Mount Morgan Argus Volume 14, Issue 7

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24 APRIL - 8 MAY, 2019



Easter Egg Hunt...Pg 2

Library Fun...Pg 8

Youth Week...Pg 15

Story Page 2


PH: 07 4938 1269

EGG-stra Special Egg Hunt On Saturday, 20 April children aged seven and under had the opportunity to join in the 2019 Easter Egg Hunt. This event was held by Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc [MMPAD]. Before searching for their eggs and pegs...the children had to make their own Easter Egg Basket. Following the basket making activity, the children searched the Visitor Information Centre gardens for plastic eggs and pegs. Once the eggs and pegs were found, these were exchanged for large and small Easter Eggs. Charlii Wilson (pictured below) found the most eggs and pegs.

COUNCIL PRESENTS “BLUEPRINT” The draft “blueprint” for Mount Morgan’s future was presented to the Mount Morgan Community at the Roundtable Follow-up meeting held on 2 April 2019. Rockhampton Regional Council developed the plan from the first Roundtable meeting held in November 2018 and from submissions by community members and groups following the meeting. The “blueprint” was presented in the form of the draft strategy, which has yet to be passed by the Rockhampton Regional Council before going out to public consultation. During the public consultation stage, residents will have the opportunity to endorse or reject ideas and concepts within the plan. “In November last year, we held our first Roundtable event, and asked the community their thoughts on Mount Morgan’s development and potential. We took all of the feedback and ideas from this event, and have since been working on tangible, positive projects for Mount Morgan,” Deputy Mayor, Cr Cherie Rutherford said. “It was very exciting to be able to bring this back to the community on 2 April – and announce some of the projects now in the pipeline as a result of their feedback and ideas,” she said. “Some are already underway and some are still in planning stage, but overall, I feel Mount Morgan has some very exciting things on the horizon,” Cr Rutherford said.

WORK ON FOOTPATH ONGOING Residents are being encouraged to shop local and keep supporting local businesses as work gets underway to upgrade the footpath in the Mount Morgan CBD. Businesses will remain open and accessible throughout the works, which take place from now until July. The upgrade will see the current bitumen walkway along the business strip replaced with a new concrete footpath. Ramps and upgraded entrances will also be added in some areas to improve disability access. The works also include upgraded seating and bins, the construction of a pedestrian refuge island, reconstruction of the kerb and channel, and extension of the existing stormwater drainage network.

The eggs were donated by MMPAD, Rhonda Ramm, Eve-lyn Rogers and Noelene Mugridge. MMPAD would like to thank Barbara Gould and Rhonda and Eve-lyn for taking time out their Easter Weekend to run this event.

While the works are set to continue beyond the Golden Mount Festival in early May, Council will ensure that no works will be carried out during this time and that Morgan Street will be fully accessible throughout the festivities. Throughout the works there are reduced speed limits in place and the car parking spaces adjacent to the work area will close as crews progress along the job. Pedestrian access is also affected, however measures have been taken to assist access as much as possible. MOUNT MORGAN ARGUS DISCLAIMER

The Mount Morgan Argus is published by Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc, 1 Railway Parade, Mount Morgan. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the publishers. MMPAD reserves the discretionary right to alter, omit, reclassify or postpone publication of articles, photographs or advertisements in the Mount Morgan Argus.MMPAD takes all possible care with the publication of news, names and other information sourced by MMPAD representatives. It does not, however, take responsibility for erroneous information or spelling supplied by external sources. Please take care and ensure that information is correct and names are spelt correctly before submitting any items to this publication. MMPAD Executive

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24 April - 8 May, 2019

24 April - 8 May, 2019


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MMMPHS NEWS It is with regret that we inform the community of Dr Mario Soteriou resignation. Mount Morgan has had the benefit of Dr Mario as a Hospital Doctor and General Practitioner for over seven years. He showed dedication to the Mount Morgan community leaving his family in Brisbane to provide a fly in fly out service and will be missed by the community and health service.

Residents’ Easter Party: On Tuesday, 16 April, over 50 people helped our Residents celebrate Easter. Residents, family and friends enjoyed a shared luncheon and a visit from the Easter Bunny. Many thanks to Freda and Robert for providing the entertainment. Easter Raffle: Thank you to everyone for supporting our Easter Raffle. Congratulations to Glenda Cahill who was the lucky winner.

ANZAC BISCUITS Although their origins are unknown, for more than a century, Anzac biscuits are traditionally baked and consumed to commemorate ANZAC Day on 25 April each year. Mothers, wives, and community groups would bake these ‘ANZAC’ biscuits, and send them overseas to loved ones who were serving in World War I with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC). Original recipes for these favourites omitted eggs as they were in short supply, and consisted of ingredients that didn’t spoil easily, and would survive the naval transportation to their loved ones.

Dr Soteriou has made the decision to return to his family and we wish him all the best in his future endeavours. Dr Kenny Parra continues to provide medical services to the Hospital and appointments as a General Practitioner. The Practice will be managed by the Rural Health Service. The Hospital and Health Service has commenced a recruitment campaign to fill this permanent position and in the interim will employ locum doctors to maintain the important medical services to the Hospital and the community.

1 cup desiccated coconut 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup rolled oats 1 cup plain flour 1/4 cup butter 3 tbs Golden Syrup 1/2 tsp baking soda 2 tbs boiling water Method 1. Combine dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Melt butter and golden syrup in a large saucepan over low heat (or in a microwave for about one minute on high). Mix baking soda with boiling water and stir into the melted mixture, then pour into the centre of the dry ingredients. Mix to a moist but firm consistency. 2. Drop slightly rounded teaspoons of mixture onto a greased biscuit tray and press flat with a fork dipped in flour.

Above: The Easter Bunny visited Mount Morgan Multi Purpose Centre last week during the luncheon for residents, family and friends. The luncheon was held to celebrate Easter. Page 4


3. Bake for about 15 minutes in a moderate oven. Cool on a wire rack. Store in an airtight container. Makes approximately 30.

24 April - 8 May, 2019

MOUNT MORGAN RODEO 2019 Proudly brought you by the Mount Morgan Rodeo Association Inc in affiliation with CRCA

Dust flies at 11 am

SUNDAY, 5 MAY 2019


GATES OPEN: 6 am FOOD AVAILABLE: 6.30 am No eskies or gazebos are permitted. Some pre-erected shelters are provided! Free shuttle bus from the Grand Hotel to the Showgrounds from 11 am The Mount Morgan Rodeo is a glass-free area. Mount Morgan Rodeo Association Inc would like to thank its sponsors who have contributed more than $5000 in Cash and Prizes Mount Morgan IGA, Stewarts Towing & Service Station, KJ Daniels Truck and Bobcat Hire, Grand Hotel Mount Morgan, Jeff Thompson Excavator Hire, Ian and Keri GTraynor at Mount Morgan Post Office, Mount Morgan Hot Bread Shop, Silver Wattle Caravan Park, Abco Drilling, Smalls Trading Company, Rays Transport, Kanga Doo, Golden Nugget Hotel, Dale Bougoure, Heilbrons, Railway Hotel, Mount Morgan CWA, Mount Morgan Family Practice, Saddle World, Stockman’s Corner, PJM Handy Services, Rocky Feed and Seed, Mark Humphreys Electrical, James Street Service Station, Mount Morgan Hardware, Pearl and Dale Bougoure.

FAMILY FUN DAY A FREE event at the Mount Morgan Showgrounds MONDAY, 6 MAY 2019 10 am - 2 pm Free Rides


Free Food


& Drinks

These events are proudly sponsored by Rockhampton Regional Council. 24 April - 8 May, 2019


Page 5

DEE RIVER OLDIES Easter is a special time to share with family and friends and we hope our members have had a good Easter break, or at least a chance to take it easy. On Wednesday, 3 April our mystery bus trip left the bus stop in Morgan Street and turned left. Where were we going? It certainly was a mystery. Rolling along we headed towards Dululu. The weather was good and the paddocks were green. Arriving in Wowan brought back memories of yesteryear. We had a drive around the town seeing the old butter factory, butcher shop, garage and hotel. Sadly these businesses have closed. We had a look at the showgrounds and Gaye Vardy told us some interesting history of the area. The Dee River Oldies Group would like to thank the people who prepared our lovely morning tea at the Wowan Bowls club. It was a chance to have a break, a chat

FESTIVAL NEWS Things are heating up in the race to get all loose ends tied up, and advance toward the Golden Mount Festival 2019. There is still much work to be done though, and the committee would like to call upon all members and Friends of the Festival to attend the last two meetings before the event, to be briefed on proceedings. Meetings are held at 4.30 pm, every Tuesday until the festival, at Saint Mary’s Anglican Church Hall in Gordon Street. For more information please call 04 5756 1711 or follow us on Facebook. Page 6

and a cuppa. Back on the bus, where were we going? After a stop at Jambin, we travelled along roads a lot of us have never been on before. Next stop was Kilburnie Homestead. A lot of history on this property. Established in 1883 and still run by its descendants. It was all set up with tables and chairs, a kitchen and a band to keep us entertained. We enjoyed stew and damper. Thank you to the family members and staff who catered for our members. After a group photo, we left and headed through Biloela seeing the sights along the way. Thanks go to Doug and Margaret and the bus driver and members for an enjoyable day. Please see ‘Save the date’ on the back page of the Argus for the dates and times for meetings and morning teas. Until next time, stay happy and healthy. Submitted by the Steering Committee

Now for the fun stuff! The props and decorations have arrived for the Friday night Live Band at the School of Arts, with the hall to be decorated on Friday, 3 May for the evening. It should be “OUT OF THIS WORLD” that is for sure! We hope you are all working on your costumes, and we will have photo prop opportunities on the night too. With the kids disco the next night, the old hall is sure to be rockin! People have been returning their forms for their procession entries. Yay we have some, Lol, and our stall numbers are climbing steadily. Remember families can enter a float, not just businesses MOUNT MORGAN ARGUS

or schools, and it would be great to see some local clans, friendship groups, and clubs represented. Finally from all involved with the Golden Mount Festival Association we would like to say a massive thank you to all of our sponsors, and supporters. Without you, none of this would go ahead, and a 42 year-old tradition would be lost. To our committee, hats off to you for coming together, going above and beyond… all deserve a medal! Good Luck…and we will see you on the flipside! The members of the Golden Mount Festival Association hope everyone has a fantastic time! 10 - 24 April, 2019


Sunday 25 August 2019


Start laybying your tickets now at the MMPAD Office at the Mount Morgan Railway Station

$20 Children (16 and under) $30 Pensioner & $40 Adults.

The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Rockhampton Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland. 24 April - 8 May, 2019


Page 7

MOUNT MORGAN LIBRARY NEWS Alpacas dancing, shimmying and more Have you ever seen an alpaca with a maraca? Matt Cosgrove’s deliciously funny picture book Alpacas with maracas will set the scene for the annual National Simultaneous Storytime at the Mount Morgan Library on Wednesday 22 May starting at 10am. Not only will there be seriously silly stories, fun and games for children aged under 5 years and their parents or carers – you might get to play the part of an alpaca looking to perform! This picture book will be read simultaneously in libraries, childcare centres, classrooms and homes around Australia.

Please contact the Library Administration office on phone 4936 8043 if you would like a TSS workshop presented for your community group in a local hall, clubhouse or community centre later in the year. This is a free service and we will come to you. Mount Morgan Library ǀ Phone 4936 8169 or 4936 8043 ǀ email:

WIN tickets to the Movies or the Pilbeam Theatre Sharpen up those pencils and get the textas out for two upcoming colouring competitions. Billionaire Boy is the story of twelve year old Joe who owns a golden underwater Ferrari and his own cinema – but what he really wants is a friend. Win a double pass to see this performance at the Pilbeam Theatre on Tuesday, 18 June. Entry forms are available at all libraries now. Aladdin is a wonderful story of a young man, a magic lamp and a genie with attitude. Entry forms to win tickets to see this film at Birch Carroll & Coyle Cinemas will be available at all libraries on 29 April.

Above: Bailey, Hadlee and Alarney from the Red Frog Early Learning Centre promoting the National Simultaneous Storytime event at the Mount Morgan Library

Be a Tech Savvy Senior Tech Savvy Seniors (TSS) gives older people, particularly those in regional and remote areas of Queensland, the opportunity to develop the skills and confidence to use technology for socialising, accessing important services or conducting personal business. Book your seat at one of free, interactive workshops at the libraries by phoning 4936 8043. Mount Morgan Library Tue 14 May 9.30 am to 11.30 am Tue 11 Jun 9.30 am to 11.30 am Tue 25 Jun 9.30 am to 11.30 am Tue 9 Jul 9.30 am to 11.30 am Tue 16 Jul 9.30 am to 11.30 am Tue 23 Jul 9.30 am 11.30 am Page 8

Introduction to tablets Introduction to email Introduction to smart phones Introduction to smart phones Be Connected: Choosing the right data plan Introduction to email

Above: John Tuxworth (Library Assistant) Mount Morgan Library with Naomi Brownless (Coordinator Libraries and Child Services)


The family of the late Mervyn Patterson (Patto) will be spreading his ashes at Crown Street at 9.30 am Friday, 3 May. All friends are welcome to join the family for this and the morning tea held afterwards at the Golden Nugget Hotel. WANTED: Person to water garden once a week. Phone 0427 203 570 for further information. Payment offered.


24 April - 8 May, 2019

EVENTS CALENDAR Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc is currently gathering event listings for 2019. This events calendar will be a “living calendar” and will change as events are listed. This is not meant to be an ultimate list of events, but rather an important planning tool to assist community organisations and bodies to plan ahead and avoid clashes where possible. This calendar will be posted on the Mount Morgan Community Noticeboard and on a monthly basis in the Mount Morgan Argus. Please email your events to Events will also be listed in the “Save the Date” column in the Argus.

golden mount festival association 2019 festival program Friday, 3 May - Opening Night Event Doors open 6.30 pm. Entry - $10. Live Band “Just Us”. Multi Draw, BBQ and Bar operating at Mount Morgan School of Arts Saturday, 4 May - Grand Parade and Activities 8.30 am Morgan Street Markets 9.00 am Welcome to Country & official opening 9.15 am All day street entertainment and busking 10.30 am assembling at School top oval for 3-8 old Mini cutter

25 April


3-6 May 4 May

Golden Mount Festival Running the Cutter

5 May

Mount Morgan Rodeo

6 May

Family Fun Day

11 May

St. Mary’s Mothers’ Day Cent Sale.

22 June 7 July

MMPAD Trivia Night Sunday Bike Show and Swap Meet

13-14 July

CQ Crane Hire Gold Rush Hill Sprint

10 August

Mount Morgan Show

25 August

Legends and the Locals - Troy Cassar-Daley

7 Sept

Wattle Day

16 Sept

Start Buy Local Progam

11 Nov

Remembrance Day

7 Dec

Christmas Tree Festival

21 Dec

Christmas Lights Competition

1.30 pm Grand Parade - Theme - Out of this world 2.15 pm Assembling for Junior Running the Cutter 3.15 pm Assembling for Senior Running the Cutter 4.00 pm Presentation Procession and Running the Cutter trophies Saturday Evening 4 May Kids Underage Alien theme Disco. School of Arts. Starts 6.30 pm Sunday 5 May Big Breakfast @ No. 7 Dam 8-11 am Mount Morgan Rodeo @ Mount Morgan Showgrounds. Brekky at 8 am. Presented by Mount Morgan Rodeo Association. Sunday Evening 5 May - Movie, BBQ and Fireworks - 5 pm start at No 7 Dam Recreation Area. FREE Monday, 6 May

IMPORTANT NUMBERS MOUNT MORGAN ARGUS - 4938 2312 Mount Morgan Hospital - 4912 5100 Mount Morgan High School - 4912 5555 Mount Morgan Primary School - 4912 5333 Snake Catcher - 0478 227 863 Wildlife Carer - 0400 591 504 EMERGENCIES - 000 24 April - 8 May, 2019

Golden Mount Festival Annual 2 person Ambrose Tournament. Mount Morgan Golf Club. Tee off at 9 am. Free Family Fun Day presented by Mount Morgan Rodeo Association.

Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc would like to wish both the Golden Mount Festival Association Inc and Mount Morgan Rodeo Association Inc the best of luck for the traditional May Day Weekend. A special thank you to the volunteers who give freely of their time for this annual event!


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THE ORANGE DOT By Larry at Fox Video

Movie Review ORDEAL BY INNOCENCE So great to see Mr Cool, Bill Nighy in harness and full flight again. Hasn’t changed a bit in recent years and still moves confidently with grace and speed, delivering a powerful performance as patriarch and husband Leo Argyll with the wit and class we’ve come to expect of him. In ORDEAL BY INNOCENCE Bill shares the screen with a dream cast, including Eleanor Tomlinson (Demelza Poldark in POLDARK), Anthony Boyle (Scorpius Malfoy of HARRY POTTER), Matthew Goode (Henry Talbot in DOWNTON ABBEY and Professor Matt Clairmont in DISCOVERY OF WITCHES), Luke Treadaway (A STREETCAT NAMED BOB, Ella Purcell (MRS PEREGRINE’S HOME FOR PECULIAR CHILDREN & Winston’s secretary Helen Garrett in CHURCHILL), and many other fondly familiar faces.

ORDEAL BY INNOCENCE opens at Christmas in the big house, the family estate at Sunny Point. Wealthy philanthropist Rachel Argyll is murdered in her rooms. Her thoroughly dislikeable and creepy son Jack, a young delinquent and ne’er-do-well, is arrested for her murder. He vehemently protests his innocence. Eighteen months later, Dr Arthur Calgary, a mysterious scientist, walks onto the velvety lawns of Sunny Point claiming to have just returned from an expedition to the Arctic. Even more extraordinary is his claim to hold the alibi that can prove Jack’s innocence. But Jack died violently in prison before the case could even come to trial and the Argyll family is reluctant to dig up and trawl through the secrets of the past that had been “put to bed “. Rachel’s widower, Leo (our “Mr Cool”) is about to marry his secretary Gwenda and none of Rachel’s other adopted children,

Mary, Mickey, Tina or Hester; nor longstanding housekeeper Kirsten, is willing to reopen the most horrendous chapter of their lives. However, the shattering implications of Dr Calgary’s story are too big to avoid. If he’s telling the truth then the wrong person was arrested for Rachel’s murder. And... if Jack is innocent, then it must have been somebody else at Sunny Point... somebody still out there... ORDEAL BY INNOCENCE is one of the best whodunnits ever. It will keep you guessing, comparing notes and theories with your coviewers ‘til the very final scenes. The film is split into three parts allowing intervals for discussion, coffee and relief, and it runs for just under three hours, so start early. ORDEAL BY INNOCENCE is rated MA15+ for ‘mature themes, violence, sexual references and coarse language’... Loved it.

SHINING MOMENT FOR YEAR 11 GIRLS It is with much appreciation that we acknowledge the kind contribution of our Shine sponsors : Roseberry Qld Rocky staff, Centacare, Deborah Dawes, Moya Doherty, Dianne McDowell – CQ rural Health, Melissa from the Grand Hotel, Uniting Care, Saint Mary’s Anglican Church Parish Mount Morgan and a few anonymous donors. We also thank Mattea Holliday, the facilitator from Oasis New Life Centre and her helpers who made the program such a success. Fourteen Mount Morgan State High School Year 11 girls participated in the Shine program at the High School for over seven weeks (including the spectacular Graduation). THE kind support has contributed to building a healthy wellbeing, positive- self-esteem, worthiness and strength that will Shine for years!

Above: Mount Morgan State High School Year 11 Shine participants with program sponsors.

Deslea’s Cutz for Mutz

Many of the girls wanted the program to go on forever, thankyou again for standing with our girls and empowering them with these vital skills. Page 10


Mobile Dog Clipping Phone Des: 0447 275 402

24 April - 8 May, 2019

Pride in Your Town Way back in the year 1745 the Young George Washington (USA) compiled and printed a list of “Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversation.” He did it as a school exercise at 13 years of age (Possibly as a transfer from French to English.) The original list had been compiled in 1595 by a French Jesuit. George Washington was the first President of the USA in 1789 to 1797. He was also a military general and statesman. Having discovered them I will share some of them with you, they total 110 in all. However, with women wanting equality with men in many forms, some of these have just disappeared from the horizon. In the older generation some are still preformed and perhaps ladies really expect them. I will present them as George Washington wrote them in 1745 1. Every action done in Company, ought to be with Some Sign of Respect, to those that are present. 2. In the presence of others sing not to yourself with a humming noise, nor drum with your fingers or feet. 3. When you sit down, keep your feet firm and even, without putting

one on the other or crossing them 4. Let the countenance be pleasant but in serious matters somewhat grave. 5. The gestures of the body must be suited to the discourse you are upon. 6. Superfluous complements and all affectation of ceremonie are to be avoided, yet where due they are not to be neglected. 7. Let your discourse with men of business be short and comprehensive. 8. In visiting the sick, do not presently play the physician if you be not knowing therein. 9. Strive not with your superiors in argument, but always submit your judgment to others with modesty. 10. Undertake not to teach your equal in the art himself Professes; it savours arrogancy. 11. Let thy ceremonies in Courtesy be proper to the dignity of his place with whom thou conversest for it is absurd to act the same with a clown and a Prince. 12. Wear not your cloths, foul, unript or dusty but see they be brushed once every day at least

and take heed that you approach not to any uncleanness. 13 .In your apparel be modest and endeavour to accommodate Nature, rather than to procure admiration keep to the fashion of your equals such as are civil and orderly with respect to times and places. 14. Be not curious to know the affairs of others neither approach those that speak in private. 15. In walking the highest place in most countries seems to be on the right hand therefore place yourself on the left of him whom you desire to honour; but if three walk together the middest place is the most honourable; the wall is usually given to the most worthy if two walk together. These are just a few of the 110 and if you think our English is hard to understand this was how these rules were written. Today quite a number of these rules do not exist, possibly never heard of, but in previous generations you were considered ill-bred if you did not show the correct courtesies. Practice the courtesies but do enjoy the Easter break and the Festival.

GUESS THE MOUNT MORGAN IDENTITY The last Mount Morgan identity was John Ramm and several people guessed with the additional clues and photos. Congratulations to Lavina Hale for being the first to guess the identity. Thank you to the others who participated. There are no prizes for this little guessing, except bragging rights. It’s a different way in which to profile people who have contributed to Mount Morgan through involvement in business or community organisations. 24 April - 8 May, 2019


Clues: Not born in Mount Morgan, but has lived here a long time and went to primary and secondary school in Mount Morgan. If you have a photo of a Mount Morgan Identity from when they were younger and would like to share with the Mount Morgan Argus’ readers, email your photo to Answers can also be emailed to this address. Best of luck with the new photo. Page 11


ABN 52 081 926 QBSA 19514 Domestic & Commercial Work Specialising in: • Restumping • Extensions • Renovations • New Home

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Quality Cremation Services Meeting your needs with Quality & Compassion

This spot could be yours for only $22 an issue!

ABN: 54 894 799 119 Cremation without Ceremony from $1350.00 Cremation Service From $2995.00

Contact the Mount Morgan Argus on 07 4938 2312 or by emailing:

Servicing Mount Morgan Region Phone 4921 2673

Stanley Constructions Home Renovations Clinic 1st Tuesday of the Month •

We specialise in general carpentry repairs & steel Fabrications From design & planning to simple handyman services, we do it all.

Phone Gordon Lee today: 0418 886 997

Tony Harney Plumbing

M.A.W Mowing & Handyman Services ABN: 30 706 300 266

Available for all domestic and commercial work. Blocked drains, leaking taps or any other maintenance issues

Now offering Ironing & Housecleaning Services

Phone Tony

0429 669 499 Servicing Mount Morgan ABN : 76 171 835 370

QBSA 735099

Mark Williamson 0403 571 561 Email:

QBCC 1110090

Mark Humphreys’ Electrical 8 Baldwin Street Mount Morgan 4714 Electrical Lic. No. 74711

Discover the difference! Meet Angela Douglas: •Local area agent

•Knowledgeable about the local community

Phone: 0439 727 609 FAX: 4938 2885

Domestic, Rural, Commercial Installation and Repairs,

Promptly Servicing

Mount Morgan & Wowan Districts Page 12


•Listens to your needs •Proven results over and over •New logo, same great person •Free, no hassle appraisals

Angela Douglas: 0401 953 882

24 April - 8 May, 2019

That Truck & Bobcat Bloke


ABN: 35347197734

Call Geoff: 0411 707 741 Based at Razorback, MOONGAN

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Stewarts Towing

& Service Station

PHONE 0418 542 961

Old Bouldercombe Brickworks 53622, Burnett HWY.

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Passmore Refrigeration


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Bob Wheeler 0419 663 277 Po Box 91 Mt Morgan

5 tonne tipper truck Excavator & Kanga Tractor, Slasher & Poison Sprayer Licenced Poisons Contractor 24 April - 8 May, 2019

Sandi Wood (nee Inslay) from Mount Morgan was born and raised within the Mount and is well aware of the needs of the Mount Morgan community. Sandi is Mount Morgan’s funeral consultant and is available for all funeral advice. Contact Sandi for more information and competitive prices with burials, cremations or prepaid funerals. Sandi Wood your local consultant Phone: 4922 1269


Page 13

MORGAN WORKSHOPS DEE BOWLS CLUB MOUNT Below is a list of workshops coordinated

On Saturday, 13 April at the adjourned Special General Meeting, the members all decided to reconsider closing the association, and enter into a shared agreement with the Rockhampton Pentecostal Church Corp, for a six month trial period, to determine if the club can sustain financial viability.

by Rockhampton Regional Council. Go to CommunityEvents/Events-Activities and follow the links to the workshop you wish to attend.

Catering for functions held at the Dee Bowls Club will be undertaken by the local Mount Morgan Pentecostals, with bookings to be made via Debra Kurth – mobile phone: 04 2177 6570. Bookings for use of bar facilities and the bowls green can be made via the Club Secretary Kevin Fox – mobile phone: 04 2341 0917. Both are in consultation with each other.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019 10.30 am to 12.30 pm, Mount Morgan School of Arts

Patrons and past patrons will be pleased to hear that prices have gone down as of Sunday, 7 April for the most common drinks by a dollar ($1.00). Freshly cooked large frozen meals can be obtained from the club bar for $10.00. The Dee Bowls Club is open regularly on Friday’s (except Good Friday) from 4.00 pm to closing, and Sunday’s from 3.00 pm to closing. The Dee Bowls Club recently completed its 2019 Club Championships with the following results- winner of ‘B’ Grade Singles: Beau Munday, with runners-up Rikki Gambin (25-10). Winner of ‘A’ Grade Singles: Steve Bryant, with runners-up Michael Willis (25-24) and winners of Pairs: S. Bryant and M. Willis, with runners-up Beau Munday & Owen Kurth Visitors are most welcome any time the Dee Bowls Club is open, and membership is not required, we do encourage you though to sign our visitor’s book placed at the bar. For your convenience a GOPOS machine is available, for those that like the cashless way of paying their way. Cash cannot be drawn however, although other alternatives can be negotiated with the Bar Manager. Kevin Fox (Secretary / Treasurer)

WALLY HALL MEMORIAL GOLF DAY The annual Wally Hall Memorial Golf Day was played on 30 March 2019. Although it was a little wet, everyone enjoyed the day. After contending with the rain, Letani Mackay, Zoe Mackay and Lachlan Mackay took home the Wally Hall trophy with Peter Mackay, Andrew Pearce and Jai Browne taking out the runners-up trophy. Pinshots were presented on each hole to winners. Raffles were held with the proceeds of $460 being donated to the Queensland Cancer Fund. Thank you to everyone that played golf, purchased tickets, donated pinshots and turned up to remember Wally Hall. Thank you to the Mount Morgan Golf Club for holding the event. Submitted by the Hall Family Page 14

Printing to Life

Using simple stamping techniques to personalise your everyday objects, transforming them from bland to grand! Fill your day with some creativity and colour fun with artist educator Nellie Lovegrove. Selling online: A guide to Shopify Monday, 13 May 2019 – 6-8 pm – Mount Morgan School of Arts The most popular shopping hours for consumers are 8pm to 10pm, with the shopping carried out from their home. Get your business online to cash in on these sales. In this workshop you will learn to build your own online store and find out how to dropship products and drive customers to your store Getting found: Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Tuesday, 14 May 2019 – 6 pm to 8 pm – Mount Morgan School of Arts Is your business’s website getting the search results attention it deserves? Did you know that 75% of people will never look on page 2 of a Google search? In this workshop you’ll learn how to get your website to the first page of Google and fine tune your website to get the right customers to your page. Social media: Which platforms for your business? Wednesday, 15 May 2019 – 6-8 pm – Mount Morgan School of Arts 79% of Australians are on some form of social media compared with 47% of small business. So which platforms are right for your business? In this workshop you’ll learn how to operate Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat to get the right customers engaged with your business. Be seen Online advertising Thursday, 16 May 2019 – 6-8 pm Find out where to spend your advertising budget. Learn how Google Adwords, Facebook adverts and YouTube advertising work.


24 April - 8 May, 2019

Historic Snapshot Victor Stanley Jones Private Victor Stanley Jones was the first Australian soldier to lose his life in action on a foreign battlefield.

Left: Pte Victor Jones’ Cairn at Sunnyside in South Africa and below, a portrait of Pte Victor Jones.


Mount Morgan’s Youth Week activities were held on Wednesday, 10 April 2019 at Boyd Park and included a range of activities for Mount Morgan Youth to enjoy.

He was born in Clermont on 24 December 1872. There is a monument to him in a park in Clermont.

Mount Morgan Youth Week coordinator, Cassandra Donald said about 60 young people aged between 5-19 years old.

Victor was working as paymaster at Mount Morgan Gold Mining Company when he volunteered for active service to go to the Boer War. Private V S Jones enlisted in B Company, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry, Colony of Queensland in September 1899 and his contingent left on board the Cornwall on 1 November 1899 and arrived in Cape Town on 12th December 1899.

Activities included wheelchair basketball, pottery, tie-dying (bandanas and bags), making bath salts and graffiti art. Youth Week activities within the Rockhampton Regional Council area was organised by Rockhampton Youth Interagency Network (RYIN) and was funded by Golden Mount Festival Association, Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc, NewsXpress, PCYC, Roseberry Qld and CQUniversity.

The first stop for the contingent was the training camp at Orange River, and then from there to Belmont, where it took a major role in the engagement at Sunnyside on January 1, 1900. Private Jones was shot through the heart and died instantly. There was a Cairn erected on the veldt in South Africa where Private Jones was buried. The footbridge was initally attempted in the mid-1990’s by the Australian Army, but because of lack of funds required to rectify structural issues, the bridge project was shelved until funds could be secured to complete the bridge. The footbridge was finally built in Mount Morgan in 2001, a joint venture between 35 Field Squadron of the Australian Army, the Golden Mount Festival Association and Mount Morgan Shire Council, to commemorate the Centenary of Federation, is also dedicated to Private Victor Stanley Jones. The bridge was officially opened on 28 April 2001 and formed part of Mount Morgan’s Centennary of Federation celebrations. The bridge was officially opened by his Great Niece, Mrs Fiona Bekkers 24 April - 8 May, 2019


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SAVE THE DATE! April 24: Dee River Oldies Group morning tea.Starts at 10 am for morning tea. St Mary’s Anglican Church Hall Gordon St. April 25: ANZAC Day Dawn and mid morning service. April 27: CWA Open Day between 10 am - 12 noon at CWA Hall. April 27: “Future of Community Service Hall” meeting. 10 am Community Service Hall. All welcome. April 27: CWA Cent Sale and raffles. Start 2 pm. CWA Hall. May 3-5 Golden Mount Festival May 5: Mount Morgan Association Rodeo, Mount Morgan Showgrounds. Gates open 6 am. May 6: Free Family Fun Day held by Mount Morgan Rodeo Association. Mount Morgan Showgrounds 10 am - 2 pm. May 11: St Mary’s Anglican Church Mothers’ Day Cent Sale. Great prizes, raffles and multi-draw, lucky door. St. Mary’s Hall Gordon St. Mount Morgan. Commences 2 pm. Afternoon tea before commencement of Cent Sale. May 11: Baree Markets at Baree Hall from 8 am. May 18: Blue Care Trash and Treasure, Gordon Street, start 9 am. May 21: Dee River Oldies Group monthly meeting. 2 pm start. St. Mary’s Anglican Church Hall. Gordon Street. May 22: Dee River Oldies Group musical morning tea. Commences at 10 am. Held at St Mary’s Hall, Gordon St. (At back of Anglican church) June 8: Baree Markets at Baree Hall from 8 am. June 15: Blue Care Trash and Treasure, Gordon Street, start 9 am. June 29: CWA Cent Sale and raffles. 2 pm. CWA Hall.

CLASSIFIEDS PAINTER: Semi retired. W. Cruickshank Phone 0488 104 774 or 0488 105 257. QBCC No-75608. GUNS & AMMUNITION: MOUNT MORGAN. ERIC J. STEVENSON. Dealer Licence 5000149. PHONE 0417 006 591 ALL COMPUTERS & REPAIRS: Your local computer specialist Nathan. Phone between 10 am to 8 pm. PHONE: 4938 2451 Monday to Friday Wanted Known: House Whisperer - Home and garden maintenance. Lawn care, garden edging and mulching. General handyman services. No job too small. Call Ben on 0409 343 755. 8 May 2019

For Sale: Firewood - 6 x 4 Trailer load. Pick-up or delivered. Text 0406 418 737. 61 Archer Road, Struck Oil. 8 May 2019


Meeting at the Dee Bowls Club 10 am Sunday for Church Services. All welcome. Contact: Pastor Owen Kurth for further details

0421 641 428

Hoy every Wednesday at CWA Hall, East Street at 10 am Blue Care Trash & Treasure, Gordon Street. Open every Friday from 8.30 am. Bags of clothing $5


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Open 10:00am - 8:00pm Tuesday - Sunday


$5* 3 or More

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All inclusions required by: Tuesday, 30 April 2019 by 4 p.m. Ph: 4938 2312 Email: Page 16


24 April - 8 May, 2019

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