4 minute read
Skin Perfection: an unobtainable goal or a deliverable transformation?
By Alanna Douglas
Let’s set the scene. You are doing a consultation with a new client; they list all the things they need help with, and they throw in there that their treatment goal is to have “perfect skin”. Cue the internal panic attack and self-doubt. Your hands feel clammy, and your heart starts kicking to a new high paced beat. The stress and overwhelm sets in and you don’t know what to do?
Does that sound familiar? I want you to know firstly that this is completely normal when a client has completely unrealistic expectations but also walk you through some avenues that will help you create healthy and glowing skin for your client.
Firstly, lets address the “perfect skin” statement. One of my favourite statements is “tell me more”, enquire and be curious about what it means to your client. Because beautiful, what perfect means to you and what perfect means to your client could be two very different things. Now let’s say worst case scenario it is a flawless face that your client wants, this is your time to create some boundaries around expectations.
Protect yourself moving forward by remembering to document and take photos of your work so your client can see their progression. Remember its OK to say in a professional and kind way that you may not be the person to take them on their skin journey.
Let’s address the possible underlying emotions surrounding the goal of perfect skin. In my experience I have found these beautiful clients struggle to love themselves for who they are at that very moment. Acceptance is also a difficult one for them as they are forever a working project in their own eyes. So where can we help? By doing what we do best and building our clients up! Positive affirmations, guided meditations and complimenting them! leading by example and show casing your own self-care on social media and talking about what you do with your clients is also a great way to encourage positive self-talk and care.
Now let’s say you are feeling like there could be more to the story and you think you need to have the “support” conversation, please do! This would of course be a conversation you would have with your client once getting to know them a little better in which you would bring up in conversation psychology and how it has helped so many of your clients to feel amazing about themselves.
Sometimes all it takes is for a client to feel seen and hear that other people are doing the thing they find scary. I cannot tell you how many clients have gone and sought help after finding out that it is the norm. Circling back to the unachievable goal, do I believe perfect skin exists? Not in that sense that is advertised in the media that’s for sure. But I do believe that I can get my clients skin working “perfectly for them”. The journey isn’t always linear, but the beauty is often in the mess, right?
So, what are some avenues you can use to treat a tricky skin/client? If you are feeling unequipped to treat more complex skin, it might be worth looking at exploring other allied health practitioners who can more alongside you and manage the other parts of your client’s journey.
This could look like working with a naturopath, nutritionist, integrative GP or specialist GP. When skins don’t respond, or you feel that there more happening internally it is always a good idea to refer onto get further testing. This will stop you feeling like you are failing. Because its often not you it’s what is happening with your client on the inside that is affecting their skin.
Whether it’s their mental health, gut health treating your clients with an integrative approach will always end up getting them results. It will also leave them feeling empowered because they have the knowledge and power to make informed decisions about their health.
Then you can focus on doing your thing in the treatment without the doubt and know that you are doing everything to create the most amazing skin transformation for your client. Remember it is NOT your job to make sure your client’s skin is perfect after every facial. It’s your job to get their skin, mind and body healthy and well.
With love,
Alanna Douglas Skin Freak Academy www.skinfreakacademy.com.au hello@skinfreakacademy.com