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Branding Goals
Meaning. Experience. Vision Values. Branding is often described as a value proposition: What does a place offer to residents, businesses, and workers? And in turn, how can people help strengthen those assets of a place?
While branding can be physical assets like logos, graphic design, and slogans, it can also be embedded into other approaches when designing a place. It can be integrated into urban design, landscape architecture, historic preservation, public art, and events and activities. These also fall under the umbrella of placemaking.
When branding a place like Downtown Largo, the goal is to express the intangible aspects of the place people know to be true, and communicate a vision for a place that people can build a future around.
Branding can have many specific goals, including supporting an infrastructure system like transit or wayfinding, supporting economic development activities, and differentiating a place from others as a destination for visitors.

During the outreach and engagement process, key stakeholders discussed numerous goals for branding the study area of Downtown Largo. Their conversations coalesced around the idea that the brand should be the foundation of an effective, qualitative connection for people who live, work, and do business in Downtown Largo.