Friday Keynote Speaker Steve McComas, “The Lake Detective” Blue Water Science, St. Paul, MN
Steve McComas is owner of Blue Water Science in St. Paul, Minnesota. He has been working on lakes and streams for over 40 years and specializes in lake management and lake restoration projects. Over the last 25 years, McComas has developed a unique niche advising lake associations, city governments and other relevant agencies on lake and pond-management issues. He garnered his first lake-sleuthing business by mailing fliers to lake associations in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Gradually, McComas carved-out a niche in small-scale, lake and pond management and improvement techniques – such dredging and plant removal. He’s collected his lake-management ideas in two books: Lake Smarts and The Lake and Pond Management Guidebook. Steve has authored over 800 journal publications, magazine articles, and technical reports and has written two books on lake restoration methods describing over 300 projects to improve lake conditions. Steve McComas, also known as the Lake Detective, appears occasionally on Joe Soucheray’s Garage Logic radio show and is a columnist for Outdoor News. Steve has Masters Degrees in civil engineering and in environmental sciences and a Bachelor Degree in biology/geology. Steve started his science career in Faribault, Minnesota when he was 6 years old catching frogs by the Cannon River.