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Green Architecture Skyscraper Vanguard Design Effots that support the components of structures Architecture

n e e r G e r u t c e t i h c r A

By Mirian Galarraga C.I: 16.748.316

Gree Architecture Also known as Sustainable Architecture, Green, and / or Eco-architecture is a way of conceiving the architectural design looking to use natural resources in a way that minimizes the environmental impact of construction on the natural environment and the inhabitants. Sustainable architecture seeks to minimize the negative consequences for the environment of buildings, enhancing efficiency and moderation in the use of building materials, energy consumption, space built hygrothermal maintaining comfort.

Ecological Design Considerations Reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation through recycling, efficient technologies and creating closed systems. Improving efficiency in the use of resources, especially water and energy.

The Construction Site Protection of ecological systems in non-urban locations, we analyze the effects that the construction would have on natural systems; usually prevents build in sensitive places, parks and fertile land, on the contrary, it seeks to build on places already contaminated. So take steps to prevent damage and also seeking construction sites can provide an environmental service. Construction Position: sustainable design takes advantage of natural energies, taking into account the direction of the wind, sun, water currents, etc.. For example, a building can be placed to maximize airflow in the warm season (thus cooling the interior) and the entry of the sun in the cool season. Transportation: often get to and from a place is where most energy is spent, hence transport is considered as an intrinsic element of ecodesign. If you can not choose a site close to public transport, it is advisable to include some eco-friendly solution as part of the design.

Efficient use of resources Water: water use efficiency is achieved through systems for collecting and recycling water naturally available (from rain, for example) besides reducing the amount of water used. Showers, taps and baths of low consumption, combined with filters and pipes that maximize the time that the same water is circulated and used, can reduce water consumption substantially. Energy: bulbs and efficient appliances improve the energy efficiency of the building, the production "in situ" of solar, wind and / or geothermal energy reduces dependence on external sources, good insulation and proper location of the building reduce the need to spend lighting energy (lighting) and climate control.

Healthy Spaces and Materials Organic forms: either in the design of a house, institution or community, green architecture commonly used curves, modules, branches or other forms that occur in nature, incorporating them by function. Recycled materials, renewable and local: want to use materials that are lighter carbon footprint, these include environmentally certified wood, fast growing plants like bamboo or straw, stone and recycled metal, earth or mud, and other recycled materials. Ideally all the material to be produced locally. Nontoxic materials: many of the construction materials used in organic non-toxic, toxic gases or fire. This contributes to a condition called "sick building syndrome". Green architecture seeks to improve air quality in buildings through the use of paints and non-toxic or less toxic, with some adjustments to the ventilation and climate control.

Waste Reduction: Sustainable design includes ways to reduce and / or recycle waste, making them ideally useful elements for the same place. Well placed recycling bins, tanks and pipes for water recycling, dry baths or tanks for biogas production and composting systems are examples of methods that are incorporated in green architecture.

r e p a r c s y k S By Nohelia Galarraga C.I: 16.001.262

Skyscraper There is a criterion based on height rather popular, placing the lower limit in about 500 feet (152.5 meters). From 1000 feet (about 305 m) is often considered a building supertall skyscraper. The reason for its construction is the most economic use of the land. However, in the case of skyscrapers, economic motivation often actually nonexistent, because excess entails high costs even higher.

Advantages and disadvantages of such colossal construction of buildings: The main advantage of the skyscraper is to obtain a large amount of floor space in a small floor space. This is often the reason that developers decide to undertake this type of work, as the ability to sell or rent a lot of homes or offices usually offset the enormous cost of building these buildings. The reason that companies tend to cluster in these buildings is that the concentration of people and services in a small area allows for greater economic efficiency. The concentration of employees in one building allows companies to achieve greater performance, as they make unnecessary trips or mailings or courier services. But there are also disadvantages. The high concentration of the population pose skyscrap-

ers require large investments in transport infrastructure, water supply facilities, electricity, communications, sanitation ... Facilities whose cost lies with the municipal institutions, which charge astronomical prices licenses in return. Including: * Make the water to reach the upper floors without burst pipes from the lower floors. * The lifts must be fast, by the need not to spend much time to reach the desired floor. But some excessive accelerations can cause fainting. * A tall building supports worst wind, and the calculation of the structure takes into account the horizontal oscillations, both the height and the fact that the wind is stronger the further distance ourselves from the ground. * Foundations must bear much weight, and so are very deep, and should be designed in a special way to withstand earthquakes and horizontal loads caused by wind. * The accumulation of a large mass in the same vertical level can lead to geological and geophysical seismic imbalances, as happened in Taipei

The Burj Khalifa almost touching the stars, literally. Dubai-city in which it is located, is a conglomerate of impossible shapes. It is no coincidence the world's tallest building 825 meters stretch its height to contemplate also from heaven.. Construction began in January 2004, and to the same month of 2010 there took place the official opening of a building that holds the world record for the highest installation of an aluminum and glass facade -512 meters. No less than 330,000 cubic meters of concrete and 39,000 tons of reinforcing steel.

1-BURJ DUBAI (United Arab Emirates)

2-Abraj Al Bait Towers (Saudi Arabia)

The 601 meters of this particular construction of Mecca make it worthy of the silver medal. This building located in Mecca is the largest building made ​​by man in relation to their size by mass, and occupies a total area of 1,500,000 square meters. Abraj Al Bait Towers live with the most sacred place of pilgrimage for Muslims, with all that this implies. Can house as many as 4,000 people praying. As most striking feature that stands atop the tower clock was installed the world's largest, with an area of ​​43 meters that lets you know what time it is from 25 miles away.

The 101 stories in the building they put the name to Taipei 101. These stories must be added five more remain buried under the ground. The Curious total plants in this construction -508 meters-commemorates the new century that was installed when the tower was still under construction, and hence the 100 years of a century will be joined by a representative unit of the new temporary space I opened the new century. It also symbolized the "plus ultra" of perfection, since traditionally the number one hundred has been associated with excellence. Interestingly, the 101 is the postcode of the international business district of Taipei. But that's not just the symbolism of this tower. It has eight "segments" differentiated in their journey to heaven, and this number a figure in Chinese culture refers to good fortune and prosperity.

3-TAIPEI 101 (China)


The most striking aspect of this huge skyscraper is how to "handle" that has at its top. The Shanghai World Financial Center is faced daily with very strong gusts of wind and heavy pressure, so this little hole in the highest construction frees many headaches technicians and architects. This "broken" is on the floor 97, and holds the record for world's highest observation deck at a height of 440 meters. Loud, yes, but still lower than the height of the skyscraper at 492 meters and consists of 101 floors.

The Chinese giant sneaks into the list of the highest. This time, the city that hosts this mass of 484 meters is Hong Kong, city where he was born two years ago. Despite his imposing height, initial projects were even higher but had to be reduced because Chinese law does not allow for buildings taller than the surrounding mountains. The International Commerce Centre has within it a very luxurious hotel from the RitzCarlton chain, the highest in the world to occupy the last 15 floors. Fun events are given a place in this place, as a race to the summit via the stairs.


6-The One World Trade Center

The One World Trade Center, formerly known as the Freedom Tower, is in the midst of construction of the new complex in New York. The completion and opening of the new shopping complex at the World Trade Center are scheduled for 2014. When it is opened will have a height of 541 m Includes 242,000 m2 of office space and an observation deck and an antenna. The tower has a square basis which with increasing height, its edges are rotated, resulting 8 isosceles triangles and the square end of the tower rotates 45 째 from the square base. The building culminates in a glass parapet located at 415 m and 417 m.

d r a u g n a V n g i s e D By Andrei Alviarez C.I: 14.399.300

Vanguard Design A beach house that is harmoniously integrated into the natural landscape without harming this privileged environment, built with an efficient and sustainable. The recognition of the limits of nature and the undertaking of a construction that meets these restrictions was the challenge of this work. Design-of-art This house, located near the sea in a residential area of ​Costa Smeralda, a place of enchanting beauty, is full of attention to detail, all in cahoots to full enjoyment of those who inhabit. Covering an area of ​​220m ², this property is the product of an interdisciplinary work that led to a careful selection of building materials and interior, taking into account the impact "zero" with its natural surroundings. The project and site management was conducted by Gustavo Sist, ARQSTEEL SRL company. Materialized through a plastic aesthetic and evocative composition, exposing a harmonic counterpoint materials, the ratio of scales and variations of a fragmented drive, expressed through a balance between what is austere and highly creative than most tend to to the sublime.

Its architectural design was crystallized by means minimal structural and rapid execution: a construction light steel framing - Steel Frame - dressed externally with slabs, some natural stone coated with plaster and other plastics. The layout of the plant, rectangular outline is organized by two levels, distributed on the top floor social areas and private - to spare no view to the outside-some, and was available on the ground floor the engine room, carport and room furnishings. Through reading and tidy, the facades are opened abroad. Different keyhole, most floor to ceiling, walls become virtual, mirror and permeable to sunlight, allowing each of the rooms open to a vibrant watercolor landscape vegetation. A superb natural setting that prints an undeniable warmth in each of its corners. Central heating, alternative energy generator, roof and wall insulation, floor and wall coverings in porcelain tiles are just some of the choices that make this home stand out for their excellence and comfort. Its interior design was sought and modern style, contemplating the basic needs of its

The neutral aesthetic rigor of its setting, minimalist impression of subtle, is expressed through all that dominates white spaces: walls, furniture, curtains, equipment. Some small details of color complement the decor of these spaces. The main entrance has a ramp that operates as a continuous plastic figure spatial flow allowing passage to a bright and spacious enclosure that houses the social area - living, dining and kitchen. A flowing sequence of spaces that offers more than a chance to enjoy with friends or family. Open to the outside, this cozy area not only allows sunlight to flood the interior, but also the

possibility irresistible fully enjoys unforgettable moments in company with the Emerald Coast landscape as backdrop unconditional. With the sole purpose of capitalizing all possible external visual, the master suite, cozy and discreet, prepared reverse the rest of the areas, and with a plus opens onto a terrace deck that communicates with the park.

STEEL FRAMING CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM Industrialized building systems that use steel profiles allow greater speed of construction and reduced financing costs and labor. An alternative construction technology that offers many advantages. It is a lightweight building system, as it requires no machinery and equipment for use, and opened, as it enables any type of external and internal termination. Due to the lightweight structural steel framing and easy integration with any type of construction, we obtain: reducing the cost of construction and timely execution and installation, a smaller one foundation and possibility of building on poor land, possibility of pre-assembly Factory of portions of structure (walls, etc.) and compatibility with any traditional exterior finish and interior. In addition, the steel is recycled and 100% recyclable, and the projects carried out with this construction system generates virtually no waste, and the entire structure reaches as cut work. This system makes a choice in the construction sustainable.

Due to the high degree of thermal insulation of walls and roofs of the system, it also reduces the energy demand of the building. The insulators are arranged inside the walls, the chambers between vertical profiles, being possible to use high insulation thickness without increasing the width of an isolation wall and achieve more effective than with traditional construction systems. The structure of the system consists of a set of profiles of cold formed steel properly bonded together. These profiles are obtained by profiled steel sheets, and integral control during production of the grid ensures the high quality of the final product. The system can use any type of joinery for doors and windows, simplifying installation by attaching it directly to the metal frame resistant. Notably, the versatility and flexibility of the system allows the design does not look influenced by the technology adopted. Any project can be materialized by galvanized steel structures.

BENEFITS OF THE SYSTEM EXTERIOR PANEL FLEXIBILITY: It is a completely open system that From inside to outside: allows you to run any project without presenting design constraints. Its ease of implementation Interior finishing system composed of gypsum makes it very friendly when making additions or rock plates Durlock type. alterations, and can even accommodate existing Polyethylene vapor barrier 200 microns. Serves to prevent passage of moisture inside to the traditional buildings. outside, preventing the condensation by cooling CONSTRUCTION QUALITY: Quality control of within the panel, with the consequent accumulaeach process is assured because all system tion of water. components are industrial materials, thus reduc- Structural system, composed of panels of galvaing any errors deficiency by in situ preparation of nized steel profiles distributed every 40cm. Composite thermal insulation system for glass materials. wool to 5cm thickness less distributed in the QUALITY COMFORT: The subsystems that con- spaces between profiles. With this material are trol the hygrothermal conditioning, acoustic insu- achieved high levels of thermal insulation. lation, thermal and waterproof make it suitable Insulation system comprises a hydrophobic or for all weather conditions, providing significant water-repellent membrane is also called "water reductions in energy costs for thermal condition- and wind," Tyvek material that allows the passage of water vapor in one direction and preing, an issue that is becoming more relevant. vents water ingress at the other. SPEED: The ability to perform tasks simultane- System based structural stiffening panels of ously consecutive tadicionalmente are granted a 18mm plywood or OSB phenolic, bolted to the rare execution speed compared to traditional structure. Serves to give lateral stiffness to the construction, making it attractive for property in- steel panels and simultaneously serves as a substrate to finish exterior. vestment. EPS system, composed of polystyrene foam SIMPLICITY IN FACILITIES: galvanized steel slabs 2.5cm thick, bonded to the substrate using profiles that make up the structural system have a mixture of portland cement and acrylic polyholes that allow the passage of water mains, gas, mers equally. This component is vital since it is electricity, etc., Greatly facilitating the laying of responsible to absorb the stresses of expansion facilities. The simplicity of the terminations of the and contraction (resilience) of the exterior finish interior walls even facilitates access to them for due to temperature changes. This system also thermally insulates the substrate, avoiding dipossible repairs. mensional mofificaciones suffering. Its resilience DURABILITY: The process of galvanized steel is firmly adhered to the substrate and simultaneprofiles that make up the heart of the system, ously allow the free movement of the outer finishgives a nobility and a lifetime than traditional ing skin. EIFS exterior finishing system: comprising a) a construction. base layer or base coat consisting of cement and LABOR: The simplicity of the system allows an acrylic polymers confer hydrophobic insulation, operator in a very short time to master the tech- impact resistance, surface smoothness and adniques of the system, unlike the arts of masonry, hesive power, b) a reinforcing mesh or glass fiber which require a slow and gradual practice for mesh , which provides impact absorption and redistributes tensions in the skin, and c) a final reasonable domain. coating or FinishCoat, based on acrylic polymers, pigments and aggregates of different diCOMPOSITION OF BUILDING ELEMENTS Generally, each component of the system has ameter, applicable to flat or torch, to the end the potential to be designed in more than one termination. way, according to the requirements to be met in each pose. But as an example, outlined below, some typical compositions basic building blocks to form an idea of ​​the quality of construction that the system offers.

the structure. Soundproofing system based compacted glass This panel, being under their condionantes, has wool or 20mm thick expanded polystyrene a less complex constitution: Interior finishing system composed of gypsum plates. Vapour barrier 200micrones polyethylene. rock plates on both sides Durlock type. Ă˜4.2 wire mesh to control shrinkage of the Structural system, composed of panels of galvanized steel profiles distributed every 40cm. folder. Simple concrete Folder thin pellets. Acoustic insulation system consisting of glass wool not less than 5cm in thickness, distributed On the concrete folder support all endings are in the spaces between profiles. This material usually known for floors, ceramic, porcelain tiles, gives the panel a high level of insulation system rubber, floating, etc.. Below mezzanine usual application of a ceiling due to mass - spring - mass. Polyurethane sealant joint between panel and plate Durlock gypsum rock type, attached to the structure. floor. FLAT ROOF Mezzanine The configuration is similar to the mezzanine, From bottom to top: System mezzanine structural steel beams except that in this case the glass wool or EPS, galvanized, dimensions according to calculation, fulfill functions of thermal insulation, which also will be accompanied by the incorporation of polydistributed every 40cm. System based stiffening corrugated bolted to styrene pellets waves stiffening plate. PANEL INTERIOR

t r o p p u s t a h t f s t o r o s f t f n E e n o p m o c the s e r u t c u r t S

By Bianca Partidas C.I: 16.749.118

Effots that support the components of structures By building a structure is needed both as a

Compression: It approaching different

suitable design elements that are capable of material particles, tending to cause shortening withstanding the forces, loads and actions that or crushing. When we sit in a chair, legs submit will be subjected. The kinds of efforts that to a compressive stress, which tends to reduce must support the various elements of the struc- its height. tures are:

Traction: Makes move apart individual particles that make up a piece, tending to lengthen. For example, when hanging a light chain, the chain is subjected to a tensile force tending to increase its length

Shear. It happens when forces are applied

Torque. Torsional forces are what

perpendicular to the workpiece, causing the make a piece tends to twist around a central particles of the material tend to slide or move axis. Are subjected to torsion shafts, crankover each other. When cutting paper with scis- shafts and cranks. sors are causing particles tend to slide over one another. The points that support beams are subjected to shear.

Flexion.A combination of compression and tensile. While the upper fibers of the part subjected to a bending stress lengthen, and shorten the lower. Example, when people jumping on a trampoline table pool table flexes.

e r u t c e t i h c r A By Yoryvict Diaz

Architecture Ionic EGYPT. It is a religious-political civilization developing caryatids Typically the Ionic columns sometimes economic on the banks of the Nile River substitute for women or men holding the roof to these sculptures is called caryatids. PYRAMIDS AND mastabas. The pyramids are the tombs of the pharaohs, because of the importance of these is the columns magnitude of the pyramids which inside there Ionic columns have a height of 18 meters. belongings and decorations of these pharaohs. This consists of overlapping discs of concave and convex. The shaft splines, and the edges that are TEMPLES They are sacred places where they praise their deeper than the Doric. gods the Egyptians, their plan is rectangular and is decorated by large sculptures of capital pharaohs, columns are stories about these It consists of a couple of spirals or coils, pharaohs and also have a space for the image visible in the front and rear fronts of the column laterally linked by a channel or plain of God is the sanctuary. bearing and ornamented. COLUMNS AND CAPITALS Beaker Columns are shaped bells mounted inverted on a sort of hub. Monostilo The two columns outlined are smooth and without lobulation. Papiriforme These are lobed columns represented a bundle of papyrus stalks with flower shaped capital can be closed or open. Lotiforme Represents a bouquet of lotus with closed corollas. Hatborico It is a quad face of god Hathur

entablature It is divided into architrave, frieze and cornice without mutulos.

Corinthian Characteristics of the columns. The Corinthian columns are identical stem base and the Ionian but its height is greater as 20 modules. capital It is shaped like an inverted bell. entablature Their arrangement is equal or approximate to the Ionic moldings but more marked.

Tuscan Estrucos joined the radical or voussoir arch, Gothic. ORIGIN and some Greek styles. ships The ships of the Gothic churches are much Mortar. Lime used to more firmly bind the stone and higher. bricks, and thus discovered the agarmasa It was a felt need to practice the windows in the walls. In the Gothic is almost universal which is a mixture of lime and castote. replacement of arch by warhead. Tuscan columns. His column is a small base, the shaft without To cover the ship is divided based on a grooves and the capital with a simple molding, repetition quadrilateral. and this is higher than the Doric. buttresses The buttress in the Gothic is not attached to Basilica of St. Peter in Rome Introduces elements of the Roman basilica the wall of the building but stands on the consists of a courtyard or atrium surrounded outside of the aisle. arquearĂ­as a cross hall, and temple divided The part of the buttress that surpasses the point that starts the flying buttress, called into five naves 2 on each side and a central Pinnacle. facade The facade of the basilica, reflects the interior buttress layout of the ships and their height. The outrigger pressure counteracts the vault and so it relies on the buttress. baptisteries Be contruian beside the basilica a baptistery The buttresses and flying buttresses are circular and surrounded by multi-story columns elements that keep the building standing. in the center, and later formed the towers openings attached to churches. Openings will necessarily practiced well ogival shape. ornamentation Images of the saints, the set was polychrome. The arcades or subdivisions based arc stone nerve is a fact typical of the Gothic. Byzantine style. Pendants Are supported efericos scallops or triangles that open to the sides join together allowing the construction of a circle on which the dome rests. The pendant is used when dealing with a dome cover very large areas. ArquearĂ­as, vaults and domes In Byzantine architecture everything is curved base covered. The empty spaces are covered by vaults, and large raised through hornacias and domes. mosques In mosques found the following: the sanctuary (mihrab) decorated niche oriented toward Mecca. And nimbar. The minaret tower where the priest and the patio.

external Settings The share of sanctuary apse and find absidiolas. In the center of the two towers are the rosette, leaving huge circle through longitudinally light illuminated the altar at the back of the church. The rose can be framed by a Gothic arch. The archery bordering the rosette is an ornament. A Gothic facade is divided into three horizontal parts: the base, which are the doors or entrances to the temple, the center larger than the lateral. They also used an eardrum archivolts framing resting on a lintel, which rests in the center of a column called mullion in which a sculpture is attached. In the second section has large windows and rosette. Separated this second tranche are two bands by way of frieze. The Gothic is characterized by immense trepanation has been subjected to stone and molded and sculpted this everywhere. Tepletes with Gothic columns, and fine esbelticas pinnacles and peaks of auction.

Symmetrical windows, roof semicircular vaults without ribs, columns and seeking standardized aesthetic function, paganinspired ornamentation and sober.

pilasters The Gothic pilasters form a sort of column that rises high above until collected diagonal arches and arches. Child elements or ornamental In the Gothic abound child elements or ornamental. The geometric decorative elements and vegetables are plentiful and the friezes and bas-reliefs telling stories sacred or profane, as the arts and techniques of the temple or the customs are very frequent. Capitals cresting in the pinnacles; galleries practicable in the facades and in the stands.

interiors The pilasters are panels replaced with rounded extremities, filling in the center a medallion carved or painted.

BAROQUE features Everything is ripples and curves. The spine is twisted Solomonic column pretended pediments filled curves. The entablature is dominated by the moldings. The use of colored marble, jasper and alabaster. Columns or seawater-filled segments, paved with designs.

ROCOCO features Outside the rococo style is characterized by the disappearance of the classic elements in the structure. There are no columns or pilasters.

Decorative painting is incorporated into the decor by placing above the doors or mirrors. Were also used in this style Chinese-inspired elements or Turkish. The cabinet is very important in the decor, and the clear separation line between the walls and ceilings.

Provisions of the rooms Symmetrical shapes are abandoned, and gargoyles Drains are projecting out of the body of water applies a functional rather distribution. collected by building roofs.

Renaissance On the floor: the elements are assembled according to a strict axial symmetry. Interior divided into square sections. Very few sections or arcades. Coverage based on a dome at the point of intersection of the ships. Torres finished in generally symmetrical dome. Masonry walls, openings semicircular arches, jambs and molded architrave classical form.

neoplastic features Some technical forms Romanesque and Gothic form or exuberant ornamentation. The use of reinforced concrete MODERNISM. The study of the resistance of metals which allowed the problem disappear with materials. formed the material, the use of iron and Another feature of Neo is the role of the search space and not be enclosed by walls. It also appreciation of craftsmanship. avoids the limitation based on different spatial planes forms the home units. Engineers and architects Necessary to build bridges, multi-room houses. In modern times, a good architect can not build a good building and have accurate scientific CUBISM knowledge. The ornamentation of the structure structural Features This is inspired by cubist painting. belongs to the decorator. The manufacturer must be informed about the In Cubism is intended that the overall effect is existence of the materials on the market and a game of simple cubes. The interiors also prevents the visible what are the most appropriate. presence of the structural elements and soil shuns unevenness of the different units. Cubes, cones, spheres, cylinders or pyramids IRON ARCHITECTURE The permitted iron structures give a fluidity and are the primary forms which light reveals fine. lightness that were not possible to stone, rolling, twisting it possible to subject the iron. It is a mere substitution of materials, using traditional building forms-based arch, columns and lintels.





Equipo # 3 Mirian Galarraga Nohelia Galarraga Andrei Alviarez Bianca Partidas Yoryvict Diaz SAIA “B”

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