Montgomery County Spring GUIDE & CAMPS 2022

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Register online at | MontgomeryParks

REGISTRATION DATES ActiveMONTGOMERY is a collaborative registration and reservation system for Montgomery Parks, Montgomery County Recreation, and Community Use of Public Facilities office. On February 14, ActiveMONTGOMERY will launch a new and improved website. What you need to know: • Y ou must set up a new ActiveMONTGOMERY account on the new website: • You may set up your account beginning February 4. Setting up your new account should take about five minutes. • If you are currently registered on ActiveMONTGOMERY you will receive an email with a link to the new website and details that explain how to set up a new account on February 4. • Set up your new account between February 4 and February 13, so you are ready when registration opens. • Help Link:


Spring Programs: February 14 Summer Camps: February 22 Ice/Tennis Programs: February 23 Athletic Fields: March 1


Online Click the Course # link next to each program in this guide to register for that program or visit By Mail Fill out and sign the registration form and mail it to: ActiveMONTGOMERY 2425 Reedie Drive, 10th Floor Wheaton, MD 20902 In-person registration is currently suspended. Questions? Call 301-495-2580 Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission | Montgomery Parks | Program Guide | Spring 2022

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