Freshers' Booklet 2019

Page 36

M o du l e L i st Exams in Semester 1: MDS1005: Respiratory System (6 ECTS) MDS1021: Cell biology and Biochemistry (5 ECTS) MDS1022: Organisation of the Body (5 ECTS) MDS1023: Introduction to Clinical practice 1 (2 ECTS) Exams in Semester 2: MDS1007: Renal System (6 ECTS) MDS1010: Blood and Body Defence Mechanisms (4 ECTS) MDS1026: Molecular Biology and Genetics (6 ECTS) MDS1029: Reproduction (4 ECTS) Exams in both Semesters: MDS1004: Cardiovascular System (10 ECTS) MDS1008: Musculoskeletal and Integumentary System (10 ECTS) MDS1011: Medical Leadership Seminar (2 ECTS)


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