Professional ethics

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Vol.1 June 2013



INDEX Professionalism ………………………….……………………… 4 Professional ethics …………………………………………..…. 6 Code of ethics of the engineer in venezuela ……. 8


PROFESSIONALISM The term professionalism is used to describe all those practices, behaviors and attitudes that are governed by the established rules of respect, restraint, objectivity and effectiveness of the activity carried out. Professionalism is the direct consequence of being a professional, an individual who has a particular profession who exercise according to socially established guidelines for the same. Patterns of professionalism can be very varied and range from physical aspects and appearance (such as clothing) to moral and ethical attitudes (such as the line of duty in any situation and reality).

The notion of professionalism is related, needless to say, with that profession. The profession is a profession type purchased legitimately by a person after a career of study or work as it provides the skills, knowledge and skills specific to the chosen activity. The attitude of professionalism, to act as a professional means that when that task or activid exercise, the person functions according to specific parameters set for it as well according to general settings and moral conduct.


However Professionalism can exist in the case of people who do not have an official legal profession but still important traits show respect, commitment, dedication and professionalism in what they do. Professionalism is without doubt one of the most wanted features in establishing the job, but at the same time can be difficult to measure in quantitative terms. Obviously, there are some elements that can be clearly identified as lack of professionalism, such as tardiness, aggressive language and forms of communication or improper handling, lack of commitment to the activity, inappropriate appearance, establishing emotional ties with colleagues or clients when this is not allowed, etc..

By: Mirian Galarraga


PROFESSIONAL ETHICS The concept of ethics is one that applies to all situations in which professional performance should follow a system both implicit and explicit moral rules of different types. Professional ethics may vary in specific terms with each profession, depending on the type of action to be carried forward and develop activities. However, there are a set of rules of ethics that can be applied broadly to all or many of the professions. Professional ethics may also be known as professional ethics.

private benefit of those who exercised . Thus, some of the elements common to professional ethics are for example the principle of solidarity, efficiency, the liability of the facts and their consequences, the equity. All these principles, and others, are established so as to ensure that a professional (either lawyer, doctor, teacher or employer) to carry on business consistently and sensibly.

The idea of ethics is established from the idea that all professions, regardless of branch or activity should be carried out in the best way possible, without causing harm to others or seek only the 6

In some cases, professional ethics has to do with actions specific to each profession. In this sense, a lawyer, a psychologist or a doctor have the values ​of professional ethics confidentiality of information received, efficiency and in some cases these situations involving risk of life.

When a professional fails sharply with the rules of professional conduct is punishable high penalties or sanctions either by their customers or patients and also from his superiors, whatever these are depending on the type of profession or activity which is spoken. By: Nohelia Galarraga


CODE OF ETHICS OF THE ENGINEER IN VENEZUELA It is considered unethical and incompatible with the exercise worth profession, for a member of the Association of Engineers of Venezuela: 1. Act in any manner which tends to undermine the honor, responsibility and the virtues of honesty, integrity and truthfulness that should underpin to a full exercise of their profession. (Virtues) 2. Violate or permit violate the laws, ordinances and regulations related to full practice. (Illegality). 3. Neglecting the maintenance and improvement of their skills, belittling the confidence that society attaches practice.

which no have the capacity, qualifications and experience reasonable. (Serious). 5. Dispensing, for friendship, convenience or coercion, compliance mandatory provisions, when the mission is in charge of enforcing them and meet. (Waiver). 6. To offer, solicit or provide professional services for lower wages established as the minimum, by the College of Engineers of Venezuela.

(Remuneration). 7. Develop projects and prepare reports with gross egligence or lightness, or judiciously unduly optimistic.


(Knowledge). 4. Offer to specialty performance and functions for 8

8. Signing without consultation drawings prepared by others and take responsibility for projects or jobs that are not under his immediate direction, review or supervision. (Signature). 9. Take charge of works have been done without all the technical studies essential for its proper implementation, or when to perform the same time those listed incompatible with good professional practice. (Works). 10. Attend deliberately or invite bidding for Study and / or projects works. (Tenders). 11. Offer, give or receive commissions or undue compensation, request influences or using them for obtaining or granting of work professionals, or to create situations of privilege in his performance. (Influence).

12. Use of the advantages inherent in a paid position to compete with the independent practice of other professionals. (Benefits). 13. Damage the reputation or the legitimate interests of other professionals, or unjustifiably attributed try committing professional mistakes others colleagues.

(Reputation). 14. Acquiring interests, directly or indirectly collide with those of the company or customer who uses their services or charge without knowledge of stakeholders work in which there are conflicting interests.



15. Deliberately contravene the principles of justice and fairness in their Consulting, junior staff and workers, in particular, with Regarding the latter, with respect to the maintenance of conditions Fair Labor and its fair share of the profits.

in the ability to perform them. (Foreigners). 18. Use studies, projects, plans, reports or other documents, other than the public domain without the permission of the authors and / or owners.

(Justice). 16. Directly or indirectly involved in the destruction of natural resources or skip the corresponding action to avoid the production of facts contribute to environmental degradation. (The

Atmosphere). 17. Act in any manner that enables or facilitates the recruitment Professional or foreign companies, studies or projects, construction, inspection and supervision of works, when in the judgment of the College of Engineering Venezuela, Venezuela exists

19. Reserved in nature Disclosing technical, financial or Professional and disclose without authorization, procedures, processes or characteristics equipment protected by patents or contracts that the duties of professional secret keepers. And use programs, disks, tapes or other media, which are not public domain without permission of the authors and / or owners, or unauthorized use of access codes other people, for their own benefit. (Secret).


20. Submit your customer to your employer to the application of materials or methods experimentation, without previous full knowledge and approval or recommend unneeded services. (Experimentation and services needed).

22. Failure to comply with the provisions of the "Rules of Conduct VIC Guild". (Acting Guild) By: Mirian Galarraga Nohelia Galarraga

21. Make or permit any institutional advertising, which may appeal to the public action to professional, personal or participate in television, radio and other means of professional informative nature, or in any way violate the dignity and seriousness of their profession. Just as, use their position to make comments in the media or propaganda materials, equipment and technologies. (Advertisement).


MEMBERS Mirian Galarraga C.I: 16.748.316 Nohelia Galarraga C.I: 16.001.262 SAIA “A”

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