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Blog Spot - This Secret Superpower Has Landed.
By Elle Wilson
2023 has opened up with a new feeling of expansion and opportunity. Regardless of the world economic climate, our inner space seems clearer and we are more available. If you have yet to notice this, take some time to relax and find the subtle thread of this new year and what it has to offer you. Even the planets and the stars are moving in a profound synchronicity this year. It is the year for beauty.
But regardless of the bigger picture view of the year, you would have noticed the marketplace is flooded more than ever before with Instagram accounts and Facebook pages screaming for the attention of your prospective clients. Qualifications are no longer the key driving force when consumers are making buying decisions.
The beauty professional who has certificate after certificate on her walls may not necessarily be acknowledged or get the clients. It’s a new playing field out there and there is one superpower you simply can’t ignore. It is revolutionary, the beginning of a new level of transcendence for the beauty professional.
Specialize or discount. Sounds cynical? Don’t go there so quickly. Consider this and ask yourself when you are relaxed and open: could this be true? Specialization is almost the antithesis of the beauty industry. We are so used to instant gratification, instant certification, instant expertise, instant coffee…YUCK!
Okay, back to being serious about one of the most important questions for any business owner: Why would I come to your beauty salon and pass by 10 of your competitors?
If you cannot meaningfully answer this question and at the same time penetrate the mind of your ideal client, you will have to discount to retain clients you have been taking care of, in some cases for years…or you can find a passion. The service you love beyond all others and begin the journey of specialization. Let’s look at why specialization becomes your superpower.
When you get to unleash your power and potential for the good of all, that’s it. Just like a superhero, you get to stand for something meaningful and work for an ultimate purpose. You are devoted to something that makes a difference and transforms another. Visible results that are real and keep your clients raving about your business is step one. It’s when you enter into what you deeply believe in and it changes the quality of your life and the quality of your business. Specialization can’t be faked. This is why it can’t be beat.
We may consider that what’s occurring in the industry right now is bad, thousands of beauty salons discounting to make ends meet. But this is not bad, it’s progress. For those of us that love authenticity, integrity is a call to rise up. To become masterful, to pick our superpower and show the world what it means to truly develop a skill that is in demand. We step out of the comfort zone of the average beauty professional and we begin developing a skill that offers us the following.
Before you start to consider what your superpower is, here is some help—the beauty in treatment that inspires you from your soul to your fingertips. Is this helping you? The treatment you were born for. Now do you get it?
Enter this new playing field. Take back your control and blossom into the beautiful flower. Find your passion, master it relentlessly with the industry’s most powerful players and make your life about the expression of mastery.
Finally, what will this mean to your business?
Specialization is a valuable strategy for salon owners looking to eliminate their competitors in their marketplace. Specialization can increase reputation and the demand for services without discounts. Specialists always charge higher prices, it’s expected. Specialization is about fulfillment and integrity in an industry that offers you whatever you ask for, specialization is the oasis.
A beauty business is about fulfillment, meaning and profitability. All of this is real in the life and world of the specialist.