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Writefully DivideWordthe of Truth Sloane von Wertz,BOOKPh.D.ONE Sentences A Workbook

Cover Art by Grace Garza Permission to Reproduce

The Writefully Divide the Word of Truth series is a supplement to teaching/learning. Its purpose is to instruct our young people on Biblical tenets while also reviewing and providing practice in solid writing skills. We should not send our children into this world without a firm foundation (a grounding in God’s truth). It is also very important that our children have the ability to think critically, to express themselves successfully through the written word, and (most importantly) to defend their faith. May the Writefully Divide the Word of Truth series, which endeavors to aid in this quest, be salt and light in the life of the instructor and the student . Book One covers important information about sentences (their types and structures) and common concerns such as fragments, commas , and run ons. Each section opens with a quick and straightforward overview of the topic and then provides exercises that increase in difficulty. The intended audience is writers who are at the age of accountability (a parent should make that determination). Table of Contents Sentence Types 1 Sentence Structures 7 Complete Sentences and Fragments 21 Comma Rules 29 Run Ons and Comma Splices 32 Review Exercises 47 Copyright Notices: NKJV: Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Writefully Divide the Word of Truth Book One

Sentences Introduction

The author/publisher grants permission to reproduce this material on any standard copier by the classroom instructor or parent for use with students, but not for commercial resale. This permission is granted by virtue of the purchase of this book. Such permission does not include the storage of any part of this publication in a retrieval system or the transmission of such, in any form, or by any means (including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, recording means) without prior permission of the author. Reproduction of these materials for an entire school or school system is strictly prohibited.ISBN9798 9868402 0 8

Author/Publisher: Sloane von Wertz, Ph.D. ©2022 MadGrammarBaby Printed in the USA

*Look at God’s creation.

*Acknowledge God’s power.

*Scientists and Biblical scholars share opinions about God’s creation.

*Look at God’s creation!

*Wow! *Ouch!

*What do you think about God’s creation?

*Why do people take the beauty of God’s creation for granted? Interrogative statements ask questions.

Declarative: A Statement *God’s creation is magnificent.

*Look at God’s creation. *Wow! Each of the given examples are a sentence even “Wow!” because each example expresses a thought. A sentence is a word or group of words that work together to express a thought. ATHOUGHTThought…

Declarative sentences make a statement about something.

Examples: *God’s creation is magnificent.

There are FOUR basic sentence types:

*I am amazed by God’s creative hand.

Imperative: A Command


*I am amazed by God’s creative hand!

Exclamatory sentences show a lot of emotion

*Do you find God’s creation as amazing as I do?

*Study the wonderful works of God’s hands. Imperative sentences give commands/directions and usually have an implied subject of “You ” Exclamatory: An Emotion-filled Expression

Interrogative: A Question*What do you think about God’s creation?

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 1 Book One: Sentences SENTENCE TYPES


Check your understanding… Instructions: Name the sentence type for each of the following sentences. Answers are at the bottom of the page. Answers:1.Imperative2.Interrogative3.Declarative4.Dclarativee5.Interrogative6.Exclamatory7.Declarative 8.Interrogative9.Imperative10.Exclamatory


1. Memorize scriptures from the Bible. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory What is the purpose of memorizing scriptures? Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory Everyone should memorize scriptures from the Bible. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory I have memorized several Psalms. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory How much scripture have you memorized? Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory

6. I love learning scripture! Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory There are sixty six books in the Bible. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory Did you know that there are more books in the Old Testament than in the New DeclarativeTestament? Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory Learn the order of the books in the Bible to help yourself find scriptures mor e easily. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory I am so Declarativeconfused! Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory





©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 2 Book One: Sentences




Two Important Sentence Rules:

The first letter of the first word of a sentence should be capitalized. The sentence should end with the appropriate punctuation mark (which is called an end mark). Rule 1 Rule 2 End Marks

2. On the first day of creation, God created light and separated light from Perioddarkness Question Mark Exclamation Point

Instructions: For each sentence below, determine which end mark should be used. Answers are at the bottom of the Answers:page.

1. Look up the answer in Genesis Period Question Mark Exclamation Point

Period Question Mark Exclamation Point declarativesEnd and imperatives with a period withinterrogativesEndaquestionmark sentencesexclamatoryEndexclamationpoint

4. On which day did God create land animals and humans Period Question Mark Exclamation Point

Think Check your understanding…

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 3 Book One: Sentences ONE MORE THING…


SIDE NOTE: It is possible to end a declarative or an interrogative with an exclamation point if the sentence is intended to show intense emotion

3. It is exciting to read about how God created everything Period Question Mark Exclamation Point

11Some people do not know that ROFL means “rolling on the floor laughing” or TBH means “to be honest.” 12Many texters do not think that it is rude to use code in a text message when someone may not even understand what is meant. 13There are so many other instances where it seems that politeness is becoming old -fashioned. 14Sometimes people do not return phone calls even though someone left a phone message. 15There are times that someone will hold a conversation on his or her cell phone and speak very loudly, causing everyone in the vicinity to listen to dinner plans or an argument. 16Does the Bible have anything to say regarding politeness? 17Actually, it does! 18Think of Matthew 7:12 which many people call “The Golden Rule.” 19”Do unto others what you Instructions

Please read the following paragraph and determine the sentence type (declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory) for each sentence.

1Is being polite old fashioned? 2With the rise of technology, it seems that more people are now finding it unnecessary to follow the rules of etiquette that have been followed for many years here in America. 3For example, people in the past would begin a handwritten or typewritten business letter or personal letter with a formality such as “Dear (name)” and end the letter with a closing salutation such as “Sincerely.” 4This rule did carry over to email when electronic letters first started, but times have changed. 5Today, an email can easily contain one line of information with no other salutations. 6In fact, how many times have we received an email with an attachment and no letter at all? 7Receiving an empty email with just an attachment can be surprising (and even seem somewhat rude) to the receiver, but email senders and receivers must remember that an empty email with an attachment can also be dangerous since computer viruses are often spread in this manner.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 4 Book One: Sentences SENTENCE TYPES EXERCISE

8There are similar concerns with text messages, which not only may exclude any salutations but also may be filled with what can appear to some people to be a nonsensical string of letters. 9Consider ROFL or TBH. 10What do these strings of letters even mean?

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 5 Book One: Sentences would have them to do unto you.” 20No matter how old fashioned being polite may seem, we must all do so as commanded in God’s word. 1. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 2. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 3. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 4. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 5. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 6. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 7. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 8. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 9. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 10. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 11. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 12. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 13. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 14. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 15. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 16. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 17. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 18. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 19. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory 20. Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory State one way that you can begin to act more politely to others.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 6 Book One: Sentences Write FOUR SENTENCES (on e declarative, one interrogative, one imperative, and one exclamatory) about how you should treat Exclamatory:_______________________________________________Imperative:_______________________________________________________________Interrogative:_______________Declarative:_______________________________________________________________others.

Subject Predicate

SUBJECT: Noah PREDICATE: built a tremendous ark Notice that this clause needs MORE INFORMATION. The thought is incomplete because of the opening word “when” which is a subordinate conjunction.


SUBJECT: Noah PREDICATE: built a tremendous ark Notice that this clause looks exactly like a simple sentence. The thought is complete.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 7 Book One: Sentences IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: What is a clause?

The students quickly asked the instructor many questions and waited for answers .

There are FOUR sentence structures: Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound Complex . Simple Simple sentences have one subject and one predicate. The subject is the topic of the sentence (or what the sentence is about). The predicate is the rest of the sentence (it contains the verb and shares information about the subject).


Subject Predicate

Subject Predicate



The students and the tutor asked the instructor many questions and waited for answers.

A simple sentence is actually the same as an INDEPENDENT CLAUSE (one subject and one predicate). A CLAUSE is a group of words that work together and is comprised of a subject and a predicate. The difference between CLAUSE and SIMPLE SENTENCE is this: Not all clauses convey a complete thought, but all simple sentences do convey a complete thought .

The students asked the instructor many questions

Subject Predicate

When Noah built a tremendous ark.

The students and the tutor asked the instructor many questions.

Noah built a tremendous ark.

Check your understanding…

Subject: The students and the tutor Subject: the instructor

Instructions: Determine if each sentence is simple or compound. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

3. We must keep the faith, and we will finish the race.

Compound sentences have TWO (or more) Independent Clauses (two or more “simple sentences”). Compound sentences can “break” apart and each part makes sense by itself.

4. Children should honor their mother and father.


Subject: The students Subject: the instructor

2. We are encouraged to have faith, hope, and love, but the greatest is love.



The students asked many questions, and the instructor answered each one.

Predicate: asked many questions Predicate: answered each one

Subject: The students Subject: the instructor

Predicate: asked the instructor questions Predicate: answered

Predicate: asked questions Predicate: answered each one and waited for answers

The students and tutor asked questions and waited for answers ; the instructor paused and then answered each INDEPENDENTone.CLAUSE

The students and the tutor asked the instructor questions and the instructor answered.

The students asked questions and waited for answers; the instructor answered each one.

SentencesAnswers:1.Simple2.Compound3.Compound4.Simple Compound



Subject: The students and tutor Subject: the instructor

Predicate: asked many questions Predicate: paused and then and waited for answers answered each one


1. God is our refuge and strength and a very present help during trouble.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 8 Book One:


1. The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.


ONE MORE THING: A compound sentence is actually two simple sentences (two independent clauses) that are joined together in one sentence. Of course, you can separate your compound sentence (your two independent clauses) into two separate simple sentences.

NOTE: Later in this workbook, we will review commas a bit more . 1. 2. 3.

SEMICOLON + CONJUNCTIVE ADVERB + COMMA (however, therefore, thus, instead…) There are many more conjunctive adverbs.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby 9 Book One: Sentences

2. All of us prayed for our pastor; he is doing much better.

1. The Lord gives. The Lord takes away.


3. Our pastor was very ill. He was restored to complete health.


2. All of us prayed for our pastor. He is doing much better.




There are different ways to punctuate a compound sentence. If you know the various ways, you have a tool that you can use so that your writing will have IndependentClausevariety.

3. Our pastor was very ill; however, he was restored to complete health.

NOTE: Subordinate conjunction s are underlined.

The dependent clause can be at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence. The placement of the dependent clause will impact comma use . In general, if the dependent clause is before the independent clause and they are working together, then there will b e a comma after the dependent clause.

REMEMBER: Independent Clauses CAN stand alone; Dependent Clauses CANNOT stand alone (DEPENDENT CLAUSES open with a subordinate conjunction, such as when, after, because, since, although . More subordinate conjunctions are listed later.)


When the students asked the instructor many questions , he answered each one. Dependent Clause Independent Clause


There are FOUR sentence structures: Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound -Complex. We have looked at Simple and Compound sentences; now, we will look at Complex and Compound -Complex sentences. Complex Complex sentences have one INDEPENDENT CLAUSE and one or more DEPENDENT CLAUSES.


The essays that the instructor graded were beautifully written.

Independent Clause: The essays were beautifully written. Dependent Clause: that the instructor graded As soon as the math class ended , several students paused to pray for their friend because he missed school due to illness .

Dependent Clause: As soon as the math class ended Independent clause: several students paused to pray for their friend

Dependent Clause: because he missed school due to illness


MadGrammarBaby Page 10 Book One: Sentences


The students and the tutor asked several questions because everyone was confused. Independent Clause Dependent Clause

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 11 Book One:

When the students asked questions whom the advisor recommended

Check your understanding… Instructions: Determine if each sentence is complex or compound complex. Answers are at the bottom of the page. Everyone should memorize the Ten Commandments which God put in place to show humanity what sin is.

Compound-Complex Sentences have TWO (or more) Independent Clauses (two or more “simple sentences”) and ONE (or more) Dependent Clauses.

4. Disappointments in our lives are inevitable, but discouragement which everybody faces is a choice.

Dependent Clause When the students asked questions


2. We should all look forward to Heaven which is one eternal moment of joy, peace, and satisfaction.


Independent Clause One Independent Clause Two the instructor answered the questions the tutor asked a few more questions

When the students asked questions, the instructor answered a them, but the tutor asked a few more questions.

3. God gives everyone who comes to Him a spiritual gift, an d we should use our gift to help other believers in Christ.

Dependent Clause One Dependent Clause Two



Independent Clause One Independent Clause Two the instructor answered them the tutor asked a few more questions

When the students asked questions, the instructor whom the advisor recommended answered the questions, but the tutor asked a few more questions.





EXAMPLE: I have been studying about clauses which are easy. CLAUSES DEPENDENT CLAUSES


PART A: Read the following sentences and identify the number of independent clauses and the number of dependent clauses (if any) in each sentence.


1. The students were tired of the loudly clanging fire drill bells. CLAUSES DEPENDENT CLAUSES

3. A campus security guard arrested this irreverent student because yelling “Fire!” in a crowded building is against the law. CLAUSES CLAUSES




©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 12 Book One: Sentences SENTENCE


5. The student was terribly embarrassed by the whole affair, and he apologized. CLAUSES CLAUSES





6. The student and his sister who graduated last year from the same school placed an ad in the newspaper and ultimately found work in ministry as worship leaders.


REMEMBER: Look for the SUBJECTS and PREDICATES that work together and then determine if they can stand alone (ind ependent clause) or cannot stand alone (dependent clause).

4. As a result of these shenanigans, the police came , and the campus was on the six o’clock news. CLAUSES CLAUSES


2. Unfortunately, one of the students decided to pull the fire alarm and yell, “Fire!” CLAUSES DEPENDENT CLAUSES



10. I hope that he continues to be a good person and remembers not to cause problems for other






14. After reading the Bible, you should feel renewed.



7. In all reality, they belonged in worship ministry since they were very talented






11. After someone has learned such a serious lesson, he or she should try to help others learn from their mist _____INDEPENDENTakes.CLAUSES DEPENDENT CLAUSES



13. When you read the Bible, you will want to read it more and more.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 13 Book One: Sentences




12. The Bible is filled with the stories of hope, love, forgiveness, and faithfulness, as well as so many other helpful points from which people learn. CLAUSES DEPENDENT CLAUSES

9. His pranks made an impression on others who will always remember him.


16. Praying to God and reading His word daily can improve one’s emotional and psychological




15. It is good to start the day by reading the Bible.


8. Unfortunately, the pranks that he pulled in the past got him into serious trouble several times, but the fire prank was the last time.







Compound Sentence = TWO or more independent clauses


2. Unfortunately, one of the students decided to pull the fire alarm and yel l, “Fire!”


3. A campus security guard arrested this irreverent employee because yelling “Fire!” in a crowded building is against the law.

I have been studying about clauses which are easy.


5. The student was terribly embarrassed by the whole affair, and he apologized.

4. As a result of these shenanigans, the police came , and the campus was on the six o’clock news.

1. The students were tired of the loudly clanging fire drill bells.


6. The student and his sister who graduated last year from the same school placed an ad in the newspaper and ultimately found work in ministry as wor ship leaders.

Sentence = TWO or more independent clauses and ONE or more dependent clauses.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 14 Book One: Sentences PART B: In Part A, you determined the number and types of clauses for each sentence.

Now in Part B, you are asked to identify the sentence type (SIMPLE, COMPOUND, COMPLEX, or COMPOUND COMPLEX).

REMEMBER: Simple Sentence = ONE independent clause

Complex Sentence = ONE independent and ONE or more dependent clauses



©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 15 Book One: Sentences


16. Praying to God and reading His word daily can improve one’s emotional and psychological state. SIMPLE COMPOUND COMPLEX COMPOUND COMPLEX

14. After reading the Bible, you should feel renewed.


7. In all reality, they belonged in worship ministry since they were very talented SIMPLEmusicians.

12. The Bible is filled with the stories of hope, love, forgiveness, and faithfulness, as well as so many other helpful points from which people learn.

10. I hope that he continues to be a good person and remembers not to cause problems for other people.


15. It is good to start the day by reading the Bible.


13. When you read the Bible, you will want to read it more and more SIMPLE COMPOUND COMPLEX COMPOUND COMPLEX

11. After someone has learned such a serious lesson, he or she should try to help others learn from their mistakes.

8. Unfortunately, the pranks that he pulled in the past got him into serious trouble several times, but the fire prank was the last time.



9. His pranks made an impression on other people who will always remember him.




1As one of the most widely spoken tone languages in the world today, Mandarin Chinese has over 900 million speakers around the world. 2Tone languages use pitch changes to show the differences in words. 3 In Mandarin, there are four tones (Tone 1, Tone 2, Tone 3, and Tone 4), and these tones are distinguished by their contour or shape and the range of pitch. 4 However, researchers point out that there are two issues that may make it difficult for someone to discern the four given tones in Mandarin. 5There are some instances when Mandarin speech is continuous; thus, for example, Tone 2 and Tone 3 are often difficult for some speakers to tell apart. 6Because Tone 2 and Tone 3 both end with a RISE at the end, the listeners (even native Mandarin speakers) ofte n have to depend on other parts of the conversation to determine what the speaker means. 7Mandarin can be a difficult language for an English speaker to learn as an adult. 8In fact, Mandarin can be a difficult language for anyone who speaks a first language that does not use tones. 9However, speakers whose first language utilizes tones (for example, Korean, Vietnamese, or Yoruba) may also have problems in learning a language that does not have the same type of tone system that their original language has . 10The vast differences in the many world languages are another testimony to the greatness of God. 11The marvelous hand of God is so clear in so many ways. 12It really should be impossible for anyone to see otherwise.

Read the following paragraph and identify the sentence structures (SIMPLE, COMPOUND, COMPLEX, or COMPOUND -COMPLEX) for each sentence.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 16 Book One: Sentences

Compound Sentence = TWO or more independent clauses


Complex Sentence = ONE independent and ONE or more dependent clauses

Compound Complex Sentence = TWO or more independent clauses and ONE or more dependent clauses

Languages: A Revelation of God’s Hand


Simple Sentence = ONE independent clause

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 17 Book One: Sentences 1. Number of Independent clauses_____ Number of Dependent Clauses_____ SIMPLE COMPOUND COMPLEX COMPOUND COMPLEX 2. Number of Independent clauses_____ Number of Dependent Clauses_____ SIMPLE COMPOUND COMPLEX COMPOUND COMPLEX 3. Number of Independent clauses_____ Number of Dependent Clauses_____ SIMPLE COMPOUND COMPLEX COMPOUND COMPLEX 4. Number of Independent clauses_____ Number of Dependent Clauses_____ SIMPLE COMPOUND COMPLEX COMPOUND COMPLEX 5. Number of Independent clauses_____ Number of Dependent Clauses_____ SIMPLE COMPOUND COMPLEX COMPOUND COMPLEX 6. Number of Independent clauses_____ Number of Dependent Clauses_____ SIMPLE COMPOUND COMPLEX COMPOUND-COMPLEX 7. Number of Independent clauses_____ Number of Dependent Clauses_____ SIMPLE COMPOUND COMPLEX COMPOUND-COMPLEX 8. Number of Independent clauses_____ Number of Dependent Clauses_____ SIMPLE COMPOUND COMPLEX COMPOUND-COMPLEX 9. Number of Independent clauses_____ Number of Dependent Clauses_____ SIMPLE COMPOUND COMPLEX COMPOUND-COMPLEX 10. Number of Independent clauses_____ Number of Dependent Clauses_____ SIMPLE COMPOUND COMPLEX COMPOUND-COMPLEX 11. Number of Independent clauses_____ Number of Dependent Clauses_____ SIMPLE COMPOUND COMPLEX COMPOUND COMPLEX 12. Number of Independent clauses_____ Number of Dependent Clauses_____ SIMPLE COMPOUND COMPLEX COMPOUND COMPLEX




Complex Sentence = ONE independent and ONE or more dependent clauses


2. Some scientists claim that the sounds in languages spoken around the world indicate that southern Africa could be the home of modern language.


Compound Complex Sentence = TWO or more independent clauses and ONE or more dependent clauses


(REMEMBER: Look for the SUBJECTS and PREDICATES that work together and then determine if they can stand alone [independent clause] or not [dependent clause]). Next, identify the sentence structure type.

Simple Sentence = ONE independent clause


Compound Sentence = TWO or more independent clauses


3. Africa is where some scientists believe that the Garden of Eden is located. _____ DEPENDENT CLAUSES


Read the following sentences and identify the number of independent clauses and the number of dependent clauses (if any) in each sentence.



©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 18 Book One: Sentences


1. A few years ago, a few scientists made an interesting discovery.

4. The Garden of Eden is where God placed Adam and Eve when He created them, and He gave them authority over the animals. DEPENDENT CLAUSES COMPOUND COMPLEX COMPOUND COMPLEX











10. When a language is far away from Africa, where some people believe that God first placed humanity, then the phonemes in that language are less diverse.





7. A linguist is someone who either speaks various languages or studies linguistics which is the scientific study of language. CLAUSES _____ DEPENDENT CLAUSES


9. These scientists applied a mathematical method to linguistics and found a pattern in 500 of the languages spoken throughout the world.






11. Scientists see this same pattern in genetics.

6. To make this observation, various linguists looked for patterns of phonemes in _____INDEPENDENTlanguage.


5. It would thus make sense that modern language began where humanity began.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby 19 One: Sentences


8. Phonemes are the simplest elements of language including consonants , vowels, and _____INDEPENDENTtones.

Select one of the sentences (all of which are declarative) and rewrite it as an imperative sentence.



13. There are over 6,000 known languages in the world, so to draw a conclusion from a pattern based on a mere 500 languages may not necessarily be good science.






Select one of the sentences (all of which are declarative) and rewrite it as an interrogative sentence.

©2022 20 One: Sentences

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12. Although this position is very compelling, many other linguists have several important arguments against this discovery.

14. However, the amazing diversity in languages and genetics and the idea that they point to one specific origin help to substantiate that there is one originator our Creator, _____INDEPENDENTGod.


©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 21 Book One: Sentences All I Need is to be Complete! 6u6 Gram I don’treallyknow!! Punk, what is Ardsley talking about? importantCounting things. Such as my shoes. When I get home. Ardsley You are confusing Gram and me, Ardsley… I think problem.aArdsleythatishavinggrammar No. Ardsley is having problem!punctuationa SPLAT! What are you two doing? We have decided that you are having a grammar and a punctuation problem TeamGPTheArdsley:andPunk,Gram,

*End marks (period, question mark, exclamation point)


The cow jumped over the moon. Did the cow jump over the moon?

SUBJECT: I VERB: fell/hurt (Notice that “Ouch!” does not have a subject and a verb.) God created heaven and earth.


Sentences in English begin with the capitalization of the first letter and end with an end mark (period, question mark, or exclamation point).

I cannot believe that the cow jumped over the moon!

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 22 Book One: Sentences FRAGMENTS

Overview To understand what a fragment is, you should first understand what a complete sentence is.

*Capitalization of the first letter


COMPLETE sentence: I fell and hurt my knee.

In standard academic English, writers mainly write in COMPLETE SENTENCES. (Sometimes a fragment is used for emphasis or as a poetic device, but for the most part, academic writers utilize complete sentences.)

A fragment is an incomplete sentence. In other words, a fragment wants to be a complete sentence, but it cannot be a complete sentence because it is missing a subject, verb, and/or the complete thought.

EXPLANATION: I fell and hurt my knee.


1. Missing Subject: 2. Missing verb: Fell and hurt my knee. God heaven and earth.

EXAMPLE SENTENCES: Ouch! I fell and hurt my knee. Both sentences make the reader think of a complete thought. Although all of the specific information is not there (such as who the child is or how he hurt himself ), we understand that someone is hurt. We do not need to know everything for there to be a complete thought. However, what is important in our discussion here is that only ONE of the sentences is a

A sentence is a group of words that work together to express a thought. A complete sentence is a sentence that is made up of at least one subject and predicate (starts with the verb) that work together.

3. Missing PART of the verb phrase: My family reading the Bible every evening at dinner. (Whenever an action word ends with ing, there should be a helping verb with the action word so that it can be an actual verb. If there is no helping verb with the ing action word, then there is no verb. Therefore, this sentence is missing part of the verb).

Think Check your understanding…

recommend different ways. 1That students can prepare for exams. First, students should always allow enough study time. The amount of time needed depends on the subject and how well the student already understands the subject. 2While some students can still do well on an exam . 3Although they waited until the last minute. 4Most students that are about to take an exam. 5Should recognize that last-minute cramming is not the best way to prepare for an exam. 6When preparing for the exam. The student should create a study schedule. 7And list the number of exams that will be taken . 8Students preparing for the many exams at the end of the semester . 50 UBORDINATE CONJUNCTIONS after although as as if as long as as much as as soon as as though because before even even if even though if if only if when if then inasmuch in order that just as lest now now since now that now when once provided provided that rather that since so that supposing than that though till unless until when whenever where whereas where if wherever whether which while who whoever why This list is not exhaustive.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 23 Book One: Sentences

5. The “extra information” fragment (usually opens with “for example” or “such as”): I have several favorite Bible stories. Such as the stories about the lives of Moses and even King David. (Writers often want to set off the “extra information” because it feels like a pause belongs, but the writer should not make the “extra information” into a separate sentence because it will be a fragment.)

Instructions: Please read through the following paragraph and determine why the underlined sentences are Variousfragments.people

HINT: Read each SEPARATELY.sentence

4. There is a subject and verb, but the thought is incomplete: When God created heaven and earth. (The complete thought is missing. What happened when God created heaven and earth? Be careful when you open a sentence with a Subordinate Conjunction because you may have a fragment.)

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 24 Book One: Sentences 1. ___Complete ___Fragment 5. ___Complete ___Fragment 2. ___Complete ___Fragment 6. ___Complete ___Fragment 3. ___Complete ___Fragment 7. ___Complete ___Fragment 4. ___Complete ___Fragment 8. ___Complete ___Fragment Select three of the fragments in the previous paragraph and REWRITE them as COMPLETE SENTENCES. Sentence number:_____ Sentence number:_____ Sentence number:_____ Answers:1.Incompletethought2.Incompletethought3.Incompletethought4.Incompletethought5.Nosubject6.Nosubject,missingpart oftheverb,incompletethought7.Nosubject8.Missingpartoftheverb

8. The helmet of God’s gift of salvation keeps your mind assured of your salvation through the presence of God’s Holy Spirit and helps you to stand against the enemy’s weapons of doubt and discouragement. ___Complete ___Fragment

12. Finally, we must pray always, watch, and stand. ___Complete ___Fragment

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 25 Book One: Sentences FRAGMENTS EXERCISE


Read the following sentences and determine if each is either a COMPLETE SENTENCE or a FRAGMENT.

4. The belt of truth holds everything in our armor together. ___Complete ___Fragment

5. The breastplate of righteousness from God protects our heart. ___Complete ___Fragment

2. So that we will be able to resist whatever the enemy throws at us. ___Complete ___Fragment 3. Most of the armor is to protect ourselves. ___Complete ___Fragment

1. Ephesians 6:10 20 tells us to be sure to put on the whole armor of God. ___Complete ___Fragment

9. As we stand, which is what the Bible tells us to do. ___Complete ___Fragment

6. The shoes of the Gospel of peace provide a secure foundation. ___Complete Fragment 7. The shield of faith, or trust in God’s power and protection, very important to help us to stand ___Completestrong. ___Fragment

10. Just as Christ used Scripture to defeat Satan. ___Complete ___Fragment

11. We should be prepared to do the same with our only offense weapon the Sword of the Spirit, or God’s Word. ___Complete ___Fragment


1People will sneak and break a rule. 2If they know they can. 3I once broke an important rule. 4The rule that one must pay for an item before leaving the store. 5The situation that shows this idea occurred when I was twelve years old . 6When I was in a grocery store. 7Right in the middle of one aisle. 8Was a large container with red and green grapes. 9So happy to see my absolute favorite green grapes. 10Glancing left and right to be sure no one was looking. 11I popped one of those delectable bites of sweet goodness into my mouth. 12And walked away while chewing but found that the grape was very bitter. 13Some individuals would say that such a situation is of no significance and begs for no discussion. 14However, I realized at that moment that I stole a grape. 15Even though I took just one small grape out of many. 16It was still stealing. 17Although I thought that no one saw me. 18Guilt flooded my senses because I realized that God saw me as I thought of Commandment number Eight. 19Which is “You shall not steal.” 20Stealing something, no matter the worth of the item stolen, is unethical and against God’s commands.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 26 Book One: Sentences FRAGMENTS EXERCISE 2

1. Complete ____Fragment 11. _____Complete ____Fragment 2. ____Complete ____Fragment 12. _____Complete ____Fragment 3. ____Complete ____Fragment 13. _____Complete ____Fragment 4. ____Complete ____Fragment 14. _____Complete ____Fragment 5. ____Complete ____Fragment 15. _____Complete ____Fragment 6. ____Complete ____Fragment 16. _____Complete ____Fragment 7. ____Complete ____Fragment 17. _____Complete ____Fragment 8. ____Complete ____Fragment 18. _____Complete ____Fragment 9. ____Complete ____Fragment 19. _____Complete ____Fragment 10. ____Complete ____Fragment 20. _____Complete ____Fragment Instructions

Read the following passage and determine if each sentence is either a COMPLETE SENTENCE or a FRAGMENT.

6An essay with coherence. 7Blends ideas by providing a smooth union between sentences, paragraphs, and major sections of the paper. 8Also, an essay with solid coherence has several characteristics. 9Such as, easy to read, easy to follow, easy to understand. 10Thus, you must take special care when working on coherence in your writing.

If a fragment, write the cause here:_______________________________________ If a fragment, write the cause here:_______________________________________ If a fragment, write the cause here:__________________ If a fragment, write the cause here:_______________________________________ If a fragment, write the cause here:_______________________________________ If a fragment, write the cause here:_______________________________________ If a fragment, write the cause here:_______________________________________


___Complete ___Fragment

4. ___Complete ___Fragment

1When reading an essay. 2Readers able to follow the ideas. 3Without getting lost in the presentation. 4Thus, a very important quality that you must develop in y our writing is COHERENCE.


5An essay with solid coherence that allows the reader to follow the ideas.

6. ___Complete ___Fragment

2. ___Complete ___Fragment


7. ___Complete ___Fragment


Read the following passage and determine if each sentence is either COMPLETE or a FRAGMENT. Next, determine the cause of the fragments.

5. ___Complete ___Fragment

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 27 Book One: Sentences

REMEMBER THE COMMON CAUSES OF FRAGMENTS: No subject, no verb, missing part of the verb, no complete thought, or extra information.

3. ___Complete ___Fragment

If a fragment, write the cause here:_______________________________________ Rewrite the previous passage and FIX the fragments.

10. ___Complete ___Fragment

8. ___Complete ___Fragment

9. ___Complete ___Fragment

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 28 Book One: Sentences

If a fragment, write the cause here:_______________________________________

HINT: As you make corrections to the fragments, consider tactics such as adding words, combining sentences, or changing punctuation.

If a fragment, write the cause here:________________________

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 29 Book One: Sentences ArdsleyPunkGram COMMA RULE: Separate each item in a series with commas. Be sure to remember the final or Oxford comma, or else you may communicate something that you never intended! Here we have items in a series Add a Ardsley.comma,Yes!Add a comma! I would like to thank my parents, Gram, and Punk. Parents Gram PunkArdsley:andPunk,Gram,TheGPTeam The Importance of Being a Comma 6u6 Gram Me neither! Huh? I’m not parent!your I would like to thank my parents, Gram and Punk Ardsley

©2022 30 Book One: Sentences FIVE SIMPLE RULES

Introductory Clause (Dependent Clause): When the school year is over, I will be a senior. Separate items in a series


A Series of Phrases: The students asked a few questions, completed the assignment, and then took a break.

Separate two independent clauses (or two complete sentences ) with a coordinate conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so FANBOYS)

Writers are often taught to place a comma where it “feels” like a brief pause belongs. However, this approach does not always result in correct comma placement. People who pause often when they speak may incorrectly place too many commas. People who speak quickly may place no commas at all! The basic rule for utilizing commas is this: If it “feels” like a pause belongs at a certain point in your sentence, then think about if you can justify that pause with one of the five basic comma rules. NOTE: The following five comma rules are the most common and agreed upon rules. There are a few other comma rules (e.g., dates) that are not covered in this workbook. Using these rules is the BEST START for you in your comma use.

Rule 1 RuleRule23

The students completed the assignment , and the teacher graded their papers that day.

Separate introductory material from the rest of the sentence

Introductory Phrase: In the meantime, we will continue to think about our plans for the new year.

MadGrammarBaby Page

Introductory Word: Fortunately, the new year is quickly approaching.

A Series of Words: The class required hard work, determination, and patience.


You can “beak” the sentence in half and both parts can stand alone.


7. God told Adam, “You may eat freely of every tree in the garden except of the tree of good and evil.” ___Rule 1 ___Rule 2 ___Rule 3 ___Rule 4 ___Rule 5

3. “You are all doing quite well,” the instructor said, “and I am very proud.” Set off or s urround interrupters (such as transitions, non essential clauses, and appositives)

5. God created male and female, and He told them to be fruitful and multiply. ___Rule 1 ___Rule 2 ___Rule 3 ___Rule 4 ___Rule 5

3. Not everyone, however, agrees with this observation.

2. “You are all doing quite well,” the instructor said.

6. As God saw everything that He made, He noted that it was all very good. ___Rule 1 ___Rule 2 ___Rule 3 ___Rule 4 ___Rule 5

©2022 Page 31 Book One: Sentences Separate a signal phrase from the direct quote.

1. The instructor said, “You are all doing quite well.”

1. On the first day, God spoke light into existence. ___Rule 1 ___Rule 2 ___Rule 3 ___Rule 4 ___Rule 5

3. God created His first man, Adam, and placed Adam in the Garden of Eden. ___Rule 1 ___Rule 2 ___Rule 3 ___Rule 4 ___Rule 5 4. God gave humanity power over the fish, birds, cattle, the earth, and all creeping things on the earth. ___Rule 1 ___Rule 2 ___Rule 3 ___Rule 4 ___Rule 5

1. The First Lady, Melania Trump, has a keen sense of style.

2. Melania Trump, the First Lady, has a keen sense of style.

4. King David, who was a musician, was a warrior.

2. Although God separated light from darkness on the first day, He did not create the sun and moon until the fourth day. ___Rule 1 ___Rule 2 ___Rule 3 ___Rule 4 ___Rule 5

Instructions: Name the comma rule that is being used to include the comma(s) in each sentence. Answers are at the bottom of the page. Rule 4 Rule 5 Answers:1.Rule22.Rule23.Rule54.Rule35.Rule16.Rule27.Rule4


Think Check your understanding…

1. When God created Eve Adam called her Woman.

Example: The students completed the assignment and the teacher graded their papers that day.

1.Two independent clauses that are “run” together with just a comma and no FANBOYS (“jamming” two sentences together with just a comma)

4. Seth was Adam and Eve’s third son, Seth is the ancestor of Noah.

5. There are many generations between Seth, and Noah.

Example: The students completed the assignment, the teacher graded their papers that day. 2. Missing punctuation

3. Cain was a gardener and tilled the land Abel was a herdsman who took care of flocks.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 32 Book One: Sentences RUN-ONS AND COMMA SPLICES

There are two types of run ons:

2. Adam and Eve’s first son was named Cain and their second son was named Abel.

Overview There are two errors relating to commas: Run Ons and Commas Splices.

Instructions: Determine if the sentence contains a run on or a comma splice. Answers are at the bottom of the page. Run on Comma Splice

Answers:1.Runonbetween“Eve”andAdam”“2.Runonbetween“Cain”and“and”3.Runonbetween“tilled”and“and”4.Runonat thecomma5.Commaspliceatthecomma

A comma where it does not belong. Example: I cannot believe, that I earned a C on my paper. (No comma should be here because the dependent clause is AFTER the independent clause. Remember to use a comma when the dependent clause is BEFORE the independent clause.)

THOUGHTCommas…Think Check your understanding…

6. There is one thing that keeps me going throughout the day I start the day with prayer. Part B: Read the following passage and determine if the boldface sentences contain a run on. Explain your answers.

1. I have a test coming up, I do not know what to expect.

2. I work on my homework every evening but it is difficult to complete my homework on time.

5. Everyone should have a daily devotional this is the best thing to do.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 33 Book One: Sentences RUN-ONS

4. Multi tasking is not a good idea people make mistakes when doing many things at one time.

PARTEXERCISEA: Read the following sentences and determine exactly where the run on occurs. Be precise in your identification.

Colors can be beautiful. However, some scientists wonder if color is a physical thing or if it is created in our minds. 1Sir Isaac Newton decided that he wanted to test how light and color works in the eye so he stuck a needle in his own eye and stirred the needle around. This painful sounding experiment did teach Newton something about light particles and color. This experiment was also a forerunner in scientists learning about Instructions Instructions

3. The noise in the hallway distracts me that makes me lose my train of thought.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 34 Book One: Sentences synaesthesia. Synaesthesia causes people to associate colors with other senses. 2For example, someone with synaesthesia may smell apples when he or she sees the color blue. These people may also taste a certain flavor when they see a color. Thus, the color red may make them taste something bitter in their mouths. 3There are animals that have no sense of color and then there are other animals that can see many more colors than we humans can imagine. 4Just like animals, there are some people who are color blind and see only in black, white, and gray there are other rare people who can see thousands more colors than most people.

1. ___Run-on ___No Run-on 2. ___Run on ___No Run on 3. ___Run on ___No Run on 4. ___Run on ___No Run on


©2022 35 One: Sentences PART C: Read the following passage and underline any run ons. Be precise in your identification. Censoring curse words on television will not stop people from cursing in reality. Children are still going to learn what the various dirty words are and what these words mean. When I was a child, I was not exposed to curse words by the media I was exposed to curse words by people around me. If every bad thing in the media w ere censored, then we would not know what was really going on censoring something does not automatically make it nonexistent. It is still there but censorship is blocking our view of it. Parents who do not want their children to be exposed to certain things should use something called Parental Controls. Parental Controls allow a mother and/or father to control what children can and cannot see on the television and on the internet. Par ents should also teach their children about why curse words are unacceptable. For example, some curse words use God’s name in a very disrespectful manner this violates Commandment Three of the Ten Commandments. When the evangelist named Ray Comfort talks with people, he asks them if they would use their mother’s name in such a disrespectful way and most of the people say that they would not. Using God’s name as a curse word is worse than using one’s mother’s name or father’s name as a curse word! Censorship will not completely prevent children from hearing and learning curse words children should be taught that using curse words is actually against God which no one should want to be. Select one of the sentences in this exercise that has a run on and rewrite the sentence to CORRECT the run on.

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Comma Rule:______

4. The enemy approached Christ at the end of this period with various temptations when Christ was likely at his hungriest, loneliest, and most tired.

3. If we think about it, Jesus Christ faced a time of H.A.L.T. when He was in the wilderness alone for 40 days and 40 nights.

Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________

3. Separate items in a series 4. Separate signal phrase from a direct quote

5. Set off or surround interrupters

2. Separate introductory material from the rest of the sentence

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 36 Book One: Sentences

Read the following sentences and determine the comma rule that justifies the comma or commas used. There will be only ONE rule per sentence.

6. Because Christ already had the Word of God in His heart, Christ was able to stand firmly on God’s Word by citing it in response to the enemy’s temptation.


1. Dr. Charles Stanley uses the acronym H.A.L.T. which stands for hungry, angry, lonely, or Commatired.

1. Separate two independent clauses joined by a coordinate conjunction

2. It is during these moments in our lives when the enemy works to attack us, so we must be very aware especially during these times.

Comma Rule:_________________________________________________ 5. Christ, as the very Son of God, was able to withstand the enemy’s temptations.

Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________


Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________



Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________ 10. Thus, it is very important that we all make an effort to commit Bible verses to our memory so that we have that Sword of the Spirit to use against whatever the enemy may throw at us.

MadGrammarBaby Page

14. Even during the times of H.A.L.T., I remember to pause and think on the greatness of God and His direction.

©2022 37 One: Sentences

7. According to Dr. Stanley, we should avoid making important decisions which can come in the form of temptations when we feel one of these ways.

Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________ 15. I hope that you will begin today by memorizing scripture if you have not done so yet, and you will see what a difference it makes in your life.

9. Dr. Stanley, who has shared many of his own personal experiences, gives good advice that makes a lot of sense.

Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________


Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________

Comma Rule:_

Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________

11. I have memorized many of my favo rite Psalms, one of which is Psalm 46.

Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________ 12. Psalm 46 opens with, “God is our refuge and strength.” Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________ 13. These words have brought me comfort and encouragement during some of the lowest times of my life, and they always come to mind whenever something discouraging Commahappens.Rule:_____________________________________________________

8. Each of these feelings make a big impact on us physically, and they also negatively impact our thinking.

6. Unfortunately, people today do not trust one another and do not treat each other with the care and concern as in the New Testament church.

Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________


2. People were not created to be alone, for God’s design intended for us to love one another. Rule:_____________________________________________________Comma 3. God stated, “It is not good for the man to be alone,” when He created Adam. Comma Rule:____________

Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________

1. Separate two independent clauses joined by a coordinate conjunction Separate introductory material from the rest of the sentence Separate items in a series 4. Separate signal phrase from a direct quote


COMMAS EXERCISE 2 Read the following sentences and determine the comma rule that justifies the comma or commas used. There will be only ONE rule per sentence.

Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________

4. If we consider how the true Christians treated one another in the New Testament, we find that they helped and encouraged one another.


©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 38 Book One: Sentences

Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________ Instructions

5. Paul often spoke of the importance of his companions including Barnabas, Silas, Mark, John, and Timothy.

1. Proverbs 18:24 tells us that we must be friendly if we want to have friends, and there is one friend who will stay with us more closely than even our own brother.

5. Set off or surround interrupters

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 39 Book One: Sentences

11. The best relationships with others require us to be willing to let go of our pride, have vulnerable conversations, and be Biblically accountable to one another.

15. Remember that you are not alone if you feel that way, for God is there right by your side if you wish for Him to be. Comma Rule:_

8. A poll across the web claims, however, that there are some cities in the United States that are friendlier than other cities.

9. People from the Carolinas claim that the friendliest city in the United States is Greenville, which is in South Carolina.

Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________

13. God is there for us to be open and honest, but He is also a gentleman and does not force His presence upon anyone who does not want it.

7. Being independent, as many people are today, appears to be more important than being Commafriendly.Rule:_______________________________________

Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________

Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________

Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________

Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________

10. If all people in all cities could be friendly and loving, then maybe there would be less tendency for crimes against one another.

Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________

12. When we learn to be open and honest with one another, we may learn to be open and honest with God.

14. With God as our Father and Friend, we can walk forward each day with peace and Comconfidence.maRule:_____________________________________________________

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 40 Book One: Sentences

1Although we may look good on the outside and think that we are good on the inside we are not. 2We ALL sin and are fallen; all of humanity has a problem and that problem is a sinful nature. 3Our sinful nature makes us have a natural tendency to want to do those things that are not pleasing to God. 4Disobeying our parents saying mean things hoping that something bad would happen to someone stealing lying, or even failing to be grateful are some of the sins that we commit which displease God. 5This sinful nature actually separates us from God and we are to be separated from God for eternity due to sin.


Read the following passage and determine the TEN SENTENCES in which you should add commas. CLEARLY ADD the commas to the passage. Next, justify the addition of a comma or commas in a sentence based on the five basic comma rules (NOTE: There will be only ONE comma rule for each sentence that you need to add a comma or commas). FIVE BASIC COMMA RULES: two independent clauses joined by a coordinate conjunction material from the rest of the sentence phrase from quote

1. Separate




5. Set off or surround interrupters

6According to Romans 6:23 the payment for our sins is death. 7However God has provided a bridge for us to come before Him and be in fellowship with Him. 8This bridge is through God’s divine plan of salvation. 9God’s plan of salvation is actually a two step process. 10First we must recognize that we are sinners who are separated from God and confess and repent of our sins. 11When we confess and repent we are saved from our sin

2. Separate introductory

3. Separate items in a series 4. Separate signal

a direct

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 41 Book One: Sentences because we place our faith in Christ and become a believer. 12This first step is the actual moment of salvation. 13Second we begin the life-long process of sanctification. 14Sanctification is the ongoing process of God’s Holy Spirit working in our lives to mold and shape us into being more like Christ. 15This process progresses over a lifetime and allows us to mature in our faith. 16We have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory and only through His gift of salvation can our new and true beautiful selves shine through. 1. Sentence number:_____ Comma Rule:___________________________________________________ 2. Sentence number:_____ Comma Rule:___________________________________________________ 3. Sentence number:_____ Comma Rule: 4. Sentence number:_____ Comma Rule:___________________________________________________ 5. Sentence number:_____ Comma Rule:_ 6. Sentence number:_____ Comma Rule:___________________________________________________ 7. Sentence number:_____ Comma Rule:_ 8. Sentence number:_____ Comma Rule:___________________________________________________ 9. Sentence number:_____ Comma Rule:___________________________________________________ 10. Sentence number:_____ Comma Rule:___________________________________________________

Splice ___Run On ___No Error


Looks Are Not Everything: Part One

3. On one hand, many people want to attract others people want to be liked. ___Comma Splice ___Run On ___No Error

Read the following sentences and determine if there is a comma splice (a comma where it does not belong) or a run -on (either there are two complete sentences joined with just a comma OR there is missing punctuation). Please check the appropriate answer for each sentence.

6. Research shows that looks can actually impact one’s ability to get and succeed at certain ___Commajobs.


5. There are those individuals who claim that how one looks , can impact one’s personality as well as one’s success. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error

2. Tattoos, piercings, vibrant hair colors, plastic surgery, fashionable clothing and eye catching accessories are methods that people today use to make themselves feel good while also impressing others. ___Comma Splice ___Run On ___No Error

8. When someone looks good he or she feels good. ___Comma Splice ___Run On ___No Error

7. On the other hand people just want to feel good about themselves. ___Comma Splice ___Run On ___No Error

9. However are looks really everything? ___Comma Splice ___Run On ___No Error

4. Many researchers state that men depend on looks as the primary factor as they look for a ___Commawife. Splice ___Run On ___No Error

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 42 Book One: Sentences

1. Today, everyone wants to be famous and beautiful or handsome. ___Comma Splice ___Run On ___No Error

14. Attractiveness is not very objective, though. ___Comma Splice ___Run On ___No Error

13. Even in the fairy tales, the prince was Prince Charming or pleasant and attractive. ___Comma Splice ___Run On ___No Error

15. Attractiveness is subjective based on who is looking. ___Comma Splice ___Run On ___No Error

16. When it comes to objective versus subjective assessment, being objective means that one is utilizing only facts while being subjective means that one is utilizing personal ___Commaopinion.


©2022 Page 43 Book One: Sentences

10. In 1 Samuel 9:2, it is reported that Saul was a very handsome man. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error

Splice ___Run On ___No Error

Splice ___Run-On ___No Error

19. This position is based on what Plato, the Greek philosopher, claimed. ___Comma Splice ___Run On ___No Error

18. As the saying goes “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” ___Comma Splice ___Run On ___No Error

17. The objective assessment, relies on observation while the subjective assessment relies on one’s stand or viewpoint about something. ___Comma Splice ___Run On ___No Error

11. “Saul, the son of Kish, was very tall and quite handsome when he was chosen by God as the first king of Israel.” ___Comma Splice ___Run On ___No Error

20. Plato mused that what one may consider beautiful may not necessarily be beautiful to ___Commaanother.

12. Everybody likes the idea of having a handsome leader. ___Comma Splice ___Run On ___No Error


Looks Are Not Everything: Part Two

MadGrammarBaby Page 44 Book One: Sentences COMMA

5Samuel was saddened at the outcome of King Saul but the Lord shared a very important point with Samuel. 6The point is, that God does not look at a person’s outside beauty. 7Instead God looks at a person’s heart. 8Though Saul and David were handsome and were chosen by God to be king of Israel only one man was really a man after God’s own heart David (1 Samuel 13:14). 9Saul was self serving, and often narcissistic. 10David was God serving and often concerned about others. 10We should all want to be more like David with a God serving heart and a willingness to help others.

©2022 SPLICE AND RUN-ON 2 A: Read the following passage and locate the FOUR comma splices and the FOUR run-ons. Please write your answers below.

Run on in Sentence Number:_____ Comma Splice in Sentence Number:____ Run on in Sentence Number:_____ Comma Splice in Sentence Number:____ Run on in Sentence Number:_____ Comma Splice in Sentence Number:____ Run on in Sentence Number:_____ Comma Splice in Sentence Number:____ Select either one of the sentences with a run on or a comma splice and rewrite the sentence to fix the error.



1According to the prophet Samuel, King Saul, the first king of Israel and chosen by God, was a king who apparently was very handsome. 2King Saul was very tall (taller than most people), and quite striking. 3However King Saul ended up being a terrible king so terrible until the Lord turned away from Saul and chose another king named David. 4David was young and also very handsome, when he was chosen by God to be the second king of Israel.


©2022 One: Sentences PART B:

Read the following passage and correct the TWO comma splices and FOUR run ons. Be precise in your corrections. Looks are not Everything: Part Three

MadGrammarBaby Page 45 Book

1What is on the inside of a person is more important than what is on the outside. 2There are instances, when very beautiful or handsome people do some very terrible things. 3Also, there are instances where very ordinary (or even what some people would call unattractive) people by the world’s standards do some wonderfully amazing things. 4A person’s heart, attitude, and personality can and should have much more impact than a person’s looks. 5Looks fade over time but the core of who a person really is will remain much more constant. 6Being very handsome or very beautiful, can actually hav e a negative impact on a person. 7For example, there are instances where a man is intimidated by a very beautiful woman. 8Also people who are very attractive can be perceived as very ditzy or even are the recipients of aggression due to jealousy. 9Everyone who lives long enough gets older and will eventually end up with wrinkles, gray hair, excess weight in odd places, missing teeth, poor eyesight, and/or flabby skin. 10The person who is generally considered very attractive may have a greater difficulty with this inevitable stage of life 11The beautiful woman or handsome man likely has much more to “lose” as he or she ages, this person will feel the impact more when looking in the mirror and recognizing the changes in appearance. 12Attractive people eventually will no longer be attractive if they live long enough; t herefore, looks are not everything it is the inner person that counts .

NOTE: The order of your answers does not matter. Just be sure to find the two comma splices and four run ons.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 46 Book One: Sentences COMMA SPLICE 1 is found in sentence ______ COMMA SPLICE 2 is found in sentence ______ RUN ON 1 is found in sentence ______ RUN ON 2 is found in sentence ______ RUN-ON 3 is found in sentence ______ RUN ON 4 is found in sentence ______

While you read the following passage, think about the main topics discussed in this exercise book about sentences and some of their big concerns: types/structures, fragments, comma use, run-ons. Work through the passage and answer each question that follows

3. What sentence type is sentence 6? 4. Should there be a comma added to sentence 7? Explain why or why not . (Hint: Think about independent clause and dependent clause order.)

1. What comma rule supports the comma in sentence 1? 2. What comma rule supports the comma in sentence 5 ?_________________________



1In our society, there are so many ideas about Heaven. 2There are popular songs about how Heaven is here on earth. 3Singers opine about how being with the one whom they love is like “Heaven.” 4Other people declare that whenever or wherever they have a really great time, they are in “Heaven.” 5Some people believe that there is indeed a placed called Heaven, but other people believe that Heaven is an imaginary place that does not really exist. 6Some people believe that everybody will go to Heaven while other people believe that only certain people will go to Heaven. 7Some people believe that Heaven will be a wonderful place while other people believe that Heaven will be a boring place where everybody will have nothing to do but float on clouds and play harps all day. 8What is the truth about Heaven? 9Is it a real place? 10What is Heaven? 11Where is Heaven? 12What is Heaven like? 13Whom is Heaven for? 14A clear understanding of Heaven is indeed a topic that deserves to be explored , which we will do in the next few exercises.


5. What sentence type is sentence 8?

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 47 Book One: Sentences REVIEW EXERCISE 1 A Place Called Heaven

The Reality of Heaven


©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 48 Book One: Sentences REVIEW EXERCISE 2

While you read the following passage, think about the main topics discussed in this exercise book about sentences and some of their big concerns: types/structures, fragments, comma use, run -ons. Work through the passage and answer each question that follows

1Is Heaven real? 2There is no doubt that heaven is real. 3There are several points of evidence that support that Heaven is real. 4First, Heaven is real because God is real. 5All that we have to do is look at the amazing creation around us, and know that God is real. 6God makes Himself known through the marvelous existence and beauty of all that He has made. 7The existence of our universe, of our earth, and of humanity is not by accident or random. 8A real God created all of it. 9If God is real, then God’s Word (the Holy Bible) is real. 10There is so much evidence that the Bible is the Word of God, but just in brief, there is only one book over the expanse of time that meets the following amazing characteristics. 11The Bible was written over a span of approximately 1,500 years . 13And not even continuously. 12There was a break of 400 years, for example, between the last book of the Old Testament (Malachi) and the first book of the New Testament (Matthew). 13The Bible was written by over 40 authors who did not all know each other personally but who were inspired by God. 14Interestingly, although the Bible was written over such a lengthy amount of time by so many inspired authors, it still focuses on ONE theme Christ.

3. Why is the comma before “and” in sentence 7 correct, yet the comma before “and” in sentence 5 is incorrect? 4. What error is sentence 13? What is a simple correction? Instructions

1. What sentence type is sentence 3?________________

2. What comma rule justifies the commas in sentence 7?


For more discussion on this type of dependent clause, see Writefully Divide the Word of Truth: Modifiers.

Let’s count the number and types of clauses in sentence 10 (a declarative) to reveal that its sentence structure is compound complex.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 49 Book One: Sentences

10There is so much evidence that the Bible is the Word of God, but just in brief, there is only one book over the expanse of time that meets the following amazing characteristics. There is so much evidence

This clause is DEPENDENT that opens with the subordinate conjunction “that.” One interesting point in this dependent clause is that the subject is invisible in the clause itself since the clause actually modifies “book” in the previous independent clause.

Now that we have counted the clauses, explain why this sentence is a C ompound Complex Sentence.

This clause is INDEPENDENT with a “dummy subject” (“there”) since the true subject is “book”; the verb is the word “is.” that meets the following amazing characteristics

This clause is INDEPENDENT with a “dummy subject” (“there”) since the true subject is “evidence”; the verb is the word “i s.” that the Bible is the Word of God

This clause is DEPENDENT that opens with the subordinate conjunction “that”; the subject is “the Bible” and the verb is “is.” but just in brief there is only one book over the expanse of time


2. What comma rule justifies the comma in sentence 4?_________________________

3. What sentence structure is sentence 5? 4. There are three commas in sentence 8 but only two comma rules justify the three commas. Please state the two rules and explain. Instructions

1There is a variety of archaeological evidence that supports the authenticity of the Bible. 2Some of this evidence includes the different manuscripts of the Bible that have been discovered over time (manuscripts that align with one another) as well as extra Biblical corroboration of Biblical events. 3It is interesting that non Biblical sources from antiquity such as the Tel Dan Stele report about people and events from the Bible. 4This evidence helps us see that if the Bible is true, then we can have hope in what the Bible teaches us. 5We can have hope that, as God tells us over and again in the Bible, this world is not our home.

A Place Called Heaven

While you read the following passage, think about the main topics discussed in this exercise book about sentences and some of their big concerns: types/structures, fragments, comma use, run -ons. Work through the passage and answer each question that follows.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 50 Book One: Sentences REVIEW EXERCISE 3

6The Bible teaches us how Christ came from Heaven to live momentarily amongst humanity on earth. 7The Bible recounts how Christ came from Heaven, how Christ went to Heaven where He will prepare a place for His own, how Christ will return from Heaven, and how Christ will take His own to Heaven. 8Since the God of Creation is real and the Bible, which discusses Heaven, is true, then there is no doubt that Heaven is real.

1. What sentence structure is sentence 1?_____________________________________

This clause is dependent with the subordinate conjunction “how”; “Christ” is the subject and “will take” is the verb.

This clause is dependent with the subordinate conjunction “how”; “Christ” is the subject and “went” is the verb. where He will prepare a place for His own

This clause is dependent with the subordinate conjunction “how”; “Christ” is the subject and “came” is the verb. how Christ went to Heaven

7The Bible recounts how Christ came from Heaven, how Christ went to Heaven where He will prepare a place for His own, how Christ will return from Heaven, and how Christ will take His own to Heaven. The Bible recounts This clause is independent; however, it may not feel like it can stand independently because of the transitive verb “recounts.” For more information about transitive verbs, please see Writefully Divide the Word of Truth: Verbs. how Christ came from Heaven

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This clause is dependent with the subordinate conjunction “how”; “Christ” is the subject and “will return” is the verb.

and how Christ will take His own to Heaven

Let’s count the number and types of clauses in sentence 10 (a declarative) to reveal that its sentence structure is compound complex.

how Christ will return from Heaven

This clause is dependent with the subordinate conjunction “where”; “He” is the subject and “will prepare” is the verb.

1. ___Complete ___Fragment 6. ___Complete ___Fragment 2. ___Complete ___Fragment 7. ___Complete ___Fragment 3. ___Complete ___Fragment 8. ___Complete ___Fragment 4. ___Complete ___Fragment 9. ___Complete ___Fragment 5. ___Complete ___Fragment 10. ___Complete ___Fragment Select two of the fragments from the passage and rewrite them as complete sentences. Instructions

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 52 Book One: Sentences REVIEW EXERCISE 4 Part A: Read the following passage and determine if each sentence is either a COMPLETE SENTENCE or a FRAGMENT.

Heaven: What is it and where is it? 1Heaven is a holy place (Isaiah 57:15). 2And an absolutely pure place (Revelations 21).

3Where God’s throne is (Psalm 11:4) and where God’s angels dwell (John 1:51). 4The general location of heaven is high above the earth (Psalm 103:11). 5From where God looks down (Psalm 14:2). 6We know that heaven is above the earth because the Bible speaks of how we are to be caught up (2 Corinthians 2:1 4 and 1 Thessalonians 4:17). 7However, since God is Spirit (John 4:24). 8This place above the earth is likely in a nother realm. 9That only the spirit can access. 10Heaven is everlasting.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 53 Book One: Sentences Part B: Rewrite the passage from Part A and CORRECT the fragments. HINT: You may need to add or change some words, rewrite entire word groups, and/or change punctuation. Instructions

While you read the following passage, think about the main topics discussed in this exercise book about sentences and some of their big concerns: types/structures, fragments, comma use, run ons. Work through the passage and answer each question that follows.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 54 Book One: Sentences REVIEW EXERCISE 5

What is Heaven Like?

1Heaven is a place of fellowship with God, eternal joy, and eternal rest. 2A place of grand worship around the throne of God. 3Various verses in the Bible share vivid descriptions of heaven. 4For example, Revelation Chapter 21 shares a clear picture. 5The capital of Heaven is New Jerusalem. 6New Jerusalem, is a cubed city that is made of pure gold as brilliant as transparent glass. 7Even the streets that are made of pure gold are as brilliant as transparent glass. 8The city is walled in with beautifully bejeweled walls that surround the city. 9There are twelve gates that are each made of an amazing gigantic pearl. 10Some of the precious stones include jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, sardius, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chrysoprase, jacinth, and amethyst. 11These beautiful jewels, mean that the city is filled with brilliant colors that include various hues of reds, bl ues, greens, yellows, oranges, and purples. 12There is no sun or moon in Heaven because it is illuminated by the glory of God and the light of the Lamb (Revelation 21:23). 13How magnificent it will be to see how Heaven is filled with the glory of God! 14There is eternal light in Heaven, and there is no darkness in Heaven. 15All of the terrible things that are here on earth are not in Heaven. 16Heaven is a place without sin, tears, mourning, pain, death (Revelation 21). 17No one who is cowardly, unbelieving, or horrible. 18No murderers, sexually immoral, or liars will be in Heaven. 19No one who worships idols or looks to power from evil spirits will be in heaven (Revelation 21:8). 20There will be no evil, sin, or sorrow in Heaven. 21Which sounds absolutely perfect! QUESTIONS: 1. What comma rule supports the commas in sentence 1 ? Instructions

3. Is the comma in sentence 6 justifiable by a comma rule? Explain.

6. One comma in sentence 11 is not justifiable. Point out which comma is not justifiabl e. 7. Is the comma in sentence 14 justifiable? Explain why or why not.

2. Is sentence 2 complete or a fragment? Explain how you made your determination.

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8. Is sentence 15 complete or a fragment? Explain.

4. What sentence structure is sentence 7?

5. What sentence structure is sentence 10?____________________________________

10. Is sentence 21 complete or a fragment? Explain.

9. Is sentence 17 complete or a fragment? Explain.


12Finally, truly and openly accept that Christ died as a payment for our sins and then rose again. 13Which showed how He has conquered death. 14Remember that Christ’s sacrifice is the only way through which we can be reconciled to God. 15These three simple steps will give you the free ticket to Heaven. 16Which is a place where we should all want to go to spend our eternity once we leave this earth. 17Why is it important to think about leaving this earth? 18We all must die one day, and we all must think about where we would like to spend our eternity. 19If we have lived our lives as God instructed us in Matthew 6:19 20. 20All of our treasures will be in Heaven.

While you read the following passage, think about the main topics discussed in this exercise book about sentences and some of their big concerns: types/structures, fragments, comma use, run ons. Work through the passage and answer each question below.

For Whom is Heaven?

1Heaven is for God’s people. 2Who get to go to heaven as a result of God’s merciful grace. 3The only way that we can expect Heaven to be our forever home (in eternity) is to accept the free ticket the gift of salvation that God has graciously offered. 4How do we accept this free ticket to Heaven? 5We recognize that all people are born into sin and thus separated from God who is pure and holy. 6No matter how “good” we may think that we are and no matter how many “good works” we may do to try to be good enough. 7We will never be good enough to mend the broken relationship between ourselves and G od. 8Thus, God, in grace and mercy, made a way for us to mend our relationship with Him. 9There are three things that we must do. 10First, we must recognize and acknowledge our sinful, fallen state.

11Then, genuinely repent for our sins (everybody sins in one way or another, sooner or later).


©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 56 Book One: Sentences REVIEW EXERCISE 6

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 57 Book One: Sentences 1. ___Complete ___Fragment 11. ___Complete ___Fragment 2. ___Complete ___Fragment 12. ___Complete ___Fragment 3. ___Complete ___Fragment 13. ___Complete ___Fragment 4. ___Complete ___Fragment 14. ___Complete ___Fragment 5. ___Complete ___Fragment 15. ___Complete ___Fragment 6. ___Complete ___Fragment 16. ___Complete ___Fragment 7. ___Complete ___Fragment 17. ___Complete ___Fragment 8. ___Complete ___Fragment 18. ___Complete ___Fragment 9. ___Complete ___Fragment 19. ___Complete ___Fragment 10. ___Complete ___Fragment 20. ___Complete ___Fragment Pick THREE of the fragments in the passage and fix them. 3.2.1.

3. State from the passage one example of a complex sentence

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 58 Book One: Sentences REVIEW EXERCISE 7

While you read the passage titled “A Place Called Hell, ” think about the main topics discussed in this exercise book about sentences and some of their big concerns: types/structures, fragments, comma use, r un ons. Work through the passage and look for the following:

2. State from the passage one example of a compound sentence


5. There is one fragment in the passage. Please identify it and rewrite it to correct it.

1. State from the passage one example of a simple sentence.

4. State from the passage one example of a compound-complex sentence

7. There are two run ons. Please explain point them out and explain.

10. State from the passage an instance where commas are used to surround an interrupter.

9. State from the passage an instance where the comma is used to separate an introductory item from the rest of the sentence.

6. There is one comma splice. Please explain why this comma is in the wrong place.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 59 Book One: Sentences

8. State from the passage an instance where the co mma is used with two independent clauses and a FANBOYS.

A Place Called Hell

The idea that everybody actually deserves to go to Hell is such a terrible thought. Although everybody deserves to go to hell, not everyone will go to hell because God has provided an escape route called salvation which is a plan of redemption. Those people who refuse that plan will indeed go to hell when they leave this earth.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 60 Book One: Sentences

Some people on earth, think that Hell is not that big of a deal. However, Hell will not be a place to party with friends, nor will Hell be a place to have a good time. Hell is m ore than a symbol for death or the grave , Hell is more than non existence or not knowing

Hell is a real place that is a bottomless pit and waste dump that was originally created for the Devil and his demons, but mankind made the choice to follow the Devil’s advice and disobey God. Which put humanity in enmity with God. Thus, humanity deserved to go to Hell. Hell is a place that represents God’s justice not His desire to just torture people. People who do really bad things , such as murder or blasphemy, will go to hell. People who hate or who have a sinful heart will go to hell. Sinners who do not w ant to be in God’s presence for eternity will go to Hell. For all of those people who decided here on earth that they did not want God in their lives will get their final wish for eternity since Hell means separation from God for eternity. The Bible has three different words for Hell. One word is the Greek word Gehenna which means that Hell is a place of punishment. Another Greek word for Hell, Hades, means that Hell is the abode of the dead. The Hebrew word for Hell is Sheol which means “the grave.”

The way to avoid Hell is to recognize the trouble that humanity is in because of the sinful nature and understand that there are two possible outcomes Heaven or Hell. To avoid Hell, one must come to God with a repentant heart and mind and then ask for His mercy and accept His free gift of salvation that cleanses humanity from sin, brings one into communion with the Holy and Righteous God, and provides one the path to eternal life in Heaven.

Bible verses about Hell that were a source for this passage: 2 Thessalonians 1; Acts 2:27; Daniel 12:2; James 3:6; Jude 7, 13; Luke 16:23 24; Luke 3:17; Mark 3; Mark 9:44; Matthew 10:28; Matthew 11:23; Matthew 16:17; Matthew 18:8; Matthew 22:13; Matthew 24:51; Matthew 25; Matthew 5:22, 29; Matthew 8:12; Psalm 139:7 8; Psalm 16:10; Psalm 55:15; Psalm 9:17; Psalm 98:9; Revelation 1:18; Revelation 14:10 11; Revelation 20

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 61 Book One: Sentences anything anymore. Hell is a place of torment and isolation where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth along with unquenchable, eternal thirst and fire engulfed in blackness and darkness forever because God is not there. Hell is a place of shame and everlasting contempt as the final place of eternal punishment and eternal condemnation where sinners will go in separation from God and stay for eternity. God is holy, and there will be no sin in His abode (Heaven) for eternity. Therefore, the only other place for those people who have not confessed their sin, repented, and accepted God’s gift of salvation will be Hell. People cannot appreciate the true greatness of God’s love if they do not fully understand where they will go because of what they deserve as a result of the sin nature, and that place is Hell.

1We all face problems sooner or later in life. 2No one is immune since problems are a common occurrence. 3That cannot be avoided, no matter how perfect one’s life may seem.

6There are times that God actually used problems in many ways in people’s lives. 7Joseph, for example, faced problem after problem but eventually became second in command to the king. 8Joseph was hated and thus sold by his brothers and ended up in Egypt. 9Where Joseph became a highly trusted worker. 10However, Joseph ended up in prison because his employer’s wife accused Joseph of a terrible crime. 11Although he was totally innocent of what he had been accused . 12In the long run, Joseph was the one who prepared Egypt for a lengthy widespread famine and actually saved the country and even his family’s lives. 13Another example is when God had selected a king for Israel, God allowed the donkeys of Saul’s father to be lost. 14Saul, in search of the donkeys, was actually sent to Samuel, the priest. 15Who, as per God’s direction, ultimately crowned Saul king. 16A third example of God using problems is when the giant named Goliath taunted the people of Israel. 17Until they were in total fear. 18Young David saw the problem that Israel faced but saw God as greater and (in the strength of the Lord) slay ed Goliath. 19The problem of Goliath introduced Israel to the brave one (David) who would eventually become their king. 20This problem also proved David’s faith in God. 21A fourth example is when Peter had the problem of fishing for a long day without catching any fish , but Christ came and instructed Peter let down the net again, and Peter caught so many fish until the net began to break. 22A

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 62 Book One: Sentences REVIEW EXERCISE 8


Life’s Problems

Read the following passage about life’s problems and determine if each sentence is either a COMPLETE SENTENCE or a FRAGMENT.

4There are so many types of problems that one can face. 5Such as health issues, job loss, financial strain, relationship problems, grief, criticism from others, guilt from the past, unrealistic expectations for the future, or even feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, discouragement, or disappointment.

29Although God may use problems in our lives, He is not necessarily the cause of these problems, however. 30He may allow certain problems in our lives. 31Also, even if we bring some problems upon ourselves by our own mistakes, God can still use those problems. 32Lot, for example, lost everything because of his failure to act . 33When it was clear that he was in the wrong place (Sodom and Gom orrah). 34Even when Lot was told by God’s Angels that Lot and his family must evacuate the city because Sodom and Gomorrah w ere about to be destroyed. 35Lot lingered. 36His wife even longingly looked back and was turned to a pillar of salt. 37King Saul and his family line lost the kingship . 38Because of Saul’s failure to reverence and obey God. 39King David’s first child born by Bathsheba died because David had sinned by committing adultery and taking Bathsheba from Uzziah. 40And having Uzziah killed. 41Because Jonah did not want to obey God and go to Nineveh to deliver an important message to the people. 42He was swallowed by a whale and remained in the belly of that whale for three days. 43The whale vomiting Jonah up on dry land. 44Jonah then obeyed God. 45By preaching to the peoples of Nineveh . 46Who did repent as a result of Jonah’s preaching. 47No matter the problem and its reason. 48God is still in control. 49And can use that problem for good. 50Romans 8:28 states, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

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24The most significant example is Christ Himself facing temptation by Satan. 25And even hatred by his own people who eventually crucified Him. 26However, God used the act of crucifixion for good because it is through that act which Christ willingly gave His life. 27As the payment for humanity’s sin. 28It is through that act of crucifixion that God extends His grace and mercy and saves the world.

©2022 63 Book One: Sentences fifth example is Paul ending up in jail, but it is from that jail that Paul wrote the epistles that make up the majority of the New Testament! 23Although all of these examples are important.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 64 Book One: Sentences 1. ___Complete ___Fragment 26. ___Complete ___Fragment 2. ___Complete ___Fragment 27. ___Complete ___Fragment 3. ___Complete ___Fragment 28. ___Complete ___Fragment 4. ___Complete ___Fragment 29. ___Complete ___Fragment 5. ___Complete ___Fragment 30. ___Complete ___Fragment 6. ___Complete ___Fragment 31. ___Complete ___Fragment 7. ___Complete ___Fragment 32. ___Complete ___Fragment 8. ___Complete ___Fragment 33. ___Complete ___Fragment 9. ___Complete ___Fragment 34. ___Complete ___Fragment 10. ___Complete ___Fragment 35. ___Complete ___Fragment 11. ___Complete ___Fragment 36. ___Complete ___Fragment 12. ___Complete ___Fragment 37. ___Complete ___Fragment 13. ___Complete ___Fragment 38. ___Complete ___Fragment 14. ___Complete ___Fragment 39. ___Complete ___Fragment 15. ___Complete ___Fragment 40. ___Complete ___Fragment 16. ___Complete ___Fragment 41. ___Complete ___Fragment 17. ___Complete ___Fragment 42. ___Complete ___Fragment 18. ___Complete ___Fragment 43. ___Complete ___Fragment 19. ___Complete ___Fragment 44. ___Complete ___Fragment 20. ___Complete ___Fragment 45. ___Complete ___Fragment 21. ___Complete ___Fragment 46. ___Complete ___Fragment 22. ___Complete ___Fragment 47. ___Complete ___Fragment 23. ___Complete ___Fragment 48. ___Complete ___Fragment 24. ___Complete ___Fragment 49. ___Complete ___Fragment 25. ___Complete ___Fragment 50. ___Complete ___Fragment

Simple sentence with one subject and one verb.

Simple sentence with one subject and two verbs.

Example: I treat others people with kindness.

Simple sentence with a two -part subject and two verbs.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 65 Book One: Sentences REVIEW EXERCISE 9

Example: My friend and I were studying about the fruits of the Spirit.

Write four original simple sentences about Heaven. Be sure to follow the guidelines below.


Example: Mom and Dad read the Bible and discuss it with us every evening.

Example: God loves and cares for His own.


Simple sentence with a two part subject and one verb.

PART C: Write one original complex sentence and one original compound complex sentence about Heaven.


PART B: Write two original compound sentences about Heaven. Example: Jesus’s mother and brothers called for Him, and people around Him noticed.

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©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 67 Book One: Sentences REVIEW EXERCISE 10


Write a paragraph that shows the differences between (contrasts) Heaven and Hell. Be sure to avoid fragments, use commas correctly, and have a variety of sentence structures.

©2022 MadGrammarBaby Page 68 Book One: Sentences Page 4: Sentence Types Exercise 1. Interrogative 6. Interrogative 11. Declarative 16. Interrogative 2. Declarative 7. Declarative 12. Declarative 17. Exclamatory 3. Declarative 8. Declarative 13. Declarative 18. Imperative 4. Declarative 9. Imperative 14. Declarative 19. Imperative 5. Declarative 10. Interrogative 15. Declarative 20. Declara tive Page 12: Sentences Structures Exercise 1 PART A PART B 1. 1 IC, 0 DC 6. 1 IC, 1 DC 1. Simple 6. Complex 2. 1 IC, 0 DC 7. 1 IC, 1 DC 2. Simple 7. Complex 3. 1 IC, 1 DC 8. 2 IC, 1 DC 3. Complex 8. Compound Complex 4. 2 IC, 0 DC 9. 1 IC, 1 DC 4. Compound 9. Complex 5 2 IC, 0 DC 10. 1 IC, 1 DC 5. Compound 10. Complex Page 16: Sentences Structures Exercise 2 1. 1 IC Simple 6. 1 IC, 2 DC Complex 2. 1 IC Simple 7. 1 IC Simple 3. 2 IC Compound 8. 1 IC, 2 DC Complex 4. 1 IC, 1 DC Complex 9. 1 IC, 3 DC Complex 5. 2 IC, 1 DC Compound Complex 10. 1 IC Simple Page 18: Sentence Structure Exercise 3 1. 1 IC Simple 8. 1 IC Simple 2. 1 IC, 2 DC Complex 9. 1 IC Simple 3. 1 IC, 2 DC Complex 10. 1 IC, 2 DC Complex 4. 2 IC, 2 DC Compound Complex 11. 1 IC Simple 5. 1 IC, 2 DC Complex 12. 1 IC, 1 DC C omplex 6. 1 IC Simple 13. 2 DC Compound 7. 1 IC, 2 DC Complex 14. 1 IC, 2DC Complex Page 25: Fragments Exercise 1 1. Complete 7. Fragment 2. Fragment 8. Complete 3. Complete 9. Fragment 4. Complete 10. Fragment 5. Complete 11. Complete 6. Complete 12. Complete Page 26: Fragments Exercise 2 1. C 6. F 11. C 16. C 2. F 7. F 12. F 17. F 3. C 8. F 13. C 18. C 4. F 9. F 14. C 19. F 5. C 10. F 15. F 20. C Page 27: Fragments Exercise 3 1. F No complete thought 6. F No verb 2. F No verb 7. F No subject 3. F Extra information OR no complete thought 8. C 4. C 9. F Extra information 5. F No complete thought 10. C Page 33: Run Ons Exercise PART A PART B 1. at the comma 1. between “eye” and “so” 2. after “evening” 2. No run on 3. between “me” and “that” 3. Between “color” and “and” 4. between “idea” and “people” 4. Between “gray” and “there” 5. after “devotional” 6. between “day” and “I” Page 36: Commas Exercise 1 1. 3 6. 2 11. 5 2. 1 7. 2 12. 4 3. 2 8. 1 13. 1 4. 3 9. 5 14. 2 5. 5 10. 2 15. 1 Page 38: Commas Exercise 2 1. 1 6. 2 11. 3 2. 1 7. 5 12. 2 3. 4 8. 5 13. 1 4. 2 9. 5 14. 2 5. 3 10. 2 15. 1 Page 40: Commas Exercise 3 Sentences that need commas: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 10, 11, 13, 16Page 42: Comma Splice and Run On Exercise 1 1. No Error 6. No Error 11. No Error 16. No Error 2. No Error 7. RO 12. No Error 17. CS 3. RO 8. RO 13. No Error 18. RO 4. RO 9. RO 14. No Error 19. No Error 5. CS 10. No Error 15. No Error 20. No Error Page 44: Comma Splice and Run On Exercise 2 PART A PART B Comma Splices Comma Splices 2, 4, 6, 9 2, 6 Run Ons Run Ons 3, 5, 7, 8 5, 8, 11, 12 Page 47: Review Exercise 1 1. Introductory Item 2. Two Independent clauses 3. Declarative 4. No (DC is after IC) 5. Interrogative Page 48: Review Exercise 2 1. Declarative 2. Items in a series 3. 7 has a series; 5 does not have a series or 2 independent clauses (which require comma with “and”) 4. Fragment (join with pervious THINK:sentence) 2 Independent Clauses and 2 Dependent Clauses Page 50: Review Exercise 3 1. Declarative 2. Introductory item (there is a noun clause that opens with a DC and ends with an IC) 3. Complex 4. Surround IntroductoryInterrupterItem Page 52: Review Exercise 4 PART A PART B 1. C 6. C Answers 2. F 7. F will 3. F 8. Cvary. 4. C 9. F 5. F 10. C Page 54: Review Exercise 5 1. Series 2. Frag (no verb/predicate) 3. No. 4. Complex 5. Simple 6. The first one 7. Yes (2 Ind. Clauses) 8. Complete 9. No predicate for “No one” 10 Fragment (no complete thought) Page 56: Review Exercise 6 1. C 6. F 11. F 16. F 2. F 7. C 12. F 17. C 3. C 8. C 13. F 18. C 4. C 9. C 14. C 19. F 5. C 10. C 15. C 20. C Page 58: Review Exercise 7 1 4 Answers vary 5. Fragment 6. CS 7. RO 8 10 Answers vary Page 62: Fragments Exercise 8 1. C 11. F 21. C 31. C 41. F 2. C 12. C 22. C 32. C 42. C 3. F 13. C 23. F 33. F 43. F 4. C 14. C 24. C 34. F 44. C 5. F 15. F 25. F 35. C 45. F 6. C 16. C 26. C 36. C 46. F 7. C 17. F 27. F 37. C 47. F 8. C 18. C 28. C 38. F 48. C 9. F 19. C 29. C 39. C 49. F 10. C 20.C 30. C 40. F 50. CPage 65 and page 67: Review Exercises 9 and 10 Answers vary


There is Good News Today: The Gospel

In the beginning, God created the Heaven and earth. God created man whom God named Adam, placed Adam in the Garden of Eden on earth, commanded Adam to care of that Garden, and told Adam to eat freely of all of the trees except one the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God communed with Adam, and held Adam to perfect obedience, and Adam would thus live a wonderful life. Unfortunately, Adam violated what God had commanded and ate of the one tree which God had specifically instructed Adam not to partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and this act ultimately brough sin and death into the world.

As a result of this one sinful act by Adam, the most Holy and Righteous God no longer communed with Adam, and all of humanity born from then on inherited Adam’s sin nature. All of humanity, because of this sin nature, was now separated from God because God is holy. Because of the sin nature, the entire world is filled with sin and death, and all of humanity is in a fallen state because humanity cannot help but sin. Thus , in this fallen state, all people stand guilty before the most Holy and Righteous God of justice who requires perfection and has every right to give humanity justice that we deserve. Just as there is a legal system that metes out punishment for violations in our world, God has punishment for ou r sins death. However, if God were to give us the justice that we deserve (death), we would all die because we are all fallen, and none of us in our imperfect, fallen state can pay the required debt for sin . God was not taken by surprise in this outcome, for He already knew what was going to happen. Thus, God, in His goodness and mercy, already had a plan for the sin debt to be paid . God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who was born of a virgin and without sin. Christ came to earth perfect and sinless, remained perfect and sinless during His time here, and still is perfect and sinless. Jesus Christ the perfect, sinless one who is fully God and fully man took on the tremendous debt of death on behalf of humanity’s sin. God made Christ who knew no sin to bear the brunt of sin for humanity. Christ was, therefore, wrongly beaten, whipped, scorned, and killed (but conquered death by rising again) to pay the sin debt fine. Christ who is just, died for the unjust once for all sins of those individuals who repent of sin, who believe that Christ paid the price, and who accept this free gift of salvation. Christ took the punishment so that God can rightly and justly pardon our sins and adopt those who believe into the family of God as His children. As God’s children, believers begin to grow more like Christ over time through the active sanctification (purification) process provided by the Holy Spirit. Then, one day when all is done here on earth, all of those people who are saved from the penalty of death and cle ansed by Christ’s sacrifice, and sanctified by the power of the Holy Spirit will be glorified for eternity free from the presence of sin. No one can earn salvation, nor can anyone keep himself or herself saved because there are not enough works that any human can do to come before the Holy and Righteous Go d. The only bridge that allows humanity back into the presence of a Holy and Righteous God is Christ. ISBN 979 8 9868402 0 8

Author/Publisher: Sloane von Wertz, Ph.D. ©2022 MadGrammarBaby Printed in the USA


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