Bus 32- Swatar to Valletta and stops at both Mater Dei and Qroqq (to catch you’d need to use the barrakka lift)
Bus 122- Valletta to Swatar, Mater Dei and Msida as well (to catch you’d need to use the barrakka lift)
Google Maps- highly recommend downloading to look for bus routes and times
Tal-Linja app definitely helpful but not necessary- personally I never downloaded it
Cab app would be handy for emergenciesnot worth missing the ferry- bolt, ecabs,
uber, etc…
Have an account for the fast ferry to buy
online tickets it helps in case there is queue (worth making an account just in case even if physical tickets are preferred - personally I didn’t have this app either)
Luggage room at chaplaincy is a safe place to leave luggage during lectures to be able to catch a bus from Qroqq to the ferries after
Exams can be done in Gozo- an email will be sent to pick whether you want to do the exams in Gozo or Malta- more personal preference I preferred studying at home for my exams some students still do their exams in Malta each have their pros and cons
eID then
Withtheamountsbelowyoucanmake5portionsandpreparethem forthewholeweek,ifyoujustwanttodooneportionatatimejust divideeachingredientamountby5.
6. Place a saucepan over high heat and add in 350g of washed rice, 700ml of cold water and a pinch of salt. Mix to break up any clumps.
7. Boil and place a lid on the saucepan (or foil if you don’t have a lid).
Leave cooking for 15 mins.
8. In the meantime, place a large pan over medium to high heat.
9. Add in one tbsp of peanut oil and the seasoned chicken and spread it out.
10. Let it cook for about 10 15mins and move the chicken occasionally.
11. After the chicken is cooked, add in the honey sauce which was prepared and give it a good mix throughout.
12. Let the sauce come to a boil and let it boil for one minute.
13. Reduce the heat to low and add the black and white sesame seeds
14. Mix the seeds through, then turn off the heat and remove from the stove top.
15. Once the rice timer has gone off, turn off the heat and let it sit for another 3 mins with the lid still on.
16. After the 3 mins, remove the lid and remove the saucepan from the stove top.
17. Place another pan over medium-high heat. Add in 1/2 tbsp of peanut oil then add the broccoli along with a pinch of salt and some black pepper.
18. Move the broccoli around regularly for about 5 mins until it slightly softens.
19. After the 5 mins, remove the pan from the stove top.
20. Add the broccoli, rice and chicken in equal portions in each meal prep container.
To store, place the containers in the fridge for up to 5 days and in the freezer for up to 4 months. Thaw in the fridge overnight, before reheating or taking it out with you. It will start losing flavour after day 3 so make sure to freeze it if you know you’re not going to eat it all within that time frame.
It’s recommended to freeze straight away and thaw overnight when needed.
To heat, place in the microwave and heat in bursts until the chicken is hot in the centre.
1. Place the chopped sweet potato on a baking sheet and seasonwithsaltand pepper.Drizzleoveratbspofoliveoilandmix.
3. As the sweet potato is cooking, cook up the ground turkey inapanwithsomesalt,pepper,garlicandpaprika.
bit of water, covering it and let it steam until cooked to your liking.
1. Preheattheovento180degreesCelsius.
4.Whenitsreadyputthepeppersintheovenandroastfor30 mins,rotatingthemeverytenminutes.
5.Forthelast10minutesputthewalnutsandalmondsinthe ovenonaseparatetraytoroast.
6.Bythetimethepeppersaredonetheyshouldhaveablack charonthem.
1 .
flesh with a spoon and place in the blender along with the tahini,choppedgarlic,limejuiceandcumin.
6.Trynottopulsefortoolong,doabouttwopulsestoensure thatthetextureiscorrect.
ever need further
or any help with adapting to life in Malta,
and/or within MMSA, please feel free to contact the SecGen
team on Messenger or Email.