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A Placemaking Toolkit for Largo
This section outlines strategies and tactics for implementing placemaking in Downtown Largo. While many of these tactics will seem familiar, they build on opportunities and resources present in Downtown Largo and reflect the aspirations expressed through the community engagement process undertaken for this project.
Placemaking is opportunistic, but a clear set of strategies can improve the successful outcome of the event. This toolkit is organized around phased strategies that can be implemented in the short term or longer term as funding, capacity and capital investment grows.
Immediate/Temporary tactics can be accomplished in the short term, without much additional planning, expense, or prerequisite actions. These tactics send early signals that something new and exciting is happening. They can test ideas while being temporary, inexpensive, and experimental.
Strategic Prototype projects involve cultivating a partnership with a key entity in Downtown Largo. They are a bit more ambitious. Their goals are to test new ideas for public spaces and explore how a relationship with a placemaking partner might work.
Public Realm projects involve coordination with County construction projects, such as road infrastructure, parks and public amenities. The placemaking approach would integrate design features into the public construction process. As such, the timing of these projects may depend on when public investments are being made and would require coordination with County agencies.
Private Development projects involve coordination with private developers and/or landowners. These types of placemaking projects would be discussed with developers at the earliest stages of their development review process and would require coordination with The M-NCPPC.