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Placemaking Tactics: Strategic Prototypes
Placemaking Tactics: Strategic Prototypes
In Downtown Largo, placemaking is not only about improving visual appearance and activating the public realm but also about encouraging the civic, government, commercial and institutional partners to embrace and invest in placemaking. These prototype project ideas describe some of the available opportunities.
Activate Metro Plaza
The plaza at the Largo Metro station is a major entry point into Downtown Largo. Strategic actions that could have an outsized impact on this space include consistent maintenance of the plaza, establishing a wayfinding hub, enhancing the garage facade with a mural or other artwork, and providing regular pop-up programming. This space will play a key role in other projects, such as the Game Day Pop-Up Promenade.
Potential partners: WMATA, PGCAHC
Internet access is a ubiquitous need in public spaces. Free Wi-Fi access is an amenity that encourages people to come to a public space and stay there and can make people feel welcome regardless of their affiliation with organizations that provide private Wi-Fi services. Build a public Wi-Fi network, starting with places where you would like people to gather, and expand it outwards from there.
Potential partners: Cellular and cable carriers, EDC
Temporary arts events and performances require mobile infrastructure such as stages, sound, seating, and storage. Some of this infrastructure can be creatively designed to add to the excitement and send signals that something interesting is happening. Consider creating an artist-designed mobile bandshell, stage and screen; decorate the vehicles that drive this equipment around with playful designs and markings.
Potential partners: PGCAHC, M-NCPPC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)
Several times a year, the nearby football stadium hosts games and other events that attract up to 80,000 people. The expectation is that the Largo Metro station, about a mile away, will serve as a major access point for event attendees. The connection between the station and the stadium can be turned into a festive game-day procession that attracts game attendees as well as fans who would like to come together but are not going to the stadium – a linear tailgate party. The route could be lined with features such as pop-up screens, music, food options and games that could provide fun activities for all ages.
Potential partners: Carrillon, Washington Commanders
Wellness Programming
Largo’s brand may be built around health and wellness: an idea that could be promoted through formal and informal programming in open spaces. Programming could be promoted through partnerships among community, health and parks organizations. Promotions could include yoga, tai-chi, powerwalking, or other activities that don’t require special equipment. Activities could be rotated among different locations in Largo, from parks to pop-up spaces.
Potential Partners: University of Maryland Health System, DPR , Homeowner’s Associations (HOA)
Pop Up Playtime
Largo’s potential brand of health and wellness could also be expanded to include the idea of play as part of a healthy lifestyle for people of all ages. Pop-up play areas can support people’s well-being and create intergenerational social gathering opportunities. Specific places can be designated for play and lowcost equipment for staging outdoor games (cornhole, croquet, ping pong, chess).
Potential Partners: University of Maryland Health System, DPR, HOA
Road Diets
Transportation agencies are increasingly using pilots or temporary installations to test out new road configurations before building them permanently. This gives the community a chance to be involved in the final design decisions, As Largo streets are changed to incorporate Complete Streets designs, road diets and traffic calming, it is possible to implement short-term temporary test Complete Streets.
Potential Partner: PGCAHC, DPW&T. Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT)
Green Infrastructure And Landscapes
The ordinary suburban landscapes that characterize Downtown Largo can be redesigned using sustainability principles to improve environmental systems such as habitat, stormwater management, and urban heat islands. Parking lots, stream corridors, mowed lawns, and similar spaces can be retrofitted to demonstrate green infrastructure practices and contribute to Largo’s environmental resiliency and beauty.
Potential Partners: DPR, DPW&T, MDOT, Environmental organizations, large landowners
Garage Fa Ade Enhancements
As Downtown Largo continues to evolve and grow, large parking structures will become more conspicuous. Largo’s sector plan emphasizes that garages should have ground-level features that strengthen the streetscape. However, there is less guidance for upper-level facades and side walls, which currently dominate many viewscapes in Largo. These walls should also be a priority for architectural facades, screens, and art features.
Potential Partners: PGCRA, PGCAHC, WMATA, Developers