Williamsburg Gazette
By: Sofia Vivas, Aviv Amdur, Nikolai GutierrezHernandez, Venumadhava Mirel, Shashank Pothu
“The Guide to the New Revolutionary City ”
Date published: Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Wonderful Williamsburg The brand new city of Williamsburg has now been founded! Our new Virginia capital, it has been said that it is the first city that was “planned.” Williamsburg was named after our honorable king, William The Third. Williamsburg is laid out with neighborhoods and streets in logical orders. Also including a wellordered path and beautiful capitol buildings built to accommodate the capital of one of the biggest colonies.The city has quickly become the center of political, religious, economic, cultural, and social life in Virginia. This paper tells you some interesting facts about schools and the jobs the city can offer.
Schools in Williamsburg There are three main types of schools that people can go to in Williamsburg.
William and Mary College William and Mary College is a school named after King William III and Queen Mary II. They gave the order to establish the school in 1963. In this school they teach reading, writing, and arithmetic to boys 12 to 15 years old. Older boys may learn to become priests in the Anglican Church. Only white boys are allowed to attend.
Jobs When you go around the streets, you could find many different shops where craftsmen work. These shops are called trade shops. Usually three people work in one shop. The masters usually own their own shops. Sometimes they hire people called, journeymen who are people that are skilled workers but do not own their own shops. Some jobs that you can get are, blacksmiths, coopers, shoemaking, millers, gunsmiths, farming, candle making,
Religion in Colonial Williamsburg In Virginia, the English colonists have an old family tradition to build a church. Colonial Williamsburg’s first kind of church was the Anglican Church. At first the people who were the leaders of the church
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and many other professions. The most Dame School popular job in Williamsburg is shoemaking. Dame Schools are schools Shoemakers make men for white girls. Female and women shoes and teachers work with boots. At least 912 students at their homes. shoemakers compete Girls learn cooking, against each other for sewing, prayers, the business. If someone alphabet, knitting, and needs a pair of unusual other skills related to shoes, then the taking care of the house shoemaker measures their and family. foot and make a pair of Slave and Native shoes just for them. Blacksmiths make objects American Schools out of iron like horseshoes. Not many slaves or Native Coopers make containers Americans get a formal like barrels. Millers ground education. However, there grain into flour. Gunsmiths are two small schools for made muskets. Some of nonwhite children. One is the merchants in town sell for slaves and one is for shoes from different places Native Americans. The like Britain. Also there is main purpose of these candle making. They make schools is to train boys to candles. So if you want become priests. money, then consider In all schools children are these jobs! taught manners. Examples of some manners are:
1. Respect others.
3. Don’t frighten your
4. Don’t humm or drum with your fingers or feet.
But citizens got their freedom to practice in their own religions. Anglican Church means “Church of England”. The Anglican Church is built in the center of town because the church is very important. These churches help support taxes too. Famous people attend these churches like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. This is Colonial Williamsburg’s religion
Taken Over The the men who helped with establishment got unhappy with the centralized church authority. They were taking over the parish vestries and the county court. The men did this to lock their forces on religious matter.
Rules in Colonial Williamsburg’s Anglican Churches
2. Don’t touch any part of your body that other people can’t see. friend.
didn’t want the citizens to practice other religions.
To vote, you have to participate in the Anglican Church. All white colonists have to attend church. When seated, the rich and important people sit in the front. Their slaves sit with them, too. The people that are not as rich and important sit in the back. Most people that sit in the middle are craftsmen. Students of the College of William and Mary sat in the balcony.
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The Pasteur and Galt’s
The Pasteur and Galt’s shop provides medical treatment, prescribes medicine, trains apprentices, and performs surgery. They sell more than medicines. They sell salad oil, candles, and more. Various medicines line the wall ,you can buy all of them. Pasteur and Galt make medicines for many ailments. They help all people with a price you can afford.All the medicines are made in shop. If you need a basic spice you can can buy it here. They do births, illnesses, and broken bones. Their shop has all you need from spices to surgerys.
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Bibliography Religion/URL: Religion/print :History Alive Jobs/print: History Alive Jobs/URL: History Book: Bower, Bert and Lobdell, Jim “Life in colonial Williamsburg” History Alive America’s Past Palo Alto, CA Teachers Curriculum Institute 2003 9091
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