5 minute read

New Year, New Mindset, New Results!

By Angeli Marie Shaw

Our minds really are something to marvel at. It’s at the centre of some of our most rewarding and heart filling experiences. It lets in curiosity, wisdom, love and laughter but also helps us overcome some of life’s greatest trials.

Our minds really are one of our greatest assets, but can also be our greatest adversary, allowing in thoughts of self-doubt, anxiety and depression, to name a few. It can magnify our fears, even undermine our best intentions, so how can we take control of our mindsets and better understand, improve and change it?

Let’s face it. Most, if not all of us began 2022 running off less than a full tank. With the events of the last few years, constant change, unpredictability and uncertainty of what could be coming, we found ourselves in a constant state of living on edge, making it difficult to relax or feel calm. Some of us may have coped better than others, but that ‘what’s next’ feeling lingered, and possibly still lingers now. Our interactions changed, the way we do business changed, we united with some and grew apart from others. We formed strong opinions on major issues or tried our best to block it all out. 2022 really was a huge year to process.

So, what now for 2023? What can we do differently? What have we been doing that perhaps wasn’t working? Rather than me listing suggestions on what you can do, here are some things I’d like you to consider when thinking about your mindset and the way that you want to show up this coming year.

1. Two people look at a glass of water, one sees it half empty, the other sees it half full. One is optimistic, the other is pessimistic. But I want you to consider, which of the two is more realistic? Which is more useful? Which one will most likely lead to a better mindset? Both people are correct in their observation, however which way of thinking will serve you better?

2. Forgiveness. More than just a pragmatic compromise, it’s an emotional resolution. It allows us to let go of bitterness and anger, and therefore be happier. Forgiveness is a little like exercise, we might not want to do it, but we know it’s good for us. The opposite of this is holding a grudge, which can become quite consuming and corrosive. We can get stuck focusing on the same unpleasant event which nurtures these unpleasant feelings. Overall, this does nothing for our mental health and mindset. Remember, we can’t control what others do, but we can control how we respond. How are you responding to certain situations and people?

3. All of us are capable of change. But how do you view change? And how do you view change within yourself? If you tell yourself ‘I can’t help it’ or ‘that’s just the way I am’ guess what? Nothing changes. Rather than thinking of change as a complete rebuild, view it more like a renovation. The foundations are there, so what can you work on? What can you improve? What is working well for you and what isn’t?

4. When it comes to anger, it’s probably one of our most regretted emotions. But it does have its uses, like when we need to protect ourselves and others, but when anger isn’t controlled, it can damage our relationships, even our reputations. The positive? We can learn to control it and channel it into something more useful. Keep in mind, you should never tell yourself to never get angry. That isn’t going to work, and feelings happen. But when we let it consume us, it affects the way we make decisions, interact with others, and potentially causes us to miss out on what we’re not seeing, therefore not learning. Have a think about how anger is showing up in your life. What effect is it having on your mindset and your view of the world?

5. How often do you genuinely put yourself and your needs first? Do you feel selfish when you think of making yourself a priority? Firstly, lets define what selfishness is. Put simply, it’s seeking or concentrating on one’s own advantage, without regard for others. Intent plays a big part in what you do when putting yourself first, so ask yourself these questions, “am I choosing to put myself first, at all costs, even if it may intentionally hurt or cause harm to others” or “am I choosing to put myself first because I know in doing so, I will thrive and have far more to give to myself and others?” Very different ways to look at it right? But also, with different outcomes. Ponder that for a moment.

How’s the headspace? What I’ve shared can be a lot to wrap your head around, but it does get you thinking, doesn’t it?

Changing our mindsets doesn’t happen overnight, but with focused intent, practice and dedication, we can produce changes that will help make us calmer, happier and more resilient. Cultivating this kind of ‘flow’ regularly, they will eventually become traits. Just like forming new habits takes time, so too does changing your mindset, all you need to do is make the decision to start. After all, research shows that our mindsets play a significant role in determining our life’s outcomes.

Question is, what outcome are you wanting for 2023?

Love & Bliss, Angeli xxoo

Angeli is a Holistic Empowerment Coach, Mindset Mentor and founder of The Bliss Coach. To work with me in 2023 individually or with your team, get in touch by visiting www.theblisscoach.com.au or follow us on our socials @theblisscoach to find out more.

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