However, with MMSA’s guidance and support these concerns were quickly eased and I was able to quickly adapt to the new situation whilst also being given the opportunity to meet new people throughout Freshers’ Week and for many months after.

However, with MMSA’s guidance and support these concerns were quickly eased and I was able to quickly adapt to the new situation whilst also being given the opportunity to meet new people throughout Freshers’ Week and for many months after.
Firstofall,eachandeveryoneofyoudeservesa massivecongratulationsformakingitwhereyou arenow.Gettingintomedicalschoolisnoeasy task and you should all be extremely proud of yourselvesofmakingittothispoint.
MynameisNicholasGaleaand,asthepresident oftheMaltaMedicalStudents’Association,itis my honour to welcome you to the beginning of thislifelongmedicinejourney.
Irememberbeingafreshermyselfjustthreeyears ago,feelingoverwhelmedbythenewenvironment Iwasthrownin,aswellastheanticipationofthe workthatwasstilltocome.
Through MMSA I have been given the opportunity to improve on practical medical skills, to learn various essential soft-skills, and to embark on international opportunities that have expanded my horizons, and we cannot wait to be able to share these opportunities with you too!
Our various standing committees in key areas such as Public Health, Medical Education, Human Rights and Peace, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Peer Education and Training, and Professional and Research Exchanges will allow both you and the general public to make more conscious decisions about your health and also teach you essential knowledge that will make you the best medical professional you can possibly be.
MMSA has made sure that t jam-packed with activities for you to get to know the course, University, MMSA, and most importantly of all, each other better. We highly encourage you to attend all the amazing events we have organised for you as this is the ideal opportunity to fully indulge yourself in University life from the get-go.
Should you need anything throughout the year, and especially during this very hectic yet exciting week, please do not hesitate to contact either me or any of my friends in the MMSA Board of Directors. We are extremely excited to meet you all and and are more than ready to help you with anything you may need. See you soon!
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I myself was editor of ‘MURMUR’ and Officer in charge of Medical Education, and was the founder of the Standing Committee on Reproductive Health. So, I do encourage you to getinvolvedandmakethemostofit!Itisvitalto take care of your own wellbeing, particularly in thisimportant,andmemorable,timeofyourlife.
So hail to our new fresh medical students! Welcome aboard! We are here to help you achieveyourdreamsandnurtureyourtalents,but now it’s up to you to pull up your socks and work forit!
And remember, now that you are a medical student, you represent not just yourself as an individual, but the whole medical student body locally and abroad, and the entire medical profession. So your actions (or lack of) will have consequences (good or bad) on how society regards the medical community. Be responsible andleadbyexample!!!
First and foremost, congratulations on your achievement in fulfilling the stringent requirements for entry into the Degree of Medicine and Surgery run by the Faculty here at theUniversity.Onbehalfofallmycolleagueshere attheDepartmentofPhysiologyandBiochemistry, I wish you a warm welcome and hope that your two pre-clinical years here with us will be challenging but at the same time rewarding & beneficial. We live in a time of a pandemic with all that it bringsandhenceitrequiresthatweallstepupto themarktoensurethatwelookafteroneanother andyetstillprovidetheeducationthatisrequired to facilitate your path from the transition of a novicetooneofacompetentprofessional.
Thisisatwo-wayprocessthatrequiresbothofus, academics and students, to adapt our ways of interaction to ensure that the different ways of instruction and reflection are made most of in such circumstances. It is our intention to enable your presence here at University as much as possible under the safety provisions in place to engendersmallgroupteachingwhileatthesame time providing the classical lectures with the added feature that these will also be available liveviaonlinefacilities.
Inregardtothesubjectmaterialyouaretocover over the next two years, it is one of getting to gripswiththestructureofthebodythatenablesit to carry out its diverse functions from producing enoughenergytoenableallcellsandsystemsto conduct their daily requirements to the more abstract of that of understanding concepts and thejoyofhavingdoneso.
The structure and function theme and that of systems is the integral framework for all of your modules throughout the two pre clinical years together with the underlying scientific knowledge that gives rise to such.
We think it imperative that we introduce you to the latest physiological and biochemical mechanisms that provide for the function of the systems in question that in turn will facilitate your practice of evidence-based medicine in the future.
the most is
everything that
association has
to bothitsmembersandthepublic.Ialsogettheuniqueopportunitytoleadanamazingteamof officersthatyouwillsoonbemeetingthroughoutFreshers'Weekandtherestoftheyear!
wanttogiveyouthebestexperiencepossibleforthisupcomingyear.I'malsolookingforwardto thisyear'slegendaryTRD,whichyou'llbehearingaboutverysoon;).
MyfavouritepartisbeingtheHeadoftheorganisingcommitteefortheTrainingandResource Developmentweekend(TRD)asthisallowsmetoworkwithanamazingteamtoputupthe most-awaitedweekendoftheyear!
Apart from this, being part of the Executive Board allows me to discuss and work together withallthedifferentofficersandtheirStandingCommitteesintheirvariouscampaignsand eventswhichissomethingwhichIverymuchenjoy!
Maltese University life a bit smoother, especially for Gozitan and international students who may find it a bit more challenging. This part of the role brings with it a lot of satisfaction, knowingthatoureffortshelpedstudentssettleintouniversitymoreeasily.
TRD 2022 !!!
Training and Resource Development Weekend (TRD) is a holistic representation of MMSA, i.e. it is an opportunity for medical students to explore a healthy balance of educational activities and leisure events!
It involves training soft skills and practical medical skills, team building, as well as
treasure hunts and MMSA’s legendary TRD parties!!!
TRD is also an amazing opportunity for freshers and students from every MD year to make new friends and get involved in MMSA ��
fact about me:
I love designing and introducing new Merchandise items for medical students to enjoy. I also love collaborating on sponsorships with external companies and trying to find the best prizes and discounts which members can benefit from during events, quizzes and throughout the rest of the year.
I have the opportunity to be involved and be close to all the Board of Directors since we ’ re always helping in any decisions or events happening throughout the term, so stay tuned for all the exciting events!
I get to constantly engage with all the BD members and discuss ways in which we can support and further improve certain parts of the organisation!
SupCo is quite a “behind the scenes ” type of role but you may expect some little surprises from our end! SupCo is always there for any MMSA member seeking advice or support no matter what it may be :)
Outside of student life I’m very passionate about fitness and music.
The thing I love the most about this role is how creative I am able to be and how I have a fantastic team behind me to help me do so. I get to work with all the other offices as well as the Executive Board in creating all MMSA's media and content. I am responsible for how the public as well as our members see our organisation and although it is a difficult task I really enjoy doing it!
Regular posts on Facebook and Instagram about what MMSA are up to as well as educational posts for the general public, academic posts on MMSA Scholar's instagram mmsa _scholar, lots of TikToks and new merchandise, and finally our annual PR Workshop where you can learn all about our office and how to make content yourself!
I never say no to seeing cute cat pictures.
I get to meet many medical students and give them the opportunity to relax and take a break from the stressful uni life.
I used to do musical theatre with Adri!
Getting to help people plan their elective and then putting a face to the name when we finally get to meet them.
Things to look forward to from our office:
Fun fact about me:
There is nothing fun about me :(
MMSA works on its campaigns via its 6 standing committees each focusing on major health-related topicsandmedicalstudentrelatedinterests.
These abbreviations are used frequently in the organisation. They all start with ‘SCO’ (Standing Committee of) and end with the abbreviationofthestandingcommitteeitself.
Each Standing committee is headed by an officer, their assistant&coordinators.
I love that I get to organise academic events, with the help of my team, that aim to help medical students grow on a personal and professional level! I also feel very privileged that I was chosen to be the voice of the students within the MMSA, and advocate for their rights as medical students.
Our beloved ‘Practice Makes Perfect’ events such as suturing and phlebotomy workshops. I also always look forward to out Christmas Themed Easy A events (because of the mulled wine ��)!
I am apparently distantly related to the late Princess Diana!
I love having the opportunity to communicate with members of the public, while in the process educating myself and other medical students on matters of public health, including Communicable and Non-Communicable diseases, Mental Health, Healthy Lifestyles and so much more!
Aside from this, I love giving fellow medical students the opportunity to develop their clinical skills such as blood pressure and blood glucose measurement, as well as communication skills essential to life as a future doctor!
Our most popular events by far are our regular health checks where medical students get to interact with the public and empower people to take control of their health. This year is shaping up to be exciting with our largest health check yet, for World Diabetes Day. Aside from this one can look forward to our BYOB sporting events, MMSA blood drive, and vaccination volunteering!
I study musical theatre! It's a great way to combine dance, singing and acting, to perform one cohesive piece!
I love how dynamic it is and how we do not only outreach to Medical Students but to other students too!
Peer Education sessions which will be one of the first ways in which you freshers can become MMSA Active members. look out for
Capacity Building workshops which will help you throughout
Medical School journey.
I love how I am able to raise awareness about various issues with regards to sexual health as well as decrease the stigma around topics surrounding HIV, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. I also love how through doing this we are able to include people to outreach and take part in events such World AIDS Day!!
World AIDS day and being able to involve yourself as a helper and as well as an outreached and a dancer in the flash mob!
Fun fact
I am actually not Anneka Pace!!
Human rights play into every aspect of MMSA, whether it's education, advocacy, setting up fundraisers, as well as helping others. this means that I get to do a bit of everything within SCORP, as well as advocate for very important topics.
It’s an amazing learning experience which allows me to meet and befriend like minded people from around the world. I get to organise trips for these students to see Malta from a locals’ point of view and basically spend the entire summer months experiencing our islands with them. This also gives me the opportunity to travel not only with IFMSA to the august meeting but also to visit all the friends I made in summer.
We will be organising the globetrotters event soon which will give you an idea of what exchanges is all about, where you can go and why it’s such an integral part of your learning process as a medical student.
My two biggest passions are cooking and diving … so if I’m not in the kitchen then you know where to find me.
Hi there! As a fellow Gozitan medical student, I understand that at the moment, you might be goingthroughawhirlwindofemotions.Youhave just packed your bags to go live away from your family for the majority of the time. This sense of liberty is something new and exciting, yet it demands a certain responsibility. It involves learning how to clean, cook, be financially responsible, and above all being able to look afteryourself.Thisallmaysounddauntingatfirst butdon’tworry,Icanassureyouthatyouwillget the hang of it in no time. Moreover, it is an experiencethatwillteachyoumanyimportantlife skillsincludinghowtobeindependentandhowto manageyourtimewell.
Coming to university and being in a lecture hall withoverahundredothermedicalstudentswhom you ’ ve never met before can be quite overwhelming. It is easy to feel alone in this situation. However, I urge you to not give up. This is where MMSA comes in. From workshops to leisureactivitiesandeverythinginbetween,MMSA offers many opportunities that help you further your education and also help you to meet fellow medical students and build new friendships. Involving yourself in MMSA activities would highly improveyourmedicalschoolexperience.
Ifyouhaveanyquestionsorneedanyadvice,feel free to talk to any MMSA member or any Gozitan medical student from the years above as they wouldgladlyhelpyou!
As international students, leaving the comfort of home to venture into a new country proves to be thrillingaswellaschallengingtoacertainextent. Thefearofgettinglostornotbeingabletofitinis really gripping. This was the initial thought upon arrival in Malta. Due to the covid restrictions, travel proved to be impossible if it wasn’t for the help of the staff dealing with international students,whoprovideduswiththeencouragement aswellasawaytofinallyarriveinMalta.
Therefore, one is driven more by passion than the obligationtoknoweverysingledetail.
Being a medical student, one thing that really stressesyououtistheworkload,justthinkingabout the different mechanisms and topics at large that had to be understood was overwhelming. On the contrary, understanding the intricate working of the body may seem challenging but is the most interestingcomponentofthemedicalfield.
ThefirstyearinMaltahasbeenaneyeopenernot only in the field of education but also in the outsideworld. Havingtoliveunderone’sownroof inaforeigncountryisnotalwayseasy.Ifitwasn’t for the amazing friends and family support that have made everything worthwhile, then I don’t know if we would have been able to cope. Lastly, getting to experience some of the Maltese festivalsandfoodsiscontinuouslyprovidinganindepthunderstandingofthecountry.
Being international students therefore does have itsupsanddownsbuthasalsoprovidedagreater outlookontheworldaroundus.
Multiple Choice Questions; most of your exams will be composed of these questions.Youwillbeaskedtoselectoneansweroutoffourpossiblechoices.
Single Best Answer Questions; Similarly to the MCQs, you will be asked to select one answer however, these questions will have five possible choices ratherthanfour.
A:This is a whole year module that consists of 2 seminars (one in semester 1 & the other in semester 2). Each seminar is 3 days long from Thursday to Saturday, you are split into random groups with a tutor and you discuss different topics and take part in ice-breaking activities under the theme of interpersonal communication (semester 1) and teamwork (semester 2). It's extremely important that you attend all the sessions on time and actively participate because this will make up 50% of the mark. The other 50% is based on a 3000 word assignment where you reflect on your thoughts and feelings throughout the 3 days. You can see when you have the seminars on the google calendar, throughout those days you will not have lectures and more information will be sent from faculty closer to the time of your seminar. Lastyear,eventhoughlectureswereinperson,theseseminarswereheldover ZOOM.