8 minute read
Formulating for Redheads, Including Greys!
By Kristina Russell
Stop making mistakes with Red and Copper Hair Colour Formulas! Let me guess, currently, you’re struggling with Formulating for Redheads.
You freak out whenever a client requests a Red and shows you all their favourite Instagram and Pinterest photos. You love the look but have no clue how to formulate a predictable colour result that looks like their #hairinspo
Right now, you formulate and apply a RED colour… and FREAK out! You worry it’s the wrong formula (again) and can barely wait until the timer rings to wash the colour off your client’s head. Wondering if it will keep getting brighter at the roots the longer you leave it, or if it needs the full processing time for the formula to work?
At that moment, when the colour is developing it’s hard to not believe it’s another Colour F*ck-up! This is not the first time, and it won’t be the last time, until you have some tried and tested formulas for Redheads.
The hair is developing. Then you take them to the basin. Your eyes are shooting glances at your hair bestie asking for help. Someone does a drive, by taking a peek at what’s happening… How do you salvage it? You might be able to “fix it” but if the client knows you’ve stuffed it up, you’ve lost them. They are not coming back.
F*ck this!! Hot Roots again!!
OMG! We’ve all been there. Red hair is much harder than Brunettes and Blondes to formulate.
It only takes one wrong hair colour for a redhead to ruin your reputation.
Understanding hair colour formulas for Redheads is essential for Hairdressers to know how to customise hair colour, correct any colour issues, maintain consistency, grasp colour theory and chemistry, and stay updated with current trends.
Imagine, mixing your next Red Hair colour formula, knowing that it’s been created for you by an Expert Hair Colourist.
Would you love to know what colour to mix for Copper, Auburn, and Strawberry Blonde Hair?

You’re in luck! You can Steal My 3 Top Trending Brand-Free Colour Formulas for Redheads in my new FREE download. Available at www.kristinarussell.com.au
10 reasons hairdressers must learn how to formulate for redheads:
1. Customisation: Red hair comes in a wide range of shades, from strawberry blonde to deep auburn. Having a strong grasp of hair colour formulas allows hairdressers to create custom shades that suit their clients’ preferences and skin tones. This level of personalisation enhances the overall client experience and satisfaction.
And helps hairdressers to stop freaking out whenever they get a Red request.
2. Hair Colour Specialist Knowledge: Red hair is unique in its pigmentation and undertones. Understanding the science behind red pigments and how they interact with other colours is crucial for achieving desired results. Hairdressers who are confident in red hair colour formulas can effectively address the challenges associated with achieving vibrant and long-lasting results. When you become a Hair Colour Specialist, you’ll watch all your clients refer their friends to you.
3. Hair Colour Correction:
Red hair can be particularly challenging when it comes to colour correction. Unintended results, such as brassy tones or uneven colour distribution, are common. Having a deep understanding of Creative Colour Theory and science-based Hair Colour Formulas empowers hairdressers to fix these issues and restore the desired shade effectively.
4. Trends and Fashion:
Reds are a classic colour, just like Blondes and Brunettes in the salon. However, red hair colours also often follow trends and fashion. Hairdressers who stay up to date with the latest colour trends and techniques can promote seasonal trends to attract more dream colour clients to the salon. This requires a strong understanding of Redhead colour formulations and how they can be adapted to create contemporary looks, including knowing how to perform Virgin Tints, when to use a semi versus permanent tint, and how to tone Copper Balayage, to name just a few trending techniques.
5. Consultation and Communication:
Hairdressers need to effectively communicate with their clients to formulate confidently to match their client’s inspirational photos. Knowing hair colour formulas for redheads enables hairdressers to discuss possibilities, manage expectations, and provide professional recommendations based on their client’s hair type and existing colour. I teach my students in my online education programs the art of consultation to achieve beautiful and predictable reds and transformational colours.
6. Client Retention:
Hot Roots and Banding are 2 of the biggest (and most common) mistakes Hairdressers make with Red hair colouring. Stop blaming your brand or the client revisit rate for banding. It’s the formula and technique that is creating the issues. Being able to consistently achieve the desired redhead shades enhances client loyalty. Redhead clients are loyal when you get it right.
A Redhead client will revisit every 4-6 weeks as opposed to a Balayage client that visits every 6 months and is more likely to return to a hairdresser who consistently delivers the results they desire. This can lead to positive word-of-mouth referrals, contributing to the growth of the hairdresser’s clientele. This is why they are my ideal clients.
7. Confidence and Expertise:
Being a Fearless Formulator in the salon, including for Redheads, instils confidence in hairdressers. This confidence translates into a positive client experience, as clients can sense when their hairdresser is knowledgeable and skilled. Expertise in red hair colour formulas can also lead to career advancement and reputation building within the industry.
8. Product Knowledge:
Different hair colour brands and products might react differently to red hair. Learning specific formulas for redheads helps hairdressers understand which products work best for achieving certain shades, maintaining colour longevity, and ensuring hair health. Red’s fade. Reds fade faster than any other hair colour you offer in your salon. Red hair clients require a prescriptive regime of hair colour protection and toning products to use between salon visits. Are you looking to boost retail profits and increase client retention and revisit rates? Look no further than upskilling to offer more specialised services for Redheads.
9. Minimise Damage:
Red hair colour DIY treatments and Hennas can be harsh on hair if not applied correctly. This is more common for Redheads than Blondes or Brunettes because Henna is perceived to be a natural gentle hair colour for Redheads to dabble in before visiting a salon. That’s why I include tutorials in my online course about removing henna and when it’s unsafe to do so with the variables discussed. Understanding proper formulation and application techniques reduces the risk of hair damage, ensuring that clients’ hair remains healthy and vibrant after the colouring process. This results in a happy client. More happy clients equals more money.
10. Artistic Expression:
Hairdressing is a form of art. Red hair colour formulas provide hairdressers with a creative outlet to experiment with tones, highlights, and lowlights, allowing them to express their artistic vision and provide clients with unique and stunning results.
In conclusion, mastering hair colour formulas for redheads is essential for hairdressers to provide exceptional service, achieve desired results, and establish themselves as skilled professionals in a competitive industry. It’s not just about changing hair colour; it’s about creating a transformative and positive experience for clients.
Here’s the tea: if you want to avoid F*cking up Reds, you must learn to combine Creative Colour Theory with Science. But most people just end up guessing formulas or blaming the brand they use — and shocker! — it doesn’t work!
Until you learn Hair Painting for Redhead techniques and Corrective Colour Strategies to confidently fix the f*ck ups, because let’s face it… things don’t always go to plan!
Now is the time to transform your relationship with formulations & hair colouring, make more money and uplevel your salon colour clientele in every way imaginable.
I have flexible education pathways suitable for every learning style with online programs and in-person events. Take a look at my website if you’re a hairdresser or salon owner, suite owner, booth renter, commission stylist, self-employed freelancer, newbie to the industry or salon professional with years of experience.

Whenever you’re ready, here are a few ways I can help you!
1. Download my new Free Guide! Steal my 3 Top Trending Brand-Free Colour Formulas for Redheads. Know exactly what colour to mix for Copper, Auburn & Strawberry Blonde hair without the formula miscalculations, inconsistent results, unsatisfactory grey coverage, and unexpected results that don’t match your inspiration images.
2. Would you like to finally learn how to Formulate Redheads for Everyone, including Greys? You need my $129 Formulation Online course (we are consistently told that this is the best hair colour formula course our students have ever bought and it’s a steal!)
3. Wondering how you can become a Hair Colour Specialist, and watch all your salon clients refer everyone they know to you? You need to join my online program Hair Painting for Redheads with coaching. My 5-6-7-8 levelling system, Creative & Corrective Colour Theory, Application Techniques & Strategies taught within Hair Painting for Redhead’s online course will help you create those natural-looking and creative Reds and Coppers (with any professional hair colour brand) without Hot roots and you being a Hot mess! Learn more on my Brand Free Hair Colour Academy page at www.kristinarussell.com.au
Get the guide NOW by scanning the QR code!