2 minute read
Editor's Note
OMG Can you believe that we are halfway through the year already??
The approach of EOFY means that the Beauty Expo and the ABIA’s are just around the corner!
How exciting! It’s been such a tumultuous couple of years, we can finally all come together as an industry and celebrate being able to connect with each other... Have you got your tickets yet?
It’s also time to do some financial year preparation and get proactive with your new goals coming into the next 12 months so you can review how far you’ve come.
Tax time can be daunting and frustrating – but so rewarding when you see growth.
So many business owners set goals at the start of the year or at the start of the new financial year, but so rarely do they go back and review their progress or put actionable steps in place to achieve their goals.
An action plan is the most important element to achieving these.
Having a goal isn’t the same as having a plan.Having a plan is a ROAD MAP to achieving your goal.
It’s your goal broken down into bite sized chunks. ACHIEVABLE CHUNKS that get you closer and closer to your big goal.
When you reverse engineer your goals and break them down to small steps, the overwhelm disappears and each step makes total sense and doesn’t seem so daunting.
Each month, have a meeting with yourself and analyse how much progress you have made toward achieving your goals and adjust them as necessary.
Moving on to what’s inside of this issue….
I have curated some great experts for you, this issue we have 10 Minutes with the powerhouse Deb Farnworth, we celebrate Nicola Le Lievre and her amazing business intherapy Ethical Beauty, we chat with registered nurses Jess Hone & Grace Luce, and we see what one Mama has achieved after losing her business during Covid Lockdown, pivoting at its finest!
We also bring you all our business writers and bloggers, with great advice to help and guide you through this next financial year.
I hope you enjoy this issue as much as I have loved putting it together for you!