Moco (n): The moment when everything becomes clear. The point in time when realisation dawns and previous confusion is replaced with clarity.
April 2011 Spring Issue Why this picture?
At MoCo, we love success and we are fascinated by communication. This Wonderbra billboard advert was recently voted the most iconic advert of all time! Just two little words alongside the famous picture were blamed for stopping traffic and even for causing accidents when the ad was released in 1994. Effective communication is all about getting your message across so, now we have your attention, we’d love to share a little bit of MoCo with you! The MoCo Bulletin aims to share a little inspiration and positive news, in a climate that often seems to dwell on the negative. We are looking for examples of excellence, where a single idea has grown, or a simple action has made a significant difference. We’d love to hear about your experiences too.
Email us at:
& Ingredients for Greatness? Ingredients for Greatness?
Ingredients for Greatness?
Muhammed Ali,being on being asked how Mohammed Ali, on asked how Mohammed he he Ali, on being asked how he would would like to likebetoremembered, be remembered, listedwould listed his his like to be remembered, listed his ingredients At MoCo forwe greatness. agree that We if you agree, At MoCo we agree that if you get that the right if youingredients, use the right in ingredients, the right get the in right ingredients, in the right order,the forright the right order,reasons, for the right greatness reasons, order, for the right reasons, greatness greatness will ensue.will ensue. will ensue.
Moco Moment In 1591, a swinging lantern in Pisa Cathedral inspired Galileo to research and discover the property of pendulums. Plenty of other people had seen the lantern swing, but Galileo claimed the “moco”.
Moments that Create Businesses Sometimes, really successful businesses come from the simplest of ideas or events. Can you identify which iconic local company‟s “moco moments” are represented here?
Email if you’ve got it!
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What is It? At MoCo, we talk a lot about perspective. We know that the way we perceive something will determine how we think about it and, ultimately, how we feel. The problem is that things aren’t always exactly what they first appear to be. The picture on the right is taken in a way that we are not familiar with seeing – can you figure out what it is? Need a clue? You might need to be quick….
The first two people to email the correct answer will each earn a Pick and Mix CPD session of their choice, for 10 people, worth £250. Email us with the answer & your CPD topic of choice.
Workplace Wellbeing – More than just free fruit! Have you ever noticed that some workplaces have just “got it” and others just …. er…. “haven’t”. But what is “it”? Sometimes wellbeing and morale in the workplace can seem intangible, something that is more down to the people in the business than the business itself. The truth is, effective workplace wellbeing is a precise science. There are certain criteria that, when applied, mean that wellbeing can be replicated in any organisation. The secret to success is understanding what these criteria are and how to apply them in your organisation. In under 30 minutes we can share these with you and explain how they can relate directly to your organisation and how the smallest changes can make a huge difference. Just click above link and send – we’ll be in touch.
For a regular dose of MoCo find us on Facebook and Twitter
Click for the Latest “MoCo in Education” Brochure
Moco (n): The moment when everything becomes clear. The point in time when realisation dawns and previous confusion is replaced with clarity.
“Hello, I’ve just been MoCo’d! Have you?” One of our aims, when setting out on the MoCo journey, was to introduce “moco” as a new word in the English language. Our original noun (see definition above) has now evolved into a verb with several local schools describing themselves, proudly, as “having been moco’d”! If you know of a school that would like to be “moco’d” please let them know about us, or us about them. A good “mocoing” comes in all shapes and sizes! Coming soon, to a school near you…
Interview skills Immersion Day! Another MoCo Mentoring Opportunity
Watch Out! They’re Out There…. It is good news from the RSPB that songbirds are making a resurgence this year. But they are not the only little things increasing in number. The observant among you may have noticed that, attached to blazer lapels, school bags and even the odd pair of trainers – the MoCo badge is another little critter that is on the increase. See if you can spot one and let us know where!
For a regular dose of MoCo find us on Facebook and Twitter
MoCo Mentors The MoCo mentor programme is part of our aim of bringing the worlds of business and education closer together. We are well on our way to building up a pool of 70 mentors, from business, that are passionate about supporting the next generation. Mentors from all sectors of the business community work closely with students, sharing their experience and expertise. The MoCo mentor programme helps students to interact with the real world of business on a huge range of topics. From goal setting and aspirations to revision skills and interview confidence, there are a host of areas in which real life stories and examples add to the learning journey. With reality comes relevance, and with relevance comes buy-in. If you fancy a spot of mentoring please let us know. We do reciprocate a mentor’s kindness and effort by offering MoCo Pick and Mix CPD programmes free of charge, but the real reward comes from the response and feedback from the pupils.
Sprowston Community High School Sixth Form Leadership Programme.
Coming Soon: Raising Aspirations (6th Form) Interview Immersion (Year 10) Careers Day (Year 10) Teambuilding (Primary) Words with Impact (Primary) Presenting (Primary)
Click here for more information on MoCo Mentoring
Find more MoCo at People – Who‟d „ave „em, eh? Do you ever get frustrated by the behaviours and actions of other people – possibly in the workplace? If the answer is “yes” – congratulations, you are human! Would you like to know some simple but very effective ways of reducing this? Simple strategies are often the most effective – drop us a line!
And finally … It’s funny how some experiences just stick in your mind over time. Small events, often inconsequential to those around you, can lead to a big change in how you see things and how you act. Click here for an example of an early moco (and to see the relevance of the picture!) – This particular moco was slightly painful but effective in it’s outcomes!
We would love to share other moco moments too. They come in all shapes and sizes and happen all around us. The secret is spotting them and doing something with them. Please feel free to contact us with your moco moments and we will happily share them through the MoCo Bulletin.
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