; Hotel or motel accommodation; Industries; Multi dwelling housing; Recreation facilities (major); Residential flat buildings; Restricted premises; Retail premises; Seniors housing; Service stations; Warehouse or distribution centres; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 3

E3 Environmental Management (Wollongong Local Environment Plan 2009) 1 Objectives of zone • To protect, manage and restore areas with special ecological, scientific, cultural or aesthetic values. • To provide for a limited range of development that does not have an adverse effect on those values. 2 Permitted without consent Home occupations 3 Permitted with consent Animal boarding or training establishments; Bed and breakfast accommodation; Building identification signs; Business identification signs; Community facilities; Dwelling houses; Environmental facilities; Environmental protection works; Extensive agriculture; Farm buildings; Farm stay accommodation; Forestry; Home-based child care; Recreation areas; Roads; Secondary dwellings 4 Prohibited Industries; Multi dwelling housing; Residential flat buildings; Retail premises; Seniors housing; Service stations; Warehouse or distribution centres; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 3

R2 Low Density Residential (Wollongong Local Environment Plan 2009)

E4 Environmental Living (Wollongong Local Environment Plan 2009)

1 Objectives of zone • To provide for the housing needs of the community within a low density residential environment. • To enable other land uses that provide facilities or services to meet the day to day needs of residents.

1 Objectives of zone • To provide for low-impact residential development in areas with special ecological, scientific or aesthetic values. • To ensure that residential development does not have an adverse effect on those values.

2 Permitted without consent Home occupations

2 Permitted without consent Building identification signs; Home occupations

3 Permitted with consent Attached dwellings; Bed and breakfast accommodation; Boarding houses; Boat launching ramps; Centre-based child care facilities; Community facilities; Dual occupancies; Dwelling houses; Environmental facilities; Exhibition homes; Exhibition villages; Group homes; Health consulting rooms; Home-based child care; Hospitals; Hostels; Information and education facilities; Jetties; Multi dwelling housing; Neighbourhood shops; Places of public worship; Recreation areas; Recreation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// facilities (indoor); Recreation facilities (outdoor); Residential flat buildings; Respite day care centres; Roads; Semi-detached dwellings; Seniors housing; Shop top housing; Signage; Veterinary hospitals

3 Permitted with consent Bed and breakfast accommodation; Business identification signs; Community facilities; Dwelling houses; Environmental facilities; Environmental protection works; Home-based child care; Recreation areas; Roads; Secondary dwellings 4 Prohibited Industries; Service stations; Warehouse or distribution centres; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 3

4 Prohibited Any development not specified in item 2 or 3

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MMJ ZONING PLAN The below plan is an estimate of the areas of each different zoning NET of the easements that affect the property.

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* Please note that this is NOT a survey and that the areas on this plan are estimates only

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IMPROVEMENTS Erected on the land and assumed to stand wholly within the boundaries are various improvements, all relating the property’s rural residential type usage. These are summarized below;


MAIN DWELLING Construction

Brick veneer on raft slab, timber frame hip and tile roof


Constructed in approximately 1992


4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 walk-in robe, 3 built-in robes, hall/entry, lounge/dining, kitchen, family room, rumpus, laundry, twin garage, patio, covered recreation area.



Walls External


Walls Internal


Wet Areas


Roof Framing


Roof Covering

Concrete tiles

Building areas Main Roof


Twin Garage




Recreation Area



The subject is a single-level, early 1990s Beechwood Homes project dwelling of a relatively modern format and suiting the property’s location. Kitchen and bathroom facilities and décor are original.

Other improvements Workshop

Steel framed, metal clad workshop of approximately 108m2


In-ground fibreglass pool and surround

Water Tank

Concrete water tank

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INVITATION TO SUBMIT EOI Property: 84 Marshall Mount Road, Avondale Vendor’s Agent: Martin Morris & Jones Pty Ltd (Tim Jones) 1. Introduction The Vendor invites interested parties to submit Expression of Interest for the purchase of the Property. This invitation should be read in conjunction with: a) The contract/s of sale for the relevant Property (Contract of Sale, or Contract) b) The Information Memorandum prepared by the Vendor’s Agent dated October 2018

The Contract of Sale, Information Memorandum and other information provided by the Vendor may be updated, varied or supplemented by the Vendor at any time prior to the Closing Date, 4pm 8th November, 2018.

2. Conditions for the Sale of the Property The conditions of sale include: a) A requirement for payment of a 10% (plus GST) deposit on exchange of Contracts with the balance of the price to be paid at settlement; b) Directors’ and shareholders’ guarantees to be provided for the purchaser if the purchaser is a corporation; c) Provisions for payment by the purchaser of GST in addition to the price; and d) A settlement date which is 42 days from date of Contract.

The conditions of sale and contents of the Contract of Sale for the property may be changed at the absolute discretion of the Vendor until such time as a binding Contract exists between the Vendor and the Purchaser.


Contents of Expression of Interest Expression of Interest must be lodged in the attached form at the office of the Vendor’s Agent, in a sealed envelope marked “Expression of Interest, 84 Marshall Mount Road, Avondale” and marked for the attention of the agent.


Procedures Following Expression of Interest The Vendor will, after the Closing Date, (in conjunction with its Solicitors and the Vendor’s Agent) consider all Expression of Interest submitted and may: a) Negotiate with one or more of the Interested Parties; b) Require the successful interested party to execute a Contract of Sale; or c) Select a list of interested parties to participate in a tender process.

Subject to Clause 5.4, the Vendor or the Vendor’s Agents will endeavour to inform all interested parties who have submitted an Expression of Interest of the status of their submission on or about a fortnight after submission.

The Vendor may reconsider and negotiate the terms of any Expression of Interest at any time prior to entering into a binding Contract.

Expression of Interest received after the Closing Date may be excluded from consideration altogether, in the Vendor’s discretion.

The vendor is not obliged to: a) Negotiate with any interested party; or b) Sell the property.

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Conditions which Govern the Submission of Expression of Interest All information provided in this invitation and any other information given to an interested party by the Vendor, the Vendor’s Solicitors or the Vendor’s Agent is given for guidance only and does not represent an inducement to enter into any contract with the Vendor.

An interested party who submits an Expression of Interest acknowledges that it has relied solely on the results of its own investigations and enquiries regarding the Property and not on any information given by the Vendor, the Vendor’s Agents or anyone else on the Vendor’s behalf and that if further negotiations are carried out by and between it and the Vendor, the Vendor’s Agent or anyone else on the Vendor’s behalf it will not rely on any additional information any of them give to the interested party.

An Expression of Interest submitted by an interested party or any communications between the Vendor or the Vendor’s Agent and an interested party will not be considered to be an offer capable of acceptance or the acceptance of an offer so as to constitute a binding contract because the Vendor does not intend to be bound until formal contracts are exchanged.

Neither the Vendor, its solicitors, or the Vendor’s Agent is liable for any loss or damage suffered or incurred by an interested party arising out of: a) The content of this invitation; b) The disclosure material and Information Memorandum referred to in Clause 1.2 and any additional information given to an interested party; c) Errors or omissions in this invitation or any other information given to an interested party; d) Property being withdrawn from sale at any time; e) Vendor choosing to negotiate with, or sell the property to, another party including a party who has not submitted an Expression of Interest; f) The Vendor or the Vendor’s Agent not informing an interested party of the outcome of its submission.

Any costs or expenses incurred by an interested party in preparing and lodging an Expression of Interest whether successful or not and in conducting any enquiries or investigations in relation to the Property before or after the lodgement of an Expression of Interest must be paid by an interested party and neither the Vendor, the Vendor’s Solicitors nor the Vendor’s Agent will be liable to reimburse any of the costs to an interested party.

There will be no binding agreement until exchange of Contracts and this invitation to submit an Expression of Interest does not constitute an offer.

6. Confidentiality All information disclosed to or obtained by an interested party in relation to the Property must be kept confidential by the interested party unless: a) The disclosure is specifically authorised in writing by the Vendor; or b) The disclosure is made in good faith to an independent consultant retained by an interested party for the purposes of assessing whether the interested party should submit an Expression of Interest, and strictly on the basis that the information is confidential.

All submissions by an interested party will be treated as confidential and will not be disclosed except to officers of the Vendor, the Vendor’s Agent and the Vendor’s Solicitors and other professional advisers of the Vendor.

Each interested party agrees to indemnify the Vendor and must keep the Vendor indemnified against all damages, losses, costs and liabilities claimed, suffered or incurred as a consequence of any breach of clause 6.1 by the interested party or its employees, consultants or other persons for whom it is responsible. In consideration of the Vendor agreeing to receive each Expression of Interest, this clause will continue to bind each interested party, even if its Expression of Interest is not accepted.

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EOI FORM Property: 84 Marshall Mount Road, Avondale Please provide the following information. This will register your interest in the abovementioned property.


Property: 84 Marshall Mount Road, Avondale Please provide the following information. This will register your interest in the abovementioned property.






The interested party warrants to the Vendor and the Vendor’s Agent that the signatory to this Expression of Interest and the person nominated as the contact person for information and negotiation is authorised to submit this Expression of Interest and negotiate with the Vendor.















If the interested party is a Company, the Expression of Interest must be signed by at least one Director of the interested party. EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST CLOSE 4PM, THURSDAY 8TH NOVEMBER 2018 & CAN BE LODGED VIA:

EMAIL: tim.jones@mmj.com.au

FACSIMILE: 02 4226 2040

POST: Martin Morris & Jones Pty Ltd Attention: Tim Jones PO BOX 1167, Wollongong 2500

IN PERSON: Tim Jones Ground Floor, 6-8 Regent Street Wollongong, NSW, 2500



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DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER Martin, Morris & Jones Pty Limited (“agent”) for themselves and GPT Funds Management Limited as responsible entity of the GPT Wholesale Shopping Centre Fund No. 1 (“vendor”) the vendor of these properties whose agent they are, give notice that: (i) The particulars in this Information Memorandum (“IM”) are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of prospective purchasers to assist them in deciding whether they are sufficiently interested in the property to proceed with further investigation and do not constitute an offer or contract. If a potential purchaser makes an offer or signs a contract for the property, they acknowledge that they have not relied on any information (unless otherwise agreed in a written contract with the vendor). Any information given in this IM does not form part of a contract. (ii) The agent and the vendor do not guarantee the accuracy of any information contained in this IM. All descriptions, dimensions, references to conditions and necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, but prospective purchasers should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact. Prospective purchasers must make and rely on their own enquiries and investigations to satisfy themselves by inspections or otherwise as to the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in the IM (including, without limitation, any restrictions on its use or development). A draft Agreement for Sale of Land is available for inspection at the offices of the agent. In the event of any inconsistency between this IM and the Agreement for Sale of Land, the provisions of the Agreement for Sale of Land shall prevail. (iii) No person in the employment of the agent or the vendor has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to these properties (other than by the vendor in an Agreement for Sale of Land) and do not accept any responsibility arising in any way for any errors in or omissions from any information. (iv) The vendor reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to postpone or cancel the proposed sale of any of the properties and to modify or add any terms and conditions to any proposed Agreement for Sale of Land and other material associated with the proposed sale, which may be made available to a potential purchaser. (v) The agent and the vendor and each of their associates, related parties, employees, agents and every person involved in the preparation of this IM expressly disclaim any liability on any grounds whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss or damage (whether foreseeable or not) which may result from any party acting on or relying upon all or any part of the information contained in the IM notwithstanding any negligence, default or lack of care.

copyright The information in this document is subject to copyright and may not be copied, reproduced or duplicated. Aerial imagery and mapping supplied by nearmap.com.

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