2009 Issue 3
the meRchandIse maRt desIgn centeR news
Look inside for your
Complete guide to
AnnuAl InterIor DesIgn FAIr At the MerchAnDIse MArt
September 30–October 2 keynote presentAtIons ceu seMInArs neW proDuct lAunches DesIgn AWArDs netWorkIng
experience Design at The Mart september 30–october 5 see page 2 for details
eXPeRIence desIgn See theSe great eVentS … all in one Weekend and under one rooF attend ceu seminars on cutting-edge topics, discover hundreds of new products, explore more than 100 antiques and fine art dealers, shop luxury kitchen and bath boutiques and find inspiration for the home of your dreams all in one extended weekend at the merchandise mart. taking place september 30–october 5, the merchandise mart will be your ultimate resource for all of your design needs as it hosts design chicago, , Luxehome® open house and dreamhome the International antiques Fair™ coming together for one great extended weekend –experience design! Read below for the weekend’s great happenings.
deSign ChiCago annual interior deSign Fair at the merChandiSe mart September 30–october 2
attend this three-day trade fair featuring keynote presentations by industry leaders, ceu seminars on cutting edge topics, ones to watch awards reception honoring three upand-coming designers and a student day complete with programming and portfolio reviews! For details see page three of this newsletter. Visit merchandisemartdesigncenter. com/designchicago to register now!
luXehome open houSe in Celebration oF national kitChen and bath month Saturday, october 3 | 10 a.m.-3 p.m. don’t miss the Luxehome open house. attend the Keynote Presentation by nicole Facciuto, designer and host of hgtV’s “Red, hot, and green” at 10:30 a.m. in the north Lobby on the First Floor. after the presentation explore new boutiques featuring the latest products and design ideas, enjoy complimentary gourmet hospitality, music and celebrity guests and experience cooking demonstrations, featured artists, tile designers, woodworking artists and more. Luxehome open house is proud to partner with Traditional Home magazine as they celebrate their 20th anniversary. as part of the magazine’s year-long anniversary celebration, traditional home will honor 20 of the world’s most extraordinary designers and architects. For more information on traditional home’s 20th anniversary visit luxehome.com/openhouse
dreamhome Virtual tourS & eXtended hourS dreamhome will offer extended hours during the experience design weekend, so be sure to stop in. get a sneak peek by taking a virtual tour of dreamhome now available on the design center web site.
the merChandiSe mart international antiQueS Fair™ october 2–5 building on the success of its popular spring Fair, the merchandise mart International antiques Fair offers experienced and novice collectors a compelling roster of high-profile speakers, special events and an engaging lecture series – showcasing more than 100 international dealers and a wide range of antiques genres and styles. select highlights include a keynote presentation by nationally recognized designer darryl carter and a screening of new documentary “make no Little Plans: daniel burnham and the american city”. also offering a docent program – collectors can tour the Fair with local designers and learn about various topics, such as how to Incorporate antiques into a contemporary home and selecting antiques—for the novice collector. If you’re interested in leading a tour at the spring 2010 Fair, contact ann Fruland at afruland@mmart.com. tickets to the Fair and to its Preview night will be available for purchase online or on site. For more information, visit merchandisemartantiques.com or call 800.677.6278.
2 | InResIdence | meRchandIsemaRtdesIgncenteR.com
Visit the dreamhome site and “virtually” walk through the home. View 360º of each room, source showroom products and even link to the Product Locator web site where you can print tear sheets or create client shopping carts! View the virtual tours at merchandisemartdesigncenter. com/dreamhome Visit dreamhome during its extended hours this weekend only! october 1 & 2, 9 a.m.–8 p.m. october 3 & 4, 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
See page 15 For a Continuation oF ShoWroom neWS ...
© 2009 mmPI 12393
Annual Interior Design Fair at The Merchandise Mart
September 30–October 2, 2009 keynote presentations
My World, My Vision
by Barbara Barry 10 AM | Wednesday, September 30 Merchandise Mart Conference Center, 2nd Floor Barbara Barry is among the world’s most prominent designers. With sophisticated interiors, classic furnishings and luxury products, Barry inspires a life of beauty. Speaking about the evolution of her philosophy; she will share her view on the power of design to change our lives. Experience her unique vision and passion as a quintessential American designer, discussing the role of design in our everyday lives; as well as her thoughts and hopes for the future.
Brilliant Simplicity
by Metropolis editor Susan Szenasy 10 AM | Thursday, October 1 Merchandise Mart Conference Center, 2nd Floor Metropolis magazine presents a series of conversations with editor-in-chief Susan S. Szenasy on the pressing need for research in design. The tour features the traveling debut of “Brilliant Simplicity: 15 Designers Research Collaborate Innovate”, a short film that traces the many ways innovation can happen. The Metropolis Tour is designed to challenge you to rediscover the innovator within.
The New Traditional
by Darryl Carter 10 AM | Friday, October 2 Merchandise Mart Conference Center, 2nd Floor Lawyer turned furniture designer, Darryl Carter is nationally recognized as having spearheaded the emergent American design movement of “new traditionalism.” His work is distinguished by a fresh, deft integration of the modern with the antique. Centric to his design philosophy is honoring the individual, the sense of place, the architecture and foremost the sense of welcome and comfort within the home. Presentation to be followed by a book signing.
by Mary Ella Gabler NOON Luncheon Presentation The Library, Suite 1520
The bedrooms of today are more luxurious and comfortable than ever before. No one understands this luxury better than Mary Ella Gabler, Peacock Alley’s founder and CEO. Join her as she reveals the art of how to dress a beautiful bed. Learn valuable techniques and tips for creating the haven of your dreams from the company that has been designing luxurious linens for more than 37 years.
Lasting Luxury: The construction, craftmanship and care of high-end home furnishingS
by Valerie Moran 1:30 PM Grange, Suite 1825
Fine design and high quality were once synonymous. Today, fine design has been translated into mid-market and low-end products. The average consumer is more familiar with a knock off than an original. Products gain value with information and history of a craftsman’s touch. Designers take the role in educating consumers. This guided virtual tour of high-end factories will explain those details which set luxury products apart. Learn the value of purchasing high-end home furnishings and identify the features that define quality craftsmanship of luxury products.
Sherwin-Williams Colormix™ 2010
by Jackie Jordan 3 PM Robert Allen | Beacon Hill, Suite 633
At Sherwin-Williams a global team of experts has spent months analyzing color influences, from consumer electronics to international street style, to identify the hues that will define architecture and design in the year ahead. Join Jackie Jordan, director of color marketing for Sherwin-Williams, on a visual journey that will take designers through the process and provide valuable insight and inspiration for future design projects.
Ones to Watch AWARDS CEREMONY & Cocktail Reception 4–6 PM The Library, Suite 1520
Each year, the showrooms of the Design Center at The Merchandise Mart recognize three designers who have demonstrated creativity, originality and overall great design. Their unique flair has brought them to the forefront of the industry. Celebrate with us as we honor these exceptionally talented, up-and-coming designers at our annual Ones To Watch awards ceremony and cocktail reception on Wednesday, September 30 from 4-6 PM. The first 50 designers to arrive will receive a complimentary V.I.P. pass providing entry to both The Merchandise Mart International Antiques Fair™ Preview Party October 1 and the Fair October 2-5.
CEU SEMINARS – THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 Creating a Client for Life
by Barclay Butera 11:30 AM Luncheon Presentation The Library, Suite 1520
Barclay Butera takes traditional fashion elements and interprets all aspects of tailored couture clothing into home design. When creating ‘fashion for the home’, he guides his clients to integrate their own personal, classic pieces with newer, edgier elements. The end result is a glamorous, yet completely livable environment that often integrates the client’s heritage pieces into the Butera philosophy of blending furniture and pattern-on-pattern fabrics and textures. The rules are that there are none, except, as the designer states, ‘Every room should have one truly fabulous establishing piece.’ Immediately following, join Butera at DeAurora to check out his book and enjoy lunch.
The History of Luxury
by Jim Caughman 1:15 PM Baker Knapp & Tubbs, Suite 6-187 Objects of luxury have historically existed in every culture; however, the conscious marketing of luxury products to an affluent and aspirational clientele developed in the late 17th century in France. The range of products and the techniques used to develop and market them were conceived by Louis XIV and his chief ministers both to enrich and to glorify France. This slide lecture will investigate the convergence of the many factors that have defined modern luxury and will trace the influence of these early efforts to many of today’s venerable luxury brands.
Greener Lighting in the Post-Incandescent Age
by Eleanor McKay 2:30 PM Niermann Weeks, Suite 1820
Join Eleanor McKay, CEO of Niermann Weeks, for a presentation focusing on imminent changes in light bulb standards. Owners of chandeliers and sconces will soon have difficulty finding standard incandescent bulbs, as federal law has mandated the phasing out of inefficient incandescents beginning 2010. She will show the positives and the limitations in the available alternative CFL, LED and halogen light bulbs as well as an update of her tests on the new/greener light bulbs available on the market. We in the interior design industry can still lobby to include esthetic considerations in the newly developing technology for light bulbs.
by Matthew Smyth & Susan North, Moderated by Jan Parr 3:30 PM Schumacher, Suite 6-133 Join Schumacher and Chicago Home + Garden for a discussion on wall covering and design trends. CH+G’s editor Jan Parr hosts a conversation between interior designer Matthew Patrick Smyth and Schumacher’s V.P. of Design Susan North as they discuss historical aspects, myths, printing methods, paper quality, sustainability and creative uses of wall covering in interiors. Following the event, celebrate the latest wall covering collection for Schumacher—Matthew Patrick Smyth Stripes, with a cocktail reception and meet and greet.
The Merchandise Mart International Antiques Fair Preview Party
5:30–8:30 PM, 12th floor Enjoy drinks, live music and first dibs at the Midwest’s premier antiques event! Visit merchandisemartantiques.com for more information.
FrIDAy, october 2 - eDucAtIonAl progrAMMIng
For stuDents AnD eMergIng DesIgners Jumpstart your interior design career at the Design Center!
seMInArs & netWorkIng
portFolIo reVIeWs
10 AM stArtIng your oWn FIrM
1–3 PM put your best Foot ForWArD
by DeborAh FlAte
11:45 AM brIllIAnt sIMplIcIty
Visit these showrooms to have your portfolio reviewed by industry leaders! suite 1822
by susAn szenAsy - luncheon presentAtIon the library, suite 1520
suite 1742
suite 1718b
produCt dEButS FroM DesIgn center shoWrooMs taking place throughout all three days of design Chicago on floors 6, 15, 16, 17 and 18 the following design Center showrooms are proud to debut new products during design Chicago. refer to the “product debut” section in the inresidence newsletter for descriptions and photography. Be sure to stop in the showrooms during design Chicago to see these new products up close and personal! ShOWROOM SUiTe Betty M ........................................................... 1684 Bright Chair ................................................. 6-166 Brunschwig & Fils ........................................ 6-121 CAi designs .................................................... 1619 Century Furniture ........................................... 1600 Charles pollock .............................................. 1815 Colie & Harris ................................................. 1720 Copeland– Frank Lloyd Wright Furniture ......... 1680 Cowtan & tout .................................................. 638 de Aurora Showroom ....................................... 1871 design Atelier – Modern.................................. 1848 design Atelier – traditional ........................... 6-148 dessin Fournir Companies .............................. 1813 donghia ............................................................ 631 duralee ........................................................ 6-167 Edelman Leather .......................................... 1873d Filsinger Chicago ............................................ 1870 gallerie one ...................................................... 600 george Smith ................................................ 1879A grange Furniture ............................................ 1825 Henredon interior design Showroom ............... 1865 Hickory Chair .................................................. 1718 Hinson .......................................................... 6-117 Holland & Sherry .......................................... 6-118
ShOWROOM SUiTe Holly Hunt ...................................................... 1728 J. Marshall design .......................................... 1600 J. robert Scott ................................................ 1873 John rosselli & Associates ........................... 6-158 Julia gray ....................................................... 1856 kenneth Ludwig Home Furnishings ................. 1510 Michaelian & kohlberg .................................... 1521 Mike Bell ........................................................ 1869 nancy Corzine................................................... 622 niedermaier – tufenkian ................................. 1742 niermann Weeks............................................. 1820 odegard .......................................................... 1828 pindler & pindler .............................................. 618 robert Allen | Beacon Hill ............................... 1866 robert Lighton/British khaki ........................ 1718B ruggeri gallery ............................................ 15-100 S.Harris / Fabricut ........................................ 6-152 Samuel & Sons ............................................. 6-168 Schumacher & Co. ........................................ 6-133 Sherrill Collection .......................................... 1666 Summer Hill ................................................. 6-157 todd Hase ....................................................... 1622 Westwater patterson ....................................... 1806 William Switzer ............................................... 1850
new PRoduct debuts - desIgn chIcago oPen houses
1. Colie & harriS, Suite 1720 Leathercraft led the industry in bringing in full top grain, pure aniline leathers from europe over 25 years ago. now, some of the most luxurious patterns are back in the united states, exclusively to Leathercraft. their two patterns: sofia and stockholm, are both of scandanavian origin and tanned and finished in sweden. choose from more than 40 colors and the best hand available! as always, leathers are sold by the half or whole hide and cut to specifications. Promotions will be held during the year, please check at the colie & harris showrooom. 2. CoWtan & tout, Suite 638 Presenting the new fall collections for cowtan & tout and colefax and Fowler. View the latest exquisite prints, embroideries and wovens from these two prestigious brands. Pictured is mirador from cowtan & tout, a mid-scale embroidery featuring stylized motifs inspired by metalwork. this handsome embroidery is on a soft linen ground and available in four colorways.
1. 3.
3. kenneth ludWig home FurniShingS, Suite 1510 brimar, a local supplier of unique decorative trimmings and distinguished drapery hardware, is now available in the showroom. tassels, trims and tiebacks in a palette of sophisticated colors and styles accent draperies, furniture and accessories. brimar takes an innovative yet practical approach to its drapery hardware by offering creative styling, original textures and fashion-forward finishes for stunning window designs. based in Lake Forest, Ill., brimar stocks and ships product quickly. 4. miChaelian & kohlberg, Suite 1521 Low, luxe and extremely comfortable this shelter-style chair offers low arms, back and a deep seat. the collection includes a 100” and 85” sofa as well as an 85” sleeper sofa, chair and ottoman. stop in the showroom to see the whole line! 5. niedermaier – tuFenkian, Suite 1742 niedermaier announces the debut of the theo fabric line to the marketplace. theo was born with the belief that luxury and value are dual virtues of design. the collection includes lush Italian velvets, exquisite belgian linens, irresistible sheers as well as distinctive feather trim & tiebacks – all designed with the edited modern language niedermaier has come to define. also debuting tufenkian introduces the alchemy collection by Kevin walz – a chicago showroom exclusive! 6. pindler & pindler, Suite 618 Pindler & Pindler is proud to offer a new category of product, Pindler green. Pindler’s mission is to become a resource for environmentally aware designers and their clients by supplying luxury fabrics woven from high-quality natural and sustainable fibers. Visit the showroom to learn more about the Pindler green Promotion. share their vision and they will help share the expense.
7. todd haSe, Suite 1622 Featured in Laurel Feldman’s elegant foyer for the 2009 dream home, the carmen canape is a signature piece of the todd hase collection. with its enveloping curves and graceful lines, the carmen blends seamlessly with both modern and traditional forms. created specially for ms. Feldman’s design, the carmen is shown in antique silver Leaf with todd hase almond silk but is available in virtually any size and finish
InResIdence | meRchandIsemaRtdesIgncenteR.com
New Product Debuts - Design Chicago Open Houses
1. Copeland Furniture – Frank Lloyd Wright Furniture, Suite 1683 Combining the clean, unadorned lines of the international modernists with organic and geometric forms, the Catalina Bedroom is suggestive of the works of America’s mid-century modern designers. The Catalina Bedroom is crafted in solid, American black walnut with natural finish or maple hardwood with four finishes (Natural, Cocoa, Dark Chocolate and Slate). Made to order with a variety of pull or knob options. 2. Edelman Leather, Suite 1873D Please visit our Cavallini in the Wild – its hairy, wild texture in contemporary colors for an exotic interior is a must see! The texture is exciting, the look is provocative, for upholstery or rugs – solid or patterned – in lofts, dens, ski lodges. The look of seal, made from hair-on cowhides. Be inspired with total freedom in color, texture and style!
3. George Smith, Suite 1879A Visit the George Smith showroom to view their newest addition: Raoul Textiles floor-to-ceiling fabric wings! They are easy to view and showcase the full repeat of each pattern. The collection is best known for graphic and color-saturated florals, paisleys and geometrics. George Smith also produces subtle and even monochromatic designs that are all hand-painted on linen or a hemp/silk blend.
4. J. Marshall Design, Space 1600 Martha Stewart is world-renowned and widely respected for her design instincts and her creativity. Stewart’s furniture collections have a uniqueness and flair that is representative of her unmistakable touch. Each of Martha Stewart’s furniture collections have been inspired by her personal residences and have their own character and charm, but also blend easily with each other, as well as with her upholstery designs. J Marshall Design is proud to have been selected to introduce her distinctive collections of furniture to The Mart. 5. J. Robert Scott, Suite 1873 Introducing Nutmeg Chapter IV of Deep Tones … a continuing collection designed by Sally Sirkin Lewis. Indulge in this rich selection of luxury textiles including hand-woven silks, boucle and JRS Superkidskintm in a delicious Nutmeg spice-tone.
6. Schumacher & Co., Suite 6-133 Take a fresh look at wall coverings with Schumacher’s Greenhouse collection. This offering of botanically inspired wall coverings features lush blossoms, leafy trellised vines, colorful birds and butterflies intermingled with softly hued patterns perfectly suited for timeless interiors. Crafted with the textured look of traditional surface printing, these gentle garden florals, damasks, garden vines and small patterns have an authentic aesthetic reminiscent of block printed wall coverings. The centuries-old surface printing method in which metal rollers print on coated paper grounds was the first type of automated wall covering printing, and this tradition continues today. 7. S.Harris / Fabricut, Suite 6-152 S. Harris introduces Outdoor Solstice, a performance drapery collection that adds a decorative style to alternative spaces. Featuring luxurious sheers, opaque textures and dynamic patterns woven into elegant solids, clipped jacquards and modern pleats, Outdoor Solstice withstands years of normal outdoor exposure.
8 | InResidence | merchandisemartdesigncenter.com
New Product Debuts - Design Chicago Open Houses
1. Betty M, Suite 1684 Betty M presents the newest collections from Marge Carson. Capture the spirit of the European countryside with Villa Argenta a collection that embodies old world tradition and craftsmanship. The Samba Collection offers contemporary elegance defined by rhythmic movement and dramatic symmetry, exhibited through smooth, yet bold curved edges and lines. 2. Century Furniture, Suite 1700 Century Furniture is featuring the new Milan collection, an ecocontemporary collection inspired by nature. Eclectic design pays homage to minimalism while showcasing the natural beauty of the materials used in this work of art. Clean, crisp lines couples with earthy elements such as satin walnut and American Walnut gives this chest a streamlined, organic, contemporary feel. Many finish options available, shown in clear finish with soft, silver hardware.
3. Holland & Sherry, Suite 6-118 Offered as an armchair or side chair, the highly detailed Portal Chair from Ted Boerner has a clean and simple appearance. Available in Walnut (shown) or White Oak in various finishes, the Portal Chair is a refreshing, transitional take on one of the home’s most important features. 4. Filsinger Chicago, Suite 1870 Now introducing the newest line from Scott Arthur Yerkey Furniture, FLAIR, an acrylic collection. These artful acrylic pieces include side tables, pedestals, upholstered benches and stools. Inspired by both historical and contemporary influences, the FLAIR Collection has an unparalleled craftsmanship and elegance – at a price point that makes it perfect for any setting. Customization is available. Pictured is the Julie Ann Acrylic Bench upholstered in Edelman Hair on Hide with nail head trim. Stop in to see the initial introductions to the FLAIR Collection.
5. Grange, Suite 1825 Fit for a Queen – Grange’s new Victoria collection gains its namesake due to King Louis-Philippe’s deep regard for Queen Victoria of England. This transitional collection is the epitome of a stately LouisPhilippe collection styled with elements from the Restoration period. It is available in Grange’s new Prestige finishes as well as Grange Classic, Deco finishes and standard wood stains, shown here with a Prestige multi-finish option, exclusively at Grange. 6. Michael Taylor Designs, Suite 1868A Michael Taylor Designs announces the arrival of The Gibbings Collection; a full complement of lounge, dining and poolside designs crafted in teak. In keeping with Michael Taylor Designs’ focus on comfort, elegance and style, The Gibbings Collection’s generous proportions invite luxurious living. We are pleased to offer five new, premium teak finishes ranging in color from a light parchment to a dark charcoal. Visit our showroom to view the collection!
7. Robert Lighton/British Khaki, Suite 1718B There’s an entire showroom of new product to enjoy at Robert Lighton; elegant, hand-made, hand-finished mahogany and teak furniture manufactured using only environmentally responsible techniques and materials. Inspired by English Regency furniture, the Winston dining table celebrates the updated, traditional style and quality that are Robert Lighton Furniture.
InResidence | merchandisemartdesigncenter.com
New Product Debuts - Design Chicago Open Houses
1. Design Atelier – Modern, Suite 1848 Design Atelier – Traditional, Suite 6-148 Joquer upholstered seating is proud to be celebrating over 25 years as one of the leading classic modern furniture manufacturers in Spain and now, with Jane Hamley Wells, in America. Partnering with some of the leading interior and industrial designers of Europe, Joquer has introduced some of the interior industry’s most innovative upholstered pieces, while maintaining hand-made craftsmanship rarely found today. The Moka Collection, is classic JOQUER. Legs in polished chrome, down-wrapped cushions, Moka’s sloping back detail is unsuspecting element that keeps Joquer standing out from the rest. Clean lined, classically proportioned and beautifully finished, Moka is designed for sitting and relaxing while satisfying any interior application.
2. Henredon, Suite 1865 Brushwork, Barbara Barry’s freshly launched collection of custom finishes presents six timeless colors: Ivory, Moonshadow, Dove Tail, Boxwood, Pebble and Black. The Brushwork program combines effortlessly with the classic walnut and silver leaf finishes and brings a new breadth of options to her time-honored collection. Pictured here is Barbara Barry Realized by Henredon Boxwood Drinks Table shown in Moonshadow finish. 3. Holly Hunt, Suite 1728 Known for designs that exude as much comfort as elegance, the next generation of John Hutton has arrived showcasing new pieces developed within the family. The Corsica Dining Arm Chair, launched in spring of 2009, stays true to the simple and tailored style with clean cut lines and form that are the John Hutton legacy. 4. Duralee, Suite 6-167 Debuting this October, Clodagh’s Global Passage Collection exclusively for Duralee. Duralee has proudly partnered with Clodagh for the industry’s first designer collection of earth friendly textiles for the home, from organic cottons to recycled polys and renewable bamboo: the Global Passage collection has the look and feel of a high-end residential fabric collection while maintaining the earth-conscious philosophy that both Clodagh and Duralee have committed to. 5. Hickory Chair, Suite 1718 The Porter Divan, designed by Mariette Himes Gomez for Hickory Chair, has very clean, architectural lines accented with unanticipated antique brass decorative pulls on either end. Standard with a buttoned seat and two rectangular bolsters, the Porter is also available made to measure from 28” to 120” in length and in oneinch depth increments from 28” to 46”. The Porter lends itself to multiple uses including a wonderful resting place for overnight guests. Also featured in the showroom will be Pearson’s 2331 sofa showcasing a new silhouette with a padded slab arm, tall back, with two boxed back pillows over a bench cushion.
6. Summer Hill, Suite 6-157 Reminiscent of the great Italian opera by the same name, Rodolph’s exquisite new velvet Traviata marries rich luminous elements with a contemporary floral composition. 7. Ruggeri Gallery, Suite 15-100 SDH fine linens are now available through the Ruggeri Gallery Home. Wait until you feel the luxurious Legna sheets and duvet covers!
10 | InResidence | merchandisemartdesigncenter.com
New Product Debuts - Design Chicago Open Houses
1. Brunschwig & Fils, Suite 6-121 Exotic and sophisticated, Avignon showcases the unique beauty of natural, textured wall coverings. Artisans meticulously paint radiant layers onto unique grounds, creating finishes that are both infinite and timeless. Avignon Wall coverings, like fine works of art, add warmth and elegance to a room. They are eco-friendly, class-A fire rated, made in the U.S.A. and suitable for fine contract and residential design. Environmental Statement: Avignon coverings are manufactured in Phoenix, Ariz. They are painted by hand and use the warm climate to dry papers, no heat lamps or machinery is used. All low VOC paints used and substrates are breathable non-wovens from managed forests or recycled paper. Textures include hemp and kozo fibers. All waste is recycled or donated to the local school to support their arts program. 1.
2. Dessin Fournir Companies, Suite 1813 The Dessin Fournir Companies introduces Classic Cloth’s fall collection in stunning color combinations highlighted by Scottish linens and wools in stripes, checks and plaids. They are also debuting Rose Cumming’s new wallpaper, Josephine, created entirely by hand from its washed background to its delicate metallic details. 3. Gallerie One, Suite 600 Gallerie One presents Asmara’s unique rendition of an Oushak carpet whose original creation dates back to the early Ottomon Period in Turkey. To balance this carpet’s bold motives with softness and gentility Asmara utilizes soft, lustrous handspun wool in delicate blues, greens, grays, golds and ivory. Oushak to this day remains as one of the most elegant of room size carpets.
4. John Rosselli & Associates, Suite 6-158 John Rosselli & Associates is proud to present two exciting new rooms of Jasper by Michael Smith. Please stop by to see the beautiful line of Jasper fabrics as well as the inventive, yet classic lines of the furniture collection. A signature piece is the Rufino sofa with handcarved frame and antique gilt highlights. 5. Nancy Corzine, Suite 622 Zoffany offers a wide range of products of the highest quality including wallpaper, fabrics and trimmings. The designs are inspired by the rich traditions of the past, but look equally at home in contemporary interiors.
6. Robert Allen | Beacon Hill, Suite 1866 Come see RABH’s newest line, Jonathan Charles. Attention to detail is a hallmark of this beautifully crafted furniture line. Intricate inlay and marquetry, meticulous carving and finishing and custom designed hardware (produced by their own brass foundry) are all essential to making the finest furniture available today. Pictured here is the Double Pedestal Dining Table. 7. Sherrill Collection, Suite 1666 Sherrill Collection is happy to announce a new custom finish program now available for the American Made Sherrill Occasional line. Fortyfive unique pieces are now available in one of 25 multi-step finishes. Customize these pieces in single finish or contrasting top, either way you choose, you are assured of the consistent Sherrill quality and quick delivery.
InResidence | merchandisemartdesigncenter.com
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New Product Debuts - Design Chicago Open Houses
1. CAI Designs, Suite 1619 CR Currin, a 20-year-old company, debuted its own product line to the trade in early 2007 with the intention of utilizing their years of experience with finishing techniques and to take clean, classic designs to the next level. Each piece of furniture is bench made and created to be fine “Jewelry for the Home”. In the CR Currin studio, finely crafted furniture pieces become works of art. Hand crafted in the U.S. available through C.A.I. Designs. 2. Charles Pollock, Suite 1815 The Civetta suspension lamp from Aldo Bernardi pairs beautifully with exposed wood, brick or stone, setting off the surface on which it is installed. Like patented palmettos, an array of individual fixtures branch out from the slender central trunk, ensuring bright light in even the most cavernous spaces.
3. Edward Ferrell + Lewis Mittman, Suite 1870A Edward Ferrell + Lewis Mittman are pleased to announce a new collaboration with Berman Rosetti furniture. Presenting a clean, architectural aesthetic, Berman Rosetti utilizes a unique variety of veneers such as Pau Ferro and Koa, decorative metal accents and rich finishes. Their upholstery offers streamlined silhouettes and a casual elegance that can be used in a multitude of settings. Please stop in the showroom to see their latest designs.
4. Julia Gray, Suite 1856 The Luxcis Collection, classically inspired and exquisitely crafted, features etched-glass lighting, candle stands, hand-painted tole and hardware. The timeless elegance of our accessories makes them suitable for any décor. Our products are painstakingly hand crafted by artisans, thus each is truly one-of-a-kind. Shown here is the Pendant Chandelier featuring mouth-blown glass, hand-etched decorative accents and brass components burnished to a lustrous deep brown patina.
5. Odegard, Suite 1828 Promoting artisans and preserving their traditional crafts in developing countries, Stephanie Odegard introduces her Felt Collection. Odegard was drawn to the fundamental simplicity and primitive feel of felt pieces. Adding her modern sensibility and refined sense of style, the artisans created colorful runners made entirely of recycled felt strips sewn together by hand. 6. Mike Bell, Suite 1869 This wonderful pair of cabinets with antique stained glass doors is absolutely stunning. The cabinets contain soft interior lighting, to showcase the intricate details of the doors and have a sleek lacquer finish. A perfect marriage of the 19th and 21st centuries that would make a spectacular addition to your client’s home.
7. Samuel & Sons, Suite 6-168 Taking her inspiration from African jewelry, Lori Weitzner has incorporated various wood, leather, cotton and linen into her new line, Oasis, for Samuel & Sons. This combination of materials yields a collection that can truly transform the feeling of any room. Styles include beaded fringes, woven braids and pleated borders.
12 | InResidence | merchandisemartdesigncenter.com
new PRoduct debuts - desIgn chIcago oPen houses
1. donghia, Suite 631 Rubelli, imported through bergamo Fabrics, is pleased to announce the debut of its exclusive collection of armani/casa textiles. elegant and glamorous, this first collection unites the perfection of armani design with the prestige and excellence of Rubelli textiles. also debuting this fall and imported through bergamo Fabrics is the urban country trevira collection from sahco. the innovative qualities of trevira give this collection a great range of design possibilities from high-end residential to hospitality interiors. 2. hinSon, Suite 6-117 hinson has the velvet touch - Velvet, formerly the fabric reserved for royalty, now translates into the epitome of luxury for the discerning elite. hinson & company has expanded its collection of Velvets to include 445 amazing colors in six different Velvets, including mohair, silk and Linen.
3. niermann WeekS, Suite 1820 Introducing the Vivaldi chandelier for 2009, like the work of the composer for which it is named, the Vivaldi chandelier reflects a flamboyant, almost playful, exuberance with its light and swelling form. developed from forms found on Joe niermann and eleanor mcKay’s extensive travels through Italy, the Vivaldi chandelier is niermann weeks’ newest addition to thier already extensive line of innovating lighting. offered in their exclusive chalk Rust finish, the Vivaldi chandelier is available through the showroom. the chandelier measures 38” in diameter by 36” high with nine lights.
4. WeStWater patterSon, Suite 1806 Richard Ray custom designs has been in the market place for more than 45 years. they continue to add wonderful pieces to their line, all of which are customizable in size and finish. 5. William SWitzer, Suite 1850 a hand-crafted nest of three tables in zebrawood with brass or nickel sabots, the elegant lines of the Lucien Rollin-designed LR-32Z nest of tables will provide endless style to any installation.
6. bright Chair, Suite 6-166 the bright chair company is pleased to introduce you to aaRon, a fully customizable lounge seating collection. It comes standard as a lounge chair, settee, or sofa. bright can also customize aaRon with any seat depth, back height or configuration to a designer’s specific needs that meet all contract standards for durability and outstanding tailored construction. douglas Levine, the designer of aaRon, says that “aaron is a unique person, with handsome, striking curves. the lounge collection has a vintage modern feel, great for residential and commercial uses. note aaron’s unique back and side curves, back exposed wood frame that cradles the seat and its distinctive leg detail.” 7. deaurora ShoWroom, Suite 1871 classic design evolved. be the first to see deaurora’s evolution and celebrate their 30th anniversary! since 1979, deaurora has provided the highest quality case goods, upholstery, fabrics and accessories available in the marketplace. their commitment to superior quality remains the same today as at their onset, coupled with a dedication to operate as “green” as possible. In addition to the classic, traditional and antique reproductions for which they are known, they have broadened their lines to include transitional styles with the addition of barclay butera furniture, Jamie Young lighting and much more!
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New Casual Product Debuts - Design Chicago Open Houses
1. Ebel, Suite 15-121 Introducing the CANNES collection designed by Chicago’s Ramsey Prince for Ebel Inc. Sleek lines with stainless steel and black or frosted glass accents. Available in two all weather finishes Black and Seashell. Come see the full collection of seating, dining and modular pieces appropriate for indoor or outdoor applications.
2. Jardin DeVille, Suite 1553 JARDIN DE VILLE introduces the BG1 collection, an original design that provides contemporary comfort with an interchangeable dropseat cushion cover in an aluminum/mesh frame that is both stylish and durable. 1.
3. Northcape International, Suite 16-130 NCI Introduces the Malibu Collection. Style, comfort and value perfectly come together in this luxurious collection. Malibu has a high-end, contemporary look with excellent price points. Collection pieces include sectionals, dining tables, chaises, day lounges and more. Malibu truly is the pinnacle of outdoor living.
4. David Sutherland, Suite 1800 Now represented at David Sutherland, NOMI’s Labyrinth echoes African Kuba cloth and Greek key patterns, expressing an intriguing blend of ancient cultures with a modern sensibility. 100 percent solution dyed acrylic. Width: 54”. Repeat: 14”vertical; 14.5” horizontal.
5. Brown Jordan, Suite 17-100 Brown Jordan, manufacturer of exceptional leisure furniture for outdoors and in, invites you to experience our latest additions. Discover our newest to-the-trade only products and a broad collection of exclusive outdoor textiles.
6. Pride Family Brands, Suite 1754 Vienna Collection’s Formal Dining Set features a curving rolled collar seatback of woven aluminum and robust turned-look spindle legs. The beauty of this sturdy yet elegant design is completed by an Artisan tabletop with Tuscan turned leg table design. The Collection includes deep seating, sling and cushioned dining and accessories.
7. Veneman, Suite 15-120 Walt Disney was drawn to leading minds in many industries from architecture and design to music and art. The Veneman Furniture Group is proud to present four new upscale collections of casual furniture; the Imperial, the Script Writer, the Griffith, and The Lumiere (shown here). Each pays tribute to Walt Disney’s artistry, imagination and his legacy of innovation. The use of mix materials, with emphasis on the contrast between light and dark, this collection’s sophisticated look is classic, innovative and timeless much like Disney’s early films. Stop by the Veneman furniture showroom in suite 15-120 and see just what everybody is talking about.
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ShowROOM News
Althorp Living History by Earl Spencer Tuesday, September 8 | 11:30 a.m.–2 p.m., Suite 1666
Nancy Corzine: Glamour at Home Tuesday, November 10, 2009 | 10 a.m., Suite 622
Theodore Alexander and English aristocrat Earl Charles Spencer joined forces to produce a collection of furniture based on originals from Althorp, an English Stately Home and the childhood home of the late Princess Diana. This collection was the idea of Charles Spencer, the ninth Earl of the estate. “It has taken 19 generations of my family to build the collection and it would be a tragedy if all these wonderful things were lost.” The Althorp furniture line is carried in the Sherrill Collection Showroom.
A premier interior designer and manufacturer of luxury furniture, fabrics and lighting for 25 years, Nancy Corzine is a trusted source for personalized luxury. In her new book “Nancy Corzine: Glamour At Home”, (Rizzoli, November 2009) Corzine gives her personal style strategies for creating exquisite and livable interiors on a room-by-room basis. This book looks at wellthought-out interiors—from Manhattan to Palm Beach to California—all representing a classic, yet utterly contemporary approach to interior design.
On Tuesday, September 8, meet the Earl of Spencer in the Sherrill Showroom. Beginning at 11:30 a.m., the Earl will mingle with designers and sign autographs followed by an informal story telling presentation of his memories of Althorp. Don’t miss this royal event!
Join Nancy Corzine as she presents highlights from this stunning coffee table book. Immediately following enjoy brunch in the newly remodeled showroom, where you can get your own signed copy of “Nancy Corzine: Glamour At Home”.
ASID Celebration of Design Eighteenth Floor Halloween Party Thursday, October 29, 4-7 p.m. Start at the Top ... by joining the 18th Floor showrooms at The Merchandise Mart for an evening of progressive wine tasting and music. Start at the Top honors designers, architects and other trade professionals who support the 18th Floor showrooms. The event will feature a collection of the season’s best pumpkins designed by some of our industry’s top designers. All pumpkins will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House charities and Misericordia immediately following the event. R.S.V.P. to 18thfloorshowrooms@gmail.com
Special Trade Presentation at 2009 Casual Market To see the latest in outdoor furniture designs and the newest color and fabric trends, design professionals must attend The International Casual Furniture & Accessories Market™, returning to The Merchandise Mart, September 21-24, 2009. For complete information about the Casual Market, special features areas and events as well as a preview of exhibitors, visit casualmarket.com. On Thursday, September 24, be sure to attend a special industry presentation focusing on the latest trends in exterior design. “Trends in Design Beyond 2009” is an educational panel discussion, moderated by Sarah Kinbar, editor of Garden Design magazine. Top experts in the industry will speak on the latest in furniture designs and styles, fabric trends, popular paint colors, finishes and plant and floral pairings. Gina Wicker, design and creative director for Sunbrella, and Bill Markowitz, president of Veneman Collections, are a few of the panelists. Trends in Design—Beyond 2009 Presented by Garden Design Magazine 1 p.m. • The Library, Suite 1520, 15th Floor R.S.V.P. to jkotzum@mmart.com or 312.527.7764
The ASID Illinois Chapter and i4 design magazine host the sixth annual Celebration of Design Gala at Chicago’s Merchandise Mart on Thursday, Sept. 17. The gala’s Latin “Hot, Hot, Hot” theme this year starts with a 6 p.m. reception with fabulous food, premium bar and Latin music and entertainment in the AllSteel Showroom, Suite 1120. The Awards Ceremony will follow at 7:30 p.m. in The Merchandise Mart Conference Center, 2nd Floor. For tickets, visit asidillinois.com
Calendar of Events Labor Day – showrooms closed .......................................September 7 Althorp by Earl Spencer in Sherrill Showroom...................September 8 ASID Celebrations of Design...........................................September 17 International Causal Furniture & Accessories Market................................................... September 21-24 Design Chicago: Annual Fair.......................................... Sept 30-Oct 2 Fall International Antiques Fair..........................................October 2–5 18th Floor Halloween Party.................................................October 29 Dining by Design...........................................................November 5-7 Nancy Corzine Book Signing........................................... November 10 LuxeHome’s CHILL......................................................... November 12 Design Center Sample Sale........................................November 13-15 Business of Design Lecture Series.................................... November 18 Thanksgiving – showrooms closed ................................. November 26 One of a Kind Show and Sale®...................................... December 4-6 Business of Design...........................................................December 10 DreamHome Closes.........................................................December 18 Christmas Day – showrooms closed.................................December 25
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keynote presentAtIons ceu seMInArs neW proDuct lAunches DesIgn AWArDs netWorkIng
experience Design at The Mart september 30 – october 5 see page 2 for details
new product lAuNCHES
AnnuAl InterIor DesIgn FAIr At the MerchAnDIse MArt | Floors 6, 15, 16, 17 & 18
CEU SeMInArS dEsign aWards
september 30–october 2, 2009 Visit the three-day trade fair to attend CEU seminars on cutting edge topics, discover hundreds of new products, network at the Ones To Watch awards reception honoring three up-and-coming designers and more.
While enjoying Design chicago visit…
OPEN HOUSE October 2–5
October 3
Now – December 18