K-8th grade
Middle School
Students learn to gather and use information appropriately and ethically and use social tools responsibly and safely beginning in Kindergarten.
MMS Middle School has implemented a computer lend/lease policy. Each student is assigned a laptop that he or she may transport to and from school on a daily basis.
Using the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE ) student standards as a guide, the students are introduced to the key applications they need to use in order to acquire literacy in understanding the impact of technology in our daily lives.
Students at MMS utilize laptop computers on a wireless network. Laptops and campus computers are strictly for educational use consistent with the educational goals of Millhopper Montessori School. Along with the opportunity this provides comes responsibility. Our Acceptable Use Policy is designed to give students and their families clear and concise guidelines regarding the appropriate use of laptops as well as other computers on the MMS campus.
Our curriculum is appropriate for the ages of the students. The school’s two websites give students the opportunity to practice at home what they’ve learned in class www.millhoppertech.com (K - 5th grades) www.m3sroxx.com (middle school)
www.millhoppertech.com (K - 5th grades)
Middle School uses blended instruction curriculums for its Spanish and Social Studies courses. In-class lessons, discussions, and activities are blended with an online/digital textbook and additional resources such as, assignments, projects, videos, activities, games, and assessment options.
Creativity Innovation Communication Collaboration Research Information fluency Critical Thinking Problem Solving
www.m3sroxx.com (middle school)
K- 8th grade
Research and Reference
Students utilize academic sources and learn to cite and reference. Scholastic Go ( begins in kindergarten) IPL2 (begins in third grade) Infotopia (begins in middle school)
The use of technology facilitates global collaboration, a vital skill for our 21st century learners.
Digital Communication
Starting in third grade students create brochures, posters and power points., starting in fourth students begin to create charts, budgets and websites. Microsoft Word (begins in first grade) Microsoft Power Point (begins in second grade) Microsoft Publisher (begins in third grade) Microsoft Excel (begins in fourth grade) Photoshop (begins in middle school) Yearbook (begins in middle school)
Our Technology course is designed to introduce students to various technologies, online programs and digital resources, that enhance assignments or units.
Social Network/Blogging
Google Apps Email (begins fourth grade) Goggle Apps Blogger (begins fourth grade) Google Apps for Education (begins fourth grade)
ABCMouse (kindergarten only) NetSmartz Kids (begins in kindergarten) Spelling City (begins in second grade) Studyladder (begins in second grade) Edutyping (begins in second grade) Typing Pal (begins in second grade)
Toon Boom (begins in fourth grade) Google Sketch Up (begins in middle school) Wacom Bamboo (begins in middle school) Animationish (begins in middle school) Flux Time Studio (begins in middle school) Scratch (begins in middle school)
Windows Movie Maker (begins fifth grade) Newsmaker (begins fifth grade) Power Director (begins in middle school) Green Screen Technology (begins in middle school)
Web Interfaces
Jupitergrades (begins in third grade) Glogster EDU (begins in fourth grade) Pixton for Schools (begins in fourth grade) Coding.org (begins in fourth grade) Weebly for Education (begins in fifth grade) WebEase (begins in middle school) Prezi (begins in middle school)
Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship are an important part of the technology curriculum which begins in Kindergarten.
Following the Montessori curriculum philosophy, students repeat the material at different grade levels, each time at a higher level of difficulty and in greater depth.
3D Modeling/Drawing/Animation
Video Production
Our digital world is not only Windows and Office. Students learn how to work with different kinds of tools to build real life computer skills.