跨性別性工作者藝術治療小誌 A Zine on The Art Psychotherapy Program for Transgender Sex Workers

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MIDNIGHHT BLUE 跨 性 別 性 工 作 者 藝 術 治 療 小 誌 午 夜 藍 A Zine on The Art Psychotherapy Program for Transgender Sex Workers
目錄 Contents 活動目的 Purpose 藝術治療流程設計理念 Design Concept of Art Therapy Process 參加者的故事與作品 Stories and Works of the Participants Aiden Ayu Kimi 沙優 Shayu Suru 同工的話 Words of Staff 關於午夜藍 About Midnight Blue 4 6 8 16 24 32 40 49 52

About this zine, we want to talk about... Artistic creation, trauma, companionship, and reclaiming the right to speak.

關於這小誌,我們想説的是 藝術創作、創傷、陪伴和重奪發聲權

活動目的 Purpose

這次藝術治療的對象,是一班已與午夜藍建立了深厚關係的跨性別 性工作者。他們因為性/別身份及於性工作行業中,承受著不同程度 的創傷:有為了追求自由來港的免遣返聲請者,其跨性別身分不被原 生國家接納,來港後亦因為從事性工作維生被捕,面對著制度的暴力 與牢籠;有非二元性別者,努力尋覓著自己的身分,但被周遭一切刺 痛,「性」成為麻醉自己的方法;有成長於不同年代的本地跨女,因為 經濟需要而加入性工作行列,他們有著不同的愛情觀,但都渴望得


我們相信藝術創作是人類最原始、最純粹的思想表達。每節完成創 作後,組員一起傾談、陪伴、感受和經歷,並在過程中學習相信自己, 相信他人,同時相信自己身上的藝術。這次的治療亦包含三節個人輔 導,治療師與他們深入探討內在糾結,讓他們整理自己的生命故事, 透過藝術釋放壓抑的情緒,轉化為成長的動力。

我們將藝術治療過程中的作品,聯同創作者本人的內心感受,整合成 這本小誌,讓大眾可以聆聽到他們的聲音。我們期望這樣的成品能 達到一種賦權,讓跨性別性工作者重奪發聲權,成為敘述自己身份的 主體,同時抗衡社會歧視及主流媒體的偏見。


The participants of this art therapy program are a group of transgender sex workers who have established a deep relationship with Midnight Blue. They have endured varying degrees of trauma due to their gender identity and involvement in the the sex work industry. Among them are asylum seekers who fled their countries of origin in pursuit of freedom, as they were rejected due to their transgender identity, only to face subsequent arrest for engaging in sex work in Hong Kong in order to make a living, experiencing systemic violence and confinement. There are also non-binary individuals, struggling to find their identity while dealing with pain and stigma in their surroundings, and resorting to sex as a way to numb their feelings. Some are local transgender women who entered the sex work industry out of economic need. They possess different perspectives on love but all yearn for affection, even if it is just a fleeting romance like Cinderella before the clock strikes midnight.

We believe that artistic creation is the most primal and pure form of expressing thoughts. At the end of each session, the team engages in discussions, accompanies one another, and collectively experiences and feels the art work, fostering self-belief, trust in others, and faith in the art within themselves. This therapy also included three individual counseling sessions, during which the therapist delved deep into their inner conflicts, aiding them in organizing their life stories, releasing repressed emotions through art, and transformed that into a drive for personal growth.

We have compiled the works created during the art therapy process, along with the creators’ inner reflections into this zine, allowing the public to listen to their voices. We hope that this product can empower transgender sexworkers to reclaim their voices, become the narrators of their own identities, and challenge the societal discrimination and the bias of mainstream media.



Design Concept of Art Therapy Process

在白紙面前,藝術創作實在不容易。因此,這次藝術治療工作坊避免 了傳統的畫紙和畫筆,而是以符號為起點,逐漸延伸至立體創作。

這個小組由説廣東話、英語和普通話的跨種族參加者組成。符號超越 了語言的限制,他們能以口頭、書面或其他方式進行溝通,表達自己

的思想、感覺和意圖,並理解其他組員的信息。同時,符號也是文化和 社會的核心元素。不同的文化擁有不同的符號體系,例如語言、象徵 和儀式。符號有助於傳遞文化 價值觀 、傳統和知識,並促進小組之間 的交流和共享。

觸感刺激在這個過程中扮演著重要的角色,因為它們 能夠 直接觸及 參加者的身體,幫助我們重新連結當下的感覺和真實經驗。

參加者是一個經歷長期壓力、焦慮和情緒困擾的社群。觸感刺激可以 觸發他們身體上的感受和反應,促使他們釋放壓力和負面情緒。這種 感官體驗有助於他們放鬆並釋放內心的緊張。同時,當他們專注於身 體上的感覺時,他們的注意力從心理上的負面情緒轉移到身體感知 上,打破了心理防禦的循環。這種身體意識有助於他們更全面地體驗 當下,並與內心的情緒建立聯繫。



Creating art in front of a blank canvas can be challenging. Therefore, this art therapy workshop takes a different approach by starting with symbols and gradually extending to threedimensional creations, avoiding traditional paper and brushes.

The group comprises participants from diverse backgrounds, including Cantonese, English, and Mandarin speakers. Symbols transcend language barriers, allowing them to communicate through spoken, written, or other means, expressing thoughts, feelings, and intentions to fellow group members and gaining understanding from them. Symbols are also essential elements of culture and society. Different cultures possess distinct symbol systems, such as language, symbols, and rituals. Symbols aid in conveying cultural values, traditions, and knowledge, fostering communication and sharing within the group.

Tactile stimulation plays a crucial role as it directly engages participants’ bodies, helping us reconnect with present sensations and real experiences.

The participants are a community under pressure, enduring longterm stress, anxiety, and emotional distress. Tactile Stimulation triggers bodily sensations and responses, allowing them to release stress and negative emotions. This sensory experience helps them relax and alleviate inner tension. By focusing on bodily sensations, their attention shifts from negative psychological emotions, breaking the cycle of psychological defense. This bodily awareness enables them to fully experience the present moment and establish a connection with their inner emotions.

U.K. Registered Art Psychotherapist Leung Ching Wan, Gigi



AIDEN熱愛閱讀和思考,他對知識的渴望和思辨能力使他成為 一位深思熟慮的思考者。AIDEN同時也是一位跨性別人士,他的 性別認同為生活帶來了各種挑戰和困難,他必須應對社會對於 性/別的觀念和期待,並從中找到自己在這個多元世界中的定位。

此外,AIDEN擁有高度敏感的感官,使他更容易被外界刺激,這也 可能使他在工作上面對更多挑戰,需要更加努力地調適和處理這 些刺激。

然而,這些困難並未阻止AIDEN持續思考和討論性/別議題,他 喜歡和他人探討性/別在社會、宗教、哲學等層面上的重要性和 影響,希望通過這些討論來促進社會對於性/別多樣性的理解和 接受。

AIDEN的經歷和思考展示了他對知識和性/別議題的熱情,儘管 面臨著不同的挑戰,他仍然保持著開放的心態和對深入討論的渴 望,並致力於促進社會進步和多元化。



Aiden loves reading and contemplating, and their thirst for knowledge and ability to think critically makes them a deliberate thinker. At the same time Aiden is a transgender individual, who faces various challenges and difficulties in their life. They have to confront society’s notions and expectations regarding gender and find their place in this diverse world.

In addition to that, Aiden possesses highly sensitive senses, making them more sensitive to external stimuli. This may pose challenges in their work and require extra effort to regulate and cope with these stimuli.

Nevertheless, these difficulties do not deter Aiden from continuing to contemplate and discuss gender issues. They enjoy engaging with others in exploring the significance and impact of gender in social, religious, philosophical, and other aspects. Aiden hopes to promote understanding and acceptance of gender diversity through these discussions.

Aiden’s experiences and thoughts demonstrate their passion for knowledge and issues regarding gender and sexuality. Despite facing different challenges, Aiden maintains an open-minded attitude and a desire for indepth discussions, and they is committed to fostering social progress and diversity.




Aiden設計了一個看似在跳躍的人形符號來代表自己。這個符號 同時也像一根釘子,寓意著堅韌和挑戰,象徵著作為跨性別人士 在生活中所面臨的困難和挑戰。

這個符號呈現了Aiden對於思考和探索性/別議題的雀躍心情。 儘管跨性別者面臨著許多社會和心理壓力,但Aiden堅定地表達 自己,並積極地思考和探索性/別議題。

這個符號也彰顯了Aiden的勇氣和創造力,這個符號不僅是一個 身份的象徵,也是Aiden思考和表達自己的工具。

Aiden designed a symbol that resembles a jumping figure to represent themselves. This symbol also resembles a nail, symbolizing resilience and challenges, representing the difficulties and challenges faced by transgender individuals in their lives.

The symbol reflects Aiden’s enthusiastic mindset towards reflecting on and exploring gender issues. Despite the numerous social and psychological pressures that transgender individuals face, Aiden confidently expresses themselves and is actively engaged in thinking and exploring gender issues.

This symbol also highlights Aiden’s courage and creativity. It is not only a representation of identity but also a tool for Aiden to think and express themselves.



Transforming the symbol into three-dimensional artwork



Close-up of Aiden's artwork

圖二:將符號轉化成立體的作品 13
Aiden的作品 Aiden’s artwork
A Letter from Aiden to oneself Aiden寫給自己的信 14

掃描二維碼聆聽Aiden的信件 (建議打開字幕)

Scan the QR code to listen to the letter form Aiden (Close Caption is available)


「為何人物都倒轉呢?因為我做了很多不是我份內的事,我 當了個爸爸,我當了個丈夫,我當了個家庭醫生,我當了個情 緒輔導員,也當了自己的父母,所以看起來很多東西都反地 心吸力。」

Excerpt from the letter:

"Why are the figurines up-side-down? Because I've done a lot of things that not supposed to be my job, I've been a dad, I've been a husband, I've been a family doctor, I've been an emotional counselor, I've been my own parent, so it seems like a lot of the things are anti-gravity."




AYU是一位從印尼來香港的難民,已在香港生活十多年。雖然生 活拮据,但她的樂天性格從未改變。常聽她說 “It’s okay for me!”

她不喜歡為別人增添麻煩。雖然很多事情都對她來說很隨意,但 有些事情卻很堅持,譬如一些宗旨。她深信愛不應該受到任何限 制,無論國籍、性別、語言、文化都不應該成為障礙。

AYU的開放態度讓她對身邊事物有更深刻的理解和看法。她相信 人與人之間的差異是 值 得尊重的,這種想法也深深影響了她的生 活態度。即使生活困難,AYU仍然能夠以積極樂觀的心態面對。

對於AYU來說,未來的日子或許充滿著不確定性,但她相信自己充 滿著想像力和可能性。即使未來的路上有著無數的障礙,她相信自 己的勇氣和毅力能夠克服所有的困難。


About AYU

Ayu is a refugee from Indonesia who came to Hong Kong and has been living here for over a decade. Despite financial struggles, her optimistic personality has never changed. You often hear her say, “It’s okay for me!” She dislikes burdening others. While many things are casual to her, there are certain principles she firmly adheres to. She strongly believes that love should not be limited by nationality, gender, language, or culture.

Ayu’s open-mindedness allows her to have a deeper understanding and perspective on things around her. She believes that differences between people are worthy of respect, and this belief profoundly influences her approach to life. Even in the face of challenges, Ayu remains positive and optimistic.

For Ayu, the future may be filled with uncertainties, but she believes in her imagination and possibilities. Despite numerous obstacles that may lie ahead, she has faith in her courage and determination to overcome any difficulties.




Ayu渴望以直率的表達方式展現對生活的想像力。她希望自己能 像畫作一樣,能夠快樂、輕鬆和勇敢地面對生活中的各種難關。

對於Ayu來說,直率的表達意味著她能 夠 毫不保留地展現自己的 情感、思想和想像力。她不會被社會對於正確與錯誤的界定所束 縛,而是追求真實和純粹的表達。這種直率的態度使她能 夠 在畫 作中展現她內心深處的喜怒哀樂,並以真實的方式傳達給觀眾。

Ayu aspires to express her imagination towards life in a straightforward manner. She hopes to be able to face the various challenges in life with happiness, ease, and courage, just like a painting.

For Ayu, straightforward expression means being able to showcase her emotions, thoughts, and imagination without reservation. She is not bound by society’s definitions of right and wrong but instead pursues genuine and pure expression. This candid attitude allows her to reveal her inner joys and sorrows through her artwork and convey them to the audience in an authentic way.

Ayu’s artwork 20
Close-up of Aiden's artwork.
的作品 Aiden’s artworks.將符號轉化成立體的作品 Transforming the symbol into three-dimensional artwork 參觀大館的展覽 Tai Kwun Visit 21

掃描二維碼聆聽Ayu的信件 (建議打開字幕)

Scan the QR code to listen to the letter form Ayu (Close Caption is available)


「我真的很自豪因為我自覺做得很好,譬如我剛剛去了遠 足、製作了影片、做了一頓好吃的或其他事情。真的,我感到 自豪,因為我做到了。」

Excerpt from the letter:

“I’m really proud as I’m doing well, like when I’m just done hiking or making videos or cooking or anything. Yes I’m feeling proud, because I made it.” Ayu




KIMI是一位身型纖細、皮膚嫩白的年輕人。從小起,她就一直夢想 著成為一位女生,但她的家人卻對她有別的期望。家人對於跨性 別的理解和接受度有限,他們希望KIMI能夠 遵從傳統價 值 觀和社

會期望。然而,對於KIMI來說,她深深明白自己的身份和內心的渴 望,她想要真實地展現自己,不再被外界的期待束縛。

KIMI希望找到一位愛惜自己的男朋友,一個能 夠 接納她的身份和

愛她的人。她希望男朋友不只是單純地喜歡她的外表,而是真正了 解她的內在,並渴望和男友建立一個互相扶持、彼此尊重的關係, 與她一同面對挑戰,並給予她支持和鼓勵。

對於KIMI來說,找到一位愛惜自己的男朋友並不容易,她知道這需 要時間和耐心。然而,她相信當她真正展現自己的內在美和堅定的 信念時,遇到那個特別的人終將不再是難題。 24

About KIMI

Kimi is a young individual with a slender figure and fair complexion. Since childhood, she has always dreamt of becoming a woman, but her family doesn’t share the same views. Her family has limited understanding and acceptance of transgender identities, and they hope that Kimi will adhere to traditional values and societal expectations. However, for Kimi, she deeply understands her identity and inner desires. She wants to authentically express herself and no longer be bound by external expectations. She hopes to find a boyfriend who cherishes and accepts her identity, and loves her for who she is.

Kimi desires someone who sees beyond her physical appearance and truly understands her essence. She longs to establish a supportive and mutually respectful relationship with her partner, someone who will stand by her side in the face of challenges, and provide her with support and encouragement.

Finding a boyfriend who cherishes her is not an easy task for Kimi. She knows that it requires time and patience. However, she believes that when she truly showcases her inner beauty and unwavering beliefs, meeting that special person will no longer be an obstacle.




Kimi喜愛美麗事物,她相信花朵在大自然中的綻放是一種自然 美。她覺得花朵旁的水流像是河岸上那些美麗的花朵一樣迷人。 她渴望自己能像花朵一樣散發出美麗的光彩,展現自己的獨特之 處。Kimi相信,就像花朵經歷成長和開放的過程一樣,她也能在生 活中找到屬於自己的美麗和成長。

Kimi appreciates beautiful things and believes that the blossoming of flowers in nature represents a kind of natural beauty. She finds the flowing water beside the flowers as enchanting as the lovely flowers on the riverbank. She wishes to radiate like the flowers and showcase her uniqueness. Kimi believes that, just like the process of growth and blooming of flowers, she can find her own beauty and growth in life. She aspires to discover her inner beauty, just like a blooming flower, and bring positive influence to the world.

Kimi的作品 Kimi’s artwork 28

將符號轉化成立體的作品 Transforming the symbol into three-dimensional artwork


掃描二維碼聆聽Kimi的信件 (建議打開字幕)

Scan the QR code to listen to the letter form Kimi (Close Caption is available)


「我想同爸爸講,其實 咁 多年嚟我都係好做自己,我有努力去 探索、追尋自己想要嘅野,我走嘅每一步從來都無後悔過。」

Excerpt from the letter:

“I want to tell my father that I’ve been true to myself all these years, working hard to explore and pursue my passions without any regrets.”




沙優是一位率直且平易近人的女性,樂於幫助身邊的朋友和同事, 她的名字代表著沙漠中的優雅和堅韌。

作為一位跨性別人士,沙優始終照顧著原本的家庭。這對她來說 是一個不容易平衡的課題,需要勇氣和毅力來克服,同時也需要時 間來找到平衡點。然而,她始終堅守著這個原則,不撒謊,不欺騙 她的伴侶,並坦誠地面對自己的真實身份。

現在,沙優的生活是美滿的。她從事的工作給予她滿足感,同時她 的家人也非常包容和支持她,她感謝這份美滿,並珍惜所擁有的 一切。

沙優的故事展示了她作為一位跨性別人士的勇敢和真實。她不僅 照顧家庭,也追求自己的幸福和成就,同時展示了平衡家庭與個人 需求的可能性。



Shayu is a straightforward and approachable woman who is always willing to help her friends and colleagues. Her name represents the elegance and resilience found in the desert.

Shayu is a transgender individual who continues to care for her family. Balancing these aspects of her life is not an easy task and requires courage, perseverance, and time to find equilibrium. However, she remains steadfast in her principles, never lying or deceiving her partner, and facing her true identity with honesty.

Today, Shayu’s life is fulfilling. Her work brings her a sense of satisfaction, and her family is incredibly accepting and supportive, for which she is grateful. She cherishes everything she has and the happiness it brings.

Shayu’s story exemplifies her courage and authenticity as a transgender individual. Not only does she care for her family, she also pursues her own happiness and achievements, demonstrating the possibility of balancing both familial and personal needs.




沙優選擇以日系風格的自畫像來呈現自己的形象。這幅畫中的女 生擁有長髮和一個可愛的蝴蝶結,展現了她作為一個女性的外貌 特徵。

這幅自畫像不僅是沙優的個人喜好,也代表著她對日本文化和美 學的欣賞。日系風格融合了細膩的線條、柔和的色彩和可愛的元 素,給人一種溫暖和平靜的感覺。

這幅畫作反映了沙優對自身女性身份的認同和欣賞。她以女性的 外表為傲,並在日系風格的自畫像中展現了這份自豪感。這也是她 向世界展示她真實自我的一種方式。

Shayu chose to present herself in a self-portrait in a Japanese style. The girl in this painting has long hair and a cute bow, showcasing her feminine features.

This self-portrait not only reflects Shayu’s personal preferences but also represents her appreciation for Japanese culture and aesthetics. The Japanese style combines delicate lines, soft colors, and adorable elements, giving a warm and serene feeling.

The artwork reflects Shayu’s identification with and appreciation for her female identity. She takes pride in her feminine appearance and showcases this sense of pride in the Japanese-style self-portrait. It is also a way for her to show the world her true self. 35

沙優的作品 Shayu’s artwork 36
沙優的作品及信件 Shayu’s artwork and letter 設計符號 Designing symbol 37



Scan the QR code to listen to the letter form Shayu (Close Caption is available)

「我都好後悔無認認真真俾你(前度)感受我係一個咩人,無 好好享受同你一齊嘅時間,就算依家我有其他男人中意我、 想同我一齊都好,都好似無法代替到你,我仲好記得你點同 我求婚、喺地鐵站錫住我、喺酒吧陪住我偷偷哋攬我。」

Excerpt from the letter:

“I regret not letting you (ex-partner) know me, not enjoying the time being with you. Even if another man approached me, it seems that they can’t replace you. I still remember the time you proposed to me, kissed me in the MTR, secretly hugged me in a bar.”




從封建國家逃到香港,這位名叫SURU的難民,一直以來都深深 感受到自己的不同。在原本的出生地,她想要成為一個女生,但這 種想法是受到了當地宗教文化的強烈反對和歧視。尤其是在佛教 上的信仰。在佛教的教義中,上一輩子的罪孽會影響當下的命運,SURU相信自己是因為上輩子背叛婚姻,所以在這輩子中成為了

一個跨性別人士,需受到種種不公正的待遇和挫折。但是,她決定 不再讓這樣的循環繼續下去,因此立定心志終身單身。

來到香港後,SURU的處境並未改善。她不能工作,經常遭到居民 的歧視和欺凌。但沒有了宗教的枷鎖,她開始積極探索自己的身份 認同,穿上女裝、化妝,並且尋求心理輔導來幫助自己度過這個艱 難的過程。同時,她也向外界宣傳跨性別的權利,同時也在學習為 自己的權利發聲。她希望透過自己的努力和行動,能

夠 為社會帶來



About SURU

Suru, a refugee who fled from a feudal country to Hong Kong, has always felt deeply aware of her uniqueness. In her country of origin, Suru wished to be a girl, but this desire faced strong opposition and discrimination from the local religious and cultural beliefs, particularly in Buddhism. According to Buddhist teachings, sins from past lives can affect one’s current fate, and Suru believed that in this lifetime she had become a transgender person, subjected to various forms of unjust treatment and setbacks, as a result of betraying marriage in a previous life. However, she decided to break this cycle and made a lifelong commitment to remain single.

Upon arriving in Hong Kong, Suru’s situation did not improve. She faced discrimination and harassment from residents and was unable to work. However, liberated from the shackles of religion, Suru began actively exploring her gender identity, dressing in feminine clothing, wearing makeup, and seeking psychological counseling to navigate through this difficult process. Additionally, she advocated for transgender rights and learned to voice her own rights. Suru hopes that through her efforts and actions, society can gain a deeper understanding and empathy, fostering a more diverse and inclusive world.




Suru設計了一個直視眼前卻默默流淚的女孩符號來代表自己。這 個符號象徵著她內心的矛盾和困苦,以及她在面對困難時所流露 的淚水。

原生國家對於跨性別人士的態度十分保守,不容許他們存在。即 使來到香港,情況也沒有太大改善。Suru仍然面臨著各種困難和 歧視。

這個符號代表了Suru的勇氣和堅持。她以堅強的姿態面對著生活 中的困境,並希望透過自己的努力和行動,為跨性別者爭取更多 的平等和尊重。

Suru designed a symbol of a girl looking straight ahead while silently shedding tears to represent herself. This symbol symbolizes the inner conflicts and hardships she experiences, as well as the tears she sheds while facing difficulties.

The attitude towards transgender individuals in Suru’s native country is highly conservative, where their very existence is not accepted. Even after coming to Hong Kong, the situation hasn’t improved significantly. Suru continues to face various challenges and discrimination.

This symbol represents Suru’s courage and perseverance. She confronts the hardships of life with a strong stance and hopes to advocate for greater equality and respect for transgender individuals through her efforts and actions.


Transforming the symbol into three-dimensional artwork


Tai Kwun Visit

Suru的作品 Suru’s artwork 45

掃描二維碼聆聽SURU的信件 (建議打開字幕)

Scan the QR code to listen to the letter form SURU (Close Caption is available)


「Covid疫苗讓我很難過。我很累,總是去醫院問如何打疫 苗。不能打疫苗的話,我會很擔心。」

Excerpt from the letter:

“I am so sad because of my covid vaccine. I am tired now, always going to hospital and asking about how to get the vaccine. You know I am very worried that if I don’t have vaccines.”


身體不舒服,大家都知道去看醫生,但對於內在的創傷,人們卻未必願意尋找輔導 及治療。我們的社群如是,我們兩位同事亦如是。這次藝術治療小組開啟了我們學


第一次舉辦藝術治療小組,我們摸著石頭過河,在最初的招募階段已經遇到阻礙: 由於參加者從未接觸過這類服務,他們一度以為這是繪畫興趣班,幾經解釋後亦 只是一知半解,如同接受了一個陌生及充滿困難的挑戰。

這也是我們第一次把背景多元的社群聚在一起。跨性別性工作者通常都是獨立工 作的,今次他們需要卸下心防,才能一起進入小組。我們與參加者一起分享個人故 事、面對自己的想法、聆聽大家的觀點,把感受化成作品,植下希望的樹苗,這個過 程殊不容易。

回想同事們起初次分享時的 尷 尬、害怕、不適,想必參加者的感受更深。然而他們 卻接受了我們,與我們分享私密的個人故事,衷心感謝五位參加者對活動的全情 投入,以及對午夜藍的信任,與我們一起經歷新的嘗試。

我們提供的安排往往未盡完美,例如活動需以中英雙語進行,我們經過數節的實 驗才找到較有效的溝通模式。感謝治療師 Gigi,她不但悉心安排每一節內容,更啟 發我們不斷反思自己的角色及介入手法,讓我們感受到藝術及治療的力量。

我們亦非常感謝 HER Fund 提供了這次機會,不僅是金錢資助,更讓我們感受到 滿滿的支持。他們持續舉辦工作坊支援同工,過程中亦為我們提供寶貴的意見。另

Fund 給予我們很大的彈性,令活動發展出意料之外的可能性。小組 歷時大半年,或許短短的時間內成效有限,但我們看到參加者們樂在其中的模樣, 並從困惑到逐漸意識到自己的心理健康。這一切已遠超出我們所期望。

最後再一次感謝參加者,願意把這些不安、凌亂、不斷演變的故事分享給大家,希 望大家都能和我們一樣從他們身上學習到很多︰Ayu對生活的積極態度、Kimi 的 直率坦蕩、沙優的情感豐富、Aiden的想法及創造力,和Suru的心思縝密。相信大 家也會和我們一樣,被他們的藝術作品所感動。


Words of Staff

Physical discomfort is something that everyone knows to seek medical treatment for, but when it comes to internal trauma, people may not be able or willing to seek counseling or therapy. This is what we found happening within the transgender community and also with Midnight Blue’s colleagues. This group was many of our colleagues’ and community members’ first experiences with art therapy. It was a learning journey for all of us.

During our first art therapy group, we were figuring things out as we went along. We faced obstacles in the initial recruitment stage: Since the participants had never been exposed to such services, they initially thought it was a painting class. Even after multiple explanations and only having a partial understanding of the activity, they accepted it as an unfamiliar challenge.

This was also the first time we brought together the diverse trangender sex worker community. Transgender sex workers usually work independently, but in group therapy they needed to let their guard down. We shared personal stories, faced our own thoughts, listened to each other’s perspectives, turned our feelings into artwork, and planted trees of hope. This process was not easy. Recalling our own embarrassment, fear, and discomfort, it is likely that the participants’ feelings were even greater. However, they accepted us and shared their private personal stories. We sincerely thank the five participants for their full commitment to the activity and their trust in Midnight Blue, allowing us to experience this new activity together.

Our arrangements were not always perfect. For example, the activity had to be conducted in both Cantonese and English, and we had to experiment with several communication methods before finding an effective one. We thank our therapist Gigi, who not only diligently arranged every session but also inspired us to constantly reflect on our roles and intervention methods, allowing us to feel the power of art and counseling.

We are also very grateful to HER Fund for supporting this opportunity. They not only provided financial support but also provided valuable opinions and made us feel fully supported. On the other hand, HER Fund gave us great flexibility, allowing the activity to develop unexpected possibilities. They continue to hold workshops to support our colleagues. Although the small group lasted just over six months and results may be limited in such a short time, we saw the participants enjoying themselves with art. They gradually became aware of their psychological health, which far exceeded our expectations.

Finally, we want to thank the participants once again for being willing to share these stories of discomfort, confusion, and constant evolution with everyone. We hope everyone can learn as much from them as we did: Ayu’s positive attitude towards life, Kimi’s frankness and boldness, Sayu’s abundance of emotion, Aiden’s fresh ideas and creativity, and Suru’s meticulousness. We believe everyone will be touched by their artwork, just like we were.



About Midnight Blue

午夜藍是一個於 2006 年成立的民間團體,成員包括性/別研究學者、性工作者、勞 工組織工作者等關注性工作議題及性小眾權益的人士。我們致力建立男性及跨性別 性工作者的互助網絡,相信「性工作是工作」,並維護性工作者權益。

除了性工作者權益,午夜藍亦致力推動性/別平等,包括跨性別人士的平等機會及人 權。我們透過政策倡議,爭取改善跨性別人士在囚期間的待遇,推動跨性別友善的法 制改革,並爭取本港訂立性別承認法。另一方面,我們亦透過公眾教育,增加社會大眾 對跨性別人士的認識和接納。

Midnight Blue is a organization established in 2006, consisting of individuals who are concerned about sex work issues and the rights of sexual minorities, including gender and sexuality researchers, sex workers, and labor organization workers. We are committed to building a support network for male and transgender sex workers, believing that “sex work is work” and advocating for the rights of sex workers.

In addition to sex workers’ rights, Midnight Blue is also committed to promoting gender and sexuality equality, including equal opportunities and human rights for transgender individuals. Through policy advocacy, we strive to improve the treatment of transgender individuals during incarceration, promote transgender-friendly legal reforms, and advocate for gender recognition legislation in Hong Kong. On the other hand, we also increase public education to increase social awareness and acceptance of transgender individuals.

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