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walk the line withistanbul

impressions [_2_] abdulhamit bilici [_4_] placed to build bridges [_6_] 1453 [_8_] nevzat bayhan [_10_] citycolors [_12_] fatih privat schools [_14_] necmettin serttaĹ&#x; [_15_]

02|03 02

Dear reader and friend of Istanbul, we are pleased to present to you the impressions of our journey to Turkey. Our mission was based on the idea to install Istanbul as a cutting-edge for the global European integration. „Istanbul, European Culture Capital 2010“ – advising all countries about the ambition of a European youth parliament to be set up in Istanbul in October 2010. This is only one of the targets of Europe online – but it could work effectively.

04|05 02

I am looking into the office with awe: huge windows, white colored walls, huge black leather sofas and grey armchairs, a beautiful wooden floor. Nobel, elegant and extensive. Half of the huge floor is meeting room and office. Looking out of the window I can see the Turkish aircraft landing and starting. With a majestic gesture Mr. Abdülhamid Bilici was asked us to take a seat. „This is your office?“, I asked with some amazement. Mr. Bilici replied: „Yes, one of some,“ and his eyes were watchful, awake and fatherly. He seems to be an exceptional man! He sat down on the big sofa in front of us, put his arm on a side table designed by Marcel Breuer and smiled at us. Mr. Bilici is the General Manager of one of the biggest Turkish press agency. This agency belongs to the biggest daily Newspaper „ZAMAN“ and he is responsible for news there. Zaman has 850.000 readers every day – an excellent and high quantity for Turkey. Mr. Bilici asked me to start a short presentation about Europe online

Abdülhamit Bilici, a gentleman with a tough attitude, master of hundreds of journalists, editorial journalists, photographers and graphic designers, all together representing ZAMAN, the mighty newspaper in Turkey. ZAMAN is presented in most of the European countries with offices and outlets in the rest of the world. Interview with Zaman and Europe online. and the vision of how to transport the idea of a European youth parliament via the internet. He was sitting in front of me, concentrated on my words and at the end of my accomplishment he made a grateful decision: „Yes, we will work together. I like what you have told me. You can use our news-content and the content of our web-sites.“ For a few seconds I could not believe what he had said to me, „Wow, that’s a special kind of honesty? Honour? and a great enjoyment for Europe online!” We stood up and he showed us the after work zone: A huge room where employees can relax. Inside this room is an exhibition with 94 awards for the best newspaper artwork since 1993. „How amazing! This company is breathing creativity in all kind of manners!” Saying good bye to Mr. Bilici, we went out and made a gesture of fare well to this ultra modern building and his master.

editor: mnj.


PLACED TO BUILD BRIDGES Fifteen years ago I had been visiting Istanbul – the city of Emperor Constantine. I remember that the town had been noisy, dirty but with amazing atmosphere. With many historical buildings, churches and mosques, crowded places and markets. Bad, but nevertheless cool. And nowadays, after an unexampled catch up race to a wonderful, modern and profitable future, I wonder and I can´t believe my eyes, that all had been realized. Hip clubs, fashionistas, big German cars on the steeply streets and the immense sea of lights is pure and alive; 220 kilometers from one end to the other and in between expensive lofts and mansions, classy yachts, everywhere luxury and success. I am so proud on



this smooth town even if it isn´t mine – but it could be my hood. To be honest, in my mind I had been removed already! The district, the flat, the boat – I have all noticed in my list of wishes. But otherwise this unique location is getting automatically a big responsibility. Istanbul, the bridge between Catholicism and Islam, between Europe and Asia, modern spirit and tradition, the old and the young, the prosperity and poorness, Istanbul, the one and only has a lot to do. What can we, Istanbul and Europe online, do together? Together for one united Europe. So let´s start discussions, comments and blogs; of course more information and knowledge. The government of Istanbul will give us the details, the background and the answers Europe online gives their neutral voice and the right questions to Turkey. What a happy day!

08|09 02

The biggest cannon was more than 8 running meters long and have had an aperture of 80cm. The cannon shot iron balls which have had a weight of half a ton. Mr. Urbans cannons had been used by the osmanic army. This army was more than ten times better as the Byzantine defense. The Osmanians did the triumph in Byzanz. Sultan Mehmed had been on the 29th May 1453 at 8:30am the new emperor of Byzanz. Beginning with this year the Islam started the authority of the Islam in Bosporus and Byzanz had been given the name: „Istanbul“.

02 10|11


The atmosphere in the room had been a little bit keen. While tea has been served and the beamer was buzzing, I was trying to wire my Power Book. In the meantime, looking serious, I tried to imagine how I could present the Europe online idea about the European Youth Parliament made in Instanbul. I wanted them to understand and to work with us in the future. I´m not able to speak even one word Turkish but Ismail Ertug, our adviser, did a real good job to me! He has been translated every single word from German in Turkish. He did it better than my German accomplishment! Maria von Stern, staff officer with Europe online, did the introducing. She told about Europe and the big target of Europe online to support Turkey being the connector, the missing link between cultures and religions. To get the position and respect that Turkey is worth to get in the future. Europe online is fighting to connect Turkey and Europe. While Maria von Stern was talking, I opened my heart, and

Turkey—a country which offers open mind to all directions! I know for sure, that in Germany business is working different to Turkey. Not so warmly, not so cordially and – most important – not so inquiring and open. Thanks a lot for the chance you had offered to us. Sincerely yours, Michael Jaugstetter started to introduce. We all together have to move on the explanation about Europe and Turkey: Prosperity and freedom – that sounds perfect! How about the European freedom? How about that this freedom will not only end in „Italy“ but also in „Iran“ and „Iraq“ and all around the world? Is this imagination phantasm or even naive? If we don´t start to work on it will never happen. So let´s start together with the European youth, all together in Istanbul, culture capital 2010! The European Youth Parliament is represented by opinion leaders from different countries. Their work is to discuss about politics, sport, culture, design, fashion, music etc. It will be a hard time for all, but at the end they will meet in October 2010 in Istanbul to install in three weeks the following expose: The Contract of Istanbul.

An European youth contract for the Youth. This contract includes and represents on the one hand all visions, wishes and imaginations and on the other hand the fear, adversity and resignation. With this schedule Europe online will go to the Parliament in Brussels. After that action all responsible people will have a better knowledge and something positive will happen! Thank you, Mr. Nevzat Bayhan.

12|13 02

Thousand and one pictures in our hearts: Ice which sparkles as fabulous as the waters under the bridges of Bosporus at night; the smell of freshly fried fish which is prepaired on see-sawing ships; the soft breeze from the asian shore which is balancing the warm sunbeams on our skin; the cut head of Medusa deep underneath the earth and the carps which seem like creatures from another star. MiniatĂźrk made it possible to get an impression of the richness of the whole country. The temple of Artemis, Hagia Sophia, the soccer-stadion with the anthem and the chants of Galatasaray - could there be a huger difference? Antalya, Ankara, Izmir, that for sure, are places where we will have to go soon. And then the Blue Mosque, bright and full of light, where

The air of Istanbul is lemon-soaked and full of laughter of children, parents and grand parents. Five times a day it is caused to vibrate by the many-voiced call of the Muezzins. Istanbul is charming with colours and words, and everyone who breathes in deeply gets hunger for more, leaves with desire for the (fl)air of Istanbul. Falling in love with a city. you can leave behind you the rush of the megapolis: 12 Million inhabitants and this is only the official number. Without attendance the four of us would not have seen so many things in such a short time. Shall we say thanks or teĹ&#x;ekkĂźr? Even if we did so a thousand times and once more, it could not be intense enough! editor: mvs.


Mr. Erdal Korkmaz was speaking thoughtful and slowly while using his hands to emphasize some sentences. Mr. Erdal Korkmaz is the deputy headmaster of the biggest private school in Turkey with outlets all over the world: FATIH KOLEJI. During the meantime we have been served delicious lentil soup, kรถfte and sweet desserts. This school has a big Auditorium per over 500 persons, some tenniscourts, a chemistry lab, where DNA-analyses can be done, and a few different athletic rooms. Fatih Koleji Fatih Fen Lisesi, a dependance in Istanbul, got a lot of awards, certificates and cups. Although Turkey has summer holidays, the deputy headmaster of this school broke his private holiday to invite and do all information to us. The Turkish school system is quiet different to the German school system: after 8 years groundschool the disciples going to have a verification. This test depending on the average, allows to visit a high school or university. The branch of study is going to be decided after this.

A markable aspect of Fatih Koleji is the financing: only 15% of the costs is paid by the government. 85% is paid by free economy companies. These companies are willing to charge education. There are no economy or political goals or ambitions in this school. Education is the one and only target. They set up, for example, a school in Namibia, based on the education of this country. We pay our respect for this open minded system, because children are our future. They are going to build with their knowledge, visions and approach the world of tomorrow. We want to help and support them all! And we say warmful thanks to Mr. Abdullah Tan who had organized all!


editor: neh.

When we arrived at our guest family´s house, my bag was full of jam jars, made by my grandmother, and different german chocolate. Being happy that the first one did not melt under the warm sun of Istanbul and that the second one did not break during the travel, there was just one question left to answer: Would it strike at all the taste of our hosts? Their smile made all doubts disappear. So we concentrated on the conversation in Turkish which we did not understand but tried to follow nevertheless. „Ismail Ertug, SPD, Almanya, Avrupa“ were some words that we understood easily. And Ismail – as politician used to being the link between different groups – translated during an opulent dinner. Minute by minute the conversation became more direct and in the end we were talking with hands and feets about the history of our nations, the European Union and even zodiac signs. There should have been more time! Also to start with the marvelous dinner again and again:

„Hospitality in Turkey is amazing“, I had read in a travel guide. But this small phrase was no preparation at all: We were more than surprised of the warm welcome at the first evening by ..., former officer at the Turkish airforce, his wife and their 14-year old daughter. lentil soup, fried tomatoes, beans and mixed salad, grilled chicken, steak tartar with lettuce leafs, fresh fruit salad, ice cream and baklava, sweet black tea in those thin special glasses and turkish mocha with chocolate are just some of the tasty specialities that nearly made us speechless.

Around midnight we put on our shoes and what had been a handshake at the beginning was an embrace as we left. We are looking forward to the next time, in Turkey or in Germany? editor: mvs.


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imprint [_europe online publishing house gmbh_] authors [_maria von stern, nicole emily hoffmann, michael contact [_michael.jaugstetter@europeonline-magazin.eu_] mobil [_0049 (0) 176 22 00 123 7_] address [_weigelstrasse 16_92637 Weiden_Germany_]


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