S A R A A N N K E L L Y ’ S C O M B I N I N G E M A I L M A R K E T I N G S O C I A L M E D I A & C L I E N T J O U R N E Y / m a k e y o u r l i f e r i c h . I n h e a l t h . I n w e a l t h . I n o p p o r t u n i t y /

This is a masterclass and e-course presentation meant to serve as an example of what you should focus on when creating your custom strategy for your business. Having said that, it is always important for you to take what I teach here and figure out how YOU best want to integrate what I am offering into what you are already doing. By no means is this Masterclass a ‘fix all approach’, but I find it important to mention that these points of focus are integral to building a custom business strategy that can serve as a foundation for your business. There will of course, be roadblocks in your business, and not all issues within a business are easily solved with a strategy pivot. When in doubt, shoot me a DM and we can walk through it together.
Quick Reminder for this Masterclass
This Presentation Will Take Around 40 Minutes You can always watch the presentation again when you wish If you have any questions, please let me know!

A business owner can overthink everything whil income producing activities) that would be mos efficient growth in their business.
This workbook is the beginning of your journey to solidifying a foundation for your business and ensuring your prosperous future. Leave no page unfilled. This is literally the beginning of your strat serio over and
Hi, There!
Feeling SEEN? You are not alone This is the NU face when launching their business But, WHY?
I believe it is because we think that we are sett productivity by ONLY focusing on our day to da business operation. But that kind of focus often relations on the back burner, all the while hurti distance between closing a sale with their idea
One of the reasons why most businesses fail within their first TWO YEARS of business is because they have no strategy. They lacked a concrete path of activities that led them to their business goals They had no real traction or growth because they had ZERO game plan! They had no compounding growth because they had no systems in place
If you downloaded this PDF, you are on your way to establishing a custom strategy that will support all of your digital business efforts with the same efforts a publicist or business strategist would take for their clients So you know what that means? You are going to learn how to create the exact game plan you need without paying an expensive publicist like me to lay it all out for you! AKA, saving money over time

SO, WHAT DO YOU THINK, BOSS? So how does a very busy entrepreneur secure the proper plan while bridging the gap between sales and the daily tasks required to execute their business goals? COHESIVE STRATEGY CREATION Sure, you have daily tasks that you complete to keep your lights on, but without an overarching, all encompassing custom strategy your basic efforts will be useless when not married with a few other important activities. What we are MISSING is a blueprint combining the other NECESSARY activities and actions placed together in a customized DUPLICATABLE SYSTEM that you can use daily to move the needle. SO WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Lasting SUCCESS in your business relies on CONSISTENCY and INCOME PRODUCING ACTIVITIES. Just like earning a set of 6 pack abs, building these skill sets into a system that works for you will take time. But TIME IS GOING TO PASS ANYWAY. So why not build a crazy empire for yourself LIKE A PUBLICIST with a plan?

01 01 T H E S E T - U P

01 To set ourselves up for the rest of this masterclass, I want you to imagine how your business AND life would be different if you had a custom strategy working FOR you, not against you in your efforts. TheSet-Up Why having a custom strategy MATTERS Most Effective Strategy for YOU My favorite focus points for strategy planning & creation NOTES:

01FIRST THREE POINTS OF FOCUS WHEN CREATING YOUR CUSTOM STRATEGY Authenticity is SO very important. When connecting with your audience and your customers, you must present yourself as authentically as you ACTUALLY are. A U T H E N T I C I T Y Planning is the crux of running a smooth and successful business. Planning ahead with strategy is how business owners can go from surviving to THRIVING. P L A N N I N G The sinew of your business are income producing activities. Learn to combine the right ones together with strategy in order to achieve your goals and grow. I N C O M E P R O D U C I N G A C T I V I T I E S NOTES:


WEBINAR BRAINSTORM PAD The Set-Up Authenticity PIPA’s lanning

if... You're
It's the right choice ready to make a 100% commitment to implementing a new strategy ready to put in the research and the work take responsibility for yourself and your own actions and understand that no one is coming to save you or your business. You must do it. You are aware that change doesn’t happen overnight, but happens after many moons of consistency and showing up for your business. NOT the right choice You think that your business is already a failure. Because if you think that, it already is. You expect to have hundreds of sales because you use a few of my templates without putting in the time, effort and work. You have a hard time seeing how your business issues are ‘your fault’. You expect instant results because you executed your custom strategy for a week straight.

Your reasoning behind why you have your business, what you offer and why you offer it is relevant to identify at the beginning of your business formation and strategy creation timeframe. When you know WHY you do something, it is alot easier to be able to plan around the work you are reliable and invested enough to complete with consistency, day in and day out.
Having an idea on the workload and what is actually required of you to achieve your goals is an undervalued step in the strategy creation brainstorming process. When you skip over the nitty gritty detail, you lose ability to truly know how much work will be required of you, and ultimately how much of a time investment it will become. Being able to accurately access what you are in for work wise helps you craft your custom strategy more efficiently. O N
I N S P I R A T I O N / P A S S I O N
Knowing what you are passion about is extremely important when looking to prepare your business and begin creating custom strategy. When you operate with passion as the driver, success is a matter of time and strategy. When you do what you love…
M O T I V A T I O N / P U R P O S E


01 STRATEGY THOUGHT IDEA Thedifferencebetweenathrivingbusinessand anexpensivehobbyisthe levelofstrategyyoucreateandthe consistencyinwhichyouimplementit.

01 PRE-STRATEGY BRAINSTORM WORKSHEET What problem am I trying to solve? Who is my target customer and what are their main pain problems or issues that I can solve? Why will customer choose my business over others? What am I looking to achieve by creating a custom strategy for my business? What is the purpose of my business?

1 YEAR MISSION FOR YOUR BUSINESS: Strategy Vision Overview ARE YOU ONLINE / BRICK & MORTAR, OR HYBRID: Have a website? Is it optimized? If not, what do you wish for in capability with your website? Core Business Values: What standards do you currently have in place to ensure you maintain your values and accomplish your goals? If you don’t have any, what standards are you looking to implement? 1 YEAR VISION: Take a moment to really envision how you want to develop and grow your business. How do you wish for your business to operate? How many days a week do you want to be working what you consider FT hours for you? How many days will you work PT hours? Think more mechanics and overall operation than strategy. We need to know what pieces are necessary before we can plan the movement. TAGLINE: MAIN SM PLATFORM OF CHOICE FOR FOCUS:

02 02 A U T H E N T I C I T Y

01 Authenticity is the backbone of trust with your audience and customers, as well as with the public at large. Having a grasp on what that means for you and your business gives you the ability to intimately intertwine authenticity into every step of your strategy creation. Why authenticity is so important Why the most effective strategic planning relies on authenticity Where professionalism and authenticity meet Authenticity 02 NOTES:

Know your ‘Why’ Knowing your ‘why’ and integrating it into your authenticity model can really open up your strategy in ways that you can’t possibly imagine. Why? Intimacy invokes trust. Intimacy also evokes loyalty. By letting your customers know EXACTLY why you started your business, you can begin to lay the ground work for intimacy.

WHEN: WHERE: WITH ANYONE?: FEELINGS/VIBES: Your ‘WHY’ Take this opportunity to get the meat and potatoes of your ‘why’ story here on paper. Don’t worry about it being linguistic just get down the facts. Set the stage for your WHY story. What about it struck you so much that you moved in action and started your business? Share that here.

Honesty Integrity Curiosity 01 02 03 This is your core value that you live and breathe by. Think of it as your North Star that keeps you on the right path in your business efforts. CORE VALUES What parts of your culture matter to you enough to include them in your strategy creation? What must be imbedded in the foundation of your business?

AUTHENTICITY CHECKLIST W E E K L Y INVENTORY OF EFFORTS Create opportunities to provide value in content via my WHY Create a VALUE ONLY email funnel for your most recent customers Did your business feel in alignment with your personal life and goals this week? Did you place your business standards above a trend or sensation? Did you acknowledge all the connections that you made this week just by sharing your WHY? Share a FEEL, FELT, FOUND scenario on each platform at least once this week

03 03 P L A N N I N G

01 A good plan is one of the most underrated tools in the entrepreneurial world. When you have a plan paired with a strategic journey, you have a successful business life ahead. How to 2.0 your Planning with Strategy Most Effective Strategic Planning Useful Tools For Strategic Planning Planning 03 NOTES:


THE PROCESS AT A GLANCE: What is your purpose at hand with your product? Assess where ideal customers are & how they like to receive info regarding your project or product. Craft ideal offer for them and deliver in method they prefer. Determine and set up systems that are required to facilitate this process. Deliver the offer to ideal audience and engage systems in place to support. By executing IPA’s needed for project. Make tweaks and pivots when necessary to properly adjust to current needs and outcomes.

Productivity Wins (these tasks are the pushers when it comes to accomplishing big tasks or things that will provide much productivity once completed and in motion.)
How do you go about planning the most productive parts of your daily and weekly operations?
Major Points of Focus (these tasks are the biggest points of focus for my current day, week, or strategy system I am implementing at the moment. These tasks are important, but may not be important once completed because they are not automated with a strategy system.)
Admin/Day-to-Day (these tasks are the mundane things you must do every day, or at the very least weekly to keep your business running smoothly and in order. Think responding to emails, placing orders, dealing with staff, postage runs, etc.)
Keep the Lights On (These tasks are the big money makers or the huge impact actions that keep your business profitable and comfortable. Pay close attention to how often you are trending to these tasks, as they are very important to you reaching the status quip in your business. The goal is always to exceed and outgrow our comfort, but it is important to water the fields that are yielding for you at the moment.)
Planning isn’t about overwhelming yourself, it is about reclaiming your time, efforts, and output in a way that works FOR you, not against you. I like to focus on four levels of activity when planning:

PRIORITY PLANNING WORKSHEET Productivity Wins Major Points of Focus Admin Day to Day Keep the Lights On tasksi m p a c t time & effort

Even a Bad Plan is Better Than No Plan Take into consideration every planning fail you have had before now in your business. Did it come down to a lack of connectivity? Maybe lack of follow-through? Or were your systems lacking? We are going to keep it simple with our planning today and get right down to it. Because once you understand what is necessary and what is not, planning gets really granular yet achievable AND duplicatable.

We will take the first steps for this during the discovery session and materialize it during the actual strategy work. The first point of focus in the planning phase is the pre launch. Once you know your goals, you then need to begin lining up the IPAs needed to execute this phase.
The third phase finds you in the middle of your launch. You may find an increase in opportunities that require pivoting your IPA usage to accommodate changes in the strategy and planning. This phase can feel overwhelming, but rely on your ability to know what is best for the next step in your business.
Secondly we will start working on the brand strategy and messaging. Getting this part right is crucial for building a brand that will resonate with your core audience.The second phase of the launch requires you bumping up your strategy and the manner in which you utilize your hard-hitting IPAs.
The last step of the process is the launch of the new identity. We will help you set up all of the assets and oversee that everything gets implemented according to the brand guidelines. Post launch is where things begin to get really good for IPAs. By now, you are well aware of what IPAs worked well for your efforts and which fizzled out. DURATION: LAUNCH PHASE DURATION: DURATION: WRAP UP

ALWAYS BE READY TO MAKE A PIVOT Learning to become comfortable with the act of swiftly pivoting in your business strategy is KEY to furthering your business growth and success. When one understands that issues requiring pivots happen ‘for you’ and not ‘to you’ the real change begins to fuller into your life and business. Pivots can feel like a failure, but they CAN be a really amazing learning opportunity, and an incredible way to support your foundation. Don’t get caught up worrying about a pivot.

2 TYPES OF PIVOT GROWTH NECESSITY Long term Can be executed over a longer period of time with more attention to tiny detail. Attracts your customers to you Short term Must be executed in a short period of time. Some attention to detail may need to be sacrificed, or tweaked at a later date if possible. You reach out to your customer BOTH PIVOT STRATEGIES ARE GOING TO HAPPEN IN YOUR BUSINESS AT ONE TIME OR ANOTHER. ONCE IDENTIFIED, YOU CAN MARK THE SPEED AT WHICH YOUR PIVOT MUST BE EXECUTED. EACH INCIDENT WILL BE TREATED DIFFERENTLY THAN THE ONE BEFORE, SO YOU MUST APPROACH THIS STRATEGY PROCESS WITH AN OPEN MIND AND AN EYE ON YOUR GOALS.

Income Producing Activities
Planning with strategy in mind is easier than you think! What common issues do you need to strengthen with proper planning?
I’m not talking a normal schedule. I am talking a turbo charged, RICH AF schedule made with strategy as the most important guide Scheduling with Strategy You can’t wait for new customers to find you out of thin air You must create strategic opportunities for them to find you My favorite way is strategic lead magnets. Making Passive Leads
How does authenticity shape your business offerings, efforts, and growth?
Strategizing Walk through your customer journey Would you want to take it? This area of business is often overlooked, relying too much on product and not on experience Ideal Customer Relations How can you make a more robust impression on your audience with your brand recognition? Strategy is KEY. Branding Recognition
You have to create the ideal environment for you customers and audience to get to know you in that YOU control. Aka, outside of social media in your email Attraction Emailing Sales may seem fairly straight forward in approach, but you can turn up your results with a strategic effort. Sales like a Strategist
Planning Goals are achieved when IPAs are used with strategy dictating every task accomplished. How can you better sling your tasks?
Big picture, small projects, daily goals all of them require strategy to be able to create an impact that leads in the direction of your goals

04 04 I P A ' S

01 IPA’s are Income Producing Activities. I guarantee you are already using IPA’s, and even routinely. But have you tried strategically organizing your IPA usage in a way that worked with you to increase you efforts? Quick Lesson: What is an IPA? How to best use IPA’s to create daily operations Income Producing Activities Challenge IPA’s 04 NOTES:

Why Income Producing Activities are going to move the needle on your productivity & success Learn how to make IPAs for the exact goals you have, what your audience is looking for, and planning ahead. It is likely that you are already using income producing activities in your daily operations and business tasks. But using income producing activities when intertwined with an allencompassing strategy is the growthmaker of a lifetime for a business. What is an IPA01 How to grow 1% a day in your business 02 Find your favorite combination of IPAs How to decipher what your audience needs and what IPAs you must complete in order to execute 03 04

10 ESSENTIAL CRITERIA FOR CREATING POWER INCOME PRODUCING ACTIVITIES COMBOS Takes your customer further along the sales journey10. Is able to be applied across many platforms or systems1. Supports your audience and one of their needs2. The task is duplicatable, allows you to automate it or works when you aren’t3. Clear, concise information that helps your audience make a decision4. Results in you moving the needle forward on your project5. Takes your strategy from theory to practice6. Provides your ideal audience with an opportunity to give their email7. Gives your audience more value than they expected, and is FREE8. Intrigues your ideal audience into wanting more from you9. When looking to maximize your productivity, combining IPAs will increase your ability to achieve your goals and maintain your strategic standards.

a good sale turnout lpublic relations building foundation new customers expert placement debut new product survey your audience expand our bnetwork uild strategy
Utilize this checklist to access the needs & IPA’s that support your current purpose for your project at hand
What does your project/product/business offer? Who is your target audience? Why? How does your audience prefer to be communicated with when learning about new products/offers? How does your audience prefer to purchase products/offers? Via links in SM? Via your email campaigns? Via ads they see on socials? Via word of mouth? What is your idea for presenting this current project/product/offering to your ideal audience on their preferred method of communication? What steps are required to complete this? Think more in terms of points of focus like ‘email’, ’social media’, ‘content’, ‘public relations’, ‘marketing’, ‘getting new leads’ What is your desired timeline for completion? What steps are needed each day based on your goals for the project/product/offer? Outline that lightly here. With your project in mind, begin crafting a loose strategy outline with the questions below.
Take note that not all projects will be completed using IPA’s listed here, alone This is merely a framework and starting place for you to develop strategy and standards for execution.
Two main questions: what are their struggles? How can I deliver the help they need, in the manner they want? Understanding exactly what steps are required in the process of a project is essential to being able to complete and execute said project smoothly, while implementing strategy. You must have intimidate knowledge on what is needed from beginning to end within a process to be able to strategically compile the right IPA’s that work for your agenda How to ask the right questions when brainstorming and crafting your usage of IPA’s to execute your business strategy I ALWAYS start by asking these two questions first:

What are your ideal customers primary struggles? How can you help them with their issues or struggles, exactly? Dive into the step by step overview of how your product/offering/service will help solve this problem or issue. ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS THE WORKSHEET

30 Day Income Producing Activities Challenge Tackle 1 IPA a day, for 30 days. Record what changes you notice in your business when you complete certain IPA’s Think about how you can combine your most effective IPA’s together to accomplish your goals Write a sales email DAY 1 Batch out SM content for the next week DAY 2 Outline a new lead magnet DAY 3 Highlight a customer on your socials DAY 4 Update your newsletter sign up sheet DAY 5 Listen to motivating podcast DAY 6 Network on SM for 15 minutes DAY 7 Send a survey email to your recent customers DAY 8 Research new product options for your biz DAY 9 Plan an upcoming event DAY 10 Batch out SM content for the next week DAY 11 Write a authenticity model based email for your entire email list DAY 12 Write a list of short term goals DAY 13 Outline IPA’s needed for short term goal list from yesterday DAY 14 Audit your current client journey DAY 15 Write an email highlighting a brand pillar topic DAY 16 Product highlight content creation DAY 17 Testimonial content creation DAY 18 Listen to an industry podcast to keep up with current events DAY 19 Outline your longterm goals DAY 20 Outline IPAs needeed to execute longterm goals DAY 21 Create SM content for next week DAY 22 Send a POV email to your entire list re: when you were in their shoes DAY 23 Edit your email funnel to accommodate new goals DAY 24 Create a list of what you have accomplished this month DAY 25 Create your new lead magnet DAY 26 Create SM campaign for new lead magnet DAY 27 Write email funnel for new lead magnet DAY 28 Highlight a customer in SM DAY 29 DAY 30 Testimonial email to your entire list

05 05 R E S O U R C E S

What you learned here will serve you as a great platform to begin creating your custom strategy from. But in order to really nail down and jump ahead with the strategy creation process, having a step by step blueprint course to guide you along the way is paramount to saving time, effort, and money. a strategy blueprint course? How to make the best use of your time Why you want to create your custom strategy using my blueprint course
What'sNext? 05 NOTES:

NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE BOLD NEW STEPS FORWARD! If you're still feeling like you need more help, we're here to help you with the whole process! My 10 Points of Focus are integral to building a custom strategy for your business. Using my blueprint, you will have 5+ hours of course time, over 20 templates, and a 1 on 1 with me to GET YOUR CUSTOM BUSINESS STRATEGY COMPLETED AND LAUNCHED!!

“Jump in head first and BUY THE COURSE BLUEPRINT! Changed my business in the most insane ways that I wasn’t even THINKING about or paying attention to. So thankful I took this course. DO IT!!“ Samantha, Color Creep Confessional TESTIMONIAL Review

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C A T C H O U R E X C L U S I V E O F F E R IINSIDE NSIDE How to create your custom business plan using my Strategy Blueprint Course At the end of the Masterclass, I will share an exclusive discount code for you to enroll in the Strategy Blueprint Course with a hefty $ amount off of either plan you choose. S A V E T H E M A S T E R C L A S S I N Y O U R C A L E N D A R

D o n ' t b l o c k y o u r b l e s s i n g s b y n e v e r t r y i n g a n e w a c t i v i t y o u t o f f e a r o f p e r f e c t i o n . P e r f e c t i o n d o e s n o t e x i s t i n b u s i n e s s . S A R A A N N K E L L Y W h e n n o t i n P u e r t o R i c o o r C o l o r a d o , S a r a w o r k s a n d l i v e s s e a s i d e i n C a p e M a y , N J , L i v i n g a F U L L a n d p r e s e n t l i f e w i t h h e r h u s b a n d a n d f a m i l y . W o r l d T r a v e l i s n e x t . S h e w i s h e s f o r e v e r y o n e t o b e a b l e t o l i v e t h i s w a y . M e n t o r i n g n e w e n t r e p r e n e u r s i s h e r p a s s i o n & p u r p o s e 1 3 y e a r P u b l i c R e l a t i o n s , S o c i a l M e d i a , O n l i n e S a l e s , a n d B u s i n e s s D e v e l o p m e n t e x p e r t i s e . www pinterest com/SaraAnnKellyPR Saraannkellypr 2022/ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED