1 minute read
Josiah Henson Museum & Park

Oakley Cabin
African American Museum & Park
Explore the rich history of Oakley Cabin’s African American roadside community. Learn how these tenant farm families lived and worked on this historic site from emancipation well into the 20th century. Their culture and traditions heavily influenced those of surrounding communities, and their story is deeply woven into Montgomery County’s history. At the center of this site is Oakley Cabin, which was inhabited until 1976 and now serves as a living history museum. Park is open daily, sunrise to sunset. Visit our website at HistoryInTheParks.org for current programming and event information.
Montgomery Parks’ facilities and programs are taking precautionary measures, which are in accordance with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention as well as state and county guidelines. For more information visit: montgomerycountymd.gov/covid19
3610 Brookeville Road | Olney, MD 20832 - -HistoryInTheParks.org | 301 650 4373 - Program Access (Inclusion Services) 301 495 2581