Energy Efficiency Generating money-saving habits With energy costs on the increase, and bottom-lines being squeezed, the challenges facing businesses and organisations are on the increase. It is true, however, that with every challenge comes opportunity; the opportunity to review existing approaches and indentify a range of methods to save money. These energy savings can come through investment in modern, efficient technology. More simply, they can be achieved through small yet significant changes in behaviour - establishing new habits. Forming new habits throughout a is an art and a science. Change can be challenging. Students will witness how small changes in behaviour can make a significant impact on outcomes.
Key Learning Objectives Energy Efficiency Program Outcomes – Students will learn to • • • • • • • •
Be outcome focused; recognise success Recognise different people’s motivators Generate genuine commitment to action Measure and share the impact of change Prepare to be flexible in their approach Communicate and celebrate successes Support people through a process of change Understand the process of behaviour change
For more information on “Energy Efficiency” and other MoCo programmes contact Teresa Kelly: Telephone 01603 283638 Email