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Nature & Horticultural Programs
Horticultural Classes
RainScape Your Yard: Sessions I, II, III
A RainScape is a landscape or design technique that helps reduce stormwater runoff from individual properties. These watershed-friendly sites help reduce rainfall runoff and pollutants from entering our streams and the habitats surrounding them. RainScape projects can include rain gardens, conservation landscapes, green roofs, and permeable pavements.
The Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection offers a rebate program for approved RainScape projects for homeowners. To be eligible for rebate, participants must apply and be approved for installation based on a submitted plan before projects are installed. These three sessions are intended to help homeowners create a RainScape design plan.
Session I: Rethinking your Yard: What type of RainScape makes sense for you?
Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection The first step to planning a RainScape project is to evaluate your site and determine what project(s) are both possible and desirable. Do you want to plant a new landscape, replace your driveway or harvest water? You’ll learn all about the different types of RainScape projects and the benefits they can provide for your home and the environment. This session will also outline the type of incentives Montgomery County offers for RainScapes projects. This class is a recommended prerequisite to Sessions II and III. Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $12 FOBG: $10 Course #107033 • Saturday, Mar. 6 • 10 am-12pm
Session II: Planning the Parameters of Your RainScapes Project
Recommended prerequisite: Session I Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection This session will focus on the steps needed to develop and submit a plan for your project to the RainScapes Rewards rebate program, starting with siting and sizing your planted project.
Learn how to look for places to soak up water on your site, what projects fit where, and how big they need to be to manage the water volume affecting your yard. Common challenges experienced with RainScape projects will be outlined, including existing trees, property boundaries and foundation issues. Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $12 FOBG: $10 Course # 107034 • Saturday, Apr. 17 • 10 am-12 pm
Session III: Plants & Landscape Design for RainScape Gardens
Recommended prerequisites: Session I & II Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection This session is for participants who have decided the type of planted RainScape project they want to install and are seeking help with plant selection and design. You’ll learn the fundamentals of landscape design with native plants to create beautiful and effective outdoor spaces that support the environment while addressing stormwater runoff. Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $12 FOBG: $10 Course #107036 • Saturday, May 22 • 10 am-12 pm
Introduction to Landscape Design: Session I
Jason Gedeik & Kelley Heim / Brookside Garden Staff Whether you’re looking to upgrade your existing garden or develop an entirely new area, you’ll learn the fundamentals of landscape design to create functional, enjoyable, and beautiful outdoor spaces. Session I: This class will focus on practical steps to approach the design process including site analysis, creating a concept design, and determining the functional goals for your space. You’ll learn the importance of designing with the right plant for the right place while leveraging layering, texture, and color as important design tools. Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $12 FOBG: $10 Course #107029 • Saturday, Mar. 13 • 10 am-12 pm
Introduction to Landscape Design: Session II
Session II: Learn how to put theory from the first session into practical application with plant combinations and lists that address site-specific challenges like sun vs. shade and dry vs. wet conditions. We’ll review planting designs that exemplify balance, repetition, and cohesiveness, in addition to formal and informal landscapes. The class will use Brookside Gardens as a living field lab and review sustainable gardening practices with an eye towards native plants. Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $12 FOBG: $10 Course #107030 • Saturday, Mar. 27 • 10 am-12 pm
How to Get Your Orchid to Rebloom
Jason Gedeik, Brookside Gardens staff Have you been given an orchid and don’t know what to do with it? Proud that you haven’t killed it yet but it hasn’t bloomed in years? This interactive workshop covers the specific “tricks” of getting your orchid to rebloom including the proper light, water, temperature, fertilizer, and potting media. Basics of pests & diseases will also be covered. Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $12 FOBG: $10 Course #107031 • Saturday, Apr. 3 • 10 - 11:30 am
Small Trees (and Large Shrubs) for Urban and Small Gardens
Kathy Jentz, Editor/Publisher, Washington Gardener Magazine Join Kathy as she explores the diverse range of small trees and large shrubs that perform well and look great in small urban and suburban lots. Tailored to the D.C. region and what grows best here, the choices will cover natives, edibles, and ornamentals -- from full sun to full shade conditions. These small trees and large shrubs were chosen for their beauty, hardiness in the MidAtlantic region, and eventual size. This class will provide you with a great selection of plants that can be used as interesting focal points in your garden. Whether you have a postage-stamp sized rowhouse lot or a yard with room to include several of these, these specimens will make a great addition to your garden. For every place there is a tree that is a perfect fit. Even if you only have a few pots to plant in, a tree can add value to your garden. Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $12 FOBG: $10 Course #107037 • Saturday, Apr. 10 • 10 - 11:30 am
Designing with Native Plants
James Dillon, horticulturalist and owner of Native Havens Interested in learning how to incorporate native plants into your garden designs? Curious about the range of benefits your garden can provide to pollinators and wildlife? Join James as he offers practical strategies to create functioning ecosystems in your backyard by distilling the wisdom of industry leaders like Doug Tallamy and Piet Oudolf. You’ll learn how to create a resilient garden with a layered approach using plants selected for practical and aesthetic traits. James will organize nearly 100 plants into functional categories helping you understand how to most effectively use native plants in your garden. Comprehensive plant lists provided. Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $12 FOBG: $10 Course #107038 • Saturday, May. 8 • 10 - 11:30 am
Growing & Designing with Tropical Plants to Energize Your Garden
Marianne Wilburn, garden columnist and author of “Tropical Plants and How to Love Them” If you’re searching for plants that will add exciting accents to a hot and tired summer garden, last right up through the first hard freeze, and make you look like a horticultural rock star, look no further than tropicals. Using five memorable categories and a host of landscape design tips, Marianne will focus on some spectacular examples that are easy to grow and much easier than you think to overwinter. Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $12 FOBG: $10 Course #107039 • Saturday, May. 15 • 10 - 11:30 am
Ground Covers: Great Alternatives to Turf Grass
Kathy Jentz, Editor of Washington Gardener Magazine Ground covers are low-growing plants that serve many different purposes in the landscape from limiting weed growth to stabilizing slopes to adding texture to your garden. Maintaining a lawn of turf grass is one of the most expensive and time-consuming uses for your land. Constant mowing, fertilizing, weeding, watering, re-seeding, edging, and aerating not only eat up your resources, but it can be harsh on the environment. Lawns do not absorb water run-off as well as planting beds and many of the chemicals you use to maintain it are toxic to the nearby streambeds and Chesapeake Bay. Find out more about these beautiful, hard-working plants and the best kinds to use for the Mid-Atlantic region. Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $12 FOBG: $10 Course #107040 • Saturday, May. 29 • 10 - 11:30 am
Common Garden Pests & Diseases
Carol Allen, Faculty Member, Plant Sciences Department, University of MarylandPests and diseases can be a significant concern for the home gardener who has worked hard at creating a beautiful landscape. Join Carol Allen as she ‘examines common pest, disease and environmental issues that you’re likely to experience in your garden. Learn how to recognize the symptoms of plant disease, the conditions that cause it, and when and how to apply remediation measures including proper gardening practices, resistant cultivars in addition to chemical and organic methods. Understand how to distinguish between harmful and beneficial insects while exploring pest life cycles and applications of natural, biological and chemical controls as elements of an integrated pest management program. Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $12 FOBG: $10 Course #107041 • Saturday, Jun. 19 • 10 am-12 pm
Hands-on Workshops
Registrationrequired.Participantsarerequiredtowear CDCapprovedfacecoveringsduringallworkshops.
Plant Propagation: Houseplants & Summer Annuals
Nate Roehrich, Greenhouse Manager, Brookside Gardens Learn the various forms of plant propagation in our new state-of-the-art greenhouse facilities. You’ll discover how to produce your own plants inexpensively and easily from start to finish with this hands-on workshop. We’ll review the best techniques and plants to propagate from cuttings to get a head start on your summer gardening. The class will focus on propagating a variety of houseplants and summer annuals that participants will get to take a few potted cuttings from the greenhouse to grow at home. *Note: Address for the greenhouse and parking logistics will be emailed to you 24 hours prior to the workshop. Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $35 FOBG $31 Course #107042 • Saturday, May. 1 • 10 am-12 pm
Garden Tours
Registrationrequiredforalltours.Participantsare requiredtowearCDCapprovedfacecoveringsduringall workshops.
Brookside Gardens Full Moon Walk
Brookside Gardens Staff Explore Brookside Gardens in a whole new way - by moon light! We’ll walk as a group along moonlit gardens, streams, and woods. You’ll discover seasonal garden highlights and friendly nighttime wildlife. Make sure to prepare accordingly with good shoes and comfortable clothes as the hour and a half walk will cover some hilly and uneven terrain, not your normal garden tour! *Meet at Visitors Center Entrance Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $22 FOBG: $20 Course #107047 • Monday, Apr. 26 • 8 - 9:30 pm Course #107048 • Wednesday, May. 26 • 8:30 - 10 pm
Brookside Gardens Greenhouse Tour
Nate Roerich, Greenhouse Manager, Brookside Gardens This offering provides the public with a behind-thescenes tour of Brookside Gardens? new greenhouse facility. Opened in 2018, the greenhouse consists of five unique bays and several growing areas totaling 10,000 square feet under glass. Participants will enjoy learning about the state-of-the-art technology and how it enables the greenhouse staff to grow a variety of beautiful plants year-round. You’ll enjoy exploring the thousands of plants being grown for the garden displays including the summer annuals. *Meet at greenhouse. Address and logistics provided after registration Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $10 FOBG: $8 Course #107025 • Wednesday, Apr. 28 • 10 - 11:15 am Course #107026 • Saturday, May. 1 • 2 - 3:15 pm
Brookside Gardens Azalea & Rhododendron Tour
Brookside Gardens Staff Join our experienced staff for a walking tour of Brookside Gardens late spring blooming shrubs and deciduous plants. Explore our colorful collection of azaleas and rhododendrons while learning how to incorporate them into your own home gardens. *Meet at the Visitor Center entrance Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $10 FOBG: $8 Course #107027 • Tuesday, May. 4 • 10 - 11:30 am Course #107028 • Tuesday, May. 4 • 1 - 2:30 pm
Health and Wellness
Spring Yoga Sprouts!
Add: Instructor: William Drew Meet at Visitor Center South Terrace Embrace the beautiful setting of Brookside Gardens with your young toddler, child and family members. This series of fun and garden related yoga movement, physical exercise and mindfulness will awaken your senses, boost your energy and give you good garden vibes to start your day! Classes are planned to be held outdoors and socially distanced. Cancelled in case of inclement weather. Bring your own mat or borrow one of ours! Ages: 3 & Up Fee: $7 Course #105246 • Saturday, Apr. 10 • 10:30 - 11:10 am Course #105251 • Saturday, Apr. 17 • 10:30 - 11:10 am Course #105287 • Saturday, Apr. 24 • 10:30 - 11:10 am Course #105288 • Saturday, May. 1 • 10:30 - 11:10 am Course #105289 • Saturday, May. 8 • 10:30 - 11:10 am Course #105290 • Saturday, May. 15 • 10:30 - 11:10 am Course #105291 • Saturday, May. 22 • 10:30 - 11:10 am
Shinrin-yoku: Te Art of Forest Bathing
Ana Ka’ahanui, certified Forest Therapy Guide Meet at the Visitor Center Entrance During the April sessions you’ll be led on a forest bathing walk through the springtime blossoms and leafing trees at Brookside Gardens. Experience the incomparable beauty of the springtime ephemerals as you stroll the grounds at a slow pace, stopping to smell the flowers, hear the birds, and ponder the many small miracles of spring unfolding. Participants in the June session will be stimulated by the vivid colors and rich fragrances of summer annuals and perennials including lush blooms in the rose garden. About Forest Bathing The Forest Agency of Japan began promoting forest bathing, or shinrin-yoku, in the 1980s as a response to the stresses of urban living and long work hours. This nature-oriented mindfulness practice, which is rooted in the traditional Japanese reverence for the natural world, has since become popular all over the world, bringing joy and improved mental and physical health to millions of people. Numerous health studies have confirmed forest bathing’s benefits and doctors and nurses in our region are taking note. Many are prescribing “Nature” to their patients. Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $30 FOBG: $27 Course #107043 • Wednesday, Apr. 21 • 10 am-12 pm Course #107044 • Saturday, Apr. 24 • 9:30 - 11:30 am
Yoga at Brookside Gardens
*Note:Nowalk-inswillbeaccepted. Instructors: Tanory Ateek & Sherry Weber Class size limited to current Montgomery County guidelines and participants are required to wear face masks during the class. Tanory Ateek In-person yoga at Brookside Gardens is back! Come enjoy one or all 16 sessions of yoga held in a peaceful setting in an open field at the edge of a forest behind the Visitor Center. Designed to increase flexibility and physical strength and to cultivate mental focus, these classes are a beautiful and relaxing way to begin your weekend. Mats are not included. Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $12 FOBG: $10 Course #107063 • Saturday, May. 1 • 9:30 - 10:30 am Course #107064 • Saturday, May. 8 • 9:30 - 10:30 am Course #107065 • Saturday, May. 15 • 9:30 - 10:30 am Course #107066 • Saturday, May. 22 • 9:30 - 10:30 am Course #107067 • Saturday, May. 29 • 9:30 - 10:30 am
Tai Chi at Brookside Gardens
Note:Nowalk-insaccepted.Classsizelimitedto12 people. Instructor: Charles Votaw Tai Chi is an ancient, Chinese form of exercise perfect for adults seeking stress reduction while strengthening muscles, improving balance, and increasing flexibility. The repetitive patterns (Forms) emphasize slow, flowing motions and controlled movements. This series of introductory classes will help beginners learn the forms while allowing regular practitioners to practice them under the cover of Brookside Gardens’ lakeside Japanese tea house. Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $12 FOBG:$10 Course #107079 • Wednesday, May. 5 • 9 - 10:15 am Course #107080 • Wednesday, May. 12 • 9 - 10:15 am Course #107081 • Wednesday, May. 19 • 9 - 10:15 am Course #107082 • Wednesday, May. 26 • 9 - 10:15 am
Brookside Gardens School of Botanical Art & Illustration
Spring Ephemerals with Colored Pencil & Watercolor
Instructor: Wendy Hollender The dramatic interplay of light and dark on spring ephemerals are quite enchanting yet they can often be challenging to draw. Join Wendy to learn the techniques outlined in her new book ?The Joy of Botanical Drawing? including how to use a grisaille method for creating undertones in a neutral color allowing for three-dimensional accurate drawing and clear structure of plants. Students will explore layering techniques that utilize watercolor pencil washes in combination with dry colored pencils creating a painting that has realistic vibrant color and rich depth. Colored pencils allow for more control in adding details. Embossing tools will be used to add fine lines, pattern details and subtle veining. This method delivers quicker results than traditional watercolor or color pencil techniques, and since the materials used are quite portable, it allows the artist to work in the field or in a variety of settings.
NOTE: All botanical art courses will be taught online using Zoom, a free online application. Students will need access to a computer that has a built-in camera or a smart phone. The instructors will use a combination of live demonstrations and short pre-recorded videos during the online workshops to demonstrate techniques and review concepts. Students will be able to work on their assignment during the week between each session. During each three-hour session students will have the opportunity to ask questions and submit their artwork via email or share it live during the class for review by the instructor. Level: Intermediate to advanced Prerequisite: Intermediate courses in botanical art & illustration Ages: 18 & Up Fee: $195 FOBG: $176 Course #107020 • Saturdays | March 20, 27 & April 3 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Black Hill Visitor Center
20926 Lake Ridge Dr. • Boyds, MD 20841 • 301-528-3492 • www.BlackHillNature.org Please check our website for Visitor Center hours. Trails open daily, dawn to dusk.
6'+ MARCH 2021
TBD Salamanders Went Out on a Rainy Night
Once a year, on warm, rainy nights, elusive spotted salamanders migrate to breeding pools to mate and lay eggs. Sign up now to join us on that unknown March date and we’ll contact you the day of the hike. Meet at Rachel Carson Conservation Park, 22201 Zion Road, Brookeville, MD. Please register all participants. Wear shoes or boots that can get muddy, dress for the weather, and bring a flashlight. Children should be comfortable walking in the woods at night. The hike is about 1-mile roundtrip. The group size will be smaller than usual and dictated by any COVID safety protocols that are in place. Be sure all your contact information is up to date! When contacted on the day of the hike, registrants will need to confirm their attendance with a staff member. We can not accommodate any drop-ins. Ages: 1 & Up Fee: Free Course: #104503 • Wednesday, Mar. 31 • 7:30 - 9 pm
3/6 Nature Hunt
Let’s take “I Spy” to the next level in the great outdoors. Drop by the visitor center to pick up a scavenger hunt sheet, get some helpful hints, and then head out on your hunt for natural treasures! When you’ve finished, come back to the visitor center to get a prize. You can come by anytime during program hours! Ages: 1 & Up Fee: Free Course: #104505 • Saturday, Mar. 6 • 1 - 3 pm
3/7 Wild Child Hike
This isn’t your average walk in the woods. Scamper like a squirrel, balance like a billy goat, and run like a rabbit through the park. We’ll be on and off the trail as we go on a hiking adventure. Wear shoes and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty. Be sure to sign up 24 hours ahead so we can contact you with the meeting location. Ages: 4 - 12yrs Fee: $6 FOBH $5 Course: #104510 • Sunday, Mar. 7 • 9:30 - 10:30 am
3/7 Take & Make It: Feeling Froggy
A new twist on an old favorite! Come by the Visitor Center to pick up a craft kit to work on at home. Today’s craft is all about frogs and amphibians! Kits will have most of the supplies needed and instructions to make a craft at home. Stop by anytime during program hours to pick up your craft kit. Ages: All Ages Fee: $2 Course: #104520 • Sunday, Mar. 7 • 1 - 2:30 pm
3/8 Nature Girls Club
Girls belong in nature, enjoying outdoor adventures! Join us for a girl-centered virtual Nature Girls Club. There are six Microsoft Teams virtual sessions with a Park Naturalist, a once a month in-person family adventure, and a box of take-home supplies to pick up that will help you learn and challenge yourself to adventures. The spring session meets every other Monday beginning March 8. Ages: 7 - 12yrs Fee: $50 Course: #104530 • Monday, Mar. 8 • 4:30 - 5:30 pm
3/12 Babes in a Backpack
Let’s go outside and hike together to improve fitness, play in nature, and experience the great outdoors as a family. You will meet a naturalist at the meet-up spot and set out on a trail that will have nature play and fun learning prompts along the way. These hikes are designed for adults with young children. Most trails are not stroller accessible, so you’ll need a backpack or carrier for younger kids and non-walkers. Please register no later than 24 hours before the hike so we can contact you with the hike’s location and other important information. Please register everyone; only adults pay. Ages: All Ages Fee: $2 Course: #104538 • Friday, Mar. 12 • 10 am-12 pm
3/13 DIY Nature
Stop by the Visitor Center information desk to pick up materials for a self-led activity. Let your imagination and curiosity lead you! Supplies are limited, and available on a first come, first served basis. Please return all supplies by 1:30 pm. Registration required. Ages: All Ages Fee: Free Course: #104552 • Saturday, Mar. 13 • 12 - 1 pm