MMSA Annual Report '12-'13

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MMSA Annual Report 2012 - 2013




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Daniel Vella Fondacaro

Vice President Keith Pace

Secretary General Alexander Paul Grima

Financial Officer Lisa Buttigieg

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The MMSA Executive Board 2012 - 2013

The MMSA Calendar of Events 2012 - 2013


The MMSA External Representation


The MMSA First Time Achievements

Exchanges and Research Officer - Incomings Tara Giacchino

Exchanges and Research Officer - Outgoings Kelly Gatt

Medical Education Officer Myranda Attard

Sexual and Reproductive Health Officer Thelma Xerri

Public Health Officer Matthew Baldacchino

Human Rights and Peace Officer

“Growth is never by mere chance....’s the result of forces working together”

Matthew Valentino

Peer Education and Training Officer Fabrizia Cassar

James Cash Penney

Media and Marketing Officer Arlène Gatt

Leisure Officer Julian Agius

Electives Coordinator Ethan Caruana

Supervising Council Maria Bonnici, Luca Conti & Aaron Schembri


Cover design and Layout - Gabriel J. Ellul Editors - Gabriel J. Ellul and Arlène Gatt Printed in Malta, 2013 Copyright - Malta Medical Students’ Association -




The Malta Medical Students’ Association (MMSA) represents all the medical students at the University of Malta. It aims to give medical students a holistic view of health and life while helping them in their studies through various seminars, courses, exchanges and national/international conferences. The MMSA has both functional and structural objectives. Apart from the benefits and experience provided to the medical students, the association also serves as a symbol of unity that brings all medical students together into one community, without undermining its holistic element. The MMSA’s New Pentameric System The MMSA has embarked on a journey in the past few years which has involved several structural changes. It is through these changes that this association managed to maintain its effectiveness and continuity. This year, via an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) in December, the most drastic and effective change of all was implemented – The inclusion of a pentameric structural system. This includes five members within the executive board, namely the President, Vice President for Internal Affairs (VPi), Vice President for External Affairs (VPe), Secretary General (SecGen) and Treasurer. These five members will take care of executive administrative issues. The other ten members include the Public Relations Officer, Public Health Officer, Medical Education Officer, Human Rights Officer, Sexual and Reproductive

Health Officer, Training Officer, Exchanges Officer for Incomings, Exchanges Officer for Outgoings, Electives Officer and Leisure Officer. These add up to a total of fifteen members who make up the Board of Directors (BD). Within every standing committee there is a secretarial system that compiles everything and provides it to the Secretary General. This will narrow the gap between the standing committees and the BD. Moreover, both vice president offices have a liaison officer (internally, between standing committees or externally such as with the United Nations and the European Union). The financial office includes a team which makes sure that the treasurer has all the required help to compile budget schemes, TAF procedures and accounts. This is the first time that this structure is being implemented. Therefore, the new BD may decide to make statutory amendments in a general meeting if the need arises, based on a trial and error system. However, this system was planned with several backup considerations and after consultation with officials from the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA) and other associations and groups. Let us hope for the best. The MMSA and the General Assembly in India The IFMSA’s 61st General Assembly (GA) was held in Mumbai, India, in August 2012. The delegation included Daniel Vella Fondacaro (President), Lisa Buttigieg (Financial Officer), Arlene Gatt (Media Officer), Myranda Attard (Medical Education Officer), Matthew Valentino (Human Rights Officer), Tara Giacchino (Exchanges Officer for Incoming Students) and Robert Cachia (Projects Coordinator). Despite it being a very difficult GA, the Maltese delegation worked brilliantly and managed to sign a record number of bilateral and

and, again, I had the opportunity to chair the Student Health Committee in liaison with KSU, the Malta Health Students’ Association (MHSA), Students for Healthy Living (SFHL), Malta University Sports Club (MUSC) etc. It has been my pleasure and an honour to serve within the EB for three years. I would like to thank my family and friends for their support, all my EB colleagues for their hard work and dedication, and the medical students who constantly believed in the power of unity and the power of now. A holistic and balanced student life is the key to a healthy society. We are the ones who can make this happen, together and not alone, with common aims and dreams – Together as one, working towards a brighter future.

unilateral exchanges contracts. The MMSA and the Student The MMSA always keeps the student at the centre of its work. This year, despite a record number of campaigns, seminars and events, we tried as an association to put emphasis on the quality of the events rather than the quantity. Therefore the EB started an initiative to combine similar events into bigger ones, increasing their effectiveness. The MMSA also helps medical students financially with regards conferences and seminars through the (Training Assistance Fund) TAF system. Last term 1213, more than EUR 15,000 was given in TAF. Moreover, new protocols were set up so that medical students get the right amount of exchange points for the work done, paving the way to a more meritocratic system. The students are given the opportunity to coordinate events

within a standing committee. This gives students the experience and knowledge needed to run a campaign or a seminar, contact externals and manage their time well. It also gives the students administrative, empowerment and leadership skills that can only be attained through hands-on experience. The MMSA and Externals The MMSA maintains its high reputation through hard work. Medical students work hard for the benefit of the general public and the medical student population. The MMSA has placed first in the Kunsill Student Universitarji (KSU) CONF Report and therefore we have had the opportunity to choose our own office in Students’ House, notice board and Freshers’ Week stand. The report was compiled by Keith Pace (MMSA Vice President 1213). MMSA members were also part of several subcommittees

To all students – I will always repeat the same words, year after year. The student population is the hub for thoughts and ideas. Challenge old ideologies and develop better ones. Always learn from the past but stand on the frontline of good change. This is your time to shine – so go for it.




Dear all, It is with great pleasure that I am writing this annual report as one of my final tasks as the Vice President for the term 2012-2013. I find myself writing this report following three terms on the executive board, previously holding the roles of Peer Education Coordinator and Sexual and Reproductive Health Officer. It has been a long journey, and it feels bittersweet having to put down these final words to portray what this term was all about. The KSU CONF Report The Classification Board for Offices, Notice Boards in Students’ House and Fresher’s stand is a report compiled by most of the student organisations present on campus. This is done to ensure the allocation of an office and

notice board space in Students’ House together with a stand at fresher’s week. This year the compiled report put MMSA at the top of the classification board, ahead of SDM and Pulse who classified as 2nd and 3rd respectively. This allowed MMSA to move into a new office space and it also presented us with the opportunity to be the first to choose a notice board space and a stand which would offer maximal exposure during the KSU Freshers’ week. Following the compilation of the CONF report, I also ensured that our event reporting system was improved. This was done both to achieve optimal archiving and also to facilitate future compilations. The KPS Equal Opportunities subcommittee This year I was also active within the KSU Kunsill Politika Socjali (KPS) equal opportunities subcommittee, which gave me the opportunity to take on a role in drafting KSU’s reactions to the Embryo Protection Act and the Cohabitation Act, amongst others.

maximum amount from the Workphase fund. In fact, over 2000 euros were awarded to the MMSA through this fund. Over the summer months, I also worked on renewing our stationary contract. Together with the rest of the administrative team, I also helped in the restructuring of the MMSA Training Assistance Fund (TAF) in order to ensure that it meets the needs of MMSA members whilst ensuring the financial sustainability of our association. Training and MM13

This year I included Policy Paper writing on the agenda for many workshops, including Medik-t and TRD. MMSA advocates for a wide range of public health issues through campaigns and the media, but remains rather weak in the sphere of policy writing. Therefore, these sessions were aimed at tackling this problem. I also delivered training sessions during TNT and attended a TOT, together with President’s sessions in Baltimore during the IFMSA March Meeting. I was honored to be the head of delFinancial Involvement egation during the latter mentioned meeting. In Baltimore, the I played an active role in en- MMSA took on an active role in suring that MMSA received the the decision making processes within the IFMSA and called for a clearer vision and mission from the IFMSA. The Administration Workshop MMSA members are generally very active within the standing committees, but few take on an active role in the administration offices. Therefore, this year we introduced the administration workshop - a one day training workshop which focused on issues such as statute and bylaw writing, alumni management, use of media and fundraising. This workshop was very wellattended and was an overall success, instilling a greater sense of interest whilst allowing the administrative EB to showcase their work.

The Vice President’s Office This year MMSA created a new feedback system through which our members can now post recommendations as well as compliments via an online form. Together with complaints received directly by EB members, these where compiled into a report (available online) by the Feedback coordinator in order to ensure transparency. The Alumni support division was strengthened by the creation of a new online database. This was also the first year in which a Projects coordinator was appointed. The projects coordinator was instrumental in providing proper coordination of MMSA projects and in communicating with the IFMSA projects support division. The international coordinator was once again appointed and continued to present members with opportunities to travel all over the world to attend workshops, seminars and conferences. For the first time a CUAMM Liaison officer was also appointed, and MMSA was represented by the coordinator during the CUAMM meeting in Riga, Latvia. This allowed for the MMSA to

gain insight into what is being done by other members of this association, whilst also promoting our own work here in Malta. I would like to extend my thanks to all the members of the VPO this year. It was indeed a pleasure working with all of you. Organisation’s Gathering Once again the MMSA organised this event at the KSU Common Room on the 24th of April 2013. The event was an opportunity for the EB to present the new Pentameric structure of the MMSA, the newly elected board of directors and to promote Murmur and the Maltese Medical Language Translator. This

ended with a small reception in the evening. Other This year I also took on an active role in SCORA by helping in the coordination of WAD and by taking on the role of IFMSA transnational project coordinator for illuminAIDS – a projected aimed at zero discrimination towards people living with HIV and AIDS. I also was elected within the National Youth Council (KNZ) and contested for the KSU elections. These were endeavours which I surely would have never been able to do without the skills I gained through my work in the MMSA.

It is impossible to put down everything that has happened in words, but it was surely a year to remember. I will always look back on these last 3 years and smile. There have been many ups and downs along the way but the satisfaction of being part of such a great association, and the friendships built, have made it more than worth it. I would like to thank all those I have worked with over these years. I have learnt from all of you, and you have all inspired me in your own way. I can only hope that I have been able to give the MMSA a fraction of what it has given to me.




As another Malta Medical Students’ Assocation (MMSA) term comes to a close I cannot help but look back and feel a sense of pride with all that this Association has achieved, with the guidance of the Executive Board (EB) 2012 - 2013 as well as with the help of all the dedicated, committed and professional members that are at the disposal of our Association. It has truly been a great and productive year!

Training and Resource Development Seminar It was a source of immense pleasure that as Secretary General 2012 - 2013, I was tasked with the duty to plan the 12th edition of the MMSA TRD Seminar. It is now also a source of great pride - this year’s TRD has continued to break records, totaling 232 attendees on the day. It is by far the biggest TRD to date, and the only one in TRD history to be held in 2 hotels simultaneously, the San Antonio Resort and Spa and the Dolmen Resort Hotel. This was also the first year that a unique TRD brand promotion theme was used, to great effect as the number of applicants aptly show! It was also one of the smoothest TRDs in recent memory, a fact that is a tribute to all the attendees, party planners and of course, the tireless Organising Committe (OC)! There were many challenges this year but a strong OC was put together, consisting of many professional and experienced members who were dedicated at all times to make sure that the seminar met the expectations of both applicants and board members. We decided to use this year’s program to showcase more than ever before all the opportunities and activities the MMSA offers to its members. I am proud to say that our lofty vision was realised - the raw first years of that time have now become amongst the most motivated group of students this association has at its disposal, and all MMSA Standing Committees have benefitted from this influx. Seeing this vision transformed into reality is more than enough to justify the hundreds of hours devoted by myself and each member of the OC. This is not to say that this TRD was perfect. As is the case in

most years, this year’s TRD failed to break even. However this is to be considered an investment in the Association’s future! Without ensuring quality, which always comes at a price, we would have failed to entice so many to join our ranks. As always, the program was not received as enthusiastically by some as it was by others. However it was meant to reflect an important new vision for this year, a vision that was indeed successfully achieved. This TRD was indeed unique. It was record-breaking in more ways than one. It was fun, tiring, hard work. It was TRD 2012. Duties of an EB member Although TRD can easily be considered the proudest moment of my term, as well as the one which took up most of my workload, I did have other duties to fulfill. As Secretary General I was tasked with taking minutes of all the EB meetings. I have always sought to make these as informative as possible, allowing any student a detailed understanding of our goings-on. Transparency is not a value I take lightly. I had also been tasked in my capacity to represent the Association legally. In this manner I had represented the MMSA in our legal contracts, ensuring that they were filled out properly and in a timely manner. Our Association deserves the highest level of professionalism in all levels and fields. I also ensured that the ExtraOrdinary General Meeting of December 2012 and the Annual General Meeting 2013 were promoted sufficiently with the students, and I had done my utmost to ensure their smooth running by keeping our official documents up to date and available online. I also took care of recruiting and training members to fill the capacities of the

General Meeting teams as well as ensuring that a fair and representative Election Committee was set up, skilled and ready to take on the task of supervising the most delicate of all MMSA events: the MMSA Elections for the Board of Directors (BD) and Supervising Council for the term 2013 - 2014. As Secretary General I have contributed my share to the drafting of new statute and bylaw clauses which would help the running of our Association. I have also given trainings on these important documents to interested members at the Administration Workshop which I also helped co-ordinate and received applications for in a bid to ensure a future generation of individuals that appreciated the importance of these documents. There are so many things that I have done throughout the year, both in my capacity as Secretary General, and as an ordinary member that it is impossible to list them all here. I will however say that I have always given my best in all the duties that I have been tasked with, driven by a love and respect for the Association which has given me so much. I would like to thank the student body for having faith in my capabilities and trusting me in this role as well as the whole MMSA EB 2012 - 2013 which is responsible for giving me a wealth of experiences that I shall treasure forever, not least of them the opportunity to represent this Association at the IFMSA General Assembly March Meeting 2013! I have tasted the MMSA life. It’s safe to say I can hardly go back now! I can only hope that I can continue to be of service to this Association in the future for I have much too many blessings yet to repay!




an objective manner. Secondly, certain criteria on which the applications were judged were listed. With pride, I can say that the whole Executive Board cooperated so that all applications were marked appropriately and the applicants received the right amount of money that they deserved.

back to the airport. Finance Project – the First MMSA Diary As a finance team, we started our year with our first project, the MMSA diary. This was a great success financially and increased the motivation of the whole finance team to work harder throughout the rest of the year.

Physical Activity Fund Dear all, This term the Malta Medical Students’ Association invested heavily in students. This was not only through the ‘Travel Assistance Fund’ and the ‘Physical Activity Fund’ but also through the vast array of campaigns that were designed to complement the students’ studies by benefitting their education and personal growth. With our heads held high we can say that the student body was, is and will remain the topmost priority for this association. Travel Assistance Fund As the years go by, this fund has become more popular with MMSA members, with more than 60 students applying for this fund. With the growing number of applicants, we revamped the TAF protocol to make sure that money is distributed fairly to the student. Improvements were made so as to make the TAF protocol and application more student friendly. Criteria, on which the application was based, were made available to the student. The TAF application was renewed so as to make it easier for the applicants to fill in. Moreover, there were improvements in the way applications were reviewed. Firstly, applications were sent to the rest of the Executive Board (EB) in an anonymous manner – hence, the rest of the EB did not know who the applicants were so that they would mark the applications in

The students also found themselves at the heart of other changes and initiatives implemented by the Executive Board. The Physical Activity Fund (PAF) was made available to the student. This includes a 25% refund on all expenses of a physical nature, including the purchase of equipment such as gym equipment or sport shoes. This fund is not as popular as the TAF fund, but there were quite a few students who applied for it. More work must be done to make this fund more known to the student. Other Student Benefits The MMSA, like any other year, invested heavily in its exchange programme. This attracted students to Malta and hence more students were sent abroad on exchanges. Moreover, over 30 students benefitted from the MMSA ‘On the Run’, where a 50% refund was given to those who participated in the ‘President’s FunRun’. Furthermore, fifth year medical students were given 50% refund each of their Basic Life Support (BLS) course. The aim of this was to help the students in their last few months of studies before they become doctors. Administrative Changes These funds and benefits were given because there was a finance team who worked throughout the year. This year was a success because a hardworking team was set up. The team was made up of the finan-


cial officer, financial assistant and standing committee financial reps. Each member of the team worked hard to obtain sponsorships and funds for the MMSA. The MMSA had sponsorships for each Standing Committee: SCOPH’s main sponsors were ‘AltaCare laboratories’, ‘ATG co. Ltd’, ‘Technoline’ and ‘Raymax’; SCORA’s main sponsor was ‘St. James Hospital’; SCORP’s main sponsor was ‘Citadel Health Insurance plc’; SCOME’s main sponsor was ‘Papillon Caterers’; SCOPRE’s main sponsors were ‘Sidroc Services’, ‘Svea’ and ‘Servier’. These sponsors helped in cash and kind. This system of a finance team and sponsors for each Standing Committee was used so as to increase sustainability. In previous years, arrangements were made where the MMSA had one corporate sponsor. This was not sustainable since a major part of the MMSA’s income depended on that sponsor. With this system, the MMSA has built relationships and partnerships with various companies – where no agreement of exclusivity was made.

This year was a good financial year. The MMSA obtained two ‘Youth in Action’ grants, the ‘Dr. Melhim Bou Alwan’ grant, the ‘Workphase’ grant and a grant from ‘Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali ta’ lIlsien Malti’. These grants did not only help us financially, but gave added value to the MMSA’s events. Most of this year’s campaigns and publications were part of a fund hence part of something bigger which added importance to the event/campaign. Electives First of all, I would like to thank this year’s electives coordinator, Ethan Caruana, for his continuous support throughout the year. This year there was a marked increase in the number of students who stayed at our recommended accommodation. Minimal refunds were given to the students this year. Moreover, an agreement was made with a taxi company, ‘Dial-a-cab’ where students were offered a free pick-up as well as recommended transport on their way

This hard work bodes well for the next term and with a solid financial position at the end of June, we can safely say that the MMSA will continue to grow and push its boundaries. The MMSA’s vision is to continue investing more in the student and the public and it definitely has the resources to deliver that dream. I would like to thank all the

MMSA EB for their help and support throughout this term. Such a strong united team, capable of surmounting individual differences and opinions to work collectively for the good of the MMSA, is difficult to come by.

It was an honour and a pleasure being part of this team. I would also like to thank the whole finance team who helped out throughout this year. Last but not least, I would like to thank all the students who in 2011

trusted me with this job and gave me such an amazing opportunity. Many thanks and kind regards, Lisa Lauren Buttigieg




Looking back and thinking about this past year of working within the executive board of the MMSA, I smile to myself, what an amazing adventure this has been! It’s been a year of hard work, commitments and of course lots of fun. 61st August Meeting General Assembly of the IFMSA, Mumbai India It all started last August when I was fortunate enough to form part of the Maltese delegation representing the MMSA at the August GA in Mumbai where I attended the pre-GA exchanges workshop and all the SCOPE sessions during the actual GA. This was truly an amazing and

exciting experience for me. Indeed, I feel like I learnt so much not only about SCOPE/ SCORE but also about the vast medical world out there. I also presented one of my very own projects, FLASHMOB at the projects fair which was about promoting exercise and a healthy lifestyle. It was clear that MMSA’s work is very up to standard when comparing to other, bigger associations: we are indeed one of the best  Obviously being the NEO/NORE for the MMSA Contracts Fair was the highlight of GA were I signed 112 contracts for the exchange season 2013-2014 including 86 SCOPE and 26 SCORE contracts. This was the greatest number of contracts signed in the past few years giving more medical students a chance to go on exchange whilst being able to accept more students here in Malta. My year as Exchanges Officer for Incoming Students After my great experience in India I felt I was geared up with enough knowledge and skills to

ity nearly every day ranging from cultural visits to places like Mdina and Valleta, trips to the beachs, Gozo and Comino and of course fun nights out in Paceville! The highlight was always the International food and drinks night when we tried different food and drinks from all over the world!

continue to manage the Standing Committee on Professional/ Research Exchanges along with Kelly. My summer this year was tiring, but extremely fun. The MMSA welcomed 95 foreign students this year mostly over the summer months. Due to the increase in the number of students I signed new contracts for apartments: in total I signed 7 contracts for 7 different apartments all found in the Msida area to make sure the students are within walking distance to the hospital. A great team of people helped me with the pickups from the airport. It was ensured that each and

every student was welcomed warmly and wholeheartedly by an MMSA student who would show the exchange student around the area surrounding the hospital and take them to their apartment. I was in contact with the Malta Tourism Authority who very kindly provided me with a welcome bag, which contained information about Malta, for the students. I also signed a new contract with Papillon to provide a baguette/plate of pasta and a bottle of water every day to the students for lunch. Earlier on in the year I had contacted various consultants as well as researchers by email or letter to assign the various students to various firms or research projects. As much as possible I tried to assign the students according to their first preference as chosen on their Application form. Another very tedious job was collecting the various health documents from the students and passing them on to Mater Dei to approve. I also made sure each and every student had an MDH access card to have access to all the wards and to the canteen. I highly encouraged the students to fill in the IFMSA SCOPE/SCORE logbook and awarded them a certificate at the end of their exchange to make sure they get the accreditation they deserved. With a great team of people I revamped the Social program for the students. It was a jampacked program with an activ-

Throughout the year, I tried my utmost to promote Malta’s exchange program in the IFMSA world. With help from the Media Officer, I compiled an official MMSA Exchanges Handbook for incoming foreign students; I created a FB exchanges page and, furthermore, contributed to a promotional video. Together with the coordinators, I organized this year’s Research Day. We worked very hard and incessantly to revamp the whole idea of research day making it more of an opportunity for students to learn about how to get involved in research, who to contact, what they can do as students etc. and also to give them the time and space to ask questions to our experienced guest speakers.

This year the IFMSA also implemented a new website and database and luckily enough in India I was taught how to use it. Throughout the year I was constantly in contact with other foreign exchange officers, answering various questions about our exchange program and accepting contracts on this new

database in preparation for the next exchange season. All in all this experience has thought me how to be responsible and work within a team. It was no joke having the responsibility of 95 exchange students, especially considering how highly esteemed our exchange program

is. People come here and expect the best! And I think I am confident enough in saying that we really did provide them with the best! Thank you to all those who helped and supported me in making this exchange season such a successful one.




tations will help in ensuring the fairest method of points distribution. Professional and Research Exchanges


Dear all, This year was a very successful one in terms of the Standing Committee on Professional and Research Exchanges. It was decided that it would be more efficient if the single post that was present in previous years was divided into Outgoings and Incomings posts. This system was very effective as Tara and I worked well together in different aspects related to the overseeing of this important Standing Committee. Points System and Protocol An important change that I implemented was the transferring of the points from the soft of-

fline database to the online system. We collaborated with NIU after various meetings and set up a system where I would input points online and each MMSA Member would have a specified username and password to access their account and thus be able to view their points. This promoted transparency and enabled the student to monitor their points. I would like to point out that although this system greatly promoted fair distribution of points it also had a downside,

in that the student body as a whole become extremely points oriented. It is important that we as MMSA Members keep in mind that improving our association is our sole purpose and our success should not be measured via points on a personal level in any way. I also started working on the Points Protocol to ensure a fair distribution of points. I hope that the following PREO-OUT will continue working on this so

that we can perfect it together. This year I also emphasized the importance of keeping to deadlines in handing in points forms. To ensure that the two week deadline was met, a -10 points penalty was introduced for every day that the points form was late. This system was successful as deadlines were met and the points penalty had to be implemented only twice in the whole term. I don’t believe that the points system is perfect, but hopefully the above implemen-

The IFMSA Annual General Assembly was held in India in 2012 and here 65 SCOPE and 22 SCORE bilateral contracts were signed. Bilateral contracts entail a Maltese student being sent abroad and a foreign student coming to Malta in exchange. These exchanges provide our MMSA members with various opportunities in hospitals overseas. Accommodation and a meal a day is provided. Other perks include a social programme and organized transport upon arrival. Four 4th year students also had the opportunity to go on an elective to Forth Valley Hospital in Stirling, Scotland. The points ranking was released efficiently as planned in the first week of December and the results were posted just a day after the deadline for receiving

applications had elapsed. This ensured that students could send in their Application Forms much earlier than usual and thus it was very satisfactory when the Cards of Acceptance were received and most students got placed in their first choice cities and departments. March Meeting in Baltimore,USA I was fortunate enough to attend this year’s IFMSA March Meeting in Baltimore, USA. It was a very useful meeting in terms of SCOPE/SCORE, as the new IFMSA databases were introduced and we were taught how to use them to the maximum benefit of the student body. I also got to participate in the AF Market and ensure that all the Maltese students travelling to non-EU countries had all the documents they required to get any necessary VISAs or documentation. It was a very memorable experience.

Research Day A great thing about the divide of the Standing Committee into Outgoings and Incomings was that we could work together in organizing research day. I would like to thank Nick Cassar, Keith Sacco and Tara Giacchino for organizing an excellent research day. I would like to wish the new BD a successful term, while thanking all my fellow ex-EB members

on their support and motivation. We were truly a close-knit family this year and I am extremely thankful for this wonderful experience. Regards, Kelly



dents before arriving in Malta. For the first time, we also tackled the Clinical students who also go through a large set of “firsts”. A welcoming talk for 3rd years from an FY1 was set up which offered invaluable tips and advice, and a Teachers’ database was formulated allowing staff contact details to become more easily available. One of SCOME’s greatest feats this year is that, apart from the 1st year Buddy system, we launched the 5th year – FP Buddy system. We collaborated with the Foundation Programme (FP) School setting up a system which allows 5th year students the opportunity of peer education by shadowing their allocated physicians. New courses


Dear All, It is with pleasure that I take this opportunity to reflect upon the great achievements of the Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME). This year SCOME has been revamped – as practically all our events were NEW, whilst any others were upgraded to a more suitable format according to your previous feedback and suggestions. I am proud to say that not only have the quantity of events been increased this year, but the quality of each event has been

held to very high standards. This has been reflected in the highest student participation and event attendance yet, resulting in SCOME becoming one of the major pillars of the Malta Medical Students’ Association (MMSA). This is excellent as SCOME is the only Standing Committee directly aimed at the needs of the medical student – by the student, for the student! The vision that I aimed towards was for SCOME to be part and parcel of every medical student’s journey through medical school. So we tackled and developed various aspects of SCOME, namely: Student Representation I represented the MMSA’s SCOME in the International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA) General Assembly (GA) in Mumbai, India. Important relationships where

forged with other National Officers on Medical Education (NOMEs) which allowed me to correspond with SCOME updates throughout the year and offer international opportunities to students. On a national level, SCOME is responsible for recruiting, training and aiding your beloved Class reps, who together with myself and the Faculty reps, act

as the point of liaison with the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. Welcoming Committee This year, apart from organizing the two-day Freshers’ talks and filming a new Freshers’ welcome video; we also turned our attention to the new International medical students and created the first Foreigners’ booklet. This served as a guide to these stu-

These projects were big and momentous undertakings. They have taken our events to a higher level and have offered a new pediment for further development. On introducing Breaking the Silence – Medical Maltese sign language seminar, following the 2011 IFMSA GA in Copenhagen, it was very well received by students. Hence, this year we turned it into a course carrying 2 Credits. Medical Scientific Maltese Malti Mediku Xjentifiku course was also an innovative idea that was put together with the help of the Department of Maltese for both International and Maltese students. This was given more accreditation by making it Degree Plus certified.

volving bandaging, suturing and knotting; and the Accident and Emergency seminar supplemented by the NOVEX Fieldwork Exercise – a simulation of a national major incident. In fact both these projects received nominations for the MMSA’s Project of the Year award. Students’ Companion A treasured role of SCOME is that of helping the student in a holistic way. Tips and advice where offered in Projects (P.S.) seminar by elder and more experienced students, as well as in the Foundation Programme seminar and Audits seminar by guest speakers flown in from the UK, and also by various consultants in Careers Convention. Furthermore, the novel Time 2 care was a project which tackled the wellbeing of the student by providing a lesson on yoga and mindfulness.

Supplementing the curriculum

Advocate for improvement

All-new seminars and workshops where conducted, amounting to around 1 or 2 events a week, which resulted in a jam-packed and exciting SCOME calendar! The favourites were the Practice makes perfect workshops – in-

The power that each student holds is often largely underestimated. SCOME is your tool, allowing your voice to be heard. We gathered feedback during Ideas Café, which this year was held not only for pre-clinicals but also for clinical students.

This resulted in the compilation of 2 influential reports which were presented to the Faculty.

The 2nd edition of Minima Medicamenta was compiled which, this year, was composed of triple the amount of rare or interesting cases complimented by practical fact boxes.

One of my highlights this year was organizing Medical Education Development International Kit – Training (MEDIK-T) weekend which introduced SCOME in great detail to 1st year enthusiasts, many of whom went on to take a more active role in the MMSA. Topics tackled included presentation skills, project planning, strategic planning, professionalism and advocacy.

Most notably SCOME has launched the BIGGEST MMSA publication to date - the Medical Language Translator – Traduttur tal-Lingwagg Mediku, dubbed the MMSA Project of the Year! This is to be used as a tool for all healthcare students and professionals, both Maltese and foreign.

In conclusion, the essence of SCOME is to portray that becoming a doctor takes more than just studying Grey’s anatomy from cover to cover. The skills gained by participating in this association are not only instrumental but are also invaluable.


Training Throughout the year, I focused on training the SCOME team and any interested MMSA member so as to pass on the skills that I have acquired over these 3 years, as well as to safeguard the future of SCOME. This was achieved mainly during the three major SCOME Chat meetings. Additionally, I compiled the first SCOME Handover booklet to guide future MMSA Medical Education Officers.

Lastly, I would like THANK my fellow Executive Board (EB) members who made this experience exceptional, the SCOME team for their hard work and dedication which made this outstanding year for SCOME possible, the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery for their constant support and all of you for your participation and infectious enthusiasm. “Believe you can and you’re halfway there” - Theodore Roosevelt




Dear all, It is with pleasure that I am writing this report as my final duty as the MMSA Sexual and Reproductive Health Officer (SRHO) for the term 2013-2014. I believe that sexual health is still considered a taboo in this country and this can only be surpassed by education. This was the reason for my candidature last year. My plan was to make the Standing Committee on Reproductive Health including AIDS (SCORA) more effective, to encourage more participation of medical students whilst targeting the general public. I believe that my aim was reached with strong student participation, new liaisons with other university student

Office, the HPDPD, MHSA, OSQ, MUCM and IFMSA. A big thankyou also goes to our sponsors St. James Hospital, Toysfourplay,, Golden Harvest and Tuttofood, who believed in our message and helped us out, either financially or with freebies.

associations and local authorities and with an immeasurable amount of media coverage, both locally and internationally. SCORA Team and TRD The first step was to build a hardworking SCORA team, without whom I could not have had such a successful year. The team consisted of sixteen members including myself and a new liaison officer, the SCORA-Finance representative. To introduce SCORA to the freshers, the SCORA team prepared intesively for the Training and Resource Development Weekend (TRD) 2012. A stand was set up showcasing our upcoming campaigns, introducing the team and freebies such as stickers, condoms and leaflets were given out. During TRD, the SCORA team also launched one of our new campaigns for the year, Mr. & Mrs. Breastestis sessions, which consisted of the team educating the new freshers about reproductive neoplasms and self-examination. Throughout the year, we also strived to ensure that the SCORA google group was kept very active with regular updates of local and international opportunities. The SCORA facebook page was also kept up to date and in fact, it now has double the likes it had last year.

International Opportunities

Sexual Health Survey For the second year, SCORA helped out with the Sexual Health Survey organized by Dr. Melillo and the Department for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate (HPDPD). This national study focused on sexual knowledge, attitudes and lifestyles in young Maltese adults between the ages of 18-25, as so far very limited data is available on the state of sexual health in the Maltese Islands amongst our youths. This project consisted of over four months of distribution with more than twenty medical students helping out. World AIDS Day Campaign World AIDS Day (WAD) is one of the biggest MMSA campaigns.

This year, the coordinators strived for quality of the various WAD events held in November/ December. The campaign took off with an outreach on Campus and a seminar regarding Comorbidities of HIV&AIDS, open to all university students. Professionals were present to speak about the subject and muffins were sold during the outreach in aid of Xefaq, Caritas. A Candle Vigil was also organised in Valletta, from the “Triton” Fountain to St. George’s Square and back, to show our solidarity towards people who died from this disease, with the support of local authorities. MMSA-SCORA held an outreach at The Point Shopping Mall, Tigne in collaboration with the HPDPD, during which the Health Minister held a press conference, on the 1st of Dece-

meber. The WAD Campaign ended with a bang with the MMSA PLAYSAFE Party at XO Lounge, Paceville – it was a very successful event, with more than optimum attendance and great bar offers! Overall, 125 euro were raised in aid of Xefaq, Caritas. Valentine’s Day Campaign Following last year’s success, this campaign was held once again on the 13th and 14th February, in liaison with SCOPH’s blood drive and in collaboration with MHSA and the HPDPD. This was a perfect opportunity for SCORA to promote tha ABCDs of safe sex, proper use of contraception and raising awareness regarding sexual transmitted diseases. Apart from the outreaches, sex-ed chocolates and a photo competition with our own cupid were held, with the campaign also raising 100 euro in aid of Puttinu Cares from the selling of roses. The SCORA team also presented this project during the March Meeting (MM), Baltimore, USA 2013. Preconception Care Campaign This new campaign consisted of a seminar and outreach in collaboration with the HPDPD and the Organizazzjoni Studenti Qwiebel (OSQ) on the 19th of Decemeber. It focused on preconception

health, healthy menstruation and healthy lifestyles of both sexes. A sticker competition, sponsored by Agenda was also launched and the logo “Healthy Parents = Healthy Children = Healthy Start to Life” was created as the vision for this campaign. This campaign was fully supported by the Malta Unborn Child Movement (MUCM). Reproductive Neoplasms Campaign including Mr. & Mrs. Breastestis sessions One of the issues SCORA focused on the most this year was reproductive neoplasms. We felt that it is of utmost importance to raise awareness regarding such cancers and to instill in the general public and the future generation the importance of self-examination. This was done through an outreach on campus supported by HPDPD and a seminar for all university students focusing on breast, cervical, prostate and testicular cancer. Moreoever, the Mr. & Mrs. Breastestis Campaign, an IFMSA transnational project (TNP), was kickstarted in Malta this year. Sessions were held during the SCORA session at TRD and these deemed to be a hit with the students, which led to twenty medical students participating in this campaign for 11 sessions over 1 week at St. Aloysious College. This campaign was also

presented as part of the TNP during the MM 2013 Projects’ Fair, USA. Liaisons with other Standing Committees One of my aims was to extend liaisons with other standingcommittees and organizations, mostly NPET and SCORP, as I feel that reproductive education and stigma cannot be tackled by one standing-committee alone. I am proud to say that this was done effectively this year, with SCORA-SCORP liaisons during International Men’s Day, International Women’s Day, World Spirit Day Campaign and the Antihomophobia Campaign. SCORA-NPET also saw a comeback this year, with a revision of the SCORA syllabus and the introduction of Anti-homophobia in the Anti-bullying sessions and “Men’s Issues” sessions, focusing on testicular cancer and self-examination. This term, SCORA-NPET held 37 sessions in total, spread over 6 different schools and 1 sixth form. Liaisons with Externals On behalf of the SCORA team and myself, I would like to show my gratitude to the external bodies which collaborated with us to make our campaigns a success, namely Degree Plus

MMSA-SCORA was truly blessed this year with not only local opportunities, but also international ones. I represented SCORA during International Peer Education Training (IPET) and SCORA sessions at the MM13, USA, where I also facilitated one of the sessions. Furthermore, two of our campaigns were chosen to be presented during the Project Fairs. Unfortunately, my term has come to an end with the handover process to the new SRHO – Phoebe Debono, to whom I wish the besk of luck. I have gained many experiences and skills from MMSA and I am pleased to have been given the chance to give back what MMSA taught me. This has definitely been a great year for SCORA! Thank you for trusting me with this opportunity a year ago. Yours sincerely, Thelma Xerri




Another year has come and gone. It is with a heavy heart that I write my final report as MMSA Public Health Officer for what has been an amazing year for public health within the medical sphere. With each new term, every new Public Health Officer brings something new to the table, be it what it may; each of us has played our part in bringing the Standing Committee on Public Health within the MMSA to the forefront of student representation in public health circles. This year in SCOPH, we have built on the previous term’s successful quality building under the tutelage of former Public Health Officer, Eleanor Borg, and began to work on the innovation of our already very large standing committee. Innova-

tion came in the forms of new projects, new opportunities - both local and international, increased member involvement, and the exploration of new methodologies for project management and organisation. Whilst continuing to work hand-in-hand with several of the MMSA’s standing committees, we also strengthened our stand on public awareness by ensuring that as many people of different age groups were targeted by our projects and campaigns, as well as making sure that each of the MMSA members involving themselves in public awareness campaigns are trained as necessary and have the highest etiquette and best mannerisms for dealing with members of the public. Our SCOPH year was kicked off with our brand new Beat the Burn campaign, a revamp of our previous stance on melanoma called Reach on the Beach. The campaign has grown tremendously in just under one year and has become one of our most affluent SCOPH campaigns, both nationally and on the international level within the IFMSA. Over the summer months Beat the Burn spawned three outreach campaigns in Valletta, Marsalforn

and St Paul’s Bay, one Peer Education session in Ħamrun, and a video campaign entitled “Emma’s Story” which highlighted the fictional life of a young woman dealing with melanoma and the effects of excessive sun exposure. Since its inception, Beat the Burn has gone on to win the very first IFMSA Dr Melhim Bou Alwan grant and has been recognised and endorsed by nearly 20 different international associations including La Roche Posay, SunSmart, Sol Survivors Melanoma Foundation and the World Skin Project. Our most exciting prospects lie within its promise as a future IFMSA Transnational

Project with several countries including Greece, Ecuador, Japan, Italy and others expressing interest in starting up the project within their respective NMOs. Of particular interest to the world of public health was the annual European Public Health Conference, organised in part by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and attended by none other than WHO DirectorGeneral Margaret Chan, which was held in Malta in September 2012. Several MMSA members had the opportunity to attend sessions and help out in the management of the event, giv-

ing insight into public health on the international scale.

winners given books kindly bequeathed by Agenda Bookshop.

Of course, no SCOPH year would be complete without mention of IFMSA-recognised World Days. World Heart Day was organised once again towards the end of September, to great success, at the Point in Sliema and Baystreet, St Julian’s. Free glucose testing, blood pressure monitoring and BMI scales were all at hand as is customary amongst several other offers and campaign materials. The MMSA was featured on the World Heart Federation’s website amongst several other countries and associations each featuring their own spin on the international campaign.

Subsequent follow-up events in each of the winning schools were organised to allow children the chance to fully experience hand washing and its importance. The MMSA’s stance was once again mentioned on the PPPHW’s website were, alongside several other countries, we were given the chance to show what we had done as an association.

For the first time, MMSA-SCOPH celebrated Global Hand Washing Day, an initiative practised by the Global Public-Private Partnership for Hand washing (PPPHW). An art competition for children from all around the Maltese Islands was organised whereby over 150 submissions were collected with 6 overall

One of our flagship events, World Diabetes Day was organised in November in Great Siege Square, Valletta in partnership with the Health Promotion Unit and several sponsors. World Diabetes Day 2012 proved to be our largest SCOPH event yet, with over 150 students participating, the majority of which were first-year medical students. In conjunction with our usual tests, a flashmob was organised by the students to raise awareness about diabetes. The video, which has been uploaded to YouTube, was also featured on both the International Dia-

betes Federation (IDF) website as well as the official World Diabetes Day YouTube channel. Furthermore, the MMSA World Diabetes Day had a small mention in the IDF’s website along with several other countries. The rest of the SCOPH year was jam-packed with events, happening almost every single week. Stroke Awareness campaigns have flourished with outreach training and tailored leaflets, as have Teddy Bear Hospital and our FOOD campaign, which have both undergone rigorous overhauls particularly in light of recent educational reforms such as the shift from food pyramids to the more widelyaccepted MyPlate scheme. Other notable mentions include the induction of the Blood + Organ Donation campaign into the IFMSA Organ Donation Awareness Project, Anti-Tobacco Debate in partnership with Ex-Smokers Are Unstoppable, our Eating Disorders fashion show (putting a new spin on the campaign by deviating from the usual outreach-

ing) and our widely successful Healthy Lifestyles campaign which spawned a seminar as well as our very first MMSA Sports Day which promoted movement, sports and active lifestyles as part of a three-day event leading up to HealthFest 2013. HealthFest was organised again and for the first time ever was held in St George’s Square, Valletta, giving us the opportunity to greatly expand on our previous years’ activities. Dance sessions, kids’ area and Jujitsu were all offered in tandem with our usual tests and campaign materials to give the public a wider slice of public health goodness. The SCOPH year would not have been possible without the amazing team I have had working beside me all year, and the support from my assistant, Julia Shaaban. Here’s to a prosperous new SCOPH year with our new Public Health Officer Adriana Grech, and much orange SCOPH love to you all.



Man’ photo-competition was a real hit and the seminar and outreaching proved to be interesting as always. We also collected over 200 euros for Movember International, an organisation that gives money to research on illnesses affecting men. November was also dedicated to World Children’s Day. We continued the collaboration with the Commissioner for Children by participating in the ‘FestaTfal’ event with other NGOs – this year it was held at the President’s Palace in Siggiewi. The second event was held at Mater Dei Hospital and SCORP gave the opportunity to medical students to spend time with children at the Children’s Wards. These students were able to realise that although they are patients children should not be tormented by an illness but should have a decent childhood.


As I flip through event reports and campaign photos I realise just how much effort and passion my team and I put into this standing committee. I was lucky to start my term with the Indian GA and the motivation of the international members rubbed into me, making mefeel truly inspired to kick-start an great term at MMSA SCORP. For the period of 2012-2013 SCORP saw an increase in the number of campaigns to eight with the introduction of the new Environment and Voluntary Work Campaign. This campaign was aimed at providing new opportunities for medical students to dedicate time and energy for the benefit of others whilst in turn learning more about the various social and environmental problems of our country. A second important innovation was the increased collaboration with NPET to create training opportunities that encourage students to become more active in

SCORP and more knowledgeable of what SCORP stands for. The year started with the Beach Clean-up at White Tower Bay, Mellieha, where students took an active stand in promoting the right to a healthy environment. Twenty two bags of garbage were collected from the both sand dunes and the sea bed. The event was organised in collaboration with Nature Trust Malta and Youth for the Environment. In September SCORPians organised two new events. The first was the voluntary work experience at the St Vincent de Paul home for the elderly as a commemoration of the International day for the Elderly on the 1st October and the European year for Active Aging and Solidarity between Generations. It was aimed at encouraging students to spend time with old people, who, very often are rarely visited by relations or friends, and gain an insight into an often forgotten, marginalised sector of our

society. I still remember the looks of genuine pleasure both students and elderly people had on their faces when the event ended. This was followed by the Peace Revolution Workshop, organised with NPET. The idea was to challenge participants into thinking outside the box on what peace is and how we can be peace activists in our own different ways. World Mental Health Day in October became two days of campaigning on university campus. SCORP collaborated with Betapsi, Mount Carmel Hospital, Richmond Foundation, Mental Health Association Malta and Crisis Resolution. The events carried on throughout the year with the seminar talks on autism in children during the World Children’s Campaign and the visit to the Mount Carmel Hospital. For the second year SCORP organised the International Men’s Day on campus. The ‘I’m a Real

December was all about Human Rights Day. We collected over 300 euros for “L-Istrina” thanks (Note please check this one) to the initiative of a few innovative first-year students who created customised bracelets. For the outreaching we collaborated with the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE) and European Commis-

sion whilst for the seminar we invited speakers from the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) and the Corradino Correctional Facility. Our next event took place at the end of February to 1st March with the Global Health Week. In order to boost the importance of global health in the SCORP agenda I tried to incorporate various aspects and perspectives that determine global health. We collaborated with NPET, SCOPH and SCORA to create 4 days of events, incorporating the Global Health and Water Campaigns with the AntiHomophobia Campaign and the Climate Care and Blood & Organ Donation Campaigns (of SCORA and SCOPH respectively). SCORP and NPET also organised the first ever Human Rights and Training Workshop which aimed at educating students on human rights and showing how interactive sessions can be used to challengeour knowledge of them. The Water Campaign involved the ‘Right 2 Water’ outreach on campus, an outreach on water use and a fundraising for SOS Malta whereas the Global Health Campaign involved a seminar on the top epidemics on the rise and the influence of the pharmaceutical industry on

global health. Our last event took place in March with an entire week dedicated to International Women’s Day. We began on the 4th with the opening of the exhibition (in collaboration withthe Arts Students Association – ASA) which aimed at promoting women’s talents and educating the public on famous women’s achievements. It took place at the KSU Common Room. The few days hereafter were all about free make-up sessions and henna tattoos, leading up to the main day – the 8th March. For this day we collaborated with SCORA and began with our outreaching about health issues which affect

women, fundraising for Puttinu Cares, collecting signatures for the ‘UNite – Say No to Violence’ campaign of the UN and then continued in the afternoon with informative talks on the challenges that women face in their careers, the HPV vaccine and recognising signs of domestic abuse. On this day we collaborated with Agenzija Appogg. From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank my team, our sponsors and the support of the Executive Board 2012/2013 for the amazing experience.




past few years and became a standing committee in its own right two years ago. With the success of previous years in mind my aim for this term was to continue to improve the quality of events, to create new training and peer-education opportunities, liaising with the different standing commitees and last but not least to continue the excellent work of my predecessors. In order for all of this to be possible it was essential to start by building a strong and dedicated team that would be committed to improve and create MMSA NPET events. NPET Facebook Page

The MMSA Standing Committee on Peer Education and Training, better known as NPET, has continued to grow throughout the

At the beginning of my term I began by creating the first ever MMSA NPET Facebook page. This was done with the aim of promoting the Standing Committee sessions and training events and also in order to have a collection of photos and videos to showcase NPET’s achievement to MMSA and IFMSA members alike. The facebook page has now reached over 200 likes and is followed by many medical students both locally and internationally. NPET is a standing committee which we Maltese

have created and we should be proud of it! NPET Booklet To promote the NPET peer-education sessions amongst youth organisations, schools and sixth forms, the annual MMSA NPET Booklet was compiled together with the help of various coordinators and their respective SC heads. The booklet included information regarding the various sessions available and also gave insight into what it means to be a peer-educator. The booklet attracted the attention of various schools around the island, to the extent that we had to turn down some schools due to the high demand! NPET Peer-Education Sessions A total of 79 peer-education sessions were held throughout the scholastic year in over 10 schools in Malta. Audiences ranged from children as young as 3 years to 18 year old adolescents, about to sit for their A Level’s. MMSA peer-educators delivered sessions on topics involving sexual health, human rights and peace, as well as public health. Contrary to previous years the sexual health sessions

were amongst the most popular and this goes to show how important the topic is becoming amongst the Maltese Islands. 37 sexual health, 35 public health and 7 human rights and peace sessions were held in total. Other topics included: anti-tobacco, hand hygiene, substance abuse, fitness and nutrition for the public health section. A diabetes awareness session was also introduced where a diabetic patient was invited to join the MMSA peer-educators in order to share her experience on living with diabetes. Sexual health sessions included breast awareness and the first gynaecological consultation and new sessions on men’s issues, sexual identity and orientation, Mr & Mrs. Breastestis and also sexually transmitted diseases. Lastly, human rights and anti-bullying were discussed as part of the human rights and peace programme. Training New Trainer’s (TNT) Workshop The TNT workshop is one of the most anticipated workshop’s in the MMSA with the aim of generating a fresh and new group of trainers. The workshop is recognised by the International Federation of Medical Student’s (IFM-

a vast knowledge of the different types of peer-education sessions. This year NPET weekend took place between the 1st and 2nd December at ZHN in Bugibba. A total of 11 participants were present together with 14 helpers specialised in the different topics. MMSA-MHSA TRAIN

SA) and for the first time ever in Malta was open to international applicants. The call of applications witnessed a record number of Mltese and foreign applicants, and was followed by a rigorous selection process. The workshop took place between the 12th and 14th October 2012 at Villa Psaigon in Dingli. 5 Maltese trainers were selected to conduct the workshop and 14 Maltese applicants out of 27 and 2 internationals out of 18 were chosen. The successful weekend was jam packed with training sessions, fun activities and even a treasure hunt! After the weekend a mentoring system was started whereby each new trainer was assigned an older, more experienced trainer to be his/her mentor for the first 5 hours of their training until they

earned their IFMSA certificates. 13 out of the 16 trainers received certification with the remaining 3 only having a few hours to complete before receiving certification next year. NPET Weekend The NPET weekend is also another highly anticipated annual NPET event. This workshop is done in order to teach MMSA members about the peer-education programme so that they will become MMSA peer-educators. MMSA peer-educators are equipped with the knowledge and skills to be able to give high quality peer-education sessions. Skills such as classroom conflict, public speaking and how to give a presentation are taught . Moreover, they obtain

The MMSA-MHSA T.R.A.I.N was a new project undertaken this year together with the help of the Secretary General and myself. This was a live-in which took place between the 23rd and 25th of November at Villa Psaigon in Dingli. 13 MHSA participants and 12 MMSA helpers took part in this fun and interactive live-in. The MMSA trainers were given the opportunity to practice and pass on their training skills whilst making new friends and learning how to liaise with externals. By means of this live-in, the MHSA gained new training skills which they intend to pass on to future MHSA members within their own subcommittees. Training Sessions and SCORP Workshops


A record amount of 83 hours

of training were completed throughout the scholastic year. Training sessions were held at TNT, NPET weekend, the MMSAMHSA TRAIN, Medik-T, TRD and a new concept of Training Tuesday’s was introduced. For the first time ever NPET also teamed up with SCORP to present the Peace Revolution workshop and the Human Rights and Training Workshop! Both Workshops aimed at encouraging MMSA members to take on a more active role in NPET and SCORP, moreover, they also aimed to provide skills and arouse discussion on the delicate topics discussed in order to broaden their knowledge on the subjects. On a final note, I would like to say thank you to the MMSA EB and my NPET assistant Paula Gauci for their constant support and guidance and to everyone who gave me the opportunity to be Peer-Education and Training Officer for this term. It was truly a memorable experience which I will cherish for the rest of my life! Regards, Fabrizia



we teamed up with the Finance team to come up with merchandise that would promote the MMSA as a whole as well as the corporate identity. We therefore came up with the MMSA Diary, which was sold throughout Freshers’ Week 2012, as well as a brand new mug design which are distributed to speakers during MMSA seminars as a form of a token.

Member Organisation (NMO) management. The Administration Workshop included several Media-related sessions including: • How to use Photoshop - The essentials on writing professional press releases and articles • Social Media - How to use social networks efficiently so as to promote MMSA events to the maximum, including Facebook, Twitter, RSS Feeds, Blogging etc. • Using Apps - Tips on programmes and applications that one can use to help with studying, organising your day and taking notes. • Technology in Medicine - A discussion based on present and future technology that is or will be used in hospitals around the world (inspired by the Health 2.0 protocol).



Dear all, It is with great pleasure that I present to you the annual report concerning my role as Media and Marketing Officer as well as what my team has accomplished throughout this term. I look back at the past term with great pride as to how much we have achieved and improved on what was done in the term before ours. My plan for this year was to ultimately improve on what had already been established in previous years, such as enforcing the use of the MMSA’s Corporate Identity, improving the MMSA’s image, enhancing the quality of the publications, increasing the amount of merchandise, as well as promoting the MMSA’s events on Campus; both locally and internationally. The Media Team For all the above to have been possible, a media team was created at the beginning of the term which consisted of the design team, the proofreading team, the photography team and the publications team. The design team, consisting of 4 members i.e. a member each for the four main standing committees, made sure to create the appropriate image for each and every event of the respective standing committee, as well as making sure

that there was correct use of the MMSA’s Corporate Identity. Members of the design team served as good liaisons between the media team and the respective standing committees so as to make sure that all the promotion and design needs of each standing committee were met. The media team also consisted of the proofreading team, who reviewed every article written by any MMSA member for the MMSA. The photography team made sure to cover every MMSA event so that these photos could be used as post-event media coverage as well as evidence of the hard work that each and every standing committee had done throughout the year.

publications including: the Freshers’ Booklet, Sphygmo, Murmur, as well as the Annual Report which was finished together with my successor, to whom I wish the best of luck with his team. A lot of time, dedication, teamwork, creativity, as well as patience were essential factors for creating these publications and I would like to thank my team for this. When brainstorming for each and every publication we always kept this statement in mind: “What are students expecting us to create?”, rather than randomly picking up themes, and I must say that this statement worked and helped us come up with innovative ideas for each publication.



The publications team was responsible for the MMSA’s main

My role also comprised the marketing aspect, which is why

During this term, a coordinator was appointed to liaise with the editor of Pink Magazine so that MMSA members may write articles on different topics, and in turn, the editor published between one to two articles in the Healthbites section of each issue, which is published once every month. This served as an opportunity for the MMSA to put a light on certain topics which have previously been neglected, to promote the MMSA in general, as well as a chance for medical students to get published in a well-known magazine. I feel that this liaison was a great success as both the students and the editor were satisfied with the outcome. Social Networks An emphasis was made on the use of social networks so as to promote the MMSA as they are the most cost-effective means. As a team, we have done our outmost to promote events by

posting on a daily basis on the Facebook pages of the respective standing committees as well as on the main MMSA page. We have also made it a point to make more use of Twitter especially during IFMSA General Assemblies as Twitter is very popular among medical students worldwide. The MMSA’s YouTube Channel was revamped and we all made it a point to promote videos that

were done in previous years as well as producing new videos so as to make good use of this channel. During the past term, numerous videos were created as another means of event promotion, while others served as a platform for awareness. Some of these videos included: the Freshers’ Video, the Exchanges Video, the Beat the Burn Video, and of course the World Diabetes Day Flashmob video, to name a few. The Administration Workshop After attending the Health 2.0 workshop during the IFMSA preGeneral Assembly in India, I felt the need for creating something similar here in Malta. Therefore, I consulted the rest of the Executive Board (EB) and we came up with the Administration Workshop which combined what we had all learnt during our separate workshops, which included Presidents’ sessions and National

These served as a means of recruitment as well as a form of general training should the students require these skills in their daily lives. Press Releases A great effort was put into promoting MMSA events by sending press releases of the major events to many local newspaper and television stations while distributing those of minor events via notices sent from the office of the registrar, as well as Facebook event descriptions and the MMSA website itself. I would like to thank my assistant for doing such a pristine job with spreading the word about MMSA events in the most professional way possible. I would like to conclude by thanking the MMSA Executive Board for their constant support and cooperation throughout the year, as well as the Media Team who have all made a great effort to maintain and improve on the standard of the MMSA’s image.




atmosphere. Both food, as well as drinks were served. The Consultants’ Party served as a token of appreciation to show our professors that their dedication is not taken for granted. In addition, it also servedas a cordial, stress-free get together for the consultants themselves.


MMSA Christmas Party

Surfin’ MMSA

Being a Leisure Officer was timeconsuming and at times quite stressful. . However, it offered me an irreproducible sense of satisfaction and pride. It was an incredible experience that allowed me to grow on a professional and personal level. Lift Off: The Third Edition In keeping with tradition, the new Leisure Team optimistically launched its year-long string of events just after the exams by organising Lift Off: The Third Edition. This took place on July 2 at Amaziona Beach Club, Bugibba. The first part of Lift Off! was hosted at Amazonia’s pool area (Amazonia Terrace), after which the party shifted indoors. A happy hour also took place in which there was 25% off all drinks. Approximately four hundred people attended and the feedback was very positive, as the party boasted an amazing vibe.

The MMSA Leisure Team’s next step was Surfin’ MMSA on the 7th August. At Surfside, one could bask in the sun, swim or simply chat with friends. In fact, this event was promoted as a “chill out night with MMSA”. There was a Happy Hour on Cocktails and Vodka Slushies and the response was far better than expected. MMSA Foam Party The MMSA Leisure brought down the curtain on another successful Summer by organising the Third Edition of the MMSA Foam Party at Fuego, Qawra on September 21. The first years were addressed and urged to meet their colleagues for a unique transition into Medical School. TRD Parties The TRD parties were not taken with a pinch of salt. On the 26th of October, students had an opportunity to refresh their memories of their Cartoon Network days or the good old Italia Uno! mid-day and afternoon cartoons. TRD Party 1 – Cartoon Party! was held at Fuego, Qawra. Those who attended could take part in a costume competition and a drinking game. Transport

was also organised. The following day, TRD Part 2 – I’m Glad I’m Not...was held at Amazonia Beach Club. Those who attended were spurred to be all those things or beings that they never wanted to be. As in the previous party, a costume competition was held and the winner was awarded a bottle of vodka. Ad-

mission to the party was free. Christmas Gathering The annual Christmas Gathering took place at Medical School, Mater Dei hospital on the 21st of December. Students were given an opportunity to meet up with their lecturers in a friendly

Following the previous year’s success, the MMSA Christmas Party was hosted at The Playground, Paceville on December 27. The MMSA collaborated with 3 fellow student organisations: MPSA, MHSA and MADS. A great compromise was reached on bar offers so much so that from 22:00 till 00:00, bottles were 5 euro cheaper. Tickets were sold at the price of €5 and transport back home was organised. Il Ballo Divino Il Ballo Divino was heralded as the greatest MMSA event of the year. The MMSA Ball was held deep in the Wine Vaults of Montekristo Estates on Saturday, March 2. An incredible amount

of work was put into this event. Being one of the most renowned events amongst all the parties organised by University associations, it served as a showcase of the MMSA Leisure Team’s abilities. Il Ballo Divino was christened so, because of its immortal place in MMSA’s calendar and the fact that it gives medical students a sense of pride and relief after all their hard work throughout the year. Entertainment was of the highest standard thanks to the popular DJs Luc Adams, Nate, Roberto and Kugene. A well-known young Maltese band - Planet Seed - added to the variety on the night. A laser show was also held. Food and free-flowing drinks were served. Tickets were sold at €25. The admission fee included transport from Montekristo Estates to any destination, with additional transport from Valletta to Montekristo Estates being available at an extra cost of €1. The turnout was astounding, and the tickets were quickly sold out. EGGSTRAVAGANZA On the 31st of March MMSA

collaborated with AISEC to present a relaxed night out at Anvil’s Pub on Easter Sunday. Those who attended the EGGSTRAVAGANZA Presented by AIESEC in Malta & MMSA were able to chill out with a couple of friends and some beer. This new concept proved to be a success. MMSA Alcocrawl Another new, interesting idea was the MMSA Alcocrawl, which was a combination of two former Leisure events: the Pub Crawl and the Treasure Hunt. The Alcocrawl started in Sliema, where participants were given instructions on what tasks to ac-

complish and which checkpoint they were required to reach. The event was limited to forty people at a price of €3. The enthusiasm and a great vibe present made this event a huge success. Teamwork: A Priority An MMSA Leisure Officer, no matter how diligent and devoted, – is nothing without his Team. It is of utmost importance to form a group of people you can work with to put fresh, fun, new ideas forward and realise them. It is only then that will you be able to deliver what you promise.




The Malta Electives programme is run as a joint venture by the Malta Medical Students Association (MMSA) and the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. The Faculty representatives include Ms Anna Carabott who deals with application processing, and Mr Daniel Colombo who deals with the Electives programme finances. Tight cooperation between the Faculty representatives and the MMSA Electives Coordinator is a must to ensure a complete, welcoming experience for the ever-increasing number of incoming elective students. A medical elective aims to introduce and expose a medical student to a foreign hospital, in order to appreciate the differences in techniques, attitudes and cultures, along with further enhancing medical knowledge and clinical experience. In Malta this consists of assigning a student for a period of time to a firm of doctors in the desired speciality. As the Electives coordinator my role was primarily to ensure good liaison and communication with the Faculty representatives in order to maintain a good rapport through this joint venture. The role also consisted of up keeping the MMSA’s tasks in the Elective’s programme, mainly ensuring that applications processing, airport pickups and accommodation keep running smoothly. Communication Firstly, all electives applications are received by the MMSA, and it is the Elective’s Coordinators

duty to ensure that all applications are read, processed, corresponded with and passed on to medical school for finalisation. Most applications are received by physical mail, but during this term we started to accept and promote applications by e-mail, where apart from using less paper, correspondence is undoubtedly faster and more effective. Secondly, since incoming students depend on our services, timely and precise communication are vital! Correspondence with students and with faculty representatives was always prompt, since it was made sure that the MMSA Electives team review emails daily. In addition,

some changes were made to the email inbox, where labels and reminders were incorporated in order to ensure easier browsing for future coordinators. This is useful considering the rate of about 10-15 daily email queries. Furthermore, on the initiative of the Electives Assistant; Max Gatt, elective students were sent monthly emails with relevant MMSA events and parties during their stay. Thirdly, throughout the term all the Electives sections of the MMSA website were constantly updated with current and new information, which included a renewal of the FAQs section, addition of the taxi service offered,

addition of the cancellation policy and others. It is important to note that the website is the only online way for foreign students to get to know about the Maltese Electives Programme, hence up to date information is vital for the Malta Electives Programme to further inform and attract students. Accommodation A separate and important part of the Elective Coordinator’s role is to coordinate accommodation for elective students who request to accommodate with the MMSA. This is a different venture offered by the MMSA alone, whereby on a first

come, first served basis, elective students can opt to stay at the MMSA rented apartments in Sliema. These apartments are all in one block, have all the basic amenities along with Wi-Fi and linen, and also benefit from the landlord’s presence at the lower apartment for any inconveniences that might arise. Once a student accommodates with the MMSA, one also benefits from a pre-organised airport taxi pickup to the apartments. Administrative work Administrative work included compiling and sorting out the Electives online database on incoming elective students and accommodation information. All this information is maintained on Google Spreadsheets and

passed on to Electives Coordinators every year. My task included ensuring all the right editing to the documents, updating of the list of available consultants at Mater Dei, and sorting all the documents passed on to me, into yearly issues for easier access and traceability. These are important in order to keep track of the MMSA Elective’s records in case of future quoting and references. External Representation As a result of being deeply involved in the MMSA, during this term I had the opportunity to represent the MMSA abroad in the International Federation Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) 63rd General Assembly which took place in Balti-

more, USA in March. I had the task of representing MMSA in a Mental Health workgroup during Pre-General Assembly and in SCOME sessions during the General Assembly.

I would like to thank Max Gatt, who assumed the role of Electives Coordinator Assistant from the first day, and backed me up in fulfilling all these tasks, even through the busy exam periods.

All in all, this was quite a productive year for the MMSA Electives, and the prosperity of this Electives programme can be witnessed from the continually increasing number of incoming electives students every year, and also yearly increasing financial income for the MMSA. During the 2012-2013 term, there was a total of 228 incoming students, which is an increase of about 145% more students when compared to the previous year.

I would also like to thank my predecessor Jessica Burr for the tips and training on tackling the several issues once maintaining the role of Electives Coordinator. Last but not least,

Fulfilling all these tasks would not have been possible alone, so

I would also like to thank my successor Thomas Gatt, who joined the Electives team during the last three months during which handover was given over, in order to ensure a good basis of knowledge with regards to Electives is passed on.




First and foremost, we would like to thank the Executive Board (EB) of the MMSA and the predecessors of the Supervising Council for all their invaluable work within the MMSA. Thanks to all the hard work put in by each member, the MMSA has grown into one of the most influential student organisations on campus. We, the undersigned, were appointed by the EB members as per the MMSA statute. It has been quite an interesting and busy year to say the least. This year, the MMSA has gone through a detailed restructuring of its EB. Apart from this, the MMSA has worked closely with other organisations on campus as well as outside university to further improve the Public Health of the Maltese population.

the Board of Directors (BD) and the officers has helped to better re-allocate resources and man-power within the MMSA structure, as well as to cut down on unnecessary bureaucracy which, in previous years, led to decisions taking an unnecessary amount of time to be taken. It has also allowed the MMSA to divide the MMSA’s resources better and further increase the good standing relationship of the MMSA with other associations.

Supervising Council’s Roles: The Supervising Council’s role is to oversee the actions of and the decisions made by the EB throughout their term. Most of this supervision can be achieved via accessing the MMSA domain mailbox mt- which was accessed by all council members. All official correspondence was carried out after consultation with all three members. Should the need have arisen, the council’s role involves guiding the EB in the proper interpretation of the statute and bylaws. Apart from helping out the MMSA’s EB, the SupCO also handled enquiries from all MMSA members and

took any necessary actions accordingly. By rotation, one member of the Supervising Council had to represent the council members and be present throughout each and every EB meeting as an observer. Their purpose was to help the EB reach timely decisions on some hot issues that arose throughout the term. Again, all correspondence on behalf of the Supervising Council was only given once all council members had agreed on it. The council also had to go through the EB meeting minutes which

had to be sent within three weeks following each meeting. Another important role was to review and analyse the EB’s Quarterly Financial Report. Any discrepancies were subsequently pointed out and ironed out. The Council’s tasks also involved monitoring the MMSA website and ensuring that updated content such as EB and General Assembly meeting agendas minutes, statute and bylaws were regularly uploaded. In order to ensure transparency of its work, the Council wrote

a quarterly report at the end of each term which was made available on MMSA’s website. Feedback collection The Supervising Council together with the Feedback Coordinator, Ian Baldacchino, also continued to work on the feedback collection system set up by our predecessors. This year marked the birth of a new online feedback collection system, via which the student can anonymously give any negative or positive feedback via

MMSA’s website. This feedback was divulged with the EB anonymously and action was taken to rectify any negative feedback brought forward, whilst also congratulating the EB on the positive feedback received from MMSA members as well as

from external bodies. Restructuring of MMSA EB The Supervising Council took an active role in the restructuring of the MMSA’s EB. The work done to structure the EB into

Medical Maltese The SupCO was very active in handling some of the issues which cropped up regarding the excellent medical Maltese dictionary set up by Mr. Robert Cachia. This dictionary is an

invaluable tool and an indispensable read for day to day clerking at Mater Dei hospital as it enables one to use proper Maltese terminology. Overall, we can confidently say that this was an unforgettable experience for us and we are proud to have been part of such an amazing team. Thanks go to all the MMSA members who have put their trust in us by electing us into office and allowing us to offer our services and knowledge to the MMSA EB, as well as the members themselves. We wish the newly elected BD, officers and the SupCO members a prosperous and positive year ahead.







2012 June

19th – NPET Launch of NPET Facebook Page


2nd – Leisure Lift Off Party 25th – SCOME International Students’ Leaflet Launched 26th – SCORP Beach Clean-Up 26th – NPET St. Joseph School Paola Peer Education Sessions 30th - Creation of Men’s Issues session NPET-SCORA


3rd – SCOPH Beat the Burn Video Launch 7th – SCOPH FOOD Campaign St. Benedict’s Primary School, Ħal Għaxaq 7th – Leisure Surfin’ MMSA Leisure Event 9th – NPET St. Joseph School Paola Peer Education Sessions 22nd – SCOPH FOOD Campaign Żebbug


5th – SCOME Start of First-

Aid Course 6th – SCOPH Teddy Bear Hospital Lija Primary School (Kidstart Summer Club), St Theresa College 6th – SCOPH Beat the Burn, Dun GorgPreca, Hamrun Primary School 8th – SCOPH Beat the Burn, Buġibba Promenade 16th – SCOPH Jumil-Mosta 18th – SCORP St.Vincent de Paule Volunteering Day 18th – EB Weekend 19th – EB Weekend 20th – EB Weekend 21st – End of Summer Foam Party 23rd – SCORP Water Campaign 25th – SCOPH Launch of Handwashing Day Art Competition 29th – SCOPH World Heart Day July – September – SCOPRE 95 incoming IFMSA exchange students


1st – SCOME Buddy Sessions during Fresher’s Week 1st – Media Release of the Freshers’ Booklet 2012 and the MMSA Diary 1st – Media/SCOME showing of the Freshers’ Video during the Freshers’ sessions in Freshers’ Week 2nd – SCOPH E-Poster released 5th – 8th – Peer Education

Sessions at Stella Maris College, Gżira 7th – NPET Booklet Released 9th – SCOME Ideas Café for Clinical Years 12th – SCOME Start of Medical Scientific Maltese Course 12th – SCORP Mental Health Campaign 12th – 14th – NPET Training New Trainers Workshop 16th – SCOME Practice Makes Perfect Bandaging Seminar 17th – Physiology Project Seminar 19th – NPET Mental Health and Substance Abuse peer education sessions St. Margaret’s College 23rd – NPET Training Tuesday 24th – SCORA Spirit Day 25th– 27th – NPET MHSA T.R.A.I.N 26th – 28th – Training & Resource Development Weekend 26th – Leisure TRD Party 1 – I’m Glad I’m not 27th – Leisure TRD Party 2 – Cartoons


3rd – NOVEX 4th – SCOPH Stroke Awareness Campaign 5th - 10th – SCOPH World Diabetes Day 5th – SCOPH E-Poster

released 6th – SCOME A&E Seminar 18th – SCORP World Children’s Day at Siġġiewi 20th – SCOPH Stroke Campaign Outreach, Mellieħa 20th – SCOME Foundation Programme Seminar 21st – 29th – NPET Antitobacco and Substance Abuse sessions, San Anton School Mġarr 24th – SCOME 5th year – FY Buddy System 24th – SCORA/RP – International Men’s Day 25th – SCOPH Stroke Outreach Żejtun 27th – Leisure Christmas Party 28th – SCORA Comorbidities of HIV/AIDS Seminar 28th – SCORA World AIDS Day Campus Outreach 30th – SCORA World AIDS Day Candle Vigil


1st – SCORA World AIDS Day Outreach 1st – SCORA end of data collection for the Sexual Health Survey 2012 1st – SCORA Play Safe Party, XO Lounge St.Julians 1st – 2nd – NPET Peer Education Training Weekend 2nd – SCOPRE Points ranking release and exchange applications open 5th – 12th – NPET Eating Disorders Peer Educa-

tion Sessions, San Anton School Mġarr 10th – SCORP Human Rights Day 12th–SCOPRE Research Day 13th – Administration Workshop 14th – NPET Sexual Education Sessions St. Thomas Moore College 21st – Leisure Christmas Gathering October – December 2012 – SCOPRE Contract approvals and logistical arrangements

2013 January

23rd – SCOME Breaking the Silence


12th – SCOPH Organ Donation Seminar 13th – SCORA Valentine’s Day Campaign and Blood Drive 13th – SCOME Chat 15th – 17th – SCOME MEDIK-T Workshop 16th – Media Article on the Human Papilloma Virus in Pink magazine as part of the International Women’s Day Campaign and another article on Angina 17th – SCOPH E-Poster released 18th – SCOME Time to Care Programme 18th – 26th – NPET Peer education sessions at Verdala International, Pembroke 19th – SCOME Ideas Café for Clinical Years take 2 20th – SCORA Reproductive Neoplasms Seminar 21st – Media Release of

“Sphygmo” 22nd – SCORA Mr. & Mrs. Breastestis, St. Aloysius’ College Birkirkara 23rd- SCOPH Launch of Beat the Burn E-fact Campaign 25th – SCORA Antihomophobia Campaign 26th – SCOME Career’s Convention 27th – SCORP Water Campaign 28th – NPET/SCORP Human Rights and Training Workshop


1st – SCOPH Global Health Campaign 2nd – Leisure IlBalloDivino 5th – SCORP Don’t Do a House 5th – Media/SCOPRE Release of MMSA Exchanges video on YouTube 6th – SCOPH Anti-Tobacco Campaign with MADS 7th – NPET Anti-tobacco Peer education sessions, Stella Maris College Gżira 8th – SCORA/SCORP International Women’s Day 13th – SCOME De La Salle Careers Day, Bormla 13th – NPET Breast Examination and Gynae Consultation Peer Education St.Margaret’s College 17th – SCOPH E-Poster release 18th – SCORP Mount Carmel Visit 21st – 22nd – NPET STI Peer Education Sessions St.Aloysius’ College Birkirkara 23rd – SCOPH E-Poster release 24th – Media Article about the “Benefits of red wine”, in Pink Magazine 31st – Leisure event Eggstravaganza

January – March 2013

SCOPRE Accepting Application forms on database and collecting all the relevant data from students


5th – Leisure MMSA Alcocrawl 9th – MMSA & SDM-JC Say No to Drugs Campaign 10th – SCOPH E-Poster Release 12th – 13th – MMSA HealthFest 12th – MMSA Elections for the Board of Directors 2013-2014 20th–Media Article about “Prolonged Menstrual Bleeding”, in Pink Magazine 24th–MMSA Organisations Gathering 24th – Launch of Medical Language Translator – Traduttur tal-Lingwaġġ Mediku 26th – SCOPH E-Poster release April 2013 – SCOPRE Sending letters to consultants and tutors and allocating students to various departments. Preparing and sending Card of Acceptance to students


7th – Media Release of “Murmur” magazine 12th – SCOPH E-Poster release 18th - Media Article about “Thinspiration and proanorexia websites”, in Pink Magazine 24th – Media Article about the dangers of tanning beds in the Times of Malta ‘Dangers of the Sun’ newspaper supplement




2012 August




5th – 8th IFMSA Pre-Annual Meeting General Assembly, 2012, Mumbai, India (7 members) 9th – 15th IFMSA Annual Meeting General Assembly, 2012, Mumbai, India (7 members) 20th – 27th Health Leadership Summer School (HLSS), 2012, Netherlands (5 members)

25th – 26th Medici con l’Africa (CUAMM) Equal Opportunities for Health – Partnership Meeting, Riga, Latvia (2 members) 26th – 28th EuWHO Assembly on Population and Reproductive Health: ‘Addressing the unmet need’, 2012, London (1 member)

5th – 9th IFMSA Pre-March Meeting General Assembly, 2013, Baltimore, USA (8 members) 9th – 15th IFMSA March Meeting General Assembly, 2013, Baltimore, USA (8 members) 16th – 17th National Undergraduate Foundation General Surgery Conference NUGSC), 2013, London (11 members) 16th – National Student Trauma Conference, 2013, Edinburgh (2 members)

14th – 17th IFMSA Pre -European Regional Meeting X, Rome, Italy (6 members) 17th – 21st IFMSA European Regional Meeting X, Chieti, Italy 2013 (6 members)

clinical years.

Published the first Foreigners’ booklet to welcome and guide International students before they arrive in Malta.

Organised the first 3rd Year advice from an FY1 welcoming talk for the new clinical students from a newly graduated doctor.

Created a teachers’ details database, i.e. a list of contact details of a large number of Medical tutors, lecturers, doctors and surgeons – thus facilitating timetable organisation for faculty and group reps in

Coordinated the first 5th year – FY Buddy system, which was a big initiative in collaboration with the Foundation Programme School where newly graduated doctors where paired with 5th year students to

allow them to shadow peer physicians. Introduced two brand new courses: Medical Scientific Maltese (Malti Mediku Xjentifiku)- a course for International and Maltese students allowing them to learn Maltese medical language thus aiding their communication with patients. This was given more accreditation by making it Degree plus certified. Breaking the Silence – a Medical Maltese sign

Organised the first Time to Care Programme by which students were advised in a holistical manner, by means of yoga and mindfulness lessons. Organised an Ideas Café for 3rd and 4th years for the first time, together with a year round coffee Programme to advocate for further improvements in the curriculum. Published the Medical Language Translator – Traduttur tal-Lingwagg Mediku: The biggest MMSA publication to date. Created a new sponsorship system for students going on medical electives. Association


Lifestyle seminar.

language course: In collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, this course was made examinable to carry 2 Credits. Various new seminars were introduced into the MMSA calendar to supplement the medical curriculum. These included the Accidents and Emergency seminar, the Organ Donation seminar, the Foundation Programme seminar, the Preconception Care seminar and the Healthy

Pentameric Structure for future Board of Directors, which was approved during the Annual General Meeting. New Feedback system for complaints and compliments, and the compilation of an annual feedback report published on the MMSA website. Establishment of a new Alumni Database Projects Coordinator was appointed for the first time to ensure better quality of MMSA projects, and ensure maximal communication with the IFMSA projects support division. Held the first ever administration workshop to instill further interest in the administrative section of the MMSA and ensure sustainability of the association.

Organised a Beach Clean-up and a day of volunteering at St. Vincent de Paule as part of the new environment and voluntary work campaign. Organised various workshops for the first time including the Peace Revolution workshop, Practice makes Perfect Bandaging, Suturing and Knotting workshops, Human rights and Training workshop. Introduced the Project of the Year award for the first time, and maintained the Member of the Year award which had been introduced during the previous term. Coordinated various new campaigns including Beat the Burn, the Hand washing Campaign, Mr. & Mrs. Breastestis and World Spirit Day. During this term, The Climate Care Campaign was also reintroduced. Introduced Sports Day to the MMSA calendar. Replaced the food pyramid with the newer MyPlate system, to advocate - a healthy diet during MMSA campaigns and peer education sessions. Created a transparent system for MMSA members to view their Exchange Points online via the members’ area. These points were updated regularly by the MMSA Exchange and Research Officer – Outgoings. A sytem of points penalty was also introduced to ensure that all reports are submitted on time. Opened the Training New Trainers (TNT) Workshop to participants from other NMOs within the IFMSA. Incorporated a blood drive into the MMSA Valentine’s Day Campaign.

Enhanced the MMSA Social Programme with new events including the MMSA Alcocrawl, Eggstravanganza – Easter Party and the first MMSA Canoeing event. Enhanced the MMSA Peer education programme by including Men’s Issues as one of the topics tackled by MMSA peer educators in schools. Signed the greatest number of professional and research exchange contracts in the past few years and implemented the new IFMSA database within the Maltese exchange programme. Revamped Research Day, leading to a great turnout when compared to previous years. Introduced exchanges for nine Maltese students in a hospital in Kassel Germany, giving an opportunity to students who unfortunately did not get an IFMSA exchange. Created the first ever MMSA Diary which was sold during Freshers’ week Liaised with the editor of Pink Magazine to publish articles written by medical students in the Healthbites section of this said magazine

University Ranked First in the University Students’ Council (KSU) classification for the acquisition of an office, notice board space and freshers’ week stand (CONF) report. Awarded Kokka Organizzazjoni (Organisation of the year award) from the University Students’ Council (KSU).

Provided Training to MHSA members during the first MHSA T.R.A.I.N Weekend.

National and International Participated in the NOVEX Exercise - a simulation of a national major incident as fieldwork supplementing the A&E seminar. Appointed a CUAMM (Italian Missionary Doctors) Coordinator , to ensure a better rapport with this association. Applied to host the very first IFMSA Southern European Cooperation on Sexual Education (SECSE) Conference in September 2013. Joined the Organ Donation Awareness (ODAP) Transnational IFMSA project. Attended numerous conferences, seminars and workshops where MMSA presented work and brought home various resources.

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