Elective Outgoings Brochure 2021

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Medical Electives Outgoings ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW

Disclaimer While every effort was made to provide accurate and complete information at the time of publication, as the progression of this pandemic remains uncertain, we cannot guarantee the validity of said information by the time of viewing of this booklet. Students should make sure to carry out all the necessary due diligence before committing to any medical elective, to ensure that applications are still being accepted and that travel to that country is permitted. For any questions or difficulties please feel free to contact the electives team at electives@mmsa.org.mt N.B - it is strongly recommended that one contacts the above email from their University email address to ensure a prompt reply.



Mr. and Mrs. Luke Go


Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lee

V i s aMsAaI D r eOm o r y f o r t r a vA em l , asnt u F a Hn Od NaOtR dd a yWaon od l f ow l ko r k

G iasber isep l eFc l ei ft icehde rb y t h e o u tB s iEdSeT tMhAeNE U u n l e s s o t h e r w r eu n nAi b u rr d r e s pB eRcI D t iEvSeMaAuI D t hS o r i t y . W h i l e eLaa cu h ve s ietnye s u g g e s t s Ashley Faye McGrath

which visa to obtain, it is strongly recommended GROOMSMEN

Calum Velandia

t h a t o n e c o n f i r m s t h e v i s a t Lyupcea swM i tahi otnhee r e l e v a n t a u t FhLoOr W i t yE Ro fG tI RhLe r e s p e c t i v e cSouuzne tt rt ye a l havsi lw I ssr aw ee l al c i ith t h e RUI N nG ivB e rEsAi R t yE.RM o r e i n f o r m aNt i o a rbi o a lnl B l lu i nt gw e rh i c h t y p e of visas are available for each country will be present throughout the brochure.



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Mr. and Mrs. Luke G page 68 Mr. and Mrs. Peter L Amanda Woolfolk page 74 Gabriel Fletcher 5burdene Lp aa ug r een 7 A Ashley Faye McGrat


Cp a laugm V 1e l a n d i a e 8 Lucas Maione

F L be OW E R G I R Lapplications for the S2021 u z esummer tte Isra elachvil Might accepting period however R I N Ginstitutions B E A R E Rhave not responsedNto i a our l l Bemails. rillinger



Mr. and Mrs. Luke Go


Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lee


Amanda Woolfolk



Gabriel Fletcher


Lauren Aburdene

Ashley Faye McGrath


Calum Velandia Lucas Maione


Suzette Israelachvili


Niall Brillinger


University of Aberdeen STATUS The University of Aberdeen is open for July and August 2021.

APPLICATION DATES Applications should have opened during October 2020. However, they are not open on the University's website at the moment.

APPLICATION FEES There is currently no information about application fees.

APPLICATION DEADLINE There is currently no information about application deadlines.


University of Aberdeen APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS There is currently no information about application requirements.

ADMINISTRATIVE FEES The administrative fee which applies to this university is that of ÂŁ250.

SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE There is currently no information about specialties available at this university.

ACCOMMODATION There is currently no information about availability and pricing of accommodation.

DURATION OF ELECTIVE The minimum duration for an elective at the University of Aberdeen is of 4 weeks while the maximum is that of 8 weeks. Please note that requests for longer or shorter attachments will not be considered. Dates are fixed and non-negotiable.


University of Aberdeen ADDITIONAL INFORMATION There is no formal teaching programme. Students will join in all clinical activities and participate in teaching rounds, case conferences etc, that are held regularly in the various units/specialties. Places are limited and are offered on a first-come-first-served basis. Students from outside the European Union will be required by UK Visas and Immigration to obtain a Tier 4 visa as indicated at UKVI Website. More information is expected when the application dates open.

CONTACT EMAIL nhsg.clinicalelectives@nhs.net

LINKS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION https://www.abdn.ac.uk/smmsn/undergraduate/medicine/visiti ng-student-electives.php


Pages 005-007 have been removed as the University Formerly occupying said pages is no longer accepting applications


University of Leeds APPLICATION DATES The university is currently closed for 2020 placements. However, it will be accepting applications for placements in 2021 as of September 2021.

APPLICATION FEES There is a charge of ÂŁ30 for the screening of the work health assessment form, and the Occupational Health screening. No further fees apply. This payment must be carried out following the confirmation letter received upon acceptance.



University of Leeds APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Students must be registered in their final year or going into their final year of medical school. Students from countries not deemed to be majority English speaking must meet our minimum requirements of IELTS 7.0 overall and 6.5 in the speaking component. Any applicants who do not meet these requirements will not be considered for a place. Health assessment documentation will be requested during the application process. After completing the online application, you will receive a confirmation letter in March via email. This document can be used to support your application for a visa. Following the confirmation letter, please complete a Work Health Assessment Form and submit together with an up-todate immunisation record to the Occupational Health email address on the form.

DURATION OF ELECTIVE The minimum duration is that of 4 weeks, while the maximum is that of 6 weeks.


University of Leeds ACCOMMODATION Students are responsible for arranging their own accommodation. Hospital accommodation at the St James's campus is available at no charge to visiting elective students but it is advisable to apply as soon as an elective is confirmed, as accommodation is subject to availability on a first-come, firstserved basis. Applications are made by completing the Application for Trust Residential Accommodation form: https://medicinehealth.leeds.ac.uk/download/downloads/id/155/ hospital_accommodation_application_form.docx and emailing it to email address specified on the form.


University of Leeds ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Electives can only take place in the advertised four-week blocks between June and August. We are unable to consider requests outside of these dates. If at any time an applicant wishes to withdraw their application or cancel subsequent to an offer of an elective, this should be done immediately and in writing to the medical electives administration team. Students are expected to attend the elective placement as agreed with their elective supervisor and the medical elective secretary. If a student fails to attend, the dean of the home medical school will be notified and where appropriate, non-attendance will be reported to UK Visas and Immigration, in accordance with their regulations. Students will be registered on the non-degree medical course for the duration of their elective. One month prior to the start of your elective you will be required to complete the online registration process. On your first day with us here at Leeds you must remember to bring your: registration certificate, passport and visa (if required), a copy of the appropriate attendance logbook (i.e four, five or six weeks). This should be presented to your consultant each day for signing.

CONTACT EMAIL medelect@leeds.ac.uk

LINKS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION https://medicinehealth.leeds.ac.uk/medicine-undergraduatembchb/doc/medical-electives



Mr. and Mrs. Luke Go


Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lee


Amanda Woolfolk


Gabriel Fletcher


Lauren Aburdene

AUSTRALIA Ashley Faye McGrath


Calum Velandia Lucas Maione


Suzette Israelachvili


Niall Brillinger


Royal Melbourne Hospital Clinical School STATUS Closed for Electives in 2020. Open for 2021 but first half of 2021 is nearly fully booked.

APPLICATION DATES Nothing mentioned on the website, except to not send the application beyond 18 months (of the start of your requests elective date) in advance as they will be deleted. No information was given with regards to application deadlines and application fees.

ADMINISTRATVE FEES $AUD 100 (â‚Ź60.90) per week


Royal Melbourne Hospital Clinical School APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Applicants are required to be in their final year or second last year at the time of their elective placement. Email the following documents as PDF attachments only (not photos of documents). Application form: https://www.thermh.org.au/sites/default/files/media/docume nts/Medical%20Elective%20Program%20Application%20for m.pdf Immunisation declaration (the TB test and Flu vaccine proof can be sent later) Letter from your university stating that you are in your last or second last year of your course. Resume/curriculum vitae (CV) ID photo (not a copy or your passport/ID card/licence) Assessment form or evaluation form that your university requires to be signed off at the completion of your elective placement. You may send a Proficiency of English document if you wish. Documents are to be in written in English. All insurance and vaccination documents are required one month prior to commencing your elective - you cannot commence your elective without these documents.


Royal Melbourne Hospital Clinical School APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Please allow EIGHT WEEKS for your application to be reviewed. If accepted, you will receive a letter of offer with details of how to pay (within 28 days of the letter being sent). When you make payment, we also receive an automated receipt. You will receive a confirmation letter and an email confirming the payment and detailing additional documents required prior to commencing your elective.

INSURANCE Personal Medical Insurance: Please check as some countries have reciprocal health care arrangements with Australia. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/services/medic are/reciprocal-health-care-agreements/when-you-visit-australia Professional Medical Indemnity Insurance: This coverage can be provided by your University, or an alternative insurance organisation, however please note the coverage must amount to AUD$10 million per occurrence for professional indemnity insurance. In Australia, MIPS offer medical indemnity cover to medical students from Australia and overseas.

DURATION OF ELECTIVE Minimum of 2 weeks, maximum of 6 weeks (divided into either 2x3 weeks, or 4 +2 weeks). For an elective under the neurosurgery department, the maximum is 8 weeks.


Royal Melbourne Hospital Clinical School VACCINATIONS TB: You will need proof of either Mantoux or Quantiferon done within 12 months of your elective commencement date. A chest xray is not acceptable. If you happen to be TB positive, then you will need a letter from your doctor stating that you are not infectious. Flu vaccine: Within 12 months of your elective commencement date.

SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - MEDICAL UNITS: General medicine is not an option, please do not include it in your preferences on the application form. Cardiology Dermatology - limited placements Emergency - not available from May to October inclusively Endocrinology - not available from May to October inclusively Gastroenterology Infectious Diseases Neurology Respiratory


Royal Melbourne Hospital Clinical School SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - SURGICAL UNITS: General surgery is not an option, please do not include it in your preferences on the application form. Breast, Oncology & Endocrine - limited places ENT Surgery Ophthalmology Orthopaedic Surgery Plastic Surgery Urology Surgery Vascular Surgery Neurosurgery - apply directly to unit. Please send a formal email request stating why you wish to do Neurosurgery, with copy of your Resume/CV, to Professor Drummond kate.drummond@mh.org.au and her Personal Assistant janelle.Kneeshaw@mh.org.au Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - Please send a formal email request stating why you wish to do Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, with copy of your Resume/CV, to Professor Alf Nastri via his Personal Assistants entomfscoordinator@mh.org.au

OTHER SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE Anaesthetics intensive Care Unit (ICU) Radiology - limited placements Trauma (triage service)


Royal Melbourne Hospital Clinical School ACCOMMODATION & PRICING Accommodation is not provided at Royal Melbourne Hospital and we are unable to assist you. Casual accommodation is sometimes available at The University of Melbourne: http://www.colleges.unimelb.edu.au/about/casualaccommodation.html. Other options include Youth Hostels Association Australia: https://www.yha.com.au/hostels/vic/melbourne-hostels/

OTHER GENERAL INFORMATION Our elective placements are clinically based allocations. Students will be expected to participate in the activities of the unit while under the supervision of hospital staff, where there will be many opportunities to engage in clinical activities in relation to patient assessment and patient care. Although there may be opportunities to attend current tutorials, The University of Melbourne does not provide assessment or formal teaching sessions related to your approved elective placement. You are expected to attend your elective placement from Monday to Friday during normal business hours. Failure to do so will result in your attendance form being signed off only for days attended. If you are unable to attend due to sickness, you must email the elective coordinator and your host unit to advise them of your absence. .


Royal Melbourne Hospital Clinical School OTHER GENERAL INFORMATION Elective placements are not available in most units between mid-December and mid-January each year. The only unit that accepts elective students during this period is ICU. Most units accept between 1 and 2 students at a time. Placements beginning in the first week of February each year are limited. A clinical elective placement will involve integration into the activities of the Unit (as deemed appropriate by the Head of each Unit), generally this would mean “shadowing” of the resident/registrar, attendance of unit activities (ward rounds, outpatient’s sessions and unit meetings) and hospital educational activities. A timetable is not provided prior to commencing your elective. On arrival at RMH on the first day of your elective placement, you will be advised what Unit activities you will be able to participate in.


Royal Melbourne Hospital Clinical School OTHER GENERAL INFORMATION At this hospital, we will provide assessment on attendance and professionalism only. However, we are unable to complete assessments of your clinical skills and medical competencies due to the large number of our own students and visiting elective students placed here. A ‘Certificate of Completion’ can be provided upon request. This letter will include your name, the units and dates of your placement and that your attendance was either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Professional Behaviour: As medical elective students you are expected to be polite and respectful to the hospital, university and clinical school staff as well as patients, their relatives and hospital visitors.

CONTACT EMAIL rmh-electives@unimelb.edu.au


UNSW STATUS Closed for the foreseeable future, told to check again near October.

APPLICATION DATES UNSW Clerkships are not offered during early December to the end of January each year, except for limited placements in Paediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Some Clerkship locations have application and time limits. Apply at least six months (but no more than 12 months) in advance of your requested Clerkship dates.

APPLICATION FEES Non-refundable AUD$440 (€269.32) application/administration fee when accepting an offer.

APPLICATION DEADLINE No information was given regarding deadlines.


UNSW HOW TO APPLY FOR A CLERKSHIP Submit an initial online application with all your contact details, requested dates and specialisation/discipline preferences. A part-completed application form will be emailed to you to download. The downloaded application must be given to your medical school for completion and sign-off. Supporting documents must then be posted or couriered to the Clerkship Coordinator. At this stage of the application process, emailed or faxed copies will not be accepted.

IMPORTANT DETAILS TO NOTE Applications for the UNSW Medical Clerkships program are subject to the availability of clinical resources and an offer can be withdrawn at any time. UNSW Medicine can only potentially offer one specialisation/discipline placement per student and cannot split a placement between different specialisations, disciplines, units or hospitals. With the exception of Paediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynaecology, you must select your top three specialisation/discipline preferences, in order of your preference from the list of areas of study.

MEDICAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE You must provide evidence of the medical indemnity insurance from your medical school while you are on Clerkship. This must indicate that you are covered for professional medical indemnity, not only travel and personal health insurance.


UNSW ENGLISH PROFICIENCY Students applying from a non-English speaking Medical School must provide evidence of English Proficiency. This includes: English Language Test scores and prior studies in English (including High School) completed no more than three years before your intended start date. This will be accepted for intakes up until Term 1 2021. The following English language tests: IELTS Indicator TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition For more information please visit: https://www.international.unsw.edu.au/english-languagerequirements A Letter of Good Standing should be provided from your medical school. You will need your institution to issue you with an academic transcript.

OTHER REQUIRED INFORMATION You must provide your curriculum vitae (CV) or resume. If you are applying for a Trauma placement with the Trauma Department, Liverpool Hospital, an outline of your interest in, and reasons for placement must also accompany the CV. You’ll need a Criminal Record Statement from the appropriate authority in your country. International students must provide a criminal record check/statement from the appropriate authority within their own country at the time of application. You’re required to forward this statement to UNSW with the application form. Once an offer of placement has been made, international students will also have to provide an Australian Federal Police (AFP) Check certificate. An online application and payment option can be found at AFP certificates: https://www.afp.gov.au/what-we-do/services/criminalrecords/national-police-checks


UNSW OTHER REQUIRED INFORMATION When completing your police check application indicate the following: Purpose Type: Commonwealth purpose/Employment Purpose of check: Care of children/Intellectually disabled/Aged Care staff/volunteers (Code 37 for paper applications) Type of Check: Name Check Only (fingerprints are not necessary). To be eligible to apply for a Clerkship, you also must be in your final year of a medical degree, with at least two years of clinical experience at the time of your participation in the Clerkship.

AFTER SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION Upon receipt of your initial supporting documents, a request for your preferred placement will be forwarded to your preferred hospital via the relevant UNSW Medicine Clinical School. If a placement and supervisor can be secured, an offer will be emailed to you. It can take up to six weeks before you know the outcome of your request.

POSSIBILITY OF ACCOMMODATION & PRICING Students must make their own accommodation arrangements.

DURATION OF ELECTIVE Minimum of 4 weeks, maximum of 8 weeks duration for all hosptails, except that of Liverpool Hospital Trauma, which prefers students to attend Clerkships for between 6 to 10 weeks.


UNSW ACCEPTING YOUR OFFER To secure your placement you’ll be required to complete the Clerkship Administration fee payment and upload your ‘Acceptance of Offer’ within two weeks of receiving your placement offer, or your placement will be withdrawn. All relevant immunisation and Criminal Record Check paperwork, as required by the NSW Department of Health, must be uploaded to your application as soon as possible and at least eight weeks prior to your placement commencement date. Initial checking of your paperwork will be undertaken by a health professional to ensure you comply with NSW Health regulations. Two weeks before your Clerkship commencement date, you’ll receive an email from the Clerkships Co-ordinator with further information and instructions for obtaining your UNSW student ID card and where to report on your first day of placement.

SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - SCHOOL OF WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S HEALTH: Obstetrics & Gynaecology (O&G) - Offered between midJanuary to end of February, mid-July to end of August and early November to mid-December each year. O&G placements can be arranged through the School of Women’s and Children’s Health at either the Royal Hospital for Women, St George Hospital or Liverpool Hospital. Paediatrics - In 2021, four-week placements may (depending on the pandemic situation) be offered commencing 4th January, 1st February, 5th July and 2nd August.


UNSW SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - ST GEORGE & SUTHERLAND CLINICAL SCHOOL: Aged Care Anaesthetics Cardiology Cardiothoracic Surgery Colorectal Surgery Dermatology Emergency Department (ED) Endocrinology Gastroenterology Gastro Intestinal Surgery Haematology ICU Immunology

Medical Oncology Nephrology Neurology Neurosurgery Orthopaedic Surgery Radiation Oncology Rehabilitation Medicine Respiratory Medicine Trauma Urology Vascular Surgery

SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE -PRINCE OF WALES CLINICAL SCHOOL: AIDS/HIV Medicine Anaesthetics Cardiology Colorectal Surgery Endocrinology Gastric Medicine Hyperbaric Medicine Haematology Intensive Care Neurology Oncology

Ophthalmology Orthopaedic Surgery Plastic Surgery Psychiatry Radiology Renal Medicine Respiratory Medicine Surgical Oncology Upper GI Surgery Vascular Surgery


UNSW SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY CLINICAL SCHOOL (LIVERPOOL): Anaesthetics Cardiac Medicine Colorectal Surgery Dermatology Emergency Medicine Gastroenterology & Hepatology Geriatric Medicine Intensive Care

Neurology Oncology Orthopaedic Surgery Radiation Oncology Radiology Respiratory Medicine Trauma Surgery Upper GI Surgery


General Surgery Colorectal Surgery Urology Orthopaedic Surgery

SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - ST VINCENT'S CLINICAL SCHOOL: Clerkships not offered from July-November Anaesthetics Cardiology Cardiothoracic Surgery Endocrinology ENT Gastroenterology Geriatric Medicine Genetic Medicine Haematology Medical Oncology Nuclear Medicine/Radiology


Lower GI Surgery Nephrology Neurology Neurosurgery Orthopaedic Surgery Plastic Surgery Palliative Care Surgical Oncology Upper GI Surgery Vascular Surgery

UNSW OTHER GENERAL INFORMATION YOU MAY DEEM ESSENTIAL During a Clerkship, you’ll attend clinics, ward rounds and, with permission, record the history and perform physical examinations of patients in the wards. If the clerkship placement is during a medicine teaching period, lectures and tutorials in the clinical school may also be available. Visiting medical students are responsible for obtaining any travel and health insurance as deemed appropriate.

CONTACT EMAIL Clerkships@med.unsw.edu.au



Mr. and Mrs. Luke Go


Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lee


Amanda Woolfolk


Gabriel Fletcher


Lauren Aburdene


Ashley Faye McGrath


Calum Velandia Lucas Maione


Suzette Israelachvili Niall Brillinger


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine STATUS Unknown - (Under one of the Departments' available periods, the date provided were in 2019, even though the website is being updated every 24 hours. An email was sent with no reply).

APPLICATION DATES Applications must be submitted specifically between 8-12 months before planned starting date.

APPLICATION FEES Upon submitting the online application a non-refundable fee of â‚Ź93.93 (S$150.00) needs to be payed. Regarding payment method, please read: Administrative Fees.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS I: APPLICATION CHECKLIST The Application Checklist consists of the list of documents that have to be submitted online. Please download the Application Checklist: https://inetapps.nus.edu.sg/scep/doc/scep_checklist.pdf for your reference. The following documents have to be uploaded online: Application (https://inetapps.nus.edu.sg/scep/pre_reg.aspx) Letter of Good Standing (LoGS) with official school stamp (in full colour). Applicant may download the Letter of Good Standing: https://inetapps.nus.edu.sg/scep/doc/Letter_of_Good_Standi ng.pdf. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Certification Letter (in full colour). Applicant may download the Letter of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Certification Letter: https://inetapps.nus.edu.sg/scep/doc/PPE_Certification_Lett er.pdf. Overseas Incoming Students are to abide by the following health requirements. These requirements are subject to changes in accordance with the Singapore Ministry of Health. Mumps, Measles and Rubella (MMR) Varicella (Chickenpox) Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis Influenza Hepatitis B Hepatitis C/HIV


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS I: APPLICATION CHECKLIST Please download and complete the Medical Examination Report: https://inetapps.nus.edu.sg/scep/doc/Medical_Examination_Rep ort.pdf. Medical students who are attending elective attachments under our Special Clinical Electives Programme are required to submit a complete Medical Examination Report. The Medical Examination Report consists of 2 parts. Part 1 has to be completed by the student and Part 2 must be completed by a General Practitioner. The original Medical Examination Report must be submitted together with the screening results. Please upload the documents online. Results of blood tests (Hepatitis B, Varicella and MMR) and Hepatitis C, HIV reports must be attached to the medical examination report for submission. The Medical Examination Report and Results of Blood Tests must not be dated more than 6 months from the date of application. Elective Fees will be processed only after students accepted offered elective placement. Alternatively, students may upload the elective fees form online after acceptance of electives placement. All documents must be uploaded online in ONE package; otherwise your application will NOT be processed. You are NOT allowed to undertake the posting if all the required documents are INCOMPLETE.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS I: APPLICATION CHECKLIST Please note that we do not accept faxes or submission of documents by hard copy or email. ALL documents must be uploaded online in English. Dean’s Office regrets that it is only able to correspond with individual students following the receipt submission of the completed documents.

APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS II: UPON ACCEPTANCE OF ELECTIVE PLACEMENT OFFER The Professional Indemnity Insurance/Malpractice Insurance, Health Insurance/Travel Insurance can be uploaded online. It is a requirement for elective students to provide evidence of indemnity cover for the elective period. This coverage can be provided by your University or an alternative insurance organisation. If you are having difficulty getting the Professional Indemnity Insurance, you may approach the Medical Protection Society, Singapore: http://www.medicalprotection.org/singapore/students/join. Joining MPS as a medical student is easy and it is free. For more information and assistance, please kindly contact Ms Margaret Chan. Her details are as follows: Toll free: 0800 601 1060 Email: mps@sma.org.sg


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS II: UPON ACCEPTANCE OF ELECTIVE PLACEMENT OFFER Acceptance of Elective Placement Offer (at least 2 months prior to commencement of the posting) - once an applicant accepts a posting, the applicant must pay an elective fee depending on the number of elective weeks as explained under Administrative Fee. Health & Travel Insurance (for foreigners only). Please note: Each department of each hospital has its own eligibility criteria, and duration periods. All of the necessary information for each department is listed under Specialities Available. Additional special requirements for Singapore General Hospital and KK Women's and Children's Hospital are found below: Special Requirements for posting at the Singapore General Hospital - additional documents for elective students who have posting(s) at the Singapore General Hospital (SGH), to be submitted upon your acceptance of the elective placement offer, prior to the start date: Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) Certification - please ensure that the BCLS certification covers modules in one– rescuer CPR, adult foreign–body airway obstruction (conscious to unconscious), infant CPR, and infant foreign– body airway obstruction. This must be clearly stated in the certificate.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS II: UPON ACCEPTANCE OF ELECTIVE PLACEMENT OFFER Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) Certification - Students who are unable to submit a valid BCLS certification before the commencement of their posting will not be allowed to start their posting. Please kindly email this document to: Ms Ruhaya Binte Saim Associate Dean’s Office Singapore General Hospital Tel: (65) 6326 6174 Email: adminado@sgh.com.sg Posting at the KK Women's and Children's Hospital: Additional set of Blood Test / Screening Reports for elective students who have approved posting(s) at the KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH), to be submitted on the reporting day. Please kindly submit the hardcopy of the documents to: Ms Aishah / Ms Eda Associate Dean’s Office KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital Tel: (65) 6394 8739 / (65) 6394 3721 Email: celmed.admin@kkh.com.sg On the application form, applicants must indicate the exact period of their proposed electives. Applicants are advised to indicate up to four postings. All postings applied for are subjected to the availability of vacancies and supervision. Applicants should be prepared that not all the posting requests will be successful.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS II: UPON ACCEPTANCE OF ELECTIVE PLACEMENT OFFER Successful applicants who are not able to pursue their clinical postings should write in with a valid reason to medelectives@nus.edu.sg at least 4 weeks in advance. For postings at the Singapore General Hospital, please note that the hospital will only process a maximum of two postings (per application) for consecutive posting periods, and the hospital will not take into consideration the third posting that may be indicated on the application.

ADMINISTRATIVE FEES Once the applicant is accepted, a fee needs to be submitted depending on the number of elective weeks being done i.e. €382.18 (S$449.40) per week. Note: Payment can be made via a crossed cheque, bank draft in Singapore Dollars only or credit cards (MasterCard or Visa/ a 1.25% bank charge applies). Cheque/bank draft must be made payable to 'NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE'. Please kindly download and complete the elective students payment form: https://inetapps.nus.edu.sg/scep/doc/ELECTIVE%20STUDENTS% 20PAYMENT%20FORM%20%E2%80%93%20APPLICATION%20& %20ELECTIVES%20FEE.pdf


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine ADMINISTRATIVE FEES The fees form can be uploaded online. If you wish to pay by cheque or bank draft, you will have to mail it to us at the following address: Attn: Electives Coordinator Dean's Office Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine National University of Singapore 1E Kent Ridge Road NUHS Tower Block, Level 11 Singapore 119228 For more information please visit: https://inetapps.nus.edu.sg/scep/fees_new.aspx For changes in posting date (for any confirmed posting), applicants will be charged a non-refundable administrative fee of S$53.50 (â‚Ź33.40) for each change request even if the department is unable to accommodate the change of dates. Please take note changes are subject to the availability of vacancies and supervision.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL: Department: Medicine Period: January to May, July to August Minimum posting period: 2 weeks

SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - CENTRE FOR MEDICAL EDUCATION: Department: Centre For Medical Education Posting period: 2 weeks (minimum) and 4 weeks (maximum). Not more than 2 students at any one time Deliverables: Participants will be completing a series of online medical education modules and developing a study proposal, collecting/analysing data,writing up an abstract, or a 1-page reflective report with focus on medical education.

SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - CHANGI GENERAL HOSPITAL: Department: Anaesthesia Period: February to June. Maximum posting period: 3 weeks Not more than 1 student at any one. Department: Dermatology Period: January to December Maximum posting period: 2 weeks Not more than 1 student at any one time.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - CHANGI GENERAL HOSPITAL: Department: Emergency Medicine (A&E) Period: January to June Minimum posting period: 2 weeks Not more than 2 students at any one time. Department: ENT - Head and Neck Surgery Period: January to November. Posting period: 1 to 4 weeks. Not more than 1 student at any one time. Department: Gastroenterology & Hepatology Period: July to November; January to February. Requests for postings outside stipulated dates will be on a caseby-case basis, as and when timing is appropriate to departmental activities. Minimum posting period: 4 weeks Not more than 1 student at any one time. Department: General Medicine Period: July to December; January to February Requests for postings outside stipulated dates will be on a caseby-case basis, as and when timing is appropriate to departmental activities. Not more than 2 students at any one time. Maximum posting period: 2-3 weeks.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - CHANGI GENERAL HOSPITAL: Department: Geriatric Medicine Period: January - December Minimum posting period: 4 weeks Not more than 1 students at any one time. Department: Orthopaedic Surgery Period: January to November Not more than 2 students at any one time. Department: Rehabilitation Medicine Period: February-April Maximum posting period: 2 weeks. 1 student at a time. Requests for postings outside of stipulated dates will be on case by case basis subject to operational constraints. Department: Surgery Period: January to Feb; June To November Maximum posting period: 8 weeks Requests for postings outside stipulated dates will be on a caseby-case basis, as and when timing is appropriate to departmental activities. Not more than 2 students at any one time.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - CHANGI GENERAL HOSPITAL: Department: Sports Medicine Period: Feb-Apr; Aug-Oct (requests outside of stipulated dates will be on a case-by-case basis, subject to operational constraints). Maximum posting period: 2 weeks. Not more than 1 student at any one time & subject to department's overall capacity. Preference will be given to students with prior exposure to orthopaedics/musculoskeletal medicine.

SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - HEALTH SCIENCES AUTHORITY: Department: Pathology (Forensic Medicine) Period: January to December Maximum posting period: 2 weeks Not more than 2 students at any one time.

SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH: Department: Psychological Medicine Period: January to November Maximum posting period: 2 weeks Not more than 2 students at any one time.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - KHOO TECK PUAT HOSPITAL: Department: Anaesthesia Period: January to December Maximum posting period: 3 weeks Not more than 2 students at any one time. Department: Cardiology Objectives: January to December Maximum posting period: 2 weeks Not more than 2 students at any one time.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - KHOO TECK PUAT HOSPITAL: Department: Diagnostic Radiology Period: January to December Not more than 2 students at any one time. Department: Emergency Medicine (A&E) Period: January to December Maximum posting period: 3 weeks Not more than 2 students at any one time. Department: Geriatric Medicine Periods: Window 1 : February to May Window 2 : August to October Minimum posting duration of 3 weeks. No more than 2 per window. Department: Medicine Period: January to October Requests for postings outside stipulated dates will be on a caseby-case basis, as and when timing is appropriate to departmental activities. Not more than 2 students at any one time. Department: Ophthalmology Period: January to November Not more than 2 students at any one time. Department: Orthopaedic surgery Period: January to December Not more than 2 students at any one time.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - KHOO TECK PUAT HOSPITAL: Department: Otolaryngology (ENT) Periods: January to December Not more than 2 at any one time for the month of January to June. 1 student at any one time for the month of July to December. Additional Students on case-by-case basis. Department: Surgery Period: January to May; August to December Maximum posting period: 3 weeks Not more than 2 students at any one time.

SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - KK WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL: Department: Obstetrics & Gynaecology Periods: July to December No postings will be arranged around Chinese New Year & Christmas periods. Not more than 2 students at any one time. Prospective students are to provide the following after submitting their application online: Objectives/goals of posting Types/nos. of forms to be evaluated at the end of the posting Students are to send the requested to CEL Med Admin Team at celmed.admin@kkh.com.sg. Please include your Application Number for our reference.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - KK WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL: Department: Paediatrics Periods: Not more than 2 students for every Year 3 posting and not more than 2 students for every Year 5 posting. Proposed posting period must be coincides with NUS Academic postings. It must be within 1 posting. It cannot cross between 2 postings owing to vacancy constraint. Maximum posting period for Year 3: 4 weeks. Maximum posting period for Year 5: 3 weeks. No postings will be arranged around recess periods, Chinese New Year & Christmas periods. Prospective students are to provide the following after submitting their application online: Objectives/goals of posting Types/nos. of forms to be evaluated at the end of the posting Students are to send the requested to CEL Med Admin Team at celmed.admin@kkh.com.sg. Please include your Application Number for our reference. Applicants must be sufficiently proficient in English and understand Paediatrics terminologies to benefit from the programme. KKH may request for proof of English language proficiency before being considered for elective posting.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - NATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTE: Department: Neurology Periods: January-February; July-November Department: Neuroradiology Periods: January to October Not more than 2 students at any one time. Maximum posting period: 2 weeks Department: Neurosurgery Periods: January – October Not more than 2 students at any one time.

SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - NATIONAL SKIN CENTRE SINGAPORE: Department: Dermatology Periods: January to December Maximum posting period: 4 weeks Not more than 4 students at any one time. Observers only - no participation in direct patient care.

SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL: Department: Anaesthesia Periods: February to June Recommended posting period: 4 weeks Maximum posting period: 6 weeks Minimum posting period: 2 weeks Not more than 2 students at any one time.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL: Department: Cardiology Period: January to December Department: Diagnostic Radiology Periods: January to December Maximum posting period: 4 weeks Department: Medicine Periods: January-February, July-November Requests for postings outside stipulated dates will be on a caseby-case basis, as and when timing is appropriate to departmental activities. Not more than 3 students for each period above. Department: Ophthalmology Period: Last two weeks of January to first two weeks of July Not more than 2 students at any one time. This elective is designed to meet the educational needs in ophthalmic clinical research through study design, protocol development, comprehensive data management, statistical analysis, interpretation of data and to publishing of research paper. Kindly contact department coordinator for availability prior to application.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL: Department: Orthopaedic Surgery Periods: January to December (not accepting students in the month of March) . Not more than 1 student at any one time Department: Otolaryngology (ENT Period: January to June Posting period: 2 weeks for Overseas Elective students Not more than 2 students at any one time (subject to tutor’s decision). Students will be attached to various consultants in various subspecialties in ENT. They will be guided on the approach to many common ENT conditions. Students will also be attached to the operating room to observe some common ENT operations. Department: Palliative Medicine Period: January to December Minimum posting period: 2 weeks Maximum posting period: 1 month Department: Pathology Period: Each elective application to coincide with a 2 week posting embedded with local student group. One student per posting.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL: Department: Preventive Medicine (Saw Swee Hock School Of Public Health) Period: September and October Maximum posting period: 2 weeks Minimum 2 and maximum 4 students at a time. Provide details on your interest and objectives for your application when your request is forwarded to Department for consideration. Departments: Psychological Medicine Periods: January – December Limit to 2 students per posting. Department: Surgery Period: January – December Minimum posting period: 2 weeks Maximum posting period: 12 weeks


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE: Department: Family Medicine Periods: 4/3/2019 - 22/3/2019 25/3/2019 - 12/4/2019 15/4/2019 - 3/5/2019 6/5/2019 - 24/5/2019 (No information regarding dates for any future years was provided. Dates provided MIGHT NOT coincide with that of future years.)

SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - NG TENG FONG GENERAL HOSPITAL: Department: Medicine Periods: January 16th onwards

SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - SENGKANG GENERAL HOSPITAL: Department: Diagnostic Radiology Period: from January 2019 onwards Department: Emergency Medicine Periods: January to December Minimum 1 week to 1 month. Customized program depending on the entry level of the student to optimize their learning time.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - SENGKANG GENERAL HOSPITAL: Department: General Medicine Period: January to December Minimum and maximum posting periods: 2 weeks to 4 weeks (Please indicate area of sub-specialty interest in application) Department: General Surgery Periods: from January 2019 onwards Minimum posting period: 2 weeks (Please indicate area of sub-specialty interest in application) Department: Orthopaedic Surgery Periods: January - November Minimum and maximum posting periods: 2 to 4 weeks Departments: Psychiatry Periods: January - December

SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - SINGAPORE GENERAL HOSPITAL: Department: Anaesthesiology Period: March - June 2018 (2 students per month) July - February 2019 (1 student per month) Minimum/Maximum Duration: 2 weeks maximum


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - SINGAPORE GENERAL HOSPITAL: Department: Colorectal Surgery Period: All Year Round Total Number of Vacancy: 2 students per period Minimum/Maximum Duration: 2 weeks - 6 weeks Department: Dermatology Period: All year round Total Number of Vacancies: 2 students at any one time Minimum/Maximum Duration: 2 weeks maximum If undertaking research project preferably at least 4-6 weeks. Please discuss with the department. Department: Diagnostic Radiology Total Number of Vacancy: 2 students per period Minimum/Maximum Duration: 1 week - 4 weeks Applicants should have started clinical rotations in order to optimise learning from this elective. This elective is not suitable for junior medical students who have not yet done clinical rotations in medicine and surgery. Department: Emergency Medicine (A&E) Period: January to December 2018 Total Number of Vacancies: 5 students at any one time Minimum/Maximum Duration: 2 weeks - 4 weeks Only year 4 and above, duration may be allowed up to a total of 2 months if undertaking research.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - SINGAPORE GENERAL HOSPITAL: Department: Gastroenterology & Hepatology Period: All year round (limited availability in June & December) Total Number of Vacancies: 3 students per period Minimum/ Maximum Duration: 2 weeks - 8 weeks Minimum duration for clinical elective: 2 weeks Minimum duration for research elective: 4 weeks Students who are interested to do research elective must write in to the Dept. of Gastro Education Office at least 3 months in advance to assess for suitability and availability of research projects. Department: General Surgery Period: All year round Total Number of Vacancy: 14 students per month Minimum/Maximum Duration: 4 weeks maximum Department: Haematology Period: All year round (limited availability in June & December) Total Number of Vacancies: 1 student per period Minimum/ Maximum Duration: 4 weeks maximum The department may accept 2 overseas students, provided our local electives intakes are few in number. If the medical student is undertaking a research project, the duration may be extended on a case-by-case basis. Department: Hand Surgery Period: All year round Total Number of Vacancy: 1 student at any one time Minimum/ Maximum Duration: 2 weeks - 4 weeks


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - SINGAPORE GENERAL HOSPITAL: Department: Internal Medicine Period: All year round Total Number of Vacancies: 6 students per period; subjected to overall number of medical students. Minimum/Maximum Duration: 4 weeks maximum Priority will be given to returning Singaporeans who wish to serve in Singapore upon graduation. Department: Neonatal & Developmental Medicine Total Number of Vacancies: 2 students at any one time Minimum/Maximum Duration: 2 weeks maximum Elective students are not allowed to attend deliveries at Labour Ward or Operating Theatre to observe the delivery process and/or neonatal resuscitation. Department: Neurology Period: All year round Total Number of Vacancies: 2 students per month Minimum/Maximum Duration: 2 weeks maximum Department: Neurosurgery Period: All year round Total Number of Vacancy: 2 students per month Minimum/Maximum Duration: 3 weeks - 4 weeks maximum Department: Nuclear Medicine & PET Period: All year round (3 students per year) Minimum/Maximum Duration: 2 weeks maximum


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - SINGAPORE GENERAL HOSPITAL: Department: Obstetrics & Gynaecology Period: January - June (3 students at any one time) July - November (1 student at any one time) Minimum/ Maximum Duration: 2 weeks - 4 weeks Only Year 4 and above. Department: Otolaryngology (ENT) Period: January to June (2 students per month) Minimum/ Maximum Duration: 2 weeks maximum Students who have made arrangements with senior staff can be hosted for elective in any period of choice so long as there is mutual agreement with students. Elective students on research projects who need longer period can be decided on a case-bycase basis. Department: Pathology (Cytogenetics) Period: September - November Total Number of Vacancies: 1 student at any one time Minimum/Maximum Duration: 1 week maximum Department: Pathology (Diagnostic Bacteriology) Period: August - November Total Number of Vacancies: 1 student at any one time Minimum/Maximum Duration: 4 weeks maximum


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - SINGAPORE GENERAL HOSPITAL: Department: Pathology (Histopathology & Cytology) Period: August - November Total Number of Vacancies: 1 student at any one time Minimum/Maximum Duration: 12 weeks maximum Department: Psychiatry Total Number of Vacancies: 4 students per period Minimum/Maximum Duration: 2 weeks - 4 weeks Department: Rehabilitation Medicine Period: March - May, July - November (2 students per month) Minimum/Maximum Duration: 2 weeks maximum Students must be willing to travel to Bright Vision Hospital. Department: Renal Medicine Period: All year round but to cut down during school holidays in June and December. Total Number of Vacancies: 2 students at any one time Minimum/ Maximum Duration: 2 weeks - 4 weeks However, if undertaking a research project, the duration may be extended on a case-by-case basis. Only Year 3 and above.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE - SINGHEALTH POLYCLINICS: Department: Education Period: Fixed dates in February, June, August, October, December (dates TBA) Maximum posting period: 4 weeks attachment Not be more than 2 students at each time.

POSSIBILITY OF ACCOMMODATION & PRICING Guest rooms are available on campus. NUS hostels fees are reviewed and adjusted periodically to reflect the cost of providing housing to students. http://www.nus.edu.sg/osa/student-services/hosteladmission/non-graduating

MINIMUM & MAXIMUM DURATION OF AN ELECTIVE The minimum and maximum total posting periods are 2 weeks and 12 weeks respectively. Postings are counted in weeks, commencing on a Monday and ending on a Friday. Requests for postings outside stipulated dates will be on caseby-case basis, subject to departmental constraints. Please note: Each department of each hospital has its own eligibility criteria, and duration periods. All of the necessary information for each department is listed under Specialities Available.


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine OTHER GENERAL INFORMATION You will have the opportunity to join our NUS Medicine students for full–time clinical postings from Mondays to Fridays. Attendance on Saturdays and Sundays are not necessary unless required by the Department that you are posted to. You may be required to attend lectures and tutorials, subject to the Department's advice. English is the medium of instruction and the language used for patient care in the relevant hospitals. Upon the completion of each posting, your supervisor would have provided an evaluation of your performance using the posting assessment form provided by National University of Singapore and by your own university (if any). https://inetapps.nus.edu.sg/scep/enrichment.aspx (regarding enrichment) Student's Posting Assessment Form: Every student will be able to download a copy of the posting assessment form after they have completed the online registration process. Students are to print a copy of the form, get their supervisor to complete it and bring it back to NUS Medicine on the last day of their posting. If the student or their parent institution requires a copy of this form, please make a copy before submitting the original copy to NUS Medicine. Please note that the Dean's Office WILL NOT endorse any documents from your parent University or any other special request forms, which require(s) our confirmation or acknowledgement, upon the completion of your posting(s).


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine OTHER GENERAL INFORMATION Ongoing Infection control Precautionary Measures: In the event of any epidemic outbreak, the University reserves the right to cancel your placement. You are to adhere to infection control guidelines set by the Ministry of Health, the hospital of posting, and NUS. You should monitor your temperature regularly (at least twice daily) and are to have a thermometer (digital is recommended) available upon registration on the first day of reporting. You may be required to don the Personal Protective Equipment during the postings, which include N95 masks (or equivalent), surgical masks, goggles, gowns, aprons and gloves. The use of these items will vary according to the level of alert. New Initiative - Enrichment Modules: The Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine is introducing a new initiative of enrichment modules for overseas medical students who are coming to Singapore for their clinical electives. In order to participate in these modules, applicants must also have approved clinical elective postings in Singapore. Applicants can register for these enrichment modules on top of your planned clinical elective postings. For more information please visit: https://inetapps.nus.edu.sg/scep/enrichment.aspx

CONTACT EMAIL medelectives@nus.edu.sg



Mr. and Mrs. Luke Go


Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lee


Amanda Woolfolk


Gabriel Fletcher


Lauren Aburdene


Ashley Faye McGrath


Calum Velandia Lucas Maione


Suzette Israelachvili Niall Brillinger


Florida International University STATUS Open.

APPLICATION DATES Rotations start on the first Monday of each month.

APPLICATION FEES A non-refundable application fee of $300.00 is required.

APPLICATION DEADLINE Applications must be submitted no later than 4 months prior to the start date of the elective.


Florida International University APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Applicants must be in their clinical years of medical school and must be fluent in English, however TOEFL is not required. All required documents must be submitted via email. Please contact the university to confirm availability on specific rotations before submitting the application. All applicants must submit: Application Form: https://medicine.fiu.edu/academics/degrees-andprograms/international-medicalstudents/apply/_assets/ivmsp-application-form.pdf A curriculum vitae/resume Transcripts The Clinical Rotation in Miami, FL: What to Expect? Form: https://medicine.fiu.edu/academics/degrees-andprograms/international-medicalstudents/apply/_assets/IVMSP%20Clinical%20Rotation%20in %20Miami.pdf Upon acceptance, remaining required documents by the program must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the student's scheduled start date.


Florida International University APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS If accepted, students must submit: The International Medical Student Verification Form: https://medicine.fiu.edu/academics/degrees-andprograms/international-medicalstudents/apply/_assets/IVMSP%20Verification%20Form.pdf Health Statement for International Medical Students: https://medicine.fiu.edu/academics/degrees-andprograms/international-medicalstudents/apply/_assets/IVMSP%20Health%20Statement.pdf. This Health statement includes: Tuberculin Test Varicella titer Rubella titer Measles titer Mumps Hepatitis B titer Meningococcal Meningitis Proof of receipt of the influenza vaccine (required for students rotating between October and March). Results of a 10-panel drug screen. Applicants may be tested for cocaine, marijuana (THC, cannabinoids), phencyclidine (PCP), amphetamines (including methamphetamines), opiates (including heroin), benzodiazepines (including Valium and Xanax), barbiturates, methadone, propoxyphene, methaqualone (Quaalude), and ethanol (alcohol). Students with positive drug screen results are not accepted to participate in the program. These students forfeit all payments made to the program/FIU. International criminal background check ordered through the FIU HWCOM background screening website: https://fiuinternational.complio.com/


Florida International University APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Proof of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) certification: https://www.hipaaexams.com/compliance-trainingcourses/HIPAA-for-Health-Care-Workers-training Proof of basic life support (BLS) training certification Proof of health insurance One passport-sized photos; proper attire is required in photographs Copy of passport and visa. These documents must be valid and up to date Malpractice insurance


Florida International University ADMINISTRATIVE FEES The cost of a 4-week clinical elective rotation is $3,000. Once the rotation is confirmed, a link and/or electronic wire instructions will be sent. For more details regarding payment, please visiting the Institutions website.

ACCOMMODATION There is currently no information about availability and pricing of accommodation.

DURATION OF ELECTIVE Minimum of 4 weeks, maximum of 12 weeks


Florida International University SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE Consultation service and hospital visits occur at several sites during the rotation cycle. Below find a list of clinical elective rotations offered. Anaesthesiology Emergency Medicine Family Medicine Healthcare Administration & Management Internal Medicine Cardiology Critical Care Dermatology Gastroenterology Hospitalist Infectious Disease Nephrology Pain Management Pulmonology Wound Care Neurology OB/GYN

Ophthalmology Orthopedics Pathology Pediatrics Cardiology Emergency Medicine Gastroenterology Neonatology Perinatology Podiatry Psychiatry Radiology Research Surgery General Surgery Bariatric Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Plastic Surgery

For more information on the Outpatients Facilities and Hospital, please visit: https://medicine.fiu.edu/academics/degrees-andprograms/international-medical-students/affiliated-clinicalsites-and-faculty/index.html


Florida International University ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Cancellations must be submitted via email. Due to program demand, a penalty of 10% of the program cost will be charged per rotation cancelled. Any cancellations received 59–31 days prior to the start of the program are subject to a fee of 50% of the program cost. No shows and cancellations received 30 days or less prior to the start of the program are subject to the full program cost and no refunds will be given. Please note: cancellation fees are based upon the date the written request is received by FIU. Additionally, FIU shall have the right to cancel your participation in the program and you will not be eligible for a refund of any program costs, if all required program documents are not submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to your scheduled start date. Upon acceptance, all scheduled clinical elective dates are final. Any requested changes to the schedule shall result in an administrative fee of 10% of the total program cost. No more than two (2) changes on confirmed electives will be allowed. Program fee is valid for a year from the original payment date. Clinical electives are subject to change by the Office of International Affairs due to capacity. Students will not be penalized for clinical elective changes made by the Office of International Affairs.

CONTACT EMAIL int.med@fiu.edu

LINKS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION https://medicine.fiu.edu/academics/degrees-andprograms/international-medical-students/apply/index.html


National Institute of Health APPLICATION DATES Rotations start on the first Monday of every month. international students should apply at least 6 months before the elective start date.

APPLICATION FEES There is no application fee.

DURATION OF ELECTIVE Minimum of 4 weeks, maximum of 8 weeks. however, if accepted, a student may apply for a total of three (4 weeks long) electives in one academic year, thus a maximum of 12 weeks.


National Institute of Health APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS International medical students with a meaningful track record of scholarly activity, especially clinical or transitional research. published in reputable journals, or active engagement in mentored laboratory research, are welcomed to apply. Any foreign student entering the U.S. would require a B1 visa for business or a WB visa. You must be in good standing in your medical school. You must enter all of your medical school grades as Pass/Fail, or by a letter grade. For final grade-pending clerkship rotations, verification of a passing grade (not documented on the transcript) in writing from the director of the core clerkship is sufficient. You must have your school's approval to participate. International students must have both a reference letter from the Dean of Student Affairs (or equivalent) and a reference letter from a faculty member who has supervised your clinical activities; the Dean’s letter must state the Dean's title and mailing address. The following communication competency documentation is required: a) A foreign citizen attending an international medical school must provide evidence of proficiency in English communication skills either in the form of an Internet-based\ TOEFL (iBT) score or a documented passing grade on the USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills Exam. b) A U.K. or Australian citizen attending medical school in the U.K. or Australia must provide a letter from the school Dean attesting to both the student’s English language proficiency and the student’s competence in doctor-patient communication.


National Institute of Health APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS For students providing results of the ibT examination, the minimally acceptable scores are as follows: a) Minimum total score of 108 b) Minimum score of 28 on the listening subsection c) Minimum score of 28 on the speaking subsection. You must have completed core clerkship rotations in internal medicine, paediatrics and surgery prior to submission of your application. Students who are applying for rotations in Gynaecology, Women’s Health, Reproductive Endocrinology, or Psychiatry must have completed core clerkships in the appropriate discipline prior to submission of their application. Please do not send any protected health information (PHI) with your application. Only if you are accepted for a rotation will you be required to provide written documentation of the following: a) Negative Mantoux test (intermediate strength PPD) or, for individuals with a positive Mantoux test, a chest X-ray report (within the past 12 months). b) Tetanus/Diptheria booster (within the past 10 years). c) Rubeola vaccine or titer. d) Varicella vaccine or titer. e) Influenza A and B immunization (within the past 12 months). You are strongly encouraged to have begun or completed your Hepatitis B vaccine series at the time of application submission.

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National Institute of Health APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS In addition you must provide the following: 1. Professional liability insurance policy with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 annual aggregate, in U.S. dollars, that would cover you for the duration of your elective rotation at the NIH. By signing the NIH/School Clinical Electives Program agreement the school confirms that it will provide this coverage. If the school cannot provide this coverage, then you must purchase it individually. No student will be allowed to begin an elective rotation a NIH without documented professional liability insurance coverage. 2. Personal health insurance coverage for you during your elective at the NIH. By signing the NIH/School Clinical Electives Program agreement, the school confirms that it will provide this insurance. If the school cannot provide this insurance, you must purchase and maintain it for the duration of the rotation at NIH. No student will be allowed to begin an elective rotation without documented personal health insurance coverage. Application form can be found here: https://ocrtmeapps.cc.nih.gov/CEP/ Note: Applicants who cannot meet all of the above eligibility requirements will not be considered for an NIH Clinical Elective rotation. Requests for waivers of these requirements will not be considered unless extraordinary circumstances obtain.

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National Institute of Health SPECIALITIES AVAILABLE Alcoholism Biomedical Informatics Cardiology Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics for Senior Medical Students Endocrinology and Metabolism Health Services Hematology Hepatology The following rotations are limited to students enrolled in medical schools accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), or the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA), or dental schools accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA): Addiction Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Internal Medicine Consult Service, Medical Oncology, Pain and Palliative Care, Radiation Oncology, Surgical Oncology and Urologic Oncology.


National Institute of Health OTHER GENERAL INFORMATION The CEP is not optimal for international students, as an introduction to the health care system or practice of clinical medicine in the United States. International students should also note that CEP is not designed as a vehicle to enhance competitiveness for acceptance into US speciality or subspecialty graduate medical education training programs ("residencies or fellowships"). While a medical student interested in obtaining short-term, introductory experience with the U.S. healthcare system may submit an application, we do not encourage this approach. The CEP is more appropriate for students who are interested in obtaining experience with the medical care of patients enrolled in clinical research protocols and who have a career interest in highly subspecialized patient care. Students should bring their own white coat as students are not issued white coats during their electives.

CONTACT EMAIL AND LINKS FOR FURTHER INFO cep@mail.nih.gov https://www.cc.nih.gov/training/students/clinical_electives.html



Mr. and Mrs. Luke Go


Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lee


Amanda Woolfolk


Gabriel Fletcher


Lauren Aburdene


Ashley Faye McGrath


Calum Velandia Lucas Maione


Suzette Israelachvili


Niall Brillinger


The Charles UniversityHradec Kralove STATUS Open since there is no mention of it being closed.

APPLICATION DATES Maximum 6 months and minimum 2 months before your stay.

APPLICATION FEES Nothing mentioned on the website


The Charles UniversityHradec Kralove APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS For students of 4th or 5th year of study only (on their website, it was stated that they also accept 3rd years, however on their how to apply document: https://www.lfhk.cuni.cz/getattachment/0fe0aea3-a6db-462b8098-519110dddf53/ELECTIVE-How-to-apply.aspx; it is stated that electives are only for 4th and 5th year students. Institution has been contacted, and we are waiting for an answer). The stay is in English. In communication with Czech patients, the doctors will help you. How to apply: Send a short e-mail to the Head of the Departments, of your interest: https://www.lfhk.cuni.cz/Faculty/Organizationstructure/Departments/ (you can access the Head of each department by clicking on their respectives link). Introduce yourself, attach your CV and ask for ACCEPTATION in some convenient term. The head must agree with term of your stay! Also, write exactly what you will need to confirm at the end of your stay. Please do not contact more than one department at the same time. Wait for the reply about your acceptation and not early than 6 months, resend it to the email (written below) with the application form including all the attachment in a single email: https://www.lfhk.cuni.cz/Science,-Foreign-Relations/ForeignRelations/Elective-Study/


The Charles UniversityHradec Kralove APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Attachments include: CV Passport copy Vaccination Hepatitis B recent/within last 6 months evidence Acceptation (e-mail) by the head of the respective department Letter from your university stating your status and recommending you for the Elective study Transcript of Records Certificate of Insurance Hygiene protocol: https://www.lfhk.cuni.cz/getattachment/0202573c-9d324d7d-9e00-4c7a386fabbb/Hygieny-protocols-in-theoperating-theatre_cmf.aspx Information for Letter of Acceptance Then you will receive the official Letter of Acceptance to your home address by regular mail. When you buy a flight ticket, please inform Mrs. Boruvkova (the Hostel Na Kotli) about the date and time of your estimated arrival at the hostel. Also please send her your Letter of Acceptance. Then the key of your room will be prepared at the reception. The reception is open 24/7.


The Charles UniversityHradec Kralove APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS 14 days before you come, inform the head of the department, his secretary and Mrs. KlimeĹĄova and the Contact Email in copy, about the working day when you come to the department. You should be there at 7 am, unless informed otherwise by the head of department. On your first day between 1-2pm please go to the Faculty of Medicine to the Dean's Office (A203 International Relations) where you will be given the coupon you will need for ISIC (student ID card for University).

ADMINISTARTIVE FEES Elective study is free you will pay only for your living expenses (food, hostel and traveling).


For more information, please visit: https://www.lfhk.cuni.cz/Faculty/Organizationstructure/Departments/


The Charles UniversityHradec Kralove ACCOMMODATION Information from website: we will arrange for you in our hostel Na Kotli: https://www.lfhk.cuni.cz/Students/BasicInformation/Student%c2%b4s-Hostel-and-Canteen/Hostel-NaKotli/. Address: Na Kotli 1147, Hradec Králové, Telephone: +420 495763626, GPS: N 50°12.12275', E 15°50.65668' (Cross it in the Application Form and you won't need to book the hostel yourself.) You will pay approximately 3300 CZK/30 nights (€120.15/30 nights) cash on the first day of your arrival at the reception of the Hostel Na Kotli (contact person is Mrs. Boruvkova; iveta.boruvkova@kam.cuni.cz ) One can also book his/her own accomodation, on the condition that he/she/they will send the address of the chosen place to the Contact Email.


The Charles UniversityHradec Kralove DURATION OF ELECTIVE One month.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The Gynaecology and Dentistry Departments do not accept any elective students. Informative Video about the faculty: https://www.lfhk.cuni.cz/Faculty/About-faculty/ If you need a Buddy, contact our Buddy System (Kristýna Dolhá - CUNI manager of ESN Buddy System HK)via their email (cuni@buddyhk.cz) and fill in their registration form: http://www.oal.cuhk.edu.hk/index.php/study-abroad-aexchanges-for-visiting-students/term-time-exchangestudyabroad/downloads/buddy-programme-application-form How to get from Prague to Hradec: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsXMMbcvNjA Please let Monika Pazourkova (Contact Email) know immediately in case you cannot attend the Elective study with copy to the head of the department, his secretary and Mrs. Boruvkova in the hostel Na Kotli (should you have opted for the hostel stay). Please not that failure to take up your study here will be reported to your university.

CONTACT EMAIL pazourkovaM@lfhk.cuni.cz


Turkey Electives Masterlink INFORMATION ON APPLYING https://turkeyelectives.com/home Sign up and fill out a profile information form and application form by uploading your CV and necessary documents, specifying your top choices for programs. Then submit the deposit fee. By giving us a specialty and duration, our staff does its best to locate and secure a program that fits your needs. After we have the required information, we will place you and send you an initial confirmation email regarding your acceptance. Your spot is only held without payment for 72 hours. After this, it is reopened to other applicants.


Turkey Electives Masterlink INFORMATION ON APPLYING Payment is due upon receival of your initial confirmation via email. Elective fees shall be submitted in 72 hours after you receive your acceptance. You will be asked to sign the elective contract at the end of the application form. After you submit a full timely payment, your Official Invitation Letter will be ready and you will be able to access it from your account. Also please tell us about your arrival and departure details by filling in a logistics form, in case you need accommodation, do not forget to add your accommodation preference in the application form. For more information regarding accommodation please visit: https://turkeyelectives.com/accommodation Additional information can be accessed through the following link: http://turkeyelectives.com/site/home


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Electives '20-'21

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