8 minute read
Kaine Vakai's Impact On Hairdressing And Social Media
By Louise May
Step into the captivating universe of Kaine Vakai, a force to be reckoned with in the realms of hairdressing and social media. Co-owner of salon ’Kaine Vakai Hair Artistry’ alongside his partner Ayden, Kaine’s innate passion for the craft propelled him and Ayden to establish a vibrant hub of creativity in 2019. Within its walls, Kaine and the dynamic team of 12 talents create unforgettable hair and experiences for their clients.
But Kaine’s influence extends far beyond the confines of his salon. With a massive following on TikTok and Instagram, he ignites screens worldwide with his authentic flair and boundless energy. Each post is a testament to his commitment to authenticity, inspiring countless others to embrace their uniqueness in the digital realm.

Join Hair Biz editor Louise May as she delves into Kaine’s journey through the industry with his salon business, education platform and his skyrocketing success on social media.
What inspired you to pursue a career in hair styling and where did it all begin?
It kind of came naturally to me. I come from a line of hairdressers. My Nan, Mum and Aunty were all hairdressers, so I started at a young age. I was always interested in seeing what they were doing when I was young.
Can you share a bit about your journey and being a salon owner? Can you tell us about your salon, how long have you owned it, how many on your team etc?
I opened the Salon back in early 2019 with my partner, Ayden. Our journey has been definitely exciting, fun, and challenging all in one. It was and still is exciting owning and growing a business, but it has come with its moments. Our Salon is super bright and full of energy. We have 12 Different personalities from each of our team that all play a part in our client experience. I feel like our Salon carries a certain warmth to it for our clients.

You have a phenomenal following on TikTok and Instagram as a global influencer, how did you first become involved with social media, particularly platforms like TikTok and Instagram?
Instagram definitely came first as it probably was for most people. I was using Instagram to promote my work at places that I had worked and managed because I could see its potential. When opening our salon, I knew it was going to be a big part of helping to grow our business, so I started to practice my social media skills and constantly changed them. Tik Tok came onto a couple years ago, at the time I just saw it as a new platform to be a little more myself as I thought you could be a little less filtered the on Instagram. TikTok has allowed me to not only grow my confidence but help me in many other business opportunities and I’m forever grateful.
In your opinion, what factors have contributed the most to your success as a social media influencer?
Genuinely I feel it’s because I stopped trying just do things that other people do and just posted what came natural to me or what I would naturally do in life. Social media can be daunting and overwhelming, but you just need to remember that you have a point of difference because no one can be you ! Just have fun and allow it to flourish naturally.
How do you stay current with industry trends and techniques, and how important is it to continually evolve in this field?
I think it’s important to jump on trends but make them your own. My team and me brainstorm content ideas in our team meetings as well. I also feel let it be natural and try a few new things and see if it works, if it doesn’t try something else and most importantly, have fun!

What are some challenges you’ve faced along the way, and how have you overcome them?
We had a pretty significant change of team in 2023. It was really tough at the time, and I had strong connections with people. I fell into a bit of a hole but soon enough realised that everything happens for a reason. It was the change that I and my business needed even though I didn’t see it at the time. Everything happens for a reason, and it really creates growth, understanding and resilience . We are blessed to have the salon in the way it is, I have developed my skills in business and am very proud of the team we have.
From your perspective, what is the current state of the hair industry, and what changes do you foresee in the near future?
That’s a tough one because I feel like it’s so hard to predict. We would never have thought that hair would be on such a pedestal and classes as such a skill as what it is now or even be a main part of mainstream social media. The hair industry today is thriving, stylists are so passionate and really want to create incredible hair. Hair has evolved to more modern visual colouring. I get so inspired when I meet people on the road when I’m holding education classes as well and love seeing when they post what they learn on their socials are my inspiration.

Can you tell us about your education platform, what course you have etc, are they in-house or do you travel?
Myself and my partner travel all around the country and world with our education workshop. This year we have our master colourist and in salon educator Emma joining us for ‘the art of colour correction’ tour. We enjoy showcasing colour corrective challenging colours that is a part of most salon visits these days with clients. We showcase techniques that we use in salon and show on socials to achieve beautifully blended result for our clients. We heavily focus on social media as well as most people find this the hardest to get into which I get why, it’s tough. We also offer private 1 on 1 workshops with salons and online subscription through our Instagram.
You work with Redken Professional, what do you love about the brand and what are your favourite go to products and why?
Apart from the products themselves, Redken is a brand that really takes care of their people. Even before building a social profile, they were such supportive people to our business and success. The hero product from Redken has to be the Shades EQ gloss. The Shades range gives you endless combinations to create stunning colours for client and makes their hair look glossy. Redken is my family, and I couldn’t think of a better partnership.
Can you share any insights or predictions regarding upcoming hair trends that you believe will be popular?
I think we are seeing it a little more already, the audience wants to see rawness and real content. Social media used to be so perfectly curated, but I loved that we are heading to a little more unfiltered and unpolished. It helps people to engage more with you.

Who inspires you in the industry, who do you look up to/admire?
There are too many people to list. There are so many local and international artist that I have looked up to for a long time and some of them I can even call a friend now. I am really loving everything that is coming from the artists in the States right now. The people who inspire me most is every single person that attends my class. They inspire me to keep going and make me so proud. They’re my inspiration.
Finally, what advice would you offer to aspiring hair stylists or salon owners who are looking to build their brand and presence on social media?
Social media is without a doubt the most powerful tool that you can utilise to help grow and expose your business/self. It definitely comes with a lot of dedication and hard work, but the payoff is awesome. I would say to make sure you stay true to your own personality because you will attract your own crowd that way. Things I used to be most insecure about is what people love me for today. Don’t give up on it, it will come to you xxx
@kanevakaihairartistry_ salon