MnCOSE18 Program

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Saturday Workshops Interactive Word Walls Dr. Julie Jackson Assistant Professor,

Dept of Curriculum and Instruction Texas State University Elementary School Focus

8:00 AM - 10:00 AM • Weidner Room An interactive word wall is basically a large graphic organizer displaying critical vocabulary on the wall. It is thematic or unit-based and includes pictures or graphics related to the words. The benefits of an interactive word wall are outstanding for all students, not just language learners! This is helpful for students of all ages! The interactive word wall is structured in the form of a graphic organizer where students are able to grasp and organize information easily. Words become related to one another and connections are built.

Science and Engineering Practices in Action Lee Schmitt

Associate Director of Professional Development Hamline University School of Education Middle and High School Focus

8:00 AM - 10:00 AM • Bell/Alexander Room Join your K-12 science colleagues for an active investigation of a new series of six online professional development modules focused on Asking Questions, Using Models, Constructing Explanations, Designing Investigations, Arguing from Evidence and Evaluating/Communicating Information. Each module provides a set of interactive sessions designed to help teachers teach the practices of science and engineering more directly and more often. Bring your laptop! Lee Schmitt served as Associate Director of Professional Development and faculty member in the School of Education at Hamline University where he developed and implemented grant-funded programs, professional development workshops, and courses in the areas of science teaching and learning. A sample of programs Schmitt has directed include MnSTEP, TIMES, BioTIC, PhASE, ChemCAL, Chem4All, Physics4All and WaterWorks. Now retired from Hamline, Schmitt keeps busy with STEM consulting, workshops, and as CoPI of the SEPA grant. He has served on the MnSTA and MESTA Boards most recently as MnSTA President 2014-16. Schmitt has 18 years of classroom experience as a science teacher, 11 years as Director of Teacher Programs at the Science Museum of Minnesota, and 11 years supporting science teachers and science education at Hamline University.

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