The MMSA Strategic Plan 2021 - 2024

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Foreword MMSA is a dynamic association which has grown to reflect and meet the needs of our students and communities. A strategic plan helps to align the Board’s efforts, ideas and proposed changes into one collective message. Following the adoption of the MMSA Strategic Plan 2018-2021, we have arrived to its successful completion. Through a reflective exercise with a progressive outlook, the Board of Directors 2020-2021 are presenting the Strategic Plan for the next three years with a vision to strengthen our current best practices whilst going to new heights as an organisation. This strategy does not serve as a set of instructions or prescribed rules. The engine which drives MMSA is fuelled by the autonomy of each Board, the energy shared and initiatives. This plan aims to outline goals and prospective concepts which are currently deemed fruitful to continue to drive the MMSA as one of the best organisations on Campus. To our members, we wish you a successful learning experience through MMSA. An experience through which you will grow – an experience to treasure and be proud of.

Gloria Montebello MMSA President 2020-2021 o.b.o the MMSA Board of Directors

Table of Contents I. II.

Foreword Message Evaluation of Strategic Plan 2021 until 2024


Vision & Mission of the MMSA


The EB’s 10 Strategic Pillars



The Strategic Plan for Standing Committees, Electives, Leisure & Supervising Council MMSA’s Green Policy

Evaluation of Strategic Plan 2021 until 2024 The Executive Board 2020-2021 has taken up the tasks of evaluating the execution and outcomes of the previous strategy and drafting a new three-year Strategy for the period 2021-2024. The process was extensive and spanned almost the entirety of the 1st term. This strategy has been discussed with every level of member involvement. The below logistic flow ensured such participation: Members forwarded feedback collected through the VPI’s written Quarterly Analysis and through monthly Feedback Forums. Coordinators forwarded feedback collected during the online Coordinators’ Gathering. The Board of Directors were provided with focus thought-processing training during the BD Weekend and then each official discussed subsequent section with the rest of the team during a day-long meeting. The Strategic Plan 2021-2024 was shared with every member via the email server for feedback. The document was then shared with MMSA Advisory Board. The Strategic Plan awaits the members’ approval during the AGM 2021.

This is an extract from the Quarterly Feedback Report covering the period July to November 2020. It is taken into consideration that this was an anomalous year government by COVID-19 regulations and therefore MMSA events were held remotely or in strict small groups. Especially for this year, health and safety were first priority.

Vision & Mission of the MMSA A strong organization has a clear vision and mission. A vision serves as a reminder as to what the organization is striving to achieve. A mission statement is an explanation of how the organization is working to achieve its vision. MMSA’s Vision: “An Association in which every member is satisfied with the quality of his/her medical education and conditions in medical school, has access to opportunities of academic and personal development to supplement his/her education, has his/her ideas and concerns voiced on a local, national and international level and has the opportunity to play an active role in society.”

MMSA’s Mission: “To act in the best interest and advocate on behalf of all medical students on all issues related to them, as well as enhancing their education through promoting active participation in their education, facilitating opportunities for academic and personal development, and implementing training in the various fields of the public health, sexual health, human rights and peace and peer education. We also aim to educate and empower the Maltese society, including its marginalized communities, to become functionally involved in decision taking within the National Healthcare System and to reduce health-related social problems through culture and gender sensitive health advocacy.”

The EB’s 10 Strategic Pillars The Executive Board 2020-2021 have set these 10 strategic pillars to guide the administrative organs within the association. 1. Transparency and Consistency 2. Sustainability, Finance and Income 3. Legal Obligation 4. Feedback and Impact Assessment 5. Extended Member Engagement 6. Accessibility and Enrolment 7. Advocacy 8. Activities and Coherency 9. External Representation 10. Media and Marketing Each Board of Director and the Supervising Council will present an in-depth insight on what is projected for the coming 3 years.

1. Transparency and Consistency To practice maximal transparency and consistency as possible, ● MMSA should aim to maximise transparency in all its processes ○ Official EB meetings and BD meeting minutes ○ International delegation reports ○ Official protocols, including points protocol ○ Proposed and approved bylaw changes ○ Audited financial reports at the AGM ○ Policy papers ● MMSA should make sure to communicate clearly with all its members. Important updates should not only be shared with officers but with all members through Facebook groups, letters to members and emails in a consistent manner. ● MMSA’s affiliations and external relations should be made known to members. ● MMSA should consider establishing a ‘Year Theme’ as a collective focus for offices. This topic should reflect a common need which requires a systematic approach. MMSA should also establish main goals and targets at the beginning of the term. ● The MMSA Annual Report should be done thoroughly by each official and shared with all members. This will include milestones, key performance indicators and event evaluations. ● To ensure continuity between one BD and another ○ The period between the election and start of a new term should be used as a hands-on active learning experience. ○ The written handover should be reviewed by the Sup Co twice per term to make sure that it contains necessary detail and tips. ○ The handover should be viewed as a continuous process whereby exofficials should be available and eager to support the new team where necessary.

● Chosen MMSA Advisory Board should guide the new EB in the setting of goals and action points. The advisory board should act as a point of reference when the EB seeks advice from experienced ex-MMSA members, especially coming from the medical field. ● Consistency within the administration should be established through pre-set meetings on a monthly basis. An EB meeting should precede a BD meeting. Members should be made aware of the date of both meetings. All officials should be present in respective meetings. ● MMSA Officials should be available to answer any questions posed by the Sup Co and moreover officials should be approachable and reachable to members and externals.

2. Sustainability, Finance and Income The strength of an organization is heavily dependent on its financial resources and assets. Therefore, it is imperative that MMSA’s financial position is safeguarded, and attempts made to strengthen it. MMSA should strive to better its financial position. A better financial position means more money to invest in our members, in our activities, in our collaborations and embark on new projects. This is mostly under the responsibility of the Treasurer, but this is affected by every single member of the Board of Directors, and therefore should be of interest to every board member. Fiscal Obligations: VAT and TAX A lot of time, effort and money is being put into regularising our position with the fiscal authorities. In 2021, we would have finally brought our fiscal obligations up to date. It is important to note that not having these obligations in place has jeopardized our position as a VO and directly affected our possibilities to apply for funding for the benefit of our members. Moving forwards, it is crucial that these legal obligations are observed and adhered to in a timely manner. To achieve this, it is important that all members serving in the post of Treasurer have the adequate training in ensuring these obligations are met.

Aims for Sustainability: • A detailed handover from the previous treasurer of the past term enables a smooth transition and eliminates any sources of error when it comes to finances. All information, documents and files should be passed onto the newly elected treasurer during the handover period. ● Once elected the treasurer should draft a budget to plan the year ahead, ensuring sustainable use of MMSA finances. The budget should be presented and approved by the entire board of directors. ● It is imperative that the treasurer provides maximal transparency in our income and expenditure for our members to be better informed about our financial activities. This should be presented in the AGM.

Aims and targets for MMSA’s Income: ● To account for all of MMSA’s income and expenditure. ● To secure its current source of income (profit sharing agreement with faculty Electives). ● To look into other sources of income, in order to reduce dependency on the income obtained through electives. Other sources of income include but are not limited to: ○ Project Funding Schemes organized by the Commissioner for the Voluntary Sector and Agenzija Zghazagh. ○ Standing Committee Fundraising Activities. ○ Sale of merchandise. Aims and targets for Finances: ● To evaluate our expenditure and shift our priority of our expenditure more on our members, in order to facilitate their involvement in MMSA, as well as support them in medical school overall. ○ This could be achieved by creating more internal grant/funding schemes, in addition to the ERG, APDF and SC Fund. ● To maintain financial security by continuing to fund our contingency account with a substantial amount of money to safeguard the association in case of emergency. ● To maintain liaison with a financial accounting and auditing firm and present yearly audited accounts to our members. To continue to approach relevant sponsors, who understand MMSA’s mission and support it by either providing supplies or financial support.

3. Legal Obligation ● MMSA should have an annual review of the legal firm which MMSA had made use of throughout the past term and pass on feedback to the upcoming Board of Directors during the handover period. MMSA should ensure that there is an official agreement in place with a legal firm. ● MMSA should ensure that it submits all necessary documents to the Commissioner of Voluntary Organisations to make sure that it is VO compliant annually as per Statute and Bylaws. This is essential to ensure access to numerous VO funds. ● MMSA should review its Statutes and Bylaws with the legal firm to ensure all legal requirements are met and to minimise loopholes. ● MMSA should submit all the necessary documents to the Registrar annually to ensure it remains a Senate- recognised association. ● MMSA should constantly ensure with the legal firm that it is following GDPR. The necessary disclaimers should be reviewed annually and passed on during the handover period.

4. Feedback and Impact Assessment Feedback is a vital tool for a student-centred organisation to continue moving forward. Giving voice to our members is crucial in developing and improving the medical school experience whilst also enabling us to represent our students’ needs in a fair and equal way. Various methods of collecting feedback such as forms and live discussions can be used. Goals for 2021-2024 • To have a comprehensive feedback system representative of all MMSA members: o Feedback from the Board of Directors - to note down and follow up on feedback put forward during meetings to further improve the quality of all suggested initiatives. Review and discussion of such feedback is also important to be in constant communication with the respective team members. o Feedback from assistants, coordinators and class representatives - being the point of contact with MMSA members during various activities, they are to be encouraged to prompt for any suggestions and improvements about the respective projects. o Feedback from all MMSA members - to address student concerns and advocate for the necessary changes in favour of the student body. This would further increase the members’ motivation to make use of the different opportunities available leading to increasingly effective and constructive engagement. •

To collect feedback from external stakeholders, including collaborators, schools, organizations, and members of the general public.

To follow up and work on the feedback collected so that the necessary changes are implemented accordingly.

5. Extended Member Engagement MMSA Alumni: ● MMSA should regularly update the Alumni Database in order to maintain contact with past MMSA members especially those who have been active. ● MMSA should organise and invite Alumni during important events such as the 75th Anniversary etc. MMSA Internationals students: ● MMSA should keep the Internationals Facebook group up to date and ensure that there is a main point of contact for International students to answer any queries they may have. This can be done via an Inclusion/International coordinator which should ideally be an international student themselves. ● MMSA should discuss with the inclusion/international coordinator and what events are impactful for international students and ensure they are tailor made for them. Voter turnout: ● MMSA should ensure that the platform which has been used for online voting is up to date and remains safe and secure. MMSA should increase awareness on the AGM and the importance of attending. This will consequently result in a better voter turnout as members would understand better the candidates that are presenting themselves and therefore make an informed decision.

6. Accessibility and Enrolment •

MMSA Medical Education should continue to welcome medical students through social media means following their confirmation in the course. This primary introduction helps MD1s find their ground and kick start their year.

MMSA should keep the opt in system for the freshers entering the medical course to become MMSA members, note down the number of students enrolling every year. The MMSA Inclusion Coordinator should ensure that everyone feels informed and involved.

They should be encouraged to sign up on the website through innovative ways discussed by the Board of Directors at the time, mostly during the KSU Freshers’ Week and the MMSA Freshers’ talks at faculty.

The benefits and reasons for which to enrol in the association should be clearly highlighted.

Accessibility is a very important tool to help students get through the 5 years of the medical course. Adequate accessibility can be ensured through the following actions: • Accessibility to study material such as SCOME resources by helping them sign up properly on the MMSA website and helping them gain access to the google drive. •

Accessibility to local and international opportunities by inviting new members to the Facebook groups such as active members and the new international opportunities Facebook group, and regularly updating these groups.

MMSA should continue working on appearing approachable to help our members feel comfortable to approach us with any queries that they might have. This includes an inclusive attitude amongst the Board, clear media, continuous support through initiatives

Activities organised should be tailored to attract a wide spectrum of members. This may be done by organising events at different venues around Malta, varying the starting time of events, using online means were applicable, organising back-toback sessions to provide more spots or varying leisure activities.

7. Advocacy Advocacy stems from the Italian “advocare” which means “having a voice on behalf of others”. MMSA should actively advocate on behalf of all medical students within the University of Malta. ● Members should have a clearly established point of reference whom to address all issues that require actions eg. ○ Class reps for issues pertaining to year academics ○ Standing committee officers for issues falling within their remit ○ The EB for issues pertaining to MMSA as a whole ○ The SupCo for issues which are to be handled anonymously or in case of clashes ● MMSA Medical Education should continue to build strong rapport with the faculty administration and with the registrar. MMSA Medical Education should also continue to communicate with other student representatives including the Board of Studies and Faculty Board representatives to address academic issues with a strong collective voice. ● MMSA should communicate clearly to students’ updates regards pertinent issues eg. Barts Medical School/ Stipends for medical students who are undergoing their second course. ● MMSA should attend KSU KPS meetings to participate fully and voice concerns on a national level. On the same lines, MMSA should attend KE meetings to share concerns on a university wide level. ● MMSA should make sure to have an active voice in discussions regarding the New Medical School. A student representative should be present on the project’s steering committee. ● MMSA should publish statements/ discuss with the media/ hold press conferences with caution, where necessary, regarding pertinent issues including, but not limited to, UM students’ opportunities /threats and lack of information or transparency.

● MMSA should hold discussions with key stakeholders and policy makers within the country in a partial and effective manner, especially supporting our published policy papers.

8. Activities and Coherency MMSA’s activities create a high level of member involvement and activism, and therefore must be managed with great care to ensure that MMSA maintains an active and relevant role in society and can create significant positive change on a national and international scale. Despite the huge quantity of activities, priority must always be given to the quality of these activities. An oversaturated calendar leads to good quality events not living up to their potential or losing their effect. This is mainly under the responsibility of the VPi, but almost every single BD member organises some form of activities throughout the term, and so this applies to the entire MMSA BD. Planning and assessing our activities and protocols, will ensure smoother implementation leading to more efficient use of time and financial resources in bringing about the desired change. Goals for 2021-2024 ● To monitor the creation of and adherence to the annual working plans by each BD member. The annual working plans should be based on the goals outlined in the strategic plan and the annual working plans of past terms. The process of creation of the annual working plan should include communication with one’s predecessor/s. ● To oversee the quality of MMSA’s activities. By taking a synergistic approach, the VPi and SC Heads are to discuss the activity-making process in order to steer and improve the quality of the activities. This includes: o Ensuring that BD members are knowledgeable about best practices in activity management. o Actively monitoring the planning process of each MMSA event to ensure that these best practices are being employed. o Conducting a needs assessment and gap analysis for each MMSA activity together with the relevant BD member/s. Part of this process is identifying

currently relevant needs and ensuring that as MMSA we are addressing said needs. o Creating a systematic evaluation of each MMSA activity’s achievements compared to the planned objectives and expected outcomes together with the relevant BD member/s. This is to include the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact of the planned event. Ensuring this regular evaluation is being collected, followed up, published and archived throughout the whole term. •

To ensure that MMSA organises philanthropic events (eg. initiatives whose proceeds are donated to other NGOs/institutions).

To work hand in hand with the VPe when organising activities that require collaboration with externals.

To ensure that any MMSA calendars are not oversaturated and that there aren’t any clashes between different offices.

To ensure that there is coherency, in line with MMSA’s overall image, in the activities being planned by the various offices throughout the term.

To ensure that all MMSA’s activities are inclusive, taking into account the diversity that exists within MMSA.

To create and maintain an MMSA activity database, that contains records of all the activities that are organised by MMSA’s Offices.

9. External Representation The VPe is mainly responsible for external relations, but almost every member of the Board of Directors has external entities with whom he/she liaises. Therefore, every single member contributes to MMSA’s external relations. Targets for 2021-2024 To maintain our maximal participation in IFMSA and EMSA by sending a sufficient number delegates to assemblies and meetings: ● Educating our students on what IFMSA and EMSA are by sharing IFMSA/EMSA booklets. ● Sharing IFMSA and EMSA opportunities on the Facebook International Opportunities group, for students to participate. ● To keep on subsiding BD members’ fees to travel to regional meetings (National Exchange Officers’ Weekend). ● Contributing actively in online discussions and email threads/WhatsApp chats and providing input wherever possible. ● Looking into hosting another IFMSA/EMSA meeting in the near future. To expand our network locally: ● Strengthening our relationship with Medical School and other relevant University authorities (ex. Registrar, International Office) – their support is a huge asset to MMSA. This can be done by improving communication exhibiting efficiency and Professionalism. ● Becoming more active in KNZ by attending its meetings, AGM and participating in its subcommittees and policies. ● Maintaining our relationship with KSU and keep on liaising to tackle issues which are affecting MMSA members, such as with the Barts task force. ● Find ways to incorporate campus student organisations into our activities and enhance our relationship with them. This can be done by offering student organisations to collaborate in some of our campaigns and also come up with joint

initiatives through a call release for collaborations at the beginning of the term for better calendar planning. ● Collaborate with more external organisations, maintaining our strong relationship with organisations such as HPDP, GU clinic and Richmond, while also forging new alliances with organisations such as Agenzija Zghazagh, MEUSAC and EUPA to provide opportunities for medical students. •

To continue recording all our contacts in a Contact Database and ensure the handing over of such contacts from one term to another.

MMSA Policy Writing - MMSA statement/paper drafting, and publishing is one of the most effective ways of communicating a message towards stakeholders, authorities and policy makers. MMSA has on several occasions published positions and recommendations about several topics of national interest in the sphere of health, such as Mental Health and Health Effects on Climate Change. Yet, this field of advocacy is one of the most underdeveloped areas within MMSA. Much more can be done to leave an impact on a national scale and promote positive change within society. This is mainly within the responsibility of the VPe, but every single BD member who leads campaigns and activities with an aim can contribute to policy making. Targets for 2021-2024: ● To look into incorporating policy drafting into campaigns – in this way, recommendations can be drafted from results and feedback collected from MMSA campaigns. ● To participate more in discussions of national interest (particularly in the field of health) and clarify our position on such issues. Attempts should also be made to initiate national discussion on issues which MMSA feels should be tackled during the current circumstances. ● To maximise MMSA member participation in policy drafting. This can be done through Small Working Groups, Online Surveys and Vox Pops and educating our students on what policy is, through the circulation of a policy making toolkit.

● To utilise MMSA policies and statements on local and international platforms – ex. during KPS and KNZ meetings, IFMSA and EMSA discussions and meetings, as well as local and international conferences. ● Ensuring that policies adopted by MMSA reach its full potential, by increasing its outreach through social media and public support by involving stakeholders. ● Staying updated with new policy papers of IFMSA and EMSA, sharing policy opportunities provided by IFMSA and EMSA with our students and working on relevant topics selected on a local level too. Being one of the most prominent associations on campus, MMSA has to strive to proactively implement its campaigns and projects by working closely with other external organisations. Whether through collaboration or cooperation, such activities help build MMSA, increase its. acclaim locally, nationally and abroad, and further the opportunities and learning curve of all medical students involved in such activities. The main obstacle in collaborating with externals is a lack of communication or cooperation, and therefore collaborations must always be made in the spirit of strengthening our initiatives and campaigns, and not simply to enhance external relations.

10. Media and Marketing A strong organisation has a good marketing strategy, as well as an identifiable, clean image. Throughout the years, MMSA has developed greatly in this field. In 2020, with the adoption of its updated Corporate Identity Protocol and also by undergoing a rebranding process, MMSA improved its media presence substantially. Marketing is vital for the MMSA to showcase its work and achievements, disseminate its messages to all externals, stakeholders and society, as well as attracting opportunities for the benefit of all medical students. The PRO is mainly responsible for media and marketing, but every single BD member has to be trained in this field so as to have a consistent and efficient marketing strategy. Targets for 2021 – 2024

To maintain and improve MMSA’s current standard in media production: ● To ensure that the MMSA Corporate Identity Protocol reflects the current branding by updating it yearly. ● To facilitate the process of media production by creating templates, which would be updated and improved. ● To look into eco-friendly ways of promotion – e.g. recyclable merchandise, minimising of paper consumption. ● To provide annual training to MMSA members, especially the PR team, in essential skills such as graphic design, photography, and videography. To invest in tools including cameras, microphones and premium software in order to increase the quality of our media and to reach the potential of MMSA’s current website: ● To update the website regularly with news articles about MMSA’s latest activities. This can be done by a team of MMSA members who split the work between them. ● To increase the number of visits on the MMSA website – e.g. by sharing website posts on social media.

● To maintain an active social media presence through MMSA’s official Facebook, Instagram and YouTube accounts. ● To increase subscribers to all accounts by +50% from July 2021 to June 2024 ● To identify new methods of social media, which can be used to reach other target groups. ● To make use of TV, radio and newspaper articles to increase our reach ● To publish more press releases about MMSA’s positions, campaigns and updates to the media in a 12-month timeframe: ● To maintain an up-to-date database of media organisations. ● To ensure all press releases adhere to the Corporate Identity protocol and are adequately proofread and/or translated. ● To increase following on MMSA Main Page and MMSA Scholar. ● To make use of social media wisely, depending on the target audience eg: using Instagram to promote events targeted to younger audiences and Facebook to target an older audience. ● To explore the use of other social media, depending on what is current at the time e.g; TikTok, Twitter etc. ● Branding - To liaise with the treasurer when it comes to placement of corporate sponsor logos as well as event sponsors to honour the agreement made with the sponsor. A template for logo placement should be implemented to streamline our image. •

To explore the idea of possibly merging MMSA Facebook pages into one main page. This would result in centralisation of all our campaigns and unite MMSA as one brand. Feedback for this initiative should come from the general public as well as from our members.

Strategic Plan for Standing Committees, Electives Office, Leisure Office & Supervising Council The Standing Committee on Medical Education The Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME) is the Standing Committee closest to the students’ needs. SCOME is crucial in its duty to safeguard the interests of the medical student body and continually works to improve their academic experience. Consequently, the work of SCOME is of paramount importance to the vision and mission of MMSA and should have a clear sense of direction which spans multiple years.

Targets for 2021 - 2024 To maintain and build upon a strong bridge between the Faculty of Medicine & Surgery’s administrative and academic staff and the student body. SCOME should ensure that the voice & sentiments of MMSA members reach the faculty members and should concretely advocate for change where necessary. To achieve this, SCOME should maintain a good relationship & constant communication with both the Faculty and the student body. To advocate for changes in the MD course curriculum which reflect the evolving world of medical education and clinical practice. These changes should include, but are not limited to: ● Advocacy for a clear syllabus for all study units throughout the five years. ● A shift towards online, recorded lectures, especially in the clinical years. ● An increase in the importance of objective structured clinical examinations in the clinical years of the course, which are crucial to clinical practice. ● The provision of online medical education tools by the University, which are becoming increasingly fruitful with the advancement of technology. Examples of such tools include Elsevier’s 3D4Medical anatomy application, Osmosis, InSimu Patient, and the BMJ.

The above targets should be reached with close communication with the Student Representatives on the Faculty Board, and on the Board of Studies. Close liaison and collective work with all Student Representatives have proven and will prove to act as a very strong voice for students. ● To maintain close communication with the class and group representatives of each year, so as to remain close with the entirety of the student body throughout the year, and consequently tackle any issues which may arise.

● To guide medical students through the entirety of their journey through medical school & ensuring that students receive the support that they need. ○ Through the continuation of the curriculum orientation campaign for all 5 years. ○ Through the continuous updating of all SCOME Resources on the MMSA Website to reflect the changing curriculum, such as, but not limited to: ■ Notes Database ■ Exam Guides ■ Survival Kits ■ Clinical Guide ■ Integrated Module Document ■ Mnemonics ■ FY Entrance Guide ● To continue building on MMSA SCOME’s Anki Flashcards database, to provide MMSA members from all 5 years with additional comprehensive resources which may facilitate learning. ● To provide opportunities for the development of clinical skills, based on the needs of its members – this may include history taking, clinical examinations, suturing, IV cannulation, data analysis, research and audit publishing etc. To ensure that MMSA members have the required resources on campus to practice these skills (ex. simulation rooms). Should the need arise for additional resources, MMSA should look into providing such resources either through direct investment or liaison with the Faculty.

● To provide, facilitate and promote opportunities for academic development. ○ By organising academic events such as the Easy A quiz, as well as tutorialstyle sessions for medical students by medical students for difficult topics. ○ By providing a medium for students to publish their research, such as the Minima Medica publication. ○ By circulating opportunities, events & resources which may aid students in their studies. ○ By looking for ways of providing financial support to MMSA members.

The Standing Committee on Public Health The Standing Committee on Public Health is at the forefront of the work which the MMSA performs with the Maltese public. With the involvement of a vast number of medical students in its projects throughout the year, a strategic plan for SCOPH is an absolute must in addressing the needs of this Standing Committee.

Targets for 2021 – 2024 To set priorities for which areas in the sphere of public health will the activities and campaigns focus on – this is recommended to be done in the handover period, with the consultation of experts in the field (such as HPDP, Superintendence on Public Health, etc.). SCOPH’s priorities should be in line with the national situation, to increase the chance of creating more impact. This must be regulated as it can easily lead to oversaturation of the MMSA Calendar. o Current focuses of SCOPH – Non-Communicable Diseases, Vaccination, Mental Health, Blood Donation, Healthy Lifestyles, Climate Change, Road Safety, Sun Safety, SCOPH Goes Local. o Focuses that can be considered - Antimicrobial resistance, Occupational Health, Hygiene. ● To make sure that MMSA members are adequately trained in the skills required to participate actively in activities and campaigns and be advocates for public health. ● To continue recording the impact of SCOPH activities and campaigns, and finding ways to improve impact assessment, for more accurate analysis. ● To educate and raise awareness amongst medical students and the public promoting health and advocate for changes to improve public health. ● To increase our reach and exposure by increasing our presence on social media and attendance at external events.

● To maintain the strong relationship between SCOPH and external entities such as Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate (HPDP), Malta Association of Public Health Medicine (MAPHM), Directorate of Health Information and Research (DHIR), Infectious Control Unit at MDH, Richmond Foundation, Malta Heart Foundation, Digital Health Malta and the National Blood Transfusion Service, while also increasing SCOPH’s network by liaising with other entities. ● To continue supporting the Public Health Department and Ministry for Health and working on a national level. ● To continue the involvement of SCOPH within Doctors 4 Road Safety and having a member of the SCOPH team on their Executive Board. ● To maintain a good number of initiatives promoting a healthy lifestyle with our members – empowering them to lead by example and encourage the rest of society to follow suit. ● To tackle the problem of obesity in Malta particularly with the general public.

The Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights The Standing Committee of sexual and reproductive health and rights including HIV/AIDS has seen great improvement in the past few years. Our main aim through our work is to raise awareness on stigmatised issues within our society. The need for awareness and increased impact has grown exponentially and the Maltese public have shown a greater interest in sexual health on a great scale.

Targets for 2021-2024: Priorities should be set on a yearly basis based on what developments occur within the sphere of sexual health locally, but certain issues should be kept a priority, these will be outlined below. Setting priorities should be done in the handover period in discussion with the previous SCORA officer (to identify where we were lacking in the previous term) and with the Executive Board and SCORA secretary. Current SCORA focuses: STIs, HIV and AIDS, Reproductive neoplasms, LGBTIQ+ Rights and awareness, Gender and sexuality, Abortion, Maternal Health, Contraception, Sexual Assault. Focuses to be improved and expanded: Abortion, sexual assault, gender and sexuality. Focuses to be considered: Body image, HPV awareness (outside of peer education), Sexual Health conditions (e.g. PCOS, infertility, etc) MMSA SCORA should aim to provide comprehensive sexual health education to secondary and post-secondary students in a transparent and uncensored manner. MMSA should consider hosting sexual education sessions outside of the school setting. •

To look into hosting educational sessions for medical students about sexual health related topics e.g. Reproductive neoplasms.

To make sure that MMSA members are adequately trained in the skills required to participate actively in activities and campaigns. MMSA should consider providing sexual education training, through local externals, to push for standardisation of our peer education sessions.

• MMSA SCORA should contribute actively to national discussions and debates on abortion, whilst considering providing educational, unbiased information on the subject outside of the debate setting. • MMSA should consider contributing to other national sexual health issues that occur throughout the term such us the HIV medication and contraceptive issues. One can look into collaborating with the respective NGOs on such issues. Targets to remain the same: • To continue recording the impact of SCORA activities and campaigns, and finding ways to improve impact assessment, for more accurate analysis.

Targets with some additions: • To maintain the strong relationship SCORA has with external entities such as HPDP, GU clinic, HIV Malta, Allied Rainbow Communities, MGRM, and Willingness Clinic. SCORA should also focus on expanding their relationships with other organisations such as Victim support Malta in the context of Sexual violence, Doctors for Choice and Doctors for Life and even Women’s Health and More. New target: MMSA SCORA should look into expanding their boundaries when discussing sexual health, these should be based on the local situation at that time to keep it relevant. MMSA SCORA should liaise with professionals in the field to guide you in the right direction.

The Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace The Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP) focuses on advocating for the protection of human rights, peace and a more inclusive society. This is done though efforts that contribute to combating inequities and injustices in our society and work towards a world where everyone has full access to their rights especially that of the right to health Our mission is to bring awareness to issues related to mental health, human rights and their violations, refugee health and volunteering with vulnerable groups on both a local and international level. These topics form an important part of the medical field as it allows our medical students to develop humanitarian skills and values that will prepare them to interact with different patients in the future as medical doctors.

Targets for 2021 – 2024 To annually prioritise important areas in the sphere of human rights and current affairs that need more focus locally. However certain issues should remain priority throughout each term - these will be outlined below. It is recommended that this is to be done during the handover period, with the previous SCORP Officer as well as the EB and SCORP Assistant. SCORP’s priorities should be in line with the national situation, to increase the chance of creating more impact. This must be regulated as it can easily lead to oversaturation of the MMSA Calendar. o Current focuses of SCORP – Human Rights, Local and International volunteering opportunities, Mental Health, Interpersonal and cultural competence, social inclusion, People with disabilities, elderly, Refugee and migrants. As well as violations to human rights eg. human trafficking, domestic violence and GBV. o Focuses that can be considered - Refugee situation in Malta, patients’ rights and medical liability, doctors’ rights. Mental health of medical students, homeless or people in poverty. A decreased focus on human rights from a general perspective.

● To make sure that MMSA members are adequately trained in order to gain skills required to participate actively in activities and campaigns, whilst also providing them with humanitarian values and soft skills so that one will be able to provide effective medical services to patients with different values, beliefs and behaviours, and to meet the social and cultural needs of these patients in the future. ● To raise awareness about mental health whilst reducing the stigma and promoting wellbeing. Priority should be focused on medical students and then towards that of the general public and minority groups in a way to spark an informal but well needed discussion in society. ● To continue to provide and promote both local and international volunteering opportunities with external organisations such as: Caritas, Orphanages, Old people’s homes, befriending scheme. ● To reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner society by raising awareness about climate change, the health impacts and vulnerable groups involved and also doing our part by organising clean ups (in collaboration with SCOPH). ● To focus on the medico-legal overlap of human rights that we come across in the medical field and provide information on such topics and how to deal with them whilst being aware of issues that may arise, eg. right vs duty, euthanasia, medical marijuana, substance abuse, victimology. ● To continue to advocate for a more inclusive society by bringing awareness to different minority groups and daily injustices such minorities might encounter whilst also focusing on integration: disability, migrants, elderly, LGBTQI+. ● To continue to liaise with external organisations and professionals in such fields to make our work more fruitful and have a greater impact.

The Standing Committee on Peer Education and Training The Standing Committee on Peer Education and Training (SCOPET) is concerned with 2 main concepts: ● Peer education, as an approach to training MMSA members and to health promotion among the general public, with particular focus on children and adolescents ● Training MMSA members Both of these concepts must be given their due importance. Targets for 2021 – 2024 Peer Education - Peer Education for MMSA Members: Peer education is a very effective approach to training MMSA members. ● See Training. As mentioned in the section on Training, SCOPET should organise training opportunities for all MMSA members. While training for MMSA members can be designed and facilitated by professional trainers, SCOPET should push, where appropriate, for training to be designed and facilitated by peers (i.e. other MMSA members, past MMSA members, and non-MMSA trainers who are peers, e.g. IFMSA members, members of another local student-led organisation, etc.) Peer Education - Peer Education for Members of the General Public, with particular focus on Children & Adolescents: Peer education is a very powerful approach to health promotion. ● To organise peer education sessions, in which MMSA members exchange health information, values, and behaviour with members of the general public, specifically focusing on children and adolescents. ● To ensure that the content of the aforementioned peer education sessions is relevant in terms of the health issues facing local and global communities at that time. ● To ensure that the aforementioned peer education sessions are designed according to best practices in relation to session design and learning methodologies.

● See Training. As mentioned in the section on Training, SCOPET should organise training opportunities for all MMSA members. These training opportunities should include: ○ Training on session design and learning methodologies for peer education coordinators. ○ Training on peer education and the knowledge and skills required to facilitate peer education sessions for MMSA members. ● To maintain a database of educational institutions and other organisations that MMSA has liaised with to organise peer education sessions. ● To support other MMSA offices in adopting peer education as an approach to health promotion in their respective fields.

Training - Capacity Building: SCOPET should organise training opportunities for MMSA members about any topics that will help said MMSA members perform their work in a more efficient, sustainable, and effective way. ● To conduct a training needs assessment: ○ Of MMSA’s offices in order to identify the training needs of individual Offices. ○ Of all MMSA members in order to identify the training needs of MMSA’s members. ● To organise training opportunities for BD members, assistants, coordinators, class representatives, and other appointed positions within MMSA. ● To organise training opportunities that are open to all MMSA members ○ These training opportunities should include training that prepares MMSA members to pursue a more active role within MMSA (eg. coordinator, assistant, BD member, etc.). ● To organise training opportunities for MMSA members on how to design and facilitate training sessions (i.e. training on how to become a trainer).

● To collaborate with other MMSA offices in organising training that is specialised to their Office. ● To identify and collaborate with training organisations to organise training sessions/courses that address the specific needs of MMSA members. Training – Benchmarking: ● To organise opportunities for MMSA’s offices to benchmark their structure and work against the structure and work of other entities (eg. IFMSA, EMSA, other organisations, etc.). Training - Databasing: ● To maintain a database of MMSA members who have delivered training to MMSA members and/or have graduated from IFMSA-certified trainings1. ● To maintain a database of past MMSA members (alumni trainers) who have delivered training to MMSA members and/or have graduated from IFMSAcertified trainings1. ● To maintain a database of local external2 trainers who have delivered training to MMSA members ● To maintain a database of non-local external2 trainers (eg. IFMSA trainers, EMSA trainers, etc.) who have delivered training to MMSA members. 1

The current/past MMSA members mentioned in these 2 points could form the basis of MMSA’s trainers’ pool. 2

External meaning non-MMSA.

Training - Communication: ● To maintain regular communication with IFMSA and EMSA’s capacity building branches. ● To support eligible MMSA members to enrol in the IFMSA Trainers Pool. ● To maintain regular communication with MMSA’s trainers’ pool (see Databasing). International and national training opportunities and updates should be made available to MMSA’s trainers’ pool.

● To maintain regular communication with all MMSA members. International and national training opportunities and updates should be made available to all MMSA members. ● To keep experienced alumni trainers engaged and participating in MMSA. Training - National Capacity Building Internal Operating Guidelines: ● To follow-up and update an official document containing MMSA’s capacity building internal operating guidelines. This document should detail the vision, mission, and structure of MMSA’s capacity building division, classify the different training opportunities that MMSA organises and the different trainers that MMSA recognises, and describe MMSA’s trainers’ pool, among other relevant information. Training - IFMSA-Certified Training Opportunities (including Sub-Regional Trainings): ● To organise IFMSA-certified training opportunities, e.g. Training New Trainers (TNT), locally/online and/or to collaborate with other MMSA offices in organising IFMSA-certified training opportunities specialised to their office locally/online. ● If possible, SCOPET should organise at least one annual Sub-Regional Training (SRT).

The Standing Committee on Research and Professional Exchanges The Standing Committee on Professional and Research Exchanges (SCOPRE) inalienably offers some of the most attractive opportunities which the MMSA provides to its student body. Exchanges, whether oriented to research, public health or professional in nature, are at the forefront of every medical student’s aspirations, prior to graduation. Over the past three years, this Standing Committee has seen a dramatic increase in efficiency including through social media activity, a SCOPRE booklet and by giving contact persons more accommodation- related roles. An officer points protocol has now been put into place to make the system by which officers are given points fairer.

Targets for 2021 – 2024 Incomings: ● To revaluate the Maltese Card of Documents and Exchange Conditions properly, in liaison with the various hospitals’ HR to ensure that prospective students do not feel confused or intimidated to apply for exchanges in Malta and ensuring that official hospital agreements are renewed at timely intervals. ● Maintaining good relations with different possible tutors for SCORE exchanges, possibly by creating a database with all the tutors. Regularly monitoring the state of the projects database and maintaining Global Action Projects (GAPs). Also continue working on SCOPH exchanges and introduce SCORP exchanges for MMSA members. Look into the possibility of implementing multi-department exchanges, trilateral exchanges and IADS exchanges. •

To strive for better quality accommodation for incomings and to maintain continuity over the years, regular liaising with the Electives office concerning the apartments available, pricing and distribution.

● To establish a unique and engaging academic programme. This can be done by either opening MMSA SCOME events for incoming students and/or contacting NGOs (eg. St. John Ambulance, Malta Red Cross) to see whether academic activities can be organised, perhaps in tandem with our social programme.

● Look into the possibility of a Winter Social Programme through the Erasmus Student Network (ESN). •

Look to attract more incoming students on a unilateral basis, as this is an excellent source of increased funds for MMSA. This must be done without compromising the amount of places for outgoing MMSA students, perhaps by targeting Winter months.

Outgoings: •

Ensure the application process for exchanges is easy to use and straightforward. Also make sure that the payment process is transparent and that those who are not awarded an exchange are given a refund in due time.

To ensure that the MMSA Points system remains fair by: • Updating the Points Protocol and Officer Points Protocol annually- through collecting feedback and helping the president give officer points • Ensuring officers send their points within the 2 week deadline so that points can be uploaded quickly

Look for more opportunities for free or sponsored placements, like those offered by Kassel Red Cross Hospital, Stirling Hospital and other possible opportunities in Wales.

Choose a list of countries that properly represents the wants and needs of the student body by collecting adequate feedback before contacting countries.

When sending emails to the different countries, make sure to properly advertise Maltese exchanges. Try to increase contracts with countries that are in demand year after year and discussions must be held annually about whether or not certain countries are worth keeping.

Ensure that students know exactly how exchanges work through a proper ‘Globetrotters’ session and through an active social media campaign. Once students are awarded an exchange, ensure that a pre-departure training session is held to help students complete their IFMSA application, collect documents and prepare for their exchanges. Look into the possibility of building upon the pre-departure training session for it to be more in line with similar sessions in other NMOs.

To look into the possibility of Erasmus Traineeships for Medical Students abroad through proper communication with faculty.

To make sure students are properly aware of what SCORE exchanges consist of as well as what they can gain from doing such an exchange abroad. This can be done through a proper social media campaign.

The Electives Office Being such an important financial asset to MMSA, we must strive to maintain the functioning and growth of the Electives Office. However, improving Electives does not simply mean increasing our profit from Incomings, but also facilitating the process of taking part in an Elective for our own MMSA members. In the upcoming years we must work to further our members’ interest in Electives, both as an experience and as an interesting way to contribute back to MMSA.

SMART Goals for 2021 - 2024 ● Work to find and rent a single block of apartments close to MDH by 2024. ○ This would help in minimising the travel between different localities and the number of landlords with whom MMSA must engage. ● Focus on expanding the social media presence of Electives by posting 1-2 posts on the Electives Facebook page per month, including testimonials from students participating in Elective Experiences. ○ This would increase interest and knowledge about the office among local MMSA students, as well as help foreign students gather information about our office prior to or while on an Elective in Malta. ● Increasing the number of Agreements we have with foreign Electives institutions by actively seeking 1- 2 institutions per year to set up electives with. ○ Serves to Facilitate the process of application for our students as well as increasing the trust in the organisations. ● Seek 1-2 sponsorships per year to alleviate the financial burden of the social programme for incoming students. ○ This will make the social programme vaster and more interesting, while also being cheaper so more students would participate. ● Look into adding a section on our website to book Incomings Accommodation. ○ This will facilitate giving accommodation to incoming students and encourage them to book accommodation with MMSA, hence increasing profit.

● Work to increase our On Arrival support to Incomings Electives students by expanding our training and booklets and implementing a system of welcome packages by 2022. ○ This will help them feel better adjusted and have a smoother start to their Elective as well as increasing interest through word of mouth. ● Implementation of a hosting program for MMSA members looking to find accommodation in Malta by 2022. ○ This will help our local students save money on lodging, as well as making more profit for MMSA by using our already rented apartments during the winter months, when we have less foreign students. ● Discuss the possibility of getting 1-2 Grants for 1-2 of our MMSA Members from relevant organisations. ○ This will help reduce the financial burden associated with an Elective, and therefore encourage more students to go on one as it will no longer be viewed as too expensive. ● Look into broadening the Electives Programme outside Mater Dei Hospital, in institutions such as Health Centres and Gozo General Hospital. ○ This would increase the number of electives available and provide diverse learning environments for our Incoming Students.

The Leisure Office MMSA’s Leisure team is one of the most popular teams of the MMSA. Known for its topquality parties with good vibes, it aims to provide the desired and needed break to university and especially medical students in the form of parties or other leisure events. To maintain MMSA Leisure’s reputation and ensure it caters to the needs of the student body and adheres to what the student body ultimately want, a plan is needed with precise goals. Targets for 2021 – 2024 ● To ensure that MMSA’s Leisure events are in line with the needs and wishes of the MMSA’s members. This can be done through feedback from past events, possible improvements noted in event reports and input and/or ideas from the students themselves for future leisure events. ● Explore the options of carrying out leisure events not limited to parties (ex. Online events such as scavenger hunts, Car treasure hunts, Pub Crawls). Such events will help to maintain MMSA Leisure’s relevancy throughout the entire year. ● To work more on collaborations with other student organisations on campus in order to increase attendance of students not within the medical course – it has been seen that in recent year’s attendance of non-medical students has decreased. Effort must be made in order to increase the attendance of these students in order to have as many students as possible attending our events. ● To look into the idea of having a section for past leisure events on the MMSA Website. This will help us have further increase interactions with the website along with having all leisure events stored in an organised manner for students to access. ● To promote and maintain the MMSA Leisure’s Instagram page and increase its followers by 50% by 2024 – In recent years it was noted that the Leisure’s Instagram page has been neglected. Work needs to be done to update the Instagram page regularly and use it as a platform of promotions and updates. ● To consider more sport related activities – it has been observed that in recent years, sports was not given great importance within the Leisure Team. Work must be

made to incorporate sports (Ex. Football tournaments, hikes, Sportsfest etc.) into events in order to maintain the wellbeing of the students as well. ● To commemorate MMSA’s milestones (such as anniversaries) by organising celebrations on a scale that an organisation as reputable and strong as the MMSA deserves – with current MMSA members as well as MMSA Alumni.

The Supervising Council Targets for 2021-2024: Transparency, Impartiality and Fairness Applications: ● SupCo is to play a major part in the application process. It is there to anonymize and ensure that the coordinator teams are built fairly and according to merit by giving advice to SC heads in choosing their teams where it deems to be difficult, whilst also taking the applicant’s interests into consideration. This also applies when it comes to filling vacant positions, or any other role which is not related to a call for applications. ● SupCo is to encourage any student who would like to help out in any of the MMSA teams and guide interested parties and SC heads accordingly. Investigations: ● All three SupCo members are to be informed of issues and to be involved in the tackling process. Issues arising within the TO itself, MMSA teams or MMSA members should be investigated as soon as possible. Whoever is involved in issues should be contacted in order to explain the situation further. Points Protocol: ● SupCo is to be involved in all conversations which involve amendments, changes, upgrading or removing sections of the points protocol. SupCo is to be the first point of reference should there be any issues with point distribution between members and officers. Logbook: ● SupCo is to keep a highly confidential record of all potential red flags, minor issues, challenges and passing complaints which are mentioned either during meetings by the BD or informally by members to be used for future reference should similar issues arise.

Communication General: ● Supervising Council is to be fully involved in maintaining regular communication with the EB/BD as necessary. ● SupCo is to be informed should a BD or EB member not be able to perform communications within adequate time, along with the reason for doing so. An investigation is to ensue if no justifiable reason is provided. ● SupCo is within its right to give advice both as an entity and as individuals to the EB and BD. Feedback & Handover: ● SupCo may be involved in the collection of feedback both internally and externally due to its unbiased position. Moreover, SupCo is to be involved in facilitating the handover process being readily available for the current BD and BD-elect. Presence at Events: ● SupCo members are to be actively involved in attending and participating in MMSA events. Supervising Council’s Role in Meetings General: ● At least one SupCo member is to be present at all BD and EB meetings. SupCo is to call a vote where decisions are taking too long to be taken, or there are clear disagreements. ● At least one SupCo member is to be present at meetings involving task forces that include externals.

MMSA Statute and Bylaws: ● SupCo is to revise the entire Statue and Bylaws and propose changes. ● SupCo is to be in charge of collecting information from the entire Board of Directors and members regarding any changes in bylaws which they would like to implement.

MMSA Green Policy The first Lancet Commission called climate change “the biggest global health threat of the 21st century”. Since then, accumulating evidence has shown that climate change puts the lives and wellbeing of billions of people at increased risk. MMSA encourages medical students to be active in minimizing the health effects of environmental damage and to recognize that caring for our natural environment plays a major role in improving the health of populations. Our vision is to create a sustainable culture where medical students are effective advocates on the links between the environment and health amongst schools, university grounds, communities and governments who will then be empowered to take the necessary actions on these issues. MMSA should work to reduce the carbon footprint through: • Going paper-less through online feedback forms, online booklets and online event tickets. • Reducing plastic wastage through eco-friendly merchandise and reusable cups. • Getting involved in hands-on activities such as tree planting, clean up campaigns. • Promoting recycling during events through the correct use of disposable bags. • Encouraging the use of alternative forms of transport such as cycling or walking. • Setting up campaigns to educate about the effects of climate change and health both for students and the general public. The MMSA Policy Paper titled ‘Health Effects of Climate Change’ will be approved during the AGM 2021. This should act as an instrumental way forward with a micro and a macro vision for change. Additionally, MMSA should always seek to be vocal in highlighting the impact of the environment on our health and wellbeing.



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