In collaboration with
Curated by Moataz El Safty
Al-Marsam Group 22 is composed of artists that met between 1988 and 1995, in the studio of the Alexandria Atelier, and shared the experience of creating art and refining their talents through the expert tutelage of pioneering artist, Farouk Wahba. Al-Marsam Group 22’s passions and raw talents for creating art were sculpted and polished by professor Wahba for 8 years in the Atelier studio. Over the course of these years, Group 22’s interest in art history, culture, and creation were strengthened through free, nonrestrictive, experimentation and expression that was facilitated through Farouk Wahba. Farouk Wahba’s art was heavily influenced by different German modernists, such as Joseph Beuys and his mentor Gotthard Graubner during his stay in Germany. By combining his passion for Ancient Egyptian civilization and the knowledge he gained from different German modernists Professor, Wahba redefined Egyptian art with the use of vibrant colours and different mediums of expression. Professor Wahba hoped to change how artists observed their lives and surroundings by adopting new thinking patterns.Such patterns were developed through constant discussions around new modernist movements, which contributed greatly in diversifying the artists’ methods of expressing and researching their ideas. Although the group consisted of individuals from different backgrounds, ages, and life circumstances, each of them hoped to achieve a better understanding of the concepts and techniques used in the art they loved to admire and create. Combining the use of classical and modern techniques, the artists found fresh and unique ways to express their art, leading to their participation in various art exhibitions in Alexandria and Cairo. Now, almost 24 years later, our group meets again to pay homage to our teachers and happily announce the continuation of our artistic journeys. Our goal is to stretch the limits of our imagination, to search for the unknown, and perhaps inspire the next generation of young artists. ALMARSAM group 22
جماعة المرسم 22مجموعة من الفنانين التقونا فن مرسم أتيليه اإلسكندرية فن ر الفتة 1995 – 1988نو تشاركونا فن تجربة فنية فريدة نو ممتة مع فناننا رائدنا كان له دورنا كبتنا فن صقل هذه المواهب حيث تزامن التقاء قدرات الفنان فاروق وهبه مع مواهب هذه المجموعة المهتمة نو الشغوفة بالفن نو الثقافة عىل مدى ثمانية أعوام فن هذنا المرسم مع اختالف أعمارهم نو نشأتهم نو ظروفهم الحياتية فن التجريب الح نر دون قيو ند ، ،يحدوهم جميعنا التغيت ،فن تحقيق التطوي نر فن المفاهيم وفن التقنيات وفن ممارسة الفن التشكيىلن عىل أيديهم ، ن األمل فن ص مستلهمة منا تعلموه من تاري خ الفن والحركات والمدارس الفنية التشكيلية المتنوعة والمتشعبة فن الع ن الملك وكيف انتجت النهضة األوربية فنونهنا ن الحديث ،نو منهنا كيف تمردت الثورة الفرنسية عىل فنون البالط والوحشيي عىل اللوف نر ومقتنياته وكيف جنح التكعيبيين إىل تبسيط األشكال ن الخاصة بهنا وكيف ثا نر االنطباعيين إىل شفرتهنا الهندسية األوىل ،وكيف تعامل موندريان مع الشجرة فن خطوات وصلت إىل الباوهوس والفنون التطبيقية ،إنهنا مذاهب وأفكا نر أوصلت للفن الحديث وأساليب الحداثة ومنا بعدها . حدت بهؤالء العطشن لكل جدي ند وبأشواقهم الحارة للوثوب المتالك زمام المبادرة للتجدي ند والتحديث واكتشاف الجوانب المجهولة فن هذنا العالم الفنن التشكيىلن الفسيح ،وإضافة جانب متحرك وبقوة فن الحركة التشكيلية ال عن شخصية المصية الحديثة ،لم تكن األفكا نر المطروحة لقدح شارة البداية منفصلة عن شخصية رائدهنا ،نو ن أعضاء جماعة المرسم. الحداث (جوت هارد ن ال بتعاليم أستاذه لق ند كان الفنان الدكتو نر فاروق وهبة عائدنا من ديسلدورف األلمانية محم ن والن كانت تتفج نر إبداعنا وطموحنا للجدي ند ،وكان جروبتن ) وبأفكا نر مجموعة الفنانين األلمان فن األكاديمية هناك ،ر ن والن جعلت لقاؤه هناك بجوزيف بوي نز وحواره معه عن الحضارة المصية القديمة ومعالجاته الفنية الحديثة ر ن التعبت السياسن بالفن . ن سفت ن الفنان التشكيىلن هناك لم يكن هذنا الطموح الذي جاء به فاروق وق ند رأى فن الحضارة الغربية الحديثة مفاهيمنا جديدة ،بل إنه رأى ألواننا جديدة تضاف للبالتة اللونية كاألصف نر الليمون والكادميوم والموف والبنفسجن بدرجاته والبينك الزهري البمنن والن كانت بمثابة خطيئة فن فن التلوين القديم ،مع صيحة استخدام األكريليك الن كانت ألوان مبهجة للنفس ر ن رن واأللوان الصبغية المشعة واستخدام الخامة والتوزات ر والتكيبات المباشة عىل السطح التقليدي ،أصبحت هناك ثورة فكرية حقيقية فن عالم الشكل . عبت ولم يكن هذنا لتغيت وجه الحياة وأنماط الفك نر وأدوات الت ن ن لق ند كان الرائ ند الفنان نأ ند فاروق وهبة الجباىلن يطمح بالشء الهين ،وكانت الحوارات والمناقشات تصل لمصادمات حقيقية ،ولكنهنا كانت فن قمة ا نإليجابية حيث تمت الشخصيات وتنوع األفكا نر ر واعتا نز الجميع بالحرية فن البحث واعتناق األفكا نر ، ساهمت مساهمة كبتة فن ن لق ند كانت مدرسة المرسم بوتقة انصهرت فيهنا النفوس لتخرج أجمل منا لديهنا تعبتنا وإبداعنا ومعارصة ،لق ند أقامونا ف قاعات العرض ألتيليه اإلسكندرية سواء فن ر فتات الدراسة ا نو بعدهنا ،فن اإلسكندرية ا نو فن عدة معارض سوينا ن القاهرة ،نو لكن حالت التقلبات الزمنية نو الظروف الحياتية دون االستمرا نر عىل هذه الوتتة . الست فن فضاء ن هنا نحن اآلن نجتمع من جدي ند بع ند هذه السنين إلعالء قيمة الوفاء لمن علموننا وإعالن مواصلة حن يتضح الطريق ،إن يوم 22ابريل لسنة 2022ه نو اليوم الذى يقام فيه الفك نر والوعن والبحث عن المجهول ر ن اول معرض لهذه المجموعة بع ند مرور 27عامنا ،ليكون هذنا التجمع احياءنا للمرحلة السابقة نو استلهامنا للمرحلة المستقبلية. جماعة المرسم 22
AHMED ABDEL AZIZ 1968 He born In Alexandria-Egypt, 1992 Graduated From Painting Department. Faculty Of Fine Arts.Alex University.Egypt, 1992 Syndicate Member Of Plastic Arts In Egypt, 1994 Member Of L'atelier"Group Of Artists And Writers. 2005.Member In The Board Of Alexandrella For Cultures And Art Association. Group Exhipations: 1992-Alexandria World Festival-Alexandria 1992-Almarsam L'atelier"Group Of Artists Alexandria 1991-1995 Salon Of Youth(3 Rd-7 Th) Egypt. 1994-Art Performance(Unity Between Critic And Artsits) Goethe Institute.Alex Creative Mentality In The Frame Of The Ready Made Forme. 1994-Workshop In Goethe Institute-Alex-The Windows-With Pro/Klein From Germany, 1994-Papers Workshop With Mexican Artist Pro/Salicedo -L'atelier –Alexandria, 2002-Artists From Alexandria-Gallery 95-Alex, 2002-Alexandrian Creations-Alexandria Center Of Arts, 2002-Work ShopImagining The Book"With Dirnachner Artist From Germany-Goethe Institute, 2002-Work Shop With Japanese Group-Bibliotheca Alexandria., 2002- "Imagining The Book" Biennale (Goethe Institute), 2003-The Annual Salon Of Small Art Works, 2004-2005-Workshops With Youth In Fishermen Village El Max - -Alexandria, 2006-Workshop With Swedish Artist Jan Cardel Sculpture And Kinetic Art (March 2006). In Alexandria Atelier, 2006- Workshop With Swedish Artist Jan Cardel (June 2006) In Alexandria Atelier, 2006 Golden Jubilee Exhibition of Beautiful Arts Cairo Opera, Also he participate in Interactive art show in Cairo, 2006-AAW international artists workshop in Alexandria Atelier20-30 November2006 (Installation- Performance Art), 2007 Points 1 for Visual Arts Exhibition EAN Group for International Artistic Cooperation - Atelier Alexandria, 2007- Faculty Of Fine Arts.Alex University.Egypt (Performance Art), 1994-The Jury Prize-L'atelierAlexandria, 1995-The Jury Prize-7 Th Salon Of Youth-Cairo, Former-Executive Manager For Alexandrella For Cultures And Art Association.
Exit # 7 Acrylic colour and different materials on wood 100 X 100 X 5 cm 2022
AHMED KADRY Founder & Facilitator of Alex_U UNESCO International Worshop for Creativity Collected Works: Public & private collections: • Egyptian Ministry of Culture. • Alexandria University. • Hanager Center for promoting art. • Port-Saied Museum of Art. • C.I.B bank. • University of K.I.T, JAPEN. • Egyptian Embassy, Tokyo Japan. • Egyptian culture office Japan. Private collections: Just collections in: Egypt, Grate Brittan, U.S.A, Netherlands, Japan, K.S.A, Emadate paper art Museum ..Japan Tunisia, Germany and Switzerland Group exhibitions. ( more than 200 ) 1989 to Present Won Many Awards around the world selected as one of the best 50 Drawing graphic artist in Egypt_ 2005 The grand prise in Tokyo paper Art Salon guest of honor in (Emadate) paper art Museum Japan. Co_founder of (Japan paper Academy )
AHMED KADRY Abstract Metaphysical drawing, is the closest title to describe this approach which is how we translate Image to a sensation of mystical value , that sensation was the one to inspire and inform the possibilities of visual representation of the spiritual realms , especially the aesthetics of the magical and the enigma . Still, if we consider that metaphysics come closer to the mindset that impelled the Artist to define this style using this particular term. In fact, titles in Art could be misleading or undermining, given that the approach was based on ontology of the visual and its capacity to beautify and confront reality.
THE VESSEL Ink on paper 50 X 70 cm 2007
ALIAA ELGREADY Born- Alexandria 1969 Studied History in Alexandria university while studying art in Alexandria Atelier with artist Farouk Wahbah. Aliaa started as an installation artist and she got awarded the foundation of the Egyptian Academy in Rome in 1993. in the start of the century Aliaa focused on community art and she confounded Gudran For Art and Development along side jewelry designing and theatre acting. Recently Aliaa is experimenting with different styles and techniques of paintings. She exhibited her work in Egypt, Italy, Germany, Spain, Stockholm, France, New York, Jordan and Senegal.. The thread that links Aliaa's wide range of work is that it always combines her interest in both Art and history. Also it explores the accumulative effect of time on nature through the patterns, colors and texture
Nature has the last word Mixed media 50x35 cm 2022
ELSAYED MAHMOUD He born in 1968, lives and works in Alexandria, His a member of the Egyptian Syndicate of Fine Artists. In 1992 he participated in the exhibition of graduates of the Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria Atelier, and in the same year he also participated in the Exhibition "Alexandrians of the World ", as well as in the sessions of the Youth Salon 1993, 1994 and 1995 in the Art center (Akhnatoun Gallery) in Cairo, He also received the jury prize in the Sixth Youth Salon, Also he has a collections in Germany.
Organic form Oil on canvas 90 X 68 cm 2022
HANY ELSAYED Born in Alexandria 1972 Bachelor of Specific Education (Art Education) Alexandria 1995 He studied art in the L,ATELIER of Alexandria and has been participating in the art movement since 1990 Master's degree in (technical formations of hard stones) Faculty of Specific Education - Alexandria University 2018 • Memberships: Member of the Syndicate of Plastic Artists Alexandria battalion member -Member of Al-Ghoury Artists AssociationMember of the Board of Directors of L,ATELIER Alexandria • Organizational tasks: Coordinator of summer ceremonies at Atelier Alexandria from 2006 to 2009 A .Commissar of the Alexandria Atelier Regiment during the Ramy Digital Arts Project 2007 - Beirut Lebanon
A. Commissar of the Egyptian Pavilion at the Youth Biennale for Mediterranean Countries 2008 - Bari – Italy 2008 Design and implementation of many theater decorations Design of the( man of the match award) African Nations Championship 2019 • Posts: Workshop with German artist Helmut Derna Bachter (on the sidelines of the Book Imagination Exhibition) 2002 Workshop with the Italian artist Paolo Marco Colugo (on the sidelines of the Sculpture without Walls exhibition) 2003 Iron Forming Workshop (on the sidelines of the 22nd Alexandria Biennale) 2003 Iron Workshop (on the sidelines of the Creative Personalities Exhibition) 2005 Madinaty International Symposium for Stone Sculpting - Cairo - 2009 Bibliotheca Alexandrina Resident Artist Scholarship - 2009
Evolution Collected iron 120 X 30 X 20 cm 2021
HANI EBRAHIM He born in Alexandria - Egypt in 1966. He studied engineering at Alexandria University and graduated in 1989. Then he joined the Alexandria Atelier Marsam School from 1990 to 1995. He also studied arts and animation during his stay in the United States of America and Canada. Member of the Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers. Artist Hani Ibrahim has been participating in the fine movement since 1990, where he participated in many exhibitions and artistic workshops during his artistic career, the most important of which are the exhibitions of the Alexandria Atelier Youth Salon in all its sessions from 1991 until 1995, and one of the most important exhibitions is also the “Alexandria” exhibition at the Hussein Sobhi Museum in Alexandria in 1992. He also participated in the Egyptian National Youth Salon in Cairo in its seventh and eighth sessions in 1995 and 1996. He also participated in the third Egyptian National Port Said Biennial in 1996. Among the most important exhibitions is the exhibition "Ten Alexandrian Artists" at the Hanager Art Center in the Egyptian Opera Square in Cairo. And the exhibition of ten Alexandrian artists at the Palace of Artistic Taste in Alexandria in the same year. Among the most important artistic workshops that the artist Hany participated in were two workshops in cooperation with the German Goethe Institute in Alexandria and the Alexandria Atelier entitled “The Whole and the Part” under the supervision of the German artist “Klein” and the Egyptian artist “Farouk Wahba” in 1993 and another entitled “Windows” in 1994 .
Portrait Soft pastel on paper 70 X 50 cm 2011
HOWAIDA ELSEBAEE A visual artist - participates in the Art movement locally and internationally Professor and Member of the faculty of the Painting Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt. She held private exhibitions and received many artistic residencies. She participated in video and audio presentations, installation and performing works, and presented artistic activity through a number of artistic workshops. She received a number of grants, awards and certificates of appreciation. She has a number of activities and events, participated in many seminars and conferences. And has a number of published researches and artistic articles. She managed a number of artistic events. Executive Director of the Matrouh International Symposium for Granite Sculpture 2007. Member of the Board of Directors of the Faculty Members Club, Alexandria University 2013. Member of the Jury of the 2013 General Exhibition. Member of the 2015 Youth Salon jury and chairman of the jury of the 30th session of the Salon 2020, member of the jury of the 2018 General Exhibition, Commisseer of the exhibition "Egypt Russia a contemporary vision in Moscow 2015. She has authored books and translated, including a translated book on the artist" Marcel du Champs "2002, and Among the books is a book entitled Postmodern Arts in Egypt and the World 2008, and another book on "Ideology of Transformation in Modern Art" 2010
Messages for space Oil on canvas 200 X 180 cm 2009
KAMAL ELSAMMAK He born in 1965, he participated in the artistic movement from 1990 until now his a Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists Member of the Alexandria Atelier personal exhibitions Actio at Mahmoud Saeed Museum 2020 Available and possible at the Freedom Center 2019 speed at the Syndicate of Artists in Alexandria 2018 Ali Al-Mashi exhibition at the Freedom Center 2017 com&look2 at Mahmoud Saeed Museum 2017 Available and possible at the Syndicate of Fine Artists in Alexandria 2016 The artist’s harmony with the material 2015 at the Creativity Center com&look at the creativity center. 2014 The third expression in the Mahmoud Saeed Museum 2013 Identity and Innovation Syndicate of Fine Artists 2012 Direct formation with raw material Sidi Jaber 2011 A charming narration of reality, Syndicate of Fine Artists 2010 Raw and idea of Anfoushi Palace 2009 Lines and Curves, Mohd Rasheed Institute 2008 Vocabulary and arc of Anfoushi Culture Palace 2008 A charming narration of reality in the Spanish Center 2003 It also participated in the exhibition of the year 2021/2022
Pigeon Iron 35 X 25 cm 2021
To search for identity in the field of art and renewal of artistic works and to reach the real goals and to present these works in line with the current era, I have undertaken renewal and pluralism. For works inspired by the environment and its surroundings mixed with the artist’s imagination to come up with a work of a special nature.
Khaled Elbarky, Born in Cairo, Egypt 1967. Graduated from faculty of engineering Alexandria University 1990. Free art studies at L'Atelier D'Alexandrie with artist dr Farouk Wahba 1988-1992. Free studies photography.
Participate in many exhibitions in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
COUPLE 1 Pastel, Pencil and Charcoal on paper 100 x70 cm 2020
During the spread of Corona disease in the year 2020 and in the ban period, We witnessed the return of many artists and creators to the practice of drawing and various creative activities. During this period, I drew many works using pastels, pencils and charcoal on paper. These materials have helped me to accomplish quick and spontaneous works inspired by the imagination. The works presented are during this short period, which carry all the emotions and feelings of that difficult period of time.
MOATAZ EL SAFTY He born in 1969, He lives and works in Alexandria – Egypt, in 2005 till 2012 he was a Curator and Art Director at Atelier of Alexandria a group of artists and writers, in 2007 He initiative and founded EAN group for international artistic cooperation, in 2020 he Created and published on web the VAS virtual art space for contemporary arts, in 2014 he was Co-curator with Dr. Oriano Mabellini in Image of the world IMAGO MUNDI’ project, for Egyptian contemporary. Also he did this event in Nigeria, Liberia, Yemen and Iraq. In 2007, 2014, 2017 Curator of POINTS, international exhibition for visual arts, in Egypt, in 2012 he is Founder and curator the AAW international artists workshop for young artists. He is Curator of Atelier of Alexandria at BJCEM BJCEM biennale for young artist from Europe and Mediterranean, 2006 and 2008 he is Co Founder and Co curator with Reem Hassan in AAW international artists workshop, in 2006 / 2007 he’s co-curator in RAMI workshop with ECM – Marseille, SHAMS – Beirut, Azzurro Studio – Milan, He shows his artworks in some one man show exhibitions in 2020 Retrospective exhibition “ Impression from Impressive “ at VAS virtual art space, in 2004 One man show – Video art “ Under separate cover “- Al Gezira Center – Cairo, in 2002 One man show – Collage and istallation - Akhnaton Gallery – Cairo and 1999 One Man Show – Installation and painting - Akhnation Gallery - Cairo.
The TARGET isn’t as it SEEMS Painting, text and 3D objects. Variable dimensions 2022
This installation produced in 2022, and discusses how war and peace have proven to represent the same meaning. Wars are waged to make peace, and peace indicates demolishing those who fight against it, so those who call for peace actually mean war, and those who conquer lands ironically call for peace. This project narrates the events of two years, 2002 and 2003, where everyone advocated peace, but the outcome was a war that destroyed the lives of many.
MOHAMED ADEL DESSOUKI He is an artist and educator who lives and works in Alexandria, Egypt. His work basically focuses on memory, architecture, and the everyday. Born in 1977, Dessouki studied art at l'Atelier d'Alexandrie between 1992 and 1994, parallel to his high school studies. He participated in l'Atelier’s Youth Salons in the years 1994, 2000, and 2001. After a long pause, he resumed his artistic practice in 2017 and has since then participated in a number of group exhibitions. His first solo show, Memories of an Asphalt Road, took place in Alexandria’s Institut Français d’Egypte in 2019. He was one of the participants of MASS Alexandria’s Independent Studio and Study Programme (ISSP) for the year 2018/2019. Dessouki studied architecture at Alexandria University, from which he graduated in 2000. He holds a PhD in Architecture from Cairo University (2012). He is currently an assistant professor of architecture at the Arab Academy for Science and Technology. Besides his teaching experience, Dessouki blogs about Alexandria, its built heritage, and its history in Gudran Medina Mot'aba (Walls of an Exhausted City). He is a cofounder of Save Alex, an initiative committed to protecting the built heritage of the city of Alexandria.
Untitled, 100 x 70 cm , Graphite on paper, 2018
In my drawings, I present a series of graphite figure drawings from a bird’s-eye view. My portraits of passersby, as they walk the pavements of my home city, Alexandria, are an invitation to slow down, connect, and honor the details of daily life. They are fleeting moments captured and expanded. The people may be long gone, but I spend way more time with them to retell their stories. True to scale and hyperrealistic with their detail, the drawings aim at surpassing their function as documentation, to celebrate the beauty of the mundane. With their faces concealed, the subjects hold their space and maintain their privacy as they offer hints into their lives that can be seen in the specifics; a familiar sweater, a grocery bag, or wellworked hands. My aim is to allow others to identify with these subjects, creating a sense of solidarity. Like architectural drawings (orthographic projections), the top view comes from my background in architecture. But unlike blueprints where people are merely used for scale reference, here they take center stage.
MOHAMED EDRES He born 1970 in Tanta, Egypt. 1982 – 1985 Advanced studies under Shiekh Mustafa Saad, advisor of Arab 19891991: Evening studies at Alexandria Atelier under the supervision of Dr. Farouk Wahbah, former president of Egyptian Arts Academy- Rome - Italy. 1989-1992: Miscellaneous practices at Painting House of Dr.Mohammed Shaker, Dean of the College of Fine ArtsAlexandria - Egypt. 1993: Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Alexandria (suma cum laude) -Egypt. 1995: Designer for Islamic Cover- Egypt. 2006: Art Director of Arab Callography for Tromple 'oile (Wall Painting)RiyadhK.S.A. Prizes: 1980-1985:Five testimonies for Arab callography- Egypt. 1990: Art Scholarship for Italy sponsored by the minister of education Mr.Farouk Husni. 1991: Encouragement prize by the Fourth Youth Saloon -Al-Jazeera - Cairo- Egypt. 1992: The first prize for Oil Painting -The Fifih Youth Gallery -Zamalek - Caino Egypt. Local Exhibitions : 1990: The Second Atelier Group Gallery -Alexandria Atelier- Egypt. 1990: The Second Youth Gallery -The Nile Hall-Cairo- Egypt. 1991: The Third Youth Gallery The Nile Hall -Cairo -Egypt. 1991: The Fourth Youth Gallery -Alexandria Atelier- Egypt. 1992: The Alexandrite Masterpieces in the world Gallery -Fine Ants Museum -Egypt. 1993: The Fifth Youth Gallery -Ekhnatoon Hall -Egypt. 1993: Graduation Gallery -Fine Ants Museum -Alexandria -Egypt. ---- Contribution to one of Mollawwan Gallery Jeddah -K.S.A. International Exhibitions: 1993: Plastic Ant Gallery -Frankfurt -Germany. 1993: Modern Egyptian Art Gallery - Mexico. 1998: Moderm Art Gallery -Armenia. 2006: The Artist's First Gallery (The Intimacy of Characters)-Lahdh Hall-Riyadh Private Collection from: Cairo - Egypt. Alexandria - Egypt. Tanta- Egypt. Riyadh-k.S.A Germany
MOHAMED EDRES Movement is the spirit of life and speed is the spirit of the age, In my artwork, which I participate in this important contemporary exhibition (Al-Marsam Group 22) I want to express the spirit of this artistic place that was teeming with movement and speed and keeping pace with what is happening in the world of the global art movement, and even looking ahead to the future, And I commend this leaping spirit that was shading the kindling of youth and their ambition to uncover the curtains of knowledge and to own the cornerstone of innovation and creativity. Movement and repetition, Various materials on tent canvas pasted on wooden frames, 60x 60 cm, 2017
These two panels (movement and repetition) remind you of the spirit of the machine and the spark of production through large circuits CDs and compact discs of computers in a cosmic movement as if they were celestial bodies, but in the space of factories and work yards, and the repetitive small iron circuits in which the mastery of perseverance and machine gears are almost heard of repetition. Tech .... And the second painting is a view of the earth from the sky through the plane, where the green land coalesced with the golden sands of the desert through a flight between Egypt and Saudi Arabia, in which I observed the earth from very high distances, movement, speed, skill of repetition, mastery, creativity and innovation was the spirit of the studio and the spirit of the professor and the devotees.
NASHAAT HUSSEIN Egyptian visual artist, born in Alexandria 1971, member of Syndicate of Egyptian Fine Artists. Free studies at the “Atelier Alexandria “Art School 1990-1995. He met with many art critics and many artists during his artistic activity and exhibitions. He has won many awards including: state prize of furtherance for an installation artwork entitled: “World - oriented media”. He reviewed a book:-“The ideology of transformation in modern art” Dar Merit for Publishing & Distribution. Also he was awarded the "ICA" award by the World Union of Fine Arts Critics. He won the Salon Award for installation artwork in the 16th Egyptian Youth Salon. He also participated in many Egyptian youth salons and the Port Said Biennale During the 1990s.he participated in many activities such as: “Menawareen” exhibition at Mashrabiya Art Gallery- Cairo, exhibition “The Light installation” in the Palace of Arts – Cairo & Alexandria Atelier , Participate in "What's happening now?" exhibition at the Palace of Arts in Cairo. Exhibition of “the creativity of satellite dishes” between Egypt and Italy at Gezira Art Center – Cairo & Alexandria Center for Creativity. He participated in many workshops including: - Workshop with the German artist "Fred helm Klein" entitled "All and Part“- “Gestalt psychology”- at Goethe Institute in Alexandria, Workshop with Mexican artist "Jorge Salcedo" about: “Paper pulp techniques” - at Alexandria Atelier. Workshop with the German artist "Fred helm Klein" entitled: “Windows”- at Goethe Institute in Alexandria. Workshop with artists from the Royal Swedish Academy with the Painting Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria under the supervision of Swedish Professor "Johan Weiden". Workshop “Modern vision- What's happening now?" - at the Palace of Arts – Cairo. He received a full-time scholarship from the Ministry of Culture for two years. Scholarship from “Dante Alighieri” Institute to study Italian language. He has artworks collections in the Museum of Modern Egyptian Art- Cairo and some individuals in Egypt and abroad.:
NASHAAT HUSSEIN Past events and memories may affect our thoughts and feelings depending on the content stored in the memory, that precise mental faculty that God has bestowed on us. We usually seek to impose meaning on events that occur in our environment, as memory keeps some details more outstanding than others. The repetition of certain experiences and emotions increases our ability to recall memories we have long forgotten. Obviously, the faculty does not exist independently, but works under certain conditions. “The last taste of sweets is sweetest last, Writ in remembrance more than things long past.” Richard II, Act 2, Scene 1. William Shakespeare Full of memories, Mixed media, 90 X 70 cm, 2022
OMAR TOUSSOUN Born in Alexandria 1972, graduated from Faculty of Specific Education (Alexandria University) class 1993, Toussoun holds a diploma in art from Alexandria University 1996 and another diploma in sound and marble from Serbia. Toussoun worked in art teaching in The Faculty of Specific Education and Atelier Alexandria for almost 8 years and currently a full-time freelance artist and curator who has participated and organized many art events and exhibitions locally and internationally. He had many solo exhibitions the last one was in 2018 and participated in many group exhibitions in Egypt, France, Lebanon, UAE, KSA, Spain, Romania and Serbia, he has many awards his holdings are in many museums and individuals in many countries.Toussoun is a member of the International Field Sculpture Organization and participated in establishing the theater and auditorium of the Mohammed Rashid Foundation for Cultural Development with Mr. Adrian Rodrigo Junko, the former Spanish cultural advisor in Alexandria and Cairo. He was chosen as an Art Ambassador representing Egypt by the Art Center, the Center for Contemporary Art and Ideas (The Art Pivot) India 2020. He was chosen as a member of the judging committee for the State Encouragement Prize for Sculpture 2019, as well as a member of the Fine Arts Committee of the Supreme Council for Culture and the International Exhibitions Committee 20162017, and a member of the Committee for Documenting Images of Egyptian Artists' Works in the Fine Arts Sector of the Ministry of Culture 2002, and he also organized a number of local and international forums and workshops, He organized a workshop to train art teachers to use environmental materials and recycle them in sculpture - Sidon, Lebanon, 2007, Executive Commissar of the First Cairo Symposium for Iron Sculpture 2013, organized a workshop with scrap iron at the Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University, Zamalek 2013, and the General Committee of the Cairo International Symposium for Iron Sculpture 2016 He founded the Badr International University's First Sculpture Symposium 2016 and organized its second session 2017 and many more exhibitions
FISH White Marble. 70 x 20 x 14 cm 2021
REEM HASSAN 1971 Born in Alexandria – Egypt .. Independent visual artist working as a Professor in painting department– Faculty of fine art Alexandria University. 2019 professor at the Faculty of and Arts Design, Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University in Riyadh. 2012 - 2013 Member of higher committee of ministry of culture in visual art in Egypt .. Established EAN Egyptian Artists Network in Alexandria – Egypt .. General Secretary of Atelier of Alexandria 2006 – 2018, presenting working as an External Relations Alex workshop Center ..2006 – 2015, Member Board DWYER group for art and culture dialogue – Alexandria since 2006. Organized many of the National and International workshops and exhibitions for visual art , participated in the visual art movement since 1990, holds numerous international awards and local, Hassan set up Sixteen personal exhibitions were held in Egypt and Abroad , 2019 from book flowers – Capital Gallery – Cairo 2017 solo exhibition Colors Tunes – Capital Gallery – Cairo .2016 Selection of Reem Hassan`s work – Wekalet Behna – Alexandria .2014 Faculty of Fine Art Main Hall – Alexandria .2013 Alexandria Center of Art – Alexandria . 2013 SYRA-Arts Foundation - Four Seasons Hotel – Cairo .2012 Inter Art Gallery – Aiud , Romania .2012 Atelier of Alexandria – Alexandria .2010 Mashrabia – Gallery of Contemporary Art – Cairo2008 Alexandria Center of Art – Alexandria. 2008 Mashrabia – Gallery of Contemporary Art – Cairo. 2006 Goethe Institute – Alexandria .2004 EL GAZERA ART CENER- Cairo . 2003 LA-BODIGA Karim Francis – contemporary art gallery – Cairo.2001 Akhenaton gallery – Cairo .1999 Akhenaton gallery – Cairo . 1997 Arts center at Rotterdam in Dwenda – Netherlands .1993 Goethe institute – Germany. Participated in many group exhibitions in Egypt, participated in a number of international workshops of the most important outside Egypt, USA the triangle art trust , 2004, South Africa ( Greatmore studio ) in 2004, the International art camp, Romania, 2011, 2012.2013.2015 . She won many international awards , 2012 POLLOCK-KRASNER FOUNDATION GRANT – USA , 2003 A.I.C.A. award at the 6th small art works salon – Cairo., 2001 Special award at the 8th Cairo international biennial - Cairo. 2001 Grand prize of Port saieed national biennial – Port saieed. 20004 th small art works salon – Cairo. 1997 Jury award – Alexandria biennial for Mediterranean Countries. 19963 rd Award of painting – 8th salon of Youth – Cairo. 1996 Admiration award – 3rd Port saieed national biennial. 1994 2nd award – Installation – 6th salon of youth - Cairo. 1994 1st award – Installation - L'Atelier d'Alexandrie salon of youth.1993 1st award deserving - L'Atelier d'Alexandrie salon of youth.1991 Encouragement award L'Atelier d'Alexandrie salon of youth.
Paradise Acrylic on canvas 140 X 110 cm 2022
REHAB FEKRY SAID Rehab Said Is an Egyptian American Artist born in Alexandria, Egypt on 5/12/1970. Rehab started creating logos and book designs when he was 12. Rehab was raised in Kuwait on the gulf sea of Salmia. During that time he visited Alexandria every summer and was always amazed at the architecture of Alexandria. One summer in 1979 when he was nine, he had a car trip to Iraq, Syria,Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria with his family. This experience introduced him to many cultures, architecture and art that he has never seen before. He knew then what his passion was. He came back to Alexandria when he was 15 in 1985. Continued his education in Alexandria, Egypt in the school for gifted kids. In 1991 Rehab formed a band called “Sands”. He had his own company “Rakoda Designs” before his graduation from the Faculty of Fine Arts. Graduated from Faculty of Fine Arts - Interior Design and specialized in Expressive Art in 1993. He did 3 set designs and costumes for the French, Spanish and Greek culture centers in Alexandria, Egypt. He worked as a Graphic Designer in Cairo for two years. In 1997 he moved to Pasadena,Texas, USA where he continued to study Fine Arts, Media and Architect. In 1999 he moved to Benicia, California working in Graphics, Furniture and Architecture Design companies. He also continued to study Architecture, Construction, Project Management and Multimedia. In 2001 he then moved to Chicago, Illinois where he put his creativity and love for design to work by designing two 65 thousand sq. ft. home setting furniture galleries for one of the biggest furniture galleries in Chicagoland. In 2004 he returned to Benicia, California where he continued his work and studies in Graphics, Furniture and Architecture Design, Construction, Project Management and Multimedia.Rehab’s work is the new Expression Abstract that is not guided by any Art school or guided by any Art academics. His work was coming from true life & soul searching experiences. His experience was guided by personal studies on his own fingerprints and his adoration to fossils, history and anthropology. He had his focus on “not” showing his artwork even to his closest friends and teachers. By choice Rehab had limited group exhibitions until he was over 50. At the age of 50 he decided to work on his first “One Man Art Show”. The artist believes his work belongs and should be shown only in museums and not in galleries to sell. He believes this isolation had him focused on his work to create more like fossils rather than just art to sell.
Audio Clips, Acrylics and Mixed media on canvas, 30.5 X 91.5 CM X 3, 2022
This triptych piece is a beginning piece on the subject for the Artist. He is currently studying and researching many things including but not limited to Calligraphy, Sound & Vibration, Frequencies, and Energy. The Artist had a band and with his studies on stage design and drama this has an effect on his starting series. His first piece has a lot to say about new information released about music and the development of sound and language.
EAN group: Virtual Art Space: 763c5e7 MUGA channel: xZyaHodbw
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