MnSTA Summer 2023 Newsletter

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MnSTA Newsletter

Volume 67 No. 4 A Quarterly Publication of the Minnesota Science Teachers Association Inc. Summer 2023

MnCOSE 2023

Join us at the 2023 MnSTA Conference on Science Education in Rochester this fall on Friday, Nov 10th and Saturday Nov 11th. Our two-day event is for science teachers of all levels, from pre-K to high school and into college.

We’ll kick off the day Friday with a casual affinity-group breakfast. Connect and reconnect with educators like you that have similar experiences and are facing similar challenges.

The 2019 MN Science Standards demand new ways of learning for our students, and we’re here to support your transition and growth in implementation. Experiencing three dimensional, phenomenon based science as a learner is key to supporting students in their learning. We’re creating a new set of Phenomenon Workshops within the day at MnCOSE to provide exactly this opportunity for you! For no additional cost, you’ll be able to register by grade band to participate in these morning-long focused experiential sessions facilitated by some of Minnesota’s leading science teachers. Come and experience the excitement of phenomenon based learning yourself, AND grow your skills to bring this to the learners in your practice.

Alongside these new opportunities, we’ll fill MnCOSE23 with great presentations by educators that many are used to attending. We want you to have options that meet your needs as a science educator in this time of transition!

Rochester has much to offer and opportunities to learn. Friday night, take time to slow down and enjoy time with new and old friends while you explore what downtown Rochester has to offer.

The Kahler Grand Hotel will be our conference hotel as well as the site to kick off our Saturday

morning events. You can choose to get into the Mayo Health System with us right across the street to tour and learn about innovative health care. We’re also working with a local nature center to provide experiential learning on site.

We’re welcoming many exhibitors to MnCOSE23 to support your work. You asked for more time to network with colleagues and exhibitors, so we’re including a 90 minute block of time midday Friday to enjoy a networking lunch and connect with exhibitors. As always, many exhibitors will also present sessions to let you dig deeper into their offerings.

Details about registration and lodging are all available on our website at Please reserve your professional development funds now to join us in the fall!

MnCOSE 2022 Duluth, MN

Spring has finally arrived and life has returned in full bloom. The crabapples, birches and spruces are all in the midst of pollination and the call of the frogs and toads echoes across the pond in my neighborhood. Every shade of green appears on leaves through my window and my list of things to do now grows as the garden and front porch plants need love and care. I never mind the yard chores, I’d much rather be pulling weeds, watering or replanting than just about anything else. There are several reasons why I like working in the garden - I actually love the smell of dirt and I don’t mind getting dirty or working hard. I also like gardening because it satisfies both long and short term goals for me. It doesn’t take me long to weed my little garden and I can see immediate improvement, but I know it will be months before I actually get the product of my labor in payment of tomatoes or peppers. Can you see where I am going with this? Teaching is like gardening, it takes constant maintenance, short term work can give you immediate feedback, but really you are in it for the long haul. You might not even see the tomatoes of your teaching - but you are paying it forward to your students’ future teachers. It takes a lot of patience and dedication to work toward something that might not always see the end result of, but you have to trust your work pays off.

The other reason I like gardening is it gives me a sense of peace. It is relaxing for me, outdoors with no electronics is a way I recharge. The upcoming summer break is how many people recharge -but there are a vast array of recharging strategies and everyone finds the way that works for them. If you are

looking to recharge by connecting with other educators and expanding your skills and knowledge this summer, make sure to check out the events calendar on the MnSTA Website: cgi/page.cgi/event_calendar.html?date=2023-6. It’s filled with a huge assortment of opportunities taking place all over the state on a huge range of topics. Whether it’s spending time with friends, traveling, catching up on your book list or taking courses I hope you find what will recharge you.

Thank you to everyone who worked to better science education across our state this past school year. I hope you feel a sense of accomplishment and see the fruits of your labor, even if it’s not in final form just yet. Best wishes for a smooth end of the school year.

2 MnSTA Newsletter President’s Message-Jill
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Summer 2023 3
Photo by Tony Wenzel, Randall, MN

Department of Education Department of Education

Curriculum Directors should work closely with district administrators, including the District Assessment Coordinator, on the plan for communicating Science MCA and MTAS results to the school board, school administrators, staff, families, and the media during the standards implementation process.

Keep these points in mind when communicating assessment results:

Using Assessment Results During Transition to New Academic Standards: Science

Overview of Academic Standards Revision Process

Minnesota’s academic standards are reviewed and revised based on a 10-year cycle approved by the Minnesota legislature. The science standards were reviewed and revised in 2018–19. Rulemaking for the 2019 K–12 Academic Standards in Science was completed in September 2021, with full implementation scheduled for the 2024–25 school year.

Assessing the New Science Academic Standards

As academic standards are revised, a new series of state assessments are developed to align with the updated standards. The Science Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment – Series III (MCA-III) and Science Minnesota Test of Academic Skills – Series III (MTAS-III) assess the 2009 science standards, and the final year for administration will be spring 2024. Administration of the Science MCA-IV and Science Alternate MCA-IV will begin spring of 2025 and will assess the 2019 science standards.

• Determine the main points you want to share about your district’s implementation of the standards and keep the message simple, especially for sharing across social media and with a variety of audiences.

• Explain the purpose of the assessment and the process for implementation of new standards.

• Be proactive in your reporting message. Explain the district’s standards implementation plan and how assessment results may be impacted during the transition.

• Explain how the data will be used in the district and schools and how it is used in context with other assessment and instructional data. Avoid defensive comments or making excuses for the results.

• Take your district implementation plan into consideration when communication about and using benchmark data. The 2022 and 2023 Benchmark Reports will show the specific 2009 benchmarks on the Science MCA-III, which may not align with certain grade-level instruction depending on the transition plan.

The example below shows one potential model for a three-year transition process to meet the 2024–25 implementation deadline and prepare students for the Science MCA-IV in the spring of 2025. In this example, certain grade levels shift to the new standards each year so that by the 2024–25 school year, students in grades 5, 8 and high school will have had instruction in the new standards that will be assessed on MCA-IV.

For more information about alternative timelines, refer to the Science Standards Implementation page

Instruction Implement new science standards for grades K, 1, 3, 6 and high school electives

Implement new science standards for grades 2, 4, 7 and high school Life Science

Implement new science standards for grades 5, 8 and high school Chemistry/Physics

It important to note that while schools and districts are transitioning to the new 2019 science standards, students will still be assessed with the Science MCA-III/MTAS-III through spring 2024. For more information on the statewide science assessments, refer to the Testing 1, 2, 3 website.

Communicating Assessment Results During Transition

School districts and charter schools have the authority to set their own transition process and timeline to meet the full academic standards implementation deadline in school year 2024–25. The transition process that a district uses could affect Science MCA-III/MTAS scores in 2023 and 2024 if classroom instruction does not align with grade-level standards assessed on the MCA-III/MTAS during transition years. Using


MCA-III/MTAS-III (Last year of MCA-III/MTAS-III administration)

MCA-IV/Alternate MCAIV (First year of MCAIV/Alternate MCA-IV)

Professional Development Focus on phenomenadriven 3D learning and formative 3D assessments

Focus on summative 3D assessments and reflect on instruction

Explore scope of MCA-IV and examine instruction for standards alignment

Assessment Results During Transition to New Academic Standards: Science 1
Assessment Results During Transition to New Academic Standards: Science 2
No data Transition Year 1 2022–23 Transition Year 2 2023–24 Full Implementation 2024–25
Table 1. Sample Implementation Model
4 MnSTA Newsletter Summer 2023 5 Website Science Standards Website Website

Department of Education

Free resources for teaching how science works

Decoding Science is a free interactive resource from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and medicine. It’s all vetted by experts and ready to use in your classroom.

A 90-second video on how science works

Clear answers to challenging questions

Stories from real-life scientists

And more…

PLT “Explore Your Environment” K-8 Activity Guide Released

Project Learning Tree (PLT) released a new curriculum guide to engage kindergarten through grade 8 students in exploring their environment. Fifty field-tested, hands-on activities integrate investigations of nature with science, math, English language arts, and social studies.

Educators can obtain a copy of PLT’s Explore Your Environment: K-8 Activity Guide directly from PLT’s Shop, from Amazon and other places where books are sold, or by attending a local PLT professional development workshop conducted by PLT’s 50-state network of 75 coordinators and 1,000 facilitators across the country. Minnesota PLT site

Student Programs, Awards and Competitions

Science and Engineering Competitions

• Science Bowl – middle and high school

• Minnesota Science Olympiad – middle and high school

• Science and Engineering Fair – middle and high school

• FIRST Lego League, FIRST Tech Chal lenge, FIRST Robotics- All grades

• Supermileage Challenge - High school

• Real World Design Challenge - High school

• Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision - Classroom based for all grades

• NSTA Angela Award – girls grades 5 – 8

• MN Scholars of Distinction – high school

• National Youth Science Camp – two high school seniors are selected as MN delegates

Minnesota Programs and Competitions

Many competitions, out-of-school programs and field trip opportunities are listed in the Reach for the Stars Catalog of Programs and Activities.

MDE Science Contacts:

Angela Kolonich, Science Content Specialist

Jim Wood, Science Assessment Specialist

Judi Iverson, Science Assessment Specialist

Sarah Carter, STEM and Computer Science Specialist

Send submissions for the Science Update to Angela Kolonich

Other Minnesota Links: Minn. Dept. of Education Science Page

Minn. Science Teachers Association

Frameworks for MN Science and Mathematics Standards

Get – STEM Connections between schools and businesses

Mn-STEM STEM programs and resources for families, schools and communitySharing Environmental Education Knowledge environmental education resources

Minnesota Academy of Science: Science Fair, Science Bowl and other competitions Mn DNR Education website: Curriculum, professional development, posters, etc.

Youth Eco Solutions (YES!) – Statewide, youth-led program for hands-on eco related projects

Teacher Feature Opportunities

Our featured teacher for this issue of the MnSTA newsletter is Kyle Schwarting.

Kyle is currently employed at ISD 196, Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan. This is Kyle’s 7th year as a K-12 Science TOSA focusing on implementation of the new Minnesota science standards through curriculum revision teams, vertical alignment, coaching, and curated professional development. He previously taught K, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade.

Kyle chose teaching as a career because he wanted to understand people and help create a better existence for us all. He states, “Teaching seemed the most practical way to improve our world. Plus, I deeply enjoy learning and that includes learning how to inspire learning in others. Learning should be fun, engaging and challenging.”

During his classroom teaching years, his favorite activity was a sense-making journey for his students. They start with a collection of rocks that he has found around the US. He shares a brief engaging story about the rocks and students choose one they are attracted to. They begin their learning about the rock by conducting a series of sketches. Next, they begin to investigate rocks through reading, writing, discussion and various labs. Eventually students construct a theory of how the rock formed using evidence and the collection of learning from the weeks prior to the activity. Kyle teaches for transfer, critical consciousness, focusing on an enjoyment of learning. He finalizes his plans minutes beforehand as new ideas influence what he thinks the students need that day, at that time. He loves to collaborate and learn with his students.

Kyle led the Minnesota Youth Ski Club at the Lebanon Hills chapter. This is a Nordic youth ski club. He helped with the kids sports and supports their elementary school events. He and his wife, Liz, have a daughter, age 7 and a son age 9. They live in Eagan and they love to explore the great outdoors hiking, canoeing, skiing, and biking.

Lean Curriculum - Train-the-Trainer

The Engineering Center of Excellence, in collaboration with Anoka Technical College and Organizational Partners, LLC brings you this innovative Lean Curriculum train-the-trainer session.

Register to attend this in-person event:

July 13, 2023 | 8:00am-4:30pm | Anoka, MN

Lunch is included for this train-the-trainer session.

Learn about this exciting continuous improvement methodology. Originating at the Toyota Motor Corporation in Japan, this approach eliminates wasteful processes to deliver more value with fewer resources. Using interactive technologies, learn how we can bring these real-world skills to students in the classroom and/or new employees wanting to make an impact.

The Engineering Center of Excellence, in collaboration with Anoka Technical College and Organizational Partners, LLC are currently developing an innovative Lean Curriculum. We plan to offer this first-of-its-kind curriculum online, free to secondary, and post-secondary educators. This offer also extends to companies that would like to participate. The vision for this project is to provide exposure to real-world resources that can be leveraged in the classroom. This dual-benefit tool will fulfill our local industry’s need for Lean in-house training for new managers and employees. Linking academia and industry together to synchronize training efforts will support the need for continually evaluating and improving processes not only in our work but our everyday lives. This educational resource offers equitable access in a non-intimidating, online format removing barriers for both educators and industry.

Please reach out to Jason Bruns for specific training questions or for general event questions.

Registration Deadline: June 30, 2023

6 MnSTA Newsletter
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Kyle Schwarting
Do you know a teacher deserving to be featured in Teacher Feature? Contact Jerry Wenzel jerrywenzel@ Send name and email address.
Goldfinch Photo by Tony Wenzel, Randall, MN


The University of Minnesota Nano Center and nano@Stanford present the


Spend Part of Your Summer

Researching Nanotechnology at the University of Minnesota!

The Minnesota Nano Center invites you to join the Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program.

The RET program offers high school and community college teachers the chance to join a lab research team at the University of Minnesota. Teachers with backgrounds in the physical and life sciences and/or engineering fields are encouraged to apply to the program.

The RET program provides:

 Six weeks of hands‐on research experience with faculty support

 Travel to the 2024 National Science Teachers Association conference

 Classroom materials support

 Safety and equipment training

Excite and engage your students with the power and wonder of nanotechnology! Apply and join us this summer for this virtual professional development experience. Learn about nanoscience and technology, and discover high demand careers for your students.

This free,fullyremote learning experience will be offered July 17-21, 2023, 11 am - 4 pm CDT. For more details and to apply, please go to Questions? Contact

 A stipend of $5,300

Schedule: June 19 to July 28, 2023.

For more program details and to apply, please go to our website, ‐experience‐teachers‐ret‐program, or contact Dr. Jim Marti at

8 MnSTA Newsletter
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does not include lodging, meals or transportation. Participants can choose a stipend of $300 OR 3 graduate credits (requires assignment completion in addition to attending boot camp) upon completion of the boot camp. The stipend OR graduate credit is paid for through a generous grant from the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund. Have questions? Email Dana Smith, ESTEP Coordinator at Come check out the North Woods with us!

Do you or will you teach 6th grade science?

Are you looking for a fantastic place to learn Minnesota Earth Science - make it a vacation! What better place to investigate our state than on the North Shore!?!?!

Join us in scenic Cloquet, MN for unique field geology investigations, new content and pedagogy, 3D teaching and learning strategies and building your networks! Spend your days with us and have the evenings free for family time, exploring the great North Shore, biking or hiking countless trails, or even do a bit of rockhounding! A grant from LCCMR makes this week-long, regional experience affordable, and you choose credit or stipend for your time and effort! Read on...

ESTEP for 6th Grade Teachers

The ESTEP 6th grade professional development is a one week, bootcamp style, regional workshop that incorporates earth and space science content with teaching strategies to get you thinking about changing your teacher craft to help your students make sense of science. We’ll walk you through investigations that you can use no matter where you are in your transition to the new standards - you’ll learn about phenomena, storylines and 3-dimensional strategies by DOING the science! Feel free to share with your colleagues!

July 17 - 21 at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, Cloquet

Click HERE for ESTEP for 6th grade Teachers REGISTRATION

Registration is considered complete when REGISTRATION FORM is completed, and non-refundable registration fee is received by MnSTA. Completed participant registration will be confirmed via email. The non-refundable registration fee is $150.00 and

MnSTA/ESTEP Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement: We are committed to reflecting the diversity of Minnesota educators that participate in our programs. We are especially focused on teachers of BIPOC and underrepresented populations, alternatively licensed educators, and educational assistants working toward licensure.

Funding for this project was provided by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR).

ESTEP FALL 2023 Online Course Registration is OPEN!

Middle School Teachers! Dive in and improve your content knowledge in these key earth and space science areas!

High School Teachers! These content courses will help deepen your understanding of these two content areas just in time for you to participate in Summer 2024 ESTEP Meteorology and Summer 2025 ESTEP Astronomy bootcamps, as well as help those working toward passing the 9-12 Earth and Space Science MTLE exam for additional licensure.

Here is the FALL 2023 line-up!

GEOS 599: Astronomy for ESTEP Teachers

GEOS 599: ESTEP Introduction to Our Atmo sphere (Meteorology)

and a brand new addition to our programming:

GEOS 599: Teaching and Learning Earth Science in 3D for ESTEP Teachers

Here’s the course description: Teaching and Learning Earth Science in 3D gets in-service teachers directly involved in making sane shifts to their current strategies, in order to get students immersed in the real practices and crosscutting concepts of science, as well as the content. This course will be a blend of synchronous, and asynchronous learning, in order to facilitate practice and discussion in a manner that will be of immediate use to teachers in the classroom, but will also give an


eye to long-term methods to make science learning cohesive and real. Teachers will develop a storyline on an Earth Science topic of their choice as a part of the course, with ample time and support to make it realistic and valuable for their students.

The Important Details

These three courses are offered through the Continuing Studies Department at Minnesota State University Moorhead. Each 3-credit graduate level course is facilitated by expert instructors who are leaders in their fields and based in Minnesota at NO COST to you! Courses run August 21 - December 15 2023.

*Please note that these are 3 credit, graduate level courses, and while mostly asynchronous, each require approximately 4-6 hours of work per week, including a required final Pedagogy assignment in all content courses.

+Astronomy for ESTEP Teachers and ESTEP Introduction to Our Atmosphere (Meteorology) include TWO required synchronous virtual meetings on two scheduled Saturdays from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.

**Teaching and Learning Earth Science in 3D is a pedagogy and methods course. This course will meet synchronously on a more frequent basis (two weekday evenings per month + one Saturday morning - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm - per month). These meetings are required.

Ready to register? Contact Sue Bertsch via email at In your email, indicate the course(s) you wish to take. She will then reach out to you via email with registration instructions specific to the ESTEP program.

If you have other questions related to ESTEP programming, please contact Dana Smith at

Note: ALL online courses are designated as blended. This means that the courses are offered in an asynchronous style, with scheduled assignment turn in dates and assessments, AND there will also be REQUIRED synchronous online meeting times per course. In order to earn a passing grade and credit for the course, participants MUST commit to both asynchronous AND synchronous requirements. A final pedagogy assignment is also required for all content courses.

The Earth Science Teacher Education Project, or ESTEP, is a professional development program for 6th grade and high school earth and space science teachers. Our goal is to facilitate and model best practices in content and three-dimensional teaching

strategies so that MN teachers can become practitioners of these new standards and create an environment of investigation and discovery in their classrooms. Graduate credit for all summer bootcamps and online courses are available to participants for FREE (there may be a nominal registration fee for each course/camp; lodging and other expenses are not covered by the grant). Additionally, participation in ESTEP can help prepare currently licensed high school science teachers to obtain an additional licensure in 9-12 Earth and Space Science through MTLE testing.

WaterWorks!: A Drinking Water Institute for Educators

August 7-9, 2023

Columbia Heights Membrane Plant 4500 Reservoir Blvd.

Columbia Heights, MN

Enrich your water curriculum, investigate drinking water quality, chemistry, engineering, community resources, and practice-based activities for your classroom. This three-day, hands on workshop allows grade 4-10 teachers of science to gather information from expert presenters about how safe, reliable drinking water is delivered to your community as well as drinking water issues facing Minnesota. Meals and resources provided. Choose between two graduate credits or stipend. Join the ranks of over 450 teachers that have participated in WaterWorks! throughout Minnesota over the last 22 years. Funded by the Minnesota Dept. of Health and the American Waterworks Association.

WaterWorks Application and information

With questions, contact Sara Robertson at the Center for Global Environmental Education,

Apps for Outdoor Exploration

Bring technology into the classroom while engaging students in outdoor observation with citizen science projects with free apps! Discover how you can help kids become citizen scientists by sharing their nature observations and contributing to scientific databases. We’ll take you through the process of using the Cornell Lab apps, like Merlin Bird ID and eBird, as well as other apps for outdoor exploration. Click to join us on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 @ 7:00PM ET.

10 MnSTA Newsletter Summer 2023 11
12 MnSTA Newsletter Summer 2023 13 Opportunities

Opportunities Opportunities

Climate Generation

This summer, Climate Generation is offering free regional workshops around Minnesota that will connect educators to local green professionals and provide a foundation for learning the new Minnesota middle school science energy and climate standards while supporting learners in building green career awareness and skills.

TeachScience Workshop Locations

Northern MN: Grand Rapids

June 27-28, 2023 at Minnesota North College, Itasca Campus Register Now.

Southern MN: Mankato. August 1-2, 2023 at Dakota Meadows Middle School Register Now

Metro Area: Woodbury August 15-16, 2023 at E-STEM Middle School Register Now.

Region 11 (Metro Aea) will be hosting an afternoon discussion for science teachers on Thursday, June 8 from 3:30 - 4:30 PM.

Region 11 will be hosting an afternoon discussion for science teachers on Thursday, June 8 from 3:30 - 4:30 PM. As a reminder, MDE’s science specialist, Angela Kolonich will be joining our discussion. Our hope is to answer the following questions during the event:

What do the new standards mean?

How do we integrate them into our teaching?

What are other teachers’ experiences?

What are some available resources?

Please let us know if you will be joining us via Zoom, so that we may plan accordingly. Here is the link to the Google form verifying your attendance:

Region 11 Event Sign Up

Also please add any questions, concerns, or other discussion topics you would like Angela and myself to address during this event. An agenda and slides will be provided as we get closer to the event date. If you have any questions about the event itself, feel free to contact me.

Thank you all so much!



Free Chemical Safety Workshop at U of M

A free event to help chemistry teachers identify and manage potential safety issues that have not been assessed before, as well as develop a different perception of safety.

• Earth and Space Science Committee - June 22 & 23 2023, from 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., daily

• Elementary Education Committee - June 2729, 2023 from 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., daily

• Library Media Specialist Committee - June 27-28, 2023 from 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily






Location: Twin Cities metro area, location TBA

Price $125 per teacher

3 clock hours

Clouds are just one element of the complex phenomenon we call “weather”. Like many other elements of weather clouds are easily observed are powerful tools for stimulating inquiry. Correlating these observations, however, with data is a very powerful tool to deepen understanding.

In this workshop participants will be introduced to the major types of data associated with weather and some of the forms in which this data may be visualized including meteograms. Meteograms document the changes that occur over a 24-hour period. As part of this participants will be familiarized with several real-time weather web-sites, including those of the American Meteorological Society, the Wyoming Weather Web and the National Weather Service’s Storm Prediction Center.

For more information and to register go to www. or contact Dr. Amy Lilienfeld at Currently also seeking host sites so please contact Dr. Lilienfeld if willing to host.

Join the Joint Safety Team (JST) of the University of Minnesota (UMN) at our safety workshop for high school teachers! The workshop will be held on August 8-9, 2023 at Smith Hall on the UMN Twin Cities campus. We have prepared a free event to help chemistry teachers identify and manage potential safety issues that have not been assessed before, as well as develop a different perception of safety. Participants will be introduced to the concept of safety culture and learn how to improve safety culture in their workplace. A series of instructions about waste handling, storage and disposal, safer lecture demonstrations, and other topics will allow the participants to have more confidence in taking proactive control while teaching their students the appreciation for proper safety conduct. Participants will earn continuing education credit hours through the UMN.

Register for free by July 21st, 2023

The course will also offer professional development credits through the Colorado School of Mines. For participants who wish to be awarded those, a registration payment of $65 is required after the workshop.

Please see our flyer and let us know if you have any questions.

Erin Maines

Chemical Engineering Graduate Candidate

Ellison and Reineke Groups

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Online Test Materials Review Conference for the Minnesota Teacher Licensure Examinations (MTLE) program.

The Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) and Evaluation Systems group of Pearson are currently seeking Minnesota educators to participate in an Online Test Materials Review Conference for the Minnesota Teacher Licensure Examinations (MTLE) program.

The following committees will meet for an online Review as indicated below:

• Bias Review Committee - June 20 & 21, 2023 from 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., daily

• Chemistry Committee - June 22 & 23, 2023 from 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., daily

Below is a brief description of what the approved committee members may be asked to take part in at the Test Materials Review Conference:

Bias Review: The Bias Review Committee will review the draft test frameworks (including the subareas, test competencies, and descriptive statements) and draft test items to help ensure that the test materials are free from bias and reflective of the diversity of Minnesota.

Content Advisory Committees: The Content Advisory Committees will meet to review the draft test frameworks (including the subareas, test competencies, and descriptive statements) and draft test items according to criteria designated for this program to help ensure that the content of the materials is accurate and appropriate for testing teacher licensure candidates in Minnesota.

I hope that you are interested in applying to participate on a committee. Please go to this site to fill out the application for consideration. You can also help by providing nominations of other colleagues who may be interested in participating. Please go to this site to provide your nominations. Benefits of Participation Include:

• Have the opportunity to make a difference in Minnesota teacher development and performance,

• Receive substitute reimbursement for your school (public school educators only),

• Have the opportunity for professional growth and collaboration with other educators in your field, and

• Receive Continuing Education Units for your participation.

To learn more about your involvement in the test development process, please visit our recruitment web site at

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me at

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Sheared Mammatus Cloud, Stillwater, MN Photo © Amy Lilienfeld
Summer 2023 15

Opportunities-Jeffers Foundation

Opportunities-Jeffers Foundation

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Opportunities-Jeffers Foundation

Opportunities-Jeffers Foundation

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Keep Your MnSTA Profile Up-To-Date

MnSTA does its best to keep you abreast of everything happening in science education in Minnesota. We do this via several outlets including:

· MnSTA Website

· MnSTA Facebook and Twitter pages (@MnSTA1)

· Weekly Digest of postings (sent via email)

· Updates from MDE Science Specialist Angela Kolonich (newsletter)

· Quarterly Newsletter (availability announced via email)

· Occasional email messages to all members

The best way to make sure you are receiving email notices and all of the above information, please make sure that MnSTA has your correct email address, mailing address, and your permission to send this information to you. Your profile also contains information about your school, disciplines you teach, and the grade levels you work with. These can all be updated at any time.

You can update your MnSTA profile by going to the MnSTA website ( and logging in. Click on the My Profile link. You will then see links to Update Profile, Update Addresses, Update Photo, and Change Password. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact MnSTA.

MnSTA, Inc. is an IRS 501 (c) (3) Charitable Educational Corpora-tion, incorporated as a tax exempt, non-profit organization with the Minnesota Secretary of State. Donations and dues are tax deductible charitable contributions for itemized deductions on IRS form 1040 Schedule A. The newsletter is an exempt program service provided to the membership. A membership form is found on the last page

Opportunities 22 MnSTA Newsletter Summer 2023 23
Rose-breasted grosbeak. Photo by Tony Wenzel, Randall

MnSTA Board Directory

Below, you will find information about your MnSTA Board Members. The listing includes the board member’s school (or organization), mailing address, work phone, FAX number, and e-mail address. The board wishes to make itself as accessible as possible for our members. Please feel free to contact your discipline representative, regional representative, or executive board members if you have ideas, concerns, or wish to help with the mission or operation of MnSTA. We are always looking for members who wish to serve MnSTA as Board Members, Non-Board Service Chairs or Members, and as Committee Chairs or Members.

Executive Board:

Exec. Secretary Karen Bengtson St. Cloud Area School Dist. 472 1000 44th Ave N. St. Cloud MN 56303


Past President Angela Osuji Washburn High School 201 W 49th St. Minneapolis, Mn 55419


President Jill Jensen Scott Highlands Middle School 14011 Pilot Knob Rd. Apple Valley, MN 55124


Treasurer John Olson Metropolitan State Univ. 700 E. 7th St. St. Paul, MN 55107

DOE Science Specialist Angela Kolonich

Discipline Directors:

Biology Michelle Housenga Minneapolis Washburn HS 201 West 49th St. Minneapolis, MN 55419


Earth Science Dana Smith Bemidji Middle School 1910 Middle School Ave. NW Bemidji, MN 56601


Chemistry Jose Morales Collazo Worthington High School 1211 Clary St. Worthington, MN 56187


Elementary/Greater MN Robin Knutson Forestview Middle School 12149 Knollwood Dr. Baxter, MN 56425


Elementary/Metro Lee Filipek 196 Online Eagan, MN 55123


Higher Ed Rachel Humphrey St. Cloud State Univ. Wick Science Bldg #160 720 4th AVe. So. St. Cloud 56301


Informal Ed Caitlin Potter Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve 2660 Fawn Lake Dr. NE E. Bethel 55005

Alternative Ed. Jess Paulson Sciences Academy 8008 83rd St. NW Maple Lake, Mn 55358 952-852-0129

Physics Phillip Sexton Minnetonka High School 18301 Hwy 7 Minnetonka, MN 55345


Private Schools Steve Heilig Retired

Region Representatives:

Region 1&2: North Jennifer Aakre TrekNorth Jr.&St.High School 2400 Pine Ridge Ave. NW Bemidji, MN 56601 218-444-1888

Region 1&2: North Elizabeth Cakebread Ada-Borup-West School 604 W. Thorup Ave. Ada, MN 56510


Region 3: Northeast Nikki Ojanen Cloquet Middle School 2001 Washington Ave. Cloquet, MN 55720 218-879-3328

Region 4: Westcentral Harrison Aakre Alexandria Area High School 4300 Pioneer Rd. Alexandria, MN 56308

MnSTA Board Directory

Region 5: Northcentral Miranda Graceffa Crosslake Community School 36972 Cty Rd 66 Crosslake, MN 56442 218-330-6154

Region 6: Southcentral Holly Knudson Marshall High School 400 Tiger Drive Marshall, MN 56258 507-537-6920 X 1059

Region 7: Eastcentral Missie Olson Becker High School 12000 Hancock St. Becker, MN 55308 320-274-3341

Region 8: Southcentral Holly Knudson Marshall High School 400 Tiger Drive Marshall, MN 56258 507-537-6920 X 1059

Region 9: South Eric Kehoe JWP Hight School 110 E 3rd At. Janesville, MN 56048 507-234-5181

Region 10: Southeast Emily Zinck Lewiston-Altura 100 County Road 25 Lewiston, MN 507-523-2191

Region 11: Metro Mila Velimirovich-Holtz University of MN 2088 Larpenteur Ave. W. St Paul 55113

Region 11: Metro David McGill Capitol Hill Gifted and Talented Magnet 560 Concordia Ave. St. Paul MN 55103

Ancillary Positions:

Database Mark Lex

Webmaster Eric Koser Mankato West H.S. 1351 S. Riverfront Dr. Mankato, MN 56001

W: 507-387-3461 x 322 F: 507-345-1502 e:

Newsletter Jerry Wenzel

Social Media Coord. Dan Voss

NSTA Dist. IX Director Angela Osuji Washburn High School 201 W 49th St. Minneapolis, Mn 55419 612-668-3400

Conference Coordinator Eric Koser Mankato West H.S. 1351 S. Riverfront Dr. Mankato, MN 56001

W: 507-387-3461 x 322 F: 507-345-1502 e:

Events Calendar

If you have events you want placed on the calendar, send them to the editor - see page 2 for deadlines, address, etc.

Conferences / Workshops

MnCOSE: Nov. 9-11, ‘23 Rochester

24 MnSTA Newsletter
Summer 2023 25
26 MnSTA Newsletter

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