MnSTA Newsletter • Fall 2022

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MnSTA Newsletter

MnCOSE22 Special Edition

Welcome to the 2022 MnSTA Confer ence on Science Education!!

Crosscutting Concepts • Disciplinary Core Ideas • Science & Engineering Practices All Students, All Standards, All Voices - All Togeth er!

We’re excited to welcome you back in person to the MnSTA Conference on Science Education! We’ve added more new strands, we’re ready to sup port you in new standards and new challenges, and we want you to engage. Together!

We will NOT create a printed program that many are used to for MnCOSE. Instead, we have a fully digital experience to engage you in MnCOSE22. Please bring a device - phone, tablet, and/or computer - to most easily access our event details!

MnCOSE 2022 has a free, official app. You can Download the Whova app to access the event and be able to:

View the event agenda now and plan your schedule. Find sessions, and speakers and exhibitors in the Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center.

Access documents and slides shared by organizers or speakers.

Set up in person meet-ups with your fellow attend ees to connect in person and/or remotely. Create and converse through various Discussion Top ics in the Community Board.

Receive updates and last minute changes from the organizers

Jump into our event via Chrome on your favorite computer, or download the Whova Conference App and login from your favorite device.

Our MnCOSE22 Strands include Core Idea focused strands:

*Life & Environmental Sciences

*Physical Sciences (Chemistry & Physics)

*Earth & Space Sciences and also three strands around critical areas in science education:

*Implementing the 2019 MN Science Standards

*Justice, Equity, and Culture in Science Education

*Community and Global Impacts on Science Teach ing.

as well as an entire strand of “Exhibitor Sessions,” presentations by MnCOSE exhibitors on products and services.

See pages 8-17 for more MnCOSE information

Volume 64 No. 1 A Quarterly Publication of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association Inc. Fall 2022

This fall was the start of my 28th year of teaching, which meant it was also my 41st first day of school. The beginning of the school year is always a more momentous occasion than January 1st. The excite ment and promise of a new school year outweighs the anxiety and stress of the sudden onslaught of deci sions. The opportunity for a fresh start lets me reset intentions, take ideas and learnings from the summer and put them into practice.

One of the big changes in practice is implement ing the 2019 MN Science Standards. My district opted to delay implementation during the pandemic. As a 7th grade science teacher, this means I won’t be officially starting the new standards until next school year. I have been doing a lot of thinking, research, reading and talking to others in preparation for this shift. Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices is the book I’m currently reading to help make sense of upcoming changes. I’ve just finished Section 1 (Chapter 1-4) and found the book to be a great introduction to how practice focused instruction can benefit students. The text has also helped me con sider how this type of instruction might look in my classroom. What I’ve enjoyed even more is having a dialogue with other MnSTA members about their in sights and reflections from the book. Our first online discussion was held in early October and included members from around the state in a variety of roles and various stages of experience with implementa tion. I appreciated the ideas that were shared and found myself feeling almost a sense of relief during

our conversation. I am grateful for the expertise of our membership and thankful that we have a com munity of educators who are willing to share their knowledge so willingly.

All members are invited to our next conversation, scheduled for November 16th at 6:30 PM. This con versation will be led by Dana Smith, MnSTA board member and lead coordinator of the MnSTA ESTEP program. Dana will lead a professional conversation focused on an Introduction to NGSS. We’ll move on to Section 2 of the book in December. All of this information can be found on the flier shown at the end of this article.

The other event that I’m looking to use to help inform my practice is the upcoming Minnesota Conference on Science Education (MnCOSE). We are thrilled to be back in person after two years of connecting virtually. MnCOSE22 in 3D is scheduled for Nov 3-5, 2022 in Duluth and is sure to provide opportunities for expanding your knowledge in the new standards, content knowledge and a range of other topics relevant to our goal as an organization: Fostering excellence in science education for all. I look forward to connecting with you soon!

Department of Education

reading about Bineshiiyag migration. I hope that this fall, you also find something new and interesting to explore too.

* You can learn more about Ojibwe language and ac cess audio files of word pronunciation at The Ojibwe Peoples Dictionary – established by faculty at The University of Minnesota Minnesota Academic Standards in Science

Final Version of the 2019 Academic Standards in Science Released

MDE has released the official, final version of the 2019 Academic Standards in Science. This docu ment is available as a PDF, and in spreadsheet format on our Academic Standards – Science page. This version of the standards includes all standards and benchmarks for K-12 Science, but you will notice that it does not contain the examples and emphasis statements that were part of the draft version. The 2019 Academic Standards in Science with Examples and Emphasis Statements is available on our Science Standards Implementation page.

Resources Updated to Support Implementation of the 2019 Academic Standards in Science

Boozhoo*/Greetings Minnesota Science Teachers!

The leaves have already changed color and are falling off the trees. That means Dagwaagin/It is Fall, and my favorite time of year! I was driving in the northern part of the state just a few weeks ago and saw Makwa/Black Bear poke his head out of the trees! This is the time of year when Makwag/Bears are preparing for our long winter.

While Makwag hibernate during the cold weather, many Bineshiiyag/birds start migrating south and return after the frigid Minnesota winter months have passed. Just yesterday, I noticed a large flock of geese flying overhead in the “V” formation. It made me wonder, how do Bineshiiyag that migrate south for the winter know when to leave, or where they are going? Do they always go to the same place? How could we find out?

My curiosity got the better of me today, and I started with an internet search to see what others have already learned. I came across a recent research study that indicates some birds might use Earth’s magnetic field to navigate. While this is fascinating to think about, it makes me think of so many more new questions – how do birds detect Earth’s mag netic field?! Do they have another sense we don’t know about yet? I know I’ll be spending some time this fall sitting outside with a warm cup of tea, and

MDE has updated resources to support implemen tation of the 2019 standards on our Academic Stan dards – Science Standards Implementation page. This page contains the 2019 Standards with Examples and Emphasis Statements in both PDF and spreadsheet format. Additionally, the proposed transition timeline, and proposed alternative timeline documents have been updated to reflect full implementation in the 2024-2025 school year. Additional resources to sup port teachers and schools will be added to this page periodically – please check back for updates, or reach out directly with questions.

MCA Science Assessment update

New Resource: Using Assessment Results During Transition to New Academic Standards: Science. Developing a communication plan for sharing assessment results can be an important part of your district’s science standards transition plan. MDE has released this new guidance document to support school districts in communicating assessment results to school communities during standards transition. This resource can be found on the District Resources page under “Test Score Interpretation Resources” in the third section, along with other resources.

Get involved with the development of the Science MCA.

Every year, through Educator and Community Review Committees, Minnesota educators and com

2 MnSTA Newsletter President’s Message-Jill Jensen
Fall 2022 3
Angie Kolonich is the science specialist for the Department of Education. She will keep us updated on science education in the MnSTA newsletter.

Department of Education

munity members across the state bring invaluable classroom experience, perspectives from teaching diverse students, and engagement with Minnesota Academic Standards to the test development pro cess. This committee participation ensures that the content and question type align closely with best practices in classroom instruction. Each committee is a separate entity that meets for two to four days. When the committee completes their specific review task, a new committee is formed for the next task in the test development process.

1. Sign up for MCA Review Committees Data base. Committee members are selected to participate in various meetings throughout the summer. Your input is vital in the development of items to the new science standards.

2. Preview sets of questions developed for the Science MCA-IV. The Testing 1, 2, 3 MCA Con tent Resources webpage under Science Resources now has released examples of Science MCA-IV items and Educator Guides. The purpose of these resources is to give Minnesota education profession als a few examples of phenomenon-based, multi dimensional items aligned to the 2019 Minnesota Science Standards. The guides include information on benchmark alignment and student response data, to provide context for the online released items. Visit the Minnesota Department of Education at MnCOSE 22

Please visit the Minnesota Department of Education at MnCOSE! We are planning mul tiple presentations focused on implementation of the 2019 Academic Standards in Science, and hope that you stop by our exhibit table, where we will have handouts and copies of helpful implementation resources.

Honoring Minnesota PAEMST Finalists for Science

The Minnesota Department of Education is honored to celebrate the achievements of PAEMST finalists in-person again this year. PAEMST finalists from 2020, 2021, and 2022 were celebrated during STEM Day at the Fair on August 25th 2022, where they were announced on the main stage and received a certificate of appreciation signed by the com missioner. Please join us at MnCOSE for another in-person celebration of PAEMST Science finalists this November.

2020 Finalists

• Anna Edlund – Bluff Creek Elementary School

• Byron Gilliland – Goodview Elementary School

• Brian Hare – E-STEM Middle School (2020 MN PAEMST Science Award Winner!)

2021 Finalists

• Meagan O’Brien – Washington Technology Magnet

• Melissa Olson – Becker Senior High School

• Anne Zielske – Harding High School

2022 Finalists

• Anna Edlund – Bluff Creek Elementary School

• Kimberly Menard – Lake Marion Elementary

• Dawn Mueller – Independence Elementary STEM School

Applications are now open for 2023 Presiden tial Awards

The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathemat ics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) are the highest honors bestowed by the United States government specifically for K–12 science, technology, engineer ing, mathematics, and/or computer science teaching. Anyone—principals, teachers, parents, students, or members of the general public—may nominate STEM teachers who are currently teaching grades 7-12 this year. Teachers may also apply directly at The nomination deadline is Janu ary 9, 2023, and the application deadline is February 6, 2023, for Secondary (7-12). Elementary (K-6) will be eligible to apply during a future cycle.

Applications are now open for 2023 Green Ribbon Schools Award

The Green Ribbon Schools Award from the U.S. Department of Education honors schools, districts, and higher education institutions that save energy and reduce operating costs, create environmentally friendly learning spaces, promote student health, and incorporate environmental sustainability into the curriculum. The Minnesota Department of Educa tion, in cooperation with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education, nominates candidates based on an application process. Applications for the 2023 Green Ribbon Schools Award are available on our Green Ribbon Schools page, or by contacting MDE Sci ence Specialist, Angela Kolonich. The Green Ribbon Schools application deadline is January 2, 2023. Please send an optional intent to apply message before December 5, 2022 to the MDE Science Special ist, Angela Kolonich (

Contact Information Angela Kolonich, Science Specialist | angela.

Department of Education-Opportunities

Free resources for teaching how science works Decoding Science source/25303/interactive/index.html?utm_so urce=NASEM+News+and+Publications&u tm_campaign=d18874372b-Eblast_Decoding_Sci ence_Ed_2021_05_27&utm_medium=email&utm_ term=0_96101de015-d18874372b102201965&goal=0_96101de015-d18874372b102201965&mc_cid=d18874372b&mc_ eid=1e54d40e2e is a free interactive resource from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and medicine. It’s all vetted by experts and ready to use in your classroom.

A 90-second video on how science works Clear answers to challenging questions Stories from real-life scientists And more…

PLT “Explore Your Environment” K-8 Activity Guide Released Project Learning Tree (PLT) released a new cur riculum guide to engage kindergarten through grade 8 students in exploring their environment. Fifty fieldtested, hands-on activities integrate investigations of nature with science, math, English language arts, and social studies.

Educators can obtain a copy of PLT’s Explore Your Environment: K-8 Activity Guide https://www. directly from PLT’s Shop https://shop., from Amazon and other places where books are sold, or by attend ing a local PLT professional development workshop conducted by PLT’s 50-state network of 75 coordina tors and 1,000 facilitators across the country. Minne sota PLT site html

. Student Programs, Awards and Competitions

Science and Engineering Competitions

• Science Bowl – middle and high school

• Minnesota Science Olympiad – middle and high school

• Science and Engineering Fair – middle and high school

• FIRST Lego League, FIRST Tech Chal lenge, FIRST Robotics- All grades

• Supermileage Challenge - High school

• Real World Design Challenge - High school

• Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision - Classroom

based for all grades

• NSTA Angela Award – girls grades 5 – 8

• MN Scholars of Distinction – high school

• National Youth Science Camp – two high school seniors are selected as MN delegates Minnesota Programs and Competitions

Many competitions, out-of-school programs and field trip opportunities are listed in the Reach for the Stars Catalog of Programs and Activities.

MDE Science Contacts: Angela Kolonich, Science Content Specialist

Jim Wood, Science Assessment Specialist

Judi Iverson, Science Assessment Specialist

Sarah Carter, STEM and Computer Science Special ist

Send submissions for the Science Update to Angela Kolonich

Other Minnesota Links:

Minn. Dept. of Education Science Page http://educa Minn. Science Teachers Association

Frameworks for MN Science and Mathematics Stan dards

Get – STEM Connections between schools and busi nesses

Mn-STEM STEM programs and resources for fami lies, schools and community stem/

Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge en vironmental education resources

Minnesota Academy of Science: Science Fair, Sci ence Bowl and other competitions https://www.

Mn DNR Education website: Curriculum, profes sional development, posters, etc.

Youth Eco Solutions (YES!) – Statewide, youth-led program for hands-on eco related projects

4 MnSTA Newsletter
Fall 2022 5
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8 MnSTA Newsletter Fall 2022 9 MnCOSE MnCOSE

MnCOSE- Keynote and Strand Speakers

Brett was a high school science teacher for 20 years, the state science specialist, and the curriculum director at the Utah Office of Education for 15 years. Brett served on the National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) Board on Science Education for 8 years. He served on the committee that developed the Framework for K-12 Science Education committee and was a lead writer on Next Generation Science Standards. Brett co-directed the committee that developed the NASEM report Investigations and Design at the Center committee. He has written four books specific to science teaching and learning. Currently, Brett is providing science professional development for teachers throughout the U.S. He directs the development of the lesson website Go ing 3D with GRC and works with teams of teachers who wrote over 400 investigations on the website.

Mark Peterson-Strand Speaker

Benilde-St. Margaret’s School

Implementing the MNSS and Standards

Based Grading

Mark has been in “beta” teaching/learning mode for over a decade. Going back to writing “I can” learning targets in moving to standards based learning that were based on the 2009 MNSS, to consistently updating now based on the 3 dimensions of the newest MNSS, he brings experience and joy in the journey to #better.

Jim Rock is director of Indigenous Programming at UMD Swenson College of Science and Engineering Description. He (Dakota) has taught Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy for four decades to thousands of stu dents at universities, tribal colleges and high schools in urban, suburban and reservation communities. He is the Director of Indigenous Programming for the Alworth Planetarium and the Physics and Astronomy department of Swenson College of Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota Duluth. He teaches a Universi ty Honors astronomy course called Native Skywatchers: Indigenous Ethno- and ArchaeoAstronomy. Jim is also co-advisor for the campus AISES American Indian Sci ence and Engineering Society. He has lived, travelled, and still works globally in many languages.-

Dr. Stephanie Marshall-Strand Speaker

What if I (We) Don’t? Toward Equitable Science Teaching and Practices

Dr. Marshall was a middle and high school science teacher in Ohio, and worked in schools labeled “low-per forming” in cities across the State of Michigan as a district manager for one of Michigan’s largest Supplemental Educa tion Service provider.

Dr. Marshall situates her work at the intersection of edu cational policy, leadership, and science education, focusing on the organizational and individualized needs necessary to achieve equity in science education. Specifically, Dr. Marshall researches: 1) supporting equity in science/STEM education in schools and organizations, 2) the impact of policies on science/STEM education, and 3) the role of

MnCOSE - Strand Speakers

Peter McLaren-Strand Speaker-Prompting Student Sensemaking and Discourse: The Power of Crosscutting Concepts

Peter McLaren, Executive Director Next Gen Education LLC

Peter McLaren is the Executive Director of Next Gen Education, LLC . Mr. McLaren works as a consultant and professional development provider to schools and districts in support of the implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards and other three-dimen sional state science standards based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education (NRC, 2012). Mr. McLaren served as a member of the national committees including the writing committee for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), the National Academy of Engineer ing’ Guiding Implementation of K-12 Engineering Edu cation committee, and the National Academy of Science Committee for Developing Assessments for the Next Generation Science Standards.

Steven Butler-Strand Speaker

University of Minnesota

Improving chemical Lab Safety Knowledge and Culture in the Classroom

A 5th year PhD Student working on develop ing new ligands for Titanium Catalysis. Steven has worked with the JST for the majority of his time at the University of Minnesota and recently co-directed the Chemical Safety in High School Labs workshop at the University of Minnesota.

Scaffolding on the Ivory Tower: Integrating High School and Community Resources to improve a University’s Watershed Hydrology Study

Bryce Hoppie is originally from Glencoe, Min nesota. Taken by his father, a teacher, on summer vacations to practically every national park in the lower 48, it was only a matter of time before he became a teacher and a geologist. Now at MSU Mankato, Hoppie teaches a wide variety of geo logical content to a wide variety of modern college students and in-service teachers. Beyond teaching, his research and community outreach includes work as a hydrogeologist focusing on projects that aim to restore and protect the quality of Minnesota’s lakes, rivers, and aquifers.

Aanji-bimaadiziimagako’ow aki. (The world is changing).

Rob Croll is a policy analyst in the Division of Intergovernmental Affairs at the Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC) where he coordinates the Climate Change Program. The GLIFWC Climate Change Program was created with the goal of integrating Scientific and Traditional Ecological Knowledges to provide a holistic and culturally appropriate approach to climate adapta tion in the Ojibwe Ceded Territories in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota.

Bryce Hoppie, MSU Mankato-Strand Speaker Rob Croll, Plolicy Analyst Climate Change Program Coordina tor for Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commision (GLIFWC)Strand Speaker Brett Moulding-Keynote-Implementing the 2019 MN Science Standards. Jim Rock-Keynote-Native Skywatchers
10 MnSTA Newsletter Fall 2022 11
MnCOSE Sponsors 800-848-9500 Copyright © 2022 Savvas Learning Company LLC All Rights Reserved. Savvas and Savvas MNCOSE 2022 Science programs from Savvas Learning Company focus on the student experience through phenomena-based inquiry. What will pique their interest? • Tracking the data of real marine life? • Real-World Case Studies? • Flinn Scientific® Virtual Reality? • Engineering Challenges? • STEM Projects? Experience the science of doing. Grandma’s Saloon 522 S Lake Ave, Canal Park Duluth, MN 55802 November 3, 2022 6:30 – 9:30 pm Food and beverages will be provided and hosted by Savvas. Join Us for Food and Drinks Experience our “Phenomenal” NGSS Science Programs Scan QR Code to RSVP 615W5962 14 MnSTA Newsletter Fall 2022 15 MnCOSE Sponsors

Transform how your students

science with

and the

The only platform for authentic, interactive video-based science activities.



Engage Students

Go from teaching science through lectures, slides & drills to inviting students to actively participate in the process of science

Use Phenomena in Every Lesson

Give students unrestricted exploration o phenomena more often than just "lab days", without time, resource, or safety constraints

Enjoy Teaching Again

Exchange fruitless web searches, failed lab experiments, and passive learning for tools both you and your students will love using.

MnCOSE Norms

We are establishing these norms for this entire event to ensure the best and most safe experience for all participants.

Guidelines when participating in MnCOSE Be nice!

Engage as an active participant.

The following are not permitted and are grounds to be immediately removed from any session:

Disrespectful language or actions that are discriminatory on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status.

Promotion of goods or services for sale during a session [apart from exhibitor ses sions].

User-Generated Content

Some areas of the conference platform allow you to provide content (in chat areas, forums, associated social media pages, etc.) By posting, uploading, publishing, distrib uting, or transmitting information such as photos, videos, reviews, messages, content, or other personal information (collectively “User-Generated Content”) on the confer ence platform, blogs, or other communities, you represent and warrant that you are the sole author and owner of such content, and you further represent and warrant that you have permission from anyone included in any photos or videos, or if a child, you have permission from the child’s parent or guardian.

Your User-Generated Content must not be defamatory, slanderous, indecent, obscene, pornographic or sexually explicit or be used for commercial gain. MnSTA has the right but not the obligation, in its sole discretion, to remove, reject, refuse to post, modify or edit User Generated Content but does not regularly review User Generated Content. MnSTA takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any User-Generated Content

Thank you for making this the best event for all!

MnCOSE Sponsors 16 MnSTA Newsletter
Active Learning through Phenomena
Science Practices
transformed my teaching by providing REAL experiments demonstrating science phenomena for students to analyze and interpret data...I think my students learn more...” Best of STEM Educator Judge Scan me to ea n mo e A l Science Subjects. Grades 6 through Higher Ed. Fall 2022 17
Opportunities 18 MnSTA Newsletter Opportunities 2022 19 Fall


20 MnSTA Newsletter Opportunities Fall 2022 21
22 MnSTA Newsletter Opportunities “Teach Outdoors! Minnesota Workshop Series” Join us for FREE, weekly Professional Development workshops on Teaching Outdoors via Zoom on Wednesdays @ 4:00 CST To register for free workshops go to : Fall 2022 23 MnSTA, Inc. is an IRS 501 (c) (3) Chari table Educational Corpora-tion, incorporated as a tax exempt, non-profit organization with the Minnesota Secretary of State. Donations and dues are tax deductible charitable contri butions for itemized deductions on IRS form 1040 Schedule A The newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the last page

MnSTA Board Directory

Below, you will find information about your MnSTA Board Members. The listing includes the board member’s school (or organiza tion), mailing address, work phone, FAX number, and e-mail address. The board wishes to make itself as accessible as possible for our members. Please feel free to contact your discipline representative, regional representative, or executive board members if you have ideas, concerns, or wish to help with the mission or operation of MnSTA. We are always looking for members who wish to serve MnSTA as Board Members, Non-Board Service Chairs or Members, and as Committee Chairs or Members.

Executive Board:

Exec. Secretary Karen Bengtson St. Cloud Area School Dist. 472 1000 44th Ave N. St. Cloud MN 56303 320-253-9333

Past President Angela Osuji Washburn High School 201 W 49th St. Minneapolis, Mn 55419 612-668-3400

President Jill Jenson Scott Highlands Middle School 14011 Pilot Knob Rd. Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-423-7581

Treasurer John Olson Metropolitan State Univ. 700 E. 7th St. St. Paul, MN 55107

DOE Science Specialist Angela Kolonich

Discipline Directors:

Biology Michelle Housenga Minneapolis Washburn HS 201 West 49th St. Minneapolis, MN 55419 612-720-5705

Earth Science Dana Smith Bemidji Middle School 1910 Middle School Ave. NW Bemidji, MN 56601 218-333-3215

Chemistry Jose Morales Collazo Worthington High School 1211 Clary St. Worthington, MN 56187 507-376-6121

Elementary/Greater MN Robin Knutson Forestview Middle School 12149 Knollwood Dr. Baxter, MN 56425 218-454-6123

Elementary/Metro Lee Filipek Southview Elementary 1025 Whitney Dr. Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-431-8370

Higher Ed Rachel Humphrey St. Cloud State Univ. Wick Science Bldg #160 720 4th AVe. So. St. Cloud 56301 320-308-3232

Informal Ed Caitlin Potter Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve 2660 Fawn Lake Dr. NE E. Bethel 55005

Alternative Ed. Jess Paulson Sciences Academy 8008 83rd St. NW Maple Lake, Mn 55358 952-852-0129

Physics Phillip Sexton Minnetonka High School 18301 Hwy 7 Minnetonka, MN 55345 612-401-5700

Private Schools Steve Heilig St. Paul Academy & Summit School 1712 Randolph Ave. St. Paul 55105 651-696-1432

Region Representatives:

Region 1&2: North Jennifer Aakre TrekNorth Jr.&St.High School 2400 Pine Ridge Ave. NW Bemidji, MN 56601 218-444-1888

Region 1&2: North Elizabeth Cakebread Ada-Borup-West School 604 W. Thorup Ave. Ada, MN 56510 218-784-5300

Region 3: Northeast Nikki Ojanen Cloquet Middle School 2001 Washington Ave. Cloquet, MN 55720 218-879-3328

Region 4: Westcentral Harrison Aakre Alexandria Area High School 4300 Pioneer Rd. Alexandria, MN 56308

Region 5: Northcentral Miranda Graceffa Crosslake Community School 36972 Cty Rd 66 Crosslake, MN 56442 218-330-6154

Region 6: Southcentral Holly Knudson Marshall High School 400 Tiger Drive Marshall, MN 56258 507-537-6920 X 1059

Region 7: Eastcentral Missie Olson Becker High School 12000 Hancock St. Becker, MN 55308 320-274-3341

Region 8: Southcentral Holly Knudson Marshall High School 400 Tiger Drive Marshall, MN 56258 507-537-6920 X 1059

Region 9: South Eric Kehoe JWP Hight School 110 E 3rd At. Janesville, MN 56048 507-234-5181

Region 10: Southeast Emily Zinck Lewiston-Altura 100 County Road 25 Lewiston, MN 507-523-2191

Region 11: Metro Megan Earnest Bell Museum-Universitiy of Minnesota 2088 Larpenteur Ave. W St. Paul, MN 55113 612-624-5852

Region 11: Metro David McGill Capitol Hill Gifted and Talented Magnet 560 Concordia Ave. St. Paul MN 55103

Ancillary Positions:

Database Mark Lex

Webmaster Eric Koser Mankato West H.S. 1351 S. Riverfront Dr. Mankato, MN 56001 W: 507-387-3461 x 322 F: 507-345-1502 e:

Newsletter Jerry Wenzel

NSTA Dist. IX Director Angela Osuji Washburn High School 201 W 49th St. Minneapolis, Mn 55419 612-668-3400 Conference Coordinator Eric Koser Mankato West H.S. 1351 S. Riverfront Dr. Mankato, MN 56001 W: 507-387-3461 x 322 F: 507-345-1502 e:

24 MnSTA Newsletter
Events Calendar If you have events you want placed on the calendar, send them to the editor - see page 2 for deadlines, address, etc. Conferences / Workshops MnCOSE: Nov. 3-5, 2022 Duluth Fall 2022 25 MnSTA Board Directory
26 MnSTA Newsletter

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