2020 Update of the Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters

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Pupil Yield Factors& Public School Clusters 2020 Update


Prince George’s County Planning Department



February 2020


2020 Update of the Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters


2020 Update of the Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters for the Prince George’s County Public Schools


The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Planning Agency

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Source of copies

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission 14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive Upper Marlboro, MD 20772

Series number 835202405 Number of pages 68

This study updates the pupil yield factors which are used in the regulatory review of preliminary plans of subdivision. These factors are used to measure the impact that a new subdivision will have on the public schools that might serve the proposed subdivision. To determine the schools that might be impacted by a proposed subdivision, school clusters are created and updated by the Planning Department. The school clusters are also part of this update.

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Prince George’s County Planning Department

Pupil Yield Factors& Public School Clusters 2020 Update


Prince George’s County Planning Department

February 2020 The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission Prince George’s County Planning Department 14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 www.pgplanning.org

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission Casey Anderson, Chairman Elizabeth M. Hewlett, Vice Chairman Officers Asuntha Chiang-Smith, Executive Director Joseph Zimmerman, Secretary-Treasurer Adrian R. Gardner, General Counsel The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) is a bicounty agency, created by the General Assembly of Maryland in 1927. The Commission’s geographic authority extends to the great majority of Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties: the MarylandWashington Regional District (M-NCPPC planning jurisdiction) comprises 1,001 square miles, while the Metropolitan District (parks) comprises 919 square miles, in the two counties. The Commission has three major functions: • The preparation, adoption, and, from time to time, amendment or extension of the General Plan for the physical development of the Maryland-Washington Regional District. • The acquisition, development, operation, and maintenance of a public park system. • In Prince George’s County only, the operation of the entire county public recreation program. The Commission operates in each county through a Planning Board appointed by and responsible to the County government. All local plans, recommendations on zoning amendments, administration of subdivision regulations, and general administration of parks are responsibilities of the Planning Boards.

The Prince George’s County Planning Department: • Our mission is to help preserve, protect and manage the County’s resources by providing the highest quality planning services and growth management guidance and by facilitating effective intergovernmental and citizen involvement through education and technical assistance. • Our vision is to be a model planning department of responsive and respected staff who provide superior planning and technical services and work cooperatively with decision makers, citizens, and other agencies to continuously improve development quality and the environment and act as a catalyst for positive change PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PLANNING BOARD

Elizabeth M. Hewlett, Esq., chairman

Dorothy F. Manuel R. William Bailey, vice Geraldo Doerner chair

A. Shuanise Washington


Casey Anderson, chairman

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Natali FaniGonzalez, vice chair

Gerald R. Cichy

Tina Patterson

Partap Verma

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Prince George’s County Angela Alsobrooks, County Executive

County Council The County Council has three main responsibilities in the planning process: (1) setting policy, (2) plan approval, and (3) plan implementation. Applicable policies are incorporated into area plans, functional plans, and the general plan. The Council, after holding a hearing on the plan adopted by the Planning Board, may approve the plan as adopted, approve the plan with amendments based on the public record, or disapprove the plan and return it to the Planning Board for revision. Implementation is primarily through adoption of the annual Capital Improvement Program, the annual Budget, the water and sewer plan, and adoption of zoning map amendments. COUNCIL MEMBERS Thomas E. Dernoga, 1st District Deni Taveras, 2nd District Dannielle Glaros, 3rd District Todd M. Turner, 4th District, Council Chair Jolene Ivey, 5th District Derrick L. Davis, 6th District Rodney Streeter, 7th District Monique Anderson-Walker, 8th District Sydney J. Harrison, 9th District Mel Franklin, At-large Calvin Hawkins, At-large, Council Vice Chair Clerk of the Council: Donna J. Brown

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Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Pupil Yield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2019 Methodology and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Pupil Yield/Student Generation Rates for Prince George’s County and Other Local Jurisdictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Prince George’s County, Maryland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Anne Arundel County, Maryland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Arlington County, Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Charles County, Maryland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Fairfax County, Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Howard County, Maryland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Loudoun County, Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Montgomery County, Maryland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Public School Clusters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Legislative Background for Public School Facilities Test and School Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Methodology for the Update of Public School Cluster Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Updated Public Schools Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Cluster Area 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Cluster Area 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Cluster Area 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Cluster Area 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Cluster Area 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Cluster Area 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

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Appendix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Appendix A. Historical Pupil Yield Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Appendix B. Current County Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Appendix C. New, Adopted Subdivision Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Future Subdivision Ordinance Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Appendix D. SY2019-2020 Official Enrollment by School and Grade . . . . . . . . 59 Appendix E. Transit Oriented Development and Pupil Yield/Student Generation Rates in Prince George’s County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Project Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

List of Maps Map 1. 2019 Pupil Yield Survey Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Map 2. Prince George’s County Public School Cluster Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Map 3. Cluster Area 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Map 4. Cluster Area 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Map 5. Cluster Area 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Map 6. Cluster Area 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Map 7. Cluster Area 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Map 8. Cluster Area 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Map 9. Transit District Overlay Zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

List of Tables Table 1. Prince George’s County 2020 Pupil Yield Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Table 2. Latest Pupil Yield Factors by Jurisdictions for Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Table 3. Prince George’s County 2020 Pupil Yield Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Table 4. Hypothetical Pupil Yield in Prince George’s County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Table 5. Anne Arundel County Student Generation Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Table 6. Hypothetical Pupil Yield in Anne Arundel County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Table 7. Arlington County Student Generation Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Table 8. Hypothetical Pupil Yield in Arlington County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Table 9. Charles County Student Yield Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Table 10. Hypothetical Pupil Yield in Charles County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Table 11. Fairfax County Student Yield Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Table 12. Hypothetical Pupil Yield in Fairfax County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Table 13. Howard County—2015 through 2017 Student Yield from New Units 21 Table 14. Hypothetical Pupil Yield in Howard County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Table 15. Loudoun County—2018 Student Generation Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

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List of Tables (continued) Table 16. Hypothetical Pupil Yield in Loudoun County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Table 17. Montgomery County—Countywide Student Generation Rates . . . . . 23 Table 18. Montgomery County—Regional Student Generation Rates . . . . . . . . 24 Table 19. Hypothetical Pupil Yield in Montgomery County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Table 20. Cluster Area 1 Schools Feeder Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Table 21. Cluster Area 1 Elementary Schools Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . . . 30 Table 22. Cluster Area 1 Middle Schools Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Table 23. Cluster Area 1 High Schools Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Table 24. Cluster Area 2 Schools Feeder Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Table 25. Cluster Area 2 Elementary Schools Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . 34 Table 26. Cluster Area 2 Middle Schools Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . . . . . . 35 Table 27. Cluster Area 2 Academies Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Table 28. Cluster Area 2 High Schools Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Table 29. Cluster Area 3 Schools Feeder Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Table 30. Cluster Area 3 Elementary Schools Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . 39 Table 31. Cluster Area 3 Middle Schools Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Table 32. Cluster Area 3 Academies Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Table 33. Cluster Area 3 High Schools Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Table 34. Cluster Area 4 Schools Feeder Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Table 35. Cluster Area 4 Elementary Schools Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . 43 Table 36. Cluster Area 4 Middle Schools Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . . . . . . 43 Table 37. Cluster Area 4 Academies Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Table 38. Cluster Area 4 High Schools Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Table 39. Cluster Area 5 Schools Feeder Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Table 40. Cluster Area 5 Elementary Schools Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . 47 Table 41. Cluster Area 5 Middle Schools Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Table 42. Cluster Area 5 High Schools Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Table 43. Cluster Area 6 Schools Feeder Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Table 44. Cluster Area 6 Elementary Schools Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . 51 Table 45. Cluster Area 6 Middle Schools Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . . . . . . 51 Table 46. Cluster Area 6 Academies Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Table 47. Cluster Area 6 High Schools Enrollment and Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Table 48. Historical Pupil Yield Calculations—Pupil Yield Factors 1985 . . . . . . . 53 Table 49. Historical Pupil Yield Calculations—Pupil Yield Factors 1990 . . . . . . . 53 Table 50. Historical Pupil Yield Calculations—Pupil Yield Factors 1996 . . . . . . . 53 Table 51. Historical Pupil Yield Calculations—Pupil Yield Factors 1999 . . . . . . . . 54 Table 52. Historical Pupil Yield Calculations—Pupil Yield Factors 2008 . . . . . . . 54 Table 53. Historical Pupil Yield Calculations—Pupil Yield Factors 2014 . . . . . . . . 54 Table 54. Pupil Yield Factors for Multifamily Housing in the TDOZs . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Table 55. Prince George’s County 2020 Multifamily Pupil Yield Factor . . . . . . . 64 Table 56. Hypothetical Multifamily Pupil Yield for the TDOZs in Prince George’s County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Page 8 • Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Introduction Periodically, the Prince George’s County Planning Department updates the pupil yield factors that are used in the regulatory review of preliminary plans of subdivision. These factors are used to measure the impact that a new subdivision will have on the public schools that might serve the proposed subdivision. To determine the schools that might be impacted by a proposed subdivision, school clusters are created by the Planning Department. The Planning Department staff also reviewed the school clusters. In this update, Planning Department staff has divided the report into two parts. The first part of the report will provide the methodology and results of the updated pupil yield numbers, and finally a survey of pupil yield or student generation rates from surrounding counties in Maryland (Anne Arundel, Charles, Howard, and Montgomery Counties) and Virginia (Arlington, Fairfax, and Loudoun Counties). The appendix constains the multifamily pupil yield in the existing Transit District Overlay Zones ( for

Prince George’s County Planning Department

informational purposes only), calculated at the request of the Economic Development Corporation, and a review of the historical pupil yield numbers used in Prince George’s County. The second part of the report will update the clusters used in the schools section of the public facilities review of preliminary plans of subdivision. In the 2014 update, these clusters were based on the Prince George’s County Public Schools feeder system. The feeder system is intended to provide students and parents with the pattern flow of schools a student will attend as they graduate from one level to the next. This will allow groups of students to stay together as they feed from elementary school, to middle school, and finally to high school. No significant changes were made to the clusters in this update; only the school boundaries were adjusted to match the changes made by Prince George’s County Public Schools.

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Prince George’s County Planning Department



Pupil Yield The term “pupil yield” is defined in the County’s Subdivision Regulations (Section 24-101(b)) as: “The estimated number of elementary, middle, and high school students per dwelling unit, as determined by the Planning Board, from information provided by the Superintendent of the Prince George’s County Public Schools.” The pupil yield calculations in Prince George’s County are used in the subdivision process to calculate the possible number of students or pupils yielded or generated from a subdivision. Specifically, Planning Department staff reviews the proposed preliminary plan of subdivision and identifies the number and type of residential units requested. Staff then multiplies those numbers by the pupil yield factor to determine the anticipated number of elementary, middle, and high school students to be generated by all dwelling units shown on the proposed preliminary plan of subdivision. In Prince George’s County the number of students generated are not used by the Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) for their enrollment projections. PGCPS’s enrollment projections are contained in the annual updates to the Educational Facilities Master Plan, which is submitted to the Maryland Department of Planning. A description of historical pupil yield calculations since 1985 may be found in Appendix A.

2019 Methodology and Results PGCPS staff geocoded their student enrollment data/addresses (dated September 30, 2019, and containing 130,399 records) to the County address point data. The student enrollment data/addresses file contained information on students in kindergarten through 12th grade. Any residents outside the County were removed from the file. Information Management Division staff has removed the records of kindergarten students. The resulting file contained 120,482 records. Student addresses were joined to the Planning Department housing information (property info file) and the data summarized by housing types. For this analysis the housing types considered were single-family detached, single-family attached, multifamily, and townhomes. Records for 119,065 students were matched. Other land use/housing types were excluded. The multifamily unit counts used to calculate the multifamily pupil yield were derived from CoStar. Vacancies in all housing unit types were not factored into the calculations.

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The total number of students for each housing type was extracted by their respective grades (Elementary = Grades 1–5, Middle = Grades 6–8, High = Grades 9–12). The total number of housing units was extracted by selecting the individual housing type and then executing a summary on the address field. This accounts for housing units which have more than one student across or between education levels. For the purposes of this study, the types of housing units are defined as following: • Single-family detached is a one-dwelling-unit structure that is not attached to another structure and has space on all sides of the structure. • Townhouse is defined as a multistory one-dwelling-unit structure that shares walls with one or more similar structures; this includes two-over-twos. • Single-family attached is a one-dwelling-unit structure that shares one or more walls with another one-dwelling-unit structure. It can include either duplex or triplex. This category includes all other onedwelling-unit structures that are attached and not considered townhouses. • Multifamily is defined as four or more residential living units contained within a single structure. The 2020 calculations have resulted in the pupil yield numbers in Table 1. The single-family detached factors for elementary and high schools is lower than 2014, while the middle school numbers are approximately the same. The multifamily factors for all levels of schools are higher than the 2014 factors. Table 1. Prince George’s County 2020 Pupil Yield Factor SCHOOL LEVELS Type of Unit Single-family detached Townhouses All other Single-Family Attached Structures that are not considered Townhouses Multifamily

Elementary 0.158 0.114 0.141


Middle 0.098 0.073 0.097

High 0.127 0.091 0.110



Pupil Yield/Student Generation Rates for Prince George’s County and Other Local Jurisdictions This section provides a summary of the pupil yield or student generation rates for Prince George’s County, four other counties in Maryland (Anne Arundel, Charles County, Howard County, and Montgomery County), and three counties in Virginia (Arlington County, Fairfax County, and Loudoun County). In this section, the U.S. Census Quick Facts, as of July 1, 2018, was utilized for the county population and land area. The land area is dated 2010 and presented in square miles. All other information was obtained from each county’s publications. A brief discussion of how each county uses their pupil yield factors is provided. It should be noted that other counties also use the term student generation rates or student yield ratios, which is equivalent to the pupil yield calculation. At the end of each county description, there is a hypothetical calculation of the pupil yield using the County’s rates to illustrate the number of students generated from a new, proposed 100-dwelling unit subdivision.

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The housing types used for the pupil yield or student generation rates are not the same for each county. Each county chooses housing types that best reflect the statistically significant housing stock in each county. One common denominator across all counties is the utilization of a single-family detached housing type. It should be noted that Anne Arundel County produces a yield factor number for the school level and does not differentiate between housing types. Loudoun County has three housing types but differentiates on the basis of public or private water and sewer. To give an overview of all the pupil yields or student generation rates from the jurisdictions reviewed, Table 2 compiles all the counties surveyed with their factors and yields for a 100-dwelling-unit single-family detached subdivision. Map 1. 2019 Pupil Yield Survey Area

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Table 2. Latest Pupil Yield Factors by Jurisdictions for Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units


# Dwelling Units

Elementary Factors Yield

SCHOOL LEVELS Middle Factors Yield

High Factors Yield


Anne Arundel County, MD









Arlington County, VA









Charles County, MD









Fairfax County, VA









Howard County, MD









Loudoun County, VA (With water and sewer service)









Loudoun County, VA (With private water and septic systems)









Montgomery County, MD









Prince George’s County, MD









Overall, Fairfax and Loudoun Counties have the greatest potential for generating the most students from a single-family detached housing subdivision. In Loudoun County, between 240 or 129 pupils might be generated (depending upon the use of public or private water and septic), and 133 students might be generated in Fairfax County. Arlington County generates almost 50 students and has the lowest rates among the Virginia counties reviewed. In Howard County, Maryland, approximately 76 students are generated from a single-family detached housing subdivision, which is the highest rate in Maryland of the five counties reviewed. Montgomery County and Charles County have approximately 46 students generated. Prince George’s County and Anne Arundel County generate 40 and 39 students, respectively, for the lowest rates of Maryland and the region.

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Prince George’s County Planning Department

Prince George’s County, Maryland Population: Land Area (square miles): Number of Public Schools and Centers: Prince George’s Public School 2018-2019 Enrollment:

909,308 482.69 207 132,667

The Prince George’s County public school system is one of the nation’s 25 largest school districts in the United States and the second largest school system in Maryland. Approximately 20 percent of the students attend a nonboundary school, which includes dedicated specialty schools, such as immersion programs, special schools, and charter schools. The housing categories listed above are abbreviated in the following manner: SFD TH SFA MF

Single-family detached Townhouses All other single-family attached structures that are not considered townhouses Multifamily

PUPIL YIELD FACTORS Table 3. Prince George’s County 2020 Pupil Yield Factors SCHOOL LEVELS Elementary Middle

Type of Unit Single-family detached Townhouses All other single-family attached structures that are not considered townhouses Multifamily


0.158 0.114 0.141

0.098 0.073 0.097

0.127 0.091 0.110




CALCULATING PUPIL YIELD/STUDENT GENERATION RATES Formula: # Dwelling Units x Pupil Yield Factor = Pupil Yield or students generated by the subdivision.

Table 4. Hypothetical Pupil Yield in Prince George’s County

Housing Types

# Dwelling Units

Elementary Factors Yield

SCHOOL LEVELS Middle Factors Yield

High Factors Yield

Total Students

Single-Family Detached Townhouses

100 100

0.158 0.114

15.8 11.4

0.098 0.073

9.8 7.3

0.127 0.091

12.7 9.1

38 28

All other Single-Family Attached Structures that are not considered Townhouses


















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Anne Arundel County, Maryland Population: Land Area (square miles): Number of Public Schools and Centers: Anne Arundel Public School 2018-2019 Enrollment:

576,031 414.90 128 83,307

Anne Arundel County, Maryland, contracted with MGT of America, Inc. to prepare the Strategic Facilities Utilization Master Plan Final Report (August 31, 2015). Within this report there was a students-per-household model that used the estimated number of housing unit data and historical enrollment data. MGT of America and the Anne Arundel County School District created a student generation factor for each projected housing unit. A student generation factor (SGF) was calculated for each grade level by taking the total enrollment by grade level and dividing it by current housing levels. This SGF was reported for each high school attendance area. Finally, the Anne Arundel SGFs were compared to SGFs used by five school districts around the country to ensure reliability.

HOUSING TYPE CATEGORIES USED IN ANALYSIS Anne Arundel County merged all housing types together instead of identifying groups of housing types.

PUPIL YIELD FACTORS Table 5 identifies the latest pupil yield or SGFs used in Anne Arundel County. Table 5. Anne Arundel County Student Generation Factor Elementary 0.194

Middle 0.084

High 0.114

Source: Anne Arundel County Public Schools, August 31, 2015, MGT of America, Inc., Strategic Facilities Utilization Master Plan– Final Report

CALCULATING PUPIL YIELD/STUDENT GENERATION RATES Formula: # Dwelling Units x Pupil Yield Factor = Pupil Yield or students generated by the subdivision.

Table 6. Hypothetical Pupil Yield in Anne Arundel County School Levels Elementary Middle High

# Dwelling Units 100 100 100

Pupil Yield Factors 0.194 0.084 0.114

Pupil Yield 19.4 8.4 11.4

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Arlington County, Virginia Population: Land Area (square miles): Number of Public Schools and Centers: Arlington Public School September 2018 Enrollment:

237,521 25.97 41 27,436

The student generation rates (SGRs) are calculated each year using the information shared between Arlington Public Schools (APS) with their student data by address, and Arlington County and their housing data by parcel. Currently the SGRs are solely based on the eleven categories of residential unit types. As noted in their Annual APS Enrollment Projects Report Fall 2019-2028, dated January 2019, APS is now utilizing a new methodology in calculating the student yield. It “assumes that the yield from newly developed housing units will produce the same number of students every year once the development is constructed. The new approach has a cumulative effect that increases projected student enrollment at schools that have future housing developments within their neighborhood school attendance zones. This new approach to student yields is applied to incoming cohorts in kindergarten, grade 6, and grade 9. The previous method factored a new residential unit’s student yield impact in the year of construction, but not in subsequent years. The previous method did not account for the impact of the student yield beginning the first year after the future housing development was slated for completion, but is now included in this new methodology.”


Single-Family Detached Townhomes Duplex Multifamily Elevator – Market Rate Multifamily Elevator – Mixed Income Multifamily Elevator – Committed Affordable Units (CAF) Only Multifamily Garden – Market Rate Multifamily Garden – Mixed Income Multifamily Garden – CAF (Committed Affordable Units) Only Condo – Elevator Condo – Garden

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 17

PUPIL YIELD FACTORS Table 7 identifies the latest pupil yield/student generation rates used in Arlington County. Table 7. Arlington County Student Generation Rate Housing Types



0.241 0.107 0.173 0.036 0.064 0.337 0.129 0.183 0.287 0.030 0.062 0.115

SCHOOL LEVELS Middle High 0.118 0.042 0.084 0.012 0.027 0.137 0.053 0.073 0.136 0.010 0.023 0.052

0.138 0.045 0.101 0.013 0.035 0.142 0.076 0.124 0.161 0.013 0.025 0.062

K-12 0.497 0.194 0.358 0.061 0.126 0.617 0.258 0.380 0.584 0.054 0.110 0.229

Source: Arlington Public Schools, Annual APS Enrollment Projects Report, Fall 2019-2028, January 2019.

CALCULATING PUPIL YIELD/STUDENT GENERATION RATES Formula: # Dwelling Units x Pupil Yield Factor = Pupil Yield or students generated by the subdivision.

Table 8. Hypothetical Pupil Yield in Arlington County


# Dwelling Units 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Elementary Factors Yield 0.241 0.107 0.173 0.036 0.064 0.337 0.129 0.183 0.287 0.030 0.062

24.1 10.7 17.3 3.6 6.4 33.7 12.9 18.3 28.7 3.0 6.2

SCHOOL LEVELS Middle Factors Yield 0.118 0.042 0.084 0.012 0.027 0.137 0.053 0.073 0.136 0.010 0.023

Page 18 • Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update

11.8 4.2 8.4 1.2 2.7 13.7 5.3 7.3 13.6 1.0 2.3

High Factors Yield 0.138 0.045 0.101 0.013 0.035 0.142 0.076 0.124 0.161 0.013 0.025

13.8 4.5 10.1 1.3 3.5 14.2 7.6 12.4 16.1 1.3 2.5

Total Students 50 19 36 6 13 62 26 38 58 5 11

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Charles County, Maryland Population: Land Area (square miles): Number of Public Schools and Centers: Charles County Public School 2018-2019 Enrollment:

161,503 457.75 40 27,108

The Charles County student yield factors are updated each year with the official September 30 enrollment numbers. The student yield factors are an important component in the calculation of the school capacity allocation. These allocations determine which schools have available capacity for new residential development. The school seats in each school were converted to equivalent dwelling units for allocation purposes by dividing the student school capacity by the weighted average student yield per dwelling unit for each school level. The total dwelling unit of capacity available for a school is divided by five. The division by five is consistent with past practices to recognize the average lag time between the full build out of residential projects and the time that seat allocation is actually secured.


Single-family Townhomes Multifamily

Pupil Yield Factors Table 9 identifies the latest pupil yield/student generation factors used in Charles County. Table 9. Charles County Student Yield Factors Housing Types


SF TH MF Weighted Average

0.204 0.222 0.194 0.206

SCHOOL LEVELS Middle High 0.106 0.103 0.086 0.103


0.146 0.134 0.106 0.140

0.456 0.459 0.386

Source: Charles County Department of Planning and Growth Management, Resource Infrastructure Management Division, August 2019.

CALCULATING PUPIL YIELD/STUDENT GENERATION RATES Formula: # Dwelling Units x Pupil Yield Factor = Pupil Yield or students generated by the subdivision.

Table 10. Hypothetical Pupil Yield in Charles County

Housing Types

# Dwelling Units

Elementary Factors Yield

SCHOOL LEVELS Middle Factors Yield

High Factors Yield

Total Students




























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Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 19

Fairfax County, Virginia Population: Land Area (square miles): Number of Public Schools and Centers: Fairfax County Public School SY2018-2019 Enrollment:

1,150,795 390.97 198 188,018

Periodically, the Office of Facilities Planning Services in the Fairfax County Public School (FCPS) system reviews and updates the suggested per student proffer contribution and student yield ratios. The per student proffer contribution is based on the FCPS Public Facilities Impact Formula and the related implementation of the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan, Public Facilities Residential Development Criterion. The student yield ratios are used to calculate the suggested proffer contribution. The student yield ratios were last updated in 2016 using the 2015-2016 school year enrollment.


Single-family detached Single-family attached (townhouses) Multifamily low rise (≤ 4 stories) Multifamily mid to high rise (≥ 4 stories)

PUPIL YIELD FACTORS Table 11 identifies the latest pupil yield/student yield ratios used in Fairfax County. Table 11. Fairfax County Student Yield Ratio Housing Types SFD SFA MFLR MFMHR

Elementary 0.266 0.258 0.188 0.062

SCHOOL LEVELS Middle High 0.088 0.067 0.047 0.019

0.179 0.137 0.094 0.031

Total 0.533 0.462 0.329 0.112

Source: Fairfax County Public Schools, School Impact Proffer Formula and Student Yield Ratio Update Letter, October 13, 2016.

CALCULATING PUPIL YIELD/STUDENT GENERATION RATES Formula: # Dwelling Units x Pupil Yield Factor = Pupil Yield or students yield ratio by the subdivision.

Table 12. Hypothetical Pupil Yield in Fairfax County

Housing Types

# Dwelling Units

Elementary Factors Yield

SCHOOL LEVELS Middle Factors Yield

High Factors Yield

Total Students





































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Prince George’s County Planning Department

Howard County, Maryland Population: Land Area (square miles): Number of Public Schools and Centers: Howard County Public School September 30, 2018 Enrollment:

323,196 250.74 77 57,907

The Howard County Public School System Office of School Planning calculates an updated enrollment projection every year, which is informed by five years of historical data for each school’s attendance area. Howard County typically does not calculate by-development student yield. The projections compile updated data including projected housing construction, historical and projected births, housing resales, and student population characteristics. The data is collected from the Howard County Department of Planning and Zoning, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Maryland Department of Planning, and Howard County Public School System Student Information System. In 2013, 2015, and 2019, Dejong-Richter (now known as Cooperative Strategies) reviewed the projection methodology and concluded that the projection methods were valid. Currently, the school system is undergoing a comprehensive boundary study.


Single-family detached Single-family attached (townhouses) Apartments - rental and condo

PUPIL YIELD FACTORS Table 13 identifies the latest pupil yield/student yield ratios used in Howard County. Table 13. Howard County—2015 through 2017 Student Yield from New Units SFD SFA APT Total

0.4863 0.2626 0.0812 0.2880

0.1769 0.0904 0.0297 0.1031

0.0949 0.0582 0.0338 0.0640

0.7581 0.4112 0.1447 0.4551

Source: Howard County Public School System, Office of School Planning, November 2018.

CALCULATING PUPIL YIELD/STUDENT GENERATION RATES Formula: # Dwelling Units x Pupil Yield Factor = Pupil Yield or students generated by the subdivision.

Table 14. Hypothetical Pupil Yield in Howard County SFD SFA APT

100 100 100

0.4863 0.2626 0.0812

Prince George’s County Planning Department

48.63 26.26 8.12

0.1769 0.0904 0.0297

17.69 9.04 2.97

0.0949 0.0582 0.0338

9.49 5.82 3.38

76 41 14

Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 21

Loudoun County, Virginia Population: Land Area (square miles): Number of Public Schools and Centers: Loudoun County Public School 2018-2019 Enrollment:

406,850 515.56 92 82,485

In Loudoun County, the SGF ratios are derived by dividing the number of resident public school students by the number of housing units (by type—single-family detached, single-family attached, and multifamily). The SFG is further refined in distinguishing areas served and not served by public utilities. The SGF ratios are reviewed and established annually.


Single-family detached Single-family attached Multifamily Properties with water and sewer services provided by a town or entity like Loudoun Water Properties with private water and septic systems

PUPIL YIELD FACTORS Table 15 identifies the latest pupil yield/student generation rates used in Loudoun County. Table 15. Loudoun County—2018 Student Generation Factors Utility Service Areas




0.80 0.43

0.57 0.58

MF 0.29 0.11

Source: Loudoun County Public Schools, School Board Adopted FY 2020 - FY 2025 Capital Improvement Program Capital Assess Preservation Program, FY 2026 – FY 2049 Capital Projects Forecast, December 11, 2018.

CALCULATING PUPIL YIELD/STUDENT GENERATION RATES Formula: # Dwelling Units x Pupil Yield Factor = Pupil Yield or students generated by the subdivision.

Table 16. Hypothetical Pupil Yield in Loudoun County Utility Service Areas

# Dwelling Units

SFD Factors Yield


MF Factors Yield

Total Students



















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Prince George’s County Planning Department

Montgomery County, Maryland Population: Land Area (square miles): Number of Public Schools and Centers: Montgomery County Public School 2018-2019 Enrollment:

1,052,567 491.25 206 162,680

As part of the Subdivision Staging Policy, the Montgomery County Code requires the Planning Department to update school impact taxes on a biennial basis in odd-numbered years. To calculate the taxes, it is necessary to have updated student generation rates based on the most current school enrollment figures. In the fall of each even-numbered year, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), the largest school system in Maryland, provides the Planning Department with a dataset that includes the address and grade of every MCPS student (all other identifying information is scrubbed from the dataset). The Planning Department then cross-references this information with parcel data that identifies the type of housing at the student’s address (single-family home, townhouse, multifamily housing, etc.). Senior housing, nonresidential properties, and mobile homes are excluded. Using updated housing stock data, the Planning Department is then able to calculate rates for the number of elementary, middle and high school students generated by different types of housing across various areas of the County. The rates were last calculated using fall 2018 enrollment data. Planning Department staff was able to match 99.32 percent, or 161,574, of the more than 162,681 MCPS students records to a land use type.


Single-family detached Single-family attached Multifamily low to mid rise (4 stories or fewer stories) Multifamily high rise (5 stories or more)

PUPIL YIELD FACTORS Table 17. Montgomery County—Countywide Student Generation Rates Housing Types SFD SFA MFLM MFH

Pre-K 0.008 0.015 0.021 0.004

SCHOOL LEVELS Elementary Middle 0.199 0.227 0.197 0.055

0.110 0.113 0.086 0.023

High 0.154 0.150 0.109 0.031

K-12 0.462 0.490 0.393 0.110

Source: Montgomery County Planning Department, July 2019.

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Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 23

Table 18. Montgomery County—Regional Student Generation Rates SCHOOL LEVELS Elementary Middle

Housing Types


East (Downcounty Consortium, Northeast Consortium)


0.013 0.018 0.031 0.008

0.203 0.219 0.253 0.088

Southwest (BCC, Churchill, WJ, RM, Rockville, Whitman, Wootton)


0.004 0.005 0.011 0.001

Upcounty (Clarksburg, Damascus, Gaithersburg, Magruder, Northwest, Poolesville, QO, Seneca Valley, Sherwood, Watkins Mill)


0.008 0.017 0.021 0.003




0.103 0.115 0.112 0.036

0.144 0.160 0.148 0.047

0.450 0.494 0.512 0.171

0.186 0.167 0.150 0.041

0.109 0.085 0.068 0.018

0.151 0.111 0.085 0.025

0.446 0.363 0.303 0.084

0.210 0.248 0.183 0.020

0.120 0.121 0.077 0.008

0.169 0.157 0.093 0.010

0.499 0.526 0.352 0.038

Source: Montgomery County Planning Department, July 2019.

CALCULATING PUPIL YIELD/STUDENT GENERATION RATES Formula: # Dwelling Units x Pupil Yield Factor = Pupil Yield or students generated by subdivision,

utilizing countywide generation rates.

Table 19. Hypothetical Pupil Yield in Montgomery County

Housing Types

# Dwelling Units

Elementary Factors Yield

SCHOOL LEVELS Middle Factors Yield

High Factors Yield

Total Students





































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Prince George’s County Planning Department



Public School Clusters Legislative Background for Public School Facilities Test and School Clusters CURRENT COUNTY CODE Under the general requirements of the Subdivision Regulations, the Prince George’s County Planning Board was given the responsibility to test school capacity at the time of a preliminary subdivision plan for residential development. “Sec. 24-114.01. School Planning Capacity Analysis. The Planning Board shall conduct a School Planning Capacity Analysis, based on guidelines adopted by the County Council, at the time of preliminary plan of subdivision, for all subdivisions with residential uses proposed, for planning purposes only. The Board shall use the most recent information provided by the Board of Education regarding pupil yield and school capacity, and shall conduct the test based on the Board of Education’s cluster boundaries. The results of this analysis shall be used by the Planning and Board of Education staffs when assessing the need for new or expanded school facilities, and shall not be a consideration in the approval of the subdivision.” Sec. 24-122.02. School Facilities Tests of the County Code (Appendix A) states that the test must be applied to a proposed subdivision to determine its effect on the school clusters (groupings of elementary, middle, and high schools) that would be impacted by the subdivision. When a preliminary plan of subdivision is reviewed for adequacy of schools, Planning Department staff calculate the number of pupils that a subdivision could potentially yield. That yield number is compared to the enrollment and state rated capacity of the schools to determine the impact the proposed subdivision will have on the school cluster. Sec. 24-122.02(a)(2) states that “A subdivision meets the test…if the number of students generated by the proposed subdivision at each stage will not exceed one hundred five percent (105%) of the state rated capacity, as adjusted by the School Regulations, of the affected elementary, middle, and high school clusters, as determined by the Planning Board.” However, as stated above in Sec. 24-114.01. School Planning Capacity Analysis, the results of the school adequacy test and school capacity analysis are not a condition of approval for a subdivision. The school adequacy test and school capacity analysis are done for planning purposes to assess the need for new or expanded school facilities. The school clusters with utilization rates that are greater than 105 percent currently will not halt new residential development.

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Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 25

NEW, ADOPTED SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS On October 23, 2018, the Prince George’s County Council adopted CB-015-2018 (DR-3), which will replace the Subdivision Regulations of Prince George’s County (Subtitle 24 of the Prince George’s County Code). The new Subdivision Regulations aim to streamline procedures, reduce obstacles to achieving the economic development goals of the County, enhance utility and user-friendliness, encourage appropriate input into the subdivision review process, incorporate a certificate of adequacy procedure for testing and retesting the adequacy of public facilities, and incentivize development at targeted growth locations. The actual effective date of this legislation will be the date of Council approval of a Countywide Sectional Map Amendment. The schools test is very similar to the existing code. Section 24-4510. Schools Adequacy (Appendix B) of the New, Adopted Subdivision Regulations retains the requirement for the adequacy test to utilize the school clusters to test the impact of new residential development on the school capacity. It states as follows: “(b) Adopted LOS Standard for Schools (1) The adopted LOS standard for schools is based on school clusters, which are groupings of elementary, middle, and high schools that are impacted by the preliminary plan for subdivision. (2) The adopted LOS standard is that the number of students generated by the proposed subdivision at each stage of development will not exceed 105 percent of the state rated capacity, as adjusted by the School Regulations, of the affected elementary, middle, and high school clusters. (3) The number of elementary, middle, and high school students generated by the proposed subdivision shall be determined in accordance with the pupil yield factors for each dwelling unit type as determined by the Planning Director from historical information provided by the Superintendent of the Prince George’s County Public Schools.”

Methodology for the Update of Public School Cluster Areas To update the public school clusters, the Planning Department staff utilized the PGCPS SY2019–2020 feeder patterns. The feeder patterns formed a matrix developed by PGCPS staff that identifies the unique path a group of students will most likely take from each elementary school to middle school and ultimately to high school. In 2014, Planning Department staff identified six possible groupings of high schools and their associated feeder middle and elementary schools. Each cluster consists of three or more high schools and their feeder middle and elementary schools. The 2014 cluster boundaries were updated to reflect any high school attendance boundary changes and any school closures. In the following descriptions of each cluster, four to five different tables are provided. The first table will provide the list of the high, middle, and elementary school feeder patterns. Three tables will provide the elementary, middle, and high school enrollments as of September 30, 2019, the state-rated capacity, and the utilization percentage of each school. The elementary and middle school tables will also include the high school(s) that they feed into. Clusters that have academies have an extra table, which also includes the enrollment as of September 30, 2019, the state-rated capacity, the utilization percentage of each school, and the high school(s) that they feed into. The utilization percentage is based on the adjusted enrollment total once the half-day prekindergarten students are removed. There are 29 schools that have half-day pre-kindergarten students. Not all public schools are included in these tables. As an example, regional schools without neighborhood attendance areas were not included in the calculation of cluster or cluster area enrollments. The regional schools are public schools without a neighborhood attendance area and are not included in PGCPS feeder system. Because the regional schools generally draw their enrollment from a wide geographic area, they constitute a relatively fixed portion of enrollment and capacity, and have their enrollment managed.

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Prince George’s County Planning Department

Updated Public Schools Clusters Map 2. Prince George’s County Public School Cluster Areas

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Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 27

Map 3. Cluster Area 1

Cluster Area 1

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Prince George’s County Planning Department

Table 20. Cluster Area 1 Schools Feeder Pattern High School

Middle School

Elementary School

DuVal High School

Kenmoor Middle

Dodge Park Elementary Judge Sylvania W. Woods Sr. ElementaryJudge Sylvania W. Woods Sr. Elementary William Paca Elementary

Thomas Johnson Middle

Catherine T. Reed Elementary Gaywood Elementary Glenn Dale Elementary Glenridge Elementary James McHenry Elementary Robert Frost Elementary Seabrook Elementary Woodmore Elementary

Eleanor Roosevelt High

Greenbelt Middle

Greenbelt Elementary Magnolia Elementary Springhill Lake Elementary

Laurel High

Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle

Deerfield Run Elementary James H. Harrison Elementary Laurel Elementary Montpelier Elementary Oaklands Elementary Scotchtown Hills Elementary

Martin Luther King Jr. Middle

Bond Mill Elementary Vansville Elementary

Source: PGCPS SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

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Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 29

Table 21. Cluster Area 1 Elementary Schools Enrollment and Utilization

Elementary Schools Dodge Park Elementary Judge Sylvania W. Woods Sr. Elementary William Paca Elementary Catherine T. Reed Elementary Gaywood Elementary Glenn Dale Elementary Glenridge Elementary James McHenry Elementary Robert Frost Elementary Seabrook Elementary Woodmore Elementary Greenbelt Elementary Magnolia Elementary Springhill Lake Elementary Deerfield Run Elementary James H. Harrison Elementary Laurel Elementary Montpelier Elementary Oaklands Elementary Scotchtown Hills Elementary Bond Mill Elementary Vansville Elementary Elementary Schools Total Cluster Area 1

Adjusted Enrollment 9/30/19

State Rated Capacity


High School

597 761 619 508 499 581 807 738 287 316 473 587 500 891 600 314 599 604 391 678 507 775 12,632

511 719 601 457 386 404 828 537 309 409 570 568 449 561 570 343 493 609 408 790 479 836 11,837

117% 106% 103% 111% 129% 144% 97% 137% 93% 77% 83% 103% 111% 159% 105% 92% 122% 99% 96% 86% 106% 93% 107%

DuVal High DuVal High DuVal High DuVal High DuVal High DuVal High DuVal High DuVal High DuVal High DuVal High DuVal High Eleanor Roosevelt High Eleanor Roosevelt High Eleanor Roosevelt High Laurel High Laurel High Laurel High Laurel High Laurel High Laurel High Laurel High Laurel High

Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade and SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

Table 22. Cluster Area 1 Middle Schools Enrollment and Utilization

Middle Schools Kenmoor Middle Thomas Johnson Middle Greenbelt Middle Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle Martin Luther King Jr. Middle Middle Schools Total Cluster Area 1

Adjusted Enrollment 9/30/19

State Rated Capacity


High School

964 1,269 1,468 1,052 1,003 5,756

695 1,030 1,101 1,049 850 4,725

139% 123% 133% 100% 118% 122%

DuVal High DuVal High Eleanor Roosevelt High Laurel High Laurel High

Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade and SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

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Prince George’s County Planning Department

Table 23. Cluster Area 1 High Schools Enrollment and Utilization

High Schools DuVal High Eleanor Roosevelt High Laurel High High Schools Total Cluster Area 1

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity 2,123 2,629 1,943 6,695

2,258 2,096 1,867 6,221

Utilization 94% 125% 104% 108%

Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade.

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Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 31

Map 4. Cluster Area 2

Cluster Area 2

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Prince George’s County Planning Department

Table 24. Cluster Area 2 Schools Feeder Pattern High School

Middle School

Elementary School

Bladensburg High

Charles Carroll Middle

Cooper Lane Elementary Gladys Noon Spellman Elementary

G. James Gholson Middle

Gladys Noon Spellman Elementary

Hyattsville Middle

Riverdale Elementary

William Wirt Middle

Bladensburg Elementary Gladys Noon Spellman Elementary Port Towns Elementary Riverdale Elementary Rogers Heights Elementary Templeton Elementary

High Point High

Buck Lodge Middle

Adelphi Elementary Carole Highlands Elementary Cherokee Lane Elementary Cool Spring Elementary Langley Park-McCormick Elementary Mary Harris "Mother" Jones Elementary

Greenbelt Middle

Greenbelt Elementary Hollywood Elementary

Martin Luther King Jr. Middle

Calverton Elementary Vansville Elementary

Nicholas Orem Middle

Carole Highlands Elementary Ridgecrest Elementary Rosa Parks Elementary

Northwestern High

Beltsville Academy

Beltsville Academy

Hyattsville Middle

Chillum Elementary Hyattsville Elementary Mt Rainier Elementary Paint Branch Elementary Riverdale Elementary Thomas S. Stone Elementary University Park Elementary

Nicholas Orem Middle

Chillum Elementary Edward M. Felegy Elementary Lewisdale Elementary Ridgecrest Elementary Rosa L. Parks Elementary

Source: PGCPS SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns. Continued on next page

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 33

High School

Middle School

Elementary School University Park Elementary

Parkdale High

Charles Carroll Middle

Beacon Heights Elementary Carrollton Elementary Glenridge Elementary Judge Sylvania W. Woods Sr. Elementary Lamont Elementary Robert Frost Elementary Woodridge Elementary

Greenbelt Middle

Berwyn Heights Elementary Hollywood Elementary Paint Branch Elementary

William Wirt Middle

Berwyn Heights Elementary Riverdale Elementary Templeton Elementary

Source: PGCPS SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

Table 25. Cluster Area 2 Elementary Schools Enrollment and Utilization

Elementary Schools Cooper Lane Elementary Gladys Noon Spellman Elementary Riverdale Elementary Bladensburg Elementary Port Towns Elementary Rogers Heights Elementary Templeton Elementary Adelphi Elementary Carole Highlands Elementary Cherokee Lane Elementary Cool Spring Elementary Langley Park-McCormick Elementary Mary Harris "Mother" Jones Elementary Greenbelt Elementary Hollywood Elementary Calverton Elementary Vansville Elementary

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity


High School

527 548

494 564

107% 97%

Bladensburg High Bladensburg High




763 1,132 820 904

698 809 610 565

109% 140% 134% 160%

757 515 580 915 890

451 535 408 535 486

168% 96% 142% 171% 183%

Bladensburg High, Northwestern High, and Parkdale High Bladensburg High Bladensburg High Bladensburg High Bladensburg High and Parkdale High High Point High High Point High High Point High High Point High High Point High




High Point High

587 438 836 775

568 339 589 836

103% 129% 142% 93%

High Point High High Point High High Point High High Point High Continued on next page

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Prince George’s County Planning Department

Elementary Schools

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity


High School

Ridgecrest Elementary




Rosa Parks Elementary




Chillum Elementary Hyattsville Elementary Mt Rainier Elementary Paint Branch Elementary

379 508 350 379

335 406 406 357

113% 125% 86% 106%

Thomas S. Stone Elementary University Park Elementary Edward M. Felegy Elementary Lewisdale Elementary Beacon Heights Elementary Carrollton Elementary Glenridge Elementary Judge Sylvania W. Woods Sr. Elementary Lamont Elementary Robert Frost Elementary Woodridge Elementary Berwyn Heights Elementary Elementary Schools Total Cluster Area 2

557 510 807 671 443 589 807 761

638 565 879 471 362 559 828 719

87% 90% 92% 142% 122% 105% 97% 106%

High Point High and Northwestern High High Point High and Northwestern High Northwestern High Northwestern High Northwestern High Northwestern High and Parkdale High Northwestern High Northwestern High Northwestern High Northwestern High Parkdale High Parkdale High Parkdale High Parkdale High

509 287 324 473

503 309 337 429

101% 93% 96% 110%

Parkdale High Parkdale High Parkdale High Parkdale High




Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade and SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

Table 26. Cluster Area 2 Middle Schools Enrollment and Utilization

Middle Schools

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity


High School

Charles Carroll Middle Parkdale High G. James Gholson Middle Hyattsville Middle




Bladensburg High,

898 909

870 787

103% 116%

William Wirt Middle Buck Lodge Middle Greenbelt Middle Martin Luther King Jr. Middle Nicholas Orem Middle

1,224 1,302 1,468 1,003 1,129

850 1,017 1,101 850 829

144% 128% 133% 118% 136%

Bladensburg High Bladensburg High, Northwestern High Bladensburg High, Parkdale High High Point High High Point High, Parkdale High High Point High High Point High, Northwestern High

Middle Schools Total Cluster Area 2




Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade and SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

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Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 35

Table 27. Cluster Area 2 Academies Enrollment and Utilization

Middle Schools Beltsville Academy Academies Total Cluster Area 2

School Type

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity

Pre-K thru 8

1,142 1,142


High School

135% 135%

High Point High

848 848

Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade and SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

Table 28. Cluster Area 2 High Schools Enrollment and Utilization

High Schools Bladensburg High High Point High Northwestern High Parkdale High High Schools Total Cluster Area 2

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity


1,936 2,747 2,335 2,354

1,785 2,081 2,340 2,288

108% 132% 100% 103%




Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade.

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Prince George’s County Planning Department

Map 5. Cluster Area 3

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Cluster Area 3

Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 37

Table 29. Cluster Area 3 Schools Feeder Pattern High School

Middle School

Elementary School

Central High

G. James Gholson Middle

Carmody Hills Elementary Cora L Rice Elementary Highland Park Elementary Seat Pleasant Elementary

Walker Mill Middle

Capitol Heights Elementary Concord Elementary Doswell E. Brooks Elementary John H. Bayne Elementary

Fairmont Heights High

William W. Hall Academy

William W. Hall Academy

G. James Gholson Middle

Carmody Hills Elementary Columbia Park Elementary Cora L. Rice Elementary Dodge Park Elementary Highland Park Elementary Robert R. Gray Elementary Seat Pleasant Elementary

Suitland High

Drew-Freeman Middle

Bradbury Heights Elementary Concord Elementary District Heights Elementary Francis Scott Key Elementary Suitland Elementary William Beanes Elementary

Walker Mill Middle

Concord Elementary Doswell E. Brooks Elementary John H. Bayne Elementary

Andrew Jackson Academy

Andrew Jackson Academy

Samuel P. Massie Academy

Samuel P. Massie Academy

William W. Hall Academy

William W. Hall Academy

Source: PGCPS SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

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Prince George’s County Planning Department

Table 30. Cluster Area 3 Elementary Schools Enrollment and Utilization Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity

Elementary Schools


High School

Carmody Hills Elementary




Cora L. Rice Elementary




Highland Park Elementary Capitol Heights Elementary Concord Elementary

259 336 365

574 363 451

45% 93% 81%

Doswell E. Brooks Elementary




John H. Bayne Elementary




Columbia Park Elementary Dodge Park Elementary

546 597

515 511

106% 117%

Central High Fairmont Heights High Central High Fairmont Heights High Central High Central High Central High Suitland High Central High Suitland High Central High Suitland High Fairmont Heights High Fairmont Heights High

Robert R. Gray Elementary




Fairmont Heights High

Seat Pleasant Elementary




Fairmont Heights High

Bradbury Heights Elementary




Suitland High

District Heights Elementary




Suitland High

Francis Scott Key Elementary




Suitland High

Suitland Elementary




Suitland High

William Beanes Elementary




Suitland High




Elementary Schools Total Cluster Area 3

Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade and SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

Table 31. Cluster Area 3 Middle Schools Enrollment and Utilization

Middle Schools G. James Gholson Middle Walker Mill Middle Drew-Freeman Middle Middle Schools Total Cluster Area 3

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity


High School Central High and Fairmont Heights High, Central High, Suitland High Suitland High

898 705 868

870 850 890

103% 83% 98%




Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade and SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 39

Table 32. Cluster Area 3 Academies Enrollment and Utilization

Middle Schools Andrew Jackson Academy Samuel P. Massie Academy William W. Hall Academy

School Type

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity

Pre-K thru 8 Pre-K thru 8 Pre-K thru 8

Academies Total Cluster Area 3


High School Suitland High Suitland High Central High Suitland High

504 614 566

793 769 709

64% 80% 80%




Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade and SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

Table 33. Cluster Area 3 High Schools Enrollment and Utilization

High Schools Central High Fairmont Heights High Suitland High High Schools Total Cluster Area 3

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity


798 839 1,903

1,143 1,123 2,447

70% 75% 78%




Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade.

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Map 6. Cluster Area 4

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Cluster Area 4

Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 41

Table 34. Cluster Area 4 Schools Feeder Pattern High School

Middle School

Elementary School

Bowie High

Benjamin Tasker Middle

Kenilworth Elementary Northview Elementary Pointer Ridge Elementary Tulip Grove Elementary Woodmore Elementary

Samuel Ogle Middle

High Bridge Elementary Rockledge Elementary Whitehall Elementary Yorktown Elementary

Charles Herbert Flowers High

Ernest Everett Just Middle

Ardmore Elementary Kingsford Elementary Lake Arbor Elementary Woodmore Elementary

Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High

G. James Gholson Middle

Cora L. Rice Elementary

Kenmoor Middle

Judge Sylvania W. Woods Sr. Elementary William Paca Elementary

Drew-Freeman Middle

Longfields Elementary William Beanes Elementary

James Madison Middle

Barack Obama Elementary Marlton Elementary Melwood Elementary

Kettering Middle

Arrowhead Elementary Patuxent Elementary Perrywood Elementary

Largo High

Stephen Decatur Middle

Francis T. Evans Elementary

Thurgood Marshall Middle

Princeton Elementary

Walker Mill Middle

North Forestville Elementary

Andrew Jackson Academy

Andrew Jackson Academy

Ernest Everett Just Middle

Lake Arbor Elementary

Kettering Middle

Arrowhead Elementary Kettering Elementary Perrywood Elementary

Walker Mill Middle

John H Bayne Elementary North Forestville Elementary

Source: PGCPS SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

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Prince George’s County Planning Department

Table 35. Cluster Area 4 Elementary Schools Enrollment and Utilization

Elementary Schools

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity


High School

Kenilworth Elementary Northview Elementary Pointer Ridge Elementary Tulip Grove Elementary Woodmore Elementary

387 637 299 349 473

448 797 596 457 570

86% 80% 50% 76% 83%

High Bridge Elementary Rockledge Elementary Whitehall Elementary Yorktown Elementary

373 337 653 403

371 454 388 457

101% 74% 168% 88%

Bowie High Bowie High Bowie High Bowie High Bowie High, Charles Herbert Flowers High Bowie High Bowie High Bowie High Bowie High

Ardmore Elementary




Charles Herbert Flowers High

Kingsford Elementary




Charles Herbert Flowers High

Lake Arbor Elementary




Cora L. Rice Elementary




Charles Herbert Flowers High, Largo High Charles Herbert Flowers High

Judge Sylvania W. Woods Sr. Elementary William Paca Elementary




Charles Herbert Flowers High




Charles Herbert Flowers High

Longfields Elementary




Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High

William Beanes Elementary




Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High

Barack Obama Elementary




Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High

Marlton Elementary




Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High

Melwood Elementary




Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High

Francis T. Evans Elementary




Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High

Princeton Elementary




Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High

Arrowhead Elementary




Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High, Largo High

Patuxent Elementary




Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High, Largo High

Perrywood Elementary




Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High, Largo High

John H. Bayne Elementary




Largo High

Kettering Elementary




Largo High

North Forestville Elementary




Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High, Largo High




Elementary Schools Total Cluster Area 4

Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade and SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 43

Table 36. Cluster Area 4 Middle Schools Enrollment and Utilization

Middle Schools Benjamin Tasker Middle Samuel Ogle Middle Ernest Everett Just Middle G. James Gholson Middle Kenmoor Middle Drew-Freeman Middle James Madison Middle Stephen Decatur Middle Thurgood Marshall Middle Kettering Middle Walker Mill Middle Middle Schools Total Cluster Area 4

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity


High School Bowie High Bowie High Charles Herbert Flowers High, Largo High Charles Herbert Flowers High Charles Herbert Flowers High Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High, Largo High Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High, Largo High

1,031 885 780 898 964 868 870 769 625 825 705

1,040 935 824 870 695 890 850 901 923 985 850

99% 95% 95% 103% 139% 98% 102% 85% 68% 84% 83%




Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade and SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

Table 37. Cluster Area 4 Academies Enrollment and Utilization

Middle Schools Andrew Jackson Academy Academies Total Cluster Area 4

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity 504 504


High School

64% 64%

Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High

793 793

Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade and SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

Table 38. Cluster Area 4 High Schools Enrollment and Utilization

High Schools Bowie High Charles Herbert Flowers High Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High Largo High High Schools Total Cluster Area 4

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity


2,428 2,262 2,220 872

2,772 2,174 2,518 1,365

88% 104% 88% 64%




Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade.

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Prince George’s County Planning Department

Map 7. Cluster Area 5

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Cluster Area 5

Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 45

Table 39. Cluster Area 5 Schools Feeder Pattern High School

Middle School

Elementary School

Crossland High

Benjamin Stoddert Middle

Barnaby Manor Elementary Hillcrest Heights Elementary

Isaac J. Gourdine Middle

Avalon Elementary

Thurgood Marshall Middle

Allenwood Elementary Avalon Elementary Hillcrest Heights Elementary J. Frank Dent Elementary Samuel Chase Elementary Suitland Elementary

Oxon Hill High

Isaac J. Gourdine Middle

Apple Grove Elementary

Oxon Hill Middle

Apple Grove Elementary Flintstone Elementary Fort Foote Elementary Indian Queen Elementary Oxon Hill Elementary

Potomac High

Benjamin Stoddert Middle

Barnaby Manor Elementary Hillcrest Heights Elementary Panorama Elementary

Oxon Hill Middle

Flintstone Elementary Forest Heights Elementary Glassmanor Elementary Valley View Elementary

Thurgood Marshall Middle

Barnaby Manor Elementary Valley View Elementary

Source: PGCPS SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

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Prince George’s County Planning Department

Table 40. Cluster Area 5 Elementary Schools Enrollment and Utilization

Elementary Schools

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity


High School

Barnaby Manor Elementary Hillcrest Heights Elementary Avalon Elementary Allenwood Elementary J. Frank Dent Elementary Samuel Chase Elementary Suitland Elementary Apple Grove Elementary Flintstone Elementary

501 474 374 435 284 324 578 512 449

574 703 435 455 365 383 702 541 451

87% 67% 86% 96% 78% 85% 82% 95% 100%

Crossland High, Potomac High Crossland High, Potomac High Crossland High Crossland High Crossland High Crossland High Crossland High Oxon Hill High Oxon Hill High, Potomac High

Fort Foote Elementary




Oxon Hill High

Indian Queen Elementary




Oxon Hill High

Oxon Hill Elementary




Oxon Hill High

Panorama Elementary




Potomac High

Forest Heights Elementary




Potomac High

Glassmanor Elementary




Potomac High

Valley View Elementary




Potomac High




Elementary Schools Total Cluster Area 5

Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade and SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

Table 41. Cluster Area 5 Middle Schools Enrollment and Utilization

Middle Schools Benjamin Stoddert Middle Isaac J. Gourdine Middle Thurgood Marshall Middle Oxon Hill Middle Middle Schools Total Cluster Area 5

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity


High School Crossland High, Potomac High Crossland High, Oxon Hill High Crossland High, Potomac High Oxon Hill High, Potomac High

696 611 625 865

774 824 923 783

90% 74% 68% 110%




Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade and SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 47

Table 42. Cluster Area 5 High Schools Enrollment and Utilization

High Schools Crossland High Oxon Hill High Potomac High High Schools Total Cluster Area 5

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity


975 1,497 1,196

1,775 1,360 1,915

55% 110% 62%




Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade.

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Prince George’s County Planning Department

Map 8. Cluster Area 6

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Cluster Area 6

Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 49

Table 43. Cluster Area 6 Schools Feeder Pattern High School

Middle School

Elementary School

Frederick Douglass High

Gwynn Park Middle

Baden Elementary Mattaponi Elementary Rosaryville Elementary

James Madison Middle

Marlton Elementary Rosaryville Elementary Fort Washington Forest Elementary Potomac Landing Elementary

Friendly High

Isaac J. Gourdine Middle

Apple Grove Elementary Rose Valley Elementary Tayac Elementary

Gwynn Park High

Accokeek Academy

Accokeek Academy

Gwynn Park Middle

Baden Elementary Brandywine Elementary Clinton Grove Elementary

Surrattsville High

Accokeek Academy

Fort Washington Forest Elementary Accokeek Academy

Gwynn Park Middle

Clinton Grove Elementary

Stephen Decatur Middle

Clinton Grove Elementary James Ryder Randall Elementary Waldon Woods Elementary

Academy (K-8)

Accokeek Academy

Accokeek Academy

Source: PGCPS SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

Page 50 • Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Table 44. Cluster Area 6 Elementary Schools Enrollment and Utilization

Elementary Schools

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity


High School

Baden Elementary




Mattaponi Elementary Rosaryville Elementary Marlton Elementary Fort Washington Forest Elementary Potomac Landing Elementary Apple Grove Elementary Rose Valley Elementary

360 428 299 295

458 783 489 434

79% 55% 61% 68%

Frederick Douglass High, Gwynn Park High Frederick Douglass High Frederick Douglass High Frederick Douglass High Friendly High, Gwynn Park High

382 512 354

454 541 428

84% 95% 83%

Friendly High Friendly High Friendly High

Tayac Elementary




Friendly High

Brandywine Elementary




Gwynn Park High

Clinton Grove Elementary




Surrattsville High

James Ryder Randall Elementary Waldon Woods Elementary




Surrattsville High




Surrattsville High




Elementary Schools Total Cluster Area 6

Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade and SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

Table 45. Cluster Area 6 Middle Schools Enrollment and Utilization

Middle Schools

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity


High School Frederick Douglass High, Gwynn Park High, Surrattsville High Frederick Douglass High Friendly High Surrattsville High

Gwynn Park Middle




James Madison Middle Isaac J. Gourdine Middle Stephen Decatur Middle Middle Schools Total Cluster Area 6

870 611 769

850 824 901

102% 74% 85%




Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade and SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 51

Table 46. Cluster Area 6 Academies Enrollment and Utilization

Middle Schools Accokeek Academy Academies Total Cluster Area 6

School Type K thru 8

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity


High School Friendly High, Gwynn Park High







Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade and SY2019-2020 Feeder Patterns.

Table 47. Cluster Area 6 High Schools Enrollment and Utilization

High Schools Frederick Douglass High Friendly High Gwynn Park High Surrattsville High High Schools Total Cluster Area 6

Adjusted State Enrollment Rated 9/30/19 Capacity


1,033 791 961 705

1,410 1,351 1,208 1,237

73% 59% 80% 57%




Source: PGCPS September 30, 2019, Official Enrollment by School and Grade.

Page 52 • Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Appendix Appendix A. Historical Pupil Yield Calculations Periodically the Planning Department staff updates the pupil yield factors for Prince George’s County. Below are the pupil yield factors calculated by the Prince George’s County Planning Department staff since 1985. Table 48. Historical Pupil Yield Calculations—Pupil Yield Factors 1985 Type of Unit Single-Family Detached Townhouses Multifamily

Elementary 0.30 0.15 0.04 to 0.10

Schools Levels Middle 0.10 0.05 0.01 to 0.02

High 0.15 0.10 0.01 to 0.03

In 1985, staff created a range for multifamily housing types, which was not repeated in subsequent years. Table 49. Historical Pupil Yield Calculations—Pupil Yield Factors 1990 Type of Unit Single-Family Detached Townhouses Multifamily

Elementary 0.23 0.16 0.18

Schools Levels Middle 0.06 0.05 0.05

High 0.14 0.08 0.08

The 1990 generation factors for single-family detached units declined from the 1985 factors, while the other two housing types generally increased. Table 50. Historical Pupil Yield Calculations—Pupil Yield Factors 1996 Type of Unit Single-Family Detached Townhouses Multifamily

Elementary 0.22 0.23 0.23

Schools Levels Middle 0.08 0.06 0.05

High 0.14 0.11 0.11

In 1996 when looking at the elementary school level, the townhouses and multifamily rates slightly exceeded the generation rates for single-family detached units for the first time. The middle school rates for single-family detached and townhouses were slightly higher than the 1990 ratings. The high school generation rates for townhouses and multifamily also increased over the 1990 rates. Through CB-03-1997, the County Council mandated the establishment of an adequate school facilities test for schools at the time of preliminary plat of subdivision and building permits. CB-03-1997 stated that at the time of building permit any projects that had a preliminary plat of subdivision approved before January 1, 1991, the adequate school facilities test should be applied. The same pupil yield factor was used for both tests; however, the test was on specific elementary, middle, and high schools versus a cluster of schools as currently done.

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 53

Table 51. Historical Pupil Yield Calculations—Pupil Yield Factors 1999 Type of Unit Single-Family Detached Single-Family Attached Multifamily Multifamily Condominium

Elementary 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.17

Schools Levels Middle 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.05

High 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.05

The 1999 pupil yield factors did not significantly change from the 1996 factors. The high school factors for single-family detached and multifamily both decreased by .01. The significant change was the inclusion of the multifamily condominium category of housing types, which included lower elementary and high school factors. Through CB-30-2003, the adequate school facilities test was amended to be reviewed by the school cluster versus the specific elementary, middle, and high schools. This bill also eliminated all mitigation procedures if a proposed development is over 105% capacity and allowed all applications in a wait period pursuant to the previous law to move forward in the approval process. Table 52. Historical Pupil Yield Calculations—Pupil Yield Factors 2008 Type of Unit Single-Family Detached Single-Family Attached Multifamily Garden Multifamily with Structured Parking

Elementary 0.164 0.140 0.137 0.042

Schools Levels Middle 0.130 0.113 0.064 0.039

High 0.144 0.108 0.088 0.033

In 2008, the elementary school rates dropped in all housing categories and was at its lowest point when compared to all the other yield factors. The middle school rates increased slightly in all housing categories. The fourth category of housing was changed from Multifamily Condominium to Multifamily with Structured Parking. The generation rate for multifamily with structured parking was borrowed from the Montgomery County Planning Department’s student generation rates, since the number of multifamily with structured parking within Prince George’s County was not statistically significant. Table 53. Historical Pupil Yield Calculations—Pupil Yield Factors 2014 Type of Unit Single-Family Detached Single-Family Attached Multifamily

Elementary 0.177 0.145 0.119

Schools Levels Middle 0.095 0.076 0.054

High 0.137 0.108 0.074

In 2014, elementary school rates were slightly higher than the 2008 rates in single-family detached and singlefamily attached units. The middle school rates declined in the single-family detached and single-family attached units. The high school rates declined in single-family detached. The generation rate for multifamily with structured parking was dropped and consolidated back into one multifamily category.

Page 54 • Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Appendix B. Current County Code Sec. 24-122.02. School Facilities Tests. (a) At the time of a preliminary plan of subdivision, the Planning Board shall apply an adequacy of school facilities test in accordance with this Subsection. (1) The test shall be applied to a proposed subdivision as it affects school clusters, which are groupings of elementary, middle, and high schools which would be impacted by the subdivision. (2) A subdivision meets the test, unless otherwise provided below, if the number of students generated by the proposed subdivision at each stage will not exceed one hundred five percent (105%) of the state rated capacity, as adjusted by the School Regulations, of the affected elementary, middle, and high school clusters, as determined by the Planning Board. (3) The number of elementary, middle, and high school students generated by the proposed subdivision shall be determined in accordance with the pupil yield factors, as defined in Section 24-101(b) , for each dwelling unit type as determined by the Planning Board from historical information provided by the Superintendent of the Prince George’s County Public Schools. (4)   The Planning Board shall determine: (A)   The school cluster or clusters impacted by the subdivision. (B)   The actual enrollment, which is the number of elementary, middle, and high school students, as reported by the Superintendent of the Prince George’s County Public Schools as of September 30 of the prior year, and as calculated by the Planning Board and effective in January of each year for use in that calendar year. (C)   The completion enrollment, which is the total number of elementary, middle, and high school students to be generated by the estimated number of residential completions, for each school cluster. (i)   Residential completions are estimated from the total of all substantially completed dwelling units added to the County’s assessable tax base in the two (2) previous calendar years. (ii)   In determining completion enrollment, the estimated number of residential completions in a given school cluster will not exceed the number of dwelling units shown on: (aa)   An approved preliminary plan of subdivision with no waiting period, or with a waiting period less than twenty-four (24) months as of September 30 of each calendar year; and (bb)   All recorded plats not subject to an adequate public facilities test for schools at time of building permit issuance. (D)   The subdivision enrollment, which is the anticipated number of elementary, middle, and high school students to be generated by all dwelling units shown on the proposed preliminary plan of subdivision, multiplied by the pupil yield factor. (E)   The cumulative enrollment, which is the total of all subdivision enrollments resulting from approved preliminary plans of subdivision in each school cluster for the calendar year in which an adequate public facilities test is being applied. (5)   The Planning Board shall determine the subdivision’s cluster enrollment by adding: the actual number of students in the cluster as of September 30; the number of students anticipated from Prince George’s County Planning Department

Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 55

residential completions in the cluster; the number anticipated from the subdivision; and the number anticipated from subdivisions already approved in the cluster within the calendar year. The Board shall then determine the percent capacity by dividing the cluster enrollment by the state rated capacity (adjusted by the School Regulations) of schools in the cluster. (b)   The following shall be exempt from the preliminary plan of subdivision test in Subsection (a): (1)   A subdivision which is a redevelopment project that replaces existing dwelling units; (2)   A subdivision for elderly housing operated in accordance with State and Federal Fair Housing law. (3)   A subdivision containing no more than three (3) lots on less than five (5) gross acres of land and for which the lots, except for one to be retained by grantor, are to be conveyed to a son or daughter or lineal descendant of the grantor. (4)   A subdivision which is located in the Developed Tier, as described in the County’s adopted Biennial Growth Policy Plan. (5)   A subdivision for fewer than thirty-six (36) dwelling units, which will not be served by public water and sewerage systems, is not included in a large Comprehensive Design or Mixed-Use Zone development, and for which the applicant/owner, or predecessors in interest and/or title, did not own any property adjacent to the proposed subdivision as of May 31, 1997. For purposes of this Subsection: (A)   A subdivision means all land originally included in one preliminary plan application. Subsequent re-subdivision for the purpose of creating additional lots is permitted, provided that in no case shall an exemption be applied to more than a total of thirty-five (35) lots; and (B)   Land is considered adjacent if the property lines: (i)

Are contiguous at any point;

(ii)   Are separated only by a public or private street, road, highway, utility right-of-way, or other public or private right-of-way at any point; or (iii)  Are separated only by other land of the applicant/owner or their predecessors in interest and/or title which is not subject to this Section at the time the applicant submits a preliminary plan of subdivision for approval. (c)   Whenever an adequate school facility fee is charged in conjunction with a building permit, it shall be reduced by the full amount of the school facilities surcharge imposed on that same permit. (CB-3-1997; CB-104-1998; CB-15-1999; CB-40-2001; CB-30-2003; CB-104-2012)

Page 56 • Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Appendix C. New, Adopted Subdivision Regulations

Future Subdivision Ordinance Text CB-015-2018 (DR-2) has not yet taken effect and is subject to revisions via further legislative action of the Council. 24-4510. Schools Adequacy (a) Applicability (1) Unless exempted in accordance with Section 24-4510(a)(3) below, a certificate for schools adequacy shall be reviewed and approved, approved with conditions, or denied in accordance with Section 24-4503, Certificate of Adequacy. (2) To gain approval of the certificate for schools adequacy, the applicant shall demonstrate the proposed development complies with the LOS standards of Section 24-4510(b) below, provides adequate mitigation (if appropriate), and complies with all other relevant requirements of this Section. (3) The following are exempt from the requirements of this Section: (A) A preliminary plan for subdivision which is a redevelopment project that replaces existing dwelling units; (B) A preliminary plan for subdivision for elderly housing operated in accordance with the State and Federal Fair Housing laws; (C) A preliminary plan for subdivision that consists of no more than three lots on less than five gross acres of land, whose lots, except for one to be retained by grantor, are to be conveyed to a son or daughter or lineal descendant of the grantor; and (D) A preliminary plan for subdivision located in the Transit-Oriented/Activity Center base of PD zones. (b) Adopted LOS Standard for Schools (4) The adopted LOS standard for schools is based on school clusters, which are groupings of elementary, middle, and high schools that are impacted by the preliminary plan for subdivision. (5) The adopted LOS standard is that the number of students generated by the proposed subdivision at each stage of development will not exceed 105 percent of the state rated capacity, as adjusted by the School Regulations, of the affected elementary, middle, and high school clusters. (6) The number of elementary, middle, and high school students generated by the proposed subdivision shall be determined in accordance with the pupil yield factors for each dwelling unit type as determined by the Planning Director from historical information provided by the Superintendent of the Prince George’s County Public Schools. (7) The Planning Director shall determine: (A) The school cluster or clusters impacted by the proposed preliminary plan for subdivision. (B) The actual enrollment, which is the number of elementary, middle, and high school students, as reported by the Superintendent of the Prince George’s County Public Schools as of September 30 of the prior year, and as calculated by the Planning Director that is effective in January of each year for use in that calendar year.

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Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 57

(C) The completion enrollment, which is the total number of elementary, middle, and high school students to be generated by the estimated number of residential completions, for each school cluster. (i)

Residential completions are estimated from the total of all substantially completed dwelling units added to the County’s assessable tax base in the two previous calendar years.

(ii) In determining completion enrollment, the estimated number of residential completions in a given school cluster will not exceed the number of dwelling units shown on: (aa) An approved preliminary plan of subdivision with no waiting period, or with a waiting period less than 24 months as of September 30 of each calendar year; and (bb) All recorded plats not subject to an adequate public facilities test for schools at time of building permit issuance. (D) The subdivision enrollment, which is the anticipated number of elementary, middle, and high school students to be generated by all dwelling units shown on the proposed preliminary plan of subdivision, multiplied by the pupil yield factor. (E) The cumulative enrollment, which is the total of all subdivision enrollments resulting from approved preliminary plans of subdivision in each school cluster for the calendar year in which an adequate public facilities test is being applied. (F) The Planning Director shall determine the subdivision’s cluster enrollment by adding: the actual number of students in the cluster as of September 30; the number of students anticipated from residential completions in the cluster; the number anticipated from the subdivision; and the number of students anticipated from subdivisions already approved in the cluster within the calendar year. The Planning Director shall then determine the percent capacity by dividing the cluster enrollment by the state rated capacity (adjusted by the School Regulations) of schools in the cluster. (c) Mitigation Whenever an adequate school facility fee is charged in conjunction with a building permit, it shall be reduced by the full amount of the school facilities surcharge imposed on that same permit.

Page 58 • Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Prince George’s County Planning Department

72 69 8 134 31




100 52

39 35 19


38 68

20 254 -




Bradbury Heights Elementary Brandywine Elementary Buck Lodge Middle C Elizabeth Rieg Calverton Elementary Capitol Heights Elementary Career And Technical Education Evening High Carmody Hills Elementary

Carole Highlands Elementary Carrollton Elementary

Catherine T Reed Elementary Central High Cesar Chavez Elementary Chapel Forge E C C Charles Carroll Middle

Charles Herbert Flowers High Cherokee Lane Elementary Chesapeake Math And It Public Charter Chesapeake Math And It South Public Charter Chillum Elementary 101 67



84 71 -

78 92


69 65 10 161 20

47 67 104 78 -

120 110 62 43 57 66 60 52 22 122 76 52 109

Gr 1



102 51


79 62 -

66 83


70 76 10 120 56

52 68 90 93 -

148 123 58 46 67 54 54 43 21 119 85 67 137

Gr 2

*Seats available and building utilization calculated using adjusted enrollment

83 79 -

84 101

46 58 118 80 -

64 -

91 111 63 48 63 53 58 34 26 104 77 63 116

Benjamin D Foulois Academy Benjamin Stoddert Middle Benjamin Tasker Middle Berwyn Heights Elementary Bladensburg Elementary Bladensburg High Bond Mill Elementary Bowie High


37 20 19 40 40 16 18 31 41 46 36 40


Academy Of Health Sciences At Pgcc Accokeek Academy Adelphi Elementary Allenwood Elementary Andrew Jackson Academy Annapolis Road Academy Apple Grove Elementary Ardmore Elementary Arrowhead Elementary Avalon Elementary Baden Elementary Barack Obama Elementary Barnaby Manor Elementary Beacon Heights Elementary Beltsville Academy



53 56



81 50 -

57 94


79 63 6 134 67

52 68 110 79 -

149 95 53 59 70 63 71 55 30 131 79 48 124

Gr 3


52 53



80 48 -

73 90


57 72 10 136 71

52 63 103 92 -

120 109 60 57 66 79 67 55 22 119 76 58 122

Gr 4


52 65



81 44 -

49 95


58 67 12 133 72

51 77 99 85 -

154 86 44 53 71 80 80 59 31 117 62 64 142

Gr 5



167 -






52 167 6 -

75 226 354 72 107 -

281 104 75 73 78 58 26 73 116

Gr 6

168 -






586 2 -

84 222 361 -

284 49 135

Gr 7


108 -


642 -

297 -





684 593

164 94 -

Gr 9





584 -

183 -





468 610

152 26 -

Gr 10

Office of Pupil Accounting

169 -






549 8 -

79 248 316 -

290 57 121

Gr 8




544 -

138 -


15 -

24 -


380 646

136 -

Gr 11





492 -

180 -





404 579

111 -

Gr 12

Prince George's County Public Schools SY 2019-20 Official Enrollment by School and Grade

1,335 379


2,262 580

508 798 354 254 1,329

515 623

15 423

496 412 1,302 115 853 336

538 696 1,031 473 795 1,936 507 2,428

563 1,637 775 435 504 120 512 435 406 374 209 753 501 461 1,162


1,335 379


2,262 580

508 798 354 197 1,329

515 589

15 403

496 412 1,302 115 836 336

538 696 1,031 473 763 1,936 507 2,428

563 1,637 757 435 504 120 512 435 406 374 209 753 501 443 1,142



2,174 408

457 1,143 357 260 817

535 559


782 477 1,017 130 589 363

758 774 1,040 429 698 1,785 479 2,772

1,428 451 455 793 100 541 523 434 435 337 834 574 362 848

Total State Rated (Adjusted for Capacity half-day PreK)



(88) (172)

(51) 345 3 63 (512)

20 (30)


286 65 (285) 15 (247) 27

220 78 9 (44) (65) (151) (28) 344

(209) (306) 20 289 (20) 29 88 28 61 128 81 73 (81) (294)

*Seats Available



104% 142%

111% 70% 99% 76% 163%

96% 105%


63% 86% 128% 88% 142% 93%

71% 90% 99% 110% 109% 108% 106% 88%

115% 168% 96% 64% 120% 95% 83% 94% 86% 62% 90% 87% 122% 135%

*Building Utilization

9 3


4 1

1 6 3 5 2

3 2

4 6

7 9 1 5 1 6

7 7 5 2 4 4 1 5

6 9 3 8 7 5 8 4 7 8 9 7 8 4 1

9 2


5 1

4 6 2 4 3

2 3

5 7

7 9 1 4 1 7

7 7 4 3 5 5 1 4

6 9 2 8 7 6 8 5 6 8 9 6 8 3 1

Board of Ed Council District District

23B 47A


24 47B

22 25 47A 23B 22

47B 22

47A 24

24 27A 47B 23B 21 24

25 24 23A 22 47A 47A 21 23A

25 27A 47B 26 25 23B 26 24 25 26 27A 25 26 22 21

Legislative District


Appendix D. SY2019-2020 Official Enrollment by School and Grade

Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 59

Page 60 • Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update

Prince George’s County Planning Department

19 -



20 36 20

Doswell E Brooks Elementary Dr Henry A Wise, Jr. High Drew-Freeman Middle Duval High

Dwight D Eisenhower Middle

Edward M Felegy Elementary Eleanor Roosevelt High Ernest Everett Just Middle

Excel Academy Public Charter Fairmont Heights High Flintstone Elementary Forest Heights Elementary Fort Foote Elementary

98 108 -


107 120 -

81 63

80 61 66


49 76 44 36

119 -


31 -


47 121 83 107 114 60 79

33 82

Gr 1

121 85 116 -

75 52

78 57 84

49 -

51 62 45 40

137 -


32 -


53 124 72 94 92 70 92

27 79

Gr 2

*Seats available and building utilization calculated using adjusted enrollment

38 16


74 41

20 -

Glenarden Woods Elementary Glenn Dale Elementary Glenridge Elementary Green Valley Academy Greenbelt Day Care Center

66 58 76

34 35 40

Francis Scott Key Elementary Francis T Evans Elementary Frederick Douglass High Friendly High G James Gholson Middle Gaywood Elementary Gladys Noon Spellman Elementary Glassmanor Elementary


39 324


53 69 35 34

122 -


Fort Washington Forest Elem Frances R Fuchs E C C




35 -

37 141 48 92 84 56 77

28 80 35 59 38 20 37

31 66

Community-Based Classroom Concord Elementary Cool Spring Elementary Cooper Lane Elementary Cora L Rice Elementary Croom High Crossland Evening/Sat High Crossland High Deerfield Run Elementary District Heights Elementary Dodge Park Elementary Dora Kennedy French Immersion


35 37


Clinton Grove Elementary College Park Academy Columbia Park Elementary


124 116 89 -

75 52

66 56 73

51 -

50 75 37 42

108 -


22 -


45 102 84 91 89 74 79

41 78

Gr 3

122 97 121 -

80 48

79 51 96

40 -

50 70 39 45

131 -


36 -


52 110 59 91 99 72 69

47 61

Gr 4

124 78 118 -

71 63

87 57 84

49 -

48 77 47 43

135 -


33 -


51 138 77 102 103 51 83

50 79

Gr 5


116 -


158 -


47 47 45



39 196 -


52 99 69 81

141 64

Gr 6






389 -





348 -



140 -

Gr 7



22 -



268 250 -


263 -

749 -


558 768


12 -



311 194 -


218 -

669 -


620 486


49 233 -

63 -

30 310 -


88 -

Gr 10


Gr 9

Office of Pupil Accounting




351 -





324 -



114 -

Gr 8



261 166 -


186 -

578 -


541 456


7 31 223 -


54 -


Gr 11



193 181 -


172 -

633 -


501 413


75 58 118 209 -

61 -


Gr 12

Prince George's County Public Schools SY 2019-20 Official Enrollment by School and Grade

491 581 826 50 16

548 319

490 375 1,033 791 898 519

295 324

431 839 449 330 305

807 2,629 780


247 2,220 868 2,123


75 365 915 527 636 65 228 975 619 403 597

264 661 546


491 581 807 50 16

548 319

490 375 1,033 791 898 499

295 263

431 839 449 330 305

807 2,629 780


247 2,220 868 2,123


75 365 915 527 636 65 228 975 600 403 597

264 661 546

460 404 828 230 -

564 335

677 454 1,410 1,351 870 386

434 260

470 1,123 451 314 451

879 2,096 824


523 2,518 890 2,258


451 535 494 696 120 1,775 570 515 511

426 515

Total State Rated (Adjusted for Capacity half-day PreK)

(31) (177) 21 180 -

16 16

187 79 377 560 (28) (113)

139 (3)

39 284 2 (16) 146

72 (533) 44


276 298 22 135


86 (380) (33) 60 55 800 (30) 112 (86)

162 (31)

*Seats Available

107% 144% 97% 22% -

97% 95%

72% 83% 73% 59% 103% 129%

68% 101%

92% 75% 100% 105% 68%

92% 125% 95%


47% 88% 98% 94%


81% 171% 107% 91% 54% 55% 105% 78% 117%

62% 106%

*Building Utilization

4 4 4 7 2

4 8

6 9 9 8 6 4

9 1

4 4 8 8 8

3 2 6


6 7 7 1


4 6 3 4 6 9 8 8 1 7 4

9 2 4

5 3 3 7 4

5 8

7 8 9 9 5 3

9 1

5 5 8 8 8

2 4 6


7 6 7 4


5 7 2 5 5 9 8 8 1 6 5

9 3 5

Board of Ed Council District District

24 24 22 24 22

47A 26

24 25 23B 26 24 22

26 21

22 47A 26 26 26

22 22 24


24 25 24 22


47A 24 47B 47A 24 27B 26 26 23A 25 22

25 22 47A

Legislative District


Prince George’s County Planning Department

Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 61


34 35



42 51 63

96 44 78 51 75 89 59





16 -



137 32 123

40 91 288 39 36 29 69


James H Harrison Elementary James Madison Middle

James Mc Henry Elementary James Ryder Randall Elementary John H Bayne Elementary John Hanson Montessori Judge Sylvania W Woods, Sr. Elem Judith P Hoyer Montessori Kenilworth Elementary Kenmoor E C C Kenmoor Middle Kettering Elementary Kettering Middle Kingsford Elementary Lake Arbor Elementary Lamont Elementary Langley Pk- Mccormick Elementary



87 36 63 64 74 68 76

46 61 57


37 -

28 12




42 45



69 70 56 -

85 65 34

Gr 1

41 7



89 41 70 56 75 106 80

44 56 50


44 -




40 41



67 49 89 -

86 71 46 31

Gr 2

*Seats available and building utilization calculated using adjusted enrollment

52 -

38 11










85 83 85 -

32 40 39 -

105 48 26

Hillcrest Heights Elementary Hollywood Elementary Hyattsville Elementary Hyattsville Middle Imagine Andrews Public Charter Imagine Foundations At Leeland Pcs Imagine Foundations At Morningside Pcs Imagine Lincoln Pcs Incarcerated Youth Center (Jacs) Indian Queen Elementary International High School @ Langley Park International High School @ Largo Isaac J Gourdine Middle J Frank Dent Elementary James E Duckworth


37 301 20


Greenbelt Elementary Greenbelt Middle Gwynn Park High Gwynn Park Middle H Winship Wheatley E C C Heather Hills Elementary High Bridge Elementary High Point High Highland Park Elementary


33 5



105 38 61 65 78 72 83

51 68 54


33 -




51 43



69 87 76 -

81 88 69 38

Gr 3

42 8



113 32 65 79 100 99 85

60 62 35


40 -




47 59



73 70 78 -

94 97 74 35

Gr 4

37 6



114 27 50 65 90 96 91

58 69 38


47 -




49 43



79 59 85 -

117 97 71 38

Gr 5



117 23 256 289 -



45 290

141 45 4



43 50




392 183 37

Gr 6


19 362 257 -




232 15



48 46




540 243 -

Gr 7







214 4







259 955 -

Gr 9















240 646 -

Gr 10

Office of Pupil Accounting


24 346 279 -




238 5



73 43




536 236 -

Gr 8







88 13







233 577 -

Gr 11







83 2







229 569 -

Gr 12

Prince George's County Public Schools SY 2019-20 Official Enrollment by School and Grade


761 375 387 288 964 419 825 528 559 543

438 399 511


314 870

385 611 284 93


10 311

427 405



474 458 508 909

605 1,468 961 662 301 353 373 2,747 259



761 330 387 219 964 419 825 528 559 509

417 399 481


314 870

385 611 284 93


10 311

427 405



474 438 508 909

587 1,468 961 662 237 353 373 2,747 259


719 439 448 250 695 589 985 750 796 503

441 542 902


343 850

363 824 365 120



365 -



703 339 406 787

568 1,101 1,208 765 420 368 371 2,081 574

Total State Rated (Adjusted for Capacity half-day PreK)


(42) 109 61 31 (269) 170 160 222 237 (6)

24 143 421


29 (20)

(22) 213 81 27



(62) -



229 (99) (102) (122)

(19) (367) 247 103 183 15 (2) (666) 315

*Seats Available


106% 75% 86% 88% 139% 71% 84% 70% 70% 101%

95% 74% 53%


92% 102%

106% 74% 78% 78%


0% 57%

117% 0%



67% 129% 125% 116%

103% 133% 80% 87% 56% 96% 101% 132% 45%

*Building Utilization


4 6 5 4 4 6 6 5 6 2

8 6 8


1 9

6 8 8 1


7 8

7 7



8 2 3 3

2 2 9 9 6 5 5 1 6


5 5 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 3

9 6 8


1 9

6 8 8 1


6 8

7 7



7 1 2 2

4 4 9 9 6 4 4 1 7

Board of Ed Council District District


22 24 23B 24 22 25 25 24 24 22

25 25 26


23A 23B

25 26 25 21


25 26

25 24



25 21 22 22

22 22 27B 27B 25 23B 23A 21 24

Legislative District


Page 62 • Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update

Prince George’s County Planning Department

22 30 72 41 122 33 39 40 36 40

Potomac Landing Elementary Princeton Elementary Ridgecrest Elementary Riverdale Elementary Robert Frost Elementary Robert Goddard Montessori Robert R Gray Elementary Rockledge Elementary Rogers Heights Elementary Rosa L Parks Elementary Rosaryville Elementary

54 56 87 115 43 55 43 42 104 79 75

42 56 106 115 46 47 44 54 106 82 67

80 51 147 -

52 68 43 46 97 60 97

48 99

65 76 92 50 -

193 54


94 109 26 54 4 45

Gr 1

57 45 67 93 43 50 62 49 112 100 53

67 53 167 -

71 48 44 49 89 41 88

45 88

54 63 95 38 -

186 62


79 102 49 66 9 42

Gr 2

*Seats available and building utilization calculated using adjusted enrollment

81 -

93 38 135 -

63 78 31 67 103 43 95

37 46 35 20 -


33 83

20 36

81 55 95 51 -

39 39 -

Phyllis E Williams Elementary Pointer Ridge Elementary Port Towns Elementary Potomac High

North Forestville Elementary Northview Elementary Northwestern Evening/Sat High Northwestern High Oaklands Elementary Overlook Elementary Oxon Hill Elementary Oxon Hill High Oxon Hill Middle Paint Branch Elementary Panorama Elementary Parkdale High Patuxent Elementary Perrywood Elementary


176 47

129 96 40 67 8 41

48 -

Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle Mary Harris "Mother" Jones Elem Mattaponi Elementary Maya Angelou French Immersion Melwood Elementary Montpelier Elementary Mt Rainier Elementary Nicholas Orem Middle



40 56 13 29 38


Largo High Laurel Elementary Laurel High Lewisdale Elementary Longfields Elementary Magnolia Elementary Margaret Brent Marlton Elementary


57 37 78 120 44 39 41 53 107 98 66

74 42 155 -

65 52 40 45 97 39 111

42 100

52 92 95 53 -

194 68

69 35 96 106 48 46 68 52 114 90 58

66 55 147 -

61 42 31 47 76 39 95

60 114

54 81 91 43 -

159 69


84 126 48 71 9 46



90 109 48 69 9 48

Gr 4


Gr 3

81 58 99 130 63 39 48 48 114 90 69

52 60 148 -

60 44 40 39 85 51 107

53 117

52 80 97 39 -

135 60


103 101 46 80 8 39

Gr 5

49 85 28 60 123 99 -

14 152 -

210 40 5 -

50 -

38 37 287



26 78 11 -

Gr 6

32 -


351 -


39 438



10 -

Gr 7




132 757 468 763 -





253 626 -

Gr 9



133 578 352 612 -





217 534 -

Gr 10

Office of Pupil Accounting

32 -


304 -


41 404





Gr 8



96 457 337 513 -





224 368 -

Gr 11



120 543 340 466 -





178 415 -

Gr 12

Prince George's County Public Schools SY 2019-20 Official Enrollment by School and Grade

382 366 690 720 287 490 399 337 820 674 428

446 299 1,132 1,196

481 2,335 409 332 229 1,497 865 379 587 2,354 293 593

351 637

476 447 604 350 1,129

1,091 360


872 619 1,943 699 296 514 72 299


382 366 690 720 287 460 399 337 820 674 428

446 299 1,132 1,196

481 2,335 391 332 229 1,497 865 379 587 2,354 293 593

351 637

476 447 604 350 1,129

1,067 360


872 599 1,943 671 296 500 72 299

454 448 693 563 309 998 808 454 610 810 783

538 596 809 1,915

2,340 408 545 423 1,360 783 357 691 2,288 451 800

438 797

670 633 609 406 829

769 458


1,365 493 1,867 471 474 449 160 489

Total State Rated (Adjusted for Capacity half-day PreK)

72 82 3 (157) 22 538 409 117 (210) 136 355

92 297 (323) 719

5 17 213 194 (137) (82) (22) 104 (66) 158 207


87 160

194 186 5 56 (300)

(298) 98


493 (106) (76) (200) 178 (51) 88 190

*Seats Available

84% 82% 100% 128% 93% 46% 49% 74% 134% 83% 55%

83% 50% 140% 62%

100% 96% 61% 54% 110% 110% 106% 85% 103% 65% 74%

80% 80%

71% 71% 99% 86% 136%

139% 79%


64% 122% 104% 142% 62% 111% 45% 61%

*Building Utilization

9 7 3 2 2 1 4 5 4 3 9

6 5 4 8

3 3 1 7 8 8 8 2 8 2 5 6

7 5

8 9 1 3 3

3 9


6 1 1 3 7 2 2 9

8 8 2 3 3 4 5 4 5 2 9

6 4 5 7

2 2 1 7 8 8 8 3 7 3 9 6

6 4

7 9 1 2 2

2 9


6 1 1 2 6 3 3 9

Board of Ed Council District District

26 26 47A 22 22 22 47A 23B 47A 47B 27B

24 23B 47A 26

47B 47B 21 24 26 26 26 21 26 22 23B 25

25 23B

26 23B 23A 47A 22

21 27B


25 21 21 47B 25 22 22 23B

Legislative District


Prince George’s County Planning Department

Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 63

87 40 57 143 77 50 176 69 86 78

58 52 57

31 67 67 118 80 111 67 73 57 72 40 74 9,952


39 69 43 118 87 112 76 88 40 75 41 67 10,020

85 60 59 148 87 57 138 71 83 54

52 46 66

Gr 1

38 67 55 127 75 125 58 108 62 72 44 65 10,180

95 44 54 155 74 49 141 73 87 53

49 54 73

Gr 2

*Seats available and building utilization calculated using adjusted enrollment

*Seats available and building utilization calculated using adjusted enrollment

39 19 20 38 20 78 35 -

Scotchtown Hills Elementary Seabrook Elementary Seat Pleasant Elementary Springhill Lake Elementary Stephen Decatur Middle Suitland Elementary Suitland High Surrattsville High Tall Oaks High Tayac Elementary Templeton Elementary Thomas G Pullen Thomas Johnson Middle Thomas S Stone Elementary Thurgood Marshall Middle Tulip Grove Elementary Turning Point Academy Public Charter University Park Elementary Valley View Elementary Vansville Elementary Waldon Woods Elementary Walker Mill Middle Whitehall Elementary William Beanes Elementary William Paca Elementary William W Hall Academy William Wirt Middle Woodmore Elementary Woodridge Elementary Yorktown Elementary Total

24 18 40 19 48 48 40 31 22 5,283

25 24 34


Rose Valley Elementary Samuel Chase Elementary Samuel Ogle Middle Samuel P Massie Academy


43 72 81 132 101 110 68 99 54 83 46 70 10,355

88 56 49 153 82 55 134 75 90 57

46 51 59

Gr 3

56 86 77 125 108 82 92 100 62 71 44 69 10,473

100 46 54 143 74 59 142 75 91 57

61 46 52

Gr 4

39 73 75 115 107 113 72 103 57 69 47 58 10,525

90 51 52 149 70 57 134 75 85 50

63 51 71

Gr 5

178 66 164 40 10,608

52 64

94 50 247 76 99 441 75 -

288 75

Gr 6

42 260 62 532 10,374

267 101 405 297 -

287 65

Gr 7


579 179 -


Gr 9


525 167 -


Gr 10

Office of Pupil Accounting

50 267 66 528 10,011

255 97 423 253 -

310 62

Gr 8


390 179 27 -


Gr 11


409 180 68 -


Gr 12

Prince George's County Public Schools SY 2019-20 Official Enrollment by School and Grade

390 522 416 775 577 705 653 481 619 566 1,224 473 324 403 135,962

678 316 395 891 769 578 1,903 705 95 347 943 735 1,269 557 625 349

354 324 885 614


390 510 416 775 577 705 653 481 619 566 1,224 473 324 403 135,110

678 316 395 891 769 578 1,903 705 95 347 904 735 1,269 557 625 349

354 324 885 614

565 541 836 568 850 388 560 601 709 850 570 337 457

790 409 354 561 901 702 2,447 1,237 192 545 565 881 1,030 638 923 457

428 383 935 769

Total State Rated (Adjusted for Capacity half-day PreK)

55 125 61 (9) 145 (265) 79 (18) 143 (374) 97 13 54

112 93 (41) (330) 132 124 544 532 97 198 (339) 146 (239) 81 298 108

74 59 50 155

*Seats Available

90% 77% 93% 102% 83% 168% 86% 103% 80% 144% 83% 96% 88%

86% 77% 112% 159% 85% 82% 78% 57% 49% 64% 160% 83% 123% 87% 68% 76%

83% 85% 95% 80%

*Building Utilization

8 3 8 1 9 6 5 7 6 6 2 5 4 5

1 4 6 2 9 7 7 9 5 8 4 6 4 3 8 5

8 8 5 7

8 3 8 1 9 6 4 7 5 7 3 6 3 4

1 3 7 4 9 7 7 9 6 8 5 5 5 2 8 4

9 8 4 7

Board of Ed Council District District

26 22 26 21 27A 25 23B 25 24 24 22 23B 22 23B

21 22 24 22 25 25 24 27A 23B 26 47A 24 24 47A 26 23A

26 25 23B 25

Legislative District


Appendix E. Transit Oriented Development and Pupil Yield/Student Generation Rates in Prince George’s County The Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation requested the pupil yield from multifamily buildings in “TOD” locations. The Planning Department staff has utilized the Transit District Overlay Zones (TDOZ) for Prince George’s Plaza, College Park/Riverdale, West Hyattsville, New Carrollton, and Capitol Heights. It should be noted that currently the College Park/Riverdale TDOZ has no multifamily housing units, although some are proposed at the College Park Metro Station. The numbers are for informational purposes only and are not provided for purposes of adequate public facilities review. Table 54. Pupil Yield Factors for Multifamily Housing in the TDOZs Transit District Overlay Zones Capitol Heights College Park-Riverdale Park New Carrollton Prince George’s Plaza West Hyattsville

Elementary 0 0 0.130 0.121 0.200

Schools Levels Middle 0.012 0 0.081 0.066 0.123

High 0.024 0 0.089 0.089 0.166

The West Hyattsville TDOZ and TDDP area has the highest generation rates for pupil yield of the five TDOZs. Compared to the County multifamily pupil yield factors, the number of students generated at all school levels in West Hyattsville TDOZ is higher than the countywide factor; however, all the other TDOZs are below the countywide factor, shown below. Table 55. Prince George’s County 2020 Multifamily Pupil Yield Factor Type of Unit Multifamily

Elementary 0.162

Schools Levels Middle 0.089

High 0.101

CALCULATING PUPIL YIELD/STUDENT GENERATION RATES Formula: # Dwelling Units x Pupil Yield Factor = Pupil Yield or students generated by the subdivision.

Table 56. Hypothetical Multifamily Pupil Yield for the TDOZs in Prince George’s County

TDOZ Capitol Heights College Park-Riverdale Park New Carrollton Prince George's Plaza West Hyattsville

# Dwelling Units 100 100 100 100 100

Elementary Factors Yield 0 0 0.130 0.121 0.200

0 0 13 12.1 20

Page 64 • Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update

SCHOOL LEVELS Middle Factors Yield 0.012 0 0.081 0.066 0.123

1.2 0 8.1 6.6 12.3

High Factors Yield 0.024 0 0.089 0.089 0.166

2.4 0 8.9 8.9 16.6

Total Students 3.6 0 30 28 49

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Map 9. Transit District Overlay Zones

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 65

Page 66 • Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Acknowledgments Andree Green Checkley, Esq., Planning Director Derick P. Berlage, Acting Deputy Planning Director Katina Shoulars, Acting Division Chief, Countywide Planning Division James Cannistra, Division Chief, Information Management Division


Countywide Planning Division Maria Martin, Countywide Planning Division Ted Kowaluk, Planner Coordinator, Countywide Planning Division

Information Management Division Michael Shean, Supervisor, GIS Section Audrey Graham, GIS Specialist II Dave Jarvis, GIS Specialist II Paul H. Patnode, AICP, Planner - GIS Specialist III Nicholas Ward, GIS Specialist II Mussie Tewolde, GIS Specialist I

Office and Publication Services

Daniel Hartmann, Office and Publications Services Program Administrator DeWayne Williams, Supervisor, Office Services M’balu Abdullah, Webmaster, Web Development Robert Getz, Publications Specialist, Publications and Graphics Shannon Sonnett, Graphic Designer, Publications and Graphics

PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Elizabeth Chaisson, CIP Officer, Department of Capital Programs Rhianna McCarter, Planning Specialist, Department of Capital Programs John C. Wooden, Planning and School Boundaries Analyst, Department of Capital Programs

Prince George’s County Planning Department

Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters—2020 Update • Page 67

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission Prince George’s County Planning Department 14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 www.pgplanning.org

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