3 minute read

Oil Me Up, Baby!

By Will Fennell

As the cooler months approach, your client’s skin will likely change. The oiliness often experienced during the summer months will become less noticeable, and for some, there may be a complete shift in their skin’s texture. This change occurs because skin typically becomes drier in cooler weather; humidity and heat significantly influence the amount of oil skin produces. You can observe this change most dramatically in areas with extreme moisture, such as the north of Australia or throughout Asia. For example, stepping out of a hotel’s air conditioning in Bali can quickly lead to frizzy hair and an oily forehead.

Oil often receives a negative reputation in skin care, as it is commonly associated with acne and pimples. However, oil is essential for healthy skin. When oil production slows down due to colder temperatures, harsh products, or aging, the skin’s natural barrier gets compromised, leading to dryness, dehydration, irritation, and premature wrinkles.

We must educate our clients that oil is crucial in maintaining the correct skin pH, protecting it from bacteria and moisture loss, and keeping our skin’s natural bacteria happy. I often discuss this topic with my Guru, Gay Wardle. We agree that oil is an essential but frequently maligned ingredient in skincare. My heart sings when I hear this fantastic educator start talking about the skin barrier and the ingredients it needs. Please do yourself a favour and join her online skin community. It is the very best source of education I know to be available. Go to https:// gwsi.com.au

With this in mind, many clients must adjust their moisturiser for winter or their ageing skin. The light hydrating gel or fluid suitable for summer and our youth often won’t have enough protection as the seasons and our skin demands change. Unfortunately, many hesitate to use heavier creams for fear of breakouts and an uncomfortable, greasy feeling. This issue often arises if you choose creams containing lanolin or petroleum, as these ingredients are known to cause breakouts and are typically added to formulations to reduce production costs while maintaining a thicker texture.

While reading ingredient lists can be tedious, educating your clients about what they apply to their skin is crucial. Websites like www.cosmeticanalysis.com provide comprehensive listings that help identify both beneficial and harmful ingredients. The skincare company I work with, BIODROGA, grades each of its products using this site. It is the most extensive independent analysis of skincare and ingredients available worldwide. Be cautious of phone apps sponsored by skin companies, as they may not provide unbiased information.

Educate your clients that when selecting a medium to heavy cream for winter, look for beneficial ingredients near the top, such as ceramides, olive oil, shea butter, hemp seed oil, jojoba oil, and evening primrose oil. These ingredients nourish and protect the skin without causing breakouts, AND they are “clean” as they do not come from petrochemicals.

Remind your clients that ingredients are listed from most to least used, so anything listed at the bottom is unlikely to have a significant impact. However, it may be included to give the product a more impressive profile.

My passion is educating my students and clients. Be the point of information your clients go to instead of reading what is often misinformation on the World Wide Web.

And don’t even get me started on “skinfluencers.” My editor won’t let me use the language I need to describe this nonsense.

Good luck, Will x

Will is the Australian distributor and International Trainer for BIODROGA www.biodroga.com.au

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