Riverside Magazine

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RIVERSIDE m ag a z i n e

MARIACHI &MORE Riverside will get festive this fall

a u g u s t- s e p t e m b e r 2 013


FOX Performing Arts Center

Riverside, California



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March 9



a u g u s t- s e p t e m b e r 2 013   •   VO L UME 6 , I SSUE 4








brought to y ou b y :


Ron Hasse

8 FESTIVAL DAYS Feel the pull of the moon, the beat of the music and the call of the open road? If not, you soon will. Even as late September marks the shift from summer to fall, the heat and the fun will still be on in Riverside with the Chinese Moon Festival, the Riverside Mariachi Festival and the wrap of the Fireball Run AdventuRally.



Jerry Rice EDITOR




FEATURES 12 A MEDICAL MISSION Better health for Southern Californians, innovative research, stronger care delivery and more doctors serving the Inland region that includes Riverside. It’s a tall order, but University of California Riverside is just the place to deliver. This month, Dean Dr. G. Richard Olds and UCR welcome the first class to a new medical school. 20 SEMI-RURAL, ULTRA SCENIC In a region where communities seemingly erupt overnight, Arlington South is old town, original town. Part of the city since its founding in 1883, the neighborhood has classic homes, quiet zones, green belts, car shows and a drive-in. It has just about all of Southern California’s lifestyle rolled into one space.

24 FOUR WALLS, NO LIMITS Enter the new Black Box Theater, a flexible venue with no fixed stage or seating, and you’ll discover a mutable performance space that’s intimate and ideal for small shows. Life at the Lake — Lake Alice celebrates its 25th year of live music and great fun this month. Page 28

34 CALL IT HOME Keeping up with the Joneses? With the help of Habitat for Humanity Riverside, they are in a new home.

DEPARTMENTS From the editor 6 Calendar 10 Taste 27 Seen 30 Save the date 33

ON THE COVER A dancer takes a spin at last year’s Riverside Mariachi Festival. Photo by Gabriel Luis Acosta


Amy Bentley, Luanne J. Hunt Elaine Lehman, George A. Paul e di to r i a l g r a p h ic D ES I G N

Steve Ohnersorgen


Gabriel Luis Acosta, LaFonzo Carter Micah Escamilla, Rachel Luna, Frank Perez

Melissa Six, Jack Storrusten SALES MANAGERS A DV ERT I S I N G SA L ES E X E C UT I V ES

Carla Ford-Brunner, Jack Galloway Andre McAdory Willie Merriam Joseph Rodriguez, Adil Zaher SA L ES ASS I STA N T s

Flo Gomez, Dixie Mohrhauser Maria Rodriguez, Victoria Vidana g r a p h ic a rt i s t/a d coo r din ato r

Rose Anderson m a r k e t in g

Veronica Nair, Ginnie Stevens

LANG Custom Publishing Frank Pine EXECUTIVE EDITOR


C onn e c t wi t h u s !

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CONTACT US Editorial: 909-386-3015; fax 909-885-8741 or jerry.rice@riversidethemag.com Advertising: 909-386-3936; fax 909-884-2536 or sales@riversidethemag.com. To subscribe to Riverside Magazine call 909-386-3936 or go online at www.riversidethemag.com/subscribe. Riverside Magazine is produced by LANG Custom Publishing of The Sun and Inland Valley Daily Bulletin. Single copy price: $3.95. Subscriptions $14.95 per year. Postmaster: Send address changes to 2041 E. Fourth St., Ontario, CA 91764. Copyright ©2013 Riverside Magazine. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Riverside Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photos or artwork even if accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope.



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from the editor

It’s summer, but Riverside is not on vacation


ummer’s a great time to get away — to relax, have fun and escape the heat. But there wasn’t any of that going on in mid-July when I toured the Riverside Convention Center with Carl Carey, the city’s capital improvements manager. Workers were busy inside and out at the facility, which is undergoing a major remodel and expansion. Once the project is finished next spring, it will have a considerably larger main exhibit hall and more meeting rooms, which will allow the operators to schedule a broader range of events and groups. It also will have a much grander entrance. From Fifth Street, the frame of the new tower, which is part of that entryway, is visible as it rises over the construction fences. Across town at UC Riverside, another landmark project is closer to its debut

those projects: they mean a lot to the city’s future. Events at the Convention Center will draw countless thousands to downtown, filling restaurants and hotel rooms. And the School of Medicine has been projected to add $150 million per year to the local economy PHOTO BY GABRIEL LUIS ACOSTA in less than a decade. The Riverside Convention Center, as it appeared in mid-July According to a recent report from Harris — the School of Medicine. The first Interactive, 61 percent of Americans group of 50 students will be starting plan to work during their summer their classes in August. vacation this year. Riverside, apparently, I spent another afternoon with Dr. G. is part of that group. Richard Olds, the med school’s founding dean, and much of what we talked about appears in the story on Page 12. (We’ll report on the Convention Center jerry.rice@inlandnewspapers.com in future issues.) 909-386-3015 @JerryRice_IE There’s one takeaway from both of

Jerry Rice


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6 | riversidethemag.com | august-september 2013

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out & about

Festivals & fun! A bright moon, mariachis and the Fireball Run

Written by Amy Bentley


iverside will be hopping in late September, when two popular cultural festivals return and the city hosts a high-octane car-themed party at the finish line of a Colorado-to-California road rally.

Chinese Moon Festival Chinese culture takes the spotlight during the 10th annual Chinese Moon Festival on Sept. 19 at Heritage House. Also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, this event honors a traditional Chinese celebration held every year on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month in the Chinese calendar, when the moon is at its fullest and brightest of the year. Traditionally, families gather to watch the full moon rise and enjoy sweet pastries called “moon cakes” that have depictions of Chinese characters on top. The treats will be available for purchase, along with a variety of teas. “I like to call this an intimate kind of festival,” said Danielle Leland, associate curator of education for the Riverside Metropolitan Museum. “It’s not a traditional festival where we close

down a street and have a lot of vendors. It’s more of a holiday that you spend with your family. We try to keep it authentic.” The festival features the telling of Chinese folk tales, a lion dance performance, training in the use of chopsticks, games and crafts, plus tai chi and Chinese cooking demonstrations. There also will be oppor tunities to view the full moon through high-powered telescopes and see museum ar tifacts from the Riverside Chinatown dig that tell the story of what life was like for Chinese immigrants in the early days of the city. Heritage House 8193 Magnolia Ave., Riverside Sept. 19, 6-8 p.m. Free admission 951-826-5273 http://bit.ly/RqUFdN

Photo by Gabriel luis acosta

More than 40 dance groups competed during last year’s festival.

Riverside Mariachi Festival Colorful Ballet Folklórico performances and competitions will be among the highlights of the Riverside Mariachi Festival, Sept. 20-21 at Fairmount Park. Also on tap: performances by Trompetas de Mexico, Mariachi Monumnetal de America (a crowd favorite at past festivals) and Mariachi Reyna de Los Angeles, an allfemale ensemble performing on the main stage Saturday at 7:15 p.m. “We have enhanced the event in recent years to celebrate the culture as a whole — the music, the dance, the food and the traditions,” said Megan Stoye, recreation services coordinator with the Parks, Recreation & Community Services Depar tment. “It’s been a good community event and is getting better and better every year.”

Besides the on-stage enter tainment, guests also may enjoy crafts, delicious food and put their taste buds to the test during the Wild or Mild Salsa Contest. Kids who are middle school age and older are encouraged to submit entries for the ar t contest in the categories of drawing, painting and photography. Ar twork should reflect Hispanic culture or depict mariachi groups. The deadline is Sept. 6; the top prize is $500. Fairmount Park 2601 Fairmount Blvd., Riverside Sept. 20, 6-9 p.m.; Sept. 21, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; $12.50 in advance; $20 at the event; free for ages 12 and younger; 951-826-2000. www.riversideca.gov/park_rec. Apply for the ar t contest on the website, the festival’s Facebook page or by sending an email to Marnie Smith at mlsmith@riversideca.gov.

Fireball Run AdventuRally Downtown Riverside will be a hub of car culture on Sept. 28 when the Fireball Run AdventuRally concludes with a parade and a show featuring 400 exotic and classic cars. Excitement will build as teams driving from Longmont, Colo., star t crossing the finish line at University Avenue and Main Street at about 4:30 p.m. The Fireball Run is an eight-day, 14-city road-rally style trivia game, which also brings awareness to the plight of missing children in America. Beginning Sept. 21, teams will drive 2,500 miles from Longmont to Riverside, visiting different cities and solving clues based on history, science, nature, theology, pop culture and topics at each location. Each team is assigned a missing child, and during every stop members will distribute posters with information about the child’s case. Streamed online, previous outings have helped in the recovery of 38 missing children since 2007. This is the first year the Fireball Run has come to California. Riverside Mayor Rusty Bailey will par ticipate in the “run whatcha brung rally,” driving a city-owned electric Chevrolet Volt to promote Green Riverside. Joining the mayor will be Glenn Rowden of Champion Electric, a Riverside company. “It’s going to be a blast,” said Larry Vaupel, Riverside’s economic development manager. “It’s a great oppor tunity for us to showcase Riverside to the world. Last year, 1.7 million people streamed in throughout the event.” Beginning at noon on the final day, Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Rolls Royces and cars featured in movies and television shows will be on display. A beer garden, wine garden and gourmet food trucks will be open, and downtown restaurants will offer special menu options. Appropriately, the animated movie “Cars 2” will be screened at 7:30 p.m. Downtown Riverside Near the Main Street Pedestrian Mall. Sept. 28 star ting at noon; rally teams arrive about 4:30 p.m. Admission is free. www.fireballrun.com www.riversidecvb.com/fireball-runadveturally

Start with lunch at Elephant Thai Choose an outside patio table or sit inside to appreciate the elephant-themed decor. Share the traditional Pad Thai and indulge in the Garlic Basil Eggplant.

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august-september 2013 | riversidethemag.com | 9

calendar FILM SCREENINGS THROUGH AUG. 17  –  “Pavilion,” Aug. 2-3; “Starlet,” Aug. 9-10; “No,” Aug. 16-17. Culver Center of the Arts, 3834 Main St., Riverside; 951-827-3755; http://culvercenter.ucr.edu. HITCHCOCK FILM FESTIVAL THROUGH AUG. 30  –  Screenings of Alfred Hitchcock classics: “Suspicion,” Aug. 9; “Strangers on a Train,” Aug. 16; “I Confess,” Aug. 23; “Stage Fright,” Aug. 30. Fox Performing Arts Center, 3801 Mission Inn Ave., Riverside; 951-779-9800; www.foxriversidelive.com. ‘PURE IMAGINATION’ THROUGH SEPT. 25  –  Artists tell fantastical stories through a myriad of different visual styles. Riverside Art Museum, 3425 Mission Inn Ave.; 951-684-7111; www.riversideartmuseum.org. Also: “The Persistence of Memory,” through Sept. 19; “Elke Zauner: Exit/Entry,” July 3-Sept. 22. MOVIES ON MAIN AUG. 8, 15  –  Family-friendly movies, with live entertainment at 7 p.m., screenings at about 8 p.m. Bring a chair. “ParaNorman,” Aug. 8; “Hotel Transylvania,” Aug. 15. Main Street Pedestrian Mall, between University and Mission Inn avenues, Riverside; free admission; 951-781-7335; www.riversidedowntown.org. ‘MIDNIGHT CRY’ AUG. 17  –  Gospel stage play. Fox Performing Arts Center, 3801 Mission Inn Ave., Riverside; 951-779-9800; www.foxriversidelive.com. Also: Boz Scaggs, Sept. 14; Anjelah Johnson, Nov. 1. ADVENTURE IN THE GARDENS AUG. 24  –  Bugs, bugs, bugs and other adventures for children. UC Riverside Botanic Gardens, 900 University Ave.; 951-784-6962; www.gardens.ucr.edu. Also: Garden Festival, Oct. 6; Fall Plant Sale, Oct. 26-27; Art in the Garden, Nov. 10. ARTS WALK SEPT. 5  –  Browse more than 20 art galleries, studios and museums with exhibits in various art mediums. Special performances, poetry, theater, hands-on art activities, refreshments and more. Continues the first Thursday of every month. Downtown Riverside; 6-9 p.m.; 951-682-6737; www.riversidedowntown.org.

‘JACKRABBIT HOMESTEAD’ THROUGH SEPT. 7  –  Tracing the Small Tract Act in the Southern California landscape (1938-2008), a project by Kim Stringfellow. California Museum of Photography, 3824 Main St., Riverside; 951-827-4787; http://artsblock.ucr.edu. Also: “Geographies of Detention,” through Sept. 7; “Essential” (selections from the permanent collection), through Sept. 28. ‘THE DROWSY CHAPERONE’ SEPT. 27-OCT. 6  –  A die-hard musicaltheater fan plays his favorite cast album, and the musical comes to life in his living room. Landis Performing Arts Center, 4800 Magnolia Ave., Riverside; 951-222-8100; www.performanceriverside.org. Also: “Wild Party,” Nov. 8-17; “Kinetic Conversations,” Dec. 5-7. MAYOR’S CELEBRATION FOR ARTS & INNOVATION OCT. 12  –  Music, exhibition, dance and performance with cuisine prepared by some of Riverside’s best chefs. Benefit for arts programs, presented by the Riverside Arts Council. Fox Entertainment Plaza, 3635 Market St., Riverside; 6-10 p.m.; $75; 951-680-1345; www.riversidemayorsball.com. ‘STOMP’ OCT. 12-13  –  Award-winning show featuring percussion, movement and visual comedy. Fox Performing Arts Center, 3801 Mission Inn Ave., Riverside; 951-779-9800; www.foxriversidelive.com. Also: “Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story,” Nov. 8-9; “Million Dollar Quartet,” Nov. 22; “The Addams Family,” Dec. 12; “Man of La Mancha,” Jan. 13; “West Side Story,” March 9.

MARIACHI ART SHOWCASE SEPT. 20  –  Division 9 Gallery, 3850 Lemon St., Riverside; 6-8:30 p.m.; 951-965-4392; www.division9gallery.com.

RIVERSIDE COUNTY PHILHARMONIC OCT. 13  –  “Schumann and His Friends,” featuring violinist Yuval Yaron and the seasonopener for The Phil. Selections include Brahms’ “Violin Concerto,” Mendelssohn’s “Ruy Blas Overture” and Schumann’s “Symphony No. 2.” Fox Performing Arts Center, Riverside; 7:30 p.m.; 951-787-0251; www.thephilharmonic.org.

RIVERSIDE LYRIC OPERA SEPT. 22  –  Cotton Club Revue. Life Arts Center, 3485 University Ave., Riverside; 6 p.m.; 951-781-9561; www.riversidelyricopera.org. Also: Opera Under the Stars, Sept. 28.

DOWNTOWN FARMERS MARKET ONGOING  –  Fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers and more. Downtown, Main Street between Fifth and Sixth streets, Riverside; 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays; 951-826-2434.

10 | riversidethemag.com | august-september 2013

‘TELLING RIVERSIDE’S STORY IN 50 OBJECTS’ ONGOING  –  First installation of artifacts that tell Riverside’s history from the prehistoric days of the mammoths through 1930. Second installation will cover 1930 to the present. Metropolitan Museum, 3580 Mission Inn Ave., Riverside; 951-826-5273; www.riversideca.gov/museum. Also: “John Muir and the Personal Experience of Nature,” through Jan. 19; “Force of Arms,” ongoing.

music CANYON CREST TOWNE CENTRE THROUGH AUG. 20  –  Eddie Would Tow (surf), Aug. 6; RSVP (jazz), Aug. 13; The Night Tides, Aug. 20. Canyon Crest Towne Centre, 5225 Canyon Crest Drive, Riverside; 951-686-1222; www.cctownecentre.com. FAIRMOUNT PARK THROUGH AUG. 14  –  Rhythm of Riverside series, with Kelly Rae Band (country), Aug. 7; and The Reflexx (‘80s), Aug. 14. 2601 Fairmount Blvd., Riverside; 6-9 p.m.; free; 951-826-2000, www.riversideca.gov/park_rec. LAW’S RESTAURANT THROUGH OCT. 18  –  Intersexion, Aug. 9 and Sept. 27; Tightrope, Aug. 16; Staggs Bros., Aug. 23 and Oct. 11; Southbound, Aug. 30 and Oct. 4; Band of Brothers, Sept. 6; Plan B, Sept. 13; Hunter & The Dirty Jacks, Sept. 20; Tightrope, Oct. 18. 9640 Indiana Ave., Riverside; 951-354-7021; www.lawsrestaurant.com. MARIO’S PLACE THROUGH AUG. 31  –  Waylon Hicks Project, Aug. 2; Full Wattz (reggae), Aug. 3; Shawn Jones (vocal acoustic/rock/blues), Aug. 9; Gary Stanionis

& Elements (jazz/contemporary), Aug. 10; J. Dee Bolden & Friends (contemporary jazz), Aug. 16; Themnovus, Aug. 17; DiVom (jazzy funk), Aug. 23; Juan Nelson (rock/soul/jazz/funk), Aug. 30; Jazz Junkies, Aug. 31. 3646 Mission Inn Ave., Riverside; 951-684-7755; www.mariosplace.com. RIVERSIDE PLAZA THROUGH SEPT. 21  –  Ron Johnson Trio (’40s and ‘50s), Aug. 3; Especially the Green Ones (’50s and ‘60s), Aug. 9; Bring Your Own Blues, Aug. 10; IMISI (reggae), Aug. 16; Cara C (pop vioninist), Aug. 17 and Sept. 21; Partly Jack Band (classic rock/country), Aug. 23; 8 Track Cover Band (classic rock/ country), Aug. 24 and Sept. 20; Sidney Bowen Band (country), Aug. 30; Smoothtransition (Latininfluenced rock ‘n’ roll), Aug. 31; Renown (classic rock), Sept. 6; The Cristeas (Top 40), Sept. 7; Ramekega (modern pop-rock), Sept. 13; Tierra, Flor y Canto (Mexican folklorico), Sept. 14. Central and Riverside avenues;

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restaurant • deli-market • wine bar • bottle shop • private parties august-september 2013 | riversidethemag.com | 11

h e a lth

A new

protocol for education

Students walk past the School of Medicine Education Building at UC Riverside.

UCR medical school adopts strategy to grow local doctors Written by Jerry Rice Photos by LaFonzo Carter


t was a family tragedy that helped Talab Ibrahim decide to become a doctor. When he was 12 years old and living in Palestine, his grandmother suffered a fatal heart attack. “I saw how important physicians are to the community,” he said. If his grandmother had a physician who was seeing her regularly, Ibrahim believes she would have gotten the care she needed to prevent her death. “That’s what motivated me to go into medicine.” 12 | riversidethemag.com | august-september 2013

While he hasn’t decided on a specialty, Ibrahim, 23, will move closer to his goal this summer when he begins his education at the new UC Riverside School of Medicine, which welcomes its first 50 students in August. It will be a remarkable milestone as the UC system has not opened a new medical school in more than 40 years. The state now boasts six public and three private M.D.-generating medical schools, but the UCR program does more than simply add to the roster, says Dr. G. Richard Olds, the founding dean. “We’re crafting a medical school that not only looks at where health-care needs will be in the future, but also is designed around the health-care needs of our specific community,” he said. “The current system has not served Inland Southern California very well. We have a huge shortage of physicians — particularly primary-care physicians — in this region. So building one more medical school, and doing it just like the other schools, is not going to help us.” To that end, the UCR program is following a different prescription — its own. For example, the school reinvented the application process. Students from around the country were welcome apply, but the ones with a direct connection to the area — who grew up, went to high school or have family living here — were given an advantage. “We want students who want to stay here (after they graduate and start their careers),” Olds said. Placing an emphasis on ties to the IE apparently didn’t diminish interest in attending UCR, which heard from more than 2,500 applicants for the 50 openings. About 700 were asked

to send a secondary application, then 220 were invited to campus interviews. Not just one interview, but a series of 10 one-on-one interviews, each lasting about 10 minutes.

Paying for school With California med school costs at $30,000 or more per year for in-state residents, students often accumulate tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars of debt by graduation. But at UCR they will have an alternative option to pay for their education. The campus is offering what Olds calls a “loan to scholarship.” How it works is students will have funds to cover their tuition, and after graduation should they decide to, say, become a plastic surgeon in Los Angeles, the money is a loan. However,

if they opt to work locally and, for example, open a family practice in Coachella, the money won’t need to be repaid. “That type of change in incentives is an important part of this thing succeeding,” Olds said. Ibrahim, who went to high school in Beaumont and did his undergraduate studies at UCR, plans to take advantage of the school’s offer. He wants to practice in Beaumont or elsewhere in Riverside County, and he likes the idea of not having major education debt just as he is starting his career. Another factor that sets the UC Riverside School of Medicine apart is that it’s not attached to a major hospital at the university. In fact, it’s the first med school on the West Coast to follow that model. Instead, it will partner

‘One of the advantages of opening a new medical school is we can make decisions based on where we think medical education is going to be 20 years from now.’ — Dr. G. Richard Olds, founding dean of the UC Riverside School of Medicine august-september 2013 | riversidethemag.com | 13

Janel Gracia, left, checks Talab Ibrahim’s blood pressure during a demonstration in an examination room. Gracia and Ibrahim will both be students at the School of Medicine.

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14 | riversidethemag.com | august-september 2013

with hospitals, clinics and other facilities throughout the Inland Empire. “We will use the medical school to basically float all boats,” Olds said. “It’s a very different model — not nearly as lucrative, but it costs a lot less to get a med school like this up and running and, ultimately, it has a bigger impact on your community, which is why we designed it this way. “Think about it. Is it really a shock if 95 percent of medical education today takes place in big university teaching hospitals and those new doctors don’t want to go into small clinics in rural America and practice? They have no idea what it would be like,” he added. “And if most of your faculty in the medical school are specialists, should we be shocked that the students all want to become specialists? If you want doctors to go into primary care, general surgery, OB and psychiatry, most of your faculty should (be from those fields), and they should be teaching in the environments that you want the students to practice in. “By the way, this is not some brilliant idea I just came up with. I’m a tropical disease specialist, and spent most of my life in Third World countries with far less resources than we have. How does a country like the Philippines figure out how to train doctors to stay in rural communities to work in their public health system? They use many of these same ideas. I just stole them. That’s part of the reason (why) I know this will work.”

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own personal spending they’re going to be able to pump more money back into the economy than somebody who’s earning an average wage,� Levine said.

Long and winding road

Photo by Gabriel Luis Acosta

Staff research assistant Vanessa Rico works in the School of Medicine Research Building.

Besides improving health-care delivery, having newly trained doctors stay in the Inland Empire also will give the local economy a boost, says Jordan Levine, the director of economic research at Beacon Economics in Los Angeles. Studies have shown that a primary-


| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2013

care physician who opens a practice creates an annual economic impact of nearly $1 million resulting from operational expenses including hiring staff, ordering supplies and tests, leasing office space and paying for utilities. “And doctors are high-income individuals as well, so in terms of their

The journey to this point has been a roller-coaster ride for those involved with getting the School of Medicine launched. It was approved by the UC Board of Regents in July 2008, a time when the national and local economies were tanking. Three years later, the school still was unable to secure recurring funding from the state, which prompted the national Liaison Committee on Medical Education to withhold preliminary accreditation. After securing funds from other sources, including the County of Riverside, foundations and hospitals in the region, the school received its preliminary LCME accreditation in October. It wasn’t until mid-June, with the state budget balanced, that the school


received $15 million a year in guaranteed, ongoing funding from Sacramento. Once that hurdle was cleared, it was on to opening day. “We knew it would be hard, but I think it would be fair to say this was a much harder task than I thought it would be when I took this job (in Feburary 2010). But I never had a time when I didn’t think it was possible to do it,” Olds said. Actually, the Aug. 5 orientation for new students will not be Day One for training doctors-to-be at UCR. The campus has enjoyed a long-term association with what is now the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, with students taking classes for two years in Riverside then completing their training and receiving degrees from UCLA. More than 700 students have gone that route, and Ibrahim had planned to join them. But now that the UCR School of Medicine is a reality, he expects to start and finish his training here. Olds believes the “two plus two” partnership with UCLA has served the Inland Empire well, with two out of three students returning to the region to practice once they became doctors. “That’s a really high percentage, but they were our students to begin with,” he said. “Think how much better we can do when we have them all four years.” Locally, the opening of the School of Medicine is a major achievement for UC Riverside and the Inland Empire, but Olds expects it also will attract the attention of universities around the country. “What we’re doing here is different, and I predict that 20 years from now a lot of med schools in the United States will be doing what we’re doing,” he said. “If we’re correct, they will be doing it the UCR way.” As for Ibrahim, he’s eager to get started. “I couldn’t be more excited,” he said. “This is what I’ve been working toward all my life.” UC Riverside School of Medicine http://medschool.ucr.edu

Dr. Michael Nduati

Leading by example


Written by Amy Bentley


erving as associate dean for clinical affairs of the new UC Riverside School of Medicine is a perfect fit for Dr. Michael Nduati. Born in Fontana and raised in Upland, he received his Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Sciences from UCR before attending medical school at UCLA and earning degrees from both UCLA and the Harvard School of Public Health. He then returned to the area and became a nocturnist associate physician at Kaiser Permanente Fontana. Nduati, 33, also represents the type of student the UCR medical school wants — someone who will return to the area to grow their career. “This is home, and this community has more need, and because of that need, it also happens to have more professional opportunities than anywhere else,” said Nduati, who moved to Riverside in July. He wants to train great doctors and keep them local, and believes UCR’s

‘I’m Inland Empire born and raised, so I have an attachment here,’ says Dr. Michael Nduati. residency program will help address a shortage of primary care doctors in the region. Since the community where doctors establish their practice is often determined by where they grew up and where they finished their training, the UCR medical school has an important role in helping to retain local doctors. “We very strongly select students who are from the IE or have ties to the IE. You don’t solve the problem just by graduating more medical students,” he said. Nduati is equally passionate about the importance of preventative health care, which improves overall health and reduces costs. “The system’s broken. We pay for volume, but don’t pay for health,” he said. “We treat people when they’re sick, and we don’t focus enough on keeping people healthy.” august-september 2013 | riversidethemag.com | 17

n e ig h bor hoo ds

Photo by Gabriel Luis Acosta

Jessica Corona walks with Cassidy, left, and Carson at Harrison Park in the South Arlington neighborhood.

In the midst of it all, a beautiful oasis Arlington South combines scenic residential escapes with job-producing commercial areas


Written by Amy Bentley

t the crest of a Riverside hilltop nicknamed Poppy Hill for the flowers that farmers used to grow there more than a century ago, Tom and Marcia Evans have found a small slice of heaven. Seven years ago, the couple moved from elsewhere in the city into a 1927 Spanish Revival, hacienda-style home that was designed by renowned architect Henry Jekyll. They love the park-like setting of the property and enjoy growing a variety of citrus 20 | riversidethemag.com | august-september 2013

and fruit trees, wine grapes and about 200 rose bushes on their 1.3-acre property. Located in the Arlington South neighborhood, Poppy Hill is a semi-rural residential community with mostly ranch-style homes built in the 1950s and ’60s. It lacks sidewalks but boasts lots of tall, mature trees. As a bonus, ultra-scenic Victoria Avenue and the city’s agricultural greenbelt are just down the hill. “It kind of has that country feel — you’re out in the groves, and it’s quiet,” Marcia said.





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22 | riversidethemag.com | august-september 2013


Photo by R achel Luna

Tom and Marcia Evans stand in front of their 1927 Spanish Revival, hacienda-style home.


to be located there until the company declared bankruptcy in 2009 and vacated the property. But new businesses and government offices have since moved in, including the Penhall Company, DirecTV, Gothic Landscape and the County of Riverside Children’s Services. “It’s a big re-use. It has worked out well,” said Councilman Chris Mac Arthur, who represents Ward 5, including Arlington South. Lots of jobs left Riverside with Fleetwood, but the newer Citrus Park West businesses have boosted the area’s employment picture. “I would say we retained at least 200 to 500 jobs,” Mac Arthur noted. Along Van Buren Boulevard is Lincoln Plaza, a local shopping center with a Denny’s and a McDonald’s franchise, both owned by Riverside resident Tom Mangione, and other shops. The Brookhurst Mill, owned by another Riverside family, the Popes, has been located on Van Buren since 1959, producing poultry and hog feed. The mill stands out along the boulevard near the 91 Freeway, and was built before much of the area was developed. The property now includes a pet

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“It’s an older neighborhood, so the neighbors all look out for each other,” added Tom, who is retired from the city of Riverside after serving as the public utilities director and interim city manager. “It’s convenient to just about everything, plus it’s quiet and pretty and there are a lot of different plants and trees. “We have a mini microclimate where it cools off in the evenings, and lots of people have backyard orchards.” Arlington South fronts the 91 Freeway between Tyler and Jackson streets and has Victoria Avenue along much of its southern border. The neighborhood has much to offer: residential areas, community parks, greenbelts, stores and some light industry. Orange trees from orchards of a bygone era dot the streets here and there and grow in many front yards. A part of Riverside since its incorporation in 1883, Arlington South has commercial areas that are mainly located along Indiana Avenue and Van Buren Boulevard as well as in an industrial area called Citrus Park West around Myers Street. The old Fleetwood Enterprises motorhome manufacturing plant and facilities used


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arlington South

supply store. Just a hop down the road is the Van Buren Drive-In movie theater, which opened in 1964 and is one of the few drive-ins remaining in California. The theater was featured in a 2011 Huffington Post article about the nation’s coolest retro drive-ins, based on reader nominations. Built on the site of a former orange ranch, the Van Buren Drive-In shows first-run movies on three screens Wednesday through Sunday. It was remodeled in 2006-2007 to reflect the area’s cultural heritage, adopting an old California orange ranch theme. A large vintage-style mural out front depicts Riverside and the citrus community of the 1930s. Swap meets also are held there four days a week. “We’ve managed to survive, and we have an on-site manager (Fred Williams) who has been there for 40-something years. That helps a lot to have a quality guy at ground zero,” said Paul Hamilton of Riverside, the theater’s general manager and managing partner. Hamilton spent much of his childhood growing up in Riverside and has always loved the drive-in. Before the recent recession, when the property was more valuable, there was a proposal to build homes on the site. “The crunch came along, and that was the end of that,” Hamilton said. “That personally made me happy.” With an emphasis on movies suitable for all ages, families arrive during the summer well before dusk (when the movies start), unfold their lawn chairs and toss footballs to pass the time. “We’ve also modified the snack bar menu,” Hamilton said. “The food is really good. We have people who say, ‘We don’t have time to see the movie,


Photo by Micah Escamilla

Paul Hamilton, left, with Fred Williams at the Van Buren Drive-In

but can we come in and get a burrito?’ “It’s become a family kind of experience,” he added. “We do extremely well with family oriented movies. Parents can bring the baby and have the baby in the back seat of the car (while they enjoy the movie). That’s a big plus for a lot of families.” Among the businesses on Indiana Avenue is USA Baby, owned by local resident Diane Kim and her husband; and Law’s Restaurant, which has been there for more than two decades. The current owner, Michael Huddleston, bought the restaurant two years ago. “Everyone takes pride in the place,” Huddleston said of Law’s, which serves steaks, prime rib, burgers, seafood and pasta and hosts live classic rock bands on Friday and Saturday nights, as well as an annual classic car show. Arlington South also features a few unique parks. During a recent driving tour around the neighborhood, Mac Arthur pointed out the Hal Snyder Garden at the corner of Victoria Avenue

and Harrison Street. The garden, dedicated in November 2010 and honoring the Victoria Avenue preservation pioneer Hal Snyder, features natural landscaping and was a joint project between the city and the Victoria Avenue Forever preservation group. Off the 91 Freeway along Tyler Street and heading up toward Poppy Hill is another unique landscaped area and walking path. The city partnered with the Western Municipal Water District to install the water-wise parkway with droughttolerant landscaping. The neighborhood also has Harrison Park and Harrison Elementary School. Today, Mac Arthur and other Riverside officials continue to work with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad to finish establishing “quiet zones” at the several train crossings along Indiana in the neighborhood. Loud train horns are frequently heard blaring, and Mac Arthur says it’s only a matter of time until the noise is greatly reduced. august-september 2013 | riversidethemag.com | 23

th e art s

Out of The Box thinking


Venue adds

a new shape to the entertainment

Written by by George A. Paul


owntown’s new black box theater is expected to bring myriad possibilities to local performers and arts organizations. “It’s an opportunity to showcase in a completely different situation, with a light shined on what they’re doing,” said Patrick Brien, executive director of the Riverside Arts Council. “That’s going to put them in a position of having to elevate their game, because hopefully, there’s going to be a lot more people aware of it. That, in itself, is exciting.” Photo by Chase LEland

Located in the Fox Entertainment Plaza, The Box doesn’t have a fixed stage or seating. So the venue, which has capacity of around 200, is readily adaptable for a variety of events. “By its very nature, you can do things in that space that you can’t on a much larger scale,” Brien said. “It has a much higher degree of intimacy” compared to the considerably larger Fox Performing Arts Center stage next door. He believes a show performed in such a setting “really enhances the suspension of disbelief on the part of the audience … being 10 feet away from a dancer, you can feel the level of expressiveness that’s taking place — much more so than when you’re 100 feet away. “As a performer, you can’t hide. You really have to be in touch with what you are thinking and feeling about your character.” Those abilities were put to the test in July, when Riverside Youth Theater’s presentation of the musical “Bye Bye Birdie” was the first paid slate of theatrical shows. “We are thrilled to be back where our customers and parents are,” said Debbie Wolgemuth, RYT founder and artistic director. The troupe had been performing in Moreno Valley for almost three years “because we didn’t have a venue to rent in Riverside that was on the smallto-medium size,” she explained. “People are so eager (now) and told us they’re going to see our shows again since we’re back in town.” Although Riverside Youth Theater had done shows at

California Baptist University in the past, there were no other optimal facilities to rent on a regular basis. High schools and churches tend have too many restrictions on content. Having a place the size of The Box is a welcome addition. “Riverside is unique in that we have a lot of large venues, like the Landis (Performing Arts Center), Fox and Municipal (Auditorium),” Wolgemuth said. “But we really don’t have many small- to medium-sized theaters. I’m so thankful the city bit the bullet and listened to us in the community and said, ‘Yes, there is a need for this and we’re going to spend the money on it.’ ” Earlier this summer, a series of free tribute act shows — concentrating on the music of The Beatles, Johnny Cash, The Eagles, Rolling Stones and Neil Diamond — was a warm-up for The Box. Patrons received surveys and provided feedback. According to Rey O’Day, interim program manager for The Box, those concerts served as a way to “test drive the theater. It’s like buying a new car; part of what you’re going to learn is where the buttons and switches are and what works. I wanted to create something that would use all the different aspects of the theater.” Demand for the free tickets surpassed expectations. “By the fourth one, we had a full house and good sense of things that worked and didn’t work,” O’Day said. Her main goal in booking The Box is that “the community has an opportunity to embrace the space. In the year before it was built, I spent a lot of time visiting with people all over the

“Bye Bye Birdie” Surfin’ Safari

Creedence Relived

Jumping Jack Flash Photo by Brenda Flowers

Inside The Box

community to find out what they were looking for. ‌ The City Council felt strongly that there needed to be a community focus to the building.â€? Some early attendees marveled about how close they were to the action and how they felt part of everything going on, O’Day said. During a recent tribute show by Jumping Jack Flash, the sound and lighting were both admirable and the seats (placed in three elevated sections, plus a smaller row directly facing the performers) proved comfortable. Brian Beirne, a former KRTH-FM disc jockey and a veteran Los Angeles music figure and historian, was the emcee. That night, he provided a fascinating 1960s music anecdote about touring with the real Stones during the 1960s. With any luck, Beirne will have more memorable stories to share when he presents “Rock ‘n’ Roll Thursdaysâ€? tribute shows in August. David St. Pierre serves as stage manager for some shows at The Box and is working with Brien to bring

• Interior size: About 3,700 square feet • Seating capacity: Up to 220 guests, with seats in round, cabaret, proscenium, U- or L-style configurations • Audio: Yamaha LS9 32-channel digital mixing console; 12-input analog mixer; 8 speakers (hanging and lobby) • Visual: ETC ION 1000 lighting console with expansion wings; ETC Sensor 3-48 dimmer rack • Video: 7000 Lm Christie projector; 4500 Lm projector; 9-foot-by-12-foot front projection screen

Schedule Aug. 8 – Surfin’ Safari (Beach Boys tribute) Aug. 15 – Mark Barnett (Roy Orbison tribute) Aug. 22 – Creedence Relived (Creedence Clearwater Revival tribute) Aug. 29 – Gregory Wolfe (Rod Stewar t tribute) Sept. 1 – J. Boykin album release par ty The Box at Fox Entertainment Plaza 3635 Market St., Riverside 951-826-2427 www.riversideblackbox.com

theater events in this fall. He notes the facility is long overdue and should be more affordable for the smaller nonprofits. “It has long-term potential (for) professional things like jukebox musicals and small dance troupes that want to put on recitals,� he added. During the trial tribute run, “the crowds were excited. Everybody I talked to was amazed and thought the venue was a great place,� St. Pierre said. “The ones we’re doing in August are ‘for-sale’ tickets. I think it’s a good deal. We’ll see if the people come out.� A drama production and album release party for Riverside smooth jazz saxophonist/singer J. Boykin are coming in September and a Christmas show is planned for December. Citing the long-standing reputations of Los Angeles and New York City for fostering burgeoning theater productions through multiple small venues, Brien said, “I think this [theater] has the ability to put Riverside on the map in an entirely different way.�

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| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2013


New on the downtown menu


owntown Riverside has undergone a restaurant renaissance of sorts, with several new locations opening and existing ones undergoing major renovations. Highlights include ‌

Hyatt Place Bakery CafĂŠ 3500 Market St.; 951-321-3500; http://riversidedowntown.place.hyatt.com Breakfast, lunch and dinner options, including sandwiches, burgers, pizza and signature flatbreads. Curry chicken with noodles, beef stroganoff, rigatoni and shrimp cocktail are among the items that soon will be added to the menu. Open 24 hours.

Euphony Restaurant and Lounge

D Dogs 3557 University Ave.; 951-686-2176; http://ddogsburgersbeers.com Casual restaurant opened in early July, featuring big-screen TVs for sports, 35 beers on tap, specialty build-yourown hotdogs and burgers and a variety of bottled beers and wines.

3204 Mission Inn Ave.; 951-682-1704; http://euphonyrestaurantandlounge.com The former Coffee Depot is now a place that serves Southern Creole and American food.

ProAbition 3597 Main St.; 951-222-2110; http://proabition.com Roarin’ 20s-style cafe and whiskey bar takes over the space previously occupied by the Crescent Jewell.

Elephant Thai Cuisine 3720 Mission Inn Ave.; 951-682-9300 Thai-style selections feature beef, chicken and fish. Owner Pooh Patanasak is expanding into the adjoining 1,600-squarefoot space and expects to open Mission Martini within the next few weeks.

9th Street Italian 3790 Ninth St.; 951-686-8871; www.9thstreetitalian.com Specialties include chicken spiedini, seafood cannelloni and lasagne. It’s open for lunch Monday-Friday and dinner Friday and Saturday.

Sweet Epies Bakery and CafĂŠ 3540 Ninth St.; 951-781-6778; @sweetepies (on Instagram) Owned and operated by Regina Gray, a former retail executive who learned how to cook from her Louisianaborn grandma, Sweet Epies specializes in pies, cakes and other treats. Ask for the sweet potato cheesecake with pecan caramel crunch. For lunch, there are sandwiches and pot pies (including a barbecue chicken pot pie).

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august-september 2013 | riversidethemag.com | 27

ta ste

Where everybody knows your name Friendly and fun, Lake Alice serves up more than just great eats

of course, to grab a bite to eat. Cathy Clark, another frequent customer, works at Magnolia Center and says lunch ake Alice Trading at Lake Alice serves as a wonderful break Company celebrated its from preparing taxes. She especially likes 25th anniversary with a huge the Downtown Nachos, Spicy Shrimp party and street jam along Spring Rolls and the build-your-own University Avenue on Aug. 3. burgers. But ask customers what makes Other popular menu items include the popular restaurant and saloon in Courtesy photo the Cuban Sandwich, lobster tacos, and downtown Riverside so special, and they Debra Madore Strange and Eddie Gent, left, the hot chips, according to Marcos purchased Dagwoods from Sam and Pat Pirkey will tell you it’s not the party, extensive Morales, the restaurant’s chef. The in 1988 and turned it into Lake Alice. menu, live music, or even the Sunday selections on the menu are tasty, filling breakfasts that pack the place during football season. Instead, and most are priced less than $10. it’s the sense of family that the owners and employees have “This place is the best,” Clark said as she and Melaku cultivated through the years. enjoyed a late-afternoon chat recently in the spacious dining “I love everybody who works here,” said Lynette Melaku, area at Lake Alice. The room takes up a large part of the first a hair stylist who works nearby and a lunchtime regular. She floor of the century-old Roosevelt Building. returns at other times with her adult daughter and friends “We’re all a big, happy family here. It’s a great place to catch to socialize, chat with the friendly staff, people-watch, and, up with everybody — like Cheers,” Clark added, referring to Written by Amy Bentley Photos by Gabriel Luis Acosta


28 | riversidethemag.com | august-september 2013

the iconic bar from the popular television show of the same name. Lake Alice also is one of Riverside’s premier places to enjoy live music, with bands performing Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights. Michele Whitham, the daytime manager for the past 17 years, books mostly local or Southern California bands that play rock, classic rock, reggae, pop and 1980s music. The genres generally appeal to adults of all ages, she says. Popular local bands include Gravity Guild, Inhale, The Heymakers and Pac Men. On occasion, an act with a national following will stop by. John Corbett, the actor who spun records as DJ Chris Stevens on TV’s “Northern Exposure,” performed on the Lake Alice stage earlier this year during a tour that included the SXSW Music and Media Conference. Live music isn’t the only diversion at Lake Alice. There are pinball machines, pool tables, dart boards, shuffleboard and several large plasma TV screens that are perfect for sports viewing. On Thursday nights, there’s karaoke. “It’s casual and comfortable in here,” Whitham said. “People love that it’s big

because they can bring large parties and move tables around. Every morning when I come in, I just reset the room.” While the dining area holds up to 300 patrons, what preceded Lake Alice was considerably more intimate: a sandwich shop called Dagwoods, which occupied only a corner at the rear of today’s restaurant. The only way to enter was via an alley behind the Roosevelt Building. Debra Madore Strange and Eddie Gent purchased Dagwoods from Sam and Pat Pirkey in 1988, and then renamed it Lake Alice Trading Company after a lake in Wisconsin where Gent’s family vacationed. They also expanded the restaurant to its current size. Nine years later, Gent went out on his own and Madore Strange continued to operate the establishment until 2004 when Jeff and Jenny McKee purchased it. Since then, the McKees have invested in several improvements that include a re-do of the entire wall behind the 50-foot-long downstairs bar, the addition of a second bar upstairs with new TVs, stage lighting for concerts, and new carpets and flooring. Now it’s ready to welcome even more family members during the next 25 years.

Concerts Aug. 9 – The Groove (classic rock) Aug. 10 – Band of Brothers (classic rock) Aug. 14 – Arity (metal) Aug. 16 – Gravity Guild (rock/ alternative) Aug. 17, Sept. 14 – Pac Men (formerly ’80s Rewind) Aug. 23 – The Heymakers (rock/dance) Aug. 24 – Driven (rock/classic rock) Aug. 28 – Mojo Aug. 30 – Factory Tuned Band (classic rock) Aug. 31 – All In (rock/alternative/funk) Sept. 6-7 – Eclipse (rock/dance) Sept. 13 – Crosstown (classic rock/ modern/dance) Sept. 20 – Sultan of Rock (classic, hard and dance rock) Sept. 21 – Killer Shades (classic rock) Sept. 27 – Disciples of Sabbath (rock) Sept. 28 – Trainwreck (classic rock) Lake Alice Trading Company 3616 University Ave., Riverside 951-686-7343 www.lakealicetradingco.com

Spicy Shrimp Spring Rolls, served with bacon, jalapeños, bleu cheese and green onions

Bartender Stacia Wapniarski makes a margarita.

Cuban Sandwich, served with hot chips

august-september 2013 | riversidethemag.com | 29


Rape Crisis Center Dinner & Auction Gala

The Dinner and Auction presented by the Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center raises funds to support programs that help victims of sexual assault. The nonprofit’s 32nd annual event was held recently at the Victoria Club. 3












(1) Jordan and Brook Mireau, left, Jody and Ed Mireau (2) Selena and Brian Wickstrom (3) Cynthia Mayman, left, and Amy Harrison (4) Marie Fritts, left, and Janet Payton (5) Paige and Paul Zellerbach, left, and Malissa Hathaway McKeith (6) Lori Pendergraft, left, and Cherie Curzon (7) Ron McCaskill, left, Joan Semonella and Robyn Rogers McCaskill (8) Ryan, left, Cathy and Steve Kienle (9) Ed and Dawn Hoffman (10) Ted and Linda Boecker (11) State Sen. Richard and Cindy Roth (12) Karin Roberts, left, and Valerie Hill (13) Bill and Elizabeth Nicoletti (14) Elliott Duchon, left, and Sheriff Stan Sniff (15) Cathy and David Barnes Ph o t o s by B i l l N i c o l e t t i


| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2013











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NAACP Freedom Fund Celebration

The annual Freedom Fund Celebration, presented recently by the NAACP Riverside Branch at the Riverside Auditorium and Events Center, recognizes individuals and organizations that make significant contributions to the community. The theme of this year’s event was “Embracing Our Past … Planting Seeds for Tomorrow.” 3







(1) Assemblywoman Cheryl R. Brown, left, Mayor Rusty Bailey, Valerie Hill and Sheriff Stan Sniff (2) Assemblyman Jose Medina, left, and Councilman Andy Melendrez (3) Rose Mayes, left, Ralph Nunez and Woodie Rucker-Hughes, NAACP Riverside Branch president (4) Dell and Carmen Roberts, left, and Russ Ward (5) Rickerby Hinds and Paulette Brown-Hinds, left, and Hardy Brown II (6) Mary Pasillas, left, and Mia Kirkland (7) Rolaunda Coleman, left, and Corey Jackson (8) Maril and Robert Anderson Ph o t o s by R a c h e l L u n a

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| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2013



Habitat for Humanity Home Dedication 1


Habitat for Humanity Riverside welcomed Beatrice Jones and her family to a new energy efficient home during a recent dedication, which was attended by local officials, volunteers and other supporters. For more about the event, please turn to Page 34.





(1) Debi Bagley, left, Nick Adcock, Kathy Michalak and Jim Almgren (2) Michelle Davis, left, Ana Lorson and Deanna Lorson (3) Jacob Gillette, left, Jack Olree, Cory Smith, Jennifer Hutson, Mindy Leyde and Sheri Edwards (4) Karin Roberts, left, Mayor Rusty Bailey and Adrianna Nguyen (5) Lynn Kristensen, left, Michelle Eisenberg, Norice Bauer, Robin Haught and Susan Campbell (6) Robert Starr, left, Cheryl Wolsfelt, State Sen. Richard Roth, Akili Thomas, Beatrice Jones and Cathy Jones (7) Ken Gutierrez, left, and Chris Mac Arthur


Ph o t o s by Fr a n k Pe r e z

sav e th e date charitable events

t t t t t t


Aug. 17 – Kickoff celebration for this fall’s two Light the Night Walks, which raise funds for research and to suppor t people battling cancer. Dave & Buster’s, 4821 Mills Circle, Ontario; www.lls.org/aboutlls/chapters/ocie. Sept. 14 – Sheltering HeARTS, a Path of Life fundraiser to benefit the homeless in Riverside County. Riverside Ar t Museum, 3425 Mission Inn Ave.; 5:30 p.m.; $120; 951-789-0059, www.pathoflifefundraiser.org. Sept. 20 – 16th annual comedy night to benefit the Mary S. Rober ts Pet Adoption Center, featuring Paula Poundstone. Riverside Auditorium and Events Center, 3485 Mission Inn Ave.; $25-$50; 951-688-4340, Ext. 307, www.petsadoption.com. Sept. 20 – 29th annual Women of Achievement, presented by the YWCA of Riverside County. 951-687-9922, www.ywcariverside.org. Sept. 23 – 28th annual Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce Golf Classic. Jurupa Hills Country Club; 6161 Moraga Ave., Riverside; 951-683-7100. Sept. 28 – Riverside Community Health Foundation’s anniversary celebration, 2 Tickets to Paradise. 951-788-3471; http://rchf.org.

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24638 Redlands Blvd. august-september 2013 | riversidethemag.com | 33

n o n pro f it s

A new

place to call

Beatrice Jones, left, her son, Akili, and her mother, Cathy Jones, outside their new home


or Beatrice Jones and her 6-year-old son, “girl power” was the driving force behind their new home. Thanks to Women Build, Habitat for Humanity Riverside’s all-female volunteer project, Jones was presented with the keys to a new home on June 29. The effort was co-sponsored by Wells Fargo, which contributed $75,000 toward the building costs. “Truthfully, I never imagined I would own my own home, so this is more than I could’ve ever hoped for,” said Jones, 32, who grew up in Riverside. “It’s been a very long process and sometimes I wanted to give up, but the people at Habitat stood beside me every step of the way. To me, they are my family.” A preschool teacher at the Salvation Army, Jones was required to complete 250 volunteer hours, which included 34

| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2013

home Written by Luanne J. Hunt Photo by Gabriel Luis Acosta

helping to build her own home and also participate in home-buyer education and financial literacy workshops. While professional contractors did the construction, 99 Wells Fargo employees donated their time to paint the trim and baseboards, assemble cabinets, plant landscaping and do other tasks. This was the first time HFHR has built a home with an all-female volunteer team, according to Kathy Michalak, construction supervisor. “All of the volunteers are bankers and are used to primarily doing office work,” she said. “It was really amazing how quickly they learned to do things and how they worked so efficiently as a team. And their attention to detail really impressed me.” Chartered locally in 1988, Habitat for Humanity Riverside’s primary mission is to build affordable homes for families who reside in sub-standard housing and

are unable to improve their living situation through conventional means. The organization has built and refurbished more than 58 homes that have been sold to local families through lowcost, no-interest loans. Every Habitat residence is energyefficient and includes features such as tankless water heaters, low-flow toilets and shower heads, and Energy Star windows and appliances. “Our goal is to not only build a comfortable home, but we also want it to be affordable to live in long into the future,” Michalak said. Habitat Riverside is building two more homes in Moreno Valley, and will break ground on another four in Riverside later this year or in 2014. Habitat for Humanity Riverside 2180 Iowa Ave., Riverside 951-787-6754 www.habitatriverside.org

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5/20/13 1:47 PM

THE RACE HAS RETURNED TO RIVERSIDE! 2013 Fireball Run Finish Line Extravaganza is Coming to Downtown Riverside September 28th!! FIREBALL RUN is an exciting 8-day, 2500-mile, 14-city adventurally and race, where America serves as the game board – all while aiding to recover America’s missing children. -RLQ XV LQ 5LYHUVLGH 6HSWHPEHU WK QRRQ WR S P DV WKH 2IĂ€FLDO )LQLVK /LQH IRU FIREBALL RUN. We’ll celebrate with our own Fireball Finish Line Extravaganza, including: X Local craft beer and wine garden – “Fireball Brew Festâ€? X Kiwanis Turkey BBQ X Live musical entertainment X Classic and Hollywood car show X Exotic car rally X Kids Zone X Food trucks X Movies on Main: “Cars 2â€? at 7:30 p.m.


Connect with us and follow this exciting event!

City of Riverside @riversidecagov #Ă€UHEDOOUXQULYHUVLGH #Fireballrunriverside #Fireballrun


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