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Wayfinding Sign Typology
The Downtown Largo Wayfinding System includes several different types of signs, each with a unique function. The schematic below explains the different sign functions and where each type is typically used.
Provides awareness and confirmation of arrival to Downtown Largo
Vehicular Directional
Provides confirmation of arrival and direction-giving to destinations and parking
Info Hub Large format pedestrian directional sign located at welcome and arrival nodes along pathways. Displays regional map, directional information.
Info Pylon
Local format pedestrian directional sign for reorientation and decision points along pedestrian paths, transit, & parking nodes. Displays local area & map information focused on destinations and intersections.
Directional sign occurs at interstitial decision points at junctions where limited information is required. Sign points to destinations and lists distances.
Trail Marker
Provides trail identification and confirmation, distance traveled, and amenity icons.
Pavement Marker
Provides route identification and confirmation