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Blog Spot-By Kerrie Di Mattia
New Year - New You! Time to Ditch the Clutter that Weighs You Down!
2023 is well and truly here and to be honest I should have been putting these thoughts on paper for the last edition in 2022 to get you all looking ahead with fresh eyes at the possibilities & opportunities a New Year can bring.
But like most of you, I had my head down & arse up just trying to get through Christmas in a busy salon!!
So better late than never, right? So, let’s get into it!
Sometimes it can be tough to figure out where to start when you know there are things that need to be addressed & changes that need to be made within your salon, & I’m not talking about the big picture either here guys, I’m talking about getting the small shit sorted!
The small crappy issues that like “Ground Hog Day” just keep happening over & over again, you know the ones, that don’t seem a big deal on their own but when added to the pile can not only weigh you down personally but cost you big time in terms of efficiency, effectiveness & ultimately Money! Yet you ignore them, or worse, repeat them over & over again because you always do what you’ve always done, always put up with what you’ve always put up with, always made do & hoped for the best because change is hard or expensive or complicated.
Where do you start? How do you start???
The overwhelm can be real & one of the greatest reasons we choose to do nothing & stay where we are because it feels easier - But is it?
We all know the feeling of decluttering our homes or our shed…its liberating! So, let’s start 2023 in our salons with the same feeling & declutter the STUFF we keep ignoring or putting a band aid on.
I find a good place to start going into a fresh new year in the salon is to start by writing down what I could cheerfully leave behind in the previous year!
This doesn’t have to be anything major, just picture your day from the moment you walk in the door each morning, write down what frustrates you, What grinds your gears, what makes it hard to start your day out right & what constantly needs your attention?
It can be anything from a cluttered & disorganised backroom, unorganised Desk or Reception area to your POS system or Customer service systems needing a revamp. If it stops you from being your best self at work daily no matter how trivial, write it down but also write how it makes you feel and what flow on effect it has it on you, your team, clients, or family?
And when you got your list & that old familiar feeling of overwhelm rears its ugly head just remember, you don’t need to climb the whole staircase at once, just take the first step & then another - make a plan to tackle one issue at a time, you will feel the weightlifting with each box you tick!
Kez x
Kerrie Di Mattia is Stylist, Salon Owner & Coach for Total Coaching Academy Email: kdimattia@westnet.com.au