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OMG! Not Another New Year’s Article…

By James Vivian

Wait, hear me out! Because I’m trying something new this year and I want to share it with you.

Whether or not you’ve set your intentions for the year ahead AKA 2025, a new year brings new opportunities, new curveballs, new adventures, the list goes on and on. It’s happening whether we like it or not.

I’ve heard more talk this new year’s period than years before about the art of not setting intentions/goals/new year’s resolutions. People are saying that we are simply ‘enough’ for making it through another year and to not put too much pressure on ourselves to change, improve, plot and scheme.

It’s like the anti-new year’s resolution.

Now, I believe there’s something out there for everyone. And so whist not setting intentions and goals for the year ahead might resonate with some people this new year’s period, other’s will continue – like me – to dream for better things.

And that’s what 2025 is all about for me…being better.

A better leader, a better therapist, a better friend, a better partner, a better pole dancer.

‘So what?’ you might be thinking. Sounds pretty stock-standard new year’s stuff to me. You see, for me, my new year’s resolutions are most always about being bigger! More clients, more equipment, more awards, more holidays, more staff, more stuff.

See the difference?

Because I think, for me, I’ve realised that when you’re striving for bigger, you don’t always get better, such as continuing to support, nurture and maintain the things that can be most important.

As I’ve been contemplating this more and more, it dawned on me that I feel like I’ve been focusing more on the external aspects of our business as opposed to the internal. So what does this mean exactly?

When I think about what’s more important to our business and what demands the most amount of focus and care, these are the internal aspect that I’m referring to, such as policies and procedures, staff satisfaction, staff development, client journeys, device utilisation and maintenance, retail reviews etc. I’m sure there are others and these internal features will be unique to each of us in business.

If I think about these, these have always been at the forefront of my focus, however, over the years, as business and times change, things can pull your attention to other areas. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with this. I mean, isn’t that what’s being in business and being entrepreneurial is all about? Trying new things? Getting outside of your day to day? Giving it a go and getting it terribly wrong? Whilst this can all be exciting, addictive and enticing, it can also be exhausting, expensive and disappointing.

And these are the things that I’m referring to when I say external focus’s.

But before I go on, is this making sense? Are you following? Also, Is anyone still this reading this? If you are here’s a joke. Why did the beauty therapist, dermal therapist and dermatologist start a band? Because they had pore-fect pitch.

When I think of external variables, I’m thinking marketing, social media, speaking at events, sitting on committees, entering awards, PR, working with influencers, networking, mentoring, collaborating etc.

Now I’m not saying that I am dropping all of the above. If I agreed to that now I know I would be bored in 5 minutes and driving everyone at work mad (or more mad than usual).

What I am saying is that I am reframing what is truly important to me this year, and what – if I was to limit my focus other more external things –would not be such a bad thing for our business and for me personally.

One way that I am going to attempt focusing more internally this year, is giving more consideration to what I say ‘yes’ to. I think historically, and I’m sure many of you will have been in this position or may still be in this position, I say ‘yes’ to absolutely everything. Firstly, it’s always an honour to be asked to be involved with something or to get an opportunity, and secondly, you never know what it might lead to…and I mean…what’s the worst that can happen, right?!

Whilst saying ‘yes’ can lead to career highlights, money making, profile building etc. these can sometimes do the opposite or even if they do not, can come at the detriment to what’s really important.

As we move into 2025, we will celebrate 15 years in business this year. With an award winning team to support and protect, and a loyal and committed clientele to care for, the time to give them my utmost focus is now. For the next 12-months at least. And then who knows? There’s a whole new set of resolutions around the corner.

Wishing you all a wonderful 2025 ahead both professionally and personally.


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